THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1916--EVENING EDITION. TWQ m.i . ;;mrotttwmmm8J8mm BstF I CoOB Biggest Best Banquet Bay s and t i mmmmtmmfmmtmiffmmtm444... (r- K. ;jmt)mmnnmnt:Jmnnmannmt BIG BANQUET A ? GREAT SUCCESS .(, (Continued from Pago Ono.) '' now ru staftcd on Coos Hay, an era' of b'fe tilings." In tlio last 12 months $2000 lias been Hpent on literature advertis ing tlio soctlon; C8.0Q0 ' onvolopos with Coos Hay nds havo,been sent out; tlio coast road lias been boost ed; hundreds or lettcra hn,vo boon written In tlio Interests of wood block paving; a radio station se cured; tlio rlvurs and hnrbors coin mlttco has been Interested In tlio local needs and, most of all, tlio Chamber of. Commurco has been re organized for tlio purpoSo of brlng Imk out Its greatest efficiency. And In closing ho said: "On be half of tlio Chamber I want to thank the women who havo served this banquet, tlio Eagles who do nated tlio hall and In addition, the Eastern Star for tlio tarpaulin for tlio floor and to tlio committee who liuvu worked and made this nuppur a success." Twelve malo voIccb tlio "Manilla" undor tlio leadership of Hen Ostllnd, wuro ropcatodly encored. The chorus snugs tlio Bongs of the Scan dinavians, ending with America when ovory man In tlio entlro hall roso to Ills foot and tlio sound re verberated through tho big room as they entered tho chorus. Xo Acoustics Mr. Gobs also thanked tho Eaglos for tho ubu of tho hall. Ho said In lirrnnglng for tho event ho asked Davo Kcos how about the acoustic powers. Davo said: "Oh, wo only furnish tho heat and light." Mr. (Iohh with a quick wit kopt up tho fun with Homo clever Jokcn, quite often ut tho oxpoiiBO of those In at tendant. Ho thankod Mr. Hallon tyno for his Scotch songs. Ho said Mr. Halloutyno lived nt Heaver Hill mid that the Southern Pacific should also ho thankod for making arrange ments to got lilin hero. A special car was provided, ho said, so that tho singer would not catch cold making tho trip. (.Mr. llalluntynu having to pump a hand car to make tho trip.) WIioh a noto was read from M. C. Mulonoy In which tho latter express cid regrot that ho could not bo pres ent because ho was looking after a now booster at his house who weighed 10 1-2 pounds, Mr. Goes said that If everybody did an well ar Mr. Malonoy It would not bo nec essary to advortlBo for people to pop ululo Coos Day. Cliiirlos Hall Speaks. Charles Hull declared In his "Let Us Talk It Over" that ho was Jump ing Into tho IiooIb of tho editor of Tho Times, who ovon then was at homo coaching Coos Hay's newest booster that ho might know Ills duties of futiuo years. "Seattle Imports 90 por cent of tho goods for tho Northwost through her Port. Portland distributes but ten pur cent, Coos Hay has a harbor; there Is not a reason. In tho world that alio should not havo her nhiiro of this trado. "Tho stugo Is sot; tho coming of tho railroad will draw the curtains uiul wo will ho known to tho out- slilo world. Tho title of tho Hermit Kingdom la for us no more. "There is a program that wo must follow. Wo miiBt havo a deeper bar and harbor, more good roads that will bring us more business, fortifications for Coos Head and more industries. "Thlrty.flvo years ago Seattlo was a llttlo seaport. Thuro Is not a reason why in flvo or six years Coos Hay should not havo a popula tion of 2G.000 people. Wo havo the sending our products over tho world, nnd havo tho best harbor be tween Puget Sound and San Fran cisco. Second', tho minora,! re sources 'of this country uro unde veloped. Four hundred square mllcg of coal uro within tho boundaries of Coos; tho railroad will tako our supply to tho Willamette Vnlloy, all over Oregon. Wo havo tho only coal mines df (he state. South of hero Is the only mountain of Iron. Tho combination of coal and lrop is to bring us smcltors. "Oregon has one-fifth tho stand ing timber of tho United States. Five per cent of all tlio timber in tho United Stales ig tributary to Coos Hay. "Coos is going to be a greater dairying country than Is Humboldt County to the south of us. "Hut best of nil, wo havo tho men with stuff In thorn. Wo can merco over held, broko up and be came a chapter of good, Hvo his tory. 1iIk(. of Itaiiquotcis. Among thoBO presont wore, tho loU lowing: J. A. Smith, Frank W. Smith E. W. Steele, S. J. Lelnnd, V M. Ilar agar, It. N. Wobstcr, Uert Dyor, H. E. Kolty,,W. C. Il'nman. Dr. G. W. Leslie, D. A. Jouop, Geo. K. Ander son, E. G. Stack, A. .1. M. Robert son, A". H. Dlndlngcr, II. L. Pratt, vice. Watklns, Chnrles E Mo'ton, J. S. Dade, F. W. Uertrnm, E. Han ciul, Carl L. Albrecht, HarrfV Wal ter, G. A. Honebrnko, Mllo D. Sum ner, L. J. Schmltz, F. A. Haines, F. E. Raymond, L. F. Donning, .1. D. Franz, Wayno Painter, W. E, Houg Jand J. A. Smith, T. S. Harvey, W. N. Ekblad, A. A. Nichols, Fcstus C. Walters, E. Lothard McClurc, J. W. Hlldenbrand, J. 11. Sneddon, W. THE 4 Hits 4 Fits 4 Bits 'Indiscriminate and Unabated" 44644V664V0 '""""Wffl We Coy, Coos Ba Like Ri Member of the Dislocated Pre y 1?. IB an i tMu v tP WIlwJlA, I mako this tho fourth largest com- L. Clabaugh, C. K. Dlndlngcr, H. munity In tho Pacific Coast, if wo boost to mako it so." "I camo through that unmarred, but not unmoved," doclared tho HoostmaBtcr. He introduced tho Coos Quartotet, composed of J. W. Flanagan, Charles Stauff, Vlnco Pratt and Jay Tower nnd ropcatodly woro they encored. Gives Homo Figures C. II. Marsh, of tho Southorn Pa cific, throw a shock Into tho gath ering when ho hurled this bolt. "Look out for llcodsport on tho Umpqun. Look out for a rival. Trib utary to that port aro tho resources of thousands of ncroa of timber. Tlioy havo a deep harbor. Watch them. Statistics of unusual interest re garding construction on tho Willam-etto-Paclflc woro presented by Mr. Marsh. These figures aro given In another article. "Tho Wlllumotte-Paclfic bus spent close to $11,000,000 to como In hero. It's going to bo years beforo thoy oven mako operating expenses. It's up to you peoplo (o help them and they will help you." HuggentH Now Nnino Ho suggested that tho nanio of Lakeside ho changed to "Simpson" w L. J. Simpson owns most of tho country and town. Ho also surpris ed soiiio of the local sportsmen by tho declaration that Chlttlm Lake, near Ten Mile, would soon bo famous nn-tlou-wldo as tho place for tho best black bass fishing In tho United States. Ah to a realization of great things from tho railroad and harbor, Mr. Marsh said It was up to tho peoplo of Coos Hay to offer Inducements for ships to bring and tako cargoes from here, to dovolop tho freight busInosR, etc. Mr. Marsh said that when tho Coos Huy lino was started, thoro woro flvo points undor consideration (or beginning, two north of Eugene, and two south of Eugene, and Eugono Itsolf. Although over a million dol lars had been expended on tho old .1. Mohr, E. F. LoMleux, F. L. Sum ner, Wm. Stnuff, Edwin G. Scott, L. F. Heuporman, O. W. Trlbboy, J. It. Hlllstrom, James H. Mills. S. C. Small, A. O. Itogers, Eugcno Crosthwalt, J. S. Stubblefiold, H. J. McDovItt, Wm. G. Chandler, W. .1. Conrad, W. II. Kennedy, E. Irv ing Chandler, II. G. Hutlor, C. II. Harrow, Alva Doll, Wm. Irish, L. E. Hondrlx, W. K. Atchison, II. T. Lewis, M. A. Mouson, Geo. Getting, Frederick W. Smith, .1. O. Eggleston, Hurry S. Uurpoo, F. E. Allen, Harry G, Hoy, C. J. Hoy, Chas. Urtischke, I. N. Miller, Roy E. Walte, E. W. St.Plorro, Jr., W. 11. Curtis, Jr., C. J. Duamlg, L. G. Cushlng, W. A. Ackorman, David NoIboii, Owen D. Hurnotte, C. A. Schlbrede, Henrlk OJordrum, IlenJ. Ostllnd, A. T. Lag orstrom, Louis L. Gorr, J. W. Mc Inturff, R. Von Shlpinau, Lewis E. Gruvor, F.E.Conway, C. W. Wolcott, F. It. Hlckoy, W. M. Drown, Geo. A. Stephenson, J. E. Hedges, W. W. Langworthy, J. n. Lyons, E. C. Drews, E. W. Gales, II. O'Mara, Will Sneddon, Aug. Frlzeon, D. J. Reea, F. It. Kirk, E. II. Gehrke, Ernest Harrington, Eflward H. Joehnk, Ed II. Mendo, C. C. Going, Carl W. Evortson, II. S. Tower, Jns. Hon nott, Edgar McDanlel, Chas. St. Dennis, Jus. McCutcheu, Allan Todd, Duncan Ferguson, Jr. Hnlph L. Kruse, A. Y. Meyers, John Fergu son, F. J. Harlocker, Jay C. Doylo, Fraulc Todd, Kmll G. Gnbrlnlsun, Malr A. Dano, W. E. Hutlor, Hugo E. Qulst, L. D. Gordon, C. E. Ash, Chas. P. Mason, J. T. Ilraud, A. 11. Gldley, C. S. Hoffman, It. E. Lar away, Kobort C. Dlllard, F. E. Hague, Guy Wamor, S. J. Immcl, Herbert Lockhart, C. W. Viors, It. V. Swantpn, Juo. E. Iloas, E. G. 0ipormanu, J. Albort Mntsou, J. W. Flanagan, Chas. Stauff, V. O. Pratt, Jay 11. Tower, W. E. Dun Kan, Earl L. Powell, Arthur Mc Keown, C. H. Hroughton, J. E. Cooloy, V. F. Ebbecka, Clay E. El liott, Alva Stanley, Ed. Moollcr, L. Campnlgn HI; Uoost 1. MAItSIIKIELD, OREGON, VKMtl'AUV 1!, JIH(I. Prlco 10c; More If yoTI CITY WILL APPEAL NEW GRIMES' BUILDING North Itcuil Necks .JuMleo In Novel Way (Special) NORTH I1END, Fob. 2. Tho ci ty council has decldJd in view of tho growing sediment against tho C003 Hay Water company, that some decisive action must bo tak en. Thoy will tako appeal on tho recent decision of tho Stato Public Service Commission to Joseph Wa ter Dennett, president of tho util ity. They know Just what to ox pect from Mr. Uonnett who has never ovon pretended to bo their friend. Ho can be trusted to run ' truo to form ut all times while tho j gcuornl feeling Is that u decision ' favoring tho public can only bo ' secured from tho Commisslonors during tho open season for spear ing votes for ro-olcctiou. BRITISH ARE FIRM 1 MACGENN ASSUMED TIIHV WILL STICK TO HITTEU EXI) Drain project, Eiigono got busy nnd A- Whoreat, II. II. Foskott, G. L. ce a result the railroad was built i1'"11' ' Sm,th' J' T Sullivan, A. S. (Uy Dislocated Press) SAN 'FRANCISCO, Fob. 2. Capt. Thos. Jeff. Macgenn today announces tho receipt of a cable gram from Lord Kitchener In ap preciation of his recent pootlc trib ute to Tommy Atkins Tho emi nent general cabled In part: "Lot mo asHiiro you, Captain, that your poom has put 11 now heart into our army. Thoy now assert that thoy will not glvo up until the last Frenchman has perished. If you could write 11 poem which would put now arms nnd legs onto part of our army wo mtgnt do more than at present contemplated." Capt. Macgenn has no artificial limb poetry on hand but ho is pro paring to transpose somo lines written celebrating tho rojuvonn- tlon of tho llreakwater which will bo forwarded to Lord Kitchener In duo course Tho accompanying Illustration shows tho New Giimos Hulldlug which has been much talked of nnd which It Is confidently belloved will bo completed ero tho snow field Chamber of Commorco that whllo things nro vory much up In tho air with us wo wilt not host tato to so far commit oursolvos nn to say that tho Eurokn. oxtoiiBlon MARRIAGE LICENSES '(Special to Animator) COQUILLE, Fob. 2. Tho fob r: r from there. Ho said Coos Hay should show the same spirit and help the railroad. Eugene Speaker S. Dike Hooper, secretary of tho Eugeno Chamber of Conuuorco, do (dared that ho -camo "from Eugene, your next door neighbor along tho railroad. What means prosperity to you, means prosperity to us. We're with you all tho way." The speaker looked over tho hall, "Next to my wedding, this I the bcBt time I ever had In my llfo. "Eugeno figured tho only thing needed to make hor .1 city of 50, 000 was wator transportation. J. W. Houuott sohod the problem for us. Ho sitld: 'Lay a plpo lino out to tho Pacific Oconn. If you suck Kohler, A. II. Lewis, D. L. Rood, A. 11. Loud, Otis Wilson, J. Q. Jnrvls, R. McGeorgo, M. A. Sweet man, W. U. Douglas, R. H. Coroy, Otto Edlund, I). L. Hucklughnm, Ira S. Smith, Hugh McLaln, James E. Montgomery, Frank Rogers, C. R. Peck, Jess Smith, E. Goo. Smith, John D. Gobs, A. H. Powers, C. F. McKnlght, C. II. Walter, J. W. Da vis, Chas. Hull, F. G. Hortou, Geo. II. Rotuor, Geo. Frazer, Jr., Eugeno, S. I), Hooper, Eugene, C. II. Marsh, W. F. Miller, A. S. Hammond, John S. Coke, L. A. Liljoqvlst, F. C. Get ty, O. G. llockott, Jas. 11. Flan agan, Joe Williams, A, E, Guyton, Oliver Uirson, A. E. Neff, John F. Hall, J. T. llarrlgan, J. C. Ken dall, Hen Fisher, W. A. Reld, Dan opportunities; it's up to uh to do- viiion ilium, moii, aro you willing merco for better efficiency. "Wo to work?" I nro going to havo things to sell: ' Hobble Hallautyno, In kiltl03 of! wo wUl want to sltlp thoin. At tho tho Scotch, kept tho good natured orowd In a roar of laughter with 1b clever Highland songs and duii'eqs. Dp was accompanied, on tho Piano by P. W. Hackwood, of Powers, O. It. lVck Speaks Hoostmastor Gobs deolarod that as hard as you blow, you'll havo!1'3' Mulonoy, Tom T. Hennott. Ray tho wholo acoan Insldo the city ltntttB 1 Olllvniit. Earl D. Dornn, Harry Nas of Eugeno!'" And there was a I unrg, R. F. Williams. Otto Schettor, hearty laugh. 1 Harry Gordon, Claudo Xashurg, Carl Mr. Hooper reviewed tho reorgan- Davis, C. W. Cumbers, F. I). Fleteh Izatlon of tholr Chambor of Com- ur- Tciuponitiiio ltiH-01-tl For 21 hours eudlug midnight, Feb. 2. by IlenJ, Hostoud, Bpeclal lowing marrlago licenses will soon bo issued: Al Mendel, 3S; Ida D. Willing, G8. Hen Fisher, 24; Lottn Coyn, 10. Joo Williams, 22; Ida Ruthor, 32. W. A. Ackorman, 20; Merclo Tol lor, 21. Wnltor Hutlor, 30; Kanyn neat- it, 30. HI Gill, 2C; Vorn Swift, 23. Harry Gordon, 20; Pussio Footo, IS. Fred Kolly, 32; Wllla Ketchum, IG. mil Goodrum, 24; Dottlo Sem plo, 1C. Speed Woods, 2C; Iva Lotto, 24, Preforrod S. Woodruff, 23; Vol erla Paukstls, 34. Tom T. Honnett, 34; Colla 0 wi dow, 30. riles' again. Dcsplto tho fact that of tho Wlllamotto Pacific will com thls Is tho 1187th story built on moucq nt tho muno tlmo-tho Grimos tho Grimes HulIdlnK, wo nro ns-i Hiiildlug Is started. This news surod by tho Colonel, who is wad- ' should mean much to your city lug up to his hips In tho flood wa ters of Southern California that tho hulldlug will bo ouJy 10 stories high ?.s shown in our picture. and ospeclally to your real ostato inon. The railroad will havo to havo n division point between Eu- ! gone nnd Eureka and thoy might Anothor pleco of vory good nows as well say it will bo on Coos Hay, for Coos Hay which hinges on this j Ah long ns nobody knows Just announcement Is contained In a ' whoro It will bo tho lots will bo DARING PASTOR IIjiiiiIoii .Minister (iocs South With Congregation sumo timo wo will have things to1 government guessaboutltlst Import. Let's got together; It means, Minimum When entered "The An- prosperlty for us both." nnd tho liuator." spuuker was loudly applauded. Tlio Local .Membership "In two wooks 170 members with a total monthly subscription of $190 havo been added to tho Chum- I4. J. himpson was to havo boon a nor of Commorco," was the good spoakor, but, accompanied by Hank news brought by Frank G. Hortou, Dlors and a bunch of statistics, had I speaking on "Memberships." "And started out to find somo local color,! tho larger companies havo not yet .Maximum, When they found its propetrator. ' , Precipitation Something awful. Excoss noticeable In vicinity of speakers' table. Precipitation since Sept. 1, 10 IB, about what you'd think. (Hy Unsighted Press) HANDOX, Fob. 2. Rev. Seo Main Night, of tho Mothodlst-Eplseopal church, last Sunday recoivod somo blows on tho way to church whlh greatly Interfered with his carrying cut his first name. Ho has slnco talc on part of his congregation and gono to tho M. E. Church South. wlro rocolved by this papor from Presldont Sproulo of tho Southern Pacific: "You may ctato to tho Marsh- t PERSONAL MENTION FRANK niRCH was arrested last week for putting spectacles on n pug nosed girl. RE.DER HUGGE says tho plots of Hob Marsdou's plays are sotting thlckor ovory night. W. U. DOUGLAS has been urging a public markot so that ho can prac tlco economy ns well ns law. LIONEL GORDON'S faco was ho soro last weok with nn ulcerated tooth that ho could hardly step ' on It. CITY ENGINEER GIDLEY says that thoro has been no call for houso numbers slnco the first of tho yoar. J. W. M'lNTURFF was lately called on to help a woman get rid of a husband s.ho had got by corrospon donee. IKE CHANDLER thinks a follow learns moro arithmetic after ho la married tlran ho ovor does in school. E. A. OPPERMAN, who came to (own lust mouth, hns opened and oloc- worth moro ovorywhoro. "Announconionta of . starting of construction may bo mado from timo to timo, but that will havo 11 good Btonm prossor llko his would savo thoni. AL KOHLER has just ordorod somo smart coats to dlsgulso slmplo girls. JUDGE COKE Is quits n dancing toachor. Ho has holpod moro than 0110 fellow to learn tho lock stop. W. S. CHANDLER wrlUs from Coos rlvor that li will donnto season baseball tickets to th'o marohnnts ho trndoa with so thoy can boo bonio real quick delhory. '.MICKY M'KEOWN advises that nutolsta should not stop for po licemen, oapoclally If thoy aro running vory fast, bocauso Its, too uncortnln about getting stnrtod again. C W. VIRUS will soon opon a ulght sohool for sign painters., Ho says his toinporamont would not stand looking upon tho om- notliiiig to do with It. Alto, sidos being a sign -at carl; U10 hooping of tho Horttr Ilorsor equipment near Coos Bijl n olgn that no other country any chauco for a rallroai using tho accompanying S. P. you may ho ablo to Imprest pi rcadors with tho autlientldlj I this announcoinent." ($ suNsr.T 1 I i ROUTES I bryonlc efforts In broad day.! to mn"y Allows swear light and was unable to bo present. 0. R. Pcok bravely stoppod Into tho breach. Four things ho out lined as tlio requisites, any ono of them sufficient to mako tho Coos Hay Country famous. First ho placed tho harbor and tho bar, "Wo havo tho facilities for been solicited. Tho figures speak biiccobs for us In tho now yoar. The Chamber of Commorco Is an open corporation with equal shares to everybody." And while Martin's Orchestra play ed tho last struius. the most success ful, meeting the Chamber of Com- S. P. NOW AIDS HAVING Henry Songstncken alloges that the discontinuance of tho S, P. motor to North lloml will result In a fiuanoial loss to tlio commu nity. Evory timo ono u 11. iv i, ruiuuu mr iv cents a I saving of u cents Is mado on tho S, P. faro of IB cents. Removing the motor will mako this saving illllinKsllll "Sn" nri'llna M Cn...r : SS!!: r:uo ,mr,oinast yoar . - . p. .r wio.nB but look how many nlckles aro being saved which cannot bo later." DAN MALONEY says wo may nn nounco that shortly after tho railroad comes tho Saturday Times will bo so big you can't open it comfortably, in a two room apartment. trie shop and a bottlo of glue so JOHN FERGUSON has invented a ho can stick with us. now gamo called Dimple. 1(0 J. II. FLANAGAN was insulted In a ' Bays you discard everything but tonsllltls parlor In Uolso last weok j tho queen nnd after a llttlo when the harbor told him It was practlco you can play It In tho gottlng a little thin on top. dnrk. travels liiiL"RJJ cANnLEU fouml I,,B co.. JACK GUYTO, after writing 10 cents a a"caUo11 w"8 jt a '''op In the griVpodng) stories for tho Times ..v.. 1 n null IV tailio 10 DlllUling a ANSON ROGERS has a new K mobllo nnd seems to enjojr M lug moro than over. TOM HARVEY Bays that lie'dnl do anything than sell furnitonl 11 promlsln' young man. FRED GETTINS tolls tisHhat tht toiuobllo Is responsible for the (I ' npp'enranco of horso sense. GEORGE GETTINS says lie M soon any counterflt money or otlicr kind slnco lto got marrki HURT DOREMl'S saw a Bfn 'I 11 strong glass tho otlicr HI ' says if ho had had a pint heco have soon a microbe. WALTER RICHARDSON tan used to occasionally run ti a man who stood qn bis dlM nnd really looked shorter. I'GENE CROSTHWA1TB ganlzo agaltMt Christmas 1 'next yonr. Ho says they a little bit moro. Wind From ovor tho cow pas tures of Coalbauk Inlet. Sunrise and Sunset Sun rose It did not. It was Gioundhog day. Sunset Uncertain. .Mooii.sliiiiu Open season slnco Jnnuary 1. 1910. When Interviewed concerning tho uniform dlvorco law, Ever Lasting McCIuro Bald, "It will greatly reduco tho number of divorces becnuso no woman lkes to bo seen In a dross like anybody olsos, let alone a uniform." houso and roally loarulng things. J. A. WARD says that ho could always toll If an Exposition visitor was from a wldo opon town by Uls stomaqh and wntch chain. DOC. MINGUS says Its boon sq IonB slnco thoy havo had a good ttcoldont at the mlno ho's almost forgotton how to terrapin n skull.. I JAY DOYLE says tho Flatlron build ing in Now York wouldn't havo a slnglo tenant if they know what for tho past month, has boon com missioned by the Foloy Medicine tompany to wrlto n mollordram mor entitled, "The Slaves of Ca terrh" which will soon bo fllmmod. A STRANGER gave a vory realls tlo exhibition of a fit in front of "Tho Owl" tho other day and Just as Frank Cohan rushed out with n bottlo of "reconstructive", tho victim wavod him aside and passed his hat among tho largo and intelligent audlonco which had enjoyed his infirmity, off. n t. mmr.'TvrcHAM a mosi out of business Inst week ! tho wind blow nrlnts In the t (Did you got that? "blew prU" DAVE STAFFORD wants to " If tho women who used to tholr husbands to drlnK vnnr will ilrlvo them to DlS HUGH M'LAIN says that " party can only repeat )t JH bumper crops Wilsons 1 tlou vlll bo Just lIKe ""' fish. ni.Aiini THOMPSON pas l ..ntn Lwllntlllf Itlftt nnnnlmo In thn lOH Of t" 1 kot will be unusually le '1 season. DOO HOUSEWORTH "" oriJ'j a sot of sad Irons with K 1 elmnlln o nnonflv berC 1 ow who lias been taU0 VA1A, KENNEDY says that Df J - W.0E bo honoa tn haVO a te ". m ...i.i i r. ,. .nnlA B0PUiav' w uut vv -- Ing his soft products. They did until this year. (Continued on Page i) Iiill: Lv