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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1916)
f K two ; THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 18, 1916 EVENING EDITION. ORDrnn nnninirRIT HCCCri ftDARinnftOi 1-nl I Mil lINIUilUII lu I ' m ! ilill I fll ifllUil IIIU I II 4jl.lft.IIU UJJIIIJIIL.IK I i H C-UUL.L. f IUIIIHU UIIL.IJ )jiMjiiN disuses aK'ions i'fJ I Iking" Ivld'HoiA ' ow THE fU.Hf()NEIt 'VU.LANTE IE. rvKXKU i. TiiuriiiiK r ' i hum CM, ma fe. . w a ma fc A . im m A tm w xtfff Hull 'I I I 1 Ii UPILF Em m m I 1 m m Imlff H if W " L K Thinks Tlml Ho .May Itcllo.o (lint '(ho j Cause or tno Allies lias Ileon host '' ' ' )IT. statem ent made in kvssian diet t - "lr , o . v ., Dj AocUIM rrr to rood Bf TImfs. AMSTERDAM, Jnn. IS. A dispatch from Berlin snys an official, nniiouncomont was Jtmtlo ypstorday Ii tIo PrtiB- , ' slan diet, of thp cnpltulntlon ' of tho government .of, Mont-, Whs Hound foi- Silica, Alaslui ; Members of llio Cti'w llmo been Smcd tnr AoclC'' tTM to Cooi Bay Tlmet.l SEATTLE, Wash., Jan. IS. A dispatch from Petersburg, Alaska, snys tho schooner Volnntc, hound for Sltkn, was abandoned In Chnt linm Strait during a violent storm ,whllo she was bolng towed. Tho members of tho crow were saved. 1 S "$fc w AdV ET ance on i ires er centE and Tubes OEPAHTS FOH SOUTF Or Amoc laird PitM to Cooa IUy Time. L . I t ' ; ' 'JJBULIN Jan. I,!?, ,(Wlroless to aayynioj licrnn uowsnnpors, in ox- pressing satisfaction oyer tjio purrqn-.' il ol niu.uiL;iiui,ri(, jiui;i,io uiu liuui Icaf abilities of King Nicholas and recall tho fact tha't tho Emperor of llttsslan called him his "Unequal friend". It Is nrgucd by tho press that If King Nicholas rofnses to follow tho oxamplo of King 1'ntcr of Sorbin, who Is at homo In an Italian palace, and awaits final victory of tho Italian al- llcs after having been desorted by them, tho reason Is ho considers tho cntento catiso lost. STEAMED V. A. KILIU'HN HAII.S KOIt ('AMI OHXiA POUTS MEXICO DISCUSSED QUESTION" COMES l'l IX THE HEX ATE TODAY Kon-piiMi EdlHfibil (YKIclIng ' J'rotllft-nl iiliil flulogflng Hucr '(u Is 'Not Allowed Head (Or Auoclttrt ptu to Cooi n7 Tltqn.l WAauQTON, D. C, Jan. IS. Mexico enmo tiji In tho Senate ngnln today when Llppltt, n republican, had tho clerk read nn adltorlnl nttrtcklng President Wilson nnd ouloglzlng tho lato Hucrta. Myers, democratic, Intorruptod, saying ho thought It Improper lo crltlclzo tho president In tho eulogy of a man characterized as n rut tliroat. Hy a. viva voco voto, fur ther reading of tlo editorial wub do- Closes I la i- nt Ten O'OJoclc Willi I'asHnneis foi Etii'okii and him I'Viiiirlico , Tho steamer P. A. Kllburn sailed' Inst night for Enroled nnd San Prrfn-1 Cisco. Sho left Marshfluld shortly aftor S o'clock and crossed tho bar ut exactly 10 o'clock and it ."was expected to roach Eureka at noon today. Tho following woro tho out going pnBsongeis: Por Eurokn John Webster, J. C. Wilcox, C. It. Watson, L. 1. Urnn stotter, S. Gorton and Iloy Moore. Por San Pranclsco .1. O'Connell, W. ITowii .1. II. Tnylor, August An cdoii, L. O'Connor, llnby Sherwood, P L. Enroll, h. Jjiufdoy, Arthur Clark, and Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Lup-tou. Our stock is complete so our old prices will hold good'tillJdn. 22 Now is the time to stock up for spring because prices no dqtjbt will advance again shortly U. S. Tires Are Better Marshfield O r e-g o n 4 : lilMIWVIST.JK, l'KElVUlED TO I'ltOCEEl) t I M- . District Attprnoy Jilljoavlat miyB ho has nothing to do with tho meeting tomorrow night to consldor tho robat liijr of tho Klpnoy taxes. Ho pays that ho Is prepared to go nhpad and, f'oroclpso for tho taxes for tho , county. Of courso If tho county court floes fit to compromise- ho cannot proceed hut if It does not ho will go on with hlH suit In hohalf or tho county. Ho Bnys Unit ho Is not advising tho county court to compromise LOADING CATTLE ON VESSEL DRAWS CROWD Tho' loading of Hi head of cattle on tho steamer V. jw Kllburn last iilKlit attracted tiiiich attention 'at tho wharf. It was i)uIto'n dlfflcplt, Job for a whllo. Tho cattlo wero cornered at ono end of tho whnrf lu an Improvised luclosuro. They woro put lu tho hold of tho boat and thoro was sonio difficulty In got ting thorn started down tho sang rlauk. Tho officers of tho vossc! firncd iiuo roai cowuoys ami about a J )"ou men struggled with tho unlnmls uno ut a tlmo. Komu had to :n literally curried down. Ono big cow w.ih too tall to got' In 'tho door ; IiirJ It woh iH'Hsiiry (onil!1 her 'foot In fli-Kt. Tho IiibI' dozen "or Mo of' the -own went ilowii'vory quietly iiiki tho Joli wan finally finished. ' ' A largo' crowd stood .ibput and rifiim?e iii,3ao'Ck LJB m h " TELLS IBOOT BUDS! Newsof Nearby Towns TKAVEIiEH (JIVES lXTEItESTIX(3 EA'I,EUIEX(,E OVEU JIAIIj ItOL'TE Kinds Mud llolen mill Trees Pnlleii mid In MnrooiKsl In (ho Jtaugu A vivid description of an attempt ed trip over tho mall route from lloseburg' to Myrtlo Point Is given by J. A. Hart who writes lu tho Port land Journal about hiu experiences lu trying to malio n trip to Coos Hay under tho prcsout road conditions. Tho article Is dated from Camns Val ley and Is iiB follows: , " Doing marooned on tho summit of the Const range by n snow storm I havo had a chance to observe nt oloeo hand how Unelo Sam manages to get tho mall over a difficult routo. Prom this placo to Myrtlo Point is :IG miles and it has long had tho distinguished notorloty of bolng tho worst stage routo In Ore gon. ' ' '!,Whon I came in on January G tho uutos wero still running from MYUTliE POINT PI HE Heed llarchvaro Store? Sustains n Heavy Duuiitgc There (Special to Tho Times.) MYIITLE POINT, Ore., Jan. IS. Plro of unknown origin -asised several thousand dollars damage to tho Ployd Heed Hardware store arid to the Laird building night before OTTO SCIINEIDEH, representing! Ptillou & Wright, of Portland,1 auto supply dealers, 1b visiting tho Coos County automobile deal ers. SALE OF MEN'S SUITS i . ' ' Prices Reduced One-Third This Week for Cash Only In order (o i educe nnd up, last. Tho origin of tho fire is iiii-miu;- Muck of iiich'h suit, v.o Iiiivoi kndwn but It is believed that spoil tandoiis Combustion of some llmo started it. Laird had the uuunlng insured'. Ployd Heed bought tho hardware storo Bovoral months ago from Mr. Strong. OPTICUS .MILL SITE Haiulolpli Plant Slto Offered at Pub. lie Auction (Special to' Tho Times) 1UND0N, trty, Jan. IS. Robert Dollar, trusteo of the Alfred Johnson Lumber Company has offered for salo to tho highest bidder tho Han ddlph mill slto of twelve acres, logs in the mill boom and other proper ty of tlio Alfred .lohiiBoii Lumber Co. tLcro wore ninny suggestions J,,'"-' "' ' Tlmt B,,t , !.- tho thing Hhould bo hiamtBo.1. ",.IT,11; '' "l""B ,l The c-nlWo' wero bought In Occ w1oW,,, n01lll,n8t; T "f T,? ' Uy ?r " I rn i... rr- ,.., ' oil out with n foot of "tho beautiful" Itoseburg'to'thls plncci 27 mllosj and nud also sohio property now at tho roads woro good for winter trnv- tho Lyons-Johnson mill. Tho date el. 'llht linmodlatelV you' loa'vo )iore tlo salq Ih January 1!1 and tho County by Mr. IlrniiHtctt" nh-l cro leing taken lo TJurolca. tt wmm up covering threo foot of mud. Kinds Xo ltoads at All " Talk about your ronds thoro aren't any It Is only diving into ti mudholo, climbing out nnd diving In , , , , again a little deeper. Hut that waB i 1,11 i li.M rtA.vii.Mi',11 t CIltoio(l tho tliubor, of which there Local autolslH who have boon hard i'Ib miles, till n limb broke perhaps ADVAXCE OK TEX M4f POOTE AUTO SEHV1CE After ovorhnulliig my cars, I am prepared for' chartor sorvlee. Par ,ii, ties desiring cars day or nlxlit caa icnch mo at tho Ulght Cafe. ' D. L. POOTE I4bby Coalj ?3.00 con. Phono 72. hit by tho high cost of .riding as n romilt of nn udvauco of about five or six cents por gallon In gasollno, Kot another Jolt today when worn was reclvod or an ndinnco of ten to twonty per cont in tbo prices of tlr 0. (ionrgo Ooodruiu rocolvod u piossnge today (iunouncllig that iho a hundred foot above mo, nnd other brunches with It. It caught the horsos and scared them out of their wits, while u largo limb raked their lulls. Hut tho worst missed mo, or rig and drlvor would havo hoc-it crush oil. " A II 1 1 lo further on a hugo tron it ii n, ,. ndvaneo l Urn Inoieamtd cost of n im 1. ""K,,n' '",W. Hmi miilo tubbor and malurlnU and la--", I-li-ht Xiitlonal Haul; bulldlm. tnr. Qoodrjeli, Pirnjtouo, (ioodyoar and'bnd boon uprooted during the night United Statos tiro companies bad ul-d lny almost lengthwise down tho roiuly ndvnurud tholr prices nnd tho load, disputing the right of way. 1 otlior the coiupuloM would soon foi-, bud no argument without ax or saw, low milt. The reason given for tho,H' I turnod baok. Another had fal- plaru of tho sale the office at LyouB'Joltnsoti inlll. the SCHOOL IS IIUKXED (Spoeial to Tho Times) YONCALLA, Ore., Jan. 13. Plro, Prlday night practically Idustroyed the new Yoncnlla school. Tho loss Is nbout $25,000 with $1 1,000 Insur ance Whoit tho flro was discover ed, the building was so filled with smnko that it was Impossible to save any of tho contents. The origin of tho flro Is unknown. ArraugomoutH aro being inado to temporarily re sume tho school work. SXOW AT HOSEHUIHJ Pour Inches on lu (irouuil This .Morning Thero urn iioiiiuii me, wuiio on oiiuor hiuo inuld bo beard tho crash of falling trues and hranehos. .Mull In ItclavM " Tho mall is litiulod In relays as "stations," teams being clinngod twlco on tho 110 miles. Several tlinus of late they have cut troes out of tho way till worn out and thou iiuhltuhod, bringing pussougors for mlloH on horsobaek with snow fall ing fast. The road mny bo opoti In tho ovenlug, hut it is sure to bo blocked before morning and extra i men with axes nnd saws must go with them. Last night two wagons left hero, but wero stallod threo nillaa below by several logs across tho road, Lator tho up stago cut its way to near tho sanio placo and lort, coming on with tho horses, , Dragp.Ml y ,SI Horses " With six good horsos thoy could hardly drag up Ii fow sacks of mall and two pussougors. Today only first class mall Is moving and It is i-,olng by paok horso. (Special to 'Tho Times.) RbSEIHIHO, Oro., Jan. was foijr limbos of siiow ou tho Kioiiud yosterday In Uosohurg, following a snow storm which last ed all night. It ws foared tlmt If thero was moro snow thoro would ho rurthor troublo with tho wlro connections between this placo nnd Marshflold. Repair men havo boon nt work for ten days on llio line. (SENSATIONAL PLAY B ATI LETOM T Manager Marsden will prosont at tho Noblo Theator tonlgnt ono of the most Interesting and sonsntloual plcturos probably oor scon in Marshflold. It Is a spoctaeular four act cabaret show entitled "Midnight nt Maxim's" ,nud has croatod a bon tallon whotevor prosonted. decided lo cut prices ono-llilrd. 1 This offer is good for this week I nnd for cash only. The Milts of fered aro nil new, this yeur's hljiles' mid are tho best buy offered In a j long tlmo. ' All wool worsteds mill cheviots Vi"lllnrlv SIK..UI. mm- I $14.85 Cnsslnioros and worsteds, regular ly, now $9.40 Come, look these over and lake advantage of these real bargains. Bunker Hill Dep't Store W.'H. Dindinger & Co. Phone 32 High Quality Groceries , Our own prompt and particular delivery service Ef ficient clerks being out of the. high rent district and keeping our prices as low as consistent with good busi ness makes Conner & Hoagknd The Leading Grocers Dealers in Good Groceries 797 South Broadway. Phones 348-J and 326 COME IN ANDJHEAR SOME of tho NEW Victor Records L L THOMAS MUSIC STORE . Kxclusivo Agents Wiley 11. Allen Co. 711 Central Avo. EXPERT WELDING of METALS Steel, brass, cast, iron and aluminum castings made like new DEMONSTRATIONS -DAILY. Koontz Garage Phone 180-J. North Front Street 'GRAVEL' Wo aro now prepared to furnish GRAVEL in any (uantltlti from pllo lu our yard or In carload lots, at following prlcei: Krom pllo on ground, $2..Ti per yard. , . . carload lots, taken from cara, 2:00 per yard. ftctall Dopnrtiiiaat. rG; A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. i Opposite rosOfflco. Phone 1M. T1.MK TAItLti WILLA.MKTTK 1'AOIFJO MOTOK OAK Leave Marshflold C:45 a.m. 7.45 a.m. S:1C a.m. 9:1C n.m, 10:45 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 12:G0 p.m. 1:45 p.m. 2:45 p.m. 3: 1G p.m. 5:00 p.m. 5.40 p.m. Leave North Uond 7:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:15 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 11:45 1:15 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m 4:00 p.ra 5:15 p.m 5:55 p.m OCEAN BEACH AUTO LINE GorM .Si King. 1.1'ino Miii'ttlirieltl ut 7 11. 111., nml reliiriilug leaving from Knijilre it H 11. in. Leave Mnrwhflchl ut 11 a.m. ami returning leaio South Slough u: 1 p. nt. J,euvo aiHrshflelil at 5 p. in. ami rvluraltj leave South Slough nt (I p. in. BRING YOUR JOB PRINTING TO THE COOS BAY TIMES j PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Dr. A. L. Houseworth, Physician and Surgeo Offlnwlrvliig lllock. Office hours: 11 to lti it. m.; U to 1 mid 7 to 8 p, in, Hionesz Offlco J-ia-J; He., 118-L J. M. Wright Phono 188-11 HUILDINfl CONTKACTOH Estimates furnished on rcquont C:55 p.m.North city limits only. 7:30 p.m. 7:45 p.m T. J. HOAIFK Dr. H. M. Shaw Mje, ICur inn Throat KpeclnlLst CLASSICS KITTED Phono ii'M-J. Itooms 200-201 Irving illoclc. IH. MA1T113 11. SHAW. Physician nnd Surgeon Phono aao-j. Estimates Kurulshe4l V.' Wq.buvo tho qxcluslvo Boiling rlpiU for tHi greut, lasatlvo. Trial bIo, lu cents. .. o v'i.loCKHART PARSONS DRUG CO. THE REXAUL STORE dovolopod Its wonderful resources nnd stands in- hushod expoetanqy. awaiting tho coming of tho railroad lhn( U'lll UAIWl tl. ii. ..Ill ..f ,.,..... .... ..... Mwa.i. V.IU llllllt III LUI1111IU1- -.. - - . - " Ilut it won't bo long till tho road lal Ufo loaning through its volns. ! "' is opon ugnlii and tho mall wagons I " Tho casual obsorvor may got tho : are plowing tholr s-y through the Idea that noltlor Coos or Douglas WEAVING All klHCfS a SDeC- murt It is a pitiful shjht to koo counties tako lpuch intorost In "good I'altV Mrs W W Nn?nn fiRO the poor horsos. Thoy look like roads." This Is not tho case. Hoth fi Vu cJ.tu , CnWphn "oon 2 b.ittlescarred warriors roturnlne 'arc active. Coos has spont a million 'll1 oull,in rllQne ddU-n iium mo iroui nuor a wmtor cam- on highways in tho past six venrs, lalgn. Tho men, too, aro sorry whllo Douglas sponds qiwrter of looking nnd bedrngislod and wot tola million annually. Each Is an em-It .- Bum, uiu goon naiiirou just inejpiro in itself, brokon by linmeasur- ,un0, (""lo mountains and stroams. Tho AVIi-oh Hrealc Down , task Is a big ono. but the are ac- "An effort U bulng nmdo to koep'compllshlng it. Xaturnllx the most u- u.e leiepuouo Hues, uut this Is 'outlying roads must wait till last) Impossible. While they are putting " In tho history of tbo future the mem up n one plueo a tree or tall. Coos nay stage road will go down as lug limb breaks down another. ' ono of the njost unique and striking IhoHcnult Empire examples of thtf dauntless pioneer's oi iiiiuor this handicap the Hfo that still throbs on the shore of ..v.....i r.uu.uu uooacouniyi iinsth' Pacific" a. ii. noDGiNH I H. G. Butler niM-r .. OlVUi ENGINEER finrflf IPJf! "A,N' A"0 Uooni 0i Colo BUS. Pbona H5-3 HldiailllUU DEC0RATING CO I RepMenco Phone 363-L. Maniifleiii. oreu . W. G. Chandler J.".- "i "' iL';; I AHOIIITEOT Rooms 301 an 302, Coko DnildlnR. Marshfield, Oregon. HDUNGAN ! IQ UNDERTAKING H IM PARLORSli i ji ""i o kcpt k M OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Wi "jM A regular stale licenced K$ ?! "uuvuiiwr win oe in u-i fy cliargo W jh iiiunu ivo-j ma SAVE MONEY by otderlng tho famous HENRYVILLE COAL Nut coal, per ton 91.00 Lump coal, per ton 95.50 Or half ton of both , ?1.7fl D. MUSSON, Prop. Phono 18-J or leave orders nt Hlllycr's Cigar Storo. FAItE TEN CENTS City Limits North Uend, 0 nn co.msiutatiok nj) CU TICKETS l?L75 IM Mnrhlifield-Noith Dead Auto Lino Curs overy ten minute tna K n. in. to la p. m.5 to o01"0 Slough unco n day, icnwuB r 11 it. in.; to Empire threo tril n day. GOHST KINO, Prop. M WESTERN LOAN AND BUILDING CO. Assets $2340,000.00 Pays 8 per cent on savinfl t I. S. KAUFMAN & CO, J t Local Treasurer v QUATERMAS STUDIO QUALITY PHOTOS Opposite Blanco Hotel. Phono 10C-L. MARSHFIELW, OlWOfV WOODGOOD WOOD 1L Lingo has it at $1.50 nnd $2 cash per load. Garbage remov ed. Phono 227-J. . 1- WALL PAPER See VIERS About it, I HAVE THE ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL Phone 3171 7 1 U J jrV-rjAoa ti .jft 4 - n