'rtff "'! - (If HflfiHT Of SOMf COOS BAY MEN'S AMBITION IS TO PULL SOMFTHINGjOWN A CLEAN WHOLESOME NEWSPAPER FOR ALL SOUTHWEST OREGON HOMES .nTUAT AP' ' .rnlMTHF.BEST AND ALWAYS BOOSTS mck mmt& m 'WKMr P F9& MEMBER OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ilS G8BB g BE HRNDLED Established 17H As TIio Coast Mull MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1916 EVENING EDITION. X Consolidation of Times, Const Mall nnil Coos Hny Advertiser. No. 166 ...J Romianv Will Re- epontu --: v ,- i nla (use 10 Huiui -:- m "leaal Ad IT UNCERTAIN BROTHER IS KILLED K. V. KRUSK 01-' NORTH HEXH RE CEIVES BAD NEWS , ii.i f Ronrot Said toposso ww . --, -, to Bcunmu. -r - to ue wttuc. REGARDEMS SERIOUS I ... ..ui. Mi- Tlnit cYnmy ivtnm "- WIII.W llctW" "" "" SIBW.KornlJ..ryHi.l marine I.tiuct'"s HciU. 1 .if.. f.Hiitn I 11(1 BERLIN'. Fob. i-i mu. ...-. rjchlng the Associatcu rr .- ittd that under no circu.i....- 1 il il.nl llin II Ink- III Germany numu l""v "w - 1 of the Loiltania was an mw t ... ........ infractions forwarded 10 aihiiuh- ,t n Ilornstorff, according to ..information, contains Bliiiplyono tnse of the new formulation ot n nroooicd noto of regret, sug- M(d that tlio sonlonco which con- iiti of only eight words and does ot contain the word "Illegal," ron- Mints tho limit of Qermany a con- kit'eni In the Lusltanla case SHuallon Serious It li vlwcd hero as 0110 of tlio .oil aerloug crises In tho war that ii arisen. It Is Impossible to rore- e the outcome. The reault of tho negotiations np- Itirs to bingo on tho "Illegal." The Aiioclaled 1'roRs Is Informed tail authoritatively that Oormnny linnot and will not designate ns IN egal the linking of a liner by any I'ibmarlne. Says There Is Limit Dr. Alfred Zimmerman under Soc- Idary of Foreign Affairs In an Inter- lie with the Associated Press hopea i new formula would bo posslblo as i huls ot settlement. "Tho Government Is willing to do Iverjthlog In Its power and has dono f'MJthlng In Its power to moot tlio AEtrlcan wishes, but tlicro nro llm- ti beyond which friendship snaps. I o not understand America's courso nd I believed the submnrlno Issuo of lie LttsKanla Question on tho wny to ir arrangement. Wo agreed to pay 'a Indemnity and then thero Is sud- penlyanew demand which It Is Im- UttlMe to accept. You must not nt Itmpt to humiliate Germany." Message States that Peter Kruso Met Death In Land Slide nt Hanlii Cruz- Island K. V. KriiHO, of tho ship building firm of KrtiBO & Hanks, of North Demi, litis received-word of tho death ot IiIh brotlior, Peter Kruso at Bantu Cruz Island orf Santa llnrlmr, Cnl. No particulars wore given father than tho Btntomont that ho wnB killed by n landBlIdo. Tho nows enmo In n tologram from a frlond In Snn Ped ro. Wits A Fisherman Tlio lato Mr. Kruso was unmarried and rcsldod In Sail Podro. Ho was about 50 years of ago. Ho was n flEhormun and K. V. Krimo Hiiys that tho flsliormon often nindo tholr head quarters In cabins on Santa Cruz Is land when they were on fishing ex peditions. Tlio cliffs nro high and tho beach imrrow and It Is supposed that tho rains caused n landslide and tlm siiiMiosltlon is Hint .Mr. KrtiBu was probably killed while nslcop In tho fishing cabin. llurlul nt Kim Pedro Tlio incssago stated that tho body will bo taken to Snntn Harbara whoro nit Inquest will bo held. Mr. Kruso of North Hond sent word to lmvo the SIXTEEN LIS LDSTJN FIRES Five Persons Die When Otta wa Parliament Building Partially Destroyed. SIX 111 PEMSI Entrapped In Brooklyn Resi dence of Mrs. Casimir Tag Which Is Burned. HOTEL FIRE IS FATAL E MURDER LAWYERS MAKE FINAL ARGU MENTS IX MOHR TIUAIj Make Claim tluit Prosecution Failed To Prove Motives Which Were Alleged Or AuocliteJ Prm to Coot Dtr Tlmw. PROVIDENCE, It. I., Feb. 4. Fin al arguments were mado for Mrs. Ellznboth F. Mohr, Cecil Urown and I Henry Spcllmnn, on trial for tho mur dor of Dr. C. Franklin Mohr. Tho caso will probably go to tho Jury tomor row. Counsel Fitzgerald for Mrs. Mohr said tho prosecution bad not proved the motives of Jealousy, revongo, tho desire for money, and fear of dlvorco. SEA DISASTER IS H Flro Atlantic. City House Catches Whllo Guests Aim In (ho Pluc Helpless Croud Watrhes Mimics Consume One of the Women THE TOLL OF DEATH ' OF 1110 FIRES TODAY" bedy taken to San Podro whoro i friends of tlio deceased will look af tor tho funeral nrraugomonts and whoro tlio burial will take pluco. Mr. Kruno had lived at Snn Pedro for tho past twenty-flvo yours. Mes sages have boon sont asking for rur tl'or particulars. Two womon and thrco men dend in Ottawa Parlia ment fire. Six women dead in Brook lyn rosldonco fire. Thrco women and two mon dead and eight hurt In Atlan tic City hotel fire. " ON STRIKE TODAY OKB OVER CLIFF HUT IS RESCUED Jllr AMOcUtnl I'inl to Com nay TlmM.) WALLA WALLA, Wash. Feb. 1. Konnoth I,ano who went over a cliff Tuesday whllo traveling on snowshoos, bus been rcscuod. Ho is unconscious. Chicago Woman Gives Vivid Description of Sinking of the Brindisi. SCENE IS IrTaUDB fin gam jibs north bend is THE CHAMPION MKX FLOCK TO DETROIT FOK WOItK WITH FOim WILL SEXD DELEGATES Popo Will bo Presented rvui'o Conference at tho TROUBLE WITH I.OXGS1I0REMEX ABOUT UXIX)ADIX(1 XAXX SMITH COXPKBUXCK II KM) nnan Ambassador Takes Answer to Sccrctar)- IiwinB '' AlMl4W Ttu lo Coo. n Tlran.l WASIIINQTON'. n n i. a Antuudor VOn 11irnntni.ff l.',t G"nany's answor n tho Lusltanla SOtlltlonS. Hn n1, H . - "rence with s.." .? ,. " " ? dr. (k. -'-'") (.niiBiiiK. uu- "M he did not uniippi.....i ..i" i.. uc Ions he had could bo unsatlsfac- "i ' we united States. LIJMBER YARDS SOLD ( TO AN IDAHO FIRM I nir IU..1 ,. ihZL" ,(Cnrted From On,,,.in. "uu' " "vlnis ltce Clos- ' "1 ItecenUy ONTAnin n. . . W'e Lumh.' eu Tho Em OaUrS, vll cSnpany's yards at ?" keen sold ,y,,a ,?na Payottq mr ComnnS 'u n'so.Payotto llWXl' wh,cU now has "wei Waho"1 regn and . ' sain li... cimP;r P 'i -'a JVClcompaiiT'at jLLS'S-aryanc UcfiiMo to Work and Slen Are Hi-ought From the Smith Mill to llcuiovo Fivlght Mombers of tho local Longshore mon'fl union today refused to bavo anything to do with tho loading or unloading of tho Nairn Smith, accord ing to Ed Lund, tholr business agont, until tho demand thnt thoy bo allow ed to do nil tho loading ot tho Nairn is compiled with. Provloiinly tho longshoremen put 12 men aboard tho Nairn to load her nt tho C. A. Smith mill, tho loaders on tho shoro bolng oinployces of tho lumbor company. Mon woro brought from tho mill to unload tho Nann. Tho domands of tho longshoromon wcro refused for this trip and It Is not known whothor or not thoro will Intor bo a compromise. Ono of tho longshoromon said tho samo domand 1.1 also nindo In rogard to tho Adeline tHr Anocttt4 Titm lo Coo. Dr TlmM.J OTTAWA, Cnnnda, Fob. 4. Two women and three mon uro known to bo dend, In a flro which swopt tho central portion of Canada's magnifi cent parllnmout building, destroyed tho chamber of commons nud tho uoiuito. Several aro bellovod to bo burled In tho ruins. All night firemen, pollco and sol dlora fought to savo tho six million dollar structure Thoy saved tno n lirary and tho oast and west wings. Will Investigate f It Is reported tho flro was of In cendiary origin. An Investigation will bo mndo. Sovornl aro said to havo hoard an explosion. Tho pollco rojected tho bomb thoory. Mmo. Dray, wlfo ot II. A. Dray, of Quoboc, Mmo. Morln, wlfo of Louis Morln, of Hoauc, a po llccniaii and two employes woro the victims. D. U. Law, a inombor of parllnmout, Is missing. Tho contrnl part ot tho main bulld 'ing was destroyed. Tho front and end walls of the cast and west ends of tho building nro llttlo damaged. Tho towors aro complotoly rulnod. Incendiarism Is denied. Tho rap Id spread of tho flames Is explained by tho combustlblo naturo of tho ta bles, nnpors and woodwork In tho rending room whoro tho flro orlgln- (tlr A.o.llJ rnu lo Con Dr Tlmm.l ItOMK, Fob. I. Count Sodorlnl, a member of tho Chambor of Dep uties, says tho Popo Is authorized to sond delegates to the poaco con ference .obviously not to ralso tho question of Internationalization be- causo that Is suro to provoto con flict. Tho Popo Hecks a solution In Independent foreign Intervention, and In tho bollot that tho partici pation through dolegatos will exor cise nn Immense moral Influence Montenegrins Kill Each Other Rather Than Be Taken By an Enemy. DECKS AWASH WITH BLOOD Many Could Not Swim and Heats Could Xot He Lowered Miss 1aih- os, a ltel Cross Nurse Stays In Water for Thrco Horn's (Df AnocUtet rr to Cxw Cr Tlmoa. ATHENS, (Via London) Fob. 4. A vivid description of tho nlnklng of tho Itnllan Bhlp Drlndlsl by a mlno li tho Adriatic is given by Maro Lo mos, of Iroalng Park; Chicago, a Rod Cross nurso survivor. "Wo struck the mlno at 0:30 a. m. and began sinking Immediately. Thoy wero unnblo to lowor boats becauso tho vessel keeled over and tho occu pantB of ouo boat woro spilled Into tho wntcr. k "Miss Hamoplo, my companion, un able to swim, novor camo up. I man aged to scarmblo back aboard whoro thoro woro two hundred Montene grins unnblo to swim. Kill ICnch Other "Thoy said thoy would not dlo by tho onomy's hands. Tho snng na- . VILLA IS FXCIHCLKH HV CAHHAXZA FOHCB tDr Aiiolted l'rew U Co wr Tlmw. EL PASO, Fob. 4. Villa Is encircled by Cnrranza forc es between Oco Calontes and Moctezumn, according to Qn vlra, tho commundant at Juarez. BURN IS A WONDER GUKST TI3LUS OF FAHMEHS' FHOLIC XEAH H1VEHTOX Hossles of Ocorgo Ialrd's Dairy Hunch Have Latest Iinproved Ixidglngs Full Wooded Cattlo Soventy-flvo far mors of tho Co qulllo valloy gathered yestorday nt tho Farmers' Frolic glvon by Qoorgo P. Laird on his ranch noar Rlvorton as tho formal opening ot his big dairy barn, ono of tho most modern equipped structures of Its kind In southwest Oregon. Tho Coqulllo rlv or was so high that most of tho guests wero tnkon from tho rlvor boats to tho scono of tho Frolic In skiffs. tlonal anthoms. Thou ono squaa shot tho others und finally thom- colvcs. Tho dock was awash with blood. When wo bogan to founder I sought a plank whoreon woro sov ornl mon who dropped off ono by ono. Three Hours In Wntqr "I was throo hours In tho wator. I was rescued and takon to Snn Gio vanni, Medua, whoro 143 who wero rescued lined up and sang tho Mon tenegro national anthom. Rescuers Aro Killed "Whllo tho Montenegrins woro singing an Austrian aoroplano bom- bardod, killing olghteon of thoso res cued. Wo walked to Scutari, and sought to Join tho Serbian staff at I'lavlca whon It was ovacuatod. King 'Nicholas of Montenegro who Is n kindly democratic old mnn fotched us to Scutari In his boat. Wo walked thonco flvo days In tho sleet and snow ovor disabled roads. Dlo of Hunger Hunger woakonod tho Serbians and thoy died ono after another. Wo reached Durnzzo whoro nn Austrian Five Dollar n Day Pay Draws Them From All Over Country Mayor Heselgetl DETROIT, Mich., Feb. 3. Men from nil over tho country appear at tho mayor's offlco dally and mako domands that they bo glvon letters which will obtain positions at tho Ford plant for thorn. As many as 25 of thoso applications havo been handled by Lieut. Alvln Hicks In a day. "Thoy don't mako romarkB, thoy demand that wo obtnln places for them at tho Ford plant," said Lieut. Hicks. "Thrco follows camo In hero today and ordorod mo to havo thorn put to work at tho Ford plant. Thoy seem to think that all thoy havo to do is to como horo, domand n lcttor and go out and go to work at $5 ti day. Ono of thoso who Insisted on a Job wns a man Just ovor, from Can ada. " ' Glvo mo a Job at tho Ford,' Is tholr cry. Tho Ford Co. hao Its own system of employment and will not deviato from that Also, It Is not n. department of tho city, although that doesn't mako any dlfforouco to thoso who mako demands. Thero aro hundreds ot theso applications each week for places that aro connected with tho city In no way. "Although I find thousands of Jobs, thoy nro only n drop in tho buckot, and tho disappointments would turn a heart of stone Ono day, a man whom I couldn't placo bo cnuso ho had no trade, camo In with his wlfo. Whon I told hor thoro was nothing doing, sho grabbed hor hus band by tho faco und gavo him such n yank sho almost upsot him. Sho was angry and grnbbod tho first thing handy. 'Uut tho Ford plant Is tho magnet that draws men horo from ovory- whoro nnd whon thoy roach Detroit, they como horo and domand thnt tho mayor put thorn to work for Mr. Fcrd. And I'm tho ono that bundles theso demands." Wins Over Myrtle Point In High School Debates Held ' Last Night. Reorganization was mado of tho Lower ConuUlo and Dandon and also .aoroplano bombarded, killing many. ated. Col. John Currlo, who com- t,lo Co(jUm0 valloy Cow Testing as- Thonco to Avlona, Corfu and Athons. mnndod a rogtmont or cnnauiuns u 80CjntOns. Many now hords woro tho battlo ot St. Jullen, Flandors, or ganizod and led a flro brlgado until tho dopartmont arrived. Hulldhig Xotnblo Ono Many valuable sculptures, decora tions and paintings wero destroyed. Tho building covered four acres nnd was tho most notablo Gothic struc- slgnod up for tho now yoar, accord lng to E. P. Dlack, tester ot the Coosj Hay Association, who roturneu " from thoro this morning. U Ih Modern Ham Tho barn Is a largO ono with con- croto foundations and floor. Tho on- tiro unnor floor Is given ovor to tho -- . .. JAP IiIXKU SUXK AND 1(10 ARE LOST turo in America. Tho building was iBtorago of Jmy. Tho lower floors 1 470 feet long with A towor 220 feet contajnB 8talls for between 25 and N CLOUOY high. Officials Missing li. D. Law, a member for Yar mouth, Nova Scotia, and J. P. Lap- Ian, assistant clerk of tho commons, aro among tho missing. ONLY THREE CLEAR DAYS THE ENTIRE .MONTH IX SIX WOMEX VICTIMS runs on an VIre DebViiys Home of Mrs. CaHlmlr hrlnBB til0 i,ny to each cow. Tag In Hrflouiyn 30 hoad of dairy cows. Flvo full blooded Holstolns wore on exhibition in tho barn yostorday. Stalls for tho cows parallel tho walls on two sides of tho barn. Thoy rnnn Mm alloo tlinilL'll tllOTO IS ti 1UWU V..U ., M" t wldo run-way. between tho walls and. .i.n ornliR. This irlves nlentv ot space Gets Agency Goorgo for tho handling of tho carrier that and Will Goodrum arrived homo last ovorhead trolley and iubih xrom i-oruuuu whu noy uw- tondea tno big auto biiow. Tweiuy- (Di AMorltloJ Vm lo Coo. D7 Time.,) SHANGHAI. Feb. 4 Tho Japaneso liner DalJIn Marit was sunk Wednesday In a colllsslon with tho steamship Llnan, of tho China Naviga tion Company, and sixty wore lost. Twolvo woro sav ed. Tho Llnan, crippled, Is returning to Hong Kong. Tho accldont occurred eight miles from Swatow. TO PLAY TONIGHT MARSHFIELD HASKETHALL FIVE MEET MYRTLE 1'OINT TEAM. Locals Havo Xot Lost Oniiio In the Scries This Month to See Most of Games Played. Goodrum fconth. '0 Chsno. 60 mado next ? The EmnirS Pauy or theso ?.dl L. a Jio Company buc- v,V "'a here in i , & ,no tno i?h J-n. Biicfci 1896 nnd Is still. iJhe yard a PaL8lockholdor. !?' the .,?.:! was establish,! 7 VrtieyTnm?" bu,,t P the HtherMromyb&r,belnShaul, - --- uy wagon. br ft . J '. V Snn?r , ,r U' 0tePath, Marshfleld Precipitation AVas Over Fourteen In ches and Lowest Temioittuio ' U!I Above Zero Thero wero only 3 clear days In January and tho rainfall was heavy, according to tho monthly roport of 13. H. Ostlhid, tho local weather ob server, Thoro woro 24 cloudy days nnd 4 partly cloudy days. The total precipitation for tho month was 11.98 Inches. This In cluded the snow reduced to water. Tho greatest precipitation was on tho 23rd when tho total waB 2.18 inches for 24 hours. Tho Temperature The tomporaturo for tho month was as follows: Moan Maximum 43.9 degrees Mean Minimum 33.3 degrees Average per month ... 38.6 degrees Highest 57 degrees on the 22nd. Lowest 23 degrees on tho 19th Tho greatest range of tempera tDr AwocUl.4 I're" to Coo. Dir TlniM.l BROOKLYN, N. ,Y.. Fob. 4. Six Each Dossy lias an individual drinking trough that Is filled auto matically. Thero Is a litter carrlor list their livWln a fire which that works on . trolley wnmnn destroyed the homo of Mrs. Casimir Tmr. the widow 'of tho president of tho Gorman savings bank. Mrs. Tag was saved, but her daughters Caro u.. .,,i nnlen nerlshed. Hannah J1I4U Mil" . .-- Snavloy, a cousin, a nurso, ami iwo servants Biiffocated. Caroline Tag saved hor mother. Servo Country Dinner two different manufacturers had ex hibits thoro, about ninety different models being shown. Mr. Goodrum says tho weather was awful In Port land so bad that ono could scarcely Marshtlold will scok to add an other to Its string ot victories and climb nnothor stop toward tho bas ketball champloiiBhlp of tho county when tho local High school quintet this ovonlng clashes with tho flvo from Myrtlo Point, Consldorablo Intorost Is evi denced In tho gamo. Out ot thrco Inter-high school games played so far this season, tho Marshtlold players havo not boon defeated. Tlio mon havo ovldencod good .earn work, faBt passing iind, in streaks, exceptionally good basket shooting ability. In tho oust two weoki thoy havo practiced consist ently undor tho leadership of Coach Royal Nllos. Lineup Ton'ght. Tonight's lineup ior tho Marsh field team Is as follows: nurrows nnd Watters, forwards; Seaman, contor; McDonald ana unapman, guards. Each of tho flvo high school bas ketball teams of tho county havo eight games to play during tho season, or two games with every othor aggregation of tho cjunty. 'ibis month will see games nt tho end of each weok and tho final of tho serlos will bo hold In MiVc'i. THETIE IS DECIDED Enter for State Honors Against 8 Other Schools in Oregon. EVENT IS CELEBRATED. This Is tho Third Thno In Five Years That the North Head School Una Won tho Championship of Coos County North Hond won tho dobato cham pionship for tho Coos county district comprising Coos and Curry counties. Thoro aro eight districts In tho Bt&jA and tho North Bond dobators will en ter tho contest tor Btato honors. This is tho third time In flvo youis that North Rend has won tho county championship and In 1913 tho school won tho stato championship with Miss Norma Caso and Lylo Chapollo as tho debaters. Tho question was docldod last night whon North Hond mot Myrtlo Point and dobated on tho question: "Resolved that tho United States should adopt tho ossontlal foaturos ot tl.o Swiss system ot military training and service" This snmo question will bo tho ono debated In tho stato contests. Decides tho Tie In tho former doba'toa both Myrtlo Point and North Bond won both de bates and It was necessary to docldo tho tlo. At North Hond tho Myrtlo Point team took tho aftlrmatlvo and was compoBOd of Hazol Moal and Holon "Whltakor. Tho North Bond toam which wns glvon tho decision waB composed of Randall Jones and Mur lln Chappollo. Tho Judges wero I, N, Mlllor, Bon Flshor and J. C. Kondall of Marshtlold. At Myrtlo Point At Myrtlo Point tho North Rend team took tho aftlrmatlvo and was composed of Alox Brandt and Horace Bylor and won tho decision. Tho Myrtlo Point team was composod of Chestor Adams and Kay Loon. Tho Jedgos wero Sonator Chnso, J. J. Stanley and R. J. Knowlton. Tho stato university will arrango tho stnto contests. Four teams will bo matchod against four othors. Tho four winning toams will thon dobato and It will bo brought down until ono toam wins tho championship for tho stato. Glvo Demonstration Tho hlbh school studonts, number ing 90 and Including both boys and girls together with tho membors of tho high school faculty inarched down town this morning and mado a dem onstration whon tho winning toam returnod from Myrtlo Point. Tho barn has Just been completed, got around. While thero ho nr A long table extended down one sldo ranged to take tho Chevrolet agency I ii.t utAu rnl.l ! linn of tho structure ancUhero at noon, ior uus lUrr.iur. . mm .. after all sorts of jtltTotlc sports, was made a big hit, putting out a car that i.n..n... hi taHhfmiod can bo uoiivorea tn Aiarsnnoiu ior UVJ.. w.. w. I, RGrvod a farm dlnrcr, profuso with chicken and ants trimmings. afternoon tho windows woro $625 and which has electric lights and self utartor. Ho expects to got a demonstration car on tho next Kll- FIVH DIE IX HOTKL Eight Others Injured In Atbrfitlc City Flro Mr AwocUto Pro toCo. Bar Tim...! ATLANTIC en, N. Y Feu. .--Threo women, jmd two mon ost their lives alrf eight woro mjureu ... a flro whyff destroyed tho Over- brook Htftel. one woiuuu ib...-- tho Rjfl of an upper winnow- .. helpless "aw ner our,,cu lu th The dead mciuue u. .' s of Richard Mott, tho pianager, Honed and W. B. Meyor, govern-jrn. ii.o iiuiuo oi u.o uur vrv. n,nnt mw iestt.1T exi)ert. and Prof, nounceu -anov lo ray." ir. uoouru... Barr of O A. C, gave a slide locturo was nonplussed over being delayed a on cow testing and later showed the day at Florence because th.o uuto EUGENE HANKER HERB PORTLAND SUFFERS Many Aro Short of Both Fuel and Food Ut AwoclitoJ rr lo Cool Dr TlmM.) PORTLAND, Fob, 4. A shortago of food and fuol has caused Buffering In many families. Merchants aro un nblo to deliver through biiow throo tc four feet deep In the main streots. It has contlnuod snowing. Fallen troes and telograph poles blocked tho streots In tho resldenco districts. Communication today romalnea demoralized although tho city was lfolatod less complotoly than yesterday. mothods of stock Judging. H. J. KIMBALL and wlfo arrived homo' last evening from San Francisco, where they attondod tho marriage of their daughter, Miss Georgene, to Rex Webb. Mr. Kimball says that thoro Is a big Improvement In business around San Francisco Bay and tho outlook could not bo better. drivers would not mako tho trip down the beach, theroby causing him to miss tho big booster banquet. Seeking Information. Chlof Car- tor has received a lettor In which 's askod tho present whereabouts of Mr, and Mrs, Frank Reynolds, who aro said to havo formerly lived In this locality. Mrs. Reynolds Is said to own proporty south ot Bandon. Cashier Hay Goodrich Is VlsltlngOn Coos Hay " Ray Goodrich, assistant cashier ot tho First National Bank of Eugene, arrived hero last night via tho coast route, Ho camo on business and 'planned to bo hero for tho big boost er banquet but was dolayed at Flor ence with R. M. Jennings, George nnd Will Goodrum and many others, Mr. Goodrich's, bank Is ono of tho largest in tho state outside of Portland. Mr. Goodrich s pleased ovor tho business outlook and thinks that tho wavo of prosperity which Is now evl- Idont throughout many soctlons of tho United States will soon etrtKo Oregon. This Is his first visit to Coos Bay and today ho Is being shown nroun by Dorsey Krolizer oi mo r.rst -tlonal Bank of Marslif.eld. RAILROADS MAY HE OPEN TONIGHT (Dr Aolt4 Pre. ! tc r Tiro...) SPOKANE, Wash., Fob, 4. The Northorn Pacific an 'O nouueed that tho track f$ through the Cascades would bo open tonight. Tho Groat Northorn la feeding soveuty flvo pasaongors here. The Northern Pacific Is cleaning Its tracks. STILh REPORT MURDER 11 Auoi'Ut! I'ruu to Coot Bar TlmM.) PARIS. Feb. 4. Dlspatchos con- .tinuo to report that Ylssof Izzendin, tho Turkish heir apparent was'.mur derod. Ho was detested by Kovw (Pasha, minister of war beuse of, his attitude toward the eGrmaus. Knver lot the wolt luto the told, it la wild. 1 for ono day was 18 degrees. iV fej.a .. , tV-i i -uct- -.