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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 29, 1916)
iii miw MI"Mip .nil Vi '!') '- iSr- .- m of hi i :'h I '- i' MilaclN teres! for A & 3 t 1 iii ! I H J 1 fi"M- .. fl ft ! 1! 3 til .A f L.'. 'sU ( I 'iN I V H Y , f kf H ' BEAUTIFUL FINGER NAILS MY LLC1LLK DAUDEJT. 1 Y dear, your nallB urc in a dreadful condition," Bald tho busllng little manicure as she nni-PMii TiPHHln'ti slender hands on licr dollcy-covcrcd cushion. "Rag Ked cutlclo, liang nallB, white spots! Sco how liuffy and red tho flesh Is at the baao of tho nail! And you can make thorn bo pretty 1" "I glvo them tho moat careful at tention!" walled HcbsIc. "That's tho trouble," replied tin. btiBtUng llttlo manicure. "To much at tention of tho wrong kind! Your ling ers look nagged at, nail and tlesh and all. Some girls complain that they haven't tlmo to niaulcuro their nallB, hut that's becauao they are lazy and haven't formed tho habit of Inklup time. They expect mo to beautify them at a sluglo Bitting. You havo gone too far In tho other direction," nho went on. "To havo nice nails means only about flvo minutes of dally attention and a weekly manicuring. "You sec," pointing to the tip of Bes hIo's nulls, "they look aa If you had cleaned them strenuously with a knife or orango stick, pressing on the nail and tho flesh, marring and Inflaming this lino on the top where nail and flesh join, scraping tho froo Inner edge of tho nail Into u roughness that catches and holds tho dirt and gives an ugly whiteness instead of a deli cate transparency. "My dear, be Just as careful in clean ing your nulls us you aro In cleaning your eyes. Gentle, gentle! Don't hurl Ibem, don't mako them bleed, don't do anything strenuous! "Every rlght-mlndcd girl wauts pret ty finger nails. Sho should havo thorn, too, because tho beautiful is her birth right, and because they aro an ubbcI in life, a llfo of lolsuro or a llfo of work. A curofullly kept nail, Ilka all carefulness in personal appearance, indicates a careful, well ordorcd ml ml. "Now, homo manicuring Is sot tho Insurmountable obstacle that oomn think It Watch mo carefully, llston to every wprd I say, got tho right tools then you can soon develop tho possi bilities of your own nails and can give tbem tho simple caro that Is with in tho means, however limited, of every ordinary girl." JlntaburK Steak Soup. Havo leun bucf humburg and place on Btovo with cold water. Doll three quartern to ono hour only. Nlco with rlco and carrots, or rlco only, alHU sorved ua vegctublo soup. Vegetables must bo put in Ht ouco with the ham burg, as they will bo dono together. Hcason to taste. Quickly done and pre cisely tho same us other soup. Nice also for supper to put thn little ones to hIcoji on. (iotllHbll. Cut up two slices bacon und ono Hinall onion and browu together In frying pan. Then add some left-over beef cut up and somo gravy and u llt tlo water and let simmer about three quarters of au hour. Just beforo serv ing add ono or two tablespoons catch up. Orange Pudding. Put ono cup of milk In daublo bail or. When hot add u beaten egg yolk Into which on havo stirred one-quarter cup of stigur and a heaping teu upoon of cornstarch. Cook until it is thick, but dou't lot It cook too long, jih It will thon grow watery. Slice ono orango very thin, then cut into Hiuiill pieces. Pour tho cooled custard upon this. Just beforo serving beat ono egg -whlto ntltf und put it on tho puddlug in dots. Prune nml Ditto Fir. Souk pruues over night and remove stones. To two cups of prunes udd half n cup of dates cut in tiny pieces, tho grated rind uud Julco of ono lomon, threo tablespoons sugar and tho prune juice. Dredge with flour, dot with bltH or butter, put on upper crust and bake. Boiled Cod, Cream Sauce. After carefully clrunlng fresh cod fish placo lu a kettle of salted cold water. When It begins to boll lot It fcoll fust for Iti minutes, then boll slow ly until douo, Tako out and rcmuvo skin. Make a cream sauco by putting half cup butter Into u stew pan. Wliou aielted, blend in ono tablespoon of flour, brown uud btlr in it cup of cream, add a pinch of salt and pepper and servo with tho tlsh. Jlrollod Ojhlcrs Tako ono quart of largo ojstera; put ljuom In u colhmdcr to drain. Put au Iron baklug pan on hot stove, with ono wblespoon of butter; put In tho ovh ?r und let them remain until they gln to curl around tho edges, lu u -vcrHi dish put ono cup butter ami "mo tablospoon of tuhlo buuee, Pour Ostors on tho butter and servo at unco. Ai'inlluu ulli) llroiul. Due cup com niciil. one tup uts (tho ro Hod oats), half cup mollis nu or sugar; scald tlicbo lu ono ituait boiling water or watoi and milk; then -t staud until cool. Now add ono ta wospoon salt and one tablespoon lard; after it la cool enough add enough whlto Hour to mako tho dough of usual couslstoucy und add ono jeaat cake dissolved lu u lltth wunu water. Knead lllto any other bread, Fine. lldLcil Carrots, Take threo or four good-sized car rots und out Into dlco; put over u mod crato fire In slightly suited water and fclmmer gently (don't boil hard) until very Under, drain off all the watci, lie a mush flic uud season with salt, pepper und a little butter, turn into n deep pudding dteh and cover with fluo tracker or bieud trumbs, sprinkle a little salt una u uiist of pepper over mi UP MfTHUPM 1 watnl Wmrm Wm I li I J Sl I 7 H I y jikW B3MbS CLji mKBNNtSE 1J .mm. ., ..m..ot.j.l.. mr ! mmrntrlf ,iut into u good ovou and bako until the crumbs aro a dellcato browu; servo hot.' Colonial Cake. One-half cup butter, ono and a quar ter cups granulated sugar, three eggs, halt cup thin cream or rich milk, hull' even teaspoon soda, ouc even teaspoon cream tartar, two coups of pastry flour, half cup seeded raisins. Add whites of eggs lust uud bake lu tubo pun. Wheu cold frost with a heavy whlto 'icing that will contrast prottlly with the yellow of tho cake. Citron sliced in thin strips may be used In stead of raisins, or In combination with them. Chicken Croquette. Ono pint of chicken chopped fine, one cup of cream or chicken stock, ono ta blespoon flour, two eggs, ono teaspoon milt, half teaspoon pepper, ono tca spoou onion juice, ono tablespoon lomon Juice, ono pint bread crumbs, threo tablespoons butter. Heat (lie stock, blend butter and flour together, udd to hot cream, add chicken and sea soning; coolc two minutes, tlicu add two eggs well beaten; tako from Arc Immediately und set uwny to cool, then shupo und fry. ailucorf llecf on Tousl. Cut a cup of cold roast beef into smull cubes. Muke u cream sauce by melting ono tablespoon of butter. When melted add ono tablespoon of Hour Whon mixed, but not browned, udd ouc cup of hot milk and seasou ulth pep por and salt. Stir uutll smoothly thickened and simmer three minutes, thon add meat, stirring until heated, no longer, llomovo from tiro aud servo on toast. A (ood Cup of Ten. It is generally boltcvcd that any one can mako tea. This is far from the case. Great euro should bo taken to have tho teupot hot. Scald It out with hot water before putting lu the dry teu. Tho water to pour ou the leaves should not bo only boiling, but should bo freshly boiled. Tho big tea kettle which stand u on tho stove all dtfy uud is tilled at Irregular Intervals, does not furnish tho best water for tho purpose, (tot a small euumeled wiro kettle hold ing about u quart of water. Pour tho wuter on tho teu, which bhould not steep ovor threo minutes. Then jou will havo a cup of tea which is not only very much bettor lu flavor, but is much moro wholcsomo than that made In tho ordluury careless fusUlou. Cliecso fritters, Three ounces of flour, egg, sill of tepid water, threo ounces grated cheese, llttlo peppor und salt, ounce of butter, flour und condiments aro put In basin and wuter added by degrees, then cheese with olk of egg Is added and lastly tho stiffly beaten white, Drop this by spoonfuls Into boiling lard aud cook about threo minutes. Results aro delicious, golden, brown bulls, as big as our fist, permeated vilth fla voring of cheese. Leftover Creamed 0) biers aud JfHcn roiil. Iu a well-buttered dish put a pint or less of cold creamed ojstors. Put bits of dry cliecso (quuitor pound) aud sl, thumb end Hlzed pieces of butter into one cup hot milk When cheeso and butter aro dissolved, turn over the oys tr preparation. Cover with cracker thumbs moistened lu hot milk or wa- tu Make In covered dish nud brown " " rt ! mmmm0 f'ri! ,.uf'w(v?y(i mlJ )Sv,iHIIkB " ' BBBBBMBBBMHirlBBBl jmmi'sam tfAer'TAj?. .' MmmmDffmm i r ragqwunan b mMW-tii'zx'JXZ b?mmi KHflpv i -"inr- Sffimml -'mgkmKm HHBhH mmm C F,rVr flHHHRaHHK 1nrifnw nniTirmi-nr- i rnmriiTOitw mw " " HflESnjHH the flu RREmmnKEEt couslntlng of murt', tlo und toque, made ' V "HHHHf'T BJPwHy of soft materials, combined with bunds HVHbT HHn of fur. Some of the popular models v mbBB y flBBBHMUBBB urn riM.lll In. ntltntj nnniA .tltliAS BflBBBJ Hl .r rBJBBBBBBh. '. " ; , " i J.U ovzy ojc4cc stAvr- T" rWr htosrs . ft- - r 1: 'f.,,V rv AVOID JEALOUSV AND BE HAPPY UY EDNA EOAN. fCI ''' J0U woro U8,tcd" I'Kii nu II mun truit was to blamo for ReU. the mobt aud greutest gen eral uiihupplncss in tho world ou would bo very nearly light if jou answered Jealousy. At tho doors of the green-ojed uorpent muy bo laid moro misery than was ever created by any other vice. Jealousy and Its close relation, envy, aro at the back of tho I'uithest reaching chain of wretchedness that was over stretched mound tho world. Tho best known form which Jealousy takes is, of course, that shuwu between sweethearts. This kind of jealousy Is more or less excusable, and Is even ad mired In a mild degree. It Is consid ered a Blgn of great love If the young mau is jculods of every other niuacu lluo being whom his sweetheart ad dressed. It might bo said right here, howover, that trust uud faith In each other aro tho truest marks of deep af fection, not Jealousy. Hut It Is a pop ular fallacy that the mun lu most deep ly lu lovo who dlspluys tho most jeal ousy. There aro other shapes assumed by the green-eyed monster which aro not so easily excused, and therefore con tailed as often as possible. Wo call tho Jealousy of sweethearts tho most common because, it is scon moro often than uny other, hut the other kinds aro just as real only they are hidden from outsiders' eyes. The Jeulousy be tween sisters or brothers is quite as often felt as tho jealousy between lov ers, uud Is us old as Cain aud Abel. lu families whero ono sister is u tri tlo less uttractivo or u bit less talented or capable than another, jeulousy Is oftcu rumpuut, Stnuigo to say, It is not so frequently fouud in families where the difference between tho sls- H hH ,.u vwa.,J . Ukl, VIIH IR VW..IV 1,1 1 ,.,p iim v IHI H lu the money. Take, for example, a sot seen the other day, The modol was created bj a world-famous artist, aud It wus n pressed, so far as tho bands of fur wi'io concerned, In priceless bublr Tim materials of this particular mod el wero duvotyn In a lovely shade of leuf-grreu, dull black sutln uud nar row bunds of kolinsky fur. The quaint muff, which formed a Jelly-bag point lu front, waa mado of duvetyu uud lined with black sutln. This sutln wun corded at the ends aud turned back lu largo gauntlet cuffs, hoidered with tur. Tljc strulght tie, which was mod el ate In length, was lined with tho haine corded satin, aud It wus fuutoued where tho ends crosFCd with a largo htcol buckle, beuutiful and the othor very plum, when ono is greatly gifted and the oth or quite commonplace, or when one Is a brilliant business woman und tho other u simple home body, tho less conspicuous slater is as a rule very proud of her sister's attainments. But when the race Is neck und neck, so to speak, and one Is not quite up to tjie other, then Jeulousy bus Its oppor tunity and generally uses It. When the mother or father has a favorlto among tho children the oth ers uro very often Jealous. When tho mother is a bit more partial to oue duughter thau to another there Is al ways that feeling of competition among them to seo which can draw forth moro demonstrations of affec tion. Of course, no mother should dlupluy favoritism among her children, but it is quite n at u nil that one should be it little more congenial than tho others. It is not strange under such circum stances that the motlior should prefer to bo the most often with the child whose tautCH are tho same aa hers. This Is no reason why tho others should be jealous, for the mothor's heart Is big enough to hold them all. That Is the tragedy of ull Jealousy -ItH utter uselcssness. Those who al low the green-eyed monster to attack them in one guise or another, suffer all In vain, for what good do their pnugs do them? Not a bit! The youug man only torments himself to no avail, for if his sweetheart is not true his Jeul ousy will not help him to recover her love, aud If she Is true his doubts only hurt her and harm hlrii. The girl who is not quite so brilliant as her sister will And that If bhe for gets her jealousy and allows the bweeter part of her nature to govern, she will have admirers euough of her crunu of clrlH of niudeiL iilu "aBB . r ,f vow bands of kolinsky fur. The quaint JWCV YOm7iV FASeiON Tight Shapes Are MY Mllb. KINGSUJY EI UK tight, shaped coat luu tir arrived. Oue of tho shaped coats which hud a full babquc was seen this week. Tho llttlo gaimeut wus of modoruto length, and It wus fastened by four very large but tons which crossed the llguro from left to right. Tho material of tha cos tume was velvet cloth In a delightful shade of dull strawberry pink, and tho skirt waa arranged In two tiers, giv ing a flounced effect. The coat wau lined with creamy whlto satin and fin ished with u collar mudo of skunk, u cosy skunk muff uccompunlng tho costume, This is quito a new outline, and It is one which Is certain to become popu larand rapidly. Several of the loud lug.dressmukcrs and tullors iu Purls ure making these tight coats and tho Parlblennea have accepted them with enthusiasm. It must bo noted thut the waist out lino remains normal that is to Bay, natural. Women have realized thut plnched-ln wulsts aro very luartistlc, and they decllno to havo an ugly und meaningless fashion forced on them. Waists curve lu slightly uothlug more thau that, Smoke-gray duvotyn trimmed v. Itli smoke-gray fox makes an Ideal winter costume for street wear. Imitation fox muy bo substituted for the ieal fur without any grout loss of effect, uh tho art or imitating (on skins has hecu brought to great perfection. Smoke-gray duvctyn is particular!) becomlug to fulr women, and the sub dued tlut permits the Introduction of a splendid noto of rich color violet crlmsou, or deep blue In tho hat or toque. When expense has not to be closely considered smoko-gray unte lopo boots should accompany tho dress. A smart wulklng costumo was car ried out In chiffon, velvet and fiii. The velvet wus chosen lu u dark shade of suphire blue, and both coat and skirt wero trimmed with blue-gray wolf. The high Russiau collar of fur wus fouud most becoming, uud the cout wus fust eued on one side with three fur but tons. Tho fulluobs at tho waist wus held In by a soft sush of durk sap phire blue satlu, uiilshcd with tas- AYE jour old silk raincoat to to mako n nlco bathing suit for next summer. Cut tho blouse .and skirt from tho best part and make tho bloomers from what Is left over, or from mohair. Tilm It with u bright braid aud mako u tie and cap from the spuro pieces. Another use lor tliut old roat Is to mako It Into waterproof bugs which uro very handy for carrying rubbers or slippers to hcIiooI this winter. These bags uro made In the shape of envelopes and aro half a yard loug aud nearly un wide. Iliiul all around with uipn and lusteu with a unup. At the top aud at each end fasten braid a yard lung. Thin it convenient to sling the bag over the shoulder and carry In this manner. 1IH uowest patchwork has u wonderful cliurm of its own. Quilts, cushions und tho like made of It should sell well at ono of the many cluuity bazaars which will soon bo tho vogue. You tuko, nay, for a child's coverlet, u squurc of quilt ed muslin, white fur preference, and apply to It a wreath of flowers of fruit that you havo cut nut In wuBhug silk or lliicu. Tho flowers, fruit uud leaves must bo of bright colors und cut out deftly with u pair of sharp scissors and busted onto tho square of muslin beforo they are neatly sown rouud. A brown basket design tilled with llttlo oranges aud lemons and grapes Is handsome un a green or purple silk cushion, Cherries with their leaves are charming on pulo green linen, fierge and other woolen muterlals for foundation und appliques muy be pressed, of course, luto tho service. Really the quaint aud pretty possibili ties that llo lu the art of the now patchwork uro endless. How glad one la thut a fresh turn has been glvnu to the dear old handicraft. 0 cut buttonholes through two or threo thicknesses of mu terlul without separating tho fabrics murk pluco und size of buttonholo with basting thread or chalk and with a line stitch and thread to match tho buttonholo twlat stitch with muchlno each side of and quito close to this mark, Cut tho button holo between the lines of stitching. This will not only hold tho various thicknesses together, but will form a stay over which the buttonhole may bo worked. All buttonholes should bo dumpened ami pressed. I''RIKND of mine." &uo a clev er ucedlewomau, "had occuslou to open my shirt walsrbox the other day. Sho came to me, saying: 'My, but you ure extrava gant! You havo eleven pretty silk wulsts lu thut one box. How did jou huppen to buy so much wash nllk?' My answer surprised her. My husband woiks In u hank and must weur very clean linen. He is partial to bilk shirts, but as soon us there Is tho least break near the collar they aro thrown away. Shortly ufterwurd I upuear In a uw silk waist, for the i. .. , n.l flutrftlll' IB u mific man. on - ," least troublo In getting tfce, tho shirt. Hometline 1 uryu ....... .. ..I. I.. ..nlli.r tndflB pulling on a mum ivi -- ,., .'. I,, .....i .i .... ...i, n in nr IU vwii nun mui ""v", ",:, oudonotmlndntulllioffBtt shirts tho man of me iw" :, i .. ..on miirfstl. that a certuln Hhlrt In IM i -l U'nil M IOC1K Weil Ull mm-' dentally, on you ' NK of tho loclltH gowns Been thl)rui ., i., i .ml n. Ml Hlllll'll " ' ,1 word Paris wai flp- over II. The material " ii 'rim mnlerlal ' twilled silk, one or mo iw----of tho moment, und tho sjm j artlBiic lines irom ;. y A thoro wuo a deep tone made of real old ';";: and ii Puritau collar of th fell over the Blioulder A h novelty or uesigu i a "-- -,., frock of yellow faille cUmV silk net. Tho nc is '? "jy folds bcucuth a hip yWj. minds ono of the Khabetha; Tho bodice is dlUncl?5 its simplicity, the back bjn faille, cut with a low. round upper part of tho tnnilt' lower portion of falHo crossiof pllco effect. The ,-"",. and pearls l purlieu ar ly pi. f.iii iriicth seevesof i in bell shape with u pIpM ,, cord to hold out the l-vwf tunto satin of P"!"' 5,"J,S girdle and uccordlou-pltg ,. tlon of this i'l'n,l.u,rS Tho tunic of blue indtr(U,uV which drops in ueciM"" Th with rows of froth) rwuij. U ,. ulmntn affU f " 1Da" ! voile, with short sleeves . ,... ImM" 1 I3RI3 aro borne w -v don'ts for I'Vep SeV-eriowiriffS sunlight, Don-t iorb ". & aro moro seriously flfS0 jr ..i.. ii.i, ,. niviwn ueoiue '...iti "." "'"".. ,w "..... are "'. that llttlo V,m c.irrouoilIM firebsed by gloomy s fW.-ifc this lowers their vltallt) g 0 that lowered vital ty mw t), moro liable to cutcU an) cube. Uon't think " ',.' the house will do for I e n" Liinnii-Hf. mobt ulr; und ""'".ijy room should bo SlVfU IP " p If you want then, to-e i1, and orlos out In tho pU night terrors are ; u prw t fectlon. aud any lr' TO matters worse H" Lher to tri; yotii little ones. "".oi vlfi child what lie is iu tbli nnl In ll.l. It Oftdl VV"', children, espcclall) IW i highly strung, are dlspo d. f crying when the) 8 Jfcf you wish u cmiu .- - 0 ( him to take a good drinB- ter. u Hiiiuk"aajB .. 7 , . TKaHRjwiA ic: