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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1916)
j. . wa mrrw Trewgnw yaFmgaprrawrfg?? w mb- a-m- i THE COOSiBAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, ORRBPN.llESDAYnJANUABY' 18, 1946 EViENING EDITION. aVFOUR Do i COOS BAY TIMES M. 0. MALONEY, Kdltor and Pnb. " DAN E. MALONEY, News Editor - 'ii ' OfilpJif lUap'et , of Coos' JOonnty i Official Faper City of Mnrahflold. uv Entered nt tho PoptoMco at Marsh field, Orogon, for transmission through tlio malls second-class mall matter. , An Independent Ropubllcan news paper, published every evening ox 'cept Sunday, and weekly, by Tho Coos Boy Times Publishing Co. M' SUBSCRIPTION RATES DAILY. vOne year $0.00 Per month -GO WEEKLY. i Onn Tear SI. GO When paid strictly In ndvanco tho ubBcilptlon ptlco of tho Coos Ray Tlulcs Is $5.00 por year or $2.50 for Ijc months. ! t EUROPEAN WAR ONE I $ YEAR AGO TODAY t $ JANUARY 18, 1015. Today Is tho 44th anniversary of tho Proclamation of Wllholm I ns tho German Emperor. Twonty-ono persons nro lost when tho British steamer Ponarth- goes aground. Mexico Is again In tho throes of a revolt. GREAT NOVELS A! NEW YORK nowspapor asked twenty-eight novelists, somo American and Bomo English, to nnmo tho six greatest iiovoIb in our Inngungo. Tlio novel that recolv- ed far moro votes than nuy othor was Thnckeray's "Vanity Fair." ! Havo you read t? Wlhem Daddy Wdtflt' Soliieiimes' 'my Daddy comes in late from work, i An' don't have nothln' much to say, An' reads, an' reads till I gets awful tired Jes' cause I wants for him to play An' en' he puts his paper down an sits All humped up in his big ol' chair, , An' frowns an' looks like some ol' grumpy thing A, His face as mean as Giant 'Spairl When Daddy feels 'at way, it makes me frald I think some awful thing's come true; " , ; But 'en ef he can't stop and play with me, What Is a little girl to do? I clears my froat an' crawls behind his chair, An' squinches up and says, "Dad-dee, I think you need a little girl Who's full of fun an' wants to play," Oh, goodness mel I scrunches down an' waits, Jos' like a teeny, trembiin' mouse; An' en' my Daddy takes a suddint jump rrs Kerwhop! An' how he. shakes the housel He flops down on the floor beside me An' fixes things jes' right to piay, An' hollers out: "Come, now, my girl An' drive 01' Mister Blues away," Anon, ii H 1 ' tvM -nil tit r M It n IS ; wvmuwufH. 'ft r S'it t:inn .-& vifun ii. Mt'):r C i rf.T fflBST." -' iST? TCfiiir tt. " . iI" V W WkT. IwlwSSsfe '".jtT.'l I I s tim u .. t l ,T?a7r ! wf"" "B A . " ,iw The Hibernia Savings and Loan Society HIBERNIA BANK V INCOKl'OUATED186 o r f i c E f. m i " 'T lWIarret,, McAllister and Jones Sts. SAN FRANCISCO, CAWO'RNIA 1 "V , w Assets $f53j526,'547.F2",.'4VKj"r' NUMDER OF DEPOSITORS, 87,632 , . AVERAGE AMOUNT OF DEPOSIT $682.90 WRITE TO US FOR A BOOKLET "BACKING BY MAIL" PLEADS FOR FEATHERED THIIIU T ACREAGE OK UNITED STATES ACCORDING to a rocont com pilation of tho Department or Agriculture, 1,000,000,000 acres roprosonts tho totnl land aroa of tho Unltod States. Of this area about 878,000,000 acres, or 10 por cunt of tho total, Is in farms. Only a llttlo over half of this farm and is Improvod. Of tho total land area or Orogon, 01,188,000 acres, 19 por cent, or 1 1,08(7,000 acres, Is In farms. Of this farm land approximately 4.27C 000 acres Is improved farm land, which Is 7 por cent of tho total. In Washington tho total land area Is estimated to ho -12,77(i,000 acres, of which 27 por cent, or 11, 712, 000 acres Is in farms. Approxi mately '0,373,000 acros or tills farm land 1s improved, which la 1 R" por cent of tho iotnl. , Aximinv cAitXKflii-vs moxia F i ROM tho great fortune) ho pos- soBood 22 years ugo, Andrew Carnegie, born in Scotland, lms given to dato, J340.C25.000, to var ious institutions, charities and libra ry boards, civic bodies nnd his frloiido WITH THE TOAST AND THE TEA 4'4 fir hats, whllo others would "trim" their husbands. rather (!OOI) KVKXIXfS 1112 Governor has asked that tho people or this locality talco an intorcst in tho gamo and song birds which nro now sufforlng from tho cold weather and rood them so that they will not starve to death. Tho birds of this locality aro not necustomed to snow and without somo help they will all die of starvation. It would bo but llttlo troublo for ovory farmer to throw out somo food whoro tho birds could got it and thus lido them ovpr thn r.nld Htioll. Tlln blrdn-snU dom ask anything of tho peoplo Tho Siocorman Is In n Bputtor whllo on tho othor hand thoy do "ccauso ho can't got country buttor, much for tho people Evoryonc OX niCCO.MIXG A VOTHIt lIKALTir JHXT FOR TODAY ' 'if you reel nv warning chill, 'TIs not what man does which exalts , him, but what man would do. Robert Drowning. i HnHnt. fnlrn n milnltin tilll VW. b..V . t,M....W ,.... TIIK IODi:itX HOUSIftYIKK -Oono Crosthwnlte STOHV I.'OIt TIIK DAY - wants tho gamo birds presorved and tho song birds aro equally an Im portant. It is tlieso llttlo cronturo8 that cat tho Injurious Insects, pro servo our orchards nnd perform many other offlcoa or holp to tho (former nnd which rnnnot bo carried out by any other class of living be ing. These birds nro entitled to ho fed In their present distress and Wth ,ln8h and cmiru and oarUlorIl It makes him rant and florcoly mut tor, In accents bluo, "EJ-gnds! Tho rarmor's wlfo Is gottlug tony And says, In tones quite telephony, That sho'll not work till lean nnd bony To cam thoso paltry sends." No longer docs tho housowlfo wren- tlo thoy will pay back ono thousniul fold a llttlo attention given them now. KATIXfl oiii:ksi: IS UKAril RIX'Il'K EAT Is AT moro chcoso. This in brief tho udvlco of tho Uullod Statcu Department of Agrlcul- . ' vessol, And break hor back o'er wooden postlo, Hor llfo an ugly dream. Sho malcoB hor hubby spryly cater To town and buy a aoparator, And with this magic percolator Extracts tho golden crenm. Sho dons her nifty bib nnd tucker. THERE Booms no mich thing m gaining a full kuowledgo of ! all tho Ills and outs of bocom-' Ing a 'qualified olector In tho atnti ' of Otcgon. Every year,' or nt least' overy tlmo tho Loglslaturo gota a clianco to exhibit ltii nstutoucss, a fow moro wrinkles aro added to tho registration law, nnd tho work of y education must bo eotnmonccrt nil! j over again. Tho registration bookb An oxchango tells tho story xii'i will open on Monday, tho 17th Inst, a certain gentleman who, propos-Und for tho guldanno of tho would Ing marrlago to n cortaln lady, con-j bo voter instructions aro bolng sown suited her pastor as to tho wisdom broadcast. First, tho nowly oiifrnu or IiIb choice. "I rear," said IUp chlsed suffragotto is told Hint Bhe clergyman, who had more than lumttBt sign her own nnmo to tho passing kuowledgo or tho lady's i registration blank. As n voter Klic ImporloUB tempor and dominant dl-' will not bo known iib "Mrs. John position, "that It would not b Smith," but ub ".Mary Jano Smith," happy." "Why, Isn't bIio a ChrI-l.Iolin having nothing to Bay about tlan?" ''Oh, yos, Indeed, but tholtho voto or his bottor half. Thon Lord puts up with peoplo that you j sho has to toll correctly Just when and I can't," replied tho minister. sho lives, not only tho nutnoor of1 . her houso, Its block and Btrcot and If you buy at homo you nlwiiyn tho number of tho room, If It hab havo a hotter chnnco or having n.n numbor, ir within a city, but the homo. ' 1 section nnd other technical descrlp- 04,"i'k.iU.r0S WW -. KstablMicd 1889 Flanagan i Bennett Bank MnrMirield, Coos County, Oregon. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $120,000 JXTHRKST PAID OX TIMI3 AXI) SAVIXCJS DEPOSITS Offlcora J. W. DENNETT, President; JAS. H. FLANAGAN, Vice President; R. F. WILLIAMS, Cashier; G. P. WINCHESTER, Assistant Cashier. Flanagan (I& Bennett Bank OF MYRTLE POINT Capital $25,000 Orricorfl J. W. DENNETT, President; JAS. II. FLANAGAN, Vice President; L. M. SUPLEE, CnBhler; L. T. DEMENT, A.iliUnt Caslilcr. turo, expressed In u rocont bulletin, i With overy latest Irlll and puckor It recommends cheeso as a cheap and wholcsomo substitute for moat. A Swiss Investigator backs up tho gov ernment findings by tho Btntomout Hon tit (!m farm unnii wlilrh thr , i - i ' Somo Coos Djty mou wont tako oif.votor rcsldoB must bo glvou. ,i their coats to .help you out vf u Tlio voter can no longer hldo bit holo, but thoy can toll you nil about or hor politics under tho ncrom-i how to run your business. modntlng term of "independent,", ' ' I but If nono of tho rorognlzcd poll- XI) THIS FROM" ARCHIE AITER tlcnl pnrtios can bo accepted, thej THE STATJMIAS GOXE DRY 'oard will bonr tho word "rofused," (indicating that tho one registering Tho following nppoars lii tho Alibi would not toll what political faith Bennett Trust Company Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $125,000 Officers J. W. DENNETT, President; TOM T. DENNETT, Vice President; ARTHUR M'KEOWN, Secretary; DENNETT SWAN TON, Treasurer. , Tho Only Trust Company In tho State, ()utnldo of Portland, Width Organized Under tho S'ow Law. sucker Mako buttor for tho mob!" for gonoral chnrltablo work. Ho da- j mt chooso , vnnW0 ot only Mr dared that ho wanted to dlo poor, nnd did not want to loavo behind a vast fortune ovor which his rolntlvos might wrnnglo. Carncglo enmo to America when n boy, a poor Scotch Immigrant and all that ho possessed, ho amassed in tho Btcol business. Ilia keen judgment, business acumen and proper buslnosj ethics brought him Ills wealth. Euroka rocolvod a- gift from tl.o Ironmaster, in its library building, rind thousands of othor libraries havo been built for tho enduring education of tho peoplo, through tho genet oslty of Carncglo. It hna been said that! ho alwaB Insisted that his naino bo placed on his library building. Such la not a fact. On most of tho Cnrne- Kb content of protolds nnd enrbohy diatcs, hut for tho bonoflclout bac teria found In it. Nnturwlssonschnfton or Donin BnjB "Thoro kinds or bacteria, oh peclally thoso In Emmonthnl nnd Blmllnr cheeses, rosomhlo In offoi't thoso lnctto acid bacteria which play an Important part In nil sorts of uour milk preparations hiicIi au kusmUs, kophlr and, nccordlng to recent ro ports by Dr. IJurrl, especially In vots hoort. About nil cortaln uiulenlr ablo procoesos of decomposition nio to a groat extent supprossod, or nt least diminished by tho bacteria r- And snyB, "Lot somo poor cltv, tl0cUo ot tll0 Portland Journnl: ,iwub endorsod. Archlo Philip writes from Suiiiimr Tho gonoral qualification for tuo Cooh countv. to oxnlnln tho bIzo of n 'voter In Orotron la that of bnlnir n. Then brings tho cream can from MKKOri B0 tllnt pnvo Smith will know , Ultlzon of tlio United Stntos, ovor tho kitchen jaml tou tj10 8'tory r nn irishman 21 yonrB or ago who Hhall have Her car stands ready (needs v'ho was mowing-n prlosfa lawn, nnd , resided in tho stato during tho bI. 11111.11111, i thn nrlpst broiiuht nut n uottlo mill ,,mniitli nrocoillnir nn nlfWInn. Vnv- must havo tnkan or final papers of 100 Meff - ' mo priesi urouKiu oui a uuiiiu hiiu ,uiuiuiis jirocuuiug And graspB tho wheel with flngem a Bnm Kla88( wh,ch 10 sM hoU L,gn.oni porfions Jtchln' hlggor. Ho snld tho liquor vn out their second c It makes tho grocor sob. Harry J. Wllllanu mado by tho Donedlctino monks 4o vonrs ago, and gnvo tho workman a naturalization. Horo nro othor kinks In tho Inw: few (glass of It. Tho liquor wont down! if tho father of an alien become When two Coob Day women hap-' an,i tho priest askod how it was. Tl.o i naturalized bororo ho (tho child) pon to lmto tlio samo peoplo, tlify , frlshmnn nnswored; "May tho Lord ' bocomes of ago, ho Is n naturalized j aro ulwaB uosom inonus. i088 ti,0 nloni(H that mado tho liquor j citizen, hut must oxhlblt his fntlior'N i Father, but I can't Bay ns much for tho out faaiiionou man wno wasitho man that mado tho glass." known as au old crank now iiiih 9 uon who hus a soir-startlng grouch. THE OPTIMIST ferrcd to." Auothor interesting nnd Important .Ho surely Is n cheerful mutt, afasortlon Is to tha effect that nor- For ho bIukb nlKht uud day. glo library buildings, his namo Iihb 80 wll0 Mmso vl0fQ a oonsldornblo ! I don't know whoro I'm going, but been placed, but It Is not n stlpula-l ,mrt of tll0r rogU,lr (1ot aro vory 1 am on my way. 1.011 01 mu v,iuiukiu tuiiiimuiun, roulbtont to many Intestinal dUoasos. ' through whoso ofHco nil girta ttro18llcll n ,ijHontory and thu dreaded ' typhus fever, whloh has desolated MANY WATER PERMITS ISSUED DURING YEAR mado. Carncglo has spent much money in othor ways than through tho glftn or 'libraries, us shown by tho following list: Curnoglo Corporation of Now York, 1125,000,000. Libraries, $rMOO,000. Camoglo Institute, Pittsburg, $22,000,000. Carncglo Institute, Washington, 122,000,000. .Pension funds, $15,000,000. Small colleges, Unltod States, $20,- Serbia. According to Dr. Ihirrl, tho dally moat ration in tho Swiss armv I QUESTION FOR THE DAY papers or a copy of tho samo from tho court Issuing thorn. A foreign woman, married to a citizen of tho United States is n cltkon. An American woman who marrle Somo or Theso Wore In Cws County a foreigner takes tho nationality and (ilvcit for Municipal of ,l0r husband and must exhibit nml Domestic Purposes ' n,s PaporB. At tho termination of During tho year ending December ' ho ra"UBII ro,nt,,on' ,f 8,, continue, .11 inr. R.n. -i-.inno- .,! . to roslilo hero, alio moy roBUino Iwr. , - ) -vv -t0i.uv w " "" Il-...-.I.I.. I Issued G81 pormlta for tho approprl- uu"L,,a,"i'' .Ulon and stornt'o of water. Tiioso I ioroign uom unmarried women who for the last year have not beerusavlng, should commence THIS WEEK to save some money each pay day. START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT. 4 The First National Bank invites you to keep an account In Its Savings Depart ment, $1.00 or more will open an account on which you will receive 3 per cent compound interest. ' DO NOT DELAY! Make your first deposit this week! S T-, ' ' T " . IN ational First Bank Marshfield, of Coos Bay Oregon 000,000. 7 Curnoglo, Foundation for tho Ad- markot than Orogon cheosu and no whoro In. Oiogoii do thoy, mako any vancemont of tonchliitf, 1C,12B,Q00. lt,Qttpr cheeso thnn light horo in Coos uarucgio uuiioii Kingtiom Trust, $10,000,000. Scotch Unlvoraltlos. $10,000,000. Carncglo Kndowmont for lntoma HoWl Poaco ? 10,000,000. Horo Fund, $5,000,000. Camoglo Steel Company's employ es, ?5,000,P00. Dunformlino Kndowmont, ?5,0Q0, 000. Miscellaneous In United States, $18,000,000. Miscellaneous In Europe, $2,500, 000. Total, $34O,C2C,0OQ. If tho report Is truo that Carnegie Is now 'withlu 120,000,000 of tho Inst of his vast fortuno, ho is ludeud geUlng neur tho point whon ho wn fBfty; "I havo Bpont all my inonoy. 'Lot mo dlo In peaqo," J, NiormltB call for tho Irrigation of S7.-! must bo imtiirallzed thomsolvos nf- What has boramo or tho old '320 acres or land, tho dovolopmout . to" thy hecomo or ago or by tholr linn nirnn.K. i.nn.. nrn.. i-nninnn,! i fashioned crniulmn. who cnrrlod hor! or 30,7i.0 horsopowcr and tho ator-1 fatlior bororo thoy hecomo of ago; choose, with o.collont iosuHb specs on hor hoad nnd used to say: ago or 2S5,0C0 ncro foot of water f.iwi j ,f marriod to a forelgnor who is Hore Is an opportunity to booat i "Hour mo buz?" "over municipal supply ror Tilla- naturnllzod, 8ho must oxhlblt his ono of Coob county'u most proiuU- i",00,c. Oregon City, Gaston, Amity, 'Mnnl" papers. lug Industrloa. j Uvory Coob Day man admits ho! Falls City, Portland. Milton, Cove, All' foreign woman who acquires Thoro la no rpason for It not bolng la foolish at times, but ho la nl- "E-t SIdo, Marshdolil, LakonMo. citizenship by marrlago to an Amer- ono of Its loading Industrloa au it U wnya glad that ho Isn't us foolish , N'ewport and Iteedsport. Tho total , Ipa stalls tho samo after tho tor. up in Tillamook nnd nt tho Bnmo ' au othor men. ' I estimated cost or all workB to bo con-' initiation or tho mnrltnl rolatlona, If tlmo add to your good health and istruoted under thoso permits is S' 18"o conuiuies to resuio nere, ui)10f I fortify your Hystom ugnliut dlBOiHis Whon a Coos I3ay man Is sat-1 319,152. In addition to tho pornntjflHie nuikos formal renunciation tf Tlioro la nn imiini. l'n.xi .. i. laflod with hlm.oir ho la dlfisntlB- for Irrigation, power and iuuulrliui tflltloiiBhlp. i Hod with others. mppiy, a largo numbor havo been is- ; service in ino uniteu states army , isuod for ludhldunl domostlc supi'l.'0? navy uy nn al,e does ot, as 11 A Coos Hay woninn always flu-! manuructuring, nnd numorous otl er .""mny uouoveu, conror cuirunsiiip county although many of its ran- wca.on what sho $ould buy with U803 l wliloti wator Is applied. i ijhiohb poimon ror mini papers liar donta do not npponr to roallzo it. tho money her husband wastea 1 Coos County jhecn made and papors Issued, such Mko tho prophet, Coos cotinti chiwue aiirars, ,i Tho following penults Avoro Issued -orvlco eliminating only tho news Is not without fiimo. hiivg In Itu own "i Coos County during tho past qu.. slty of "first" papers cquiitry. i A Coos Hiy man runs In dobt, butltcr: . ,ho either wnlka out, or stays In. j Twl" 0ft,tB School District No. . TO HAVK Pl'm.lC HOOKS lur uomesuc supply, cuvorting water Paget Sound Bridge & ' Dredging Co. Dams, Bridges, Buildings. General Construction COMPLETE PLANTS FOR HARBOR WORK Our Coos Bay office has available for Oregon Coast work the Dredge "Seattle" tho most powerful, best equlppca na( most Uioronghly mo twenty-Inch hydraulic aredo is Taclilo wateri Coos Bay office, Main office, Marshfield, Oregon. Seattle, Washington. Proof of filing on homostend I uot sufficient proof of cltlzoushl.i. No Coos liny girl wants a secret ' from BI'rlK8 ' Sec. 24 T 29 SII t .' (aidlner Plans Au Imiuirtiiiit Cltv i niarrlaKO still It Is bottor thmi'" M, M. Plorsou of Lakesldo, foi iiiiiroii)iiieut nono. OAUDINUU, Ore., .Inn. IS. This. city is to havo n public dook. Work commenced last week and nil of.tfu hns fallen to pieces piling now i driven, and ns soim . as lumbor is gotton on the ground. Cooa Hay men spend a lot or which will bo within a fow days, tiw money tor things thoy don't want. hook wm be luirriod to (janjptaUoii I municipal supply, diverting woitr jrroni springs In Sec. IS T 23 S It I Looks llko tho Ford penca nilwlon w ' A- JIoNnlr of Myrtlo Point for domestic Biipply diverting watir from springs In See. 28 T 29 S It i V. S. Urouor of Myrtlo Point, for domestic supply, diverting water from I). Mntheny Croek In Sec. i l Tho dook will bo BO foot wld r .... Coolness will often follow whan 29 S U 12 W. tllrt nitil ...Hi 1.. . t . ..... ... ,. ,t, i ' . " u " w"lt!)0 POQIHO UQUl IU1VO n npt taiuufr. i ijuinuHjuuco io ipo rivor traffjp nlooili -- S tho Umpqua. -tCOOS BAY TIMES WANT ADS somo cooa nay women trim thejrJLow Cost High Efficiency it .HI V7iTrwy R lA. Til U baTo31' ctaan TO-DAY From Your Hardware or Grocery Dealer SOUTH COOS RIVKU 110AT SKItVICB LAUNCH KXPIIESS leaves Marshfield overy itay 8 a, in, Xoavos head of rlvor nt 8:15 p. in. STKAMEK RAIMJOW leaven head of river dally at 7 ' a. in. Leaves Mnrshrield nt 3 p. j u, For charter apply on board. I ROGERS & SMITH Proprietors ft- . Times "Want Ads me tho ono mo. , dluni which reaches ALL tho peoplo. They engage public attention oiory J day Always on tho Job. DRY WOOD ,; CAMPBELL'S W00DYARD North Front Street Phono 87MT T"rvr nr a vawn AND STOW AGK'OF HOUSEHOLD COOPt FREIGHT AND 11AGOAO Call " FERGUSON TRANSFtH Phono 103 TlonlrlAnefl PhoUO 13" Market Avo, and W-terfW Times, Wunt Ada for reauIUt i t J, . 1 MHHfiilHi enj prjp-a