WH n ft yff J TWO COOS BAY TIMES M. Oi MALONEy, Edlto and Pub. DAN E. MALONEY, Nows Editor Official Official Paper of Paper City Coos County of Mnndiffolil. I EUROPEAN WAR ONE t J YEAR AGO TODAY JANUARY 20, ISMfi Two dcntlis aro reported ns tlto result of the German air attack on England. alio Turks mako galna In n night attack on tho nrlllsli on the Shat El Arab Hlvor. , HuBBla claims havlnK lind tho ad vantage of a fight along tho Vistula northwest of Warsaw. "WILL NOAnNATE T. It. H ERE'S a bit of political gossip and guessing put out ny an KtchnnKo: Colonel IlooBOVolt will not bo a caudldatq for olthor tho progressive or republican nominations at pri maries Colonel nooBOV(5H will bo nomi nated, however, by tho Hull Moono convention at Chicago, Juno 7, upon a 'propnrodness' platform. Tho republicans can nominate Roosevelt or not, ns they choose, ir they nomlnato him, they unlto tno party. If they do not, thoy face cer tain dofont with a divided party. It Ib tho sanlo ultimatum Colonel Roosevelt Issued In 1912. "Noml nato a candidate satisfactory to mo or fnco defeat" and there Is only ono caudldato satisfactory to Colonel Roosevelt, nnd ho Is Colonel Roose velt. WITH THE TOAST t AND THE TEA 1 o Even Coos Bay people that never tried It will tell you that honesty Is tho best policy. While a Coos Bay man can some times romombor his wadding anni versary, ho novcr knows how long he has been married. 4 I QUESTION FOR THE DAY Havo you written Hint letter yet? HEALTH HINT FOR TODAY Early to bed and early to rise Boll the water and swat tho flics. DR. SHAW. TODAY'S ADVICE Jf. you have a grouch keep (t dark. Don't let It show on the surface. SOCIAL CALENDAR ' THURSDAY Mlnno-WIo club with ;. P. II. Dresser. Rainbow Club at club hoiiBo on South Coos River. A. N. W. Club with Mm. J. T, Harrlgnn, Annual meeting of North Bond Library Association at 4 North Bond Club rooms. Enfttsldo Social club with Mrs. Lldyil Prescott. Mrs. A. E. Adclsporgor and Mrs. Carl L. Davis at ' Royal Auction Brldgo at homo of Mrs. Adolsporgor. FRIDAY Mtb. A. E. Adclsporgor nnd Mrs. Carl L. Davis at Royal Auction Bridge at home of Mrs. Adolsporgor. Past Worthy Matrons with Mrs. Alice Hall. Mrs. Currlo Dungan enter- tains at Informal sewing par- ty. Thlmblo club with Mrs. J. II. droves in North Bond. Ladles' Art Club with Mrs. Jos. Cowan, Sr. Informal dunce at Myrtle ArniH for housu guests. North Bond Club Auxll- Inry gives? danco In club rooms. Young Peoplos Socloty of Norwoglan Church social In 4 tho clinpol, 1 AT THE HOTELS 1 $$ i Cliuiuller Hotel William Caudllu, Coqulllo; G. J. Armstrong, Bniidou; Mrs. (. R. MeNulr, Bundon; Mrs. Ruy Wut klns, Bandon; E. Rackloff, Nor way; Miss Boutrleo Potter, Port land; Roy E. Blghnm, Portland; James Watson, Coqulllo, P. O. BrownolJ and wife. Gardiner; W. T. Domont. Myrtle Point; Charles k ' l-I I W lllll 1I11II fc 1U. lIUlKlllIllIKAal Tonney, Myrtlo Point; A. F. Rapp.H'io company's sawmill here will bo ; EuKono. St. Imwrence Hotel E. W. Chase. Beaver 111)1; E. F. Brown, Portland; A. Pedorsen, Myr tlo Point: Mrs. Brlggs, Powers; IL B. Willis, Powers; S. B. Cutllp, Coos River; Joo Roak, Bandou; J, V, O'Neill, Portland; J. D. Steele, Powers. Tho Wodnesdny urrlvuls here; Chandler Hotel Goorgo R. Bullor, Portland; Mrs. V. G, Hlndmarsh, Hausor; G, K. Towers, Portland; Mrs. W. P. Mc ICeuna, Lnmpa; Miss Mario Con logue, Lampa; Goorgo E. Tonney, Myrtlo Point; A. F. Rnpp, Eugono; E. R. WUllBton. Poitlund; U. S. Booth, San Francisco; C. S. Howard, Portland. St. Lawrence Hotel J. D. Stoero, Powers; J. V. O'Noll, Portland; Joo Boak, Bandon; S. B. Cutllp, Coos Rlvor; A. B. Wll loughby, I'owors; Ralph G. Lamb, Oold Beach; Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Egenhoff, Sumner; N. S. Cutllp. Myrtlo Point. DRIFT FROM JAPAN EIGHT F1SHHEKMEN HAVE WON' DEItFUL EXPERIENCE III Smalt Boat With Mast Gono Arc Carried by Current Across tho Pacific Ocean tnr Aooltm rr t Coo nar tiium.i WASHINGTON", D. C .Inn. 20. A story of eight Japaneso fishermen who drifted till the way across tho Pnclflo ocean In a small fishing bont, landing nftor 24 duyH hardshlj) on tho British Columbia shore, reached tho Bureau of Navigation In consular dlspatohcB. Tho fishermen, caught off Shlmc da, Japan, in n storm that carried nwny tho mainmast and rudder, wore driven eastward by tho ocean cur- runts Fowl Runs Short Thoy wero nenrly stnrvcd toward tho end of tho trip. The boat grounded ou ono of tho small un inhabited Islands that dot tho Brit ish Columbian shore, whoro tho men remained until picked up by a pass ing stoaraor. nt&Jj Only ono member of tho party, tho kowncr of the bont, suffered any 111 effects. Ho Is now In a Prince Ru pert hospital. OFFERS NEW PLAN CUMMINS WOULD HAVE GOVERN MENT MAKE MUNITIONS Says Private MntiufncturcrK Want, to Turn Whole National Into A Military Camp tnr AnocUWil tint c Cno Diy Timet.) WASHINGTON, 1). C, Jan. 20. Eliminating of private profit as an Influence for wnr by tho government manufacturers of all war munitions was urged In tho senato by Senator Cummins of Iowa. , "In this critical moment what Is tho nttltudo of manufacturers of nrms and ammunition," no saiu "Without exception as far aB I know thoy nro insisting upon most com prohonslvo program poBslblo to con ceive, and thoy nro employing through all channols and Instru mentalities which would mould public thought tilf ' tho foreds at their command for the completeness o( a prapnrntlon that would turn this country into a- military camy nnd practically destroy all umbltlon, snvo tho ambition to overconio by forco of arms tho ontlro world." MYRTLE CREEK MAY HAVE WATER POWER Proposition Is Mndo to City Council to Take Over Project Already Started MYRTLE CREEK, Ore., Jan. 20. Mr. Brals, who has uudortakon tho dovolopment of a watorpowor project on tho Umpquu River nonr Orchard Valley, appeared boforo tho town council at tho regular meeting uml mndo a proposition to sell tho projoct to tho town, Buys tho Myrtlo Crook Mall. It appears that Mr. Brals Is not ublu to finance this project nnd put It ou a paying basis, nftor having spent somo $4,700 upon it, and for that reason ho would bo willing to soil It to tho town at less than cost. Tho first high wntor last fall took out a portion of tho dam that had been thrown ncroBs tho river, cans lug damage to tho amount of $800, which Iobs would bo borne by tho present owner should tho town buy tho plant. Mr. Irrals has estimated tho cost of I tho plant ns botwfon $0, 000 and nnd $10,000, when ready to deliver iJulco to tho town plant. He has (pledges of salo of powor at l)oth,iua In retaliation for tho disruption Cauyouvlllo and Kiddie, and seemed confident tliut tho plant would be n paying one mice It Is Installed. It seomod to be tho unanimous opinion of tho council that some thing will have to bo done toward unihlug tho local water and light plant more cftcleut before next sum mer, whutovor tho method of doing bo may be, nnd this iiinttor sooiuh to in' ijiiu ui iiiu iiih iiuuii;iiin nnu in ii- fionts the present councllmcn and tllcl r successors In offlco. IIIXON SUCCEEDS TOM SIIEVLINilolzuro and censorship of mall pass- BEND, Oro., Jan. 20. Word has I boon received hero that Frank P, Illxon, of La Crosse, Wis,, has boon eloctod presidont of tho Shovlln- i lixon company, to Biierocd tho lato 'J nomas L. Shovlln. Air. Illxon is n 1'romlnent eupltallst of La CroBso. ready for oporutlon Jn a few wouks.icnn do Is to talk and If it nttompts to INDIAN OPKICE MAY BE MOVED ROSEBUIta, Jan 20. It was an nounced bore ou what Roseburg peo ple bollovo to be good authority that tho Indian office established In this city ubcflit flvo years ago will bo dis continued lator In tho year. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby given that Corn E. Bolt, has been duly appointed as administratrix of tho estato of Mary E. Pomoroy, doceased. Now thoreforo. all persons hnvlng claims against said estato aro hero by notified to prosont tho same to tho uudorslgued at tho office of John F. Hall, with proper voucher duly verified as by law required, within Btx months from tho dfe hereof. Dated nt Marshfleld, Orogon, this 20th day of January, 1910. -CORA E. BOLT Administratrix of tho estate of Mary E. Pomoroy, deceased. (First publication Thursday, Jan. 20, 101C; last publication Thursdny, February 17, 1010.) THE OJOS BAY TIMES,' MARSHFIELD bREGfoN. 'ThURS&AY,' JANUARY 20J"I 91 6 EVENING WILL DIREGT FIGHT I'HESIDENT TO TAKE PEHSONAL CHAHGE OF HIS PLAN Expects to Mako Addresses Appeal ing to tho People- for Support of Natlminl Propamine? tnr AiwurUtwl rreM to Coot Bar TlmM. WASHINGTON, D. C, .Inn. 20. Presidont Wilson hnB been plan ning to take personal charge of the fight for national preparedness". In addition to making a personal ap peal boforo tho country in numoroiid publio ntldresses in support of his program for strengthening tho army and navy, tho president plans to hold further conferences on tho subject with lenders in congress. Begins In February Presidont Wilson's first speaking .trip to carry tho national dofonse fight before tho country will begin early in February and probnbly cav er tho middle western states. T CLASH WITH CAHHANZA CHIHUAHUA IN They Numbered Two J I limited uml Fled Boforo Soldiers Abitii doniug TJielr Arum 11 AMOcttteJ Trcu to toot Dtj Tlmn. CHIHUAHUA CITY, Jan. 20. Fighting botween bandits and Car ranzza troops occurred at Guerrero, northwest of Chihuahua Monday. Tho bandits numborcd 200. T'hoy fled, lcnvlng ono machtno gun, SfJ rifles and ST. thousand rounds of ammunition In tho hands of tho Ciirranza troops. TREATY IN TIE II VCT OF BRYAN HAMPERS THE U. S. GOVERNMENT High Official Says This Country For that RoaNou at Mercy of Allies Is WASHINGTON. D. C, Jan. 20. That tho United Stutes Is practically jiowerlcss to compel Great Brltnln to lift, tho blockado of food shipments to Germany nnd to coaso Its depreda tions on American commorco was ad mitted by a high official of tho ad ministration toduy. This admission throws a flood of light upon tho stntemonts 'inspired by tho political atoersmon of tho ad ministration to tho offoct that tho president, "having Induced Germany and Austria to conform tho submar ine warfaro to tho rules of Interna tional law, now Intends to bring Groat Brltnln to time." Tho truth Is that all tho presidont can do Is to Indlto nioro protests to Groat Britain nnd procood generally along tho lino of moral suaBlon. Then Groat Britain olthor will decllno to yield at all or concedo only as much as appears advlsablo from tho viowpolnt of BrltlBh purpose 1 Intuit Are Tlol Tho presidont ennuot movo against Oront Britain oven as aggressively ns ho has proceeded against Germany. He could not dispatch battleships to convey American cargoes through tho blockading cordon. Ho could not brenk off diplomatic relations hon orably and a threat to do so would bo an empty thrent. Congress could not, If It would, honorably tmposo an embargo on tho shipment of war muutlons to tho nl- of Amorlcan commerce and u threat to do so would bo an empty threat. Bryan Treaty In Way Why? BocuuBo tho United States Is tied hand and foot by tho Bry..r. troaty with Groat Britain, Franco, Russia, and Italy for tho peaceful scltloment of international disputes , oi every character whntsoovor. Tho ndmlnlstration has dispatched ja protest to Groat Britain against tho lug botween tho United States and Gormaiiy nnd neutral European coun tries. Great Britain Is not oxpoctod to yield and tho United States can- not employ offoctlvo coercion. At Mcvcv r aihiw The United States la at tho mercy or tho allies. All tho administration I back up its words it will bo invited to talk tho matter over for nnothor' fycar, by tho expiration of which tlmo tho war probnbly would bo over. FIRM INDICTED Complaint Against Ono of tho Big Lumber Coiiimnlc.s SEATTLE. Wn., Jun. 20. Tho Hewltt-Loa-Eunck Lumber company of Sumner, Wash,, nnd its assistant treasurer nnd gonornl manager, Wil liam G Fuuek, wero indicted by tho federal grand Jury today on charges of fraud in attempting to obtain transportation of building mntorlnl In luterstuto commerce- at less than the lawful tnrlff rates In violation of tho Interstato conunorco law. Ton counts wero returned against Funok and tho company, which Is a subsl diary of the Howltt-Lea Lumber company, one or the largest and richest coucorns in tho northwest. BANDITS I TREATY IS RATIFIED CHILE PRESENTS ITS ACTION TO STATE D IHURTM ENT Chilean Ambassador Ada for Ills Country Wns Negotiated by .Former Secretary llrjnn tlly AmocUM rrcsa to Coo Hoy Tlmc.j WASHINGTON, D. C Jan. 20.--Chlle'B ratification of the peace com rUssIoii tienty negotiated by f6rnior Secretary Bryan was presented to tho stato department yestordny by tho Chilean nmbnssador. T SOUTH OBSERVES BIRTH DAY OF THE CONFEDERATE GENERAL In A Lffunl Holiday In Seven Differ- ent Stilton hi tho South Dr Aiiocltted Vrm to Coot Day Timet. ATLANTA, Ga., Jan. 20. Throughout th6 South yesterday tho 109th anniversary of tho birth of Gonoral Robort 12. Lee, Is being ob served todny. Leo's birthday Ib a lo gnl holiday In eight Southoru states. LETTER SENSA1 I'lONAL EVIDENCE IN MURDER CASE GIVEN ProNecutloii Shown Threat Mmlo by Accused Mrs. Mohr to Kill , Miss I larger Illy ANUxlated IVcm to Coot ny Tltnw.l PROVIDENCE, R. I., Jan. 20.A letter f containing u threat to .Mil Miss Emily Borger and alleged to hnvo been wrltton by Mrs. Elizabeth F. Mohr, on trial for tho murdor of her husband, Dr. C. Frankling Mohr, were Introduced by prosocutlon to day. Gcorgo W. Rooks also tostiflod that Mrs. Mohr told him slio could hlro a couple of thugs to kill her hus- dinnd. Times Want Ads Get Results. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Dr. A. L Houseworth, Physician nnd Surgcoa Office: Irving Block. Offlco hours: 11 to IS a. m.j a to 4 and 7 to 8 p. in. f Phonos: Offlco l-tU-J; Res., 148-L J. M. Wright Phono 18H-1I BUILDING CONTRACTOR Estimates furnished on requoot Dr. H. M. Shaw Eyo, Ear and Throat Speclalbil GLASSES FITTED Phone 330-J. Rooms 200-201 Irving Mock, DR. MATTIE 11. HHAW, PhyMcInn nnl HurtftMia Phono a:io-j. H. G. Butler CIVIL ENGINEKIl Room 304 Coke Bldg. Phone 14B-J Residence Phone 3C3-L. W. G. Chandler ARCHITECT Booms 301 and 302, Coke Building Marshfleld, Oregon. TIME TAR DE WILLAMETTE PACIFIC MOTOR CAR LEE HDMDHED MI HI Leave Loave Marehflald North Bend G.:45 a.m. 7:00 a.m 7.4 H a.m. 8:00 a.m. 8:40 a.m. 9:00 a.m 0:45 a.m, . 10: IG a.m 10:45 a.m. ' ' 11:00 a.m 11:30 a.m, ", . 11:45 a.m. 12:60 p.m. 1: 15 p.m 1:45 p.m. 2:00 p.m 2:45 p.m. 3:00 p.m 3:45 p.m. 4:00 p.m 5:00 p.m. 5:15 p.m 5.40 p.m. 5:55 p.m 0:65 p.m. North city limits ouly. 7:30 p.m. 7:46 p.m I I Tho F.A. KILBURN sails for Portland Via AvStoria JANUARY 22, From Smith Terndnnl Dock For Information call 130 L. G. CUSHING, Agent. PONT PULL A LONG IF THE BOSS SAYS "YOU'RE FIRED " OR TWINS t" OR VIFIE SAYS MA'S COMINf t)OM'T GET SORE, J LIGHT UP A PIEPNOMT THE 5MILE STIMULATOR I AND BE HAPPY VHILE T LASTS . XSk T jttfiwIV t JtT I I 1 Q m M F B tf Wr MiU Jump . Oldest Bank in Coos County Flanagan (Mb a Murslificld, Coot County, Oregon. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $120,000 INTEREST PAID ON TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS Officers J. W. BENNETT, Presidont; J AS. II: FLANAGAN, Vice- President; It. F. WILLIAMS, Cashier; G. F. WINCHESTER, Assistant Cashier. ' Flanagan & Bennett Bank OF MYRTLE POINT Capital $25,00 Officors J. W. BENNETT, Presidont; JAS. 11. FLANAGAN, VIco PrcBldont; L. M. SUPLEE, Cashier; L. T. DEMENT, Assistant Cashlor. Bennett Trust Company Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $125,000 Orflcors J. W. BENNETT, President; TOM T, BENNETT, VIco Presldent; ARTHUR M'KEOWN, Secretary; BENNETT SWAN TON, Treasurer. Tho Only Trust Company In tho Stnto, OiitMilo or Portland, Whlcli Organized Under tho Now Law. 100 who for the last year have not been saving, should commence THIS WEEK to save some money each pay day. START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT. The First National Bank invites you to keep an account in its Savings Depart ment, $1.00 or more will open an account on which you will receive 3 per cent compound interest. ' DO NOT DELAY! Make your first deposit this week! First Bank Marshfleld, Abstracts J i ( Title Guarantee & Abstract Company Marahflotd and Coqulllo City, Oregon. 'General Agents Enstsido nnd SciiKs'tackeii's Addition. Special attention paid to nsso&biiieiitH and payiucnt of taxes. HENRY SENGSTACKEN, Manager. EXPERT WELDING of METALS Steel, brass, cast, iron and aluminum castings made like new DEMONSTRATIONS DAILY. Koontz Phone 180-J. EDITION. wlWKtf' K&0 BT r ' lMnbllhhod 18H0 Bennett Bank Men. N ational f Coos Bay Oregon For rollablo Abstracts of Title and information about COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, s,eo Garage North Front Street -.nt ,'"it.i ri',, V f FACE ' VOC SAYS "IT'S VALUABLt COUPON N. .BACH PACKAGE MERCHANTS CAFE Popular Placo for Good Meals . Prices Reasonable Cor. Commercial nnd D'aVf, HAVE THE ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL Phone 3171 FARE TEN OHNTS City Limits North Bend, Be. t)l COMMUTATION f)fl ZiS TICKETS 91.75 ) Mnrshficld-North Bond Anlo Lino Cars every ton minute froa (I n. in. to l'J p. in,; to South Slough onco n day, louring t 11 a. m.j to Empire throe uif n day. GORST & KINO, Prop. WOOD GOOD WOOD W. H. LIhro 1ms It at 91.60 4 81! cash per load. Garbage i ed. Phono 227-T. SAVE MONEY by ordering the lamo HENRYVILLE COAL Nut coal, por ton .-w Lump coal, per ton ......f&M Or half ton of both ,...t...f D. MCSSON, rwfr Phono 18-J or leavo ordari Hlllycr'fl Cigar Store. DRY WOOD nt CAMPBELL'S WOODYARD North Front Street Thone 870J - t WESTERN LOAN AND t ' BUILDING CO. t Assets $2,340,000.00 t Pays 8,per cent on saving t I. S. KAUFMAN If CO, X Local Treasurer T. J. 80AIFJ1 J A. U. nODOn J Marshficld' jZfil usuBiRiea rTiru .. Phoao 146-R. Marshiieia, W",i DUNGAN IIWnPRTAK NB PARLORS wiU be kept OPEN TO THE rUDLlO A Tegular state Ucened undertaker will be charge Phoae 10S-3 -v B-VSi-tTI