MPBSMHnHMPPP ! 'i V I III I I I I I I I I I II II IIMI1M iMII'l I I M ' in V'l?,'WiSr "v n "i 'iwapm:ufimi&.yfmi irw'ioi iiiiiMi)uiinn'i,'P pi iiwiiiMifwirwwippp "SPHPinw. ? 'PlltWJPl 'JIPT TT jT " ft)Ur. 7 tHE dOOS GAY TIMfeS. MARSHflELD, OREGON. wtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmm FINAL CLEAN-UP Ladies' Suits, Coats, Dresses Ladies', Children's and Boys' Shoes Ladles' Suits now JUST HALF PRICE Ladles' CoiUs Now ...u.j NEARLY HALF PRICE Ladles'. J)rCMK!S ,..... IIALF and .LESS THAN HALF PRICE t ! ' (-..- iWi ,. . m , , All Broken Lines Ladies' Shoes .; Go As Follows: ' ''''f j - . " ' ncguInrl.'BO," now: . '. ..".'. .,...'. ,.,..'. 92.05 Regular 91.00, now. . . . .. . . , $2.75 1 ' Rdgulnr $3.00, now. . , 91.05 All Slioo for Hoys , Girls and Children go at n straight dis count of 20 percent from the regular price. Hrokcu Hues of .Girl's nnd Children's Shoes nt fetlll greater reductions. Hub Dry Goods Company "SMART WEAR FOR WOMEN" Corner Ilrondwny and Central Avenue. PROTECT POTATOES HUM II WIS l'UOM C'Alill'UH.-Ml MUST RE INSPECTED Action Is Takou by the Stato Hoard of .Horticulture Hiiard Against 1 Insect Post Tho State Board of Horticulture, has taken measures to protect Ore gon against a dangorous Insect pest winch Is injurious to tho common potato and which Is widespread In California. Tho pest Is known as tho potato tuber moth or notato tuber worm. Tho board has pro hibited tho Importation from Cal ifornia of potatoes excepting undor certain restrictions. vEvory shlpmont of common po tatoes from tho stato of California to( tho stato of Oregon, must bo" accompanied by a certificate of In spection Blgnod by a County Horti cultural Commissioner or othor duly authorized official, certifying that tho potatoes aro frco from tho tubor tooth. Every shipment of potatoes from California must bo brought to Port land whoro thoy will bo Inspected by' tho Btnto Inspector of tho Stato Hoard of Horticulture. If any po tatoes aro found Infected thoy must bo takon back to California, or if tUav-aro badly, Infected tho Inspector Jjuvy ordor' thorn destroyed. J,' MIDY MAHONEY SELLS FOR FORTUNE Ship Owner Retire With Two nnd a Half .'Million Dollar Made Money Fast Pross tolegranw toll of tho fact that Andy Mahonoy, of tho firm of Olson & Mahonoy, big ship owners of San Francisco, has sold his In terests to his partner. Tho prlco paid Is said to have boon ?2,no0,000. Tho retlromout of Mr. Mahonoy from tho firm Is of particular inter est horo, as ho Is well known In tho ettV. Mr Afnliminv lina nftnn vfnlintt horo. Ills history Is rather Inter OBtlng. It has not boon many years sinco ho was a traveling salesman. Ho got In with Mr. Olson and quickly bocamo a rich man in tho snipping buslnoss, and now retires with a fortune. VESSEL movem ents Arrived Adellno, Oakland, 9:30 last night. i Duo to Sail Adellno, Oakland, 8:30 a. m, to morrow. ' I" s Yollowstono, San Francisco, to morrow noon. Duo Hero Hardy, San Francisco, tomorrow. , DEBATE THURSDAY .North Rend and Myrllo Point Will Meet This Week It Iisb been decldod by tho high schools of Myrtlo Point and North .Bond to hold the final debate to de cido tho championship next Thursday night. Tho affirmative teams in each In tho first debato went to tho opposition city but this tima tho nog ntlvo teams will go away and the af flrmativo teams will remain at homo so that tho peoplo in each city will havo n chance to hear both teams mako their arguments. THEATER OPENS TOMORROW 1 Dennis Hull expected to opon his how thoater In North Rend tonight liut will not havo tho opening until "tomorrow night, having been delayed Avlth somo o( tho work. l' (SET? ilW S3 Phono .101. MAKING LAST FIGHT DUMPER- CIIOWI) TO ATTEND I1AXQUKT , Tickets ''Going Llko Hotcakcs" Say Committeemen New Knthu. slasiii Greets JDio .Move WILL HANDLE ALL WHO WANT TO COM !!.. It wns stated today whoa SCO tickets for the Chnmlinr of Commorco banquet hud been sold that tho limit was reached and no nioro tickets would bo avallnblo. Later this afternoon It was announced that arrange- inonts had boon mado bo that cvoryono who wnntcd to attend could bo taken caro of nnd n fow moro tickets will bo sold. miui-u vjm nnu ontnusiasm vas plainly notlceablo today In tho ban quet and tho membership campaigns of tho Chamber of Commcrco com mittees, Things look gopd now. Tho chances aro that thoro will bo clos er to 22,5, a.tho bauquot on Wednes day evening In tho pnglcs Hall than 200, tjip first number pot. And it looks too nfl thouch ovorv mm tlmt ittonuB thq suppor la going thoro as n niomuor of tto Cliambpr of Comr tmorc,o. This' will moan moro than a doubling In tho ?uouiborBhlp list. Hs M9 now splrt and tho new life t,hat committees express. Ah W, A, Hold says, "Wo don't want your uionoy If you can't ho thoro yourself. Jliis isn't any charity proposition; wo want you nt tho banquet." And generally ovory man that Is canvassed Is landed. If ono follow don't got him, another ono does. Music on Program And, too, thoro will be music with tho meal. Tho commlttoo has ar ranged these Ilttlo conveniences. 'Robert Rallantyno, of Beavor Hill, win probably do tho Scottish horn plpo dressed In tho Highland costume nnd P. W. Hack wood, of Powors, will accompany him. Also tho singing club "Skandla" will sing sovoral Swedish songs,. Thoro 'aro lc malo voices In tho chor us, under tho loadorshlp of Hcn rik Gjcrdrum. IS THREE FOUMKir.SAT.OOXR NOW SOFT IHJNK DEPOTS Clmndle,. Soda Pop Rar Opens; To morrow Yielding to Kntreatles "of Tired Business Men When tho Chandler soft drink bar Is opened tomorrow Marshflold will havo threo bona fldo thlrst-quonch-Ing dopots whoro tho Tired Busl ness Man may still go and place his left foot on tho bright and shining rail, whljo he lifts his foaming stoln of Ice wntor or soda pop and says: "Hero's luck" and all that Bort of thing. Manager II. .T. McKeown says that he mado up his mind to opon only after a good sharo of tho boys had, by sheer force of habit, worn all tho paint off tho lockod swinging doors, absont-mlndedly trying to get insldo. Carl Stolzenbnch will again don his white apron nnd get dowp to business. Tho othor two places nro tho National and tho Pullman. , Watch This Paper Jpimorrqw!, SODA POPULAR "-1- t 'TL- "1 T" DOINGS ti ti it ti it TO START Winn VEHlGLESiFIGHT TO A M'DONAiLH & CONDRON HEAOH UNDERSTANDING Will Pay 9500 to City, Together With 9 100 Already Paid In, and .Mako Kopnlrs on Streets 'In a spirit of compromise Mc Donald & Condron came boforo tho city council last evening. Thoy woro met In tho sama spirit by tho city fnthors and It Is possible that tho resulting understanding wl!l bo tho logical way out bf tho present dif ficulty and will allow tho contin uance of tho logging. With ho in o $100 of tliolr monoy already In tho city treasury tho log ging company Agreed to placo $500 moro In tho hands of City Recorder Butler. At tho samo tlmo thoy will commenco as booh jib tho weather permits to patch the holes In tho BtreotB mado by their logging trucks. Assess I)aiiMH0H Weckiy Each weak City Engineer A. B. Qidloy will mako, a list of tho dam ago dono by a check required from the company for tho difference bo tween the cost of tho paving thoy havo dono during tho week nnd their damage i "But wo aro also going to on forco tho present ordinance -of ftvo tons and at flvo i miles tin hour,"' stipulated Mayor Copplc. "This Isn't in tho spirit, howovor, of put ting auyono out of business; tho purposo Ib merely ito nrotocL tho Interests of tho city and tho piop- , orty ownors." Ready to Compromise As tho legal representative of Mc Donald & Condron, Tom T. Bennett (declared that tho "logging company I is now out of business. A lawsuit j Is uncertain and unsatisfactory. On ! tho ono hand tho streets of tho city havo boon damaged. You want tp , sco thorn rcpalrod. On tho othor hand this company has a contract 1 with tho water company to log this land nnd with tho Simpson Company to sell tho logs, Tho loggors want to carry out their agroomcut. "Wo como now, hoping that tho council may havo In somo way changed Its mind. Wo .want to know oxactly undor what conditions wo can coutlnuo logging down through tho streets of, Marshflold' Only to Protect City. i Tho protection of tho city bus boon tho only aim of tho Council at all tlmos, stated Duncan Forgu eon, Sr. "Wo havo had our onglu oor appralso tho dumago dono to tho paving. All wo want Is that It bo repaired. Wo aro oven willing that' McDonald & Condron do tho paving, undor tho supervision of tho city 'engineer, providing, thoy think they oan do It at a lownr rato than has been figured horo," "Do you want us to ninko tho re pairs right awoy7" put In Waltor Condron. Ho suggested that Inas much as logging cannot bo carried over aoctloiiB of tho thoroughfare undor repair, that tho trucks bo al lowed to travel on opposlto sides of tho street around bucIi places or tako down other streets, "Well, then, if McDonnld &. Con dron pay $1000 now, which will bo In addition to tho $400 already put up, will bo allowed to go ahead with their logging and, If thoy atay within tho flvo-ton limit, not bo held responsible for- any damage to tho paving mado nftor this?" askod Tom Bennett. "Lot'dget down to brass tackB." , But to this there was no agree ment by the council. Always Held' Liable Mayor Copplo replied that If tho company is always, held Hablo for damages, tho memUers will always have an interest In protecting tho streets. "I think that It Is best to assess tho damages as thoy are made," was tho opinion of Councilman Cook aud to this tho city fathers assontod. However, City Attorney Brand, having boon face to fnco already with what had beon termed a con tract between tho city and tho log ging company, wsb firmly resolved that there never should bo ovon a hint of anothor. Carefully Avoids Agreement "To got down to brass tacks is all right," ho Bald, "but lei's see that thoro iff nothing llko a contract entered into. Tho city cannot lo gally mako & contract with a com pany to do Bomothlng that may bo Injurious tp tho property of tho , (''Well, wo'ro Into It now, and wo wish that' wo worb out of It," said Jack McDonald. Ho showed a very good spirit of compromlso and at all times was willing to meet tho council more than halt way. "But the property owners aro not tho whole thing," stated Walter Condron. "We've got our money In there." Submits Proposition At this point Mayor Copplo sub mitted the. proposition that tho com- pany jjay $1000 down to meet tho OF CITY XX XX XX xx CITY DADS ONCK MORE BRIXG SKELETON LAW TO LIGHT Threo Plans Suggested May Past Law Taxing All Vehicles Except Thoso Used for PleaNire All vehicles of tho city, except thoso used for plennuro, nro to bo taxed If an ordinance sanctioned In outllno Inst evening by tho city coun cil, Is finally passed. For tho past year tho cloud of this ordlnnuco has beon hanging llko n cloud ovor tho city hall. Oftlmcs, when food for thought and Argument ran low, In tho council chambors, tho draft of this ordinance has boon pulled out llko a family skoloton and picked to pieces nnd then ltns boon pntched up again, and cnrofully plac ed back In Its closet until tho next tlmo. Tliroo AViivh tlninrnuloil City Attornov Brand expressed tho belief that a city law can bo drafted that will "hold wator."Ho said thoro nro threo things that can bo done, and nsked the wish of tho council. Ono plan, and tho safest ono, In to assess only audi vehicles as aro used for hlro. "But this would bo tho poorest as far ns rovnnun fnr din Mil ls concerned." Ho pointed out that ninny cities have JHnoy ordinances, taxing them. Anothor form would bo to tnx all vehicles, and still another, to tax all vehicles except thoso used for pleas ure It Is this last provision that was most favored" by tho councllmon. City Attorney Brand wns Instructed to draw up such an ordinance, In fact ho Is ulroady working on It, and wanted tho opinion of tho council. Got All Revenue Possible "But If you'ro nftor rovonuo, you ought to tnx nil sorts of vehicles," was tho opinion of Duncan Forgtison, Sr. City Engineer aldloy doclnrcd that tho prlco of lumber for tho repairing of tho strcots Is constantly going up. Ho snld that within ft very short tlmo it hns raised from $12 a thous and up to about $21. all of which makes oxpcuslvo repairing. Tako Advertising Contract Bids for tho city printing for tho now year woro opened. Tho bid of both tho papors was for 10 cents a linn for notices appearing only onco and flvo contB a lino for moro thnn onco. Tho ngrcomout was to g!vo tji',9 contrnct until July to Tho Times' nnd for tho romaluder of tho yenr to'tho Evening Record. ,, 'l Glvo Llttlo AdvertNIng iMnyor Copplo declared that only bucJj advertising as has to bo carried In a publication will horenftor bo'ill lowodi by tho council. Ho snld that notlcos should bo posted horo und inoro aDQiituo city. Bllt f'lt.fc l?rWViri1(l llnllnf nnliiln.l ono fact oilt tdho council that thoy never had mili -noticed tiullllsheil In t Ithqt dldnvt havli tfcl bo pub- present ihunncon mid lirn tn mm eaclj woBk, to tho city tho anioiint of ho4i!amngos for tho precoUllig weo.lci"And then at tho end of the logging,, if thoro Is anything iWt ovor'Aiftor tho strcots havo boon roiaird this will bo roturnod." i A'onv Bennett Biiggosted that $1000 lst'a'dot of monoy nnd that tho com pnny would bo willing to put up ono half tho amount, and start repair-J ing right away undor tho direction' of Mr. Gldloy, "aud If wo don't doj as wo say wo will, you can stop ub at any time." I And this wns tho understanding undor which thoy will proceed. "And wo'Il rely on tho word of tho Coun cil," said Tom Bonnott. Jack Mc-! Donald Btntod tho company has still nbout CO days of logging. Dr. 11. E. Kelty, Dentist, 201 Coko1 IllilK. Phono llil-J. I Dr. Loslle. Osteopath. Mnrshficld I Agreed Many leading gas-engine ex pert have recently declared that lubricating oil made from atphalt-baie petroleum gives best results. " Pacific Coast motorists made the same discovery years ago. For the majority have been using Zerqlene in preference to all other oils. They agree with the experts. Zerolene is made from se lected California petroleum asphalt-base under the On- equalled refining facilities of he Standard Oil Company. Next time you empty the crank case, refill with Zero lene. Standard Oil Company (faliforaU) Uarshneld ZEROLENE ikeShtukrcl OdrMofaGu the pasl uniiuii. an nrorniiM i inu'i ' n-u'-Urf-,-?'-,',.!',',' COUNCIL tx tx tx tx XX XX COUNCIL NOT TO COMPROMISE IN STREET ASSESSMENT SUIT Refuse- to Lop Off Two Thirds Paving Cost Involved In Manly Suit on South Fourth Street "Nothing doing" was tho unani mous onlnion of the council to a pro position submitted to It Inst night that two thirds of tho Fourth Btroot Improvement nsscBsmont, under do bato In tho Manly case, bo "lopped off" and tho suit now ponding against tho city In tho Supreme Court would bo qunshed. " Tho othor two thirds duo In nss CBsment would go for attorney's fees, I suppose," drily romarkbd Council man Powors. Would Pay Ono Third City Attornoy Brand stated tho proposition to tho city council as tlio attorneys for tho other sldo had stnt cd It to him. They aro willing to pny ono-thlrd. The ontlro amount Is about $2,000. Tho paymont of this wnH rofiisod sovoral years ngo on the ground that tho city, In Ub im proving of Fourth street, hnd not continued tho street to Coal Bank in let, through tho rnco track. An In junction of tho railroad company hold up this Improvement by tho city. "Tho rest of tho'property owners along that street canje through didn't thoy?" nsked Coiiricllmnn Ferguson. "For this reason I can not sco why tho city should bo nsked for a dona tion of this sort." , Fight (oT'lnlsh "Mi Idea Is to fight tho tiling through to win ovary thing' or to losoj everything," was Itho stutdmont of; Mayor Copplo. To this tho council agreed and tho matter was closed. An cstlmato of Mio present valua of tho McPhorson and Glnsor building nt tho foot of'Commarclal nvcnuo wns submitted by City Engineer Gldloy. Ho snld nbout $700 would cover Its present worth. This is to be a mat ter of rcferonco. PInus aud spoclflcatlonn for somo tlmo past havo been mndo out for a sldowalk on tho south side of Alder nvouiio, between Broadway and Front Btrcot. Henry Fengstnckcn, owner of tho property, will bo asked to mako tho Improvement nt onco or this will bo dono by tho city. City Attornoy Brnnd Bld that Wil son Kaiifmnn, city treasurer, wnnted lio opinion of tho council ns to his ryprononuiiK n iiouoiug company iiini might from tlmo to tlmo bid on tlinj pureunso or city uonun. iiy a unnui niQUB voto tho council ngrecd thnt such n procedure will bo all right. Dr. 1). C. Vniighnu, Dentist, Room SO, First National Rank building , Llbby Coal, $5.00 ton. Phono TX ff KQLMRR'S OLIVE 01 Ii HQl'IRH'S CASTOR OIL StH'IHIl'H RUSSIAN OHj .SQl'lllliS SPICES nnd n i, full lino of high grndo chomlcnls. Wo keep tho Chemicals and Special ties that cuch manufacturer has justly mado his reputa tion on. Thado nt tho storo ivlioro your prescriptions nro flllod as tho Doctor wants them. Tho l'enslar and Nyal Storo fdr Qualify Chomhals t BrownDrugCo. 71 Market Ave. .111 IIM.B 1 . We still have some Navajo Rug Bargains Como .in and bco thli fino assort ment ami lot ns qttoto J on tho re markably low prices on them. It Is an opportunity that you inuy not enjoy again in jours. Remember that hi Furniture and lloiiso Furnishing Goods, you can do hotter for less'nt Going & Harvey Company North Front St., Phone 196 FISH 'Stop! Think! Reflect! Lkl ii imThen Buy mlmhJj IF IT'S A QUESTION OF QUALITY AND LOW PRICES THE FAIR CAN SETTLE IT. Ci Latllos' White Waists, made of Lawn and Voiles; ir slightly soiled; were $1.50 to $2.50, now each... C DC Ladies' and Misses' Auto Caps; made of white n. Corduroy, black trimmed; were $1; now each ....JUl Men's Shirts and Draw3rs; natural gray fleeced jM garments; soft and warm; were 50o; now each...4UC Real Hair Switches, three $2.50 to $5.00; now Worsteds in checks and plaids; red, green, brown and blue. Splsndid for children's1 school dresses. ir El Was 40c a yard, now per Knit Auto Hoods-In red, brown, gray, black and Ar white; were $1.00 and $1.50; now each Jl The Next to Chandler Hotel. Satisfaction Always or IS NO IMMEDIATE DANGER OF A FRESHET ALONO RIVERS Warm Spell With tho Rain, How ever, Would Causo High Water at Onco COOS RIVER NORMAL THIS AFTERNOON ' August Carlson, whoso ranch Is near tho old rock ( qunrry on tho North Fork of Coos River, stated thin afternoon thnt tho rlvor wns normal hut that tho creeks woro swollen. Should thoro bo n warm Bpoll with 4 tho rains a freshec would quickly result. Desptto the fact of hoavy rains todny nnd through tho night tho chnncos today for a freshet soomod much less thnn tho npparent dun- Krs oi two (lays ngo. ucpuriH from Myrtlo Point showed that tho Coquillo' Rlvor Is almost at normal nnd Coos Hlvor showed no ten dency to rnlso abnormally. It Is contended that tho ral.u haa been slow In coming, ilius allowing much of tho snow In tho hills to molt, and nlso thnt it Is a cold rnlu now, houco tho molting will not bo bo sudden a8 to cause freshets. Tho early 'morning train this morning found tho conditions ab solutely all right nt Schrocdur'u crossing, whoro thoy havo had pro vlous difficulties. o Capt. E. Ooorgo Smith, of tho Rainbow, said tho south fork Is now rising and that Camp Ono would ro'opou in tho morning. Doctors Agree On Eczema Remedy Comfirni'thc Statements Abont D. D. D. Prescription Opo. T. nic!inrdon, M. D. : "In my opinion, I). D. 1. uliould bo applied In nil runt's of pklu uIhpimc nn lmmedlnto relief to the Itcli. a cnim to excited nerve, vort, toothing, jet ft powerful agent, a strength to tlio fenernl system." Dr. I'nna Holme: "D. I. D. Ii at nenr a upeclnc for eczema and ibo dreaded ptorlanU as U nulnlno for malnrla. I con Hnntly prescrlbo I), p. I), also fnr salt rheum, tetter, barber's Itch, pimples, all forms of Jtclilns criiptlpus. sciiles, sores." Dr. Ira T, OnbUert; '! freely admit that D. D. I), reaches most cases of taenia and permanently cures them." ) Dr. Gubbort ot Caldwell. Knnsas, Is ono I of the best skin specialists In tho state. Write nnd nsk him nbout I). I). IX Eootlilm,', coollnu liquid. ', SOc nnd St.OO, uruccuta nro ciau to r ceo mm Como to us nnd wo will tell you moro nbout this remtivknblo remedy. Your money bhelc unless tho Ilrst bottle relieves you. D. D. I). Uoan keeps your skin healthy. Ask about it. KKI) CROSS llRUfl STORU See Us for Music If you want A piano ' A playor piano A phonograph x - Stringed instruments . ' Sheet music Phonograph records Or Anything In tho muulo lino, como In and talk It ovor. Wo cither havo It in stock or can got it ciulckly for you. Wo havo somo- used pianos on which wo nro making vory low pric es. L. L. Thomas Music Store 73 Central Avonuo QUATERMA'S STUDIO QUALITY PHOTOS Opposite Blanco Hotel, Phono 106-L. MARSIIFIKLD, OREGON WALL PAPER See VIERS About it, I H MELTING jwbkbhjwshwwHEBTJbBBBS i strand; were $1.98 yard Fai Central Avenue Your Money Refunded I All Kinds of j MONEY! (j To Loan p On First Class j Farm Security Coos Bay Development Co,' 314 315-CokeBldg. Guaranteed Ranges, THE STERLING RANGE Is without auction thn lilslic finality, tho mo-t sutMattory mul longcst-wenilug range iniide tousr. It 1h ctinitrurted prtitlnihirly if Western fuel, Is lelaforci'd throuKU out, asbestos lined and illd "' Ished. It lll gUo mtlsfactlon every day in tho year; It Is Insure for j ears again t wearing parts an" this is a point ou cannot well over. Ii ok In making jour lango hciection- Come in and let us show you Johnson Gulovsen Company QUALITY' IIOMIJ FURNISHINGS Vni-fii Vvnnt Kupct Jlarshflelu FOR TRANSFER AND b'lOl AK OF I10USKIIOM) 0O0H3 RAfiQAcS FREIGHT AND Call FERGUSON TRANSFER Phone 13 Iteflldouco 1'hone 1SJ Market Ave. and Waterfront; SOUTH COOS RIVER "OAT SERVICE LAUNCH EXPRESS leaves Mnrshfleld every day G a. m. Leaves head of river at 8:18 p. m. STEAMER RAINBOW leaves head of river dally a. m. Leaves Slarslifield at 9 ? in, For charter apply on board. ROGERS & SMITH Proprietor pi)$p BCTr" . "IX1 jWMtfl