vrf THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHF1ELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 21, 1916 EVENING EDITION. W Five s-""-"T IreftP iREVlTlft It Costs You To "Fall In" Less (luring the great Clcmlng-up Hnlo HOW going l tlllH HlOlO. Thoio nutty tnmxo-H which every until likes iiml everybody nd mires me selling Mi this for in ni(. ion clays: Ron. $6.00 "Dutciess" $4.50' Rea S5.00 "Dutciess S3.& Rca S4 00 "Dutciess S3.00 Rea 3 00 "Dutciess $2.25 Rea $2.00 Due less $1.50 Reg. $1.25 "Dutciess" $ .95 Those who -'l Hvoly get host se lections. Woolen Mill Stores Mnrshflcld North Itcnil WEATHER FORECAST 1 85 Fourth Street I I HOTEL ST. REGIS 9 I J. E. Schilling, Prop. H 3 A Select Family I Commercial Hotel I Headquarters for Coon H H Co. people sojourning H fl hi Sun Francisco::: tt: H WEAVING All kinds a spc.o ialty. Mrs. W. W. Nason, 680 12th Cotirth. So. Phone 220-R IDj AnorlMM Preai to Coo. Ill 7 Time WEATHER FORECAST OREGON Occasional rnln in west; unsettled, probably rain or snow In the Must; southerly winds. liOOAIi TEMPERATURE RECORD For tbo 21 hours ending at 4:43 a. ni Jan. 21, by DonJ. Oatllnd, Bpcdal gov ernment meteorologist: Maxlintttn 10 Mlnlmuni .' .17 At 1:1.'! a. m II! Prqclpltutlou lilt Precipitation, Blnco Sopt. 1, luir. ltui Precipitation Bamo period Inst year 42. GO Wind: Southwest, cloudy. SUNRISE AND SUNSET Friday January 21 Sun rises at 7:45 find sets at 5:00 J : BORN x $ SCI IOFFNER Horn to Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Scboffncr, of Powers, Jan. 19, twin babies, a boy and a girl. Did Not Arrive. Arno Moreen, general Buporlutondont of tbo C. A. Smith interests, was expected on this trip of tbo Adellno Smith but ho did not arrive Left. With IMronts. The- Bono brako boy who was sentenced to go to tbo reform school has not been tnkon away yet. Ho was loft In tbo euro of his father until next Thurs day when ho will bo taken to tbo re form school. Story Hour Tomorrow. Tho story hour, between JO and 11 a. in. nt tlo Carnoglo Public Library to morrow will bo In chargo of Miss Coming, of tho First grado at tho Central school on tho subject "Es quimaux children." To Consult With Bishop. Tho Uov. Hobprt 10. Drowning expects to leavo in tho early part of noxt wool: for Portland whore ho will consult with Bishop Sumner on parish mat ters, returning horo next Thursday or Friday. Bishop Sumner Is just returning from a trip to Chicago, his old homo before coming west. Empire Service. There will be a servlco In St. Luke's Church, Umpire Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. Buys Home. Dan Keating and wlfo hnvo purchased tbo residence property of Gordon Smith on Eleven th street, north of Commercial Ave nue, and will move thoro Fobruary 1. .Sunday School. Tbo Sunday School nt St. Mnry's Episcopal Chap el, North Bond, will convene at 10 a. m. instead of 0 a. m. on Sunday mornings, To Play In Morning. Tho Soph- moro basket ball team of tbo high school tomorrow nt 10S.30 a. m. in the local gymnasium will play the quintet from the Coos Hlvcr Bchool. Hnby IHch. Tho Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. H. 13. Plncgor, born this morning, died before birth and was burled today. Mrs. Plncgor Is doing nicely under tho circumstanc es. Changes Jobs. ltobort Potors, who lias been messongor boy for tbo Western Union, will resign his place there to take a position nB messon gor on tbo Handel service Ono of tho boys there will tnke the Western Union Job. Petors has nttonded to his duties well and Is a splendid messongor boy. IIo is changing bo causo of better hours. Tear Out Sldownlks. Dcun and Drown, contractors, this morning bo tho lllvers and Harbors committee, thanking him for pictures of the Coos Hay Jetty, showing Its condition, dno was tho plcturo of tho stenm schoon er Clnromont wrecked on tho end of tbo Jetty. Mr. spnrkman said that tho bill for a Jetty has not yet boon Introduced but that when It is he as sures It will bo given hearty consid eration. Error in Price. Through a typo graphical error, tho price which tho Elks are supposed to bo willing to pay for tbo Holsncr property, was given last night at ?1000, in stead of $2500. 'mo item should have read "$100 per front foot or $2500 for 25 feet frontage." Tho lot Is immediately adjacent to tbo Elks property nt the northeast cor ner of Third and Commercial, Hols nor's representatives asking $3400 for It. The lot is now occupied by a portion of the old livery barn of Levi Holsncr. Can (Jot No Rent. Tom Jamcp finds that for tho presont ho Is un ablo'to got a boat to carry freight be tweon Portland and Coos 'Day points. Ho first nttomptod to charter the Tillamook and found that sho only can bo purchased. He ban just tried to got tho gasoline schooner Aim., but hor owners Btato It would tako n month to put her in commission and that thoy do not want to charter the vcssol. Tom James is still hoping thnt Swayno and Hoyt will bo nblo to got hold of n. vessel to make this run and perhaps tako In San Fran- . gan tho tearing out of sldownlks on Cisco. ' SOCIAL CALENDAR FRIDAY Mrs. A. E. Adclspcrgor and Mrs. Carl L. DavlB at Royal Auction Bridge at homo of Mrs. Adolsporgor. Past Worthy Matrons with Mrs. Alice Hall. - Mrs. Carrlo Dungan enter tains at informal sewing par ty. Thlmblo club with Mrs. J. H. Groves in North Bond. Ladles' Art Club with Mrs. Jas. Cowan, Sr. .nformal tlnnco nt Myrtlo Arms for bouso guests. North ' Dend Club Auxil iary gives dance in club rooms. Young Pooples Society of Norwegian Church social In the'chnpol. SATURDAY Episcopal Guild public tea In entertainment hnll of Myrtlo AmiB. MIbs Knthorlno Stump on tortnlna for her young friends. . YOU WANT GOOD MEATS Thut'h the kluil joii get when jou initio nt tho Union .Market. Our lino of fiesh meat In complete, Wo hnvo sonio choice beef now and )ou ought to try our luvnlcfust Meaks If you want u really de licious cut. ' Kwiylwdy ulio tries our hnino-Hiiinkcd Iiiiiiih mill bacon, keeps on oiderhig them. Better enjoy miiiio yourself. PHONE US YOUR OKDEIt Commercial and Broadway streets, making ready for tho fills that must be mndo about tbo Gow Why build ing boforo tho concrcto sldowalk Is put down. Cal Langwortby has tho contract for tho moving of tho olec tric light holes. Witnesses Are Sorcd. Subpoe nas yesterday woro Borvcd In North Dend by Deputy Sheriff, W. C. Lnlrd ou Tom and Lnytho Jennings and on Mrs. Jennings, tbo mother. Thoy nro to appear as witnesses In the coso of tbo stnto versus Mcrt Jen nings that comes up for trlnl on Monday morning. Mert Jennings Is accused of robbery In North Bend nbout CbrlBtuuis tlmo. Handle School Hook Tho Marsh- ftold Ncwb Company 1ms Just put In a lino of school books nnd supplies which will eliminate tho troublos and drawbacks that tho pupils of tho Marshflold schools and nearby schools hnvo hitherto suffered on this scoro. The line i omplotp and Messrs. Jnrvls and Gabrlo'ron bavo arranged to look after all tbo ncods of tho pupils nnd teachers promptly nnd efficiently. Hnvo .Male ChortiH. Tho mnlo chorus which was such a success last Wodncsduy ovculug nt tho Bnp tlst church social will givo two bo lectlomi nt tho evening scrvlco noxt Sunday. It Is expected that this will be mado n permanent organization, and will bavo chargo of tho music ou Sunday ovonlngs. Itehonrsal will 'ho held this evening nt tho homo of i Mr. .nnd Mrs. R. P. Harrington on I South Fifth Street. Jetty Not In Congress. Honry Songstnckon, secretary of tho. Port Commission, this morning received a letter from Chalrmnn Sparkman, of Oh. Sorrowful Day.. Chief of Po- llco Cartor gritted both teotli and poured tho contonts of n dozen bot tles or moro Into tbo public Bowor of Marshflold. 'Ho said it was no effort nt all. Tho flasks wero part of ovl denco taken during tho past two yearB in varloiiB raids. Tbcro woro liquors of all sorts of brands, bop ping red flrowntor and cool trickling Lboor, most anything necessary to tlrklo tbo ticklish palato of the tips ter. "Couldn't loavo It around for tbo boys to get," dcclarad tho Chlof, and tho liquid Is now mingled with tho snlt wntor of tho bay and hns ndd od Its llttlo mite towards swolllng tbo vclumo of tho Pnclflc Ocoan. ' t AMONG THE SICK X $$ Harry W. Painter was tnkon sick this morning nt his offlco nnd wns nr onco taken homo. Ho has been quite ill of late. A. 13. Gagnon has been 111 with tho grlppo for tho past wook, but to day was ablo to bo out again. G. W. Kaufman has been on tbo sick list for sovornl days, though ho Is reported much bettor today. J. C. Penney Company UNDERSELL ALL COMPETITORS, EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR GIVE YOU HONEST MERCHANDISE AT HON EST PRICES THAT CAN BE SEEN AND HANDLED BE - FOR YOU BUY. Buying and Selling for Cash Means Lower Prices Short Black Oilskin Coats, $1.50 value $1.39 Medium Black Oilskin Coats, $2,50 value $2.23 Long Black Oilskin Coats, $3,00 value $2.49 Oilskin Hats (Khaki), 75c value 69c Parafln Hats, (Brown), , --- ---- 59c Goodyear First quality R, E, re-inforced Hip Boots, sizes 6 to 12, $6,00 grade $4.49 We Lead, Others Follow The Originators of Low Prices Next Door to Pbstoffice J. E. Ford &, Co. Y If 1a. 174 south Bvay union Miia.r,icei Phone 5 8-J $ Here's Where You Can Save Money OCEAN BfACH AUTO LINE qorst & Kins. InoMnrhriol(l ot 7 a. in., ami returning leaving from Empire nt H . m. Leovo Mnrshflcld, nt 11 a.m. anil returning lenvo South Slough ai 1 p, in, Leave Murshflolrt at fl p. in. nnd returning leAvu South SIohrIi at (I p m. ; t ' a"" APPLES are getting scarce but we still are selling at. ner box 35c 1 PERSONAL MENTION X $2 JOE D. LAIRD was over last ovoning ou business In connection with tho mail lino. 'J. E. PAULSON, of Coqulllo, enmo ovor yosterdny to look nftor somo timber matters. J. A. THORNTON, of Bnndon, was among tho business visitors in tho city this morning. EMMETT COLLINS, of Coos Rivor, wns horo today looking aftor somo business matters. JACK DBATTY wart down on tho Ca dillac this morning from Coos Riv er on a business trip. MRS. ROBT. E. BROWNINO is ox pocting to leavo Monday for n vIb it with her family in tho East. COUNTY COMMISSIONER W. T. DEMENT, of Myrtlo Point, ldft for homo on tho morning train. COUNTY JUDGES JAMES WATSON loft on tho boat this afternoon for a visit with his parents near Coos City. II. M. KILROY md Charles TIbbotts of Tuscon, Arizona, bavo arrived hero and aro looking ovor tho country. G J. ARMSTRONG, county commls sloncr, returned to bis homo in Bsndon this morning after a busi ness trip horo. E L. M'DOUGAL, an attorney of Portland, loft on tbo stngo this af tornoon, having been hero sovernl days on logal business. $ t AT THE HOTELS X $$ Chandler Hotel W. C. Laird, Coqullle; T. A. Rob erts, Myrtlo Point; A. J. Sherwood, Coqulllo; W. 13. Potors, Portlnnd; Gcorgo Sonk, Eureka; J. 13. Paulson, Coqulllo; J. G. Bunch, Joseph, Ore; W. E. Schulz, Portland; G. J. Arm strong, Bnndon; W. F. Rogers, Ban dcn. St. Tiiuvrcnco Hotel Charles TIbbotts, Tucson, Arizona; H M. Kllroy, Tucson, Ariz.; Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Horn, North Bond; C. Brnck hnm, Chicago; J. D. Laird, Sltkum; W. B. Rohror, Coqulllo; J. A. Thorn ton, Bnndon; W. C. Chaso, Coqulllo; E. F. Brown, Portland. wPUm pOTl Uosset'&fleveK Golden West Coffee Just Right Per lb. . .'40c 3 lb. can . .... $1.10 AVE SAVE YOU MONEY. GETTINGS' CASH GROCERY ISO NO. UROADWAY, NEAR CENTRAL ROY HE(1S FOR A TIUKKT HoiiHo to lloitNO Campaign Mado by Consumptive Youth Claiming thnt his father and mo ther both dlod bocauso of consump tion and that bo must got enough money to buy a tlckot lo Los Angel es, as bo too is afflictodn youth of 10 has boon making tho roun'dB of tho city. Ho wns supposed to bavo lost tho uso of his speech, but In several In stances, whon nskod questions, nt onco ontorod into a conversation und 1 talked along very nlcoly. NASS LEAVES RANHON GRAVEL- Wo are now prepared to furnish GRAVEL in any un from pile In our yard or in carload loU, at 'following prices: From pllo on ground, ?3.Vfi per yard. ntlttei V. .Oartoad Jots, taket'i from caro, $2.00 por yard. C A. Snith Lumber & Mfg. Co. Opposite Post-Office, Phone 100. oble TheateD TO-NIGHT IV CORrJ FLAKES,' 3"pkgs::25c Tall Cans Pink Alaska Salmon .. 15c Special blend COFFEE, better than many at 35c per pound 25ci C, B, CONDENSED MILK I 13 cans $1.00; 1-2 eal. CORN SYRUP..25c CRYSTAL ROCK SY RUP : 50c mrb. w- B-jd;- Solid Pack lUMAiuts wag Large Cans, S. P, TO MATOES, fancy 15c Coos Bay Manager of Salmon Cannery (Jch to Astoria Tho Bnndon Recorder has to say regarding the dopnrturo of tbo fish cannory at that plnco: . "Sam Nubs expects to leavo ou tho next trip of tho Kllburn for tho spring and summor Balmon canning season on tho Columbia, His wlfo and family who have lived slnco last August nt Prosper, will.nccompany In ni HI ii po Hin flNhlncr Hniiwnn rlns- MR. WHITTINGTON. cashier of thojod ere Mr Na8B ,mB boen ,1UBy mit. C. A. Smith company in Oakland, accompanied by hlB brldo, arrived this morning on tho Adollno. MRS. OWEN KNOWLTON of Co quillo, formerly Miss Myrtlo Lund, loft for her homo today aftor visit ing with friends in this city. ting things In order about tho can nery." Mr. Nass was manager ot tho sal mon cannory at Baudon. i For Sunday Dinners Wo Imvo miiiio nlco Hl'KIXCI UllICKENS nnd homo good ulcwon. Order early. Wo also Imvo xomo choke PORK ami K1' for "lcclnl roaStH anil other meat llshcj. t Aro you using PALACE RENDERED LARD? If not, better or dor u pall from your giwcr or us tomorrow. It Is guaranteed to glvo satisfaction iuiiI the price N 0,' ihnn ""tlnfuctory. Palace Meat Market N, 1). Q3WAL1). Phono 100.J. Central Avo. PAY YOUR DOG LICENSE Notlco is horoby given thnt it Is unlawful for any person or persons to kcon n dog or dogs, within tho corporate limits ot tho City of Marshflold ot tho ago of moro than four months, unless tbo owner or kcopor ot such dog or dogs shall pro euro a Jlcenso for onch dog, and havo tho number of tho license stnmpod or engraved upon tho collar upon each dog, and any pqrson shall Xipon con viction for each offense bo subject to n flno of not loss than ten nor moro than fifty dollars. All dog licenses nro duo and must bo pnld at onco nt tho offlco of the City Rocordor and' all dogs within tho corporato limits of tho City of Marshflold without llconso plato at tached to collar will bo Impounded Dated this 17th day ot January, 1910. J. W. CARTER Marshal X UFW TODAY X FOR SALE Seeil potatoes, nil var ieties. Futuro dQllvory. Coos Day Produco Co., Phono 450. FOR RENT Rooming liouto over Ekblad's Hardware Store. Apply at Ekblad & Son, or call 300. FREIGHT RATE HIGHER Farmers Exchange A- i Avonuo nnd Phone 370 Wntorfront CHAPLIN NKJllT- -CHAPLIN NIGHT Tho gi eat est motion PictUro comedian in tho World... CHARLIE GILVl'hlN in "HIS TRYSTINfl PLACE " It's a good laugh you are looking for this In the plcturo that ou should see. ' TWO REELS OF THE FUNXI KST FUN EVER SEEN IX MOTION 'PICTURES Four Other Reels Pictures I HE BROKEN CIRCUIT. Two reel VltngrniJi. !LilV' ,,,(),i 01'' FATE" Sellg comedy. "IK STREXGTH OF A SAM SOX" Another good Sellg comedy. yitars or down, 15 cents Children-. C' cmt8 TrI)V Ri,V MONDAY 'NuiHT'in f Iili 6l2Vf l&WtitlTEU" I Contral I .- IB""" l mmt m m Purity I 'I Accuracy 1 l T " rromptness da M- Our three watch-words tuh niiQY P.nRNFR B H Phono tia H ,1 Wo Deliver Promptly M I 'I Is visiting hero with her brothers Llpnel and Harry Gordon with II. A. Wells and C. B. Wells. J. S. STINSON and wlfo of Myrtlo Point came over this morning to consult Dr. Johnson who was their family physician boforo his romov a.1 to Marshflold. DEPUTY SHERIFF W. C. LAIRD re turned to Coqulllo this morning after serving subpoenas hero yes terday In connection with the Mert Jennlng's ense. It. M. JENNINGS, of tho Oregon Powers Company, was a buslnoss visitor In Coqulllo aoday, leaving I on the morning train. I morning train. D I. M'GEE arrived on tbo Adollno Smith this morning aftor several Weoks in- tho south- and Is ngain visiting through his local territory. 13. SMITH, purchasing ng?nt of tho C. A. Smith company, arrived ou the Adeline this morning from Ban Francisco. Ho buys practical ly all supplies used by tbo com-, pnny. ABERDEEN, Wash., Jan. 21. and Tho Btonmor Westerner, which clear ed horo today Tor San Feuro, is ro coiving $0 n thousand for hor cargo, which is 50 cents in advance of tho quoted rnto to San Pedro from North Pnclflc ports. Tho advanco given tho Westerner may bo a fore runnor of a general 50-cont increase I 111 COUBIWIHU ruiuu. Want ndyejtlslug, sells longer-wanted things. the no- FOUND 1iuly'H hid i;Iovo nt Broad way and Central, Inqulro Times office. ANTED Girl for light housework. 919 No. 9 th. llontcnimlo taken anil coffee, only Iflc nt Tho Myrtle Arms Entertain, ineiit Hull Saturday S;it( to fliill) Ausplros Episcopal Guild. Times Wiuit Ail Got Results. t Sarter's IS THE 1'LACE TO OUT YOUR CANDIES PURE AND DELICIOUS Wo do not speak of its Q U A U I T X That speaks for Itself SAR-TER'S Phone 203-J, Mnrslitleld t Front St., Opposite lllanco Hotrl J X WATERFRONT NEWS X $ Dotwcon eight and nflno o'clock this morning tho Adollno Smith crossed In and at onco wont to tho C. A. Smith mill to load lumber for Oakland again. Tho bar was report ed qulto rough. Tho Yellowstone of the Swayno and Hoyt lino, Is scheduled to sail at noon tomorrow for San Francisco with lumber. Early tomorrow morning thq steamship Kllburn Is duo In from San Francisco and Eureka and Is oxpect cd to sail in tho afternoon for Port land, At noon tomorrow tho utenm schoonor A. M. Simpson Is duo to loavo tho Portor Mill for San Fran cisco nnd tho Hardy Is not duo In hero from tho south until Monday. LOST WEDNESDAY Wagon sprlug. Return to C. H. Waltor Ph. 16-J. J 1 WANTED 'J $ WANTED TO BUY Cash register for caBh. Call dr phono L, V. Bridges. Lfoyd Hotel. WAXTKD Girl to assist in general housework. Phono 187-J. tt i FOR SALE t FOR SALE Fulton baby buggy; good shape. Address "P." Times offlco. FOR SALE Cheap " taken at onw. Cabinet sowing machine, .almost now. Apply. 3D8.Thlrd and Highland. THE WHITE IS KING Of nil Sowing Mnehlnos Now located at 2CC Markot avo, West. Phono 193-J. Wo huvo also got big bargains In all kinds ot used machines, AH machines -old on easy payments. FOR SALE 10-113 H. P. heavy dijty Buffalo gasoline marine engine, Complete equipment including Bosh Magneto. Usod only nbout 18 mtis. In flno condition Prlco $400, inquire ot L. R. McDon ald, Reedsport, Oro. V ' l fl FOR RENT 1 $ FOR RENT Conloguo's furulsbwl bungalow on Fifth street Apbly I Abstract Compawy i(i HI