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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 29, 1916)
l ( , """ "" ' -..., . , . n , v1 Sf) ,., J(f ""iiv-oVfr'naR,- 'if "" T1 WWt4lVJJitJ1iMM -t?fiTW' ,., -'. "V "jHe cos '8ay TIM&MWiWeLD, OREdON. SATURDAY, JANUARY 29, 1 91. EVENING EDITION- l J fi pur ' .- ft W' I II' I MMrtWWMB Wtoi r B PINAL CLEAN-UP Ladies' Suits, Coats, Dresses Ladie-', Children's and Boys' Shoes Minifies1 Suits' noiV ....."....'....' JUST HALF PRICE flmgios' Ooii' SW , ' NEARLY LLF PRICE LndW Hi-vsswj.'v,,,., jfALW nnd' LESS THAN IfAfiF PRICE At . Jt II l.- All Broken. Lines Ladfcs' Shoes Go "As Follows: Regular SJLSO., yoyr ,',..'...'... 2.03 Regular $1.00, non-, f $2.75 Regular $3.00, now . . . . . $1.05 All Shoes for Hoys , fllrls ami Children go nt n Htrnlt-ht dis count of -0 percent from tho regular price. Broken llno-4 of fllrl's and Chlldrcn'H Shoes nt Mill greater reductions. SEES NO DANGER TOM COKE HAYS SNOW NEVER CAUSER FRESHET HERE Declnrcs Tlmt Experience -la Forty flvo Yrtirs HitM-Provcd It Tcllfu of Worst il'rovloim Winter' Hub Dry Goods Company "SMART WEAR FOR WOMEN" Corner Hrondwny mid Central Avcntio. MUSICAL CIRCLES " it i i ij ;. RECITAL Jl ! J TODAY. I -i- - r Tula nttornooii at A o clock, n num ber of piano nnd violin pupils of tho Henrllc OJordrum conservatory ap. poarod In recltnl at tho conserva tory. Tho numbors woro especially Voll rendorod nml evoked roniarus ,ot prnlso for tho Instructors. ' Tho following program wns ren dered: Utile Hsndi - - Orlh ' Mny Eleanor Milli IcfhtyiDay ,--'''.-'' ' Spaulding i Ruin Coins Tiie,5wRct Violet - "- Smallwood :. v m-m Ni.n . t -T - r'iin. jii, on Berceuse i, m, r Tom Coko, vjio ,has bepn a, xesi-, dent of Coob qounty for many, years declares thcro Jb no, danger of a fronhqt from tho present snow, do spltp tho forecasts of high water by many. Ho says.tliat Jn his forty flvo ycara' oxpcrlcneo In Coos coun ty, tlioro has never bqcn, a serious freshet attributable to snow. Ho says that ho docs not want to appear In tho light of declaring that a bad freshet froin heavy snows Is Impossible but that ho doos know that nono havo occurred from that cause In tho past forty-flvo yours. Ilo says that owing to cllniatc conditions hero, tho snow nour tho const molts first and tho water runs off. Tho dls nppenrnnco of the snow back Into tho hills nml mountains in gradual. Fur thermore, ho says that during tho winter months tho heavy rains 'near the coast turns into snow In tho mountains and that when ltidocs rain in tho mountains, tho snow nets as sort of a sponge and has a, tondon cy to provcut a suddon r!so In tho streams that n similar rainfall would cauHO tf tho anow' was not there ns a barter. AVorst Previous Storm Tho wlntor of lrfsd-DO whs tho oiily ono thrft compared to present eohd'l llons, according' 'lo 'Mr. ''doR'd, nml according lo Ills' rccolldctlbii, it was bo much worse that there Ib little comparison. That soason, tlioro en mo torrlflc rains and tho worst i frorhot in tho moniory of tho oldest Tho ChrrBtlan Endeavor of ' tho ' inhabitants. Tho rains woro accom Marahflold Christian rliurch nrq, e!-,)anlod by tho most aovoro wind tortalnlng this ovonlng at llio BtormB over kndwn hero. Later tlioro church with a leap year basket camo heavy snows which romalnod soclnl. Tho boys aro to bring tho on tho ground for wooks. Phono !101. m JT TWSWtlWW Wl I f1 rrJ (Continued From Pngo Thrco) KAHKKT S)CIAL I LUMB Ef! IS UPOIES IN NIGHT SCOTS TO MEET DECLARE SNOWSTOIlMS WILL RE DUCE SUPPLY IN SAN FRANCISCO Mr. Coke was thon on a ranch In tho oaatorn part of tho county nnd ho had to drlvo tholr herd of crtttlo out Evening Sone., ,r. , r ,. rt f.l ".Ml... Tin Soldier -fl- the Roofler - - - atu?joiTJ(f7f,"ea'im'e11 iriflmas uelu, - ,r,... AiryTairies. ,.,. ;....:.. ' L6u BiUfdra f)'L'",(,' (im. Dutfc HBJ,qsb Maxim urn jnii m t hi Fairy I-I Sp ..!- ing orn . Kl ) IWI II urodJojtlvmn - f'C,"'Mr;.r Ga lljc Meadow ' t ' ' Levin Painter Mm Hjidjon ' ' W' sm -kill ret rowers x $wi AN APPRECIATION baskotB and tho girls will both bid lu and pay for them. ' 1 ,,'nr 0HA)tl , ly two months boforo Uldy could bo' ' Mr,. Harry C. Hunter and Tho Coos nay Times doos lndocd provo Itsolf to bo tho pcoplo's paper, and not only a booster, but an earnest worker for tho Intorcsts I Ho qunllflod It only with tho statoj o'f Coos Hay. A great many snond wont tlmt tho tlmo was uncertain dftitghtin Lucllot arrivod this moNr lng ou tho Kllhurniifron Porttltnd td vlnltiwlth liarqpareHts Mn nnd Mrrf. JuHpbi 'Larson, and with oth er mamliarir ofarUuv iinily. fit- KoiWAW knMih(cUM'h -iimlV. Ini 'torvlmv Tin YcaiTi Ag' 1L L'iiHooy,,a8tatnnt.jonglnoer of tho'Boiithorii Pacific wlio ins hni Br.porrislon of icontr,iictlnii;, of H19 GooHiUay-KuKuno'llno n,n( Ja quotcil in ipross 1 dltqiatclies as haying nil- lino would bo built," meaning m tho railroad; Votflfl lb ' cjontlnud ulNiirfToiSosaytJurolta, has hold the theory for n long Unto. Thrco years ago when ho mndo his initial auto trip up tjio coast from Eureka to Coos liny, ho gnvo an in terview to tho Coob Day Times stating that the "Const lino would bo built." nnd that neither ho nor anyono olso know Just when It would ba con- tliolr ttaio In so-called "boosting that Is "talking" forgetting that tho. real boost consists in getting structqd. On his last visit to Mnroh ho!d of tho load nnd-gtvtng it lis Held with- Chief Enfllnoer' Hood's much o,fia Jltyas 009, laablo. - Tho writer read wjth intorost U-.J0Q8t JVJ'Icli thoEdltot- of tho jinnna gavo our Bplondlu now con servatory of"'hiutfld'lir,ia8r'Satur day's paper, s6ttlng" fortil tho groat advant8BviblR institution is to tho to'imniiiilty,- It .does indood seoni -ondorful that ., greater pqpuJatloii than Coos Day iwis , .(sftHaufjass8 lull & ncuro mis greai nuuiuou tor euu catlonal dovolopmvnt, and Indi cates that tho Director of the Con servatory has tho samo groat faith in the futuro of "our city by tho son" that tho rest of us havo. It 1b to ho hoped that wo may bo ablo to keep this institution of music hero, but tho only way to ascer tain this Is to support It in ovory pnrty two weoks ago, ho reiterated thp(tfltrttb'montA)fstltreAjj;ojr8 ago. Hls!fasoil'ti(Rr-Xno'-tha;t tho Coast over tuVsiaklyou anojfntnlns refduclng iirqosr:ot'tUo5h'(iuir ;" ; f'.Io.'w.oy'er, iq:!! Jio was simply voIcJuk his own opinion atwf fore- . . .(..l.r...v ,.'1.':.:. '..' a- city wltn noir"311"" 'roi ooswrvmioiinnB' 10 'wnat would be tlio' logical business like thing for a railroad to" do. knowing MVr&iJV"r1rfif ? tin no .;,. 4V 1l..llrin trnlns ovor ,tho Siskiyou mountains. Ing Instrumental In building up a Tomplo of Music In our city, mak ing it 0110 of tho solid stones in tho structure of a modol city. MUSIC LOVER WARNING Porsons are warned not to throw j'ey possible If wo can not at-. snow balls at auto drivers or teatn? tend oursolvoB, toll othors about It 'stors under any circumstances. A vlo In facti help advortlso whonovor t latlon of this order will rosult In ar wo havoti.ati rfoppprtunlty. Therojrost nnd prosecution .foij a mlsdo- Is no vlritfor ct)psprvftjpry on tho roeanor nndor city ordlnanco. Iao'flo Const, and it Is onlv a 01103- m tjon of tlmo until UsiiorHs; be- cpmo moro wldoly kUowii, anil. H t'liose wlshlnvgjtif Himtf,j;yisjo .will htbmo to Marsliffeld for that "pur tt poso, Whllo lookls lorward to a W grpatqr. conimprctal awakoniig, lot fc ua. aj, ,tlo samo Ump keop step Jp with' tho artlstfc dovolopmonts of H aJrtfrnle, ' art"t! "wo can not find a $ bettor dot thts, Uian, by bo lt . Auto drlvors nro also wa'rnod that wq wljjstles gtvon by a pollco offlcpr means a signal to stop, either in night op dayjlino aid( refusal to obey tola signal wil'l (result lii arrest, prosecu tion and fino. Itlzons. will savo troublo for them- 1 il me cuy uy Hirifi voniiui wltl'i these or'd'oVs. ' ' J W. CARTER, City MarsKal. solves auce 1 Safety FirsL Service? FIRIJ AND MARINE, AUTOMOBILE, HEAITII, ACCIDENT, LIFE, WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION AND ..V LIAIIILITY INSURANCE i.jim t c. 1. unaiuucn, Hijunuy. . ,. . Coke llulldlng Mumlifleld, Oregou. l)rolfht Iirifiilt t6 tlio'rnhch'rbr foc(i. ' Twciity.fAi'ir lWt IJofy Novn HarVy'iis'ono-'llf tho last irfcn 16 cr'osd 6ut''tiuit ybrtr1 over tho CobB IlaJ' whgon road', h6 nnd a' colrii piUilori jiolMt 'oti finowallbos. I'lio Biiow WaH bo de6' thaV iVotchbs tho'y lmdkcd W'trcoa In placos nlong tho Wy''br6 'tWcntr'-fotli1 icoi'nlioVo'tllo ftriiuM "Wheii -the' snoV disadarod ih tha spViiltf. ' '!" ' 'l' ' ' I For'thrcd' nlbntlirf,' 'that i-Hf Cods cdllfity dltlzbna wor6"W';tlloit outsldo mull rind fow VortblH got in or 'out of Cobs Ray dllrlng that Interim. felriKI..',' I..' 1U(iil 1 " iMi iri'i Ij, J. Slmpsoij, nnd I-jdgnr Simpson Evjiect Advnnco on Iiiiinelllnto 1 i)oUvery Ojors Cl. Stdnn i L. J. Slnlbsoif and Edgaf Simpson of tho Simpson Lumber Company who Woro horo' from' North Bond yester day dcjclar'cd that tho storms prevail ing in Orogoii hud along tho coast would mean n material advanco in liinbor prices In San Francisco with in tho next few dayB, They pointed out that tlio snow nlid cold along tho Columbia rlvor had closed down tho logging camps tlioro and that the mills wero being forced to suspend. In coiiBonuonco, thcro would ba no Botirca of supply to moot tho lmmo dlato demands and prices wero bound to go up' materially. Coos liny will probably get much of tho benefit of It ns it will not bo tied up like tho Columbia rlvor and nor thern mills. Will Crivato Demand Ah to tho storm In California pos sibly cutting off distribution and nu inaml, L. J. Simpson declared it would increase tho demand for Im-. mcdlato dollvcry as tho damago tlioro would 1-on.ulro n largo nmouut of lumber to mnko necessary ropnim. L. J. Simpson, said that tho Simp- sou Lumber company mill was closo up on logs rind1 If tho camps Vorc not1 ablo to rcsumo operations soon might bo forced to' cIoho down boforo long. His Worst Jloro t. 'Mr. Simpson said ln his oiglitcou years' resldonco on Coos Rjiy, ho had novor oxporlenccd any weather that was anything llko It has been tho last fow dnyB. Howover, ho Bald It wasn't bad In comparison with out sldo conditions, referring to n lottor ho had Just recolvcd from Mrs. Simp son, who Is In Portland, tolling of tho flno sleighing and Intensely cold weather provalllng thcro. .MOTHER AWAKENS TO FIND IN FANT DEAD AT HER SIDE II III LANDERS AND LOWLAND KH8 TO MEET Will Colobrato Anniversary ,of Illrtli ' 'Of' Robblo IJm'iiH Many l'x- '' pected to Ro Prosont iivory ScoW In tills locality Is duo' hero tonight to attend tho third an (Doctor Rolloos Heart 'JYtmblo Wni , ICatiso Llttlo Daughter Had , M Not Reoii Side Lately '..' ' i J '' Mrs. Fied'aarbort a 'young motji- or in North Bond, nwoko'thls morn InR to month sldo. wns dead. It Is said tho In- Tho exorcises will bo hold In tho Odd fant had lfoart trouble, though, shb INsHowb' llall-nnd It Ib expected thoroj had not been bIcIc and lien 'dcUtli "will bo a mighty hbrdo ofA tho Ituis- rinUT'tllat her lltilo.throo nual colobratlon of tho Caledonian ojd' daughter,' lying nt lier club of tho birth of Bqbblo Ilurns. camo ns a vory great shock. t Mr. and Mrs. Oaruer livo 011 North Shorman avenuo In North Bend. Tho father works in a tlo camp, being away most of tho night. Tho llttlo girl was tho on ly child of tho couple. RETURNS TO BAY R. YON SHIPMAN, PROMOTER OF RUDZIEN PARK; IS HERE 0 IS 1'RteENT WLNTEit WiMi MEAN ACTI;ITVnAMON'rt RAN'IdiERS ' ii n. Vl Hi ' I ' I KiioriiiKo'orVirnm mul Ilil)1 iu'kV lllgfi i'.-ilv,r'n'aW '0.'." Hicnn6Vi llrw wp I-lDirk W's'-oxiWc't'oll tYi'At illo"t'xVoVrenco (ri'llo;i)rc,Bo,.ilJ,lv,iiiV6'r S1 WrfuJMrt liiindredB of sTlos bolng oroctod In Co6b hinl1 WirrV'cbbntloVrifex'e'Blirlngi td BtoVfl- feeoY 6t )b w-lnWra iI tho futuro. Tho mild winters nf thn nnRt C AS JolnB'dn' daW tllrit ho ro-i row years havo roBUltod in many crflled (two' pi'dVloifa times ' thntjnjiltt fnlfin" to MitJ iifi" "cfaij- rt snow similar to tho auFt"'Vv luuniuy qijiiay,. nqu.nav- iiri))iaj-U8 In' KtlilchlUilHtorfi "it nml th6ro wns proseiit o'no. h "In 1888, Cb'os Bay oxporlonco'd tho most aovoro cold weather. That winter, all tho lnicos and ponds lu this section wore frozen ovor and ovon Isthmus Inlet, Coal Bank In let nnd Coob Rlvor woro frozen ov or. In Wost Marahflold, Mill Slough furnished many skating ponds but tho best Ico skating was on tho lakes near Empire. Somo of tho staid old folks of Mnrsh flold today recall with a thrill tholr only cxperlonco in 'Ico sports. K Has Been Several Months In East ern Washington Finds Condi tions Very flood In -North ' R. Von Shlpmnn, of tho Coos ,.pr0.W4U??'FJiV eu una morning irom ensiuru tvuHii Ingtoil wh'drb ho ,Iiti'rf"been,ftrHW? cral" months, disposing of Uuilzlon Park property. Ho oxpects to op- 011 an offlco horo with L. E. Qru vor, of Wavorly, Washington, lu charge Tho firm will handle loans real ostato and nlso havo tho agon cy for tho Western Union Llfo In surnnco company. Wheat. Country flood At tho present tlmo tho farmers of eastern Washington nro dispos ing of tholr wheat at tho best pric es In years, says M. Von Shipman. Most of litem nro getting morb tltliii' ft a buslio) from tho mlHors" Kml Hid pried steadily nd Vance's. ' It Is possible thub.Jt will gqti-un nbovo llioL2rt,mark., ,.,., , ,,.iM 1 TIiIbmIs brlpglng. Jptp thp qoi)i; try tlioro much ready cash and thlngfi hav.o hq.qn booming, ,(l(. Mr. Von Shipman nxpccls to re main ilioro for about n month, bo foro .-returning, to. fyulnnp trfW) his wlfo has romalnod nnd whoro ho has (in otflco in thQQd Nation nl Batik building, ., i I I" 'I I UTITI ,k t(, nmoney still inmi;scroV Tax Funds of, Southern Oiveon Ctii IMUiy lime Not Iloen ltetuiiicd , -Await Court DociKhiu Tho SiO7!u0O dcpootcd In Escrow by tho Southern Orogon tompnhy, tho heavy rains making It prhctlcally , now owned by tho MohnBha Wootlon Impossible to keep it in tho stack. I Ware Company, for tho payment of It Is pointed out tho bUo is tho bock. taxes duo In this county, Ihib romedy for tho condition nnd aBldojnot bcon rotumod, according to Mr. iiuiii puivbumuuiK u jubb 01 HIOCK 111 1 L,10(lVIBt. Inclemont weather will aid tho In como of tho rnnchors ovon In mild winter by supplying a moro product fill food for tho stock. Heavy Lhestock Ioss Mast Brothers, noar Leo, lu Coob County, aro said to bo among tho heaviest losers of livestock tho prea- Mado Their Own Skntcs 1 out wlntor.' According to a report J. Albor't Matsoii said 'that! on Coqulllo, a hldo buyer woro noIco BkatoB In this section brought In twonty-threo hides thou pfit'pooplo w"lio' had'eomo froml irm carcasses df. cattle that died cola countries Improvised skatos tno Mast ranclios. Tho county awaits tho decision of the United States Supromo Court, Whither tho caso Involving tho own ership of tho lands has boon borna Somo tlmo ago tho company ap plied to hnvo tho monoy rotumod, but tho roquoBt was rofuscd. me, who last, year ' .EL; L10" iu,Bhl'. adcr; a , ildOd, Wb&, to bd'f "aUy n"nkpr ". Mjlfl, ... .,..- n,t leador; W. E. Wilson. FcmW-. men present. : Robert Ballanty wns B0y6ll appla lu bettor trim than ovor hofoio and has somo clevor stuntB on tho pro .gram. Thoro will bo Scotch songs and Scotch readings, well IntorBpcrsed with music. Following tho program tho visitors will onjoy n dance in tho hall. , ' WILL HOLD A SPRu OF COTTAGE m flathrrlngs Will j pre) the HeUnl Whir), 1 1 ere leitrunrv a V Coltago inuct'iiBs have ranged by tho minister, ::.. nHi r: .,.. ..:"::: '.rn' i mo oiuiKuiiRuc campit,. ' Below Is n list of h!'tJJ tho meotlngs win bo ' 1110 nniuo or 1110 loader ()t lllOOtlllir. Tllr limn 7 ., ' t I .dU ft . will be tlio Baino each tmtA tuunuii.i , .inn. ,ll..l ,1. i. ';...... ..... "K""' '01 l lilonco'of Dnvia Nol-on, PRESENTS PLAN FOR SELLING OF LANDS v ' - . . ,; Rcprescutatlvo II an ley Introduced a Rill Into Coiif-rom Fight Is Kxpcctqd from Sol no jiuirter -J WASmNQTON, D. C. .Tan. 2D It la oxpected tlioro will bo a tight on tho bill which R'eprcsontativo Ha.wley'ha.mUntroUucedJlnrthqi.houBO JrtUsudlRl'fl9at.9t. t.lio J?r$gq;i , and Callforaln Jaii(s of tho Southorn I'a clflo Rallroailf ,,..' It gives first proforoncc rights to octtlors now on tho land, second prof oronco to thoso who mado sottlomont In good fnlth at any tlmo, If they ngaln mnko application and now oot tlomont within six months. Tho prcforonco rights of those two clnsses must "bo exercised In six months, after whlrh tho lands may ho purchaBod by othors. Squatters going on tho land now would ncqulro a third prcforonco If tho, Hawjcy bill pnsfios. The, railroad -Js, directed to 01 tab lul) n, selling agqnr Immodt atoly, to rocolyo appllratlonstir. , . i Mr,, Ilawley.,ayfl his purpoo Iq lo provide for tho transfer of tho laud ni coon ju P91llhAq,aud j(pon,thvi) on tho tax roll. Tho timber tractB would all ,goto ( settlors and nothing would ho l'cn"io 'thi slafo of 'nation, It Is )(bxj)o6tet tlut 'I horo will ho oilier viowtfbf how th'o mnUor'slio.iuf bo Bottled and nrobnbly somo rontro vlTsy'o'i'it f(iwWyBptth 'but tlio miUto'r fias'liooii started 'and komo kotllo'lhonV'wlil Jib reached'. ' HJ ,.l Ui m,l'' .it . ' 1 JtLAMATII iPJONEER HMiiD Wilson, FernirT 0. Scott, leader. 1 uuqwi 1 , j ci). I. Al U, Idonccs of John Dauhney, im St., Mrs. G. L. Hall, loader, J iirown, w. Central Ac, I. s. tmii. lonilnr ;v;r,:v i V tolJVtl!ji3Ui 1 , I'OU, 2. Jt residences of J. B. Cooler port, C. O. UoBiioy, leader, 1 Siimnor, So. Cth St., Mr, rjln Marsh, leader; nnd at Da Chapel, Itov. W. M. Lyom, let THUR8DAY, Feb. ,3.-R( prayer meotlnga at each thtrAI FRIDAY, Feb. 4.-Unlon ), mcotlng at the Methodist ct C. II. Lb wry, loader. . SATURDAY. Tnt, lii ' resldonceB of B. H. I'atchett, Fi dnlo, E. 11. Complioll, leader; I Ucn.So. ith St., 1 loader, and Henry nfack) Si 'fSr."W. M. Shaw, lcsfuor. " A . a 1, S-. J- li r CARD OK THANKS 1 r . ,, -- "1 1 1 . , MUncItt" vMoxandcr MartJn, aged R aud ono of. tho most prominent plo neora of tho Klamath- FaHb qopntry, la dead. Aloxaudor Martin, u 8oniB woll known horo In Mnrahdold and la cashier of tho First Notional Hank in Eugono and a aon or his, also Al exander Martin, worlcod horo for the Orogon Power company two years ago. Tho old gontloman ran tho first stora in Klamath Falls and In 1900 organized tho Klamath County bank which later morged with tho First National Bank of Klamath Falls, of which ho was president. Mrs. Bergo wishes to cip her thanks to tho many Mad 1 plo lu this city who so kindly ty od hor get esttlcd hero with I largo family. Thanks l dot 1 tho Cons Bay Times, all hoel trihutcd money, grocorfci, clotSnl etc., and to tho Jolinson-Galoi Kuriilluro Co,, nnd Geo. Oaloml Ojr all transfer work. j Www I MM $ ii Times Want Arts tor result. Hnvo your progruum printed 11 1 flip Tlnnvi nfflrn Tainan i"r1rfzfi(ii &(fow4( Farm Security- Coos Bay Development Co.; 310 Coke BWg. $$s by fitting files 'Into notched boards which woro strapped on to tho feut. " . OERMANY flETS EVEN floods Sent Horo Must Not Roach England or Colonies When British manufacturers sent tholr goods abroad under tho strict proviso that nono should be sold directly or indiroctly to tho Gor mauB, the Fatherland Immediately got busy with a reprisal, Frank D. Cohan, at tho Owl, has Just ro celved arttclos of Gorman manu facture that bear tho agreomont that they "will, no bo. Imported to Great Britain, thq British colonies or any of tho dominions at tho British," Only under this agreo mont woro thoy .on,t out pf Ger many, Tho artlclps recolved wofo llttlo boxes pf Novocain-Suprarelun,, a dontlst'q preparation u,sod often in lieu o( cocaine for local deadening effects. They woro ordered half, a year ago Despite- the strict watch kopt on Gormanj exports, the-chem-Ists are still sending manufactures to tho United States, though In most eases the prices havo doubled and trebled. British trade odlcts were issued many months ago. Not only did they pertain to articles manufac tured In England, but also to tho crude products of tho colonies as well. Roof Will Ho High N. D. Oswald of tho Palaco Meat Markot In Marahflold says that tho hoavy snows will result In moat prices ' going considerable hlghor horo tho noxt few months. Ho saya 'that tho supply of fat cattlo will soon bo de pleted as ranch cattlo that havo to forago for a living will do woll to koop allvo and tho high prlco of food makes It prohibitive for ranchers to try and koop thorn In good condition. Has Hay ou Ifnnd A. II. Powers Iiub sovcral hundred tons of hay put up on his ranches In Cunningham Creole, along tho Co qulllo and noar Powors bo that his big herds which aro tho sourco of supply for tho moat for his camps aro bolng well cared for rig jam; formed The CoqUillo SontinopBayB: W. D. Darling cama down from .Powers yesterday. Ilo says that during tho high water a Jam formed abovo rail road bridge No. 7 and roars' Wore on tertalnocj tlut tho bridge,, would bo carried out apd. Powers would bo left "on an Island." Some, lively' Hustling was done until tho jam was broaou and tho dangor averted. ANNOUNCEMENT Jin p. o. Viuiglia, DonUsti Room JO, FlKt ft&tui iia'bu'Urflng P ! w . kJy-''iB a. jgyU -. 'xtkeu" j u. - -ij w . ,lJBrP IBBiBtBki-j. BHMflHMHHHHHHMilHBi. sSL aHu I4bby Cowl, ffl.00 to. rhoe 78. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the ofHce or County Assessor, on- the Republican ticket subject to tho will or the republican voters at the Primary election In May, . H..." ih -J.BE-YERSk' Dr. Lwdlo, Ojstoopath, MHrshflelrt The White is King of Sew ing Machinesj MpII But -Don't pay more than we sell them for. We have the famous White Ro tary sewing machines at the follow ing prices: , 4. VVe sell them for $40 cash or $45 on easy terms CALL IN AND LET 'US' DEMONSTRATE THEMJOJOU WE GUARANTEE THESE MACHINES AND OUR GUARANTEE IS GOOD BECAUSE WE ARE RESPONSIBLE Going & Harvey Company , .tpmplet, House Furnishers ii ninTfiiiffliiiii ... ii .T i :i i h ' !."! J f.l 4 rjiflt-flV 1 -