gjSSSl w;v M-Mpn- rtyypeo THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON. FRIDAY, JANUARY 21, 1916 EVENING EDITION. SIX .1 ! r ONLY A FEW DAYS LEFT- Atie Lando Sale Tomorrow's Specials 25c. 20c. 15c LACES for 5c The Yard 40c. 35c. 30c. LACES for ' 10c The Yard EMBROIDERIES AND TRIMMINGS- 60c. 50c. 45c. LACES for . 15c The Yard Same Prices. Customers Who attend this sale are our best advertisement Hub Clothing & Shoe Co. Purchasers VOTERS TO DECIDE SI'KCIAIi SCIIOOIi KLKCTIOX TO 1JU JIHLI) AT HASTSID13 CAMPAIGN Oil HOT HIT SUE TOE CITY SKKK HOO MKMHKItS OF CIIAMIIKK OI-1 OOMMKKCK IV FKIJ. 15 "livery ltcsldcnt n Member; Every Monitor n Worker" In Slogan Committees Oct to Work "Every resident a member; every member a worker." Its tlio now slo gan of the Chnmbor of Commcrco campaign committee Mnrahflold late- yesterday was divided into four districts. In cacli dlstrlct-todny and until Fobruary 2 a committee will work. Tlioro nro now 90 mombors of tho Chamber. The ,plan is to bring tho total up to 300 mombors beforo tlio closo of tlio campaign. "Its tho big year ahead of us," they say. "Its tho year wo'vo been looking for. Now Us up to us to ninko tho most of it. Wo can do it by making tho Chamber of Com mcrco an offlclont and hard work ing organization. This can't bo dono by knocking and saying what ought to bo dono. Join tho Chnmbor nnd work, that's what wo nocd right new." Start Work nt Onto And so early this morning tho committees of tho city wont to work. In District No. 1, which tnkes In nil of Front street, Tom Harvey, Tom James and 12, L. McCluro tiro in vhargo; for District No. 2, nil ter ritory north of nnd including Com mercial avouuo, Hay Olllvnnt, Jay Doylo and II. J. Kimball; for Dis trict No. 3, betwoon Commercial and Andorson, and including tho latter, , E I. Chandlor, Lionel Gordon nnd J. C. Kcndull and for District No. 1, Boutlt of Anderson avouuo, Alvu Doll, Hugo Qulst and Mel Duncan. Bon Fisher and Frank a. Hot-ton will look after tho membership cam paign among tho corporations of tho ftslty. Report of their efforts will bo '"nmdo at tho banquet on drouud-hog Tny, February 2. It Ib expected that 200 men will attend tho dinner thnt night and promlco to do their part ffoi Murehflold and Coos Day In 1616. P WEST CENTRAL AVENUE OWN ERS OF PROPERTY' INCENSKI) "KEATING IS GIF $iu:i:m;cti:i to hkai marsh. rflfil... In Arf1. il.i.t rr..if1u rn.m. fT.i IMiuikhiK Only $100 of Stipu lated ijinoo In City Treasury' Suit of Eovoral WoBt Ceutrnl Avo uuo property owncrn against tho city for tho reason thnt logging truckft nro said to have damaged tho street planking, was rumored today in sov oral places. C. S. Hoffman, who lives at the corner of 14th and Cen tral, admitted that ho expects to fllo suit. 'v "The street Is In a horrlblo Bhnpo now," ho said. "Whon tho logging is finished the city, will condemn it, order now planking and the proper ty owners will linvo to foot tho bill." WiigoiiH Sink In " Ho said that lato yesterday two wagons sunk through tho plnnking almost in front of his homo nnd bo on mo stalled tlioro and that several times tho wagons have slid off tholr lmprovl8ed rondway, cutting up tho plankng on olthor sldo. City Rocordor Hutlcr this morning stntcd that tho city has received $400 of tho G00 lomnndod of tho logging company as tho necessary iiniount needed to ropnlr (famages dono to tho stroots by tho truckB. At tho laBt council meeting City Engineer A. I), aidley nnld that tlio damngo In tho pnst 30 days linn nmountod to about $700 n addition to tho other G00 damages. Plunking In Old Howovor, Mr. Oldloy aitld thin morning that tho plnnking on West Central avouuo wua Inid in 1008 and I now going on Its eighth year and thnt ordinarily tho llfo of planking Is from flvo to six years. Ho said tho stroot was in bud condition thero bo foro the trucks started running. "I think thnt If tlio property own ers out there bring tho mnttor Into court they will get llttlo foro their ef forts, nut of courBo, further down town, Its different. I am not saying 0 RUCKS GO NG DICMISE OF FAMOL'H CLAM HARD ON CANNERIES IS A to Forced North to AIiihIcii TIiIh Variety of Clam Ih Scarce on Cwi8t Near Hero ' Tho demise of tho rnzorback clam it a blow to tho clam canning Indus try of tho Pacific Coast. Frank Hor ton dcclnres that tho clams aro dy ing out in this section and thnt tho canneries nro moving to Alnska, all of which will havo a dccldod effect on tho price, of tho clams In cans. In this vicinity thero nro fow such clams. It Is said that at ono tlmn tl oy grow, to a certain extent, nonr Clnrlcston liny and also at Sncchl Dcach, but now thero aro none at all found In tho former plnco and vory few at tho lnttor. Razorback claniB nro perhaps tho best of tho clam family for canning purposes. Tho ment is tender nnd cooks up vory nicely. Cnnncrlcs woro established on tho California coast and nlso on tho northern Oregon const and also in Washington. It la said that onco theso clams loavo, they can not again bo brought back or replanted Uko tho oystors, but uro gono for all tlmo. ATTACK I TITLE IIKIRS OR W. (!. WERSTER CLAIM INTEREST IN ROUEKH RUILDINO Question Ih thnt of lining tho School House as a Civic Center of Community Tho pcoplo of tho Enstslde school district will hold n special election on January 22 for tho purposo of de ciding tho question ns to whether or not tho school building shall bo used no a civic center. Tho stato law provides that school houses shall bo UBcd for meeting plncos of cortnln kinds but in this caso tlioro is a dif ference of opinion on tho part of tho mombors of tho school bonrd ns to what shall bo dono so tho mnttor has bcon put to n voto of tho people of tho district. It is hold thnt the school house Is tho only public building in Enstsido and thnt it is needed by tho pcoplo an n placo for holding church Borvlccs, club meetings and other civic gath erings. Thero Is ono room in tho building which Is not now used ns a school. Tho special election will dccldo tho tho matter nnd will relieve tho school board of any responsibility In acting In the mnttor. Tho Imxt Pertaining' Tho following aro tho portions of sections of Inw which havo bearing on tho subject: Section 137 School houses and civic centers. Tlioro Is horoby estab lished a civic conter at each nnd ov ory public school house within tho stato of Orogon whoro tho citizens of tho respective public school dis tricts within tho Bald stato of Oregon may engage In Biiporvised recreation al activities, and where thoy may moot and discuss from time to tlmo nH they may dcslro any nnd all sub jects and questions which In tholr judgment may apportnln to tho edu cational political, economic, artistic nnd moral Interest of tho cltizons of tho respectivo communities In which thoy may reside Section 138 Expenses paid by tho district. Lighting, heating, Janitor ncryiccs nnd tho services of a Bpccinl supervising officer whon needed in connection with such ubo of public school buildings nnd grounds ns et forth in section 137 of this net shall school buildings nnd grounds ns sot spcclnl school fund of tho respectivo school districts In tho samo mnunor and by tho snmo nuthorlty as such slmllnr services nro now provided for. MAKES FINE SHOW NORTH REND LIRRARV HAS MADE A RIO GROWTH Directors Mold h Meeting And Elect Two Now Members Reports. Aro Mmlo Tho members of tho North llond Llbrnry Association hold n mooting yesterday afternoon nt tho North Bond Club. Tho torm of offlco of two of tho directors, Mrs. L. J. Simp son and Mrs. L. C. Uoynolds, havo explrod. Mrs. Simpson was ro-oloct-cd to sorvo another torm. Mrs Rey nolds stnted that it would bo Im possible ,for her to accept another toim of offlco nnd In her plnco Mrs. Geo. Mandlgo was elected. Tho m om hers of tho bonrd will meet Thursday to elect tho offlcorB for tho next year. Tho hoard ns it now stands Is composed of Mrs. C. M. Dylor, Mrs. Herbert, Armstrong, Mrs. George Hnzor, Mrs. C. F. McCol luin, Mrs. L. J. Simpson nnd Mrs. Qcorgo Mandigo. Tho library hns made n wondor ful growth during tlio past yonr. Tho totnlinunbor of books in tho library n year ago was 1 ID volumes and now thero aro 1,500 volumes for tho uso of tho pcoplo. Tho reports show thnt 8,025 books woro borrowed from tho library and taken out for rending. In addition thero woro 4,0 1G porsons who visited tho llbrn ry without taking out books, making 'a total of 12,000 visitors to tho li brary during tho yenr. Tlio oxponsos for tho pnst year woro $310. 215. Tho board estimates $260 ns tho expenses for tho coining year. SUPERINTENDENT C0E GETS SALARY RAISED North Rend School Ronrd Htm for Another Year Retains LEGS NOT BROKEN for Judge Sklpworth, testimony Is Doing iiiKon today in tno enso of W. O. Wobator IioIth vs. 8. C. Rogers. Tho suit Involves a half ownorshlp In tlio Rogers building on Coiitnti Avonuo botween Ilrondway nnd Front. Tlio enso vns Btnrtod by a daugh ter In law of W. O. Wobstor who nl- I Incnn Iri'nirnlnrltlna In tlm (ltl .i.l.Il. that proporty ownors nlong tho pav-1 8. C. Rogera rocclvod when ho bought ing nnvoirt n Just kick coming for,1110 proporty at sliorlffB salo twenty Testimony Taken Regarding Valuable ' RKTECTIVE W.J. MITCHELL HAS PnijKjrty nt Hroaihmy mid I USE OF ROTH "PROPS" Central -Old Timers Testify Roforo A. n. Loud, apdclnl roforco!' Ciirroy Says Ho Met Him on Street In Portland Latter Do. rlnrcd However Had Accident tlio dnningo that hns boon done." FIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT iWillluin Sleep AIno Reelected Assist- nut' Roth Aro Commended for i Efficient Siytluj Flro Chief Dan Keating wns ro .elected no tho offlco for another year 'with nine votes to sparo ovor Jack jjpnvls by tho voto Inst ovonlug of tho 'Mnrahflojd Flro Department. Will Tjam Sleep 1b again assistant chief, winning out against Vlnce Pratt. The voto for chlof was Keating 22 nnd Davis 13 and for Sloop 20 and pratt in. Considerable lutorcst was tnkon In tho election among tho members. Fire Chlof Keating has rocelved a groat doal of commendation for his past work In tho department nnd tho interest that ho hns shown, He has ntteudod several of tho flro chief's conventions and has kept abroast with tho up to date methods of flro fighting. SH GULLS FLOCK HIH lll'SKY RIRDS SOON FIND WHERE FOOD IS PUT odd years ago. Tio proporty was men soid to Bimsry a mortgage hold by Elchold & Mlllor of Snn Francis co. W. O. WobBter wns ono of tho pio neers of tho Coqiilllo vnlloy and W. J. Mitchell, Jitpposcd to havo had both Ills logs broken in n Port laud auto accident a short tlmo ago, walked across tho stroot ns sprightly na could bo last WedncBdny. D. A. Ciirroy, of Marsbflold, tapped him on tho shouldor nenj tho postofflco, cornor or Sixth nnd Morrison streets. "Hollo Mitchell," ho put In. "Though you had both your legs broken. Thero was a telegram Marslifield. Ha was a Hhoomalcnr ilnwn iii iMiiruiifini.i i.n ... , wiih quite successful, acciinnilatlng ctl tllnt no "n, not received two brok proporty nnd orectlng tho first brick i on legs, as Mr. Ciirroy snyB. Tlio hlock hero, tlio hiilldlin: now oceu-. fnrmnr (ni.i i, i ,i.n ...... 1....1 ..i,..i 1... 11.,. ...... ..." ..v " " "' ""u l I'lW'li IIJ I.IU .lilllDUll DllJll) Eat Tlio Crumbs In Rack Vaiils for Smaller llrethivii Roel In (Joiid (Cats Tho fainlno of tho hlrds during tho last two weeks hns resulted in a niu- iiiuconi narvost for tho boiiku lis that L. A. Roliorts of Mvrt o Point Is flock up and down tho bay by tho ' ono tno ol'tsldo wRiicsscs In tho hundreds. Those blK husky hlrtlH I Vf "..."?H?"" c"m. P.Vor. today. wcro quick to find that food was bo-l "a " a '" L " I """ Ln fS""; ' -thor. wns pt off Ing put out for tholr smaller broth-! ro,l' to depart, his wife's pnronts torm of cmirt HI,tH tl10 noxt. ron mid tho result Is that dozons u,e",ll, iniio 111 and tlioy postponed havo flocked Into tho residence ' t"olr do"rt"r " "Us spring. parts of thu cltv. 1 in hack yards and on front lnwiiB Tlio North llond school bonrd at a mooting yestordny decided to retain Superintendent E. L. Coo for anoth er year as head of tho schools. Mr. Coo canio hero last year following tho resignation of A. Q. Rnab. For tho first year ho was paid $1,000 salary and it wns decided by tho benrd to rnlso Mr. Coo's salary to $1, 800 a yoar, tho samo as was paid Mr. Ranb. Mr. Coo will havo tho prlvllogo of recommending his own corps of tcncliors. Th'oso ho names will bo appolutod by tho board. 1 MISSED THE SNOW Rnndoii Em-iiihmI tho Oeuernl Rail Weather of tho County Tho Ilandon Recorder hns tho fol-, lowing to sny of tho woathor tlioro: "Ilnndon Ib tho only section of Coon County without biiow this wook. Tho Biiow lino bcgliiB with Parkoraburg and Hoar Crook and gota dcopor to wards Coqiilllo and Myrtlo Point. Roy Rosollo returned from Marsbflold icstorday und stntcd that biiow was even dcopor at Coos nny thaif nt Co qiilllo. Snow Ib nppnront on Capo ninuco to tho South or us. Ilnudon If least favored, Is nt nil oventa, least alfllctcd. fiOES TO PENlTICNTIARY E. S. Zuorn, who plondod guilty In tho United Stntos court nt San Frnn-' Cisco to using mulls to defraud, was I.ntni lin , . Hnntnniml ...... 1.. mot advoFBltlos and lost . lila pronortv . ' S im ,0K8 n I0W UnyB ro": , OB" w"on" and movod to Arizona whoro ho died tl,Ht' u,nt ho " "eon cnrrlod homo f") ,),'ion uor wns arrested on A. J. Shorwood or Coqulllo Is nt-,'"(l that Mrs. Mltcholl thought both 1ror"mt' furnlshod by tho Coos torncy for S. C. Rogoia, Ills father 'his logs woro broken. ,,a' Crenmory nnd tho Ilnndon 1 III hlW, (Hid StOll & Iloillln rnnnsnnM .. ... . .. f'rnnmnrv rrl.,.an n tho Wobator heirs. " nccoui ' '"o mensngo , " '"-DU ,,,,,,H wuro among milling nun Dotn tno dotoctivost; tn iubi muuoy inrougli "props" imd been broken that tho ' "l or" H opouoiib. enso or Trondgold vorsus Mltcholl rrom tills fthoy wax rat on tho rood thrown out for tho thrushes and tho robins. Not 1r years have they had so much to eat and they Boom to know that tho occasion Is a spoclal ono and may not coino ngaln soon for they nro making tho best or It. iPLff IN THE VALLEY DASKET RAH, TEAMS OF COOS RAY LEAVE THIS MOHNINO Llbby Coal, $5.00 ton. Phono 72. Coos Bay Stationery Co. DUnco Riilldlng Front Street JUST IN A largo hhlpnient MARCUS WARD'S ULSTER LiViav CORRESPONDENCE PAPER in pound packages, for 5 cents per pound of HI hheets. Coos Bay Stationery Co. IIImuco Hotel Riiildlug Mai-shfleld, Noith Fiont Street BOTTLE HOLDS TROUBLE INTO THE NEW YEAR Marshflold To Shoot Ibisketi in Co Mitllo mid North IJi-iiil ut Myr tle Point Tonight Raskot shootors of Marsbflold nnd North Rend vlo this evening with teams of tho Coqulllo Vnlloy, the for mer playing nt Coqulllo nnd tho Int toi with Myrtlo Point. Tho tennis left on tho lato morning train, Theso games will bo tho second in tho series for tho baskot ball cham pionship among tho high schools or tho county. The team from MaishHold Is com posed of Wattors and Rurrows, for wards; Seaman, conter, and McDon ald and Chapman, guards. Coach Nllos and Prof. Crannls accompanied the team, From North Rond thero went tho toam, Holmes, Haves, Russell, Meudo nlor and Hoolllng. Supt. Coo ac companied the boB. They play to night In Myrtlo Point and tomorrow evening In Rnndoii. C111I Hiinson Says That 11)15 Flask is Cause of CJriof and Judge levies $5 Fino It was a 1915 bottle that caused Carl Hanson, an employee of tho Bay City mill to como to griof. Ho said that ho had laid in the supply as tho old year came to a close and, yestor dny tho mill having heon closed down, ho proceoded to sample tho contents. In tho evening ho enmo to Marsbflold and was arrested on a drunk charge. mis Is a moro serious ofronso than formerly, now that tho people of tho stato havo seon fit to pass tho prohibition law," declared City At torney Drand. Judgo Butler aKlxed a fino of $5. FlfJoId sails from Rauilon for San I'lanclsco, 81111 Pedro itud San Diego, Siitiuilay noen. Tickets nt Abstract! offlco and McCullom AS Painter. North Rend. ; ADD STATE NEWS PENDLETON la having tho cold est woather on rocord, tho tompor aturo of 22 degrees helow zoro being the lowest ever registered thero ac cording to tho offlcinl weather re ports, nnd it is a protracted cold spell, Diuico Sumner Saturday evening. Alice H 1 mis from Con River nnd Siiutiso fioin MnrMifiolil. You Can't Afford To Wear Poor Clothes When our now Suits aro being sold so cheap. Protection of jour health and tho necessity of appear, lug uoll-dresseil should compel you to take advantage of our Clearing Sale. Tho suits nro all this year's stjles. Jiibt notice our window Mlien you pass, or better still, como in iinil inspect tho clothes ami try 11 suit 011. -5 Per Cent Reduction in Prices $18.50 Suits now $14.85 $12.50 Suits now $9.40 This Is an opportunity to save that you should not miss. Those rlces aro for cash only. Bunker Hill Dep't Store W. H. Dmdinger & Co. Phone 32 gS5. - Children's Goats at Reduced Prices $3.50 Coats . . . Now $2.93 $4.25 Coats ..... Now $3.25 $4.85 Coats .... Now $3.95 $5.75 Coats Now $4.45 $775 Coats . Now $5.25 The Golden Rule FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG ALWAYS BUSY. MARSHFIELD High Quality Groceries Our own prompt and particular delivery service Ef ficient clerks being out of the high rent district and keeping our prices as low as consistent with good busi ness makes Conner & Hoagknd The Leading Grocers Dealers in Good Groceries 797 South Broadway. Phones 348-J and 326 Puget Sound Bridge & Dredging Co. Dams, Bridges, Buildings. General Construction CON.LETE PLANTS FOR HARBOR WORK Our Coos Bay office has available for Oregon Coast work the Dredge "Seattle" Ifco most powerful, best equipped unil most thoroughly raoder twonty-incli liydrnr.Uo (lrodj(e lc Pacific wator Coos Bay office, Marshfield, Oregon. Main office, Seattle. Washington. , PARCEL POST YOUR LAUNDRY We Pay Return Charges.. Prompt and' Efficient Service COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY IJ. S. Zuern 'lio Cheated Croninorlcs i Ih .Sentenced J t.m W1 ' MMMHrfab!S!!S!:' -Z4t0, Here's a Good Salesman People passing cannot help but see your show win dowsmake them so attractive that they will stop. No clerk, however efficient, can work as does a well-ilium inated window. It saes everybody on the streets It mates sales at a lower cost and never tires of working. Electric Light will help'you display your goods so as to do this. The latest Mazda C type of lamp is even more efficient than anything heretofore offered. It will allow you to illum inate your windows brighter than ever before at no greater cost. We will be very glad to advise you regard ing any kind of illumination, this service is offered without obligation. Oregon Power Co. V "' A