K12SA3 THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD. OREGON. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 19, 1916 EVENING EDITION. SIX tMMw,w,wl,,wM.MMWW. ...I MW WW Ww,. ONLY A FEW DAYS LEFT- At the Lando Sale T. J. LEWIS 15 FORMER MARSHF1ELH UNDER. TAKER SUCCUMHS THURSDAY Specials '.Minion 'oim(y Coronet Notifies ICn- gles Lodgo Heiv of Demise lllfj Inheritance did not Mntcrlnlle MEN'S $4.00, $4.50, $5.00, Shoes Oxfords and Lace Tomorrow $1.95 $1.75, $1.50, $1.25 VELVETS $1.25 MESSALINES 62c The Yard LADIES $3.00, $4.00, $4.50. Pomps and Ties 3 pairs for $1.00 L Customers Who attend this sale are our best advertisement Hub Clothing & Shoe Co. Purchasers KEEP DAI FEE! I SMIC THAT THE KINDS ARE GIiTi TING PLENTY' OK CI t I'M US .1, I), Sneddon, secretary of tlio Marsliflold Aerie of Eagles, this morning roceived n telegram from A. At. dough, coroner, at Salem an nouncing the dcatli of T. J. Lowis. No particulars were given. Mr. Lew is was n life member of tlio Marsh field Aerlcaiul tlio Inqury was to the payment of death bonoflt by tlio lodge. Tills was tlio first that has been heard of Mr. Lowis for sovoral years, lie cnino to Marshficld about a doz en years ago and for sovoral years was In ehargo of C. A. Johnson's Undertaking parlors and served as coroner of Coos county. Wltllo here, ho assisted In organ- I'oen within tho past wcolc. Thoy Ah liOiig As Cold Snap Molds On Lit tle Follows Will I to in Need Many Are Quito Tamo An urgont appeal for tho birds brought hearty responses. From doz ens of homes went bread crumbs ami scraps for the llttlo feathorcd creat ures that hovered nbout tho door steps, for ouco dcpemlont to a groat extent, upon human beings for their livelihood. Dut their need is dot over. Jt will probably onduro ns lo'ng as the cold snap is with us, and so tlioro should ho plenty of food for tho birds until tho return of warn! weathor when they will again find tho hunting good us It should bo, .Mirny Itlids In City Not in earn have there boon bo many birds in the city as thero have .. fo W Kj, j-fc . Last Call! MEET THIS EVEHIIC KINNKV TAX MATTER IS TO HE DISCUSSED UV OFFICIALS COOS BAY LUMBER MOTE L REM BUSINESS Gathering Joint Ono of County Court mid North Rend Council nutl School Hoard Tho proposition mado by F. 11. Walto for n sottlomcut or tho taxes on tho Kinney property Is to bo con sidered at a tneotlug to bo held at 8 o'clock tonight at tho Chamber of Commcrco rooms In North Hand. Tho county court, tho North Hcnd city council and tho North Ucnd hlgu school board will all bo present and consider tho matter jointly. Tho Port of Coos Day commission has already given Its cousont to Mn .Walto's plan provldod that It Is ap proved by tho county court. Tlio Proposition Tho taxes dn tho Klnuoy property tocothor with tho penalties and in terest on back taxes amounts to about $00,000) Something over $20, 000 of this amount is mado up of penalties and Interest. Mr. Walte says that if this is cut off ho will sottlo tho principal with tho county. Ho mado tho proposition to the ci ty council of North Rond but the mombors of that body did not feel like' considering it until thoy hoard from tlio port, tho school board and tho county court, all of which aro Interested, so tho Joint meeting was culled. (lives Ills (.'rounds Mr Walto will presont his plan and tho various bodies will consldor It. Mr. "Walto claims that tho plats for tho KInnoy property when filed woro not signed by thoso really holding ti tle Ho also claims that tlioro woro irregulaVltlcs In tho admitting or somo of tho Kinney property Into tho corporato limits of North Rend. It la on tho strongth of theso allogod irrogularltlos that ho Is asking tho county to doduct tho penalties and interest. IIo states that tho tuxes onco settled ho will forecloso on ttio property under tho first mortgago of which ho holds a part, so tho proper ty can bo placod on tho market. Prepared to Act District Attorney Llljeqvlst says that ho has nothing to do with tho proposition mado by Mr. Walto. Ho states that ho Is prepared to fore close on tho property for tho taxes In bolmlf of tho county. If tho county court sees fit to reach a com promise ha of courso cannot go far ther but If tho county court does not compromiso Mr. Llljeqvlst says that lie is prepared to go ahead with his suit for tho county to colloct tho tax e. and will do so at onco. 1)1(1 Not Adviso Mr. Llljeqvlst states farther that ho Ib not advising tho county court tc compromiso. Such Is tho status of tho matter tmd It will all bo brought out at tho mooting tonight when it Is not unlikely that somo con cluslon'wlll bo readied. AMERICAN LUMHEHMAX TELLS OK PHESEXT CONDITIONS Hmjh War Is Making a Room, nut Results Aftenvnrd-i Cannot bo Foictnlil IT E (OOS IlAV LEADS IX SENDING LUMHEH TO CALIKOItXIA HARD TO UN WANT WELL KNOWN MARSH KIKLD MAN KOU OFFICE N Requested to llcAniic ltopiihllrnii Candidate for Position lias Not Decided J. T. Harrlgan, tho well known Marsliflold hardwaro man, is being urged by friends to bo a candldato for tho republican nomination for county commissioner at tho spring primaries. Ho has not dofiultoly announced his decision In tho mat ter. Mr. Harrlgan Is well known throughout the county and "among tho first to urgo his candidacy woro parties at Myrtlo Point. Mr. Harrlgan has extonslvo prop erty intorests In Coos county. Be fore coming from Wisconsin to Coos Day, ho hud many years exper ience in logging mid contracting fy which gives him "practical export ,44'$nce4o'r flier duties of county com missioner. Homo Interesting views on the lumber and business situation are glen in tho American Lumberman of Chicago, which Is nn author!!) on such subjects. That paper says editorially: "This weok's news contains some what meager particulars of a Kieacfi Government inquiry for UOO.OOO.uuo feet of lumber on which the North Pacific Coast milts havo been asked to figure, and there aro reasons to bollovo that tho spring will seo fur ther demands from Europe of this character. "Exports of war munitions are requiring tremendous quantities of crating material. Large box con tracts aro for the time being, quite common, and they range all inu wiy from the cheapest typo of package to tho carefully-made, hypor-iuspect-ed shrapnel caso. Tills demand, ot courso, Is apt to last as long as the war lasts. Doom Is General "All sorts ot business aro un doubtedly booming; in fact, tho en tire business of tlio country Is work ing ut high tension, and that tension has developed In a period of tlnio so short as to bo without parallel In our business history. "So long as this activity shall continue tlioro can bo no doubt us to tho probablo volumo of demand for American lumber. For tho next few months tho war demand, couplnl with tho extraordinary conditions In our homo Industries and tho pros perity of tho rural population of tho United States, assures an urgent call for forest products, and It would Boom now that that ussuranco can bo overthrown only by somo extra ordinary convulsion In National or International affairs." As to tho Future. Tho Lumberman goes on to sound something of a note ot warning when it says: "To tho extout that our prosper ity Is built upon war business wo nuiHt expect to faro a readjustment whon peaco comes. The financial balance of tho world Is upset. No ono is able to say today with any certainty what tho readjustment will havo to bo. No one knows defin ite) what the riunnclnl status or possible commercial productiveness of tho central powors will bo ut tho close of the war. Foreign Competition "No ono knows dofiultoly what foreign competition the United States will ho called upon to meet at homo, nor do wo know Just how far wo shall ho able to go In extending the demand for our goods In those countries wliero tho war has entire ly overturned tho routine of trado. "Wo do not know how much tho onmltlcs of the war aro going to affect coinmorco after peaco Is de clared, All of theso things aro moro or less uncertain, and It fol lows that If the business IntorcHts of the United States go on pyramid ing Indefinitely thoy must oxpoct a day ot deckouiug that will no ::a- astrous to thoso who havo forgot ten tho principles of sound busi ness management." Lauds More u( Sail Francisco mid Vi cinity than Any Other Paciric P;rt. Coos Day ntllt heads tlio list In tho amount of lumber shipped to San Francisco Day. Tlio lumber from each port on tho Pacific coast received at tho California port for the flrBt half of January follows, the figures being given In feet: I'lr and Spruce Abordeon 3,070,000 Astoria .. . . l.GfiO.OUU Daudon fi-KI.OOO Coos Day ri,fftl,0(0 Columbia Itlvor 1,000,000 Englo Harbor 1,000,000 Izlng tho Marshfield Aorlo of Eagles nnd served tho order as secretary and president. Ho was ono or ttio first hero to take out n llfo member ship In tho order. Had Great Dream Just prior to Mr. Lewis' departure from hero, ho announced that ho had Just been notified of tho death of n relative In yYnlos whereby ho' Inher ited u big fortune, Including an old lmvo flocked by tho dozens nnd the hundreds, ninny of thoiu coming from tho open fields of Coon Itlvor whoro tho ground was covered with snow, making It impoBlblo for them to forage And so tho warning has gono out to keep feodlng tho birds. Tho re sult Is an economic gain to this sec tion, for in saving tlio Hvos or tho birds, thoy In' turn koop down the cnstlo and estate In that country and posts that otherwise would In n said that ho was going back to claim , abort tlmo gain such rapid headway It. an to destroy uvory crop in tlio eouu- Soon nflorwnrds It wan announcod ! try. that ha and Mrs. Emily Ollvo I Musi Watch tho Cuts , MoFnrlln, widow of the man who In- Some of tho birds aro do tutno now, trotluced cranberry culture on North ' Hint with a llttlo pnttoneo and coax- Inlet and owner or a fine ranch there. -K they can nlmost bo brought to j bad wed. Mr. Lowis hud a daughter i cat out of ono's hand. Though thin I b. a former marriage Tho union of I lP J"0- tho tlmo when tho cats must Mr. Lowis and Mrs. Mr Kail In was j c specially watched or they will kill I not a happy ono, the fulluro to real-1 a S'nt number of tho llttlo follows. I izo Mr. Lowis' dream of tlio castlo and cstnto In Wales having doubtlosit of fictcd their wodded bliss. Mrs. McKnrlln-Lowls returned to the Day and nothing moro wis heard Or Mr. Lewis until word wns received to- $20.00 BLUE SERGE, Last Call $io,85 $18.00 BLUE SERGE, Last Call $ gi85 $14.00 BLUE SERGE, Last Call., $ 7 $12.50 GRAY MIXED, all wool, Last Call $ 6.85 $14.00 FANCY SERGE, Last Call-J.". $ 7,55 $ 7.50 GRAY TAILORED, Cast Call ,., $ 3,95 IT WILL'PAY YOU TO INVESTIGATE THESE SUITS AND PRICES The Golden Rule FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG MARSHFIELD ALWAYS" BUSY. jrrfriHff'TOrTrv.Twr'rr i iirnmix MtmiMnprwm uJumwciMUarmTtmm m iill ,, Evorott 5-10 000 1 u ol "l8 "oni- " Lowis was drays Harbor 030,000 )rolm,,y ty-flvo years old. Port Angolesl 700,000 Port Clumblo 800,0001 Scnttlo 800,000 1 Wlllnpa Harbor 1,000,000 Yoqulna 530,000 FORCED TO RETURN Total 20,011, 00 Redwood Euroka '. . 3,012,000 Albion 1,301,000 Caspar ' 1.27C.000 Fort Dragg 2,788,000 Greenwood 42-1 ,000 Mendocino 1,070,000 Crescent City 08-1,000 -II HAW SNOWS OK PISTOL RIVER 0 ' STOP THIP TO CHKSCKXT CITV Wants Credit for Perry Repro Kontntlvo K.-J). Koss, In Congross, Is very much excited thut Admiral Per ry will not recelvo Hill credit for tho ,dlscovory of tho North Polo. Tlioroforo ho has delivered a Hpoech in tho House, called tho North Polo Aftermath, nnd a copy of this has Just been received nt tho Chamber : of Commorco. Tho allogallons nnd ! stories -of Dr. Cook nro attacked. Mr, Koss says that ho Is acting In tho Interests of "futuro history." , Total 11,577,000 PUT III LOG BOOMS SEVERAL MAY HE KSTAHLISIIED AT MOUTH OK NORTH INLET L. A. linker, of Kolgers Company, Hontnn.str.itcH That Llfo or Sales . . nuiu Is Not. Always Rosy Aboard a backboard L. A. Dakor of tho Kolgor Coffcp company essay ed a trip to Crescent City via tho coast routo but (loop snow on tho summit of tho mountains n tho -vl- tt..lt.. fT)inf Ti . . .. -....v ui i wiui uivur lumen nun i wick, jio sniu mni on tho return juuzcus or uenu snoop woro soon along tho rondsldo and somo of them j wero so weak thoy foil over In try ! lug to mnko way for tho buggy. j Not slnco 1800 lias the snow boon iso heavy In lower Curry county ns nt tno presont tlmo, said Mr. Dakor. In somo places It was closo to two foot deep nnd tho horses woro nlmost un able to break Dm trnll nun,. I Stock and shoopmon, not oxpoctlifg ( tho sovoro snow storms, failed to lay ' In enough liny and grain to last ' them ovor through this tlmo whon tho snow covors tho ground. Tho I shoop nro unablo to paw through tho covorlng in ordor to forage. Tho. lambs nro tho ones that aro dying off tho most. ' In summer tlmo Mr. Dakor Is nblo COLD AT PENDLETON PENDLETON, Ore., Jan. 10. All official weathor records wero brokon In Pondloton, when tlio torn- ' peraturo dropped to 22 degreCB bo- low zoro at 7 o'clock. LIQUOR'S RETURN WORRIES Shall orricinl (iho Hack Whisk) Confiscated In Yr:vr Mil! ROSEDURO, Jan. 10. Whathor or not whisky confiscated by tho offi cers in tlio year 1012 can bo return ed to Its original owner without vio lating the prohibition law la tliu question that Is to bo roforred to Dis trict Attorney Nounor, or this city, to Attorney-General Drown ror an opin ion. Tho liquor was coprineutod from Edward Franklin, of Gardluor, and ho later brought suit to replovin tho OREGON PROSECUTOR PR0HIBITSJIEAR BEER Threatens Prosecution f ijqi j, Sohl, Whllo Hcnd I'lnni Llceiibcs REND, Ore, .Inn. 10. N'ear-U has boon put on tho black Hit b County Attorney lllard Wirt' e! Crook county, who says that It w; lU'iilors in tho county attempt to tnf- flc In It prosecutions will follow Hi maintains that tho salo of near-tw li prohibited under tlio state Itwu ho Intel'prots it. Tlioro lias bcon considerable db-l whisky or Its oqulvalont In nioiioy. ou,",,0 ,n Dond rclntlvo tcvtlienm Neither District Attorney Nounor por Justice or the Poaco Tnskoll would nsnuino the responsibility for return ing tho liquor to Mr. Franklin with out nn opinion from tho Attornoy-Gouornl. Danco Sumner Saturday evening. Allen II inns from Coiu River and Sum Imo from Marshricld, lag or tho Inw on this point. Tit council is or tho opinion that nnr- beer concoctions can he licensed ni bold. This Is tho opinion held It City .Attorney II. II. OcArmond, cb Is drafting an ordinance to covertly point. Tho result Is awaited leti Willi interest nnd It will probity havo much to do with tlio chtnclit ol soft drink emporiums that v!D Hiihilequontly spring up. The Old Reliable i Ll'MHER AT PORTLAND Reports of Conditions Thero Aro Of Encouraging Nature Tlio following Is n lato report of tho fir and spruco lumber conditions ut Portland: " Demand for fir lumber Is stend tly Improving hero and quotations are flrmor from day to day ns orders aro Jio'ng booked. Logs aro qulto Foarco aipl tho supply Is now protty well in tho mlllmeu's hands. Tho cr.mps win resuiuo operations as span a tho woather porinlts, which under Will Handle Iogs Coming' From Ten Mllo and Uiiiikiiui Sections With Opening- of Railroad Logging men declare that sovoral log booms wllTln nil probability bo plnced somewhere near tho mouth of North Inlet nnd closo to tho railroad ior tho purpose of handling tho logs that will como from tho Ton Mllo sec tion nnd tho Umpqun with tho open ing or railway traffic. Thero Is u dlstanco of somo six nillOB along tho Inlet Mint would bo to ""o his trip to Crescent City in ' nvntlablo for thla purposo, providing nuot six days and oxperionce3 no ' tho land could bo purchased. , trouble Ho will bo unablo to mnko It Is hero that tho logging trains tl10 tr,l 1" D'oro now for somo time ...111 I.. ..It ..nl.. .1.111. 1 A. I iii iii mi inuuiiuiiuy minimi llio logs (lint Mmv iinv Iia oniini-filn,! n.ynH, .. ' ..... mv uui-.ii fiivti iici;uiii- lug to their marks nnd rafted to tho various mills on tho bay. Mou Interested In logging, howev er, stuto that they do n6t bellovo NORTHWESTERN. ASSOCIATION' IV FI5K TIRES ;LUMBEHMEH IflEET tnoro will bo much timber brought out or tho Ton Mllo country within at least a year and probably n llttlo moro, saying thoy bollovo tlioro will bo no operations opened thero with in that time. Inasmuch ns tho shipping rnto or lunibor from Coos Day is cheaper than it la out of tho Umpqun, it Is said that ninny logs will bo brought hero from that section. Dut It Is for this very reason that tho Port or Umpqua Is making stren uous etrorts to get a special Port tax through to match dollor ror dollar with tho government In making a Jetty at tho mouth or tho rlvor, tlioro- iy tncroaslng tho bur depth and ul lowing bigger vessels to como Into Gardiner and Reedsport. Charles Noblo donlod this morn ing that ho expected to put in a log l""iiu at tho mouth or North Inlet. normal conditions, will bo In Febru ary. Demand tor spruco clears Is not qulto ub heavy now ns It has beon during tho fall but prices nro still firm and high. Tho shinglo market shows no change." SESSION AT MINNEAPOLIS Advocuto Clean Advertising nnd Fair- m's in lilw Makings Against Mall Order Husluess (llr AiMKiaiej Vcm to Coo lltjr Timet. MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Jan. 10. Clean advertising and fairness In prlco mnklng was advocntod by tlio speakers at tho minimi convention ot tho Northwestorn Lumborinen'8 As soclatlon horo todny. Opposition to mall order business wns also express-1 oh by delegates. AT THE SAME OLD PRICE NO ADVANCE HERE Fisk Tires Have Made Good In Coos County Automobile owners of Coos County have been saved many dollars by their big endorsement of Fisk Tires, proved by purchase, proved rj use and proved by ev- r.U maV bc aPPicd- F,SK TIRES BACKED WITH SERVICE PROVE POPULAR ' 0 4 DR1YES ON SIDEWALK D. L. Footo was fined $10.00 by Rocorder Muybeo at North Dend for drlvlijg 9)i thp sldowalk with his auto to avoid tlio mud. AGRICULTURE AND LUMHER IMPROVE PORTLAND, Ore, Jan. 19 Lunibor and agriculture tho two Industries upon which the Northwest primar ily depends aro roportod to bo Improving In tho monthly analysis of tho business sit uation nmdo by tho officers of the Fodoral Resorvo Hank at San Francisco In tlio cur ront issuo ot the Federal Ro sorve Dtilletln. A.A..A.--. " T lloineiunko cakes and ciiffeo only 15c at' The Myrtle Arms Entertnin. incut Hall Saturday 2::j to n::io Musical program. I Compare Our Low Prices With Others SIZE Tires Tubes 30x3 $ 9.00 $2.35 30x3i2 . j H-60 2.70 32x312 J335 f - 2.80 34x3i2 ';. 14.90 i . 2.95 34x4 1 9.40 . 4.00 36x4 20.50 , 4. J 5 36x4i2 , ' 27.35 5;20 37x5 32.20 6.25 l'isk Distributors Southwestern Oregon NON-SKIDS FIVE PER. CENT HIGHER THE GUNNERY Kibk Dls-trH"'0" Soiitliv.em Orego" CORST & KING OARAOE, Ncrth Rend Ajionts. KIME & VOX PEGERT, Coqulllo Asents. S. G. WHITSETT, Randou Agent Km mm i -".via mmmi