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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1916)
; THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELO, OREGON, TUESDAY, JAMuARV 18, 1916 EVEMIftlG EPITIOH. ' ' !F n FIYE Can You Beat it? A logger traveled through the woods, ( A thousand miles he walked; And on the trip made' not one slip His CURRIN shoes were calked . i.'or Snlo nl i" FIXUP Where cu-ry iHirvlmvo Is guaranteed North Bend Sarter IS TUB PLACE TO OUT YOUR CANDIES' PURE AND DELICIOUS Wo ilo not speak of Its Q U A Ij I T V Hint speaks for Itself SARTER'S riiono iIi;i-.J, Marshfield Front St., Opposite IHjuico Hotel 85 Fourth Street HOTEL ST. REGIS J. K. Schilling, Prop. A Select Family and Commercial Hotel Headquarters for Cooa Co. pcoplo aoJouruliiK In Han Frauclaco: ::.:: i wmm m 's I "TJ PARCEL POST YOUR LAUNDRY We Pay Return Charges. Prompt and Efficient Service COOS BAY STEAM, LAUNDRY loble TO-NIGHT . THE PRODUCTION THAT BRINGS BROADWAY INTO OUR THEATER U M idnight at Maxim's" A SPECTACULAR FOUR-ACT CABARET SHOW ' GIRLSGIRLS NOTHING BUT GIRLS It's a feature that will create no end of comments Without a doubt one of the best and most spectac ular plays ever shown in this city The Great White Way as it in Motion Pictures "Hearst Selig Weekly" ' Full of interesting nqws "Strictly Neutral" Vitagraph Comedy It is impossible for this theater or any other theater in America to show a better program than we are offering , to the people of Marshfield tonight. U ir Lowe sual Prices Tomorrow night: John Barrymore in the Paramount eature "The Dictator" five reels of the real funny pic- iui us. ui BREVITIES WEATHER FORECAST (Dr Amoclittd Frem to Coot n7 Tim,.. OREGON Fnlr, not much chnngo In tompornturo, easterly winds. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD For tho 24 hours ending at 1:43 n. 111., January 18, by BenJ, Ostllnd, special gov- ornmont motcorolocist: 4 Maximum . . ., ,. ,38 Minimum ,10 At 4: III n. m IM : Precipitation 08 Precipitation slnco Sopt. 1, 1D15 42.13 Precipitation samo porlod last year 42.G9 Wind: East, cloudy. v SUNRISE AND 8UNSKT Tuesday January 18 Sun rises nt 7:47 and sets at 4:fiG Clittt'cli Silver Ton. Tiio ladles of tho Methodist chtirch will glvo a bII-ver-,.tca to-morrow aftomoon at tho homo of Mrs, F. 13, Allen. 1 JNt stations' Association. Mrs. Alice Hall will outortaln the Past Worthy Matrons of tho Eastern Star Lodgo noxt Friday afternoon. Young Peoples' Society. Tho Youiyr. Peoples' Society of tho Nor wegian Luthorun Church will give a social Friday qvonlng In ths church pnrlors. Huh Peanut. Stand Qus Pedcrson, for yearn proprietor of tho "Old Corner Saloon" at Emplro, has con verted his placo Into a peanut and confectionery stand. Prcsbj'orliui Auxiliary. Tho J.a dleH Auxiliary of tho Preshytinan Church will moot tomorrow nllor noon at 2:30 o'clock with Mm. .!. S. Stuhhlofleld for a social tlmo. Miliary Association Meeting. Tho aunttnl, mcotlng of tho North Hand 1 Unary Association will bo hold In the North llcnd Club rooms Thurs day nftornoon at 2:30 o'clock. I Mother In Oklahoma.' licit of Tho Chnudlor -J. I. Tor harborshop 'was consldorhly alarmed yesterday ovor tho roport of the big flro In Theate ower floor . 15c ny . . . 10c Children ... 5c Wirt, Okla. Ills mother realdes there. Metro Business Buildings. John 1). Gobs and his associates who own eovoral houses on South Broadway) between Anderson nnd Curtis, are figuring on remodalllng them for storeroom purposes. Aid DK inniiict. Tho Fcllow Bhlp club directors havo about de cided to postpone their next regular monthly meeting nnd to Join with tho Chamber of Comnicrco In malt ing tho Dooster banquet the biggest ever. Sell llaml Equipment. At a mcot lng of tho members of tho former Coos Day band last night It was de cided to sell somo of tho music nnd other cqulpmont. Tho directors wilt look after tho details of tho work nnd cleaning up tho financial affairs of tho organization. Files Two Miltn. George Gottlng has begun suit against S. 13. Cutllp In JiiHtlco 1'ennock's court for tho collection of $15.30 which ho claims Is duo him for merchandise sold over a year ago. Ho has also filed suit against D. J. nice, another Dan iels Creek rancher, to collect $41.30. lliilld Xenr Cooslon. Agent Rob Inson of tho Crawford Point hold ings who recently enmo hero from Portland Is having contractors flg uro on a 0110 story offlco building, 20 x 30 feet, to bo erected on their property across tho Bay. Ho expects somo small cottages may bo built thero this summer. Doer Aro Hungry. Jap Yoakam who camo In last night with W.'E. Ford from tho Coqulllo valley re ports that tho deer arq being driv en Into tho ranches to got feed and nro now eating hay and grain with tho cattlo at many places In tho Co qulllo valley. Tho tlocn aire qulto tnmo and It Is posslblo to got with in a few yards of tltoni whon a mnn is on horsoback or In n wagon but otherwise they skip for tho edgo of tho brush, Little Improvement. Geo, "W. Logglo, a son-in-lnw of Mrs. Mary McKulght of Marshfield and n broth er of Peter Logglo "of North Bond, Ih still In n precarious condition at his homo in Dolllngham as a result of tho stroke of paralysis suffered some tlmo ago. C. F. McKntgbt has rocolvcd a letter stating that ,thoro was little chango In his condi tion. Mr. Logglo formerly was sup erintendent of tho old Southern Ore gon Company m"' -t Emplro nnd has oxtenslvo itiii .-3 '.3 on tho Pay an woll as bolng 0110 of tho big lum borinon of tho Belllnghnm district. Old Auto Case. Tho caso Involv ing tho auto trouble of n fow years ago whon Constnblo Cox seized Rob ert Fox's auto at North Bond umtor n writ of attachment will bo threshed out hoforo tho Oregon Su premo court January 21, having been nppcaled by Hnrry Hoy. F. E. Allon had a claim against Fox and John I). Gobs attached tho auto but Fox maintained that tho auto be longed to his sister, Mrs. Ogron, nnd situ had given i bill of snlo to Hnrry Hoy, their attornoy. Thero wore contumpt of court proceedings and much othor litigation and tho car was finally sold to V. C. Gorst. Harry Hoy and John 1). Goss will go to Salom to nrguo tho caso. $$ t AT THE HOTELS t At Tho Chandler Geo. R. Sailor, Portland: J. L. Smith, Coqulllo; W. E. Peters, Port land; J. L. Stundofor, Portland; E. L. McDougal, Portland; J. L. Aason, Coqulllo; Mrs. J. L. Smith, Coqulllo; C. A. Lundstrom, Powers; N. A.ij ! Nelson und wlfo, Lakesldo. At tho Lloyd J. L. Albln, McKlnloy; flold, Uandon; Androw Mj.iio Point; I. Carlson, E. Wnlt Chrlston, Coqulllo; H. W. Dunham, Coqulllo. At tho St. Laurence J. D. Steoro. Powers; I. M. Cut- Up, Coos Rlvor; John Hurloy, Gold j Reach; Ralph E. Lamb, Gold Beach; C. W. Egnuoff and wlfo, Stunner; 1 W. S. Cutllp, Myrtlo Point: Mr. and (Mrs. Marseo, Powers; B. W. Charlos ' worth, Uandon; S. R. Gurdnor, Ran 'dolph, N. I'.; Robt. Balglcy and family. Taconia. I KZ3rS'3 MAKE YOUR DRUG STORE TRADING BOTH EASY AND ' PROFITABLE Wa claim to bell you .. flnebt drugs timt any irug, storo can offer at tho Imv. est price consistent vltln high character. AVo claim to give you a m'f vice pleasing In the ovt treinoj to treat yo-i fhlj Whether :ou romo In perMiri or hcml tbe c-hlli'reii ' ''. .in.. i.v in-ill in- telo'thnno. We ummmtco service that is bnt!"fetiy. Ronll.v. '', run la.vb d letter lio-e, I "The Owl" The Squibb mig Stori t PERSONAL MENTION $:$ W. C. BRADLEY went to Empire this morning mi business. MRS. It. A. CHURCH of North Coos River Is a Marshfield shopper to day. P. M. TULLY of North Bend was n Marshfiold business visitor yes terday, MRS, ALLEN RANDLEMAN of Beaver Hill was a Marshfield shopper yesterday. ANDREW CALRSON returned today from his ranch near Allogany whoro ho spent a couple of days. ARTHUR K. PECK returned last night from Coqulllo, where ho was looking nftcr mattors In Circuit Court, J. C. WILCOX left last night on the Kllburn for Eureka, whero ho will locate and will open a mall order liquor hotiBO. II. C. DIERS was horo from North Bend today and said that thoro was nothing new In that section of tho Bay. JOHN D. GOSS left on tho coast stago today for Salom to appear In somo cases boforo tho Oregon Supremo Court. SCHOOL SUPERVISOR F. A. GOLD EN loft yesterday for Coqulllo to confer with Supt. Baker relatlvo to tho rural school work. FRED HOLLISTER, of North Bend, was In Coqulllo yesterday on mat ters connected with the Democra tic plans for tho spring primary campaign. MRS. NEIL DAGGETT of Allegany returned yestorday from n trip to California and Arizona, visiting hor brother, Earl Gray, at Phoe nix. II. S. MURPHY, who has been In Portland, will not return until, noxt wook, romalnlng over to ar-, guo somo cases boforo tho Su promo Court. HUTTON O'CONNOR who Is now employed on tho R. A. Church ranch on North Coos Rlvor camo down today to visit' his mother, Mrs. J. W. Bonnott. I CLAUDE MOON nnd wlfo havo mov ed to Coqulllo, Mr. Moon having retired from tho Red Cross Jow clry department with expectancy of engaging In business In Co qulllo. TOM BENNETT roturncd last night from Coqulllo whoro ho represent ed Jns. McCutcheon In a liquor caso yesterday, tho caso ending abruptly by McCutcheon entering a plea of guilty. J. R. NOWLIN of North Coos Rlvor Is a Marshfield visitor today. Ho says that thoro Is nhout eighteen Inches of snow oil tho rldgo back of his placo ard that a warm rain would menu 0110 , of the worBt frcshots this section has known. Lenso Apartments. L. J. Justin, formor proprietor of tho St. Law ronco Hotel, has taken a flvo-yoar lcaso on tho second story of tho Williams building, . In which tho Postofflco Is located. Mr. WJlllams will romodol tho socond story, cut ting It up Into smallor apartments nnd making It particularly fitted for transients, It has boon used as a flat apartments slnco tho structuro was built. JAMES FORSYTHE, tho well-known traveling man, loft today Tor Port land after spondlng a couplo of weoks bore. Ho expects to visit hero again in about sixty days. FIRE III FERNDnLE JOHN HOUSER. BURNS FEET FIGHTING IT IN Hlno Starts in Attic of Residence, Hut is Put Out by Neighbors Who Quickly Gathered John Ifousor, n carpenter living In Forndalo, enmo near losing his homo by flro this morning at fi:30 o'clock and burned his feet qulto badly In his efforts to put out tho blaze. When tho. wall papor tit tho IJc'tcbon caught flro from another ... nf tho linnan Air. llnusnr startful ( ,.... I U. ... ..w..- to tear off tho burning pnor. In his hnstb ho stood on tho cook 'to'o to reach parts of tho wall and call ing. Tho Btovo was hotter than ho had calculated and his feet were qrite painfully burned. Tho fire was discovered In tho a't'c above tho first floor of thoi tho residence and evidently started fun some defect In tho , chimney. I It had a vory fair start ana an alarm was given through tho neigh- Jborhood and quickly a volunteer7 forco was nt work ana ;iuu tntf house. Dainngo Xt 1HK. 5 Tim attic was burnod and th(?'i ni a f tlin kitchen rulnol. The ii-.r t'o was nrobablv less than ono niMidrcd dollars. Nono of ihe eusphold effects were damaged fi.r t'icr than what they suffored 'r.inif lmin norrlnil nut nf doors. Tim flrn chiof waq notified, lav vorv soon aftorward word wus 3tnt that the flro was out. Want advertising sells longer-minted thlugs. the no HARMS BITULITHIG NEW HARD SURFACE PAVING GOING TO PIECES City Engineer (Jldloy Informs City Council It It Disintegrating Contractors Bond Tho now bltulthlc paving on North Front street Is rapidly going to piec es under the heavy logging truck op erations according to a report of City1 Engineer Gldlcy last night. Mr. Gldlley snid that ho had not estimat ed the extent of tho damages to tho blthulthlc owing to tho paving being guaranteed for n period of five yoars by Warren Bros., tho contractors who laid it. However ho was not certain whether their guarantee bond was nmplo against tho "extraordinary traffic" as tho logging truck opera tions arc now termed. ' Mr. Gldlloy said that tho bitulltltlc paving was now beginning to grind up nnd disintegrate. This has been the first compnr-t ntlvo test of tho bituminous and hi-1 tulthic paving under like conditions. Tho bituminous paving excopt where tho concreto baso has given away un derneath tho traffic has stood up protty woll but tho bltulthlc which has not been laid ns long ns tho bi tuminous Is not Bhowlng up well ac cording to Engineer GIdloy's roport, Tho mnttor will probably bo taken up at onco with Wnrren Bros, al Portland to ascertain If the company will mako tho paving good. Other wise tho cost of roplaclng It will havo to bo charged up against McDonald and Condrou. ASK AID OF CLUBS MOVEMENT FOR ESTABLISHING READING ROOM STARTED F. E. Allen Elected Chairman Ev- pect Different Organizations to SuhscrllM) Funds for Test At n mcotlng at tho Chamber of Commorco last night, plans wcro per fected for trying out tho plan of es tablishing a froo reading room and lounging room whoro strangers, lab oring mon nnd others may spend their spnro tlmo whllo in Marshfield, About u dozen wero prcsont nt tho meeting a permanent organization to havo chargo of tho project formed. F. E, Allon was elected permanent chairman, J. C. Kendall secretary, I, S. Smith trcasuror and V. A. Rold, Bon Fisher and E, II. Campbell as tho executive committee. Tho mattor wns discussed at length many urging the necessity of find ing a substitute for tho saloon na tlin noor mnn'8 club. It wns nuroort lo that quarters conveniently loented should bo leased for tho purpoao, and tho plan tried out for a porlod of about six months to ascortaln tne necessities nnd bonoflts. It was sug gested that tho former Blanco hotel room or tho formor Clnymoro bar room bo rented, tho latter bolng of fered for $50 por mouth. Howovor, this wns referred to tho oxocutlvo commltteo to look up. (Consult. Organizations ' As n means ot support, subscrip tions from different clubs and organ izations will bo asked, Tho fpllow Ing wero upooluted to oo tho clubs nnd organizations specified: Mrs. Chas, Hall, ProgrosB Club; Rov. R. H. Browning, Mnsonlo bod ies; Frank Horton, tho Elks; Mol Duncan, tho Mooso; Tom Bonnott, tho Eagles; I. S. Smith, tho Odd Fel lows; Mllo Sumner and Hugh McLaln tho Chamber ot Commorco; Ben Fisher, tho City council; John Kendall, tho Followahlp Club; Mrs. F. E. Whoolor, tho W. C. T. U.; Fred Smith, tho Owls; C, L. Pennock, tho Redmcn; W. U. Douglas, tho W, O. W.; Rov. Knotts, tho M. E. Church; Rov. R. E. Browning, Episcopal church; W. A, Rold, tho Christian church; Rov. Stubbloflold, tho Presbytorlan church; R, M. Jennings, tho Cnthollo church; F. E. Wilson tho Knights of Pythias; Mrs. I, Lando, tho Robek ahs; Dr. Leslie, tho Baptist church; Mllo Sumner, tho Forostors ot Amor- lco; Dan Orr, tho Longshoromon; Mrs, C. II. Marsh, tho Eastern Star; E. II. Campbell, the M, W. A, y.1 m,w . .. AIIUU3 tWIIIl HUH Vlt'l IIU.M1113, .Ti IT IS BETTER TO',1 HAVE THE BUSY m CORNER FILL YOUR m rncaunir iiuimo inaiViH m WISH YOU HAD. ' H ttH1 m : I THE BUSY CORNER '' 1H f lH iH X 11U11U -I'O ' M . hi jBM M O UUIIVLT liuilliuj n Overalls The ONE DOLLAR ($1.00) grade are still ' OO 83c at the J. C. Penney Company rf.V Heavy Denim in Boys' Overall, AQn Regular 75c grade -xw "Underhill" Overalls are Better "American Prints" Calico in blues, grays gc and white -y roc "Red Seal" Gingham x" 8c 3-in-1 Oil, 10c size -r - "u ' 4c Williams Shaving Soap ...,-. j'--j---'-.- . rt33 We Lead, Others Follow The Originators of Low Prices Next Door to Postoffice Prices: Delmonte Catsup, per bottle 15c Sea Foam Naptha Powder, per package 20o Preserves and Jellies, largo glass, each 20c Cranberries, three pounds -25c " WE SAVE YOU MONEY. GETTINGS' CASH GROCERY ,130 NO. IJROADWAY, NEAR CENTRA! I SEILETTEIWI CHAMBER OF COMMERCE TO IX AUGURATE MOVEMENT Chairman Montgomery of Publicity Committee Will Call Meeting to Ontllno Plans Whllo this Is "Letter writing wook" in Oregon, Coos county Is not actively participating In It. Howev er tho mattor Is not to bo overlook ed and Clmlrmnn Montgomery of tho Publicity Commltteo of tho MnrBh flold Chamber of Commorco said that ho would call a mooting ot his commltteo In a' day or two and out Ilno a similar week for Coos county pcoplo to boost this section. Owing to tho recent changd In tho officors and commlttcos of tho 0""r of Commorco, tho plan could not bo organlzod In tlmo to conform wltl tho Oregon campnlgn. Tho Idea Is to lyxvo all Coos Coun ty resldonts to wrlto to friends and acquaintances In other sections ot tho country boosting tills part of tho country, outlining Its advantages and opportunities. Letters will bo sent to tho old homo papers of resldonts and In this way will got moro nnd bottor advertising for this section than hns ovor boon obtalhod. Objection to tho lcttor forms and Illustrated lottor heads offered by tho Portland Chamber of Commorco Is found horo In tho fact that all tho boosting and plcturos nro of Port laud, tho Roso Festival and tho Col umbia highway lnstcnd of Oregon In general or other attractive spot lit tho state. TWO SUITS BEGUN Robert Mi-Canu of Xortli Bend Sues G. W. Ti-lblMjj- on Old Xoto Deputy Sheriff W. C. Laird yes terday sorved papers on G. V. Trlb bey and his wlfo In a caso begun by Robort McCnnn of North Bond to rolled a note for 225 which Trlb bey gave to McCanu In 190C. Mr. Laird also sorved papers on Georgo Flanagan, Pat HennessoyJ end others In a cuse begun by Judgo. John F. Hall to collect $275 from I thorn on an old claim. In order to ! Ruaranteo Its collection and to nre- I YCnt tho claim becoming outlawed. lip Is seizing a tract of stonolaud on Coos Rlvor which tho parties plan j ned to opon as a rock quarry. SOME BIG DEALS Tho final consiiinmntloii of tho big Simpson deal and tho sale of the McDonald Vnughan Logging Com. pany aro foreruuiiors of what 11)10 1 PflR RPMT t will In lug its. These deals, following' ru' nci Z elnsolv linoii the eloslnir of sever,!) ' I however, that Win, T. Stoll '-" " ' - i 1 1 .1... ...!... I,. I...... l....l- trait. Investigation reveals the fart that ho has only purchased a homcslto. This was later confirmed W. A. Hold, agent for the Per, ham property. There are several sites left wlili'Ii are being reserved for our best i-ltueiif. Outside cl i Itnlltts will not bo pel nutted truli off all the best jiiopertlos on tin Bay. PAY YOUIt 1)00 TACENSE Notlco Is horoljy glvon that It la unlawful for any parson or persona to kcop a dg or dogs, within tho corporato limits of tho City of Marshfiold of tho ago ot moro than four months, unless tho ownor or keeper of such dog or dogs shall pro euro a llconso for each dog, and havo tho number of tho llconso stamped or engraved upon tho collar upon' each dog, and any person shall upon con viction for oach offonso bo subject to n flno ot not loss than ton nor moro than fifty dollars. All doir llconscs nro duo and must bo paid at onco at tho offlco of tho City Rocordor and all dogs within tho corporato limits of tho City ot Marshfiold without llconso plato at tached to collar will bo Impounded Datod this 17th day of January, 1D10. . J. W. CARTEk Marshal J X MEW TODAY t ?$ LOST Pearl brooch. Reward. "Find er plouso phono Mrs, Allco Hall, 418-J, FOUND Pass book No. -14 on tho Scandinavian Bank, Marshfiold. Ownor moy got samo nt Tlmoai of flco by paying .for this notice. WANTED Placo to v"rk nt house work or washing by hour or, dayv by oxporloncod and thorough!)?- re liable woman who can furnish roforonces. Address R. A., caro Times. 1 LOST AND FOUND X j$W4WW44W4 STRAYED Two liend two-ycnr-old Holstoln hoirors. Ear marKoa leu crop right undor bit. Reward $2.50. II. L. RusboII, Catching Inlet. FOUND Kikr-rliiK Front street, Friday. Owner can havo samo by paying for this ad and Iden tifying property, M. A. Sweotman, Chundler Barber Shop. J 1 WANTED J WANTED Small innn., , Address , "X" enro Times. WANTED TO BUY Cash veglstero for ensh, Call or phono L. V. Bridges. Lloyd Hotel, : FOR SALE t $? FOR SALE Cheap It token nt onco. Cablnot sowing machine, almbst now, App') 358 Third and Hlgh- land. T TRE WHITE IS KINO Of. all Sewing Machines Now located at 25C Market avo. West. Phono 103-J. Wo have also got big bargains In all kinds ot ured marhlncs. AH machine cold on easy payments. toj J .j