T'xmm.m THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 19, 1 916 EVENING EDITION. TWO e all this will snnn i. . I? l r !P 0t P. v THIS LETTE KJf i i . ti j !' WRITING WEEK iome Mdbl Letters for Cos Commty Writer; LKTTKR-WHITI.VG WKKIC THERE 1ms boon some criticism of tho Portlnnd plan of obsorvanco of Lotter-wrltlng Week liv Issuing form lottora for nil sections of tho , stato In wlilcli tho principal, niul practically only features wore slim ing tho praises of Portland. Instead o criticism, thoro should bo omulu tlon. Coos Bay and Coos County should havo form letters In which tho glorlca of Coos bo sounded and uveryono urged to wrlto at least ono friend during tho week. This Is a movement In which tho local Chamber of Commorco should bo moro active. There can bo no doubt that ovcry citizen of Coos County Is willing and nnxlous to help this section. Coos County's progress nntl tho prosperity of every resident arc lndlssolubly bound togothor. If Coos lJuy nnd Coos County, for tho progress o'f tho buy section and Coquillo Vnlloy are us elosoly linked as tho prosperity of tho community and tho Individual, grow' nnd dovolop tho people- will profit, and If they fail to grow nnd develop tho people will lose. This is a self-evident fact. This Is nu excellent opportunity for each cltlzozn to help Coos County bocomo greater and moro prosperous. Writing n few lettora to friends and rolativcs is n little thing to do, hut It may havo n big result. Certainly n concerted movement to flood tho East with letters telling of Oregon's at tractions, nnd Coos County has as many as any section, Is worth tho aid cf ovcry person In tho stato. Tho childrou In tho public schools of tho entire county should also hnvo an afternoon set apart to wrlto letters to their friends in nil suctions of tho country. Let ovoryono do his or hor share to help put Coos County on tlio map this week. Some Mode! Letters It Ih suggested that all those writing; letter call tit tlio Chamber of Commorco or Tho Times office nnd get ono of the wiinll Coos 4 liny ImoklotH to enclose- with their letter. PmrUtttuttimt IMCSKJXATIXO Letter Writing Week mmmsmtssmnnsmmmmmmmmnm tt tt tt tt tt tt s n u S tt tt Tho following aro offered as suggestions to persons who nro too busy to proparo letters and may bo copied with n fow personal touches added. Thcso lettora were written by mombora of Tho Times forco: .MODKli LKTTKR NO. I. My Dear Frlond: You will no doubt soon bo planning your, summer vo cation and I would llko to suggest to 'you n trip to Coob Hay, Oregon, which offers to tourists somo of tho finest attractions nnd grandest seen ory In tho world. I know this will Bound a bit llko "Western boost" tnlk hut I am certain n visit would charm and convlnco you. Coob County would bo really now to you nnd thoro aro ninny things of more than usual attraction. Camp In tho woods of tho ConBt Kongo Mountains, whero "big gamo" still roams and nature bubbles over with primitive ruggedness. Frolic on tho ocean benches nt Charleston Uny or Unndon, whero you will find groat roaches -of hard sn- 1 lashed by tossing surf, whore in tents or cottages one may rest nnd at night crowds about great snapping fires of driftwood klndlod on tho shore. Pitch tent on tho shores of Ten Mllo, or othor of the chain of Inland fresh-water lakes, only throo miles from tho ocean, but whoro motor launches and bark canoes afford easy transit along countless estuaries and Lays. Wo havo tho finest fishing In tho world liore. Visit Bomo of tho dozens of logging camps, whero giants of tho forest nro felled, snnked to Btrcam or railway and boomed or hauled to tho mills, whoro thoy nro manufactured into tho lumber which builds tho world's homos. Hero you will boo oiio of tho largest and inost modern Eawmlll in tho world. I could wrlto pages and then say, with tho Queen of Sheba, "tho hnlf is not told," but I do not wIbIi to wenry you. l'loaso do not dismiss tho matter hastily, but ask for additional information. If you want to tako ono of tho most interesting trips you hnvo over enjoyed, if you wnnt a incatlon, that is out of tho ordlnnry, if you nro nut for relaxation or roc reatlon, como to Coos County. You have n cholco of three- routes In tho stimmor tlmo. Hy ocoan otoamor from San Francisco or Portland; by auto stngo over somo of tho most picturesque roads In America; or over tho now 110,000,000 railway which tho Southern Pacific Hallway Is building from Eugene, nnd which ono of tho construction engineers, who has traveled all over tho world, soys passes through n section thnt for bcoiiIo grandeur is not BiirpnHsed by Switzerland or any othor placo In tho world. May I hope to hear further from you? MODEL LKTTHR NO. 2. To My Traveling Friend: If you want to seo tho vory newest thing In the whole West, you must como to Coos County, Hy tho tlmo you start on your Western trip tho railroad will bo nporutlng trains to Coon Hay and this railroad is tho vory latest Improvement In that lino on tho Pacific Const. Coos Hay Ih not new, hdwover. It hns flno little cities nnd whon you nrrivo you will seo n community which hnu mndo wonderful Improve ments, but which Is starting on n now opoch of prosperity. Hrlng tho whole family. In tho sunuuor tlmo thoro la fun horo for ov oryono. You can find ocean beaches, rivers, frosh-wator lakes, trout and deep-sea risking, boating, bathing, beautiful auto roads, doer uud duck limiting in season. If you want to camp out with tho family we can find you plncos near the eltlos, or way back In tho mountains. And with it till tho cllmato Is pleasant. No excosslvo heat during tho Hummer, nnd when you nro sweltering through tho Interior you will bo glnd to get ucross the Coast Kongo and enjoy tho cool ocean breozos. Nothorn Mich lgan nnd tho Clrent Lnkos In tho summer time hnvo nothing over Coos County whon It comes to summer cllmato. You may find It worth while In making a plcosuro trip horo to look tho county over. There nro ninny chnncos for investment. You will find op enings worth tolling your manufacturing friends about. You will find coal laud which your associates may see fit to tuko up and dovolop and farm land Investments which may attract you. in fact, you may llko tho placo uo much you will want to locato horo. Now tho way to comblno pleasure and business and have a real good tlmo Is to plan to stay long enough to seo tho country right. Lot tho fam ily onjoy nil tho resort fun, nnd thoy can havo tho cholco of anything thoy want, whllo you look tho country over pretty thoroughly and you win bo , surprlsod and Interested and have u lot of fun and good sport doing It. I Don' fall to sot usldo nt least two weeks to look over Coos County on your WeBtom trip. You cannot afford to miss It. Como In on tho mnvj railroad from Eugono on tho main lino. If you want tho sea trip, tako m boat from Portland or Han Francisco, or If you have your nmoiiiobllo with J you, mnko the trip or sixty miles over tho mountains from Drain or from I Itoseburg and you will take In somo scenery jou never saw before. Wo1 havo plonty of uceommodotlons for all who con e Hope to seo you sure. WHEltEAH, it appears Hint much beneficial publicity will result for Oregon, nnd nil Its communities by the writing of letters descriptive of our State to our acquaintances, friends and telatlves who havo not the good fortune to dwell In Oiegou; ami WIIEKEAS, It Is pointed out thai tlio best re KiiltN In such a letter-writing campaign ran best bo ob tained by organizing and netting aside for It a definite period; ami WHEREAS, many organizations have alieady Interested themselves in Individual efforts along this Hue: , NOW, TIIKHKFORI3, I do hereby proclaim tho week of January 17th to UUnd, J I) 1(1, as Oregon Letter Writing Week nnd during that week it. is desired that the people and the organizations and eoimnmiltkw at our Stato bend their energies to dispatching an many messages as pos sible to people in other states and rountricM ilescrlptivo of tlio opportunities, losourees, ami attractions of Ore gon; and I further suggest Hint our newspapers, offi cials, school teachers and community organizations will do well to glvo tho purposes ami plans of OltEO'OX 'LETTER WUITIXO WEEK recognition ami their hearty co-operation, so that oiganlz.ed effort for Intelligent ami far-reaching publicity for Oregon may ho achieved. IN TESTIMONY WIIEItEOF, I havo hereunto set my hand ami caused the great seal of the Statu of Oregon to bo hereunto affixed this. eighth day of Janu ary, 11) HI. , - . , JAMES WITIIYCOMHK, (HEAL) ' fiovcrnnr.. Hy tho (lovernbr: lien W. Olcott, Secretary of State. ttttttttnttttttmtttttttttttttttmttttttttttttmt MODEL LETTER NO. J!. My Dear Frlond: Your surprise at hearing from mo after bo long n sl lonco would bo nothing In conipnrlsdn with tho surprise you would hnvo, could you tnko n peck through this Coos Uny Country. Months ago you spoko about coming to tho Coast and tho fact you would like to visit hero, but feurod tho trip to this section becnuso of the ctnges. Wo nro on the verge of forgottlng nil ubout such hnrdshlps ns stngos. Tho Wlllnmotto-I'nclUc railroad is practically completed. You may ride 123 miles In hero from Eugono through somo of tho most wonderful scen ery In America, through mountain valleys and across beautiful streams. And tho pleusnnt part about this wholo country Is that It has attractions for every inoinber of tho.ramlly, no nmttor how young or old. For In stonco, tho kiddles would go crazy with dollght at bolng nblo to wado In a wholo ocean; Hrothor Hill, now 1 1 as I romombor would llko nothing hotter than a tramp through somo of our woods or to dig clams on tho coast; ond toll Daddy thnt his trout files novor whipped finer Btronms tliun ho will find right hero. Tho bontlng too, is ported. . Como out nnd tuko a look nt us. For tho first tlmo you might sny, our emplro Is exhibiting Itsolf to tho world. And whon wo hnvo ontortalnod you with our aconery and sights, mnylinn thoro will bo oven such n thing thut you prefer living horo to tho too hot and too cold ellmnto of Corn Hollow, Iowa. You will find us hospltnblo horo. Wo will wolcomc you. Como nnd Btny till suininor nnd prowl nbout ns you like. VI gtiarnnteo you never bo lore hnvo hnd anything llko It, nnd tho beauty of It Is, that it won't cost you vory much. SOME HUGfiESTIONS TO LETTER WRITERS In writing lettcrn to tho East In obsorvanco sit the plan which Is to bo followed out hero ub It hns been done In the rest of tho state, thoro nro anvcrnl things thnt should be kept In mind. Bo siiro yoli toll pnrtlculnrly of tho attractions that nro to, bo found In tills part or tho stnto. Tho sample letters that havo been published in Portland dwell upon tho Columbia Highway and beauties or that part of ,tho state, hut overlook tho rnct that Coos and Curry Counties nro on tho mnp. " tf iSj;g, Wo hnvo moro to Interest tourists In this part of tho stato than In nny other, nnd this fnct should bo brought out. Previously mnny woro afraid to ask th6Ir friends to como to Coos Coun ty becauso of tho hard trip, but romombor that wo hnvo n rullrond now If a visitor profers It to traveling by wnter or stage. In writing lottors .toll nbout tho features which you think would nttrnct thnt pcrtlculnr Individual. If your friends nro likely to tuko n suminor trip, tell them of tho resort enjoynionts here; If they want to buy tlmbor, give them particulars nbout thnt fcnluro; If thoy nro fnrmors and nro looking for a change of location, give them fncto nbout our dairying In this part of tlio stnte, if the ono who recolvcs tho letter learns exactly what he or sho Wants to know, It will have some real effect. You must Judge by your knowledge ot tho person to whom you nro writing. Jinny hnvo friends In the EaBt who might bo Interested in establishing mnnufncturlng concerns. Tell thcso people nbout our extensive wntor- rront, our wnter-shlpping facilities and our railroads. Dy nil menus do not tell something tluu Is not so, and do not cxnggor- nto tho rncts. H you do, It will bo found out nnd tho misrepresentation will only act as a harm, rather than a liuncfit. Do not toll your frlcntts to como out and think thoy will find plenty of work unless you nro Bitro that thoro is somo opening In tholr lino. It Is an injustice to tho friend nnd the community to do this. coal industry alone, tiif qf lack of transuni-inii- ". bJ almost Ignored, will nh.i 'nMl ed conditions, furnUi, . .'B ror thousands or Workmen you to tho government r,'. ' tho coal dopoalls ot Uooi r convlnco you that tlicro aj ' '' dopoalts of coal iu,rn . " famed Spring Valley ml,,, J of your own state. H tho commercial organliiiu which ovcry city boasts," Can furnish you wit, ni0r(l information than I mvo ..!1" for. Any innulry vim , J Will Aid glVUtl enilHrm,,. Hut you know, John, Jff lluvlng." You lion, i.i.. .'H of tlio' tourist rates and tt, visit this summer. A tletat ' tfrom Chicago costs but 23,i won't wnnt u return ticket. Yours, ns over, MODEL LETTER NO. 7J. To My Farmer Friend: You hnvo boon going through a covoro Winter in tho Middle West, and your dairy herd has suffered. Work has boon hard and you havo nil probably decided to iUlt the sevoro cllmato nnd sock n plnco whoro you cun follow tho dairy business without linving to work nil suminor to keop your stock ullvo In tho wlntor. Do not mnko u movo without first investigating Cooa and Curry County. This south western part or tho stnto Is n paradlso for tho dairymen. With rare ex ceptions when thoro is a brief cold spoil tho grass Is green tho year nround. Tho bottom lnnds of tho farms furnishes a rich grass which gives big yields or milk. There Is rnln In tho Winter, but tho stock nro used to It nnd do not surfor ns In tho cold cllmntca. Good cowa horo glvo n cosh return of ns high as $100 and more each. Everything that Is mailed for rood can bo raised from the soil. Croiiinorloa aro stuttered through Coos County nnd ulso In Currv Coun ty, furnishing convenient markets for milk nnd cream. Chccso and butter Is both manufactured nnd brings tho highest prices on the market. Dairymen who hnvo nny Intelligence nt nil hnvo mndo money in the business. It Is tho easiest country In tho United States in which to con duct n dairy rami. Coos County has n county agriculturist who assists tho farmers and as sociations ror tho testing or tho cowb nro maintained, bo thoro Is ovory ud antago of scientific knowledge- to bo readily obtained. Land vnrlos .in prlco according to Its location and qnnllty. Tho rich bottom Innd will maintain n cow to nn ncro. Chenpor and rougher land may bo obtained and U8od for dairy cow pastures. Tho market facllltlos for milk; tho mild cllmato; tho ndnptnblllty or tho soil ror raising whut Is noedod go to mnko up Conditions1 which nro espec ially desired by tho farmer who wonts to follow tho dairy business.' tt you cont.omplato n change, this locality should not bo overlooked MODEL LETTER NO. I. My Dear Nleco: Just a fow Hues this morning boforo I tako up my work ror tho day. Wo havo had tho usual ni.nount or rnln on Coos Bay, tho total rainfall to date coining within an Inch from that of last yenr, nnd whllo you Cnllfornlnns may laugh at our rain, still wo havo tho most healthful cllmato on the Western Coast, nnd anyway, you know Oregon I7 "dryer" than California at that. I supposo you are busy planning vacation Jaunts for tho coming sum mer. Last yenr wo girls mndo several trips up Coos Klver In a gaBollno launcn. ino rule takes In sovorul mllea of tho most beautiful sconory you over wltnessesd. Doth banks of tho river, as you noar tho head of navi tuition, nro lined with picturesque country bungalows, owned by rosldonts on tho Hay, and during tho suminor months thoro is qulto a colony or peo ple on tho rivor, many or tho men moving tholr rnmllloa up thoro nnd nmk lug tho trip to nnd from tholr plncos of business every dny. Also mndo soveral trips to tho bonch, by both auto and spcod boat. Thin year somo ot ua nro plnnning "kikes." which will tako In tho bench nnd othor placea easily reached by root. Am getting to bo qulto u camera riend. You seen, wo havo so much lieautirul and varlod sconory on which to oxporlmont. Will send you somo or tho results or my efforts soon. I must ceaso this chatting now nnd como back to earth, as I havo some work thnt must bo finished at onco. Hopo you will plun to mako us a Islt In tho near future. MODEL LETTER NO. (I. John Smith, nird Conlor, Illinois, I coming hero. You need not nocossar Dear John: It pleases mo greatly "y B00lc "" aliig In tho occupn to answer your letter or Inquiry ro-ltlon you rollow In tho EaBt. You We Have H IUh .. flJ - line raper AND ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS TO WRITE All loyal Orcgoulani irt this week boosting Stato by writing of 8 cp. portunltios and advantijei to rrlonda back East and Ij bthor pnrta or tlio world. Of courso you, as a lojil Coob lluyito, will wrt your irlenda of tho attrae tloim or this community boosting it better thin It hna over been boosted. In ordor to do thls-joa hove to hnvo writing paper, Wo havo all tho best kinds of noto papor, typewriter paper nnd Btatlonory. Como in nnd let ui ihor you tho lino nnd glvo rot prices on It. Marshfield News Company (Formerly Frlzeon'g Store) (inhrlelsoii V ,lnnh Contrnl Avcnuo t f' HEND YOUR M I Kodak Views East I -"-', ,' (P Pictures taken with a Kodak loaded with Kastniaii films and ll.J l"ter printed 011 Vlo or Azu pnper, gives tho best ivsults. I WE DO DEVELOP! NT. AND PRIXTINK n m ineuwr If H Tho Kodak Store. I, BHASBlllllllllMKW ' . 'JBHBH1HMC:4BH WBlHmBllllllllHIBaH. MllllllllS 1 -aruiiiiitilMiiiiiiiti innir.i ii. 11 1 If you haven't time to write a letter Send some of our Coos Bay pictures Photographs of Coos County scenes, ranches, riv ers, beaches and forests will tell your friends a better booster story than any pen can write. ThU Is letter writing week in Oregon, and of course Coos Hay people i, write their Mends ami acquaintances ehowhero on tho globe, or this nection. No letter will bo conipleto without pohtal card pictures tmtl views. WE HAVE THEM IN GREAT VARIETY AND AT RPA. S0NABLE PRICES. REHFELDS gn nl lug Oregon, nnd hopo thnt you will rollow up your Inclination to rotnovo to this stato. I do not bo Ilovo thoro over has been, or will ever bo ugaln, n moro uiiBplclous tlmo to como to this particular por tion or tho stato, than ot tho pres ent tlmo. Cooa Hay and County aro unquestionably on tho vorgo or great industrial prosperity. You may havo noted tho rnct that tho lumber Industry, tho roundntlon or nil Industrial nctlvlty In tho west ern hnir or our atnto, Is exporlouolng n tromondous rovlvnl. Mills ovor the ontlro longth or tho const nro propniing to upon; operators aro opening tractB or tlmbor hithorto hold ror speculation; shipping con cerns aro making preparation to hnndlo tho tonnago; labor Is prac tically all employed and In n Bliort tlmo will bo In groat demand which mnkos ror prosperity In all Hne3. It would not greatly matter what business you engaged In aRor might do a greater deal bettor liv entering Into a now business. Hut as 1 Hani, almost uny lino will glvo you opportunity ror development and expnnslon tho llko or which you hnvo no Idon. Sovoral other tnctoru Induco a cortnlnty or well bolng ror Coos Uny. This, tho only land-locked, hurbor for sovornl hundred mllos, has boon recently Improved nt grent oxponso,! nnd la cnpablo of accommodating Inrgor vessols that now ontor the port. Hut they can, and no doubt will, nftor trarflo Is afforded them. Also, tho Southorn Pacific Is Just now completing, at n cost of ovor 110,000,000, n lino to Coos Hay, which will provldo easy ncceas iu mm iimiuno uiiiicuii region to 11 i r PAN Alw reach. Tho greatest nld or this, lYldiSniUHU nFf flRATING 'tt li.-uvnvn ..lll l. .,. t.. -. I 1 ULLUHrtl" w market tor Coos County products lumber, coal, dairy and fish cannery products. Tho mountains havo alwuys held this market awny from us, put idRuii'ei. The t F.A. KILBURN! mil is for Portland Via Astoria JANUARY i.- From Smith Terminal Ik For Information call H L. fl. CUSIIIXO, Agft T. J. HOAIFH it; A. II. BOOCffll PAINT AND s Efttlmatas IJiimlshed PIiobo UUl. Mumhrield. Owfl Spoclal Order Work Central Avenue. a Specialty Marshfield Use Goodl Stationery To Write Yoot Friemidls Oan OV COURSE you aro going to Join in tho "Oiegou Letter Writing Week" program this week. Your pen picturo or tho beauties, advantages ami possihlll. ties of Coo Hay will fall flat if you do not ivrlto tin nood stationery. It jwiulrt bo llko going to 11 party in yoiu- working clothes, Wo hnvo tho stationery tho good kind, showing good taste and respect for those to whom you write, and the prlco Is reasonable MMMHMMBiMMnMmAfaJUUMB.W?H - 'iDUNGAN I ,1 UNDERTAKING PARLOHM I will be kept H fl OPEN TO THE VCBUO H iH A regular utate llcefiJ U H BBdertaker will be H ! H charge H I rhone 105-J H niiii.i nntTlI.M WXLCAMBTXB VAOIFW J010 OAR Coos Bay St ationery C. HIanco Hotel lhiilding aiarshrield, Xoith Front Street Leave Marahtleld t ,6;45 a.m. 1 ,7;&ra.m. 8:45-a,m. 9;45 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 11:30 a.m. ' 12:60 p.ni. 1:45 p.m. 2:45 p.m. 3:45 p.m. 5:0p p.m. C A A .. M C:55 p.m. North city iJ ", 7:30 p.m. THies nnno nAxTTFe lAANT Lbw Cost - High Bivm. um NortbB1 8:00 1 9:00 10: 11:00 li:5 l:J 2:00 P 3:00 :00 r 5:15 1 5:55 P- .v. iuKnwr5kfH bmv .nu v-- jj j y1 A i