The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, January 29, 1916, EVENING EDITION, Page TWO, Image 2

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1. 1 r-s
Contrlbutloua concerning
social happenings, intended
for publication In tlio society
department of Tlio Times,
must be submitted to tlio edi
tor not lutor ilian G o'clock
p. m., Friday of each week.
(Exceptions will bo ntlowcd
only in cases whero tlio
cvont occurred later than tho
tlmo mentioned.)
My lovo for you Is as deep as tho
31io murmured, coming closo to A. W. Gregg.
Alplm Delphian Society
with Mrs. Kato I.niido.
Athene Delphian Society oT
North Dciid at tho library.
C. W. 11. M. with Mrs.
"An'd mlno for you is 'as lasting
and high
Ab tho unknown oxpanscs which
'meet tlio sky."
"But mlno for you Is so tender
and trim
That ovory llttlo wnvo wafts a kiss
to you."
"Pray God." I whispered, bending
"Ralao a tempest, and kcop it so."
Mario IllcliardBon
AYOUNO girl told mo tho oth
er dny that tho composition
toucher had asked tlio class
to look out of tlio windows, mnko
their minds blank, and when slio
nnld n word thoy woro to vlsunllzo
it, and toll her what It meant to
them. "Apples" was (ho word slio
gavo tlicm.
"And I saw n npplo orchard
with apples hniiglng on tho trees,"
eald tho girl. "Tlion 1 unw a
bright red applo on tho dining room
tablo. You could not imagino nil
tho things that word nindo mo
think of' slio concluded.
A whllo ngo 1 heard noma nuo
Hinging "Dreams" nays May Tnl
raago, and It occurred to mo if
wo who havo graduated from day
school and nro in tho school of llfo
wcro told to closo our oyes and vis
ualizo tho word "dreams" what
would wo scot What part " has
that word played In our lives?
Havo our dreams conio true, or
havo wo awakened to find It was
all a dream?
Thoro is so much in that word,
"droam". It can ho all (hnt Is im
practical ophuuicrnl thin ns air.
It can lend us Into a nm.u that
doatu nlono can lend iib nut -of;
or it can bo ho freighted with am
bition and hope, that Its magnitude
1b appalling. Dreams wo havo all
had dreaniH over slnco wo woro
born. The fearful dronnm of child
hood that enmo from Indigestion
ro Hubmorgcd in tno ".jomory of
tho dny dreams that havo played
such on lmportunt part in our
Thoro nro tho youthful dreams
Opon meeting of tho La-
dins Clulld at 8 o'clock in
aulld llnll.
Klostcr Club with Mro. C.
E. Ash.
Hrldgo Club with Mrs.
II. St Towor.
Prlsclllns of Hunker Hill
wltli Mrs. Fred Sandborg.
I'nstlmo club of North Hond
with Mrs. Joo Olln.
Presbyterian Auxiliary
with Mrs. C. V. McKnlght.
Auction Ilrldgo club with
Mrs, J. S. Lyons.
North lloud Girls' Club
with Miss Gortrudo Toots.
Mlnno-Wls Qlub with
Mrs. John Dnshney.
Itnlnbow club with Mrs.
J. A. Smith on South Coos
A. N. AV. Club with Mrs.
FrnncoH Hazard.
Nor. Iiiith. Young Pco-
plo'B Society nt church chu-
poU. '
North ' Bond Thlmblo
Club with Mrs. Henry
O'Mnrn In MaiBhfleld.
Lndlcri Art Club with
h MrB. Olivia Kdman.
Pcrsonnl notices of visitors
In tho city, or of Coos Dny
peoplo who visit In other
cities, together with notices
of social nffalrs, aro gladly
received in tho social de
partment. Telephone 1 '.!:!.
Notices of club meetings will
bo published nnd secretaries
nro kindly requested to fur
nish samo.
meeting tho hostess, assisted by
.Mrs. Harry Itusscll nnd Mrs.
'OntcB,' 8orvcd refreshments. Tho
following woro tho members pres
ent. Mrs. E. A. .Tnckson, Mrs. Olsch,
Mrs. W. A. Culvor, Mrs. Ceorgo
Ross, Mrs. Fred Mossorlo, Mrs.
Arthur Mooro, Mrs. Herman Smith
gull, Mrs. .1. M. Cully, Mrs. John
Mntson, Mrs. Clara Spoonor,- Mrs.
William I,a.troni, Mra. Hnrrv
RusHolI nnd Mrs. J. W. Russell.
Mrs. On ten was n guest of tho club-
4 4
greatest American drenniors, Edison
and Teal p. ,
Lot us not then think too light
ly of il renins. Let uh hold on to
them for nil they uro worth, roal
Ixiug when wo nro through witli
dreaming wo uro growing old In
tho blttorest sonso of tlio word,
for dreams picture to us "tho
mlght-boV' nH woll as "tho might
havo boons." No llfo Is worm liv
ing that has not at some time bcon
full of dreams.
tallied Wodnosduy afternoon by
Miss Myrtle Thomas nt her home.
Tlio girls sowed nud chatted nnd
towards evening tho young hostess
passed around dainties to her
guests who woro:
Marguorlto Ilulloy, Clara Ke
hoe, Hesslo lllnch, Esther Rey
nolds, Esther llorglttud, Ethyl My
grcn, Elslo Ilnuscn nud tho hostess
Myrtle- Thomas and Mrs. J. 31.
Thomas. Tlio club will mcot ngalu
in two weeks with Marguerite
r- fl
4 4
Tho social afternoon to havo boon
given by tho ladles of tho North Dend
Methodist church Thursday nftornoon
has bcon pootpouod until tho sec
ond Thursday lu February, on net-omit
of bo many of tho members be
ing ill. On Wednesday evening of
this week, tho ladles servod supper to
tho Commercial Club men nt tlio Ore
gon hotel.
4 - , 4
Tho Elks monthly duueo glvou In
tho lodge- rooiiJH hiHt Wednesday sv-
oulng was voted us olio of tho host
given In tho sorles. It was attondod
by nbout thirty couples. Tho inn-
bIc wiib excellent nud ovorybody on
Jnnls nnd Don and Mrs. C. AV. Cum
bers. Mr. nnd Mrs. Molvlnnon and family
nnd Mrs. C. R. Peck woro dinner
guests Wodncsdny evening of Mr. nnd
Mrs. AV. M. Uiako on South Fittu
: 4
, . L
TIiIb oenIng, Eugono and Tom
Crosthwnlto nro cntortalnllig a few
frlcnda nt nn Informal evening of
games nnd genuine good time. The
guests nro Frances Lyons, Stella
Muguus, Louiso Gldloy, Margaret
Powers, William Kreltzer, Jim Lyons
nnd Donald gldloy.
: 4
lug the center of tho long tnhle.
Those Invited woro: Lena Holmes,
Glndys Holmes, Allro Mnuzoy, Rny
llnrdmun, Everett Huriugton, Rny
nnd Roy Cox, Alice Hodden of Dan
Mrs. D. F. Rood pleasantly enter
tained the Indies of' tl)o Alert Club
nt nn nil dny session Thursday.
A social tlmo was enjoyed until
noon when u dainty luuclioon was
Lator tho following program wrta
rendered, wltll.'MrsEUa HoWtnuillttB
leaner: t -t .; , ,. s
Roll CnUUrJtvu an ilislh'nloiot re
tributive puiilulnneiU' wlitcli lias
served tho purposo ns n deterrent ns
effoctuully as u whipping.
Rending Tho new dlsclpllno for
children Mrs. Jamea Norlin.
Reading Modern substitute lor
spunking, by Mrs. C. D. Piper.
' Paper The pity of using tho now
thoorlcHnB u scroen for weak lndiil
gonco Mrs. Joniilo l.undrltli.
Discussion Informal.
A very Interesting letter from Mrs.
K. L. Heap, a former inombor, writ
ten to tho club mombors, wan heart
ily enjoyed.
Muslcul program:
Song My Own Homo Town In Ire
land Mrs. V. K. Rood
Duots--Old familiar ballads ...
.Airs Jennie Landrllh, Mr. W. I).
Piper' ,
General singing by members
SIERUNG RANGES arc bettor, Thev am maj.
especially for the coast tradq, Shallow and broad fire.
made of Arrlorican liifiot Iron, rust prbof.
Sterling Range Special
Lust Wednesday afternoon, Miss
Dorothy ilnlnos'j daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. G. A. Haines entertained hor
school class nud n number of oUior
friends at her homo on South Fifth
Strcot In honor of hor seventh birth
day. Tho affair which was tho llttlo
hostcsa' first pnrty was nn occasion
of real fun lor the guests who spout
tlio afternoon in various , Indoor
games, and at flvo o'clock a delicious
lttttlwt 1 II tW(1wwa Itfttl n,!HItl1 ttttltt
....H.I...J ...... III.IIII ..n tunui, .. III! , ., ,..,., r, ,
H.n Mmml nnlrn .,,.,1 ...1I..U .- """" wuln .-v..u.u. . ouiibni.n
.... ... . "" .. f Mcsdnmea 1Y D. uml V. IC. Rood
Following woro tho inoiubcrs prcs
ont: Mrs. llowman, Mrs. Terry nnd
ElBle, Mrs. C. D. Piper, Mm. W. 11.
Piper, Mrs. Noah, Mra. Jennlo Lnn-
drlth, Mra. V. 11, Plpur, Mrs, James
loh. Creek, Ross Iloncbrnko Duncan " " ' "V "' v V ' ,
and William Dashney, Emerson nn.l 1"' ' A,r0, N Cf,0'T 'mrt W",
Gordon Ncff, Phyllis Hall, Charles ! 'Ln, fc m" v ," I ,
nndDobbyVnsey,Ca.vInCo;,T1emalA:?1rLM:M V'-- .T' "l""1
and Hoivnnl.
i ......... ........ ..-. ........ i "" I'iiuuii uuaiiy. 1.0101a iapp, ,,, ,. .
JUNIOR SKWINfl OI.UII Voctn Mcfi Jf , Vtalfo projont wan,: M(,s , elri,
'Florence Pierce, Lloyd Dyera, Geo! t'"" Hl '', ? 7" "' J V' ' h ilW' I '' ! '
Tho Junior Sowing Club of :Vorry Tllolnm L()U,B nac TuJt '
North llond wn9 pleasantly enter- norcnco am, (,CDralll -,... .'MrM. Nt noting to be nn nil day ses-
...... . 7 . 8 with .Mrs. v. K. Rood.
tho dlvoralou on Monday being sow
lug and tho Inst two dayn, auction
1iiMi.. nl u'lilnh AlVn ?nr1 HiivIh
of a huppy llfo Btrciclied far away W0, ', tronhy f()I. ,,,,, m.oro on
'l - .---
Mrs. M. A. Dtno entortaliiod do- Joyed thoinselvea linniensoly. Anothor
llghtfully on Monday, Wednesday and ono of tlicso dollghtful nffalra will bo
rhuraday nftornoona of this woolt, given in anothor montli.
in front of us, whoro love, wealth
nnd success all ended In a golden
radiant, sunset. Those dreams
On Thursday afternoon of this
Wednesday and Mrs, J. S. Coko on
Thursday. Tho nffalra woro espm- j woolt, Mrs. C. W, Cumbers enter
(ally pleasant, and nt the closo of
or so urn in uivhih sum QiiiimiHiii. ,,,.,, uftt.nioon, Mrs. Dano Borvod u
Dlossed, Indeed, nro those who Btlll ! tltilnty luiicheun
cling to those dreams, following T0H( ,,,1,' for Moliny Woro:
that road oven If tlio golden sun- Mm ,,, o.CollII0n Mra. Ki K. Jonea,
set ib oniy a. mirage, rnr mo nope
that urges us on la so much more
worth whllo than the awakening
question "what's tho iibo?"
Drctima like the applo the young
girl saw can bo only the blossom
in tho springtime, full of promise,
for tho fall; Just a dollcato white
blosboni, fragrant, perishable, in
danger from wind and rain, but
which wo find on tho Thanksgiving
tablo, bright with color, nourishing,
it often taken a lot of Imagina
tion to dream, but Imagination is
a power that builds up now ideas
out of experience. What would
tho world bo today without Kb
dronmors? Two of tho Nobol
prlzoB woro given to two of our
tallied Informally nt sewing and cards
for Mis, D. J. McKluuon who with
hor husband nud family loft yester
day morning via tho beach routo
for Portland where they will mako
Mrs, Edna Richardson, Mrs. !'. E. their future home. Lato in tho nf
llaguo, Mra. A. T Lagorstroni, Mra. j tornoon, Mrs. Cumbers served do
U W. Cumbers, Mra. Otto HcluHtur. Ilcloiia rofreshnuMila to lipr guoata.
Mi-h. E. Mingus, and Mrs, It. 13, Lara-' Among those Invited were: Mrs. L.
way. 1 1'. EnlKeiiHtoln, Mrs. C. R. Hroiightou
Wedunsdny'H Invited list Included; nnd Mrs. George Stophoimou of North
Dailies wna assisted during tho nf
tornoon by Mrs. 15. E. Forrey, Mrs
Win. Cox nnd Mrs. R. P. Hurrlngton.
4 4
Tho Ladies aulld or tho Episcopal
church met na usual Tuesday after
noon In tho Guild hall for their busi
ness nnd Boclnl Bcsulon. A roport
from tho couintlttco concerning the
musical tea -which wns held last Sat
urday nrtornoon at tho Myrtlo Anna,
showed n clearance or $21 Tor tho
guild rund. Tho nrralr was In ovory
way a hucccbs. Presiding nt the cor
reo urn woro Mrs. .Murch, Mrs. Mary
McKnlght. nud Mrs. Jim. Ferry Sr.,
nnd at the tea fctuhd, MrB. J. W. Uon
nott,' Mrs. Emma Nusburg, nnd Mrs.
Aunlo Tower. Tho Misses Helen nnd
Hess Flanagan, nnd Minion Horsfnll
nnd Master Georgo IColty recolved
ut tho door. At tho business session
Tuesdny, It wns nlso voted Hint tho
matter or u Hotter Rubles Contest
Hhould bo Indefinitely postponed. Tljo
hostcssea Mrs. Charlca Hall and Mr.
II. R. Chandler served nppotlzlng ro
freahnionta following n pleasant so
cial hour to tho following upeclnl
giiestB: Mra. T. S. Harvey, Mra. T.
F. Rock and inombora: Mra. Eminn
Naahurg, .Mrs. Mary McKnlght, Mra.
Georgo Ayro, Jlra. Annie Towor, Mra.
G. L. Dludlnger, Mra. Claude Nus
burg, Mrs. A. It. O'llrlon, Mrs. 15. G.
Porham, Mis. H. H. Ilradflold, Mra.
C W. Cumbers, .Mra. Frances Hnzard,
Mrs. V. F. Hbbcclca, Mrs. Georgo
Murch, Mrs. otto Schottor, Mrs. J. W.
On .Monday evening, the Women of
Woodcraft of tho Nortli Dend lodge
gavo a splendid party In Taylor's
hall in honor of Mra. N. G. Iliuneq
Thoy presontgd hqr with n gold lodge
pin. Tin nmln diversion of tlio Ev
ening wnH progressive whist, first
prlzo llolin? won by Irs. John Hill
nnd consolation to MrsViW. Tompkins
nnd AV. Nelson. ' .'
At n into hoiir'dulloloiw refri'sh-
nicuUi woro ao.rvcl, -Aniong those
jiresent wprer Mr. and Mra. C. II.
AVorrel, Mr. nnd Mrs. Stownrt Mc-
Donuld, Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Korn,"
.Air. uml Mrs. W. 13. Evans, Mrs. Ed.
Tnhy, Mrs. Kato Froclund. Mrs. A.
11 HaA5&MrH e9vWqr.$rij.'
Sarall Fnrrlu, Mrs. John Hill, Mrs.'
Win. Tompkins, Mrs. .1 Lennon, Mrs.
N. (I. Hanica, Mrs. Matt Smith, Mrs.
W. ManiiBkn, Mm. Will Emory nnd
Messrs. G. Norton nnd AV. Nelson.
j. .. .
: : 4
I SMm -m f s&t
i mi
4 y
v fcT
Different Ranges Priced from $43.50 to $60
J Porcelain enamel high closet and oven-door panels,
. 'TljaiStprlfds.ligjj latporfect bakor the one ossontial
thliiftMua langbv !
'The Stci lltifi ranfio for wood oj; jcqa,!. , Now plain
i oalonial rinislL''' Ensyjji())jloan as A clilna plate, Guar-
an leed for 1 5 years by " ' ; "ii r, '( '
Jobson-Gulovsen Co. NorlhMlfitld
Mrs. A. Huns nnd .Mrs. Juno woro
special giiestB Wednesday afternoon
nt tho mooting of tho Jolly Dozen
club or Hunker 1 1 III with Mra. F. M,
Mnrhoffor. Election or orricera wna
held nnd tho following ladles woro
chosen: Pros., Mrs. M. Rons; Vlco
Pies., Mrs. O. Wnlmark; Soe., Mra.
II. M Allioe; Troas., Airs. G. John-
I3onnott. Mra. 15. P. Lewis, Mra. F. W. mm 'l''' hidleB woro ontortnlnod nt
Wo nro now propnred to furnish GRAVEL .In any quantities
from pllo In our yard or In carlond lots, at fdllowing prlcei:
From pllo on ground, $'i,'f per yard. t ,
Onnoad lots, taken from 'cars, $2.00 per yard.
Retail Depurlmejit.
C: A Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co.
Opposite Post-OMco.
Phone 160.
an wwu nmnMiiM
Payno, and Mrs. 15. L. .AlcCluro.
Next Tuesdny ovonlng thoro will
bo nn open meeting' of tho guild nt
8 o'clock, at which Ren Flshor will
read a papor on "Associated Char
ities." There will also be- a good
musical program In chargo of Heu
rlk GJnrdrum,
Wo solicit nil our old patrons of I t0rt,,,,U"C,,t
tllO Llnvil filld lluHtirn llinm Mm u,n..r,!
rcasouablo rates.
vitrlous ganioB nnd sewing, nud nt tho
eloso of tho nftornoon, tho hoatesa
sorved nppotlzlng rorroBlimonto. The
nionihera out were: Mrs. 15. Diiii
cjiii, Mrs. M. Ross, Mrs. L. Chrlsteit
srn, Mrs. Prockiuueller, Mrs. Wal
inurlc, Mrs. (j. Johnson, Mrs. T. C,
Young. Mrs. H. M. Albeo and Mra,
Mnrhorfor lu two wnoks, Jlra Wal
mnrk will entorlalu tho club and Mrs.
Rrnckmuullor will furnlah tho en-
(Continued on Pago a)
California Fruits, Hawaiian Pine
npplo, Rlpo Ollvth, Corn, Reans
I'eua, AsparngiiK.
Oftftdtv, Hnlmon, MIuccnI CIjuiih,
Crab, Slirlnip, Tunu, l'linlontos,
Ilalsluf, Currants
Mra. Carl Davis, Mrs. Georgo F,
Murch, Mra. J, T, Harrlgau, Mrs. J.
(1. Kendall, Mrs. R, 15. Lnraway, Mra.
A. 13. Adolsperger, Mrs. L. A, Ll!
Ju(ivlst, Mra, Ida Conrad, Mrs. F.
V. Cnttcrllii, Mrs. O. A. Dennett, Mrs.
H. Mingus, and the Misses Evelyn An
dorsou and Agnes Huteheson.
Among those invited for Thursday
afternoon woro: Mrs. T. II, James.
Mrs. F. IC. GotthiH, Mrs. 15. G. Por-
hnin, Mrs. J, S. Coko, Mrs. A, O
llond, Mrs. M. A. Dano, Mrs. J. S.
Lyons, Mrs. W. J Conrad, Mrs. T. n.
.lanios, Mrs. C. It. Peck, Mrs. A. K. --
Pock, Mra. C. C. Going, Mrs. C. F.
McGoorgo, Mra. Llsk, Mrs. Hugh Me
l.aln, Miss Alice McLalu nud Mrs. II.
15. Kolty.
4 :
Mr. unci Mra. C. It. Pock outer-
New Spring
and Summer Styles
Come- lu and let ino hliow you
tallied at dinner Thursday ovonlng
ffor Mr. and Mrs. McKInnon. their
guests lueludlng: Mr. and Mrs. Me- faimlos ,f tlio colors ami H.,n,
.. .. .. -. ... !! 1 .....1.1 ...... . .. I .
uogors, Airs. k. .il. rnrsons. .Mrs. w. '""on "" vimuron .M.trj, aiico, i (iiat will pvovall this htirlng and
M. lllako, Mrs. T. G. Mullen, M-" - , i Mtinmer and glvo you prices on
lingo ijuist, Mrs. w. S. Nicholson,
Mrs, Lionel Gordon, Mrs. J. S. Ljoiih,
Mrs. J, D. Goss, Mrs. F. W. INiyno,
Mrs, Esther Convorso, Mrs. W. F
Miller and Mrs. R, M. Jennings
Tho monibors or tho Dorcas bo
eloty ot Catching Inlet held n meet-i
lug Wodnosday, Jan, 25, ut tho'
homo or Mrs. J. W. Russoll. Tho,
president boing absent Mrs. Hor-'
man Smlthgall was named as torn-,
porary chairman or tho vieutlug
Tho following offlcors woro elect
ed i Prealdont, Mrs. Josslo Parker; '
vlco president, Mrs. Clarence Cul-,
Semi your hick friends
This is the packafje
of crackers which
the thoughtful deal
er invariably wraps
up for you. The
name Snowflake
Sotlns means good
niSCUlT COiill'ANY
' AVo havo a fine lot of patterns. Bfr, Klrk.1,e ftt
(ln Mock tram nlilrli wo can u.ako H Cut FlOWerS Or j
..u ii busings him or uMross huit ' fa BloominK Plants Sf
I on hhorfc notice. l.' a J
, AVo luno just hecmeil tlio mm
j vices of an ovpeit coalinakoi' who
iwii cnnmo us i( niaico any mi
In less than three days
Wo are especially pronaml for
ladles tailoring.
lvlL'JiB I I XS fm -r
ii -u ' 'x ' m
J. V.Koski
Tailor for Men and Women
Market Avenue :: Marshficld
J, Can he sent iinynliero in vl
"' Iftt tho County, I letter H
' t than ineiliclno for 2
Shut-ins , .,
Marsh field
Florist Co.
75 Edwin G. Scott "5
1 Cut Flowers, Floral Doslgiis, Jk
W Phones: Storo 259-J, fc
Here's a Good Salesman
People passing cannot help but see your show win
dows .make them so attractive;that, they will stop, no
clerk, however efficient, can work as does a well-HU"j:
inated window. It sees everybody on the streetsii
makes sales at a lower cost andjneVer tires of working.
Electric Light
will help you display your goods so as to do this. The
latest Mazda C type of lamp is even more efficient man
anvthinn hflrfltnfnrp nffmvri It will nllnw V0U to IllUni-
inate your windows brighter than ever before at no
greater cost. We will be very advise you regara-
iiuj any khiii ui iiiuminaiion. inis serviuu 10
without obligation.
ll I Phono lll.J. I
Oregon Power Co. j
vorj secretary nnd troanuror, Mlsa cJ
... i Ij
M, ureonnouso 435-x r
ma iviaiBou, roporior, Mrs. Goo- -j
Portland, Orciloii
"THrflriTiMairrT-fTEr I
mo uusuiess tu ua HHWwwaHM
L.ll II H aaavM..-.
I mm. . .....J-diM