,l U' A CLEAN WHOLESOME NEWSPAPER FOR ALL SOUTHWEST OREGON HOMES JSeSIN THE BEST AND ALWAYS BOOSTS MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ALWAYS SINGING PRAISES WILL NEVER HEAR ANYONE PRAISE HIS S1NGIN6 f WHO IS (Hoc wUXt VoU IIISBESS Established 1878 As ThoConstMuU MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1916 EVENING EDITION. . .... Thr Hundred Attend Stairimentby the .Cham- II QJELT K tnthusfastic Speeches Made and uuesis cuwi. Spirit of Affair UPPER WAS A FINE ONE Trf by Uulln of I'HljJt'rlaii TCU ' . ., ..I.. KtllllP(l linnrrli nmi "- ' .XwHaperl-rinlcclforClcnwioii Cos flood lloobtimihtcr v,. i nil tho years Hint Coos ', tu been on tho map 1ms thoro , nth a booster banquet ns tlm ,ti hU lt evening Ijy tlio Chnm- FIGURES ARE GIN i Consolidation of Times, Const Mull nmi Coos Uny Advertiser. No. 165 C. H. MARSH "TELLS AHOUT RAIL ROAD WORK AT BANQUET Intcrcsnlntf StntlstleH HcKnrdlng Ills taticcs iiikI Material Used In Const rue t lou of I;lno Some Interesting figures rognrd lng tho details and mntorlnl uaod on tho Wlllnmotto Pacific rallrond wcro glvon by C. II. Mnrsh In his address boforo tho Chamber of Commorco bunquot Inst night. The following nro Bomo of tho facts which wcro brought out by Mr. Marsh: Tlioro aro nlno tunnels aggregat ing In length 13.02G foot, or 2.C mllos. Tho road Includes 5V6 miles of permanent trestle's. Tlioro nro 30 stool bridges aggre gating 8,1 111 feet in longth or 1.0 miles. Tho amount of Hteol used wub 9,100 tons. Tho Coos Day brldgo Is ono of tho Inrgcst In tho northwest. Thore nro 9 150-foqt spans, two 180-foot spans and a drnw 458 feet In length. Tho draws of tho Coos Hay, Ump- jfof Commerco In tho Eagles Hall. n.un nnd siuslaw brldgos aro all built td It'i a certainty louuy " tnni ocean going vessois can pass througn. Tho Ump(iin bridge Is 1,000 foot long and tho Sliwluw bridge GS0 feet long. Tho railroad used approximately 18,000 tons of track stool. A total of npproxlmatoly 10,000 cubic yards of concroto wns UBOd for plors, approaches, culverts etc. .10,000,000 foot of Oregon timber wns usod for tics and bridges and othor buildings nmi It'wns bought In Luno, Douglns and Coos counties, tho amounts purchased In onch county wns according to tho mlloago of track In tho county. Tho rallrond built 15 miles of roadway to tnko place of roads which woro UBOd for right of way and which cost $150,000 and It wns not absolu tely nocossnry for tho railroad to Lie APPi STILL 18 PORT Of Those Aboard 345 Have Bean Given Liberty to Go on Land ' E BEING HEED Twelve Passengers Are Claim ed by Lieut, Berg to Be long to British Forces COLLECTOR IS IN CHARGE Vessel Regarded As English Ship and Ca"nt bo Moved Without tho 1'ci mission of tho United States Customs Officials SI roos Br l deatlncd to bo a largor Mt oa tho map tnan suo ever it been before. Two hundred anil Boventy-scven JriMlied norkcra and boosters for be Southwestern Oregon region sat !owb to tho fostlvo board. When t wis 0cr inert) "" " """ itk of tho entire assemblage but bit went away vowing down dcop i bit heart that truly tlioro has one about a new era on Coos ur, the birth of tho spirit of "do- ilrtncss." Kuppcr Hue Ono And such a banquet. Long sor- Id of tables, end on end, and o li beling tho largo hall, woro filled, biped with tho good things Hint take glad tho heart of man as (!l as his stomach. Not a need was tlioro of tho,""'"! n'1 ' t"080 rotl(l8 DISPOSITION MUST 1110 DETEHMIXKD PI E PETTDM BOUNDARY 110ARI) ACTS FAVOR ABLY ON CONSOLIDATION Elections Will bo Held Juno People Who Wnnt (o Unlto Their Schools. iy (Special to Tho Times.) COQUILLE, Ore., Feb. 3. Tho county boundary board yestorday npproved two petitions for consoli dation of ichools. pno was tho petition of the people of tho Flag staff, District No. CI, mid Henry vlllo, District No. 18. Tho othor potltlon wns from tho Honnnn district, No. 2, and tho Domont school, No. 78. Tho two last named are on the South Fork of tho Coqulllo River. Tho board In approving tho po- tltlons ordor an election In the dis tricts on Juno 3, when tho annual elections nro held and which is tho only time at which nf consolidation can be decided upon. (Dr Ap.ivlirM Pivm to Cim r Ttmm.) WASHINGTON,,!). C, Fob. 3. Sccrotnry Lansing said Hint there was no question nn to tho Appam's stalls as n prize, but tho question of hor disposition. Further con sideration of Tho Unguo con ference nnd tho Prussian American treaty Is necessary. tt i I SHOW GENERAL IN NORTHWEST Portland is Entirely Isolated by the Worst Storm Local ity Has Every Known TMFFC BLOCKED Trains Are Unable to Get Over the Mountains and Much Damage Done CATHEDRAL DOME BREAKS proverbial sandwich often taken In At home pantry as a precaution irilnit (amino beforo sallying forth id a banquet. No slreo this waa rejular "feed." Tlioro wns clam )oup, chicken, plenty of It, swimming la good ell fashioned liomomndo snir, with tho trimmings nnd bountiful helpings of hot btncults, Iliad, coffee and apnlo nlo with 'kipped cream. Tlmo nnd again tho wtous speakers paid tribute to tho onen of tho Presbyterian Church 4 others who nldcd In tlm conic ll ini tho senlng. Sold "The Animator" To lay U was a Joyful Catherine ! to state the matter mlldiv. Pnr- ' It wa the comltv fonllni-' billed by tho "Animator- that tbe first "pep" into the gnth- laj multitude. Howling amateur nnwaino ... bad evidently missed their cull- -.. iuv uiemso:vcs hoarse In Wins every guest a copy ot tho WtW. extra edition of the nanor ' made the Chamber of Cotn Jo famous. And the readers lobbied up i freo-Indulgod " tfie SCOOD. tlin fl-.f , tn.l . uiiuuui 'fsstoryon tho Grimes' building. enJi .i",m,tor" was a cl0V0r'y ox- Si4"-JJ,mMo8omory hlm J ! muted this. And ton cents ... nGoss Was deer hf.i . " " uu ,00, ovon In tho w tuinunlnill. Tho actual cash outlay of money for building tho railroad was $9, 307,810 up to tho end of 1915. Coos liny Kxpenso A total of 8G5,0C3.39 was spent for right of way nnd ovor ono fourth of this was on Coos Day to sccuro tho right of wny for only four miles. Tho total dlstanco of tho lino from Uugouu to the junction with tho Coos Day Hosobnrg and Eastern Is 121.G miles. . A total of 5,500 pllos wcro used and If laid end to oml thoy would ex tend for n dlstanco of 04 mllos. tnr Auftrlattx rrvu lo Cooi nr TlmM.l NKWI'ORT NI3WS, Vn., Fob. 3. The Appain Is nnchored off Nowport News nnd will dlschnrgo 315 persons who hnvo been given llborty to land. Lieut llorg can move the Appnm only on orders given by Collector Hamil ton. "Wo nro treating tho Appnm ns nn Cngllsh ship flying tho Gorman na val ensign, and under tho chargo of a man who says ho Is nn officer of tho Gorman navy," snys Hamilton In 'explaining the nttltudo of tho United States. Lieut. Dorg Is holding two hundred moro aboard Including his prize crow, and twolvo passengers ho con tends bolong to tho British navy or army. MISSISSIPPI FLOOD SUITKKKHS ASIC (.'OVKKXMNNT IIKLl (III AJWKUtxl I'm, to . tUy II Dim. I WASHINGTON, D. C, Fob. 3. Thrco thousand flood sufforors from tho Mississippi Valley request ed tho War Department for aid. Army engineers will bo authorized1 to assist thorn without Incurring any expenso to tho government. Snow Causes $100,000 Dnuingo to Htruc'iiro nt Hcnt tic Snow Fall- liifr Again at Walln Walln Mln- o.'H to Work on ltallroad (Dr Anoclited rrraa to Com nr TlmM 1 SEATTLE, Wash., Feb. 3. Port land Is Isolated by tho worst snow storm and sleet storm ovor rocordod. Strcot cars In Seattle oxpoct to ro- sumo tomorrow. Tho storm Is gon einl In tho northwest. An Inspection of St. Jamos Catho lic Cathedral whoro tho domo collap sed, becauso ot tho snow, shows that tho walls woro strained and tho dam ngo Is $100,000. TIET DECDED AO.UI.-NATIUN OK JA1UIS UltAtV DEIS HTILL 11EING COXHIDEHEI) .Siihrommltteo Itecolvcd letters nnd TolegrnniH Approving mul Pro testing tho Appointment III; AnocUtsd Trit tu C004 Wy Tlm.J WASHINGTON, D. 0., Fob. 3. A BUbcommlttco Is considering tho amiolntmcnt of Louis Drnndols to tho Supremo bonch. Tho first moot ing wob hold and nn ndjournmont takon Saturday, after examining let tors and tologrnms approving and protesting against tho nomination. ZEPPELIN BIG 01 MACIUXI2 AT SALON'IIU DHOPPEI) 100 POUND HOM11S A XuinlH.'r" Kllletl nnd Injurtnl nnd Projicrty Dnningo Dono In the City (Dr AMoclited Vrnn to Coot I)r Tlrau. SALONIKI, Fob. 3. Tho Zoppelln which bombarded Salonlkl Tuesday a8 oxcoptlonnlly largo. It oporatod 2,000 foot from tho ground and throw 100 pound shells. Tho bombs dismembered a woman, fired nn oil warohouso nnd demolished tho ii.osquo of Pnshn, killing thrco nnd Injuring elevon. POLAND SUFFERING KHPOKTKD THAT PEOPLE AHE WITHOUT FOOD AXD FUEL TltAIXS AUK HLOCKED Has Snow nt Ellcnsliurir Houovcr 8t(j)ped Fnllln; Br AmopIi(J rrm lo Coot IUr TlnM. ' ELLENSDUIIO, Wash., Fob. 3. Tho snow stopped Inst night. Tlioro nro high winds. No trains will got through tho mountains boforo night. A train loft noon to pick up 306 min ors at tho Roslyn fiold for railroad work nt tho summit. Tho Mllwaukco 1b blocked in both directions. Tho cut atIlyo Is full of snow. Rotary engines nro un worknblo. Tho rnllronds nro food- Ing sovoral hundred pasBongors hero. Many Dependent Uikih Help nnd tho Dentil Unto Has (Irenfly llncrcnNcd Ur AnocliUJ rnx to Cuot Dr TlmM.) BERLIN. Fob. 3. Frcdorlck C. Wnlcott, European represontatlvo of tho Rockefeller foundation, nnd Cas per Whltnoy, Amorlcan commission er for tho rcliof of Belgium, return ing from Poland sny that no food ox copl potatoes and a littlo flour Is loft In tho country nnd that tlioro Is no fi el. Thirty por cent of tho popula tion of Poland is absolutely dopond cnt upon tho holp of whnt relief can bo given. Tho death rato haB risen from 19 to 30 por 1,000 population. READY 10 FACE 1 ADDED FOE German Paper Says Country Would Meet Another Enemy If Unexpected Happens ' WISHES BREAK 1H IS ALLEGED MUSIC CJOOD FEATURE Excellent Talent Entertains KhioitH With Good Kongn tho Tho music features of tho banquet woro especially jjood. Tho Scandi navian chorus, composed of twelvo malo voices gavo a number of soloc- tlous Including Finnish nnd Swedish folk songs nnd tho Swedish national JEfELSUESnUI 2 ,000 XLCKLACE TAKEX FROM "LUCKY" UALDWIX'S DAUGHTER Man and Woman In St. Paul Re'enl Details of the Theft When Arrested DEPORTED HEIR TO TURKISH THROXE WAS KILLED Suld to bo Hostile to tho Young Turks and SuccosMir May 1 Do Killed rnr a"kuij rr io coo u ii.. .! PARIS, Fob. 3. Chorlf Pnshn. head of tho Turkish opposition, said tn, A..OC.M Pre. I. Too. , TI.-.I ''U k,h tron who ;, dop0rtod to LOS ANGELES, Fob. 3. Advices I commUtoa 8c:do, had really from a man ana woniun urrcDiuu M ,riiored bocnuso ho was HEPORT IfROM WALLA WALLA tDr AMOctit PreM to Coo Car TIdm, . WALLA WALLA, Wash., Fob. 3 Tlioro Is forty Inches of snow horo nnd the storm has resumed. Tlioro was a rosplto of twolvo hours last night. Stroot cars llko all othor transportation Is blockod. A few lo cal trnlnH aro operating. Sixty foot of tho flumo of tho Pacific Powor and Light Company was carried away by an avalancho. Milton, Ore., It in dnrknesB. Roofs horo aro cav ing and somo of tho amusomont plac es aro closed. in-"', STOP AT SPOKAXE BRITISH SHIP LOST IIELLE OF FRAXCE IS HUNK AND MANY RESCUED Comment Made on the Settle ment of the Lusitanla In cident With U. S. hopes no Breach comes Publication Declares Thnt England Would Llko to Rnvo Another Ally Whoro Unlimited Alonoy nnd Munition Could bo Secured (Or AmoclMcd rn-M lo Com DtJ Tlmr FRANKFORT, (Via London) Fob. 3. Tho Frankfurter Zoltung, somotlmcs considered as inspired by tho government, says that tho fact that President Wilson sont Colonel Houso to Europo shows that tho Americans nro thinking of bringing tho Lusitanla caso to a decision. Tho paper says: "Wo hopo thoro will bo no breach In rotations, or somothlng worso which might follow, but If tho unexpected happens, Gormany can confront a now roo as siouuy as tho old." It says that obviously tho Eng lish hopo to socuro a now ally who would grant unlimited loans and supply all roquIromontB In tho way of ammunition. St. Paul revealed tho theft of a neck- ,ngBn8t Ul0 YounR Turk8 H,8 BUC.'3 t0 w ilnco estimated to bo worth J-5,000 , . v .1.1,1 imi ,,. u ovon moro bos-fnontlnoii hymn in tho natlvo languages and from Mrs. Clara Stocker, daughtor of m(j mA ,t ,8 BMBgC8ted that ho too , traliiB on threo roads havo turned j' j88,llnK loan8 and wm depend erded up with ''America" In which the late B. J. (Lucky) "l(lw'. "ttV0 linny dio soon. 'back. L)on lndireot taxation. Success of 1 Trains Not Attcinptliiff to Go Past thnt Point fllr AwllJ Pint Coot DM TlmcO SPOKANE, Wash., Fob. 3. This estorn tormlnal of tho trnns- contlnontnl lines. All westbound Fourteen of Thoso Alronixl aro Mlfc Ing -Was Imst Hcitrtl From In India (Ur AMOclilod rroM U Coni IUr TlniM, LONDON, Fob. 3. Tho British Bhlp Bollo of Franco has bcon sunk and 220 of thoso aboard aro landed and nineteen nro missing. Tho last report of tho vossol wns from Kar achi, India, Docombor 24. DAY IS 8ET1 FOR MILITARY' SERVICE ACT tor Atouii rrm t ( Mr thom.i LONDON, Fob. 3. Tho King has signed a proclama- tion flxlnit Fobruary 10 ns tho dato for tho military sorvlco act to come Into force V ILL TU Mil ITALY' TO TRY' PLAN OF INI)!". RECT TAXATION' Dr Auoclttal PrcM lo Coo IUr Time.. ROME, Fob. 3. Minister of FI nnnco Daono In speaking at Turin, Italy. Intlmatod that Italy would OFFENSIVE PLANNED RELIEF IH GERMAXS ARE PRE PARIXG RIG ATTACK Xowsiiicrs Think Tlioy Will Dlroct Blows at Calais and Dunkirk Very Soon (Dr AnotUttd I'nta tb Cooo Hr Time. I LONDON, Fob. 3. NowBpapers oxpross tho bollot that tho Gormans nro planning an offonslvo on a largo si'ulo nnd Intond to attack Calais and Dunkirk with an onormoiiB forco of artillery and Infantry. iAPPEAL TD S tho wholo gathering Joined. Tho bcon recolved horo. FrlendB say chorus Is composed of tho follow-that tho property hns been rocover. Ing; First tenors, Bonjamln Ost- ed. lind, Rolf Nordrum, C. J second tenors. Andorson; Otto Bjorknulst, Al Bidond.dly Bhowed admirable man fred Jncobson nnd Mnnassa Snoro; jagomont In handling so largo a first bass, Alex Johnson, - RIVERS ARE HIGHERCHANGED (BY GDURT ;i I ti to . ,"""" uu aim rorus ,0b,e"ltet when hurried news' iStthat a d,awond rlne t il? .belonged t0 Tom Bon the quick -i ueionged to Tom e been trvin ooe voun, ,", '"'? IU..K,V0 - - ""r lor tlio last 1Ie'a Just thrown it "f' years. r." ,m-" 3 Cona n,vor "car- 6,'Hy did 1, gap aml rlM -1 our o2 fi ? tllodeed' liav 5dJ nd "oratlua bacuod HB,.r IIe sang his fa- e ,,. t...,0P Ao"g Peter" and mber "U," P"Sldet of tho 'U,t 'Peaker 7merc. the l riv. Iay Know." nPinr,.. 'ed ;, ,ot "at was lotion. m 1915 by the nrann. - o Wfae; Oscar crowd. .Mrs. A. T. Haines was in BJorklund, Ansgnr Lagorstrom; soo-onoral chargo and tho following ond buss, Charley Salon, Ernest LIU, woro tho ladles who mado up tho ft -4'" if? took MtM neiilr , g l)rIdo out Jago, there was a Eene (Contli jeborg nnd Rudolph Hlllstrom. Quartette Makes Hit Tho Coos qunrtotto wns culled up on a number of times nnd mado n groat hit. The Chlneso song, "Moth er's Chinese Twins" which was given as ono of tho encores, brought down tho houso, Tho quartet Is composed of J. W. Flanagan, Jay Tower, VInco Pratt and Charles Stauff nnd Will iam Dungan Is tho manager, Tho song "Old Glory is tho Best of Them All," was composed by Jack Flanagan and Jay Tower nnd mado a great hit. Scotch Hongs Good Hobby Ballentyno of Beaver Hill gaye. a numbor of Scotch selections In costumo. Ho is ns good ns any professional In his lino on the stage P W, Hackwood, who is pianist at .v .iiu.ittg JJIVIUIU BIIUW Ufc -unw! wus ma accompanist and is a ciovor man nt tho piano. Tho music by tho Martin Orches tra was applauded throughout tho ovenlng, nnimnlttao In charge: .Mrs. 1. . Smith, Mrs. Ellzaboth Hydo, Mrs. II. L. Pratt, Mrs. F. M. Flyo. Mrs. Charles Dungan, Mrs. David J. Reos, Miss Ruth Hoagland, Mrs. William Hoagland, Mrs. M. A. Sweot man, Miss Lillian Seaman, Miss Vir ginia Clarko, Mrs. Henry O'Mnra, Miss Larson, Miss Rolen Rees, Miss Florence Flanagan, Miss Esthor As i.lund. Mrs. Wnltor Wilson, Mrs. COOS IS ABOUT EIGHT FEET ABOVE THE .NORMAL MARK ACTION TAKEX OX THE CALI FORNIA LIQUOR INITIATIVE upon tho present loan 1b nBsnrod and tho two billion to bo subscribed may reach threo billion. Tho now taxa tion will probably bo ono-thlrd of tho prico of theater tickets, a tax on land documents nnd a heavy progres siva incomo tax. JOHN REDMOXD ASK THEM TO DO THEIR DUTY" tDr AtwUtoJ rrtt to Cooo Dr Timet.) DUBLIN, Fob. 3. John Redmond has Issued a stirring appoal for ro crults In Ireland. Ho said: "It la esBontlal for Iroland to guard hor highest lntorosts, maintain hor honor and show that she is willing and eag er to fulfill hor obligations. Any Im pression that Ireland la shirking would bo deadly to hor future lntor- OBtS." Aro Eliminated From Title of tho Hill tho At Myitlo Point Tho Coqulllo Is Up J 1110 uoius -i-aitiai rroiiimuoii 1 1 Feet Do Not Fear It Will Cover Railroad Truck Both tho Coqulllo and tho Coos Rivers nro severnl feet nbovo normal today, but It Is belloved In sptto of tho heavy ralnB In the past two days that there Is no dangor of a freshet. Boatmen on C003 River said today that tho stream la labout eight foot nbovo normal and raising a littlo, but LADIES IX CHARGE au oa PaCQ Two.) Member of tho Presbjterlun Church Served tho Supper The lalilos pf the Presbyterian church who served tho supper 80 John D. Qoss, Mrs. J. W. Flanagan, 1oy nardiy expect to to go higher Mrs. P. M, Parsons, Miss Ruth Dun- Umn JQ feot gun, Mrs. Harry Mohr, Mrs. J. S. 0ver on tne coqullle the river at Stubblofield. Mls3 Anna Volz, MIssi , . , , flomo n fcot ai,OVo Myrtle Tripp, Mrs. Hurry Folsom, 'normal Ti,0 highest mark reached Mrs. Lynn Schmltz, .Mrs. ""i"0 t-,oro at high water about tho last of Crasthwalt, Mrs. Carl Davis,, Mrs. JNovon,ber 's 2c feet. Tralninon Fred Smith, Miss Ross, Miss Ethel 'gnld t0(,ay that thoro seom8 t0 bo no Josophson, Miss Frances Franse, miss iva Stokes, ill s. Duncan Ferguson, Miss Forguson, Mrs. C. R. Peck, Mrs. O. W. Cumbers, Mrs. D. A. Jones, Mrs. Thayer Grimes, Mrs. Dorsoy Kreltzer, Mrs. C. F. McKnlght, Mrs. Langdon, Miss Griffin. Dr. Leslie, Osteopath. Mnrshfield (Dr Auorlitcd Vnu to Cooo Ur Time. SACRAMENTO, Cal., Feb. 3. Tho Appollant Court of tho Third District, eliminated tho words "par tial proh'bttlon" from tho title of tho inltlatlvo measuro on tho No vember ballot. Prohibitionists who attacked tho ballot wanted "re striction of liquor trafflo" substi tuted, but this was not granted. HUE SEEKING VILLA TROOPS ARE SENT TO EXTKUMi". XATE HIS BAXD (Ur AoUtl Trow to Coo IUr Tlraet.j EL. PASO, Texas, Fob. 3. Villa Is fifty miles east of Gallcgo, accord ing to Gonern Gavlra, tho command nnt at Juarez. Moro reinforcements have been sent to exterminate tho Villa baud. Y ARRANG EL 0 INT PROTECTION so, Dr. D. C. Vaughan, Dentin, Room Flrot Nntlonul uuhk ouiuhuk JAbbf Coal, gn.QO ton. Phone 7 Tlmea want ads urlng results. danger of tho rails with wntor ugaln. being covered EXGLISH PAPERS HAY' COUNTRY SHOULD BE GUARDED KI.ECTION FRAUD ! OASES ARE DECIDED 0, (or AworUtM itu tor r Tim.j ClllCAGO, Fob. 3. Tho conviction of Dunn M. Rob- erts, former Mayor of Torro Hauto, Ind., nnd others guilty of election frauds, was bub- talnod by tho Federal Court of APPP"S. .' Think Moro Aeroplanes Needed Fight Off Gorman Zeppelins Which Have Iloen RaP'lntJ to (Ur AuocUt) Vnu to Coot Dtr TlmM.J LONDON. Fob. 3. Nowspapors lore suggesting that tlioro must bo a vigorous campaign mado against tho raids ot tho Zeppelins, It Is said in the Daily Mall that It is "usoless to think -of aoroplanos in tons and twenties, but wq must havo thorn by tho thousands." GIVE EVIDENCE OX ALLEGED BOOTLEGGIXG Marshfleld offlcors and District Attorney Llljoqvlst tho past fow days havo boon busy securing ovldenco con 4 coming alleged bootlogglng In Marshfleld and It Is ox- pected that thoro will be a number of arrests soon, Thoro - has boon much talk on tho streets concerning tne mat- tor. In addition to tho Marshfleld cases, It Is under- stood that thoro may bo ar 4 rests at a numbor ot other ' points In tho county within a short tlmo for alleged liquor law violations. REPORTED THAT MORGAX WILL EXTEXD FRENCH CREDIT llt AmoIM4 rrcM to Coot Ur TIium.J NEW YORK, Fob. 3. It Is re ported on Wall street that E. R. Stot tlbus, head ot tho export department of J. P, Morgan and Company, will soon go to Europo. Morgan sailed yosterday and It Is reported that he will arrango a new French crodlt or 250,000,000, which is donlod. ED BY F 000 (Dr AtiocUtcd I'rtM to Com Dtr Tlmw.) PETRQGRAD, Feb. 3. The rail road to Soroka on tho Whlto 80a la completely rollovod of congestion, It it mnnrtnfi thnt: tlm Germans have 'evacuated a strong position on tho .Styo river on account of tho floods. In I that territory. i WILLARD SIGNS FOR FIGHT MARCH 17 Dr A "will! frw lo rwi, ir T1M 1 CHICAGO, Feb. 3. WIU ard haB algned to meet Frank Moran at Now York on March 17, In a ten round fight. M.. -