THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELk, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 19 16 EVENING EDITION. FOUR COOS BAY TIMES H. C. MALONEY, Editor and Pub. DAN X). MALONEY, Nows Editor Official Fnpcr of Coos Comity Official Paper City of Mnrsliflold. ' Entered at tho PoBtoMco at Marsh field, Orogon, for transmission through tbo malli ai second-class mall matter. THRIFT DAY T ODAY, Thursday, February 3, has Leon designated by n num ber of financial Institutions throughout the United States as Thrift Day. Today everyone Is urg ed to start a savings account or to add to one already Btnrtcd. Any day Is a good day, any year is a good year, for forming the habit of An Independent Republican nows- thrift; but there are special reasons papor, publlshod every evonlng ox-wliy peopio siionui maKo a special cent Sunday, and weekly, by Tlio Coos liny Times Publishing Co. SUBSCRIPTION RATES DAILY. One yoar JG.00 Per month .GO WEEKLY. Ono yoar SI. 60 When paid strictly in advanco the Subscription pilco of the Coos Ray Times is SG.OO por year or $2.50 for six months. 0 Address all communications to COOR RAY DAILY TIMTCR. J I EUROPEAN WAR ONE I YEAR AGO TODAY $$ FKR. it, 11)15 t Tho Allied troops ropulso Gorman nttneks on tho, west front. Pctrograd claims successes 'for tho Russian army boforo, Warsaw and In tho Carpathians. Uoor robots under Lieut. Col. Kemp surrender to tho British forces. Tho Turks claim victories over tho Russians In tho Caucasus. effort In 191C. Tho country Is gen erally prosperous. Will It contlnuo so nttor tho war? No ono knows. Perhaps American Industries will en Joy a still further Incroaso of pros peltyj wo all hopo so. Rut thcro will bo much rebuilding to bo done In the world, a great deal of assistance to bi- glvon to Impoverished and well nigh bankrupt nations; and tho United States Is tho country on which Europo will lean most heavily. It behooves our pcoplo to practice thrift, not only for their own welfare, but for that of others. TIII5 ANIMATOR I OVERFLOW REST EVER HELD TUB banquet glvon last night by tho Mnrsliflold Chamber of Commorco was by far tho larg est and most enthusiastic public gathering of tho kind ever hold on Coos Ray. Tho speakers all struck tho samo koynoto nnd reflected what scorned to bo the feeling of ovory- ono, that now Is tho tlmo for Coos Ray to put horsolf to tho front. Tho nttondanco of nearly thrco hundred representative men of tho community showed that Coos Ray can nuistor a powerful working force when It wants to do anything In tho wny of advancement. Tho fact that thoso lu attendance wcro from nil vocations and Included many of tho youngor olomont should bo highly gratifying to thoso who engineered tho event. Thoro was no question as to tho spir it of enthusiasm ns demonstrated not only by tho Bpcakors but as woll by tho listeners In their npplnuso of nil that was snld along tho boosting lino. This namo spirit applied In a practi cal way will accomplish for Coos Ray almost anything that may ho desired nnd it is simply up to tho pcoplo thomsolvcs to soo that their enthu siasm and their efforts nro kept up to tho samo high pitch, becaus'o that Is tho way communities nro imulo. ACTION ni:i:dki FOR PLISIIMKNT ACCOM- TIIK Murshflold Chamber of Commorco, tho buslnoss moil nnd tho committees lu charge nro to bo felicitated on tho splendid success of last night's Rooster ban quet, it wiib n notable event and marks a now era in tho onward inarch of Coos Day. Tho sploudtd spirit, tho enthusiasm nnd tho optimism or this roproscntn tlvo gathorlng augurs woll for tho future of this groat section, Tho only question involved lu Mich n talkfcst is tho danger of creating an Illusion thnt they nccompllsh something without further action. Thoro is a natural tendency to llvten to a good speech In favor of boosting In goneral and conclude that tho desired rosult Iiuh already been accomplished. As u mutter of fact thoso talk fcst accomplish nothing, Tholr solo vlrtuo Is In a stimulation for nccompll8hmont. Tho booster meeting, thoreforo, which onds only In a flow of oratory and an outburst or npplnuso, Is not tho whole thing. Tho acid tost of success la subsequent action. In fact ono of tho crying needs In this nock of tho woods Is loss oratory, and moro action, fowor pi dulses nnd moro performance What Coos Hay neods Is not ono booster meeting n ywir but a continu ous booster meeting every day and ovory night of tho year. Coos Ray boosting to bo the vital and vlrllo factor that Is necessary for nohlovo nient must bo continuous, It should not be, llko somo peoplo's religion, a cloak put on for the occasion, nnd dropped Immediately thereafter. Thoro Is nothing within tho realm of reasonable achievement that could not bo accomplished by that splendid body of men If they' would approach it with tho harmony and enthusiasm that marked last night's affair. What Is neodod is n cryatnllaatlon of that splendid spirit Into action. If wo do this last nlght'a booster lanquot will mark an epoch nnd u new era lu achievement, accomplish ment and development on Coos Hay. It Is up to tho cltlzona of thin community to mako tho year l'JlG sqUaro with the promises of last night's uiBgniricIeut meeting. IVY CONDRON wn's a pugilist until ho got onto tho ropes. I. S. SMITH was thinking tho other day that ha wished L. J. Simpson would sot down so ho'd know what to run lor. CONFECTIONER LEWIS has had Bomo beaks 111 his flare-topped glasses In tho InBt month that never sniffed Coco-Cola boforo in their lives. EI) JONES wants to stop tho war lu Yurrop by not lcndln' tho com batters any moro money. Ho sayn ho stopped a friend from drinking that way onco. JACK SULLIVAN, lat'o of tho Ran don Hub, Is Introducing a thumb tnck hoso supporter for men with wooden logs which will bo very popular. C. W. CUAIREUS Bpondfl most of . his tlmo getting pcoplo to keep up to tho Stnndnrd whllo A. C. Vestal works llko n walking dol cgato for tho Union. WARD RLAKI3 snys ho would rather have nlno children than nlno million dollars bocnuse tbo children would bo enough and tho money would not. . ART HAINES roslgned ns tcachor In tho Sunday school because tho most dovout members of his class brought artificial nlcklcs at their parents request. EDITOR O'HRIEN snyB ho Is glad ho didn't hnvo n nowspapcr lu tho stono ngo becnuso U'h hard en ough to got carrlor boys to dolivor, lot nlono hod carrlors. FRANK CATTERL1N called up J. L, Kooutz to say ho had turnod turtlo and Koontz told him not to call a garago but to got In touch with an nquarluni. HERHERT RUSTERUD was dis appointed lu tho San Francisco fnlr. Ho says that not n sin glo ono of tho shows was as ris ky as tho barkor promised. RILL EKRLAD hns u new kind or shovel with n clock lu tho handle which will keop as good tlmo as u wrist watch but It will bo hard to Introduco the substitute. V L ANT S U P ERINTENDENT OATHS of tho Worso than Hurry Talk company hopes to put In a wireless tolophono so tho hollo girl enn't say "tho air Is busy." DR. SHAW says tho host oxlhltlon of juggling that ho over saw wns at tho Gardiner hotel when a man from Scottsburg put 13 peas on his kulfo and got them all at ono gulp. O. W. RHIGGS says tho only good ho cnu sco coming of u morning paper on Coos Hay is that it koops tho telegraph oporator up uftor eight o'clock ho ho can filo Into stuff for tho Orogonlan. AL POWERS says that ho had a time koopor onco In Minnesota that was so lazy ho had to sharp en all tho stumps to koop him from slttln' down. Al figures that, whllo that plan worked nil right lu Minnesota, efficiency would luivo demanded a dlffor uut method if tho stumps had been Coos county size. WKATHKIt IN KKTHOSPKCT (Ry Dislocated Press) PORTLAND, Feb. 2, Oregon, al most good, except In spots. Strong winds tonight, vicinity or Coos Hay, blowing away dull euro not nailed down. Cloudy days or hard winter meroly to prevont shadows and dls play silver linings. Complete report parcels post should roaoli you in two wooks, via N, P. S. 8. Co. with gooij luck. QPUST10N IIO.Y Dear Editor Does tho minimum wago law apply to artists models? Yours nervously Anxious Annie. Dear Aunlo: A good artist's model may ox poqt only a baro living. Editor. ' M.VYUE Oregon's dry. Hear the cry. Suffragotteo lreut tho wets. The Annimraatojr Advertisements J. E. Montgomery, Business Manager of Tho Animator, announces that It requires more than subscrlp tlons to dofray expenses of a nows papcr, so ho secured the sorvlccs of a professional nnd expert adver tising writer. As Jim Is still a few bones shy wo are giving theso an nouncements the benefit of more extended circulation to mako Jim's bill collecting caslor. ' Let Us Feather Yotir Nest H you havo nothing you can havo our furnlturo and keep It as long as you don't burn it by paying us somo-luliiR- ovory now nnd thou. Ruy your furnlturo now before the prlco of lumber rises higher. Going & Hardly See Who's Here '$9.99 will buy ono of thoso Ohlordy, CutoyrCutoy, Plpo stom effect, High Water suits which will mako you look so much llko a forked radish thnt folks will think you aro In stylo. Slip Into ono nnd 19 10 will not bo Leap Year for Naught. Woolen Mill Store Spring Our Spring Toggery and you will get by. Hero's n bunch of now stuff: Rough Neck Collars, 2 for '. . . . 2 bits Adam's Applo Collars 1 bit Plain Dlnck Married Men's Tics 2 bits Stranglo You Union Suits 8 bits Rurglar Alarm Pajamas 1C bits Nevor-Rlp AU-Wlro Sox 3 Prs 1 bits Hub Clothing & Shoe Company Honoy Talks Bo Sweetly Loquacious Tanglefoot Butterine "STRONGER THAN BUTTER" , Is tho best spread for dully bread. Wo nro tho agents for this now substitute for n necessity nt tho price of a luxury. Mndo fresh from tho virgin oil of goat lymph. Goats pasturo on tho high Andes. , Bumper Hill Dept. Store In order to domonstrato that wo are in perfect har mony with tho real, tmo, get-together spirit 'Of tho Chamber of Commorco this spaco is takon Jointly by us to advortlso automobiles. FORD DODGE RUICK OVERLAND Resides wo might trado agencies. George Goodrum Isaac R. Tower Don't Spend Money I When you trnvol. Glvo us your money nnd spend our traveler's checks. Thoy only cost n llttlo moro than money nnd most thieves aro afraid to steal thorn. Scandinavian-American Bank English Spoken Wo Aro Neutral Impressionistic Corseting sLndIes, oat what you want nnd look right in Bplto of it by wearing our "Foo to Fnt" corsets. Dargaln Tus sle now on lu this department. Reducers ut reduced prices. Tho Placo for Dudoy Duds Matson Quality Store ' Weigh What You Should Weigh You can I know you cnu on our ecnlcs. Wo soil "Plus Plump and Less Lean" for whatever is tho mat tor, Sco us "nil YOU CAN HE "SO" WELL And You Cnn SO Well , . 1 The Busy Corner Light With Gas, Too Your uxporlcnco tonight may not maku you bollova gas la Illuminating. Ours Is, though. Put In gns lamps now and you will bo almost euro of n light when the electric Julco gives out. Oregon Power Company . Take Interest hvThe Chimes Open a Savings Account NOW and when it nmounts to $S,(iSG.OO wo will pay you a penny Intorost ench tlmo tho chimes chime. This Insures a pleasant pass ing or tlmo. ..?.:& .'.Flanagan & Benpett Bank You can spend .a ploasant evening with your tele phone. Placo tho (h)oarpleco to your bond ami loan on your elbow, ,Saysonie numbors to tho mouthpicco nnd wnlt. ir no ono 'answers Just go to sloop, you won't bo disturbed byj'tho operator. CUSS & WORRY HELEPHONE CO. i -:u -f. This Is not tho. FIRST NATION LRVK as has boon reported. The i First National Rank Is at Rroadwnynnd Cuitral, I'so It and bo SAFE. :-: I lUr- "H ptf if T Watch I his Paper Tomorrow! ttwwmwwiw Oldest Rnnk In Coos County Established 1881) Flanagan d& Bennett Bank Mnraliflcld, Coos County, Oregon. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $120,000 INTEREST PAID ON TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS Officers J. W. BENNETT, President; JAS. II. FLANAGAN, Vice President; R. F. WILLIAMS, Cashier; G. F. WINCHESTER, Assistant Cashier. ODnrrjecmm i . tt i rnurKOOiuiMHL UIHECTORY Dr. A. L. Houseworth Physician nnd Stirgeo. Office: Irving Itlock. 1 mill 7 to H n. m. ' Phones: Offlco ll.'J-jj nCSi j J. M. Wright Phone Hi "" " -"wivi'oa' Estimates furnished on requ Dr. H. M. Shaw Eyo, Ear nnd Throat fipecWi,. GLASSES KITTED Phono iI.'10-J, Rooms 200-201 Irving Rlock. DR. MATTIE R. SHAW. Physician nnd Burgee Phono aao-j. H.. G. Butler CIVIL ENGINKEK Room 304 Coko BIdg. Phone Hj.j iiuamuuGO X'uono J63-L. Flanagan (Mb Bennett Bank OF JIYRTLE POINT Capital $25,00 Officers J. W. DENNETT, President; JAS. II. FLANAGAN, Vice President; L. M. SUPLEE, Cashier; L. T. DEMENT, Assistant CaBhlor. Bennett Trust Company Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $125,000 Officers J. W. BENNETT, President; TOM T. BENNETT, VIco Presldont; ARTHUR M'KEOWN, Socretary; HENNETT SWAN TON, Treasurer. Tho Only Company lu the .State, Out.sldo (t Portland, Which Organ Under tho New Law. Cimsidlratin! ' Taj CYilJ with Her Penney Saving! Bank The Small Boy with Mis Small Change The Lady with Her Pin Money Savings The Small Man with His Small Roll The Big Man with His Big Roll W. G. Chandler ARCHITECT Rooms 301 nnd 302, Coko Dull4n, Marshflold, Oregon. TLME TARLE WILLAMETTE PACIFIC M0I0R OAR Leave. LeH( Marshflold North Btni G:4G a.m. 7:00 a.m. 7.45 oi.m. 8:00 a.m. 8:45 n;m. 9:oo in, 9:45 aSu. lojiB 1B) 10:45 a.m. n:oo in, 11:30 a.m. iis in. 12:50 p.m. ui5 p.n, 1:4G n'm.-'' 2:00 p,n. 2:4G p.m. 3:00 p.n, 3:45, p.m. 4:oo p.n. 5:00 p.m. 5:15 p.n. G.40 p.m. C:65 p.n. 6:GG p.m. North city limits on!;., 7:30 p.m. 7:46 p.n, ARE K.VCII ACCORDED THE SAME CONSIDERATE AT TENTION AT THE First National Bank g The Bank of Personal Service Marshficld, Oregon rl- Abstracts ss For reliable Ahstrnctn of Tltlo nnd nintlon iiliout COOS RAY REAL STATE, sco Title Guarantee & Abstract Company Mnrsliflold and Coqulllo City, Orogon. fiencrnl AKeiits KnMMdo nnd SeiiKhtnckeu'w Addition. Kpoclal attention paid to nssossinentH and payment of taxes. HKXllV SEN(JSTACICEN, ManuKcr. THE LLOVI) FAMILY IIOTKL 4 Housekeeping Apartments 4 Two room, .tH.()( month 4 Electricity nnd Gns. Free bathi 4 4 Sleeping inomn, )? !.."() lc, up $ .-,-: . i Ttir rinnr- i-iur-n nvu inc nuur riAcu NOW See C0PTHELL Phone 3171 -4 PARK TEN CENTS City Limits North Rend, 6c. nn COMMUTATION Of) .CSS TICKETS 91.78 Li Mnrslificld-North Rcud Auto Lino , Cnn ovtry ten minutes from O n. m. to 12 p. in.; to South SloiiKh onco n lnv, leaving at 11 n. in.; to Kmplro threo trip n dny. GORST & KING. Proni. . WOOD GOOD WOOD w. ir. T.liMrn 1ms it nt 81.50 nl i?2 rush per load. (Inruuno rcnioi oil. Phono 1I27-J. GRAVEL' W nro now prepared to furnish GRAVEL In any tuantltlci from pllo in our yard or in carload lots, at follpwlng prices: From pllo on ground, $2.?5 por yard. canoad lots, takon from car, 2.00 por yard. Retail Depurtumst. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. Opposite Post-Offlce. Phone 100. OCEAN BEACH AUTO LINE Gorst & Kins. I.eno Mnrshrleld nt 7 , in,, ami returning leaving from Emplro nt K n. m. Lenvo JIurshflcM nt 1 1 n.m. nml returning leave South Slough at 1 p. m. Leavo'Murhhflcld nt 5 p. m. nnd returning leavo Soutli Slough nt (I p. m. i r x SAVE MONEY by ordering tho lamoui HPWRYVII I P O0AL Nut coal, per ton ?,M Lump coal, por ton 3,M Or half ton of both Ws I). MUSSON, lrop. Phono 18-J or lenvo orders Hlllycr'a Cifc'ar Store. A '' DRY WOOD at CAMPBELL'S W00DYARD North Front Street Phono 370J .ft WESTERN LOAN ANU . j BUILDING CO. Assets $2340,000.00 Pays 8 per cent on savings i t I. S. 'KAUFMAN &' CO, t Local Treasurer Puget Sound Bridge & Dredging Co. Dams, Bridges, Buildings. General Construction COMPLETE PLANTS FOR HARBOR WORK Our Coos Bay office has available for Oregon Coast work the Dredge "Seattle" tko most powerful, best equipped and most thoroughly modera twenty-Inch hydraulic dredge Ik Pacific water Coos Bay office, Main office, Marshficld, Oregon. Seattle, Washington. T. ?,, HOAIFH j a. n. noDon1 Marshfield KWTcco. .ii,.io. TCiirnlahed Phoo 140-R. Marshfield, Or DUNGAN MrJnPRTAK NG PARLORS will bo kept OPKN TO THE PURLIO A regular state licensed nHdertnkcr will Do to charge Phono IPS-J lT-h a .