' yv IPSE MOW SLEEP FROM TROUBLED CONSCIENCES THAN EROM POOR COOKING 5tott?fl !aperthat ' A CLEAN WHOLESOME NEWSPAPER FOR ALL SOUTHWEST OREGON HOMES BELIEVES IN IHtBt&i AND ALWAYS BOOSTS CIOOB flay MEMBER OF TJIE ASSOCIATE! TRESS ' L XXXIX. Established 1878 Ah The. Const Mnll .-.-"' MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 22, 1916 EVENING EDITION. TWELVE PAGES. X Consolidation of Times, Const Mnll nwl Coot Buy Advertiser. No. 1(55 i SUCK II AVALANCHE AMERICAN KILLED TEXAS RANCHER SHOT BY MEX ICAN CATTLE THIEVES vtiinri nnd Initircd orf eat Northern Railroad jear corea biauon ..nn HiiDt en DOWN MOUNTAIN SIDE .i now flnnr.li Fall unnrlrnrl FrRt and lecper Is Turned Over TEEN MAY BE DEAD Ilcport Indicated it I Loiiwt , Mnuy Wtw Killed i nrs tcicil IV '! Woik Being .rrlcd on Willi Difficulty AI AXD INJL'HKI) f t.XKl'S KHOM THIS CABS AnKlitl rr to f't Tim I RATTtiK, Wash., Ja,. 22 ht Northern offlco hero says killed nnd flvo Injured been tnken from tlio tkcd cars. No names have received yet. ! AjxxUI.J rrtu lo Cow Mr TlraM.J ITTLE, Wash., Jan. 22. Great era train No. 25, tlio Cascade d, which left Bjiokuno for So- last night, was struck by nil icho near Corea station on tlio (slope of tlio Cascndo inoun- 100 miles from Scnttlo, nt llils morning. I 'nil :t(i() I-'ect dining car ami a day coach lorn from tlio tra'n and hurled pet down tlio mountain sldo. Iccplng car was thrown on Us ITIic loss of life Is unknown Ury person In tho two cars liavo been killed or injured. Car Catfl'ett Flro dining car, which coulnlnod pmpany omploycs. caught flro. y conch did not tako flro, but was difficulty entering It, ow- tlio snow and debris with It was partly covered. Homo Arc Rescued i locomotive nnd other carH ro- on tho track. First pas- found by tho roscuors wits a pay, allvo but seriously hurt. noxt two passengers wcro Tio dead and threo Injured been taken from tho dining .Struck In tlio Middle. orts Just received from Corea avalancho struck tho train In llddlo and tho diner and day were carded away and tlio behind them, wim tnmiimi b Us sldo and swung partly l'e bank, but was not taken Hnpiicned On Curve. i'o Is a long horseshoo curvo p anu tno two cars that woro pent down townri tim irnM, ft below. Tho dllior Btntinnil ay to tho track, caught flro ps destroyed, mm iinv mnnii lued all wav to tim i...- . "- ..w mil ui fioillA niA 1 .i .., tuTil'lllMI, dead man nn.i n,- i..i . - .... UMCO III J III III! taken from tho dlnor. One ; y is still inside. Sovon. "t injured pasongors but no eretabnn r..... ii.. i- smn. r , " " UB)r coach. empt has been mado to gather LDJPft nf il.A . l" ueau mid Injured. iI'OSSiniA'llDi.ui) Nt I,ms ,., UI) MjkeH n umic Mttteincnt f'..Jr..Cao,D.rTlfflV, "AUL. jnn. 90 n.n.... . LL? Nortllorn "rock oon Jt .: von receved this '0A at til A nffl ... II ll, """" I lOU18 '" ,be President of tho rail. '"U Issuoil H,n li bent: 'urnming "HOW Hll.ln -...... .. . . K ,,,0 TJTr "l0 tra " n,t "" u"r on us a ! -t und k VH..H .: . u.a,lK- - . -- u,m ,njUre(l 8 a f. Known, in.. 11 . to cha r ... ,s renrted 0Ple and n C"tahl0d elgllt or iloS ,Sleepl"8car8,x. sers in tho ttino- n " "'"' ATTKVTinv .r ,77? fwher;7f ,'.P-. - I-Of p w,l,u louro No. it xt '., are re1"estod to bo mZ:y Bven,nB- -' J D. SNEDDON. DoiirIiih Downs Itcttirns (o Ainci-lcnii Holl nnd 'J'oIIh of Dcntli or " licit AICVI'H Ujr AHocUtcJ rrvnii lo Coo liar Tlmci. YSI3LTA, Tox., Jan. 22. Douglas Downs, who escaped to American soil after his companion, Bert Akors it young rnnchor or litis plnco, wuii klllod by Mexican cattlo thlovcs yes tordny gave tjio details today. Kind Stolen Cuttlo Ho suld ho, Downs, and n Mexican secret servico oporatlvo dotnlled to aid thorn, Woro Boafublng for stolon cnttlo when thoy found thorn In tho corral of Durnn Brothors, lend ers of the Mexican thieves, 11 111II0 south of tho border. Shot front Mm Hoi-ho Tho Mexicans oponcd flro nnd Alt ers ,wub shut from his horso. Tho Amorlcans woro uiiDrmcd. Durnn Brothers lator woro captured by tho Carranza troops nnd nio now In Jail at Juarez. STOP MEXICANS ATTKMPT TO RHINO BAGS ACROSS TIIK BOBDKR Not Allowed On Account of Typlms nnd CiiNtom OfflclnlH Open riro on IntriidorH l)f AitodtIM Vt' to C001 l)y Tlmn. Kli PASO, Toxas., Jan. 22. Cus toms offlcern this rnontlng opouod flro on Bovoral Mexicans' nttemptlug to cross tho bqrder with largo bun dles of rags. Tho Mexicans fled. It Is not bollovod any wqro woundod. Tho Importation of rags Is prohibit ed on nccount of tho typhus In Mex ico. ltcfiised to Unit Tho MoxleniiB refused to halt when ordorod by Csptnln Harris nnd Inspector Dawson of tho Unit ed Stntos Immigration sorvlco. They lmmodlatoly oponod flro.. IS IN SECLOSi IMIICSIBKNT TAKKS CBUISI3 ON TIIK YACHT MAYFLOWKR AVitnlM to Bo Alono to 1'roimro Spewbi's Which Ho Will Soon Mnko IRf AwocUlod r'cru la Com D7 Time ) WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 22. Prosldpnt and Mrs. Wilson, nboard tho.Naviil Yacht Mnyflowor, today woro cruising down tho Potomac rlvor, bound for tho Chosapehko Bay. Tho trip, which Is to occupy two days, was taken to onablo tho pres ident to proparo In seclusion tho address ho la to mako in Now York Jan. 27 at tho railroad business as sociation's banquet and to draft speeches on national preparedness for his Western trip. 1 BURNING l-AMKS DKSTUOYINfl MOLDK, IN NORWAY AND MANY HOMHLKSS Part of Plnco Already Reduced to AsIich mid Flro Is Still Rag ing Today 117 Awoclitea PreM to Coos pjr Time.) COPENHAGEN, Jan. 22. Tho Norwegian town of Moldo, tho cen tral portion of which was des troyed by flro yesterday, was still burning today. Tho greater part of iUiq city Is already reduced to ash 'es Nearly 2,000 people aro homeless. BIG RAFT OF LOGS BREAKS AT COOS RIVER :- , A big raft of logs' belong- lng to tlio Smith-Powers" Company was being brought down Coos river when tho wind carried it on to tho boom at tho turn of tho rlv- or. Tho raft broke and tho Ioks woro turned looso and 4 carried down tho bay. Doubt- loss many will bo lost over the bar. , M"BMHBBHIMaIBMHMIMiMMMMMiMHMniiMMMilMaHNWVMMMMMMH Feeding Tine Birds v J '".7 , , . 1 ISIAKE ABOUT VILLA CAPTURE General Herrera Makes State ment Branding All Re ports As Untrue NONE OF THE BANDITS HAVE YET; BEEN TAKEN Those Who Participated in the Santa Ysabel Massacre Still at Liberty ONE BANDIS DISPERSED (iuitInoii Troops Attack Tlieut mid ,Foiir Aie Killed and U10 Otbct-ii Aro Driven Avtny Fight OccurH at In iToyii Hr AuocUIrd l'rf.i lo Coo Dr Tlm. CHIHUAHUA, Jan. 22. All re ports of tho capturo of Villa or of any persons known to hfvvo taken part In tho Santa Ysabel mnssacro nro untruo according to n statomont by General Horrora dictated today. It Is announced, howovor that ban dits who participated In tho Santa Ysabel mnssacro woro attacked by forces of tho Santa Ysnbol garrison nt La Joya, n"l woro conlplotoly dis persed and four of them klllod. EIEHT IN CHINA REBELS SCOBE VICTORY OVK1I GOVEBN.MEXT TROOPS Moro SoldletH Aro Being Hurtled to tho Relief or tlio Re funding Garrison HT Aio:lill PrtM to Coo. JUr Tlran.1 pmkino. Jan. 22. Rebels In Yun nan provlnco liavo defeated a body of government troops and nro mov ing northward. Tho ongngoment occurrou in ozo pinion nrnvlnco. Many government troops aro arriving from Hankow at Chung King, on tho Yang Tso rlvor, in Szo Chuen provlnco, but navlgat'on on tho river above there Is difficult. PnnonmiAiiMi' tho 'revolutionists aro opposed by only small garri sons. The revolutionists aro not molesting foreigners. -i 4 TBIAL OK iiiii-;i-;iv v 4 IN PBQGBESS TODAY ' 4 Tho Greeks who had a 4 fight In the coffee houso yes- terday afternoon all ploaded not guilty aro on trial beforo 4 Judgo miner huh uii" " w-r VESSEL SENDS S. 0. S. CALL STEAM SCHOONEH CENTBALIA IN DISTRESS. THIS MOHNING ilas Not. Slnco Been Located by Other RontH Yofonilto Ik RciKirt ctlo Lonklng Tho steam schooner Ccntralla sent out on S. O. S. call for help nt 6 o'clock this morning: All efforts to get In communication with tho vossol aftor this tlmo liavo proven fruitless though It Is known that tho oil tank Htcamer Buck and also tho steam schoonor Yosomito nro cruising In tho vicinity, supposed to bo about 2G miles northwest of.Yaqutna. Tho Yosomito horsolf Ih In a leaking con dition. Hoard tlio Whistles Tho destination or tho Contralla Is not known hero. Word from tho steamship Buck Is to tho effect that about six o'clock, It was thou quite dark, four sharp and short b lusts of a ship's whjstlo woro heard, Then thoro was sllouco. It Is understood that tho Buck wn oIoro enough to llscorn tho outlines ot tho Con but lost her shortly a. tor this. Location Gnexsed At Tho location of tho Contralla was guessed at, though it Is bollovod It was very closo to tho position stat ed. Tho ships nro cruising tjioro In in hopeB of picking up. any llfo boats that may bo afloat, providing tho Contralla has foundered. Word from tho Yosomito, also a stoam schoonor from tho Columbia rlvor, doos not state how badly she Is leuklng ,uor whother sho Is out ward bound from Portland or San Francisco. Ih Steam Schooner Tho Contralla Is a steam schoonor of 487 gross tonnago, 160. 5 feet In longth, ac reet breadth and with a depth of 12.5 fo:t. Sho' carries a crow or 19 mon. In 1002 sho was built at Alameda- and San Francisco Is lior homo port. No Call for Help The Yosomito, tho vossol that Is leaking, is of 927 gross tons, carries a crow of 2G men and is 193 feet in longth. Inasmuch as bIio has not dispatched a call for help It !b riot believed that sho Is In a. sinking con- wltlon, SEPARATE PEACE IS S German Newspaper Says Bel gium Is Free to Do As She Sees Fit SAYS THAT A DELAY MIGHT PROVE FATAL DECISION GIVEN CLARK CORPORATION GETS VAL UABLE MINKHAL LANDS. U. Si Court GrnntH Company Pro perty About Twenty Million Dollars Involved. tOr AMoclatM Pm to Coo. nr TlraM.J BUTTE, Mont. Jnn. 22 By de cision ontored In tho United States court today, tho Elm Orlu mining company, a W. A. Clark corpora tion, gains title to the Immensely valuablo bodlo mineral formerly clalmod by tho Butto and Superior Company. The oro bodies Involved In tho litigation aro valued nt $20,000,000. Tho court holds that tho Elm Orlu Company Is entitled to 300 foot of thoso volns by extra lateral rights. It had claimed 4G0 foot. The court decided 160 foot belongs to tho Butto and Suporlor. Country Is Regarded by Kai ser's Chancellor As An Ob ject of Exchange ACTION NEEDED AT ONCE IS AFIRE NORWEGIAN FREIGHTER FORC ED TO RETURN TO PORT Wits Bound ror Archangel With Car go Consigned to tlio Huh ulan Government Dr AMoettt I'r 10 cm Ttr Tlnr.. p NEW YORK, Jan. 22. Mystery surrounds tho flro which forced tho Norwegian freighter Sygna to put back to this port today after having snllod yesterday for Arch nngol with a largo cargo consigned to tho Russian government. Af tor largo quantities of steam poured Into tho forohold, tho flro was be lloved to bo under control. No Explanation Officers ot tho freighter said that as far as thoy know no explosion preceded tho flro, but thoy woro unable to otfor any explanation of how tho blaro originated. The Sygna will bo oxamlned to dotor mlno tho causo. If Matter Th Put Off Too Long Bel glum Might Bo Considered n Good Prlzo In Settle ment or Affulm Dr Ai.otlit.4 rr. to Coo. Cr Timet, LONDON, Jan. 22. An Amster dam dispatch to tho Exchango Tele graph Btatos that tho Frankfurter Keltung, discussing tho possibility of a sopnratopoaco between Germany and Belgium, snyg as long as Bol glum has not slgnod tho London ag reement regnrdlng making soparato peaco, sho Is frco to do as her in terests command. Tho newspaper Is quoted as add ing that Belgium until now has boon considered by tho Gorman chancel lor as an object of exchango nnd sonslblo Belgians ought to bo told not to wait too long or Bolglum will bo considered a good prlzo. NOTICE To the patrons and all Interested: Tho Coos Bay Creamery Association will discontinue the manufacture of butter on February .. 1?16 manufacturo cheese excliwlvely. J, J. CLINKINBEARD, Manager, MAY M AGAIN A. S. HAMMOND SAYS REJECTION KINNEY TAXES NOT FINAL SHELL BARRACKS Destroy u Military Train and Also Attitclc Rulgnrliiii Seaport on Aegean Sea ID7 AwocUtoa Pre., to Coo. Ur Tlmw.J PARIS, Jan. 22. A Milan dis patch says that a squadron or 16 warships of tho allies which Wed nesday bombarded Porto Lagos, the Bulgarlun sea port on tho Aegean Sea near the Greek border, also shelled tho military barracks at Dedeaghatch and destroyed a mili tary train Judge WnWon Took Stand AgnlitNt Cutting Down Penalty and IntqrcMt on Delinquent Tnxet - F. B. Walto, who has been en deavoring to effect an adjustment of the Klnnoy doltnquent taxes, left ithls morning for Portland, lie has mot entirely given up hopes of ef- fealng an adjustment or tho matter (although Judgo Watson turned the proposition down yeserday. Mr. Walto said that ho undorstood that Commissioners Domont and Armstrong voro favorablo to a sou alement but Judget Yatson took a stand ngaliiBt It at tho final con ference yestorday. A. S. Hammond said that Judgo Watson's refusal was not final, be ing morely a requost for further tlmo to think It over. Mr. Hammond thought thnt Watson wanted a bettor settlement than merely the taxes nnd six per cont Intorest, In vlow of tho falluro of tho bcttlomont negotiations, District At torney Llljeqvlst will bo unablo to proceed until Judgo Sklpworth of Eugeno passos on tho case which will bo probably about ninety days. In the meantime it was hinted by Messrs, Walto and Hammond thoro mcy bo further negotiations with tho county court, PLAN ENDORSED HENRY L. STINSON APPROVED GARRISON'S PROGRAM Former Secretary of War Says Com- pulsory Military Service In True Solution , IHj Auocltt! rr" to Coo. Ur Tlraw.l WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 22. An unqualified endorsement of tho administration's continental vmy plan was gvon today by Honry L. Stlmpson, secretary of war In tho Taft administration, in an address boforo tho Nntional Security Loaguo. Declaring hlmsolf In favor of a compulsory mllltrary sorvlco ns tho truo solution or tho defonso prob lem. Stlmson said ho regarded tho program now advanced by Secretary Qnrrlson as a sound initial step. 1 S W VICTORS OVER COQUILLK 1JA8KETRALL QAME. IN Score 20 to 10 In County Seat Myrtlo l'olnt Vanqulhcs North Rend 27 to 11. In a spirltod gamo In Coqulllo last ovenlng tho Marghfleld high school quintet won from their opponents by a score of 29 to 19. At Myrtlo rpolnt tho flvo from North Bend woro bested 27 to 11 and this evonlng North Bond will meet tho batiket 'ball team at Bandon, The players from Marshflold wore 'Watters and Burrows, forwards; Heu 'man, center; and McDonald and Chapman, guards. They returned this morning. Sopltuiores Win. Tho Sophmores of the high school 'this morning defeated tho Coos Rivor consolidated Bchool flvo, 25 to 19. FLOODS SWEEP 1 1 AZ Mayor Dies of Heart Failure From Excitement in Ef fort to Keep Order FEAR ENTIRE VALLEY WILL BE RUINED Waters of Colorado River Rush Through Street caus- ' ing Great Damage BUILDING CARRIED AWAY Many Resident nro Panic Stricken Lovchn Hiito llrokon Awny nnd Big Irrigation Project In Dan ger of Dottructlon (nr AnoctttM Pmi to Coo. Dr TlmM.J YUMA, Ariz., Jan. 22. Yuma. is flooded by wator from tho Colorado river todny. Mayor Charles C. Moore died ot hoart fcaluro caused by excltomont In trying to restore ordor. Many residents aro panic strick en. Tho water Is rushing through Rushes Through Street the. main street sovoral foot deop, washing away many of tho older buildings. Tho government' lovoo protecting tho Yuma valloy broko. Tho government lovoo on tho Cali fornia sldo also broko. May Sweep Vnlloy It Is fonted that tho entire Yuma Vnlloy will bo Inundatod boforo nightfall and tho Irrigation projoct on tho Caltfomla sldo suffer groat damage. J Communication with tho Imperial Vnlloy of California Is sovorod-and nothing definite could bo learned ot conditions there. G RELIEF BELIEVED IT WILL HELP THE FIX)OD CONDITIONS Water from Overflowed Rivera CitttHo Damage Rut Aro Now Receding Some (Or AmcwLI! Pre, to Coo. Il.r Ttmi. CHICAGO, III., Jan. Tho . cold wnvo swooping eastward from tho Rocky Mountains was hold out ji day as bringing hopo.of rollot frqm tho Hood conditions which provallpd In Illinois nnd neighboring atatoa yestorday. Tho waters after doing much daniago wcro receding today. DENIAL ENTERED AUSTRIA GIVES INFORMATION REGARDING THE PERSIA. - States that Country Had no Sub ( marine. Concerned lit the Sinking or tlio Liner. Dr AuoclileJ rrf.t to Coo Btjr TlmM.J, VIENNA, Jnn. 22 Tho govern ment has informed Amorlcan am basador Penfleld that no Austrian submarine was concernod in uTo sinking ot tho steamer Persia. Tho German government previously deni ed any responsibility. U STORM S Rf llerp On Business. A. E. Flsk, purchasing agent ror tho C. A. Smith company, who has officos In San Francisco, Is here on business tor a rew days. , Tho convenience and profit of Times Want Ads will bo demon strated by n trlul. wv.rssv.mvr T .,.lt ttw lllf Vd'll hVl.lAfllil wj- t iaii nu .umra ,- HOUR TODAY. .v ' v Coos Bay Bar Is Reported Rough Wanner Temperature Makeup Danger of Freshet. " -Tho wind storm is sovore today. Off tho Orogon coast there lsTa southeast wind of a velocity of 85 mllCB nn hour. Tho Coos Bay bar 'however waB not rough this after noon. This morning storm warnings were sent to all southern Oregon poluts and tho weather predictions received today Indicate thnt.the gale will con tinue, . Tho higher tomporaturo and rain di'rlag the day increases the danger of a sudden molting ot the snow in tho mountains which would brine about & bud froshet. n w K. of R. & s, - 4Tl-l .iliuU.kH ! Am.,1&L iS -A J m .iJL .