t . ' rv 't 'vr it Fwv v-rtn 'jmrPlp,trtvvmityir " THE MOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIEI.D, OREGON. FRIDAY, JANUARY 21, 1916 EVENING EDITION. FOUR 'fT- ipc-jr- . j-mff-f. 7 rtv"' j COOS BAY TIMES U. O. MALONEY, Kdltor and Pub. DAN 12. MALONKY, News Kdltor Official Paper of Coos County Official Paper City of Mnrshflold. Entorotl nt the PoBtofflco nt Mnrah field, Oregon, for transmission though, tho mally m BOcond-claes mall matter. Address all communication! to . COOS 1JAY DAILY TIMKH. TAKING CA1H OK TI1K HOYS $ I EUROPEAN WAR ONE YEAR AGO TODAY X $ .tax, ai, nifi iVonch (IttackB nortlicaat ot Arrna nre ropulscd. Gorman forces appear In rear of llUBBlatt army which Is advancing to ward Prussia. Klissia clalnis to liavo scored a defeat on the Turks. HOV TO IIK HAPPY THOUGH MAIIIUR?) 'A i ' V m mti AlnliMnllntt nf lit., rrntjl. 1 J11U LUIUIJIUUUII Ul ll.o hw.v.- cn wedding anniversary, Col onol Henry Wnttorson was Halted to tell tho secret of Ills lout; yciirs of domestic happiness and tho Kbntucklan replied In this wlso: "Thoro's no secret about It. Mrs. "Writtorson has always lot mo nloue, And I hnvo let hor alone. When sno saw I needed he)p bIio asked mo how illio could aid mo, and did It. When fllio was not exactly satisfied nbotit anything, I just linked her If I could help-hor. That's all." '" That "lotting alono" Idea Isn't lmd In itsolf, A strict udhorouco to It jirocludus nagging, nud possibly It In nagging thut has wrecked moro home's than any other ono thing Contentiousness over llttlo things that uro not worth contention In n nuro routo to infelicity. A llttlo lot tint; alono, and n llttlo holpfulucss. when helpfulness Is needed uro fairly good rules Hint can bo observed to atfvnntugo in most households. THE recent arrest of four Mnrshflold boys for potty thievery, the-es-capo of a fifth, tho sontence of two to thu stnto training school and parolo of two others, Is a sad commentary on Individual and com niunnl carelessness In taking care of the boys of Coos Hay. It Is an amazing fact that on Coos IHiy there Is no real place of Inno cent enjoyment and plcasiirablo occu patlon that boys ran go or ovtmliigs, otitsldo of tltolr Homes. Parents know that boys often grow tired of tho H'stHctloiiH of homo life and long for a place whero thoy can meet other boys of their ago and romp through all tho Innocent, frolicsome pranks that all boys delight In. It is a sad commentary on present social conditions that organized so- nitty does not concern itself with tho Individual until ho trangrusues some of Its social standards. It hi certain IF the Coos County Court and (ho stato of Oregon were asked to subscribe $fi()0 to u fund to provide u club boitse for hoys tho reiiucst would bo treated with derision. And yet when hccniiso of u lack of such a fenture hoys seek other miitrccs of occupation Hint lead to crime, the county promptly gets busy and spends hundreds of dollars to punish an net that might have been nVoltled if proper caro had been given In ndvanco. Hundreds for punishment but npt n cent for, love and care. This in not a criticism of tho County Court, hut of conditions end the blind Ignorance of organized society and Its Inherent selfishness. It is not only the Immediate costs but a boy who might havo grown Into a good and useful member of society Is started on a career of crime that will bo a constant expense to tho state his whole life long as well an a mennco to society. Moro tlmn a lounging room for Idlo men and tho unemployed, Mnrsh flold needs a public gymnasium and club room for Its boys and young man; a place where they might go of evenings nnd romp and play to tholr hearts contont. Nothing can better bo classified In tho deeds of -tho grent block. -I, assessment $1,110, una tliQ southwest half of Idt 10, block -11, assessment $l.fl0, all of said abovo described lots being situated in Nas burg's Addition to Mnrshflold, ac cording to tho plat thereof on fllo and of lecord In tho office ot tho County Clerk of Coos County, Ore gon. ' Hated at Mnrshflold, Coos County, Oregon, this 21st day- of January, 1910. , J. W. CAUTKM, Marshal of the City of Mnrshflold, Coos County Oregon. NOT1CI-2 OK SAM OK ItHATi PltOP- KHTV KOIt DKMNQPK.NT STHHHT AS.SHSSM HNTS Notice Is horeby given that ncllng by virtue of u warrant duly Issued by tho Recorder of tho city of Mnrshflold, county of Coos, stato ot Oregon, by order of tho Common Council of said city, dated tho HOth day of Dedombor, 191fi, to mo di rected, requiring me, as Marshal of said city to forthwith levy upon tho lot or lotH or parts thoreof or trncts ot land upon which assess ment was mndo tinner unn pursuant Hinn saving a young man from hlnisolf. If the boys find a pleasant, cosy to Ordlnnnco No. G08 of said city cntortnlnlng plnco to visit where thoy may meet and play and indulgo in healthful cxorclso, thoy will not gnthor on street cornoi'n and waterfront to associate with men who nro already beyond tho palo. It will keep them from places whero they nro susccptiblo to mischief nnd temptation. This Is a project that Is worthy of unlvcrsnl support. It Is something that Is greatly nocded hero nnd would bo a distinct stop forward and up ward for Marnhflcld. Hero Jb something In which nil tho churches, women's clubs nnd civic societies and Chamber or Commerce may unite to their credit and to tho goodness nnd glory of tho community. $ WITH THE TOAST 5 AND THE TEA $ J GOOD KVHNING v A high hope for a low Heaven; Ood grant un pa- tlonco! Shakespeare. II T VIEW TIIK IIAI'PIKS'P IIKAIIT CHILI) LAJU li DAY NEXT Sunday, Janunry 2.1, will bo ohsorvod throughout tho country as "Child Labor Day." Jowlsh congregations nnd others observing Saturday will observo It on January 22, schools and col legos on Jnnuary 24. What In this day, nnd what dorm It moan? i It is tho day on which clergy men, educators nud nil who have 1: ( In their, power to influoiico mibllu opinion will try to focus tho pub- s lie mind on tho subject of tho elim ination ot child labor from tho country. Pcoplo In comfortable homes, whoso own children nro growing up normally, with no moro acquain tance with "child labor" than nn occasional bit of helping father or mother with dally chores, nro apt M to forgot that In tho great Indus trial centers thousands of children uro having their vital forcos sap ped, tholr minds nud bodies it nit-" ed by long hours of work In mills, factories and sweatshops. It la I these children, grown to adult yearn hut not to adult strength or men tality, who fill tho Jails and alms.- houses and who maka tho big drains on public nud prlvato clinrltlos. Kllmliinto child labor; soo to It that uvury growing child has n lair uinount of fresh air, good food, tlmo nud spneo to play, sensible- nud thorough education, nud most of tho social problems now voxlug tho nation would disappear. Last year a bill was Introduced In tho Fedoral Legislature ,'n'tild lug lutorstato commerce In goods on which children under II havo been employed. It passed the House by a vote of 2!i:i to -Hi. The bill was killed In tho Sonnto on Hie hint day of the session by tho ob T" Jectlon of Senator Overman of North Carolina. (North Carolina, by the i way, not only retimed to patss a bettor child labor law last year, but rofiiGod to give tho coinuilHsloner of labor power to outer n factory for tho puiposo of enforcing iho present law. This bill, now known n tho Kcatlng-Owon bill, hits been Intro duced again this year. If It panned, tho Federal (lovorumont will be . empowered to enforce-. It. State Ilka Oregon, with good child labor laws, will douhtloH proceed iu be fore to enforce them HioiiuoIvom. States with bnckwuid ones or which llko Cieorgla, paa luva without ap propriation to ouforco them, will ho compelled by Undo Sam to take euro ot their children, Tho pussago of this bill to cou norvo life, to glvo childhood its Just chance, la ono of tho moat im portant thluga tho National Legisla ture can do Statesman. Who drlvos tho chariot of tho nun Shall lord It but a day; Hotter tho lowly deed were dono And kept tho humble way. Tho rust will find tho nword of famo Tlio dust will hldo tho crown Ay, none hIiuII null so high his mime , Tlmo will not tear It down. Tho happiest heart that over boat Was In some (pilot breast That found tho common daylight swout And left to Heaven the rest. Anon. WHITISH TKIi!S OK KUTHtl-3 aV COOS HAY Mu.vh II Will lm Hard to Tnko Caro of tlio lllg Influx of Pcoplo Kdltor Timci: i Coos Hay, why Coon Hay In tho ono best upot I know of on the Const and when tho coming era of Prosper ity hits Coos Hay It Is going to bo n pioblom to take caro of thu Influx Of prospective home seekers that nat urally seek tho Land of Plenty, nud whero there Is plenty of Innd, whoro over an emigrant movement Is on and tho Indications for tho coming year nro that Oregon will more than havo Its Hharo and whero will you find a bettor upot In Oregon than Coos Hay nnd tho country tributary Speaking of tho grip; n doctor,'0 ll w,t K"'t natural undeveloped for tho Improvement of ftlghth street north from tho south line of Hem lock nvcnuo to tho north lino of North Korndnlo Addition nnd Nns burg's Addition to Marshficld, In tho city of Marshficld, Coos County, Oregon, nnd which assessment then remained unpaid nnd to sell tho samo In tho mnnncr provided by law, which said property Is In naltt war-j rant and herolnafter described, I ' have, In pursiianco of said war rant, levied upon, and will, on tho 21st day of,. Kobruary, 101 (5, nln o'clock In tho forenoon of said day, at tho Common Council Chumbor door, In the city hall on Front street of said ciy, offer for nalo and seU at public auction to tho highest bid der for cash, nil undivided one twelfth Intercut In each or tho fol lowing described lots owned by Km lly O. Wren nud situated In Nan burg's Addition to Murshflcld, ac cording to the plat thereof on fllo and of record In (lie office 'or tho County Clerk of Cooa County, Ore gon; tho number of tho block and tho amount of the iissessmeut being set oppoalto the number of each lot respectively; said salo being made subject to redemption In thu man ner provided by law: Lot. Ulock. Assessment. I? ibsw? laWBa ! vCc" IHffi; II Oldest Hank In Coos County IMhIiIIkIumI 1MH1I ll DIRECTORY PROFESSIONAL Di. A. L. Housewnrih v Pliyslclnn and Srgc0, s Office: Irving OfflcO llOllnl! 11 Ia r I iftil 7 to 8 p. mi. " " ll PlfOMCSt Offlco im.jj M ( J.M: Wright nUILDINO mv.Jrnn KBtlmntOB- f urnlahod oa requj Dr. H. M. Shaw Kyo, Knr nnd Throat Specie GLASSKH FITTED Phono 330-J. ltoonm aoo-SQ, Irvine Ulock. Hit. MATTIH H. SHAW. Pliyslclan and Hurgco, Phono uso-j, H. G. Butler OIVWj ENGlNRRn Room 304 Coko Dldg. Phong uu Itosldonqo Phono 363.!, W. G. Chandler AHCH ITECT Itooma 301 and 302, Coko DtjIKb. Marshflold, Orogoa. Oldest Hank In Coos County Established 1881) Flanagan ( Bennett Bank Mnrsliflcld, Coos County, Oregon. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $120,000 INTKKKKT PAID ON TI.MK AM) SAVINGS DEPOSITS Officers J. W. IIHNNHTT, I'rosldent; JAS. II. KLNAGAN, Vlco Piesldent; II. I WILLIAMS, Cnshler; (I. V. WINCH KSTEU, Asslstunt CaBhler. Flanagan t Bennett. Bank OK .MYRTLE POINT Capital $25,00 Officers-. I. W. HKNNMTT, President; JAS. II. KLANAOAN, VIco a'rosldent; L. M. SPl'LEK, Cashier; L. T. D15.MKNT, Assistant Cashier. J advises people "not to sit In a druft," for ho Bays "drafts pro duco chills." Moybo- they do, but for producing chills thoy aren't In It with nn overdraft. A Central avenue bachelor says ho doesn't know whethor to get married or buy nu automobile. Tho married men are reminding him that ho can trade In his old auto In a few years for a new one. (JUKSTIOX'KOIl THE DAY Yes, wo fed tho birds, did you? 1 Somo Coos Hay men who poso as social lions among women stack up llko yellow dogs among men. Swapping ailments makes up con siderable of tho conversation at some Cooa Hay afternoon parties. When one hasn't n sllvor dollar in lils pocket n half dollar looks as big as tho bottom or a tlueup, STOHY KOIt THE DAY "Well," roninrkcd .Too Honuott, "Doo Straw says Just what ho thinks, anyway." "1 believe ho doo," John (loss romnrked, "but uu saya It of tenor." Suurltio In thu blggnat uoUulosti thing that happens from day to day and Huushliio tho most welcome. WHAT DID YOU SWEAU OKK7 To show hor opposition to war a West Marshflold woman swore orr saying "Shoot!" Her husband no longer uses mil itary brushes. A Kront street merchant lias cut "charge" accounts. A Central avenue man has tilt saying "til cut (inns!" POSTMASTKIt NAMED (Spoclal to Tho Tlmos.) GRANTS PASS, Ore, Jan. 21. W. P. Quintan has boon appointed by President Wilson us Postmnstor at Qranta Pass. Ho was four years iiocretary of the Commercial Club snd was selected for tho position ot Postmaster from among uiuo appli tup: epidkmic is ahating Do not client yourself liy saying "Now tho grip la o'er." Crip la not llko mumps or numwlos Ouco, and then no more, (irlp tforma never nay farewell Merely an lovolr. --E. M gs. i i npi Coos Hay men do meaner things than women, but women are more ready to say meaner things than moil, Nvorynuo with i(; hit of money Is it llttlo Ol'I'ODHlVO with It. Alter a man hecomoti rich ho no longer belongs to thut worthy body known as the People. roBoiircon, which cnpltal seoklng In vestment uro hound to find, nnd do you know that Coon Hay has a re source which Is God given nnd frco that very fow think of or consider nn a resourco nud that In Climate. Ah Scuthorn California with hor hun dred nud odd nciuura miles of Ideal winter climate, makes hor known the world over as tho Ulvorla of tho Westorn Hemisphere and has brought to her untold wealth, so tho Sumrnor Cllmato or Coos liny la tho luosl wonderful, equnblo nnd Ideal auni mer climate on the coast and when rail connection la opened up with tho outsldo nnd tho heat Infested pooplo of tho interior can get to Coos Hay for n fow delightful months why should not Cooh Hay citizens tako advantage of tills splendid ussot nud with a cohestro Intelligent action of chamber of commerce and othor al lied commercial bodies why should not Cooa Hay's ideal summer cllmato be brought to tho attention or tho outside world through consistent and Intelligent advertising. CLIMATE 1.0 it! -t.ttr. hi in i.itr. ji io on 2 Hi or. i io n.7 12 17 ' U'.iU) HI ..'. 17 11.11 M '17 11.17 IB 17..; 10.80 k? 17 io.r,:i ll U I I I M I "t ' I 18 17....' 8.10 10 17 8.10 20 17 8.10 21 17 ,.. 8.10 22 17 0.S9 Hated at .Marshficld, Coos County, Oregon, this 21st day of January, 1010. J. W. CAKTHIl. Marshal of tho City of Marahfield, Coos County, Orogon. Californian Had Kidney Trouble Bennett Trust Company Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $125,000 Offfcers J. W. HIONNETT, President; TOM T. HKNNHTT, Vico President; ARTHUR AUKKOWN, Secretury; HHNNOTT SWAN TON, Troasuror. The Only Trust Company In t lit Stnto, Outsldo or Portland, Which Oi'Kuiilcil Cutler tlio Now Imw: TIME TAI1 WILLAMETTE PAOl OAK Lonvo Marshflold CMC a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a. in, 7.4G 8:dn 0:1G 10:45 11:30 12:50 p;tn. 1:45 p.m. 2:4n .1:15 5:00 C.40 G:cn 7:30 u ,y p.m. p.'m. p.m. p.m. p.m. P.m. North city LB No Mown I I?t North Beil 7:00 in, 8:00 lb, 9:00 in. 10:15 in. 11:00 in. 11:16 lb. 1:16 po. 2:00 pa, 3:00 pa, i:oo p.B, EMS pa. r:cs bb, limits only. 7:16 p.n, MERCHANTS CAFE Popular Plnco for Good Meals Prices Reasonable Cor. Commercial nnd Il'dn;, NOTICE OK SALE OK DUAL PROP- RUTY KOIt DELINQUENT STI I E ET A SS I :.SSM ENTH AHer a Coos Hay man gets mar ried ho expects pooplo to tako him more sorlously, When n Cooa Hay man knows his duty ho puts It off na kind advice. Notice ia horeby given that acting by virtue of a warrant duly Issued by the Recoidor of tlio City or Murnht'lold, County or Coos, Stnto of Oiegon, by order of the Common Council of nahl city, dated tho IfOth day of December, 111 in, to mo di rected, reuniting me, na Marshal or said city to forthwith lovy upon the lot or lots or pints thereof -or tracta of land upon which uHcssmout wits made under nud pursuant to Or-' dlnunco No. 702 or said city lor the ' Improvement of thut portion of Hem lock avenue from tho west lino of Kiont street North to the west line ot" Sixth street Noith. In thu city of j Marahriold, Cooa County, Oregon, and which usseusment then remained ' unpaid and to sell tho same iu tlio ( inanuer provided by law, which said L properly ts iu said warrant nud herolnarter described, 1 have, in pur-' Vianco or Mild warrant, levied upon, and will on tho 21t day of Fount-1 ary, HMO, tit uiuo o'clock lit the roronoon or wild day, nt the Com-' fnon Council Chumbor door, iu the' oity hall on Front street or said olty, offer for wtlo and noil at pub lic auction to tho highest bidder for oaali, each of the following described I lotu nud parts of lots, to-wlt: Lot 12 Hloek 10, 8esHineiit $20.71. be longing to Helen D Nnsburg. nine the following lot and parts or lots belonging to Nnsburg Land Com puny Lot 7 Hlock II. .isboisinent l.mt. r..lnu r.nn.in.illH Mnll, wi.w ,.iiiwi, VU'VIViuln, VMIII., Ruyw: "I hutl suclt u uuvoro cauo of liltliinv tioulilo 1 tliouulit I wuulil havo to noil out my IiuhIiiosh. I tool; thrco ImttloH of Kolcy Klilnoy Pills wlilch (intircly rcllovotl mo uiul 1 liuvo (mil no irctirionco of Icldnuy troulilo slnco tlion." ti'umo days It seems as If you can no luagor Pt'iir tlio pain nud misery you miiTcr from kldauy anil lilaildur tiouliluH, Tim nclio ncuoiia your liaolc Kiowa woiao with ovory niovd you nmliu uiul uvery step you take. It Jimt douiiih to tolt you of all strength uiul energy. Your homl nehes, ynu mo nervous and worn out, sleep poorly ami have no appetite, utomueli In up net ami Iiiiw'oIh Irruuular. Foley Kidney I'IHh Iohsoo tho pain, until It Ik Ilimlly gouo entirely. Thoy give strength ami tone to the kltlnoyti i mi Ice them atiiuur. active, their ac tion lieioiiiex leKiiliir uiul iioniKil ngaln, anil yunr health kiowh Potter eiieh tlay yuu tuKo tlda great healing meillclne. For salo by Owl Prescription Phar macy. Frank D. Cohan, Central Avo nuo. Opposite Chandler Hotel. Tele phone 74. 100 Meni who for the last year have not been saving, should commence THIS WEEK to save some money each pay clay. START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT. The First National Bank Invites you to keep an account In Its Savings Depart ment, $1.00 or more will open an account on which you will receive 3 per cent compound interest. g DO NOT DELAY! Make your first deposit this week! First National' HAVE THE ROOF FIXED MM See C0RTHELL ' Phone 317V i Bank Marshficld, f Coos Bay Oregon PARE TEN CENTS City LlniitH North Head, Be. nn commutation nn CSi TICKKTS 1.78 Ci Mnrshflold-North Head Auto Lino Car every ten minutes from 0 a. m. to 12 p. nt.; to South Slough on co n day, Ievlng it 11 it. in.; to Kmplro three trip a day. GOItST & KING, Propi. - WOOD GOOD WOOD W. H. Lingo Iin-s It nt 9150 d Jj2 rash per loitil. (larlmso romot od. Phono UJi7-J. SAVE MONEY by ordering tho Inmost HPNRYV1I I P COAL (Nut-coal, per ton " Lump coal, per ton w Or half ton ot both M-'B 1). MUSSON, rrop. Phone 18-J or leave order t , lllllyer'a Ctifur Stow, . . Scandiiavian-American Bail WIIKHH SAVINGS AltH SAI'H YOUR BUSINESS, BE IT LARGE OR SMALL IS APPRECIATED BY US HOURS 9 TO 3 SATURDAY EVE 7 TO 9 Tho F.A. KILBURN walls ftir Portland Via Astoria .IANPAUV UJI, I'Yom Smith 'iVriuiinil Dork For Information call ISO h. (i, CI SUING, Agent. l-'or loliiihlo AhstniL'tH of Title and illation about. COOH HAY IMJ.Ui I'll, t,eo Abstracts ss; Title Guarantee & Abstract Company Marshflold and Coqulllo City, Orogon. Gonei-.il Agents K'ast.sldo nnd Heiigstm.'koit'H Ailtlitlon. Spwlal attention pnlil to aR.so.ssim;ut.s tuitl pajnient of lties. 1IKN11Y SKNGSTACICKN, Miinngcr. EXPERT WELDING of METALS Steel, brass, cast, iron and aluminum castings made like new DEMONSTRATIONS DAILY. Koontz Garage Phone 180-J. North Front Street DRY WOOD CAMPBELL'S W00DYARD North Front Street Phone 370J WESTERN LOAN AND .BUILDING CO. Assets $2340,000.00 Pays 8 percent on savings j t I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. 1 m. An I TKAnnlirAI' J LUUUI I IUUOUICI ' i T. J. HOAIFB U A. n. nODflW" Marshfield SJSifl- rctm.faa V2S.inlAh6d Phoao 14U-R. MraUfIel4 o" DUNGAN IIMnirDTAIWH PARLORS will be kept open to Tina punoo A Tegular state llcenw nBdortnker will cbarge Phone 10S-3 cants, ?2.C0, tho southwest half of lot 8,i i. fci'""? iiS:SSiiiii k- ' ti ssuaiuk Ra