The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, January 18, 1916, EVENING EDITION, Page SIX, Image 6

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4 i
Clearance S
In All Departments
Below we mention just a few
Just Received on Steamer Kilburn 1
5 ,'ncw Sample Cgnts for Women good wool mlUuros, to bo
closed out during this sale at hum fjjjjj fo $12.50
(Thcso coats would boII In tlio regular Nvay at from $12.50 to $25)
Hundreds of women nro taking advantage of this big January
fi..,.,,,.,. ui in inv In n Hiiimlr of Mines for themselves and
children. Every pair of shoes In our stock Is reduced,
eludes, shoes for women, hoys, girls and children.
This In
1 lot LndlcV Wool Dresses . HER SPREADS AND
good hlylra. hut small COMFORTERS
y-CH 9I.DH At one-fourth off tho regular
i lot Ladles' Wool Dresses , I'1'11'0
for 1hiI1ch, Hoys, (Mils and
1 Chlldicn
Silks, Dress (.'nods, Cotton LADIES' NEW SUITS
Goods, Flannelettes, etc., all Jmt Half Price
OM.-1IAL1- IthSKAM 11IHI 0nQ Thn, 0ff
HLANKETS One-fourth off
Regular 7.1c, now &.c DRESS GOODS
Regular 91.50, now 91.10 f.,,,. Wo() 'UmU Co(n
Regular 9U.50, now t.7l 0nmU n KO , SnIo ,.r,pM
Regular ijKl.Ot), now 9-!.U
Rcgulnr 9 1.50, now !?:!. It) HOWS' OVERCOATS
All flno HlniikctM reduced Sizes to 10 Years
accordingly One-half Price
Hub v Dry Goods Company
Phono :t(ll
Damage To Pavement Gjrous Itapldly
Fear Central Avenue Hrldge
Demand Mono' Now Rules
Complaint from sovorul different
sources ami a new estimate- of tho
dnningo to tho paving, exceeding ov-
,cr $700 In tho last thirty days, and
tho danger of tho Contrnl Avcnuo
brldgo near Thirteenth Btroot col
lnpslng caused tho M.irshflcld City
council last night to tako sovoral ac
tions restricting tho operation or
logging trucks through town.
Tho matter was first brought up
by the reading of two letters from
the Masonic bodies, Arngo Chapter
and Ulanco Lodge. Tho Mnsons,
though V, IT. Douglas, L. A., R E. Allen, C. II. Marsh
and A. .1. Savage, entered v.gorous
iprotost ugalnst tho "extraordinary
( traffic" as they termed tho McDon
jall & Comlron logging trucks, nnd
.stated that they wished to servo no-
itlco on the city that nelthor It nor
tho council had n right to extend such
privileges to tho concern. Further
more, tho .Masons stated thoy would
I not bo responsible for tho damage
I done to the paving on Central nnd
1 Fourth street nnd would not pny tin
assessment for repairs or now pav
ing. J Fear ISj-ldgo Collate
i Mayor Copplo said that In con
nection with this, complulnt had
I been tnado that tho Contrnl Avcnuo
llldl lirllfn linflf TlilKlnnntl, l..i
was no Inliirnr unto On nnrim nt
tho dangor, city Attorney Hrand linct
drafted an ordlnnnco regulating loads
nnd speed. This ordlnnnco was road
and provided tho hauling of loads of
over flvo tons ho prohibited on tho
city Btroots and also prohibited loads
of four tons or moro golnr at n
I'sp ed of moro than flvo miles por
i hour. A penalty of n flno of $5 to
j 5100 or fifty days In jail, or both,
was' provldod for violations of thcso
City Attomoy Mrand explained
that ho proposed to hovo n, copy of
tho ordinance served on McDonald
and Comlron and also on tho employ
ees who oporatod tho logging trucks
Counrllmeu Klmbnll nnd Cook Oh-
Joct to Iloano llclng Added to
tho. Force Others Carry It
Mayor Copplo wanted an ordlnnnco
enacted providing for tho regular
paymont of $20 pur month to Doano
so that tho bill would not hnvo to bo
allowed every luonth hut Councilman
Handel nnd soino of tho others
thought that It would bo buttor tq al
low It ovory mouth nnd then If thoro
wns trouble, thoy could easily cut off
tho Allowance. Tho lattor conten
tion won out, Councilman Kimball
remarking that ha could not save ho
"poor old general fund".
Whoroupon, Councilman Manila,
romnrked that was opposod to paying
city streot laborors $2.50 por day,,
undor existing conditions, but Coup
cllmcn Klmbnll nnd Ferguson main
tained thnt $2.50 por day was only
living wnges.
Hood AllejiYs Shirking
I.alor In tho evening, Councilman
Hood entorcd objection to Street
Commissioner Albrcoht about tho
street laborers shirking. Mr. Hood
said that two laborors took ono
wheelbarrow to work and ono stood
around whllo tho othor whoolod tho
refuso nwny. Ho liiblstod that thoy
be provldod n wheelbarrow apleco bo
that thoy both could work steadily.
Albrecht said ho would
tho matter.
To Provide Toilets
Mayor Copplo said that
Tho city council Inst ovenlng mg
rood to pay $20 por month towards
tho salary of J". C. Doano, special
merchant patrolman, with tho under
standing Hint Doano Is to nsalBt
Nlghtwntch Hrockmuollor. Tho mat
ter can nud n rather spirited discus
sion. Councllmon Klmbnll nnd Cook
oppoBOd It on tho ground thnt
Donna wns n troublomnker when ho
nerved tho city In n similar capacity
Bomotlmo ngo.
Tho ninttor wns brought up by F.
II. Morton nnd A. B. Naff who np-
penred as n special cominlttoo front
tho Merchants Patrol Association.
Mr. Morton said that tho closing of
llio'suioons had reduced tho fees of
JMr. IJonno to,nbqut $CS por montn
end ,thnt Iiq could not coutlnuo at
;ilint salary. Ho said thnt ns Mr.
jDoano patrollod n consldorahto por-
tlon of tho town, from the postotflco
itto tho former Wolcott Btoro building,
along tho wntorfrout, It seemed only
jfnlr to tho business men thnt tho city
VhIiouIu pny n portion of tho oxponso.
nllo aiiggestcd thnt tho city pny $30
nier month toward Mr. Donno'a sal
nry. Councilman Klmbnll Immediately
ontorod protost. Ho said thnt tho city
bad no mora right to pny part of Mr.
Donno'a salnry us nlghtwutch for tho
business houses than It hud to pny
for special lump posts for tho busi
ness houses. Ho snld It would bo
discriminating and ho objected.
Mayor Copplo approved tliopiau
and Councilman Dniulol also did, Mr.
Handel stating thnt ho understood
tlinf, jt,lo city waij to contribute only
$21) per ,moutl Instead of $!10. Ho
raid. Uiut ha favored the Idea lio
crus,Q, therQ woiihl bo' times whou tho
ono nlghtwntch should hnvo nsslst-
!i nnco and Doano could glvo It.
Couucllmnu Kimball maiutnlned
1'Jp stniui.aiia be sid that sluco tho
council I .tqok n, s(and for retrench
ment, they should ndhero to It. Fur
thofhioro, Jho .sald'that Poana hnd
boon n troilblomnkor for tho police
and firemen onco boforonnd ho ob
jected to his being reinstated.
Mayor Copplo said that Doano had
nlready boon glvon police power nnd
the question was simply of paying
him something for tho service.
Councilman Cook took tho snmo
stand that Kimball did, declaring
that Doano had been a troublemaker
once boforo. Councilman Hood said
that thoro were two sides to tho pre
vious controversy but Kimball main
lined that there wijji 'orilyMonofnhd
that Doano' was to blame. Ho bald
the council had Investigated it and
mm former councilman Minocht.
Mayor Copplo sold that lie did not work Into Slletz basin
know nbout tho previous tlnio as ho
had been nbsont but this tlmo ho
would assume tho responsibility and
In caso'of Donno'a not proving oatls
factory, ho would roniovo him.
Finally Councilman Ppwors moved
thnt-Doano bo allowed $20 por month
for his servlco, nftor Mr. Horton hnd ! n Bn'd thnt then In enso tho brldgo
stnted to Councilman Ferguson that collapsed with quo of tho trucks.
Doano could, In tin omorgoncy, bo i causing personal Injury, tho city's
called off his regular beat to do gen- responsibility for damages would bo
orul service . I rodiiccd. Ho said thnt tho ordlnnnco
would not nffoct tho gonornl public's
elnlm for damages In caso tho brldgo
should tollapso with othor traffic.
, City Bnglnoor Oldloy said that ho
hnd not Inspected tho brldgo for n
month or so but ho fenrod It was
being ovortnxed. CouncUmnn Cook
said that ho had boon notified that
tho structuro was dangorous nnd tnni
ho had Commissioner Lnwhorno In
spect It Boinotlnio ngo but thnt tho
latter roportod tho structuro then
Finally tho council enacted tho
rcgiilntlng ordlnnnco.
Paving Damages ltlg
City Bnglnoor Oldloy made n 8po,
lnl report on tho dnmago to tho pav
ing from tho logging trucks today.
Ho snld thnt tho dnmngo now totnllod
$1,233, nn lucreano of nhout $700 In
tho Inst thirty days. Ho snld thnt
tho dnmngo was Increasing moro rap
idly now becnuso nftor tho original
bionks In tho pnvomont, tho paving
nonr tho holes collapsed moro onslly.
This, io snld, did not Includo tho
holes to tho bltulthlo paving on North
Front streot lis tho Wnrron Con
struction compnny hns n bond up
for its mnlntonunco. Howovor ho
Investlgnto I did not know whether tho bond
vould hold In caso of this "oxlrnor
n m
glng truck operations in ordor to
snvo tho streets and ho thought that
It might bo as wolt to act now as to
wait six months.
Demands City's Hlglit-s
.Councilman Handol snld thnt ov
orytlmo tho city proposed to do nny
thlng about It somcono Interposed
nn objection, saying tho city didn't
hnvo n right to do so nnd so. Ho
Bnld this did not strike him ns right
becnuso It tho other side had rights
In tho ma'tter tho city certainly had
and bo believed tho council could do
something. '
City Attorney Hrand Btntcd thnt
tho council could not stop ono firm
but thnt it could nuiko such reason-'
nblo regulations ns would practically
mnko It prohibitive for tho firm to
contlnUo to iibo tho streets.
Practically Stops Them
City Attorney tlldlcy said that If
tho ordlnnnco Just passed, rogulntlng
tho loads and speed, was enforced tho
operntlonswould bo stopped.
Councilman Klmbnll who voted
for the ordlnnnco regulating londs
nnd speed nnd also for Hnnilol's res
olution Bald that tho snow hnd stop
ped logging operations nnd the do
mand for tho additional $733 would
probably end It.
Anderson Avenue .log
City Engineer Oldlcy reported Hint
tho dotnils of eliminating tho Jog In
Andorson Avcnuo hnd not boon per
fected. C. II. Peck stated Hint thoy
probably soon would bo. Ho snld tho
doluy wub duo to n reorganization ot
tho Smith compnny. Tho plan wns
approved by C. A. Smith sometime
ngo but tho Creditors Commltteo bus
not carried out tho Intentions then
oxpressod but Mr. Peck thought thnt
when Gonornl Siiporlntcudont Mo
reen returns It may bo quickly nd
justed, For Xow Hydrant
CouncUmnn Hood said that ho hnd
taken up with Mnnngor Coroy of tho
Water Compnny tho question of so-
curing n firo hydrant on Hroadwnyl
near Ingcrsoll where thoro nro thir
teen houses practically without flro
protection. Thoro Is no main reach
ing thoro now but Mr. Coroy prom
ised to tnko tho matter up. It wns
roforrcd to tho flro and water com
mltteo. Approves City Kuginccr
Clmlrman Kimball of tho flunnco
commltteo roportcd thnt thoy hnd In
vestigated tho office of City Engin
eer Qldloy mid found It being con
ducted ns economically ns possible
He snld Hint,, ninny pormnnont rec
ords wore being nindc, bringing tho
cuy mnpB, survoys nnd promos up
to dnto wh'lci would snvo tho city
much money In tho futuro nud also
the proporty owners considerable
cnh ovorytlino a Biirvoy was neces
sary. Councilman Hood approved
tho roport nnd suggested that nn ex
tra sot of tho mnpn, etc., bo mndo and
placed In n firo proof vault to guard
against possible loss.
been suggested to him that tho city
provldo a fow public toilets for uieii
nud women in difforout parts of tho
business district. No nctlon was tak
en put provision will probably bo
made later for them.
dlnnry trnfflo" and ho suggostoil It
It had I bo looked up. Mo snld the l.nimi.
Arthur Mitchell, Who Ouns Proper-
ty There, Says He Approves Prct
pooed Annexation of District -
Arthur Mltelioll who Iuib long ln)on
employed on tho C. A. Smith com
pany's 8teamors writes. Tho Times
that ho favors tho plan for annexing
Hunker Hill to Marshflold. Ills let
ter which la self explanatory Is as fol
lows; " 1 own soino lots In Hunker Hill
and r am strongly In favor of Its bo
lug nnnoxed to Marshflold. I also
own three lots In Hay Park which
must eventually bo included nlso. In
spite of tho opposition, I nin sura nil
sano proporty owners must ovorcomo
tho Influonco of tho unreasonable
ones. I want to bo put on record us
1 In favor of Improvement, davelon.
lllOIlt ntlil iwlvnfinninniil I'
' H'.tllllVVIHW.H,
iWHMUUXJJff . JHlotx I
.1 ii. nm muni rcMwiiio rniuuruniou
thlo wns deteriorating much moro
than tho bituminous paving under
tho traffic.
Sent Another Check
Mayor Copplo said that ho nnd Ci
ty Hocordor Hutler had been notl
fled by Wnltor Comlron Hint thoy
had mailed another chock to tho city
to IncronBo tho amount of cash secur
ity for ropalrlng tho dnmngo to tho
paving. Mr. Hutlor said ho hod not
recolved the check yet nnd did not
know Hio amount ot it. Jlowovor, It
vns presumed thnt tho chock wns
for $300, the bnlnnco on tho prom
ised ?noo doposlt.
Howovor this, Is now $733 short ot
covering tho dnningo to date nnd
Councilman Hnndol introduced n mo
Hon that McDonald and Comlron bo
notified that thoy must have unoth
er certified check covering this bn!
nnco on deposit with tho Hocordor
by tho tlmo of tho noxt meeting: nlso
thnt tho city engineer make weekly
estimates of tho dnmago and the
company bo rcqulrod to covor
dnmago with checks wookly.
wanted to ndd thnt unless
checks forthcoming promptly
logging operations bo stopped
sonio of tho other councilmen object
. tyjor fopp(le;jnld that. It looked
to him nR though tho council would
sooner or hitor have lo slop Hio log-
All Over lIvpeiisoK fJocs Muck to
Kiwli County to Apply to the
Moail Fund
Coos County will got $1820 which
wns pnrt of tho ntitomobllo llconso
monoy returned for addition to tho
i rond fund. Socrotnry of Stato 01-
cott states that tho receipts from
motor vehicles and chauffeur li
censes for tho yenr 1 0 in was $108,
881. HO ,nnd or this sum $87,230.08
or 80 1-10 por cont, will bo roturnod
to tho various counties of tho state
for tholr rond fund.
This total Is nn Increase of $31, over that or 1011, and nn
lucronso of $52,008.50 over tho year
or 19!.'!. Of tho total for 1915,
$883G,38 was expended for llconso
plates and cliauffour badges, $7127
.8G for clorlcal Borvlcesj $2017.10
for postago and forwarding charges;
$2282,95 for printing blanks, forms
and monthly lists; $719.03 for sta
tionery, and $07. 50 for refunds.
Tho following figures show tho
amounts collected for licenses, tho
expenses nud tho nmounts to be ro
rundod for Bavornl of tho couuties
In this 'pnrt of tho state.
County Rects.
Coos $2272
Curry 157
Douglas .... 23 S3
l.ano 1050
Jackson ... 4-IGS
Multnomah County
in tees. Marion County was second
and Umatilla third.
Council Not to Enact It Until tho
Southern Pacific Cnirlcs Out Its
Promises Other Itiisiiios.s
Mayor Copplo, when tho quostlon
or tho ordlnnnco amending tho
Southern Paciric motor enr -"rui-chlso,
rollovlng tho compnny of the
hourly sorvlco to North Mend, was
brought up, roportod Hint tho or
dlnnnco wns not ready and Hint It
would not bo passed until tho com
pany had carried out Us pnrt ot the
agreement. Ho said that tluro was
no rush tor it.
City Attomoy Hrand 'sold that m
lcss tho city waited, It would bo
nccossnry to Btlpulnto tho conditions
of tho ordinance, and It would sim
plify matters M tho lattor wns not
necessary. Ho Bald that tho South
ern Pacific officials woro perfectly
agrconblo to this.
Somcono suggested that ono 3f
tho conditions was that tho South
ern Paciric pave or pay Tor paving
the trlnngulnr strip which It Is cod
ing tho city on North Front street
and Hint this might rcqulro consld-
ornblo tlmo.
C. It. Peck suggested Hint Instoad
of wnlllng thnt long nnd dolnyiug
tho chungo In tho motor car Borvlso
Hint tho city engineer cstimnto tho
cost or tho paving nnd tho Southern
Paciric bo allowed to pay in ndvnnco
for it.
This wns ngreonblo to tho council
nnd City Engineer Oldloy whb In
structed to mnko tho cstimnto. Tho
Southern Pncltlc will nlso put In
n" now walk on tho west sido ot I ho
track at tho point in question.
Mill Sloligh Ciim)
Tho City Council ngrood to tho
proposal by C It. Peck In bolinlt
of tho Port of Coos Mny thnt tho
henrlng on tho Mill Slough cnao
nppcnl to tho Orogon Supronio Court
bo deferred until July. Ho snld that
this would glvo tlmo for an nctiuil
test ns to whether tho drain box tho
Port has put In will sufflco nnd
meet tho requirements. As to tho
drain in tho north arm or Mill
Slough, ho Bnld the Port wns ready
to liiBtnll It or pay tho city to Instnll
It. Ho snld Hint If tho drain work
ed proporly, tho controversy might
bo amicably settled nnd conoldernblo
expoiiBo nvoldod.
Tbo Council concurred nnd City
Attorney Hrand wns Instructed to
ngreo to tho postponement until
Front Street Sower Problem
Tho construction of n now sower
.on Front street botwoon Market and
Aldor Is u problem nnd tho City
Council mndo a third stnrt last
night. City Recorder Hutlor snld
Hint owing to mlxups In tho descrip
tions or tho proporty, overlapping
survoys, otc, that tho former pro
ceedings woro tnnglod. lie had tho
Council rescind tho second attempt
and started nnow for n third tlmo.
Dr. iA'sllo, Hon Ostllnd nnd J. O.
Dnngworthy woro appointed viewers
to llESCBS tho cost.
As viewers for nsscsslng tho cost
of n sower on Fifth Btroot bctwoon
Commorclnl nnd Market, Dr. Leslie,
Hon Ostllnd nnd J. O. Lnngworthy
woro appointed.
Carter's Salary
After sonio discussion, tho Coun
cil agreed to n bill from Mnrshnl
Cnrtor for pnrt pnymont of tho Bnl
nry or I. W. Trnvor, as acting Mar
shal whllo Carter was In Portland ns
a witness in tho Shook nso. Mr.
Cartor Bnld that his fcos nud mile
ngo nmouutod to $9.40 moro than
his oxponscs on tho trip and wanted
tho city to pny Trnver's bill -at $21
less this $9.40. Tho Council agreed
to It ns tho nrrnngomont simply
nllowa Marshal Cartor his logulnr
Wo hnvo Just received from John lice tClnrkc, Albuquerque, vJ
A Delayed Shipment of Guaranteed
Navajo Indian Rugs
IlESE wero Intended for tho Chrlstinus mid Holiday trmli,,,
arriving too Into o hnvo placed them in our window nttett
at tractive pricey.
This Is nn exceptional opportunity to neciiro ono of thcso rnr0pri).
diictlons in Musts at oxnclly tho uniiio prices Tyou would tty
Albuquerque. ,
It will pay you to mnko n trip to tho store, oven ir you do noUM,
to buy, ns tho exhibit nlouo Is well worth seeing. It Is uno of th
largest collection of OcxaSno Nnvnjo Indian Hhjjh over Miown tl
Goes County.
"We Sell It for Less"
Going & Harvey Co.
Complete House Furnishers
REST fill
Hxps, Rotund
$451 $1820
31 125
173 1909
S0G 3219
888 3579
pnld $45,958
PORTLAND, Ore., Jnn. 18. Po
tatoes nud onions hnvo reached tbo
highest prlco in u year In tho
wholesnlo market. Stocks nro near
ly exhausted, nnd owing to tbo snow
nud cold, it is impossible for ship
ments to be mndo.
Potntoos soared from $,1,50 n bun
died pounds to $1.05 and $1.7C and
onions went inn to $2 and $2,25 -a
hundred ipouncis n,t tho samortlir.
Only' ten' doys ngo onions wore
wholesaling at $1.50,
Stout Rlcha,rdhon of Portland Team
Visits Eugenu
KUOBNB, Oro., Jan. 18. The
proposition offered to tho Hlgbop
biothors by Mnnngor McCrodle, o'r
tbo Const leaguo, cannot bo dupli
cated by any othor team In either
tho Coast or tho major leagues In
tbo estimation ot James J. Richard
son, scount for tho Portland team.
Mr. Richardson whllo In tho cUy
" I am a good friend ot Hezdok and
if Hezdok wants to Bond them to tho
Major leagues I will do nothing to
provent it. Hut as soon ns ho says
ho Is through with them I will do
my best to land them for Portland
ns thoy would bo u flno addition and
drawing card ror tho team."
PORTLAND For tho week an lu-
lerease or $S7,4S0 is noted ovor tho
record Tor tho sanio week a year ago,
the total being $10,723,780.
ASHLAND-Two q oxpoqls rrpm
California Jiavq .'been locking over
tlilf locality ami report favorably on
tho indications of oil resources,
Flunnco Committee to Investigate
Scheme Councilmen Objict.
to Subsidy
Aftor hearing a vorbal roqucot
from Hen Flshor, In behalf of tho
Mlnlutorlnl Association's plan for es
tablishing a rest room or lounging
rqom for worklngmcn In Marsh
flold, tho city council Inst evening
deforrod final action on tho rcquost
for a municipal appropriation of $10
to $25 por month to maintain It.
Mcnnwhllo tho flunuco' commltteo
'consisting of MoBsru. Handel, Klm
'ball and Powors will lnvostlsnto tho
.Mr, Flshor nud Row R. B. Drown
ing woro tho delegates from tho
mooting hold nt tho Clinmbor or
Comniorco Inst night to prcsont tho
project to tho city council. Mr.
Fisher was spokesman. Mo snld that
nhout thirty dirrorcnt organizations
woro behind tho movoment. Tho
plan In brief wns to find n Biibstltuto
for tho saloon whoro tho worklngmcn
Icould 2ongregnto nnd spond their Idle
tlmo. I'ho Idea wns to mnko It nort
of n froo rending room nnd provldo
rccrontlon for the idlo mou as woll
tin tho strangers. Mr. Fisher said
"there was no urgont demnnd to caro
for tho Idlo as thoro nro fow orinmm
lot, this clnss, Howovor 'ho thouglit
mni mo mnitcr sliould ho trlod out
for six months to riscortnln If thoro
wns u'domand ror thnt sort or n placo.
Ho said that tho plan that hod boon
suggostod was to biro suitable rooms
and placo someono In charge of It.
It wns suggested thnt Hurt Doromuu
ho glvon chnrgo ot It tmd Hint Mr.
Doromus bo pornilttod to coutlnuo bin
oniploymont agency nnd soil cigars,
soft drinks, etc, .Mr. Flshor snld
that It would cost probably $50 por
month for rent, light, heat nnd wa
ter which tho orgnnlzntlonH would
pay and Mr. Doromus would got his
pay from tho oniploymont agency auu
soft drink business.
Mr. Flshor said Hint tho oxponso
prohibited tho Coffoo House Idea. Ho
snld thnt tho pnrtlea behind tho pro
ject thought that tho city council
should contrlhuto botwoon $10 nnd
$25 por month towards Its upkeop no
many towns wcro providing It. The
othor organizations would subscribo
tbo balance.
Councilman Handel said that he
opposed tho Idoa of simply giving Mr
Doromus freo rent to do business. He
Bald Hint thoro wero othor sort
drink places In town. Ho did not seo
any Immediate need or such a place
as,hotols would provldo It,
Councilman Ferguson sold that bo
did not think It right to subsldlzo
onp business house, Mr. Ferguson
elaborated his Idea of what such n
placo might be. Ho said that ho was
opposed to any business being oper
ated in conjunction with it that the
quortors should bo Tree and the men
mndo welcome whether they spent
any monoy or not.
Major Copplo said that ho approv
ed ot Ferguson's Idea nnd that he
thought a free oniploymont agency
should bo maintained with It. Ho
said that thoro was much criticism or
Hio oniploymont ngonclos charging a
feo and ho had even heard criticisms
of tho one hero. Ho suggestod that
tbo cltj library costing nbout $107
floe.i on Rceoid as Apprising 114 1
load Continuing Operation of tin j
Morgan Sfcnutr-hlp Lines
(Special to The Tlmoa.)
EIKJENB, Ore, Jan. 18.-A m
olutlon wns pn6Bcd nt tho irtel'c
dlnuor of tbo Commercial Club n
dorslug tho application of the Son:)
em Pacific Compnny for the m
tlnunuco of ownership and opmtb
of tho Morgan steaiiiBlilp Unci, k
tweon Now York, New Orleans 1
othor Atlantic and Culf ports. Abcat
forty momborti of tlio club wtnj
present nt tho dinner,
The resolution, similar to om re
cently pnssod by tbo Chamber t
Commerco or Sntt Frnncljco,
Introduced by Qcorgo II, Mcllornt
nnft wns uunnlmpiisly passed. Tit
resolution nlso provides forlUjfr
tltlonlng of tho Interstate Commerti
Commission to grant tlio appllcitld
or tho railroad company In t!
mattor. Tho resolution statei iw
with but ono cxcoptlon, thlsllwk
the viuly comploto lino operated n
dor common munngemont tetwets
the Atlnntlc and Pnclflc coasts.
DALLAS A. L. Maryln, mnpt
of tho locnl branch or tho Ortra
Power Compnny, hns been eledd
president or tho Dallas Commerclsl
HOOD RIVER- Tho Knstcrn Ortl
gon KfilRlits or Pythias are JirtiWl
n convention this week In tnijw
. . - ... ..m ornrMl
a month to maintain "" t
tho rending room BUgKcatod, CouMfr
man Rood took this view
Finally nftor much discussion
wnn roiorred to tho flnaiu'O
Ine In Investlento.
Mr, Flshor lauded Mr Doremoj
tho man best rittod to look alter
a lounging plnco whoroupon
or tho counnlltucn deMnroJ that iw
did not object personally to Mr. i
Mr. Leslie, Osteopath.
For the Last Ten Years
wo havo used
Chemically Pure
Superior Cheroi
in our
Prescription and Analytic1
'Seo our window for , ,ilj
or Squibb's Suporlor tu"'
Penslnr Family Romedles.
141 if you want tho best.
Tlin 1eim1nr and Xl
Quality Chcmlc"1