THECOOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY JANUARY 20 1916 EVENING EDITION THREAT 85 Fourth Street HOTEL ST. REGIS Schilling, J. C Prop. A Select Family and Commercial Hotel HeocJnimrterfl for Coos, Co. leoj)lo sojourning In San Franclscol::!:: ,n,iMl WW Maud Powell l'nnumi Violinist PLAYS Tonight IN' PORTLAND JAXL'AKV 80, 11 Hor rcconls nro now on snlo at L. L. Thomas Music Store 73 Central Avonuo Guaranteed Ranges fei'lr;',t THE STERLING RANGE Is without question tlio highest quality ""' ist satisfactory unci IoiiKcsNu caring range made today. It h constructed particularly for ! 'etom fuel, In reinforced through, out, nslicMoM lined mid rlghly fin Mied. It will glvo satisfaction every day In the year; It In insured for joiiiH uuiilnst wearing parts, nnd thU Is n inlnt )on ennnot well over look In milking your range selection. Come in and let us show you Johnson Gulovsen Company QUALITY HOME FURNISHINGS North Front Street Marshfield Can You Beat it? A logger traveled through the woods, A thousand miles he walked; And on the trip made not one slip His CURRIN shoes were calked For Snlo nt FIXUP Where every purchase la guaranteed Marshfield North Bend Von can liny REGAL SHOES from the Dardanelles to the Golden Onto Regnl Stores nnd agencies dot the United States, span the ocean, cross tlio continent and glrdlo tlio globe. Supreme quality gives them International Supremacy Panama $ a p J2ion or $4.50 GORDONS Shoe Store "Shoos of Merit." Cor. Cent rid Av. uml Broadway - -THE WHITE IS KING Of all Soulug Machines Now located at 25 G Market avo. West. Phono 193-J. Wo havo .also got big bargains in all kinds of URcd machines. All machines (told on oasy payments. ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL Cornor Market and Broadway Wo solicit all our old patrons of tho Lloyd and assuro them tlio samo reasonable rates. E. W. SULLIVAN PARCEL POST YOUR LAUNDRY We Pay Return Charges. Prompt and Efficient Service COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY OCEAN BEACH AUTO LINE Gorst & Kins. Leno Marshfield at 7 a. m., and returning leaving from Empire nt 8 n. m. Leave Marshfield nt 11 a.m. nnd returning leave South Slough at 1 p. in. Leave Marshfield nt 5 p. m. and rcturnlaff leavo South Slough at 0 p. m. GRAVEL' We aro now prepared to furnish GRAVEL In any tuantltlei from pile in our yard or In carload lots, at following prices: From pile on ground, J2.VB per yard. Oanoad lots, taken from cars, $2.00 por yard. Retail Dopartmut. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. Opposite PosMmoe. Flume 190. RLVTTIE5 WKATIIKH FORECAST tflr AuocllteJ Tim to Coot Bj Tlmfi. OREGON Occasional rain In tho west, unsettled, prob ably snow and warmer In tho oast; southwesterly winds, strong near tho coast. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD For, tho 24 hours ending at 1:43 a. jn January 20, by BcnJ. Ostllud, special gov ernment meteorologist: Maximum 40 Minimum 37 At 4: 13 a. in 38 Precipitation 37 Precipitation slnco Sept. 1, 1015 '. 81 Precipitation samo period Inst yonr 42.C9 Wind: Southwest, cloud v. SUNRISE AND BUNSET Thursday January 20 Sun rises nt 7:45 and sots at 4:59. J X BORN I $ SHERYCH To Mr. and Mrs. Ru dolph Shorych, at their homo in. Eastport, Thursday morning, Jan uary 20, 191G, a girl. Both tho mother and tho daughter aro do Ing very well. ARDOTT -To Mr. and Mrs. John Abbott, Monday, January 17, 191C a son. This is their fourth child and tho mother nnd son aro getting nnly nicely and tho father Is hap py. FLAGG To Mr. and Mrs. Flagg, at their homo on South 11th street, Wednesday evening, January 19, 191 fi, 11 son. This Is their third child. tho Coos County , Business Mon'e Association were belus distributed today. Instead of 6,000, the big Milumo has tho rating on 10,000 people ot(th. rtiuntr. 11 Is tha work of SccMwty Earl Powell. No Successor Yet. County Judge Watson said this afternoon no suc cessor has ns Yot been thought of to ttiko tho placo of county assessor. T. J. Thrift, present incumbent, has not resigned, though It Is said ho In slated for tho postmufitersiup at uo-i qullle. Bandon Not So Cold, County Commissioner G. J. Armstrong enmo over this morning from Bamlon to attend tho mooting in North Bend .this evening. Ho said tho thormom- otor atopd 27 degrees abovo zero when ho left homo, tho coldest he lias scon it thcro in years. Ho said thoro was vory llttlo snow In Bnn- don as It is too closo to tho ocean REJECT LOT OFFER ELKS POSTPONE FINAL ACTION ON JIEI8NKR PROPERTY Tablo Proposal to Assist Lounging Room Project Initial Ion and Other Mutters Up At a meeting of tho Marshfield Lddgo of 121ks Inst ovonlng, tlio pro posal to buy a lot just south of tho Elks lot on Second and Commercial was tabled. Tho lot is 25 x 100 and It was offered for ?3,400 by rep resentatives of Lovl Helsnor. The Elks folt that tlio price was too groat, that $1000 would bo a good prlco for it. Tho committco wan instructed to confor further about It. Some wanted to dlsposo of the proa cut proporty and buy in another loca tion boforo building. Tho lodgo did not look favorably upon tho proposal to establish n lounging room and rest room for la- n.wi bororB nnd Idlo men, declaring that nilU 11....... ... ,,....ll f I. .. . fiiL- a 1 c.i.lrt....llM nn. i, ''". r,S n.there was no necessity for It now. small tool sllod near the corner of Q HamoT Cooo ikv ronro- ?r .0IEtB.nlgl ?f ! I wnr Comiiany, was initiated into tho sldowalklng contract t hoy have nicmborflll) nn,, lho confcrr,n(; ot with the city. Thero is to bo npprox- . . 8 cml 'tiocroR ,vns .inferred nn- imatcly 1.G00 feet of sidewalk laid , 9nflp, ,';rocs wn8 (lorcrrcd ,,n- ST,tn,iwnvk STdcflnS?;iPlft0,nl roKUlar monthly dance, It was SimSrand ffii a'flncuXs ' g' -o held next Wednes "tlL. "".ffrth ildoj,' Cominer.; .""annual nomination of officers uiui uuu un iiiu ciipi. otuu ui i'iuvr 1 tnlrn n1. tn,n wnnV. r 1nt nigiu, tno annual election occurlng stroot, Ro's Aro Taken. Probation Of ficer Hark Dunham left this morn ing for Coqulllo, taking with him Henry Lloyd and Charles Bonobrako, both of whom nro on their wny to tho state training school. Judgo Wat ron has a caso or two of a similar nature to pass on In Myrtle Point and It may not bo until next week boforo tho boys Icavo Coqulllo for Salem. No disposition wiib mndo yesterday of tho enso of John Os bom for tho reason that no ono seems to know whoro ho now Is. Feed Rlrds.- Scores of Marshflold people aro putting out food for the birds which aro threatened with star vation as a result of the recont snows. Moro robins havo been seen In Marshflold during tho last few days than woro ovor seen hero bo foro. Somo nro tho Alaska robins and somo tho redbreast robins. Thoro tiro also many sparows. Dal n(1lMnnl nnIA 4 It 4k A Id II Iff) tttlTta will Grocery t Move. Tho Holmes cat corn nnd grain ivhllo tho local Grocery will movo from North Front robins -will not. HO Bald that ovor street to tho Finnish Hall in Wcstj300 woro f0(1 nt ,,,B plnco ycHtordfty. 4i ui phi n;iu Duuu I J. C. Periney Company UNDERSELL ALL COMPETITORS, EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR GIVE YOU HONEST MERCHANDISE AT HON EST PRICES THAT CAN BE SEEN AND HANDLED BE F0R YOU BUY. t Buying and Selling for Cash Means Lower Prices Short Black Oilskin Coats, $1,50 value $1.39 Medium Black Oilskin Coats, $2,50 value $2.23 Long Black Oilskin Coats, $3,00 value ... $2.49 Oilskin .Hats (Khaki), 75c value 69c Parafln Hats, (Brown), 59c Goodyear First quality R, E, re-inforced Hip Boots, sizes 6 to 12, $6,00 grade $4.49 r l . Inccreoratcd VAmamrsrwri V7XWllfi.-rttiTnJfi We Lead, Others Follow The Originators of Low Prices Next Door to Postoffice several -weeks later. Hrldgo Parties. Mrs. A. K. Adel- spcrgcr and Mrs. Carl L. Davis aro entertaining this afternoon nnd to morrow nfternoon at Royal Auction brldgo at tho homo of tho former on South Fifth street. Will Give r Tea. Tho guild of tho Eplscopa' Church will glvo n tea Saturday uitarnoon at tho Myr tlo Arms entertainment Hall. A mu sical program will bo given nnd re freshments served by tho ladles. Is Making Plans. Captain Four choy, of tho Coast Guard sorvlco, has roturnod from tho Sluslaw, whoro plans are being mado for a station, Ho Bays thoro is nothing now nbout when tho Coos Bay crew will movo to its now quarters. Awaid Contract.. Agent Robinson of tho Crawford Point tract lias awarded tho contract to P. M. Tul lcy for tho erection of a small otflco building, 20 x 30, ono story, across tho Bay. Tho contract prlco -was $478. Buys n Lot. A rcsldonco lot has boon purchased by James T. Brand from Horbort Lockhnrt at tho cor ner of 10th street and Hemlock avo nuo and overlooking tho bay. Tho proporty Is almost adjoining the A. B. Loud residence , Haines Better. W. II. Kennedy nnd Frank Cattorlln, who nro in Portland, wired fi lends hero yoster day that W. R. Haines of Marshflold, who is receiving treatment in a Portland sanitarium, Is improving rapidly and will probably bo able to leavo there In about four wdoks. Only Few Registering. Slnco the first of tho year not moro thnn 50 or GO voters havo registered under tho normanont registration law. All voters must reglstor boforo bolng able to voto in tho spring primaries. Thoy may reglstor at tho offlco of J. T. Brand on tho second floor of tho Coko building. Engineer Is Hero. George E. Tonnoy, newly appolntod city ongl neor at Myrtlo Point, wbb hero to day looking after some engineering matters. Myrtlo Point is very short ly going to do extensive sower work and tho onglnoer is getting ready for these projects. Mill Closed for Reimlrs. Both mills of tho C. A. Smith company nro closed today for repairs. Tho main mill will he closed tho rest of tho wook and tho Eastsldo mill will op orato Friday and Saturday. For two weoks tho nulls worked an ex Is Now Training. Salesman Hooper, ot tho Eli Lilly Drug com pany of San Frnnclsco, Is now nt his old homo In NOw Zoaland training with tho troops preparatory to leav ing for tho front, ncoordlng to word that has boon vocelvcd hero by friends, Mn Hooper loft Coos Bay about tho inlddlo of November for San FranclBco, expecting to got away In Docombor for Australia; E. R, Wllllston, of Portland, is now hero to tako tho placo ot 3Ir Hooper ua, representative ot tho company in this territory. Bettor Now for Birds. The chango in tho weather last night nnd this morning was much in favor ot tho birds who for tho pnst week or two havo boon having a hard tlmo to gnther togotlior u living. Tho llttlo robins again plied their trodo, of extracting Juicy earthworms from tho lawns nnd gardous and other j HE IS IT A DUDE YOUNG COLLEGE BLN "WOULD "CARVE OUT FARM" ON BAY Scorns Whlto Collars nnd Craves Hard Work "Pointer" Are Kent Him in u Hurry Scorning whlto collars nnd the ways of "dudeB" and craving to got , to work with his bauds, a young, amtiltious cowego man from Kan tucky, but now living in Snn Fran cisco, writes tho Chamber of Com nicrco for a few pointers. Ho wantB a farm. Not a well developed, well-stocked farm, with grassy slopes, lowing herds that "wind slowly o'er tho lea," and with well-filled barms dotting tho landscapo hero and thoro. No slroo "not on your tintype" Ills Is a slmplo fancy, and yot por haps a trlflo moro fastidious than nppcars. Tho youth would pur chase part of a forest or woodod mountainside whore ho might "carve out such a placo as I would like." And so ho proceeds to obU for full Information regarding home steads. "Can I got ono within 20 miles of Marshflold?" ho asks. But tho story Is' only half com pleted. Like Battlo Creek, Mich., "thoro's a reason." Tho lottor oluo Idatos further: "I caro not If tho work ho hard. I -will bring with feiigi Golden West Coffee Just Right Per lb. . 40c 3 lb. can . . . .... $1.10 WW HAVE YOU MONEY. GETTINGS' CASH GROCERY 130 NO. BROADWAY, NEAR CENTRAL TAY YOUR DOG LICENSE Notlco la horoby given tlmt R la unlawful for any person or persons to keon a dog or dogs, within tho corporato limits of tho City ot Marshflold of tno ago or. moro innn four months, unless tho ownor or kunnor f such doir or docs shall pro mo a companion a llttlo lady -who ; curo a Ucenso for pach dog,. and have birds got busy, too. showing that if given Juilf n chance they do not' nood to bo dependent on charltahIo bread crumbs. But tho rcsponso of PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION uio pcopio oi JuarBiiwoiu 10 uio np- MAKES EXPLANATION iuii,B lur iiiu Uinta wua kuuuiuub uuu bus promlsod to inako mo vory hap- tho number of the llconHtfBtampcd or py, nnd togethor wo would make engraved upon tho collar upon each our homo on Coos Boy." dog, and any porson Hhall upon con And with tho "cat out of tho hag" vlction for each offense bo subject tho young man says that ho aux-;to n tlno df not loss thnn toil nor iously awaits tho coming qt tha moro than fifty dollars, "pointers" thnt ho muy got busy All dog llconsos ar6 duo and must right away. Secretary Motley has bo paid at otico ot tho offlco of tho forwardod tho Information to the city Recorder nnd ull doga within bent of his ability. tho corporuto limits ot the C)ty ot .Marshfield without Ucenso plato at tached to collar will bo impounded Datod this 17th day ot January, 191C. J. W. CARTER ' Marshal J I Tl lmmodlato. It did u deal of good and probably saved huudrods ot birds from starvation. Says That Steamship Companies Can .Make Any Rate Thoy Wkh for Freight and l'nshcnger t PFRflNAI MPWTinM ii T1,o Public. Sorvlco Commission of J rtHbUIMAL IVItlM I IUIM 50reB0Il nB no poWor to roglnto tIl0 $ , frolght rates charged aboard vossola DR. MINGUS was called to Coqulllo .doing business botween ports In this thlB morning on a, professional state A lottor from Frank J. Mil- PROF. RICHARDS left this moBi-'1?' Ul FTITJ'ZZ' ing to nttond to his music classo3od tt)dny nt tho Chamber of Cont in Bandon. . 'morco. A. PEDERSEN. of Myrtlo Point,1 Merchants of Coos Bay took nc- was among tho business visitors' tIon ou tho movo of tno Nortu rn in iiiu city louuy. ALBERT SEEL1G, who is In San Francisco on business Is expected homo in a few days. A. J. SHERWOOD camo ovor thla morning from Coqulllo to look af ter somo legal business. MRS. FRANK COHAN ia visiting for n few days at tho W. S. Chandler liomo on South Coos Rlvor. MRS. G. It. M'NAIR nnd Mrs. Ray NEW TODAY FOR SALE-irfuItok baby buggy good shnpo. Addros8 "P," Times office. WANTED Girl to assist in genornl housework. Phono 187-J. FOR RENT Conloguo'M furnlhcl bungalow on Fifth street. Apply Abstract Company. LOST WEDNESDAY Wagon spring. Return to C. II. Wnltor. Ph. 10-J. clflo Steamship company In increas ing its frolght rateo botween Port land and tills placo from $3 to $3.50 a ton. They claimed that Inasmuch as no warning had been given thnt tho Public Sorvlco Commission should mako an investigation. "Tho statute glvos tho Commls- Watklns, of Bandon, woro among i ;'ou ,uo '" r l" lvr " tho visitors In tho city today. freight or passongor traffic by wn- E. W. CHASE, of Beaver Hill, was , ter, nor do wo know of any othor In last evening and today to looK , rogulatory body having Jurisdiction I Promptness I 'H Our three watch-words 1 THE BUSY CORNER I H Wo Deliver Promptly H MONEY TO LOAN AT !1 PER CENT after somo matters of business. N oble TheateD -H TO-NIGHT ENTIRE CHANGE OF PROGRAM ''are MacDermott In tho throe net Edison foaturo . t, , "IN HER PROPER PLACE" ,') h,or' "f u slstei'S sacrifice this feature In three reels has iwtw mmx 'lct," if R was in 5 i-eels Comments in the trade ,U'imc,.,ro,.f'"' "1m,vo ho average See it tonight oidy. , iS?,B WA8 'r,,K SHAME" '.ssniuiy ono reel picture with the popular favorite "Beverly "Tl ' Oni IV'S01'1' op TK BREAKJIAN'S CHILD" K1,.e..u1'' of Helen rulhoad stbrles. viV "INIIAND" "tagi-upl! ComcHly A rih-tick Mn An ar Htnrn wmilfl hf nn lnfts nf v uj w ".," ".r:"..V" "i" iP P. T.RWTR Inft on thn nnrlv ltu"?,A0., VK3S,X rl morning train to call on the the letter, iibiii"mivi ........, - -- -.-- .- i-,i ... nrti. .t.i. ' limit in v,uiiiiiiu vuiicjr iiuiuio, L. L. THOMAS was a business vis itor In Bandon this morning, go ing down on tho morning train. DEPUTY SHERIFF W. C. LAIRD camo ovor on the morning train I and went to North-Bend to servo COUNTY JUDGE WATSON HAS Bomo papers. I BEEN ELECTED TO OFFICE DISTRICT ATTORNEY LIHSQVIST , .... , unin linnin lnnl nvnn nir -frnm nn. o iuiiuk ui niiumor uuiiuici m FOI THAT COUGH SAN-T0X PINE BALSAM over the eorvlco you mention," runu IS NOT AFFECTED tickler. Usual Prices Lower floor . 15c Balcony ... 10c Children ... 5c toii,w!'1K CHAPI'IN IN "HIS TRYSTINO lLAOE" In two reels " niKIIl. There is Nothing Better 25c and KOe the hottlo Obtainable only at the Eastern banks aro offering all the money a man can use nt three por cent; somo oven nt a lower flguro, On tho Pacific Coast wo pay moro becauso It Is worth more, Conser vative mon aro content with eight por cent, othors equally conservative flguro en safe investments paying ten or twelve. Still others indulge In moro speculative investments of fering 25 and oven as high as CO per cent. Horo ou Coos Bay an op portunity la now offered for abso lutely safe Investments paying as qullle and Myrtle Point whoro hoaoo"8e M. Brown to the effect that 1.. i.n r,r ovrfrni iinva i.i,Bi' county judges, appointed to fill un- nosa i expired terms shall hold offlco only high as 25 por cont or bettor. If MRS. J. T. SULLIVAN came over aS the term for which their pro-, J0U doubt th,B Se0 ltt.,rt About It todav from nandon to lain ifir 'B,IBU'" w 'i uu husband, the now manager ot tho men's furnishing store of tho Hub on Central avenue. HARRY J. KIMBALL Intends to leave on the Adeline next trip for San Francisco 'for a brief visit with Mrs. Klmbull and also to at-lrl trm of Judge Hall, but also Stop ami Look at Our Window "The Owl" The Central Avenue Drug Store tend to some business matters DR. HORSFALL returned last .even Ing from beyond Myrtle Point .whore ho tvos summoned yesterday 'to call on Mrs, Ed. Bakor who ,1s I quite 111, It is Bald that she is much better. upon County Judgo James Watson, This was tho statement this morning of District Attorney Liljeqvlst. He points out that it is truo Judfio Watson "was appointed by Gov ernor Wlthycombo to fill tne unex Judgo at the regular November, 1911 election, and by this right will hold offlco for the term of six years. It was in 1914 that tho legislature nassed a law extending the terms of ico for county 'Judges from four and bo convinced. THE LLOYD FAMILY HOTEL Housekeeping Apartments Two rooms, $8.00 month Electricity and Gas. Free baths Sleeping rooms, $1.BO vik,, up , to six years. There was a question as to whether or not this law would effect tho men already In offlco. A NOTICE Tn tho natronn nnd all interested The Coos Bay Creamery Association teat case was decided by the Supremo will discontinue the manufacture otlourt to me oueci wini. u ura uoi. butter ou February 1, 1016, andi Had Judge Watson not gono manufacture cheese exclusively. through the elootlon, he, would havo J, J, CLINKINBHARD, . been able to hold his offico only uu ManaserJ til tho next regular election, FOR TRANSFER AND STOR AGE OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS FREIGHT AND BAGGAGE , call FERGUSON TRANSFER Phone 103 Residence Phone 13-J, Market Ave. and Waterfront ! t LOST AND FOUND t $? LOST Pearl brooch. Reward. Find or plcnso phono Mrs. Allco Hair, 4 18-J. $ t WANTED J ?'$ WANTED Plnco to ork nt house work or wnslilng by hour or day by oxporloncod and thoroughly xe llablo woman who ran furnish roforonces. Address R. A., care Times. WANTED TO BUY Cash registers for cash. Call or phono L, V, Bridges. Lloyd llotol. WANTED Woman or girl for gen oral housowork, Mrs. Frank Rog ers, Phono 31 07, South Coos Riyer, J. X FOR SALE t FOR SALE Cheap If taken at onuo. Cabinet sowing mnchlrie, almost now. Apply 358 Third and Highland. FOR SALE 10,12 H. P. heavy duty Buffalo gasolluo marine engine. Complete oqulpmont Including Bosh Magnoto. Used only about 18 moB. In fine condition Prlco $400. Inquire of L. R. McDon ald, Rcodsport, Oro, ! t FOR RENT I $ $ FOR RENT A furnished uprtjnet in the O'Connell building: hot water and heating. Phpne 113-L. SOUTH COOS RrVER BOAT PERVIGB IiAUNOH EXPRDSg leaves Martihfleld every day 8 a. m. Leaves head pf river at 3:16 p. ia. BTEASD3R RAINBOW leaves head of river daily nt 7 a. in. Leaves Marslifield at 3 p. ui. For charter apply oh board. ROGERS & SMITH Proprietors