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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 29, 1916)
-1B" wtf. 1 THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 29, 1 916. EVENING EDITION. THREE .. AfftfYOU? nvtiicn i'aw -? . . ;:: .. . ? " "C" L." transact ? "": bS5 & "! Ete BasgSK ,irm jgife OS . LI i A Tl Wh mUhMMJiiL k 11 J- j1 -"rv vm.J m,i ! $&?JmWi-?: w ...,..m. ' XffiS " "O f XLlHBWlilcHB (ConUnuod frokn l'ngo 2) tho nffhlr, bolng ono of t)i6l'lnMW f VAX A- "V PrP!1'3- ' ,V,UOT ?1vq"' for 1?"w tJ'&.AJ,,,uor?' O X X 3r'i- ". viN. J T U , x . - lndirn Rfrittflrm wild rhniffi'flrAl' : 'fif for 4 S ' :H V yLZJM&?. I .vmitii iii.Miuiii-ii iMim --, t. ;.t ,7J ::Tt. "", k. Ul I II . I -. - - IT1 1 W-T" I ... t a II llll II llil Ill IIIV 1VIIII I IIIIIIEI'I III lllllll r v I I vy vft. JV9TV " I . - .- . . Tl 1 f 1 X -- ' A J 11. l. X 1 I X 'fr S With h i?mrkrvPiT i'c .XI itoref- v JIllKUCUllJ.10t A Vf. W. TivAi jr Doclor, x j. .... nii votir voice 'over or ou --'. IS l,n.. khi telepnonoj!.;"-. tore, ITInHor' I The man without n telephone has -,ft handicap. If you nre tlint man nostnl today to, tuivf f Coos and Curry TUMJIMIOXi: COMI'AM hqtf llttlo ft telephone will cost you. " I Western Electric TELEPHONES ituarantcc you best service. , ee Us for Music If you Muit , piano ! plajer piano I nlionoKranh (ringed Instruments (licet music llionagraph records Ir Anything In tho iiuirIo lino, coino i and talk It over, wo oltlior luivo In utock or can get It (illicitly for bu. ' I via lmvn Romo used iilunon on Ihljh wo nro maltliiB vory low lirle- i. t. L. Thomas Music Store I 75 Central Aenu6 roil TUANSIWK AND BTOIU AGi: OP HOUHi:ilOM) ROODS F?li:jGIIX AND IIAOGAWK Call . ... FERGUSON TRANSFER i I'Jiono 103 IlCNldenco l'liono liUF Market Mo. mid WnU-rfront OUTH COOS UIVICIl UOAT RKUVICK MUNCH KXIMtKSS leaven Mnrsliflcld every dy B . iii. leaves of river at :t:in n, m. HI-KAMim UAINIIOW leaies linn uf river dully lit 7 . m. U'jien Marhlifiold nt '2 n. I w. fur dim t,.r npply on Imunl. ItOOKUH Jtt SMITH l'mprletor The Daily Problem the Different Dinner Dessert Ghirardclli's Ground Chocolate affords an uncqualed opportunity for a multitude of different dinner desserts. i Pure in content, a perfect blend of the right p proportions of finest cocoa and pure sugar, convenient in form, it helps daily in the solution of the great dinner dessert problem. We will send you a booklet of delicious desserts for the asking. For a dessert that appeals to every taste and gives nutriment in an unusual degree, use Ghirardelli's Ground Chocolate. Order from Your Grocer Today Clurasdeili's THhO OjoJfyr Ground Ctocolate In Jj-lb., 1-lb. and 3-lb. hetmetlcally sealed cans. Ttieie'a a dguble economy In tmyinf! the 3db. can. SPIRFLIA HflRSTQ nay be obtained in Marshfield irom Mrs. Annie Holland, finrsptinr P So, 5th St, Phone 200-X QUATERMAS STUDIO Oil Al ITY DUnmo ODDOsltA Rhnon Unnl I Phone l'oo-l,. i "aushfiiw, onaaoN I pMma D. GH1RARDELH CO. Stnco 18C2 3" Frnclie WALL PAPER See VIERS About it, I fi5 Fourth Street HOTEL ST. REGIS J. K. Schilling, Prop. A Select Family and Commercial Hotel ad(,Uartors for Co(jg m San l'ranclaco :;:::: VEAVIMpT' 12th hWoWnLNasn. 680 I ' MU nione 2IZ0-R For Sale STO'CIC ItANCII Xoiir Alleny, mostly bottom, good build Iiiks, i) liciid cuttle, toniii, faimliiK t'l, f' ordmrd, do IlKlitful plueo to live, l'uco $T1U0. Tonus. STOCK OH DAIItY ItANCH Close In, 20 cons, tcnin, Bood InilldliiBw, (irclinrdx, tools, 00 nciOs 03 or ulilcli Is finest bottom, I'rlco $1(1,000. Terms. DAIUV ItAXCJI In, 00 ncre.s, 173 Ih hotter, no . liiilldliiBt. teiim. Price $S1,001. Tonus. liAlHV ItAXCH It. It. depot on place, close In, 3!J0 ueics, half Is riulicbl bottom, flno biilldliiBs, both mil mid wntor trniispottntlon, 10 bend Mock, tenni. 1'ilco $3;i,000. Splen did tonus, with Interest t live per cent. 1-;UU1T ItANCH Splendidly located, J000 loganberry vines In vfiill lii'iuliiBi Hue orcliiird, fiio btilldliiKs, 17 ucres, $(, K00. 'Tonus. r)HVi:r.01i:i) C0AIj MINK On tide wnter, flno coal and lotH of It. l'rlco wny dovni. CIIICKICX ItAA'Olf CIoso in, 10 acres, house. Only $800. CIIICK10X llAXOIf 13 acres, closo lu, $:0 down und 913 a month. VOl TItADK AVo havo North Uend property and ranches to trade for North Dakota property. Coino in and lnves llBnto. Wo hnvo Oklnhoifcrt proporty to Undo for Coos Hay city op ranch property, CITY PHOrHUTY North Uend or Mnrshflold. Wo hnvo It If you nro looking for bargains and locations. INSUKANGC Wo carry a full lino of fire insurance. KOOS OREGON DEVELOPMENT CO. PIONEER BLOCK NORTH BEND, OREGON Tho I.adlgn Auxiliary o tho North llend Club onjoyod a vory plcnsnnt afternoon nt enrds Tuosduy at too club rooms undor tho culortulnmont ot Mrs. A. K. Arkloy and Mrs. C. S. Wlnsor. Mr. and Mrs. V, It. Anthony of Mnrshflold nd Mr. Wnrnor fiiru Ishod oxcellont music during tho af ternoon. Toward evening, delicious refreshments wpro served. It wns de cided that those, noclnl nftornoous should occur ovury two wooKb In Btcnd of ovory week. Tho hostesses for tho next tlmo hnvo not boon ap pointed ob yot. Thoso out this wool: woro: Mrs. II. M. I3urnicstor, Mrs. .1. W. Mitchell, Mrs. Ira Hnrtlo, Mrs. Dennis Hull, Mrs. M. M. Evorltt, Mrs. Clydo, Mrs. Ilonry Horgninn", Mr. h. C. Reynolds, Mrs. Fred Ilolllster, Mrs Horbort Avmstrong, Mrs. Ijtudovlllc, Mrs. A. II. Derbyshire, Mrs. Arkloy, Mrs. Wlnsor, Mrs. Cbnrles King, Mrs. Ooorgo Hnzer, Mrs. Karl I'owoll, Mrs. Schlllorstroiu, .Mrs. K. L. Coo, nntl tho MIsscb Clll, Teobly, Tlttlo and Watklns. ! ammia nioid'inAx sociriv t Tho Alphn Dolphlun Society mot with Mrs. Harriett M. Kollogg Inst Monday ovonlug, ami gave- tholr lit erary program on Biibjoct of "Itomnn Architecture." Itoll call wns re npomlcd to with facts regarding Itomnn buildings. Tho following In teresting papers woro road: "Roman Forum" ... . .Graco Johnson "Temple of Voslu and tho Vestal Virgins" MrH, F. 1J. Wilson "Tho IuBllcnti Myrtle lJowner "Tho (lolden ironso,of Nqro" , . . . ... ireuo 1'reiiKs Suggested topic. ."Wo find Uttlo of the severe Done und phnslu )oule arcli(tecturo hi Romp. Why Rhould tblH,bo oxpoetwl?" Tlio inomhorB, present wore:,, Mrs, Wilson, J)ri -Alnttle J. Sbnw, Mm. Kollpgg, MIhros Alice Curtis, Oraeo JOhnson, Ifove I'rqiiHs.JJIIeu Ru.dnan und Mih. Kuto I.nnilo with whom tiu club will meet nexUIondny ov oulng, i ; tuo nrriur, lioiiig ono ot tjio" nioiuieMingiiiin, susio 'Kuijii, Allco ttulquolinnd cnjoynlilo of Hooltvl -nijt- Ichaidson, Naomi nnlols, Loo Ivitlos glvqit' for s,omo thiu-'AJ Short- ni Host, Francos' Hall', Klloli Itud lodgo 8&bh1oii ,wrtS 'liojdfljst'.'tiffef I;.e.rg. Minn floe's, Mubol Snefldon, vfhlcli' dnnchiB wan Iiidiilgb'd'in'ttnUl Uo'ssio Jtudbungi- iilleu TIckoll nn'd' iirsr; .DIXXKIb PAllTV LaBt Weduesduy ovcplng nt 0 n Into hour. Different ones took turns In contributing- tho musln so that nil Could participate lu tho ev ening's oujoyniout. At a Into hour refreshments, woro served. O piioniinss criUii Tho Progress Club met on Mon day nttornoou ot fliln weqk nt tho homo of Mrs. A. IS. Qlilloy, tho sub ject for tho nftoruoou discussion be ing " What fan bo dona for Marsh field boys and girls." Mis. F. W. Pay no rend n paper on amusements, curfow laws, nnd juvenllo offondors, and Mm. Tiodgcn handled tho topics, marrlago nnd divorce, nnd whlto slav ory. Tho pnpois woro Interesting nnd Instructive and nt tho conclusion ot each, n gcnornl discussion ensued, applying thorn locally. It wns decided not to hold nil open meeting this yenr, but instead, tho rogular meet ing will bo held with Mrs. Payne. In two weoks, tho club win moot w'th Mrs. W. M. lllnko ns hostess. At tho closo of tho afternoon'. Mrs. Oltl- lloy served refreshments to tho fol lowing: Mis. II. U. Chandler, Mrs. Charles Hull, Mrs. It. W. Morrow, Mrs. Harry Nusburg, Mra. W. S. Nicholson, Mrs. F. W. Payne, Mrs. Fred Powers, Mrs. Otto Sehottor, Mrs. W. T. Stoll Mrs. F. A. Tlodgon, .Mrs. 0. K. Ash, Mrs. A. C. Vestal and Mrs, A. J. M. Itbbortson. : O- PUPILS JtKCITAI, 0 Net Tuesday evening, a uumbui of Mrs. Cpiiwny's pupils will appear, in a recital at the Myrtle Anns, thg affair being very informal. Tlfroq ot tho uiinlerH wllj he voco npd three fiiiulamuutal piano. '('liUlt.UCKT.LVd ()STL'OXKI ,. ! 1 m I (,Oa account of no much iilckucss among tuo mnmnerfl, tho Aliinno jjoi phljin Society of North Jleud poutr poned it meeting from Tuemlay of this wcok to tho snmu iilght next .woelc, nt tho library mooting. "Athen ian Suprcmucy" will bo tho subject cajrlod out In tho program. Sl'ltPUISI-: PARTY Miss TSesain Rudhurg was tho roclplont of n delightful aurprlso party Inst Saturday afternoon at tho homo of bur uunt Mrs. Dol Rhodes on South llroadwny, Hie affair being given lu honor of her 1 tlh hlithdiiy. Tho tlmo was plnusautly spuut lu various games, and at tho closo of tho after- I noon's, onjojnii'jit tomptliig re- iniunmenis woro sonrou, 'i nose J1IUSUI1). WUlUi illhttl!3 Ruth Rhodes, Mrs. Mrs.' Rlidberg. Wilson iu DAllIdA OliUlt entertained yesterday afternoon at the homo of Mrs, C. O. Uosuoy. Rolf cnll wns answorod with cur ront ovents, nnd Mrs. Uosuoy con tributed to tho plensuro ot tho nf ternoon with, a rondlng. Tho la dles sowed and chatted and Inter In tho day, appetizing refresh ments woro served. Tho club will moot again In two weoks with Mrs. C. M. Conner. ThoSo prcsont wcro Mrs. Connor, Mrs. Ynko, Mrs. J. 13. COoloy, Mrs. E. Camoron, Mrs. H. E. Ronnlor, and Mrs. M. C. Woods. J I KHXSIXGTOX CLUIV : 4 Election of officers was held at tho meeting of tho Kensington club yesterday attornoon with Mrs. IAdribl Gordon, and tho following ladle's woro chosen for tho 'coming year: Proa., Mrs, C. F. McQcorgo; Vico Pros.', Mrs. 13. M. ISarryJ Soc, Mrs. C. W. Cumbors.. Following tho business session, tho tlmo was spent In a social wny, special guests present bolng Mrs. F. K. Gcttlns, Mrs. Sullivan, nnd Mrs. C. E. Ash. At tho closo of tho nt tornoou, tho hostess sorved a dain ty luncheon. Tho mombors out .woro: Mm. K, M. Harry, Mrs. G. W. Cumbors, Mrs. Pouula Hull, Mrs. W. II. Konnody, Mi 8. It. E. Larn'way, Mrs. 'L. ' A. ' liiljciivlst!, Mm.' J. S. Lyons. Mrs, C F. McG'oorge, Mr. IS. V. Olson, Mrs. A. 6. Rogers, Mrs. tteorgb StUplieu sou ''and the bostons Mrs. Gordon. Tlio0cliib,wlll"iifcel ngtlln id 'twp wc9b with Mr8'."McGoorgo. u'i I ! ixiroiwrArj KViixiNti .i f ii. iii 1 . -i-4 .J.Knt ovonlug Mm. J W- Uftunett and ('Mrs. Arthur 'MeKeowu ontor talittAl delightfully at v Informal ov onlng bf bridge -null rofreshmentH wore BcrvmPnl iP lalo" liolirrTIullf guesttt Wore: Mr.' nnd Mrs. 'ill' S. Towor, Mr. nnd Mrs. Horbort Loeic hort and Bon Fisher. ' OCEAN BEACH AUTO LINE Gorst & King. Irfiato Marshfield at 7 a. in., and returning leaving from Empire nt 8 a. m. Lenvo Marshfield at 11 a.m. and returning leave South Slough at 1 p. 111. Leave Marshfield at 5 p. in. ami returning lenv South Slough at 0 p. m. P3 NEHDTiKOUAFT Oftill 111 V . : Tho Nedloirnft Cltlb of North ISond mot yostorday afternoon with Mrs. I,. F, Cuthliort and spent tho tlmo pleasantly in sowing. Toward evening a luncheon was sorvod by the hostess. The members present woro: Mrs. P, I., Swoarlugen, Mrs. Chirk Giulmon, Mra. II. J. Facklor Mrs. V. W. Rnndlo, Miss Nellta Mrs. anuup,' , ....... ,. ... .....,..w, ...., Mlllediicp Mrs. Idtl Thomas, .tj,'li.!lhjj-ri Mrs. ,l3dgaiJiHi dhd! Alrs'.Ciitihort, Tho ladleil- will', nteat iighln n two wefcks' , i!k t ;; w ',""; - , ,y Tl .'-t, 1 : rmq0Aiu vi.vti : t'C Ul i'i-i- ; , , It I ,,1 U ULuL ItUji i.lrs. Win. Schroodor wns host ess fottho TrJoarl qllibtj a, wjea-,. sfiitt, session yoBtcniny aftarnopn, jSrs. a. J. Klnnoy winning tjio wirlzo at cards for high Bcore. At alio closo 01 the afternoon, n dell- Tho Dahlia Club of Eaatport waB dolls luncheon was served. Tho club will moot again In two wooks with Mrs. Clem Wells. Thoso present wcro Mrs. Le MIoiix and Mrg.T . S. Harvey, Mrs. C. It. Wells, Mrs. II. A. Wells, Mrs. II. E. nultmann, Mrs. Frank Denning, Mrs. Ilonry O'Mnra, Mrs. Klnnoy, Mrs. J. W. Hlldonbrnnd nnd Mrs. Mitchell, wh substituted in the jibaenco ot Mrs. J. II. Stadden. ! I 1. 31. C. OliUlt , I , . Mrs. C. W Porklna of North Bona wns tho hostess Wednesday afternoon to tho ladles of tho D. M. 0. Club. T.I10 usunl socloty uftemoou was on-. Joyed and toward ovonlug dainty ro frpshmehta word s6rvod to thd fol lowing lndlos: Mrs. N. G. Hamos. IMrfl. 8lewnrf'McI)6bild, Mrs. Win. Vnughan, Mra. Arthur Morten, Mrn. Lestor Eaton, Mm;. Chailcs ViIIinniH, nnd Mrs. ISrnlunrd. In two wobkn, tho club will mcot again with Mrs. Waltor Kub8o1I. t ,, t : I HIGH 80110014 RECITAI4 I Too much cannot bo said concerning tho recital glvou yester day morning nt tho high school build. Ing by Olgn Hciidrlckson Buggo, bo tqro the stmlentB and thn fn,cilty of the high Bohool' at ' It) o'clock. Tho rOndlngrf wore wonder fully well 1 given aiud Bhowod np.wull ' tljo jipeiikor's iimisuUl tnlont, AmdnK' tbn different. readhiKs (rtvon verb.'' "(upld ut College)" from Gdorgo, FJtchB Slwnsh Btorles, Vail Dyltb'tt, ",V.ork," reading from Kills Prirkofc1' Hutleir, nud qlHorn. ill wore entUiH, slistenlly rpculyed- nnd, au an eii-ei coio, Mrs. dlugga gnvo JtTho...Sec-f rot," 1. in . .1 ,lr, 1 i-:ni u.i, r f r -r f h Ll i I ,xJv!VEX.I,XG IMJU'Hir ! - STLDIO OF TII1J JICNltlK GJKRDItl.M CONSERVATORY OK ,MISIQ o'clock, Mlssos Jlyrtlo and Ida Down er ontortalnod nt n fvo courso lunch eon nt tholr apailmonts in the Les lie Building. Tholr guests woro the Misses Ann Holland, Gruco Johnson, Eliza and' Bots Ayro, Myrtlo Mlllor and Lillian Johnson. Tho ovcnuia was spont in. fancy work and chat, nd at tho close, delcctnblo dainties woro served. 4 L : CHRISTIAN SlSTi:itllOOI) - OU'lS RAG BALI4 Aboiit ono hundred attended tho fJLililiSSSlllS rag ball given by tho Owl Lodgo .Thursday ovonlug in tho lodgo hall. Tho Christian Sisterhood mot Wednesday nftoruoou In tho church hall nnd mado pnrtial plans for tneir summer work. Thoy will moot again lu two weeks for an all day session whon they will sow enrpot rags for tho church hall. Tho ladles out this woek woro: Mrs, S. J. Immol, Mrs. Mattlo Blaln, Mts. II. W. Painter, Mra E Yuko, Mrs. L. E. Hendricks, - Mrs. W. A. Rold, Mrs. A. W. Gregg, (Continued on Pago Eight) THE HENRIKGJ5RDRt)Mv"" CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC New Term Opens Monday Jan. 31 PhQUQ 35,0 LADIES ART OLUIS A delightful session of tho Ladles Art Club wns hold yostorday af ternoon with Mrs. W. D. Curtis, who was nsplstcd by hor daughter Mtts Allco Curtis. Special guests prosont woro: Mrs. E. IS. Curtis of North Bend, Mrs. Jamoa Roland son and Mrs. Emma Nasburg. Tho tlmo was spoilt in sowing, music and social chat mid towards oven- lug, a delicious luncheon was serv ed. Noxt Friday afternoon, tho club will meet with Mrs. Olivia Ed mnn. Tho momboia prosont woro: Mrs. Aikloy, Mrs. James Cowan JJh, Mrs. Olivia Edman, Mrs. F. M. FJyo, Mrs. L. (1. Lang, Mrs. F. Ii. Knmnnr. Alra O. S. Tnrrnv Afra iVB " ' jt. ii, WaltoV and tho hostoss. ' r COSTUME ISA Mi Exteusho plans nro bolng mado for tho dance whloh tho ladles Aux iliary of tho North Bond Club will glvo In tho club looms on Friday uvonlng, February 11th. Everyone is asked to eonio in costume, tho ladlos say "Any kind" for tho nf- Lalr la givon tho nanio qf a "lined Umos" dance, uud u. big tlmo Is qxpected, 1 Last ovonjug (io hujles of,tha Auction Bridge, club entorlnineil tholr .IsiiHlvinjIy with a oafetcrln bup-, ., t ipei- nnd card party at the homo of Mr. nud Mis. ,F. y. Catterlln, Auction llrjdgo eoustltuted ho ove nlng'n diversion, at which high scoro prlzos wero won by Mr. ami Mrs. J. S. Lyons. Tho tlmo wau most delightfully Bpout by tho following: Mr. nnd Mrs. R. 18. Lurnwny, 31 r. and Mrs. W. 11. Kennedy, Mr. ami Mrs. J. S. Ly oiib, Mr. and Mrs. Carl L. Davis, Mr. and Mib. A. E. Adelspcrgor, 3lr. and Mrs. E. Crosthwalto, Mr. and Mrs. A. O, Rogors and Mr. nud Mrst Catterlln, Tho noxt rogular meeting or tho lndlos will bo next Wednesday with Mrs. Lyons. , ",- A. N. W. CLUB The A. N. W. Club hold tholr wook ly meeting Thuisday nftornoon with Mrs. Allco Hall on Commercial Avo .niio nnd enjoyed tho usual hours of suwlng and social chat. Mrs. Hall's daughter Mrs. Royal Nllea was a spoc lal guest. At tho closo of a vory pleasant afternoon, tho hostess sorved a dainty luncheon. Tho mombors prcsont woro: Mra. F. E. Allon, 31rs. G. A. Bonnott, 3Jrs. Carl Evertsen, Mra. Lily Froldborg, 3;rs. A. T. Hnlnos, Mrs, Francos Hazard, Mrs. Ellzaboth Hydo, Mrs. Goorgo F. Jlurch, 3lrs. W. P. Murphy, irs. Mnry McKnlght, MrB. E. O'Connoll, Mib, Charles Stauff and Mrs. Annie Towor, ; Next Thursday. Mrs. Hazard will oiitortalu tho club numbers, R.OYAL XEIGIUS0R8 Tho Royal Nolghborn of North Bend Installed thq following offtcora In Logglo'B hall Tuesday evening: Oracle Mnry Chnppcll .f? Vlco-Onicloratllda Mohfijf , . Chanqollor E'dna ShaflorM Recoider llattle COiislns. , Recolvor Iaibolle Braiijard m Inner Sontlhol Myrtlo Holm. Outer Sontlnol- Loulso El'slmlngor. Mtinngor Peter LoggIot" Cards uud dancing woro enjoyed aftor this and at a Into hour" refresh ments woro sorved. FOR COUNTY CO.M.MJSSlOXEli ' I he-'1 by niinouucQ myself as a pandldmu for County Commissioner of Coos County on tho aiopubllcnn ticket Jn t,o ,May rjniavlqs, )n J, T, HA1WHQAN fl 4 A M,Ih; iV.1; ftr 'ickliv J 1 . i