HfRE IS NOTHING LIKE CLOSE WATCHING TO IMPROVE SOME MEN'S MORALS Sttttea A PAPER THAT BELIEVES IN THE BEST AND ALWAYS BOOSTS A CLEAN WHOLESOME NEWSPAPER FOR ALL SOUTHWEST OREGON HOMES MEMBER OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Established 1878 Ah Tho CoiiBt Mall MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 1915 EVENING EDITION. Consolidation of Times, Const Mall nnil Coos Bny Advertiser. No. 147 VlluflS man US ARE STILL KILLING - A,!nriMe anrl Tun len More hmibi ! ",,m " English women nepuneu Murdered 'III EMI It El Paso Mexicans Residing There Pear to ue ouun on the Streets ME BODIES HAVE ARRIVED -... .. i..,h Vr iiw r .iiiiiHiiij-H WaiiRlitcr Aro Drought to El Paso Soiiio Iliivo Head Almost. Mown Off Chillies Komoveu HHMllT OK MI'ltDER MAS HIMX DEXIED ID AmeliM I1w l Cm TUy Tlnim.l KIj PASO, .Tun. 13. Tho Madera telegraph operator reported tlmt tlioro Is no trittli In the report tmt ton American men and two Eng 11th women woro klllod nt Mnilom. T M T S HXOW AND LOW TEMPERATURE PREVAIL IX EAST Thermometer 58 Below Zero nt Hannah, X. 1). Wires Crippled mid Trains mo Delayed (Or Aisncltlcl rrot to Cow tnj Timet, CHICAGO, Jan. 13. Tho atorm which bognn yesterday In tho mid dle west continued today. Snow and high wind and low temperature nru prevailing. Wlro trafflu b badly crippled and trains are delayed. At, Hannah, N. D., the teiuporaturo Ih 53 degrcqn below zero. BLAMESTJILPEQPLE SENATOR THOMAS MAKES SEIU OUS CHARGES AIJOUT MEXICO Say tli Standard mid Pearson's Coin panics Have Caused Revolu tions mid Seas of Itlood PUN 10 FIGHT THE MURDERERS Movement at El Paso to Or ganize Thousand. Men to Run Down Bandits CAPTURE REPORTED (Ujr Aiwoc UUnl from to Coon 111 Tlnifi, WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 13. Senator Thomas, democrat, charged "during tho Mexican debate In tho achate yesterday that tho Standard W l"" "rr vunl p1" 'a'1 " ' , ,,. ios of the 18 victims or Oil Company and tho I'oaron Oil j lUtll nt 8nllta ybuIioI M Syndlcnlo in rival erroriH to oniain a mono)oly of tho oil Industry In Mex ico, wore responsible for tho revolu tions In that country and had cov ered It "with a Boa of blood". pj; AuoclitM rrw lo Coo Ilr TlmfiJ KIj l'ASO, Jnn. 13. A roport Is current la Chihuahua that ton Americans and two English womon were killed by Villa troopjj at Mo tlara, Chlhuahun, according to the Amorlrnim who arrived horo early today with tho bodies of tho Amor lunt killed Monday near Chihua hua. Tho Others Missing In this city a party wan alBO Informed by tho ntntton uncut at Santa Ysnhol that llonjumlu Snoll and Frank Woods passed thora bound west, half an hour after tho nlntccn Amorlrnns woro reported In trouble. Tho station agont said ho warned the two1 nion to return, but thevr nnltl they fenred no trouble isothlnir Ins Icator heard of tho I party, and It Is hollovod thoy mot tho fato of tho other Amorlcaus. Itodlcs Mutilated Tho members of tho natty who I brought tho bodlos hero today said ome woro hard to Identify, for tholr ncaui wero almost blown off. Thoy were stripped of tholr clothing bo- noro being killed. Mexicans In Fear Mexicans rcsldlmr In El Paso fonr- Ing reprisals on account of tho ex treme tension, aro seon upon tho tircets only on tho most urgent uutmess. Another Buiimr An unverified rumor rnnnli linrn today that threo Amorlcans woro murdered In tho Cnnniioa district oi fconia. near tho iMinlns-nmlirn property. m ik E APPEAL FARMERS' LINE WANT $19,000 FOR PROPERTY Thnt Is Price- Asked In Negotiations With the Coos mid Curry Company Tho rurnior'H tolophono company want $10,000 for their property In tliu proiOH0tl anlo to the Coos and Curry Company. In regard to tho negotlntloiiB tho Coqulllo Herald prints tho following: At tho meeting of tho Farmers' Tolophono company, hold hero yes- thorlzlng tho board of directors to soil to tho Coos and Curry Tolophono company tho entire systom of tho Farmers' lino. Tho price namod Is $19,000, and It Is understood that this will aottlo all indebtedness of tho FnrmorB' company and pay back to tho BtocUholdora all thoy havo In vested. W. C. Chaoo, socrotary of tho Farmers' company, nays that tho deal will bo finally closed in tho nenr futuro and tho lines will bo turned over in April. WILL ISSUE BOXDS Message Says Gen. Rodriguez is Taken Prisoner by Amer ican in Chihuahua ARE CALLING FOR HELP Report Says that a Number of the Men I'ndcr Hndrlqiicz Have Been Either Killed or Captured Public Keeling Stirred (llf AmofUIixI IVcm to Com Iter Tlmt. Eli PASO, Texas., Jan. 13. Do volopmeutH in the Mexican situation moved with kaleidoscopic iiipldlty hero, today. Public feeling wan stirred by the arrival early today of tho bod- r Ilia Villa ban- outlay. Activities In civil circles Includod n movement to organize 1.000 Ameri can mining men to run down tho Mex lean bandits. Report Capture Oonoral Rodriguez has boon cap tured no'ir .Madera, Chihuahua, by Americans. A mensago stated that n number of Rodriguez's men wero klllod or captured and the Americans aro calling for help. F ID IS APPOINTED POSTMASTER MVRTIiE POINT AT Lewis O. Beoho is Named for tho Same Position nt Drain in Douglas County (Special to Tho Times.) )ro-, Jan. 1 13. . .,. f....A..i u..... uuung mo iiHiiuiniiiiuiiia- ul l-oni" mnBters for Oregon Is that of; Harry PORTLAND, C. Fonslar who Is to bo Postmaster at Myrtle Point. Lewis C. Beebo hn boon uahicd as PoHtmastor at Drain, lit Douglas County. TELLSTlSIISS I'BESIDEXT SPROULE OK SOUTH ERN PACIFIC IS BACK CHINESE HAVE BLOODY EIGHT Many Revolutionists Killed and Captured in Engage ment of Several Days in IS HEGEIVED STATUE IS FOUND BY TRENCH DIGGERS Kind Mado by the Kreneli May Pi ovo to bo of Scientific Value Hr AmcUtrf I'itm to Cool Ily Tlmci. ATHENS, Jan. 13. A mutilated ntntuo of Eros, discovered by French troops In-the course of trench dig tordny a resolution' wn. passed HKing exercises on tho island of Lom- nos, mny provo to bo a find of groat nrchcologlcal Importance. Tho sta tuo was uncovorod on tho slto of tho nticiont town of Haophcstla, which ouco boasted GO, 000 Inhabitants, and tho condition of tho statue Is said to glvo concluulvo ovldouco that tho ci ty was destroyed by a torrlble earth quake and not by an Invador, ns had horoloforo been thought likely. LESS BEER IS SOLD INENGLAND NOW There Has However Been An In eicaso In the Amount of Splr its Which Were Sold JloseibnrK PIans for Railroad Ini provoment Money (Special to Tho Times) wr aoiu4 i-reu io coo mr th... ROSEIHIRO, Oro., Jan. 13. 'I no LONDON, Jan. 13. A statomont city council naving imsset n ''! Illndu ul)Ic hy representatives of nanco providing for tho Iss u ng of ' $300,000 In bonds for tiw nuiiuiiig oi l-'lntls Conditions In Enst Kloiirishing mitl Iooks for Good Times After tho War (Special to The Tlmoa) SAN FRANCISCO, .Tun. 13. In n general review of buslnoss condi tions throughout tho country, Presi dent Wm. Sproulo of tho Southern "Pacific Company, upon his return from a month's visit in Now Yor!, predicted that whon tho war Is over tho United States will find itsolr In a strengthened condition commercially and financially with respect to tlio rent of tho world. President Sproulo said: " I found business In the cant in n flourishing condition. The -gonornl Btnry Is all hotols aro crowded to tho limit, theaters doing an overflowing business and restaurants everywhere gay. " Trado In wnr supplies has stimu lated tho steel, copper uud ammuni tion business to au unexpected ox tent. This (ratio has brought a great deal of monoy Into tho country with oxpoctatloiiB of a great deal Ileal moro. Tho?o haB also boonnn actlvo mnrkot abroad for foodstuffs. All this Is stimulating to tho activi ties of tilts nation everywhere, In cluding tho Pacific Coast, for, when tho east Is busy and prosperous, tho markets for tho products of this coast aro actlvo. Tho gouerdl commercial buslnoss of tho Coast is also stimu lated for when tho rest of tho Coun try Ib busy wo by sympathy and in terest are busy. Aftter the War " Whon tho war is over tlioro will doubtless bo some readjustment fo' lowlng it, but ovon then tho Indica tions aro wo wril rind oursolvos In a strengthened condition commercially nud financially with respect to tho rest of tho world. I do not mean that wo can Jump Into tho Imperial position tho optimist predicts. The British Authorities at Hong Kong Get Information Tell ing of the Trouble MANY TAKEN PRISONERS Number Includes Some of tlio lend er of tho People Who Rose Up Against tlio Government in Two of tho Provinces (11 AmocUIoI l'r.M to Coo. ttay Tlmn. LONDON. .In. 13. Many Chinese rovolutlonorlcB woro killed and cap tured In a Horles of bloody engage ments from January 0 to 8 In Tain niirl Potonun Yontzuwo and Poklo districts, according to Information rocolvctl by tho British authorities nt Hnnir Konn. Ultimately tho rovolutlonorlcri woro routed and many of them, in cluding some of tho leaders, woro taken prisoners. allegHsmg CLAIM MADE HERMAN' AOENTS TAKIXH 6UT COPPER PREMIER Hi ATTEMPT TO ASSASSINATE COUNT OKUMA OK JAPAN Threo Bombs Aro Thrown But They Miss the Auto In Which lo Was lUdiiiK Jf Auocltteil rroa to Coot Car Tlmm.J TOKIO, Jan. 13. Count Okuma, tho .Tapaneso premier, had a narrow cscnpo oarly today from an assasln who throw bombs which missed tho premier's automobile. NO CONSCRIPTION ENOIilSH MINERS' FEDERATION AOAINST COMPULSION CAPITAL WILL BEE 0 Montenegro Plans to Desert Cetinge at Once Because of Austrian Advance TO KEEPJP FIGHT Struggle Against the Victor ious Teutonic Forces Will be Continued by Kingdom attacking"at SALGNIKI Kb PASO Pi:OPI,E WILL PETITION ROOSEVELT Telegram Aklng ,, ( V)fQ ,r,I With ('ohioc-h Being Circulated r,ir signers Sf Aim, UieA 'rM1 10 f nty Tlraw, eerin,' AS5; Te,Xnfl" Jft- la-A tI "?"' t0 T 'Joro HoosovQlt. m. Pealing to hm to use his Influonco ahint ,nBrc.S8 wl,lc1' l8 "Olloved Is opur to nuiko n ehango In tho policy BM diiK 7efU"d.t0 0XOr0l8 U fttor- ,ZL .o American Hfo and pron- " was "Bro today for signatures. QERMANTviiriiMlKE ITSSILK AT HOME VonJ M,,Ho IKillm-H Wh Formorlv "t Out of ,ho (,u,,t.y An. ""ally for Product "" AU0cU,e1 rM to Coo. nr Time.. Sliv ar! W,"Ch Qormy "B an 7"y Bent al)road In peace times for tt nrCl,a8e pr!co f w Mile wii 1 ,rman sllk manufacturers. t? r? f hom' ,f th s- ' "ce 8f ena0ri"an " ro Promises S 8 a recot. circular ilk 1 m ,Frmer "Porlmonta In , -W?rm bwedlnB have failed i,. ite th ""PwlWe to acclimat- Wen duT rry trco- u ,,a3 ow ,,. "'covered thm. -m,. - Oerml mfrey' lier" abundant H olTY: Moreo-"-. tho worms er. m "; "uw..,Ilet Produce a stouC- sllk than it an(1 moro plasty The onlv , fe ra,8ed on ""'Iberry. rrim 'P6rU U Whether th0 GtZT when ,m- CnTe '.,,ul Vrotlt of 'fted hv ,. ;V,,S. xv,1 'o demon- "ii. tho rnllrond for tlio Kendall .broth ers, May 1 has beon flxod as tho tlmo or Issuing tho first block of bonds amounting to $100,000. May 1 was adopted as tho dato of tho Issuing of tho bonds on account or It coming af ter tho frst paymont of taxes. tho British liquor trado bIiows that tho rigid rostrlctloiiB on tho salo of alcoholic bovoragoB Imposod slnco the war began, havo curtailed tho salo of beor about 17 por cont. But, Swedish Oowrnment Keeps Strict , SurvelHmico On All Vessels Arriving; from United State llljr AodleJ I'rru lo Coos Iltjr Tlmn.l STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Jan. 13. Allegations that aorman agonta aro trying to smugglo copper and othor contraband from tho United States Into aorman by shipping It to a Swe dish port dlsgulsod as unprohibited foodBtuffn havo resulted in tlio Btrlct- or Burvoillanco of all Incoming shlp.B by tho Swodlsh govommont. Tho Androv Welch, an American Btoamor which arrived recently at HalniBtad from Philadelphia Ib still dotalnod at tho former port pending detailed examination of an nllogod cargo of beans. ' Sho wob sighted off Halmntoad, cruising about for no apparent rea son, and whon questioned by tho commander of a SwodlBh torpedo boat tho captain said ho had ordora to wait thoro.,Soon afterwards a large Gorman tug camo up to tho Welch. Tho captain of tho tug wob loqually Ignorant of tho reason for At Mooting Held at London Todry Resolution to tlmt urrcci Ih l'nHHcd Ilr AiiocliUJ Prfin to Coot Hr Tlmw.J LONDON, Jan. 13. Tho Minora' Federation of Great Britain nt n tnnmlnc In London today resolved unanimously .to oppose tho bill on compulsory military service ii 1 1 i i AMMUNITION DEPOT IN FRANCE BLOWN UP Seventy Persons Were Klllod ami Forty Injured Acconllng to ItciMirt From Berlin tnr AjiocuioJ tm u coo nr Tim.) BERLIN, Jan. 13. Tho ammuni tion depot in tho southern section of Llllo, In Northern Franco, was blown up. An official announcement Bays 70 porsons woro klllod and 10 Injur od. Considerable proporty damagu was dono. Bending him to a point off Halm- optimist Is of valuo, howovor, because Btad, but donlod that ho had n ron- lm loads us Tn tlm rlirht direction ' Ufczvoua with tno American amp. ., " -- --. ..,,.., T. -r : Taken Into Port Tho Swodlsh naval authorities thereupon brought tho Andrew Wolch though tt would not bo Bnfo to follow htm too far. . Railroad Ktiniluxs "An Imnortant. nart of tho liu-1 Into HalniBtad and tho Gorman tug on tho othor hand, thero has been nn ! provoinent Is becnuso of tho confl- disappeared in a southerly direction. Increase in tho salo of splrlta of 19Jdonco business derives from tho Im-jA cursory examination of tho And- ' por cont. Ipiovcmont in railroad earnings. Thcso row Welch showed that ho carried Drinking across tho bar, It Is add- learnings fiooi.u to bo large only bo- beans but memuors or tno crow toiu GOOD SAMARITAN ACT ' ................ - . -' i " ..---.,-. .... . ,. . .0. PROVES A FATAL ONEied, has lessoned tou marked dogroo, . CJU1B0 ti,cy foilow yoara of such sorl-,tho Swedish customs Inspectors tnat but tno "iioiuo trauo- uua inciouau.i ioua ahrlnkugo in earnings that tlioiinu wuikiu oi mo uuKn uuu wavn correspondingly. According' to contrast bocomes striking. It Is to jsomo comment nmong thorn, and dealers, spirits nro choaon In preror- uo rdm0inbored that whllo the earn- !'"thoy thought thero might bo othor John Motley, Hero, Cray Cat Is Vil lain mid Robin Is "Poor Soul" In Domestic Tragedy Flying, Bwooping through tho sky at bottor than tho Bpced limit or tor rn flrma yoatordny afternoon, an Al aaknn robin, or varied thrush, dash ed headlong against one of tho big windows of tho Chambor of Com Thero was a thud and tho llttlo creaturo fluttered to tho ground, stunnod and helpless. Sympathy and pity wolled up with in John Motley. To savo tho rob in's Hfo, from bolng run over, ho took tho llttlo fellow to tho side walk across tho street and stopped back to await developments. Llkowlso a big gray cat, crouched bcnealh a. neighboring houso watched developments. A moment tho fato of the bird hung In tho balance Motloy and tho cat tiartod forward at tho same mo ment, but nlmblo footod Tabby, tho villain of the plot, precoeded tho res cuer by two Jumps. Lltlo robin was scooped Into tho Jaws of death arid a second later its soul, that Is, If birds have souls, had ascended to tho Happy Hunting Ground. Quito often do theso birds, moro particularly than others, plump them selves out of the sky and kill thom &elves against tho windows. No one knows exactly why they do It. Perhaps they too are a trlflo Hko aeroplanes and have not mas tered every trick of tho tricky atmos-phoro. once to beor for drinking at homo, as thoy aro easier to carry GARMENTS HEATED BY ELECTRICITY New Invention May Mo Used by Aus trian Soldiers to Keep Them Warm mr AwoiUtra l'rwi lo Coon Hay Tlmf. VIENNA, Jan, 13. Austrian sol dlors will not suffer from cold weather If tho army adopts tho now electrically heated garments which havo Just been Invonted by tho Pro fessor of Eloctrology at Innsbruck University, Tho essentlul 'feature of tho Profesaor'a invontlon, according. to the Austrian newspapers, is a mothod of woarlng olectrlc heating threads Into soldiers' pants and coats and then connecting tho threads with a battery or supply wlro ut a dis tance of from 100 yards to a quarter of a mllo. It Is assorted that the current can bo regulated so that any niimbor of soldiers in tho tronchoa can bo kopt warm simultaneously, n tnUPR 715 frolcht cars to ship tho annual salmon pack of Oregon, valued at $5,920,087. Elovon largo railway systems havo nlaced. or are about to place, orders for Douglas fir with Northwest mills, according to reports. When the railroads start buying, sawmills prosper and wo all prosper. Hnvo your programs printed nl The Times office. lnirs woro shrlnklne canltal wob be-'tilings inaldo." ing added to tho proporty and If tho BnorniouH quantities of wm-con-prcsont earnings upon prosent capl- Urnband foodsturrs rrom America tal woro, ror oxamplo, to bo compared ! """ beon going Into Germany front with 1912 and tho capital of that year nud tho failure or earnings bo con sidered for tho two Intorvonlng years, It will bo found that thero Is nothing unusual about tho presont earnings ami that tho railroads ncp5 thorn badly. , " 1 believo tho relations of tho Southern Pacific with tho public It serves aro good and constantly im proving. This In turn will rofloct Itsolr In our earnings, and aa our earnings Jmprovo our usoruIne3s will Increase." 1GT0N PROMISED Thiough His Ambassador Says Denial es Dastardly Deed of Villa Bandits Ho Or Auoclated Pren (o Cooi 07 Tlmn. WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 13, Carranza's Ambassador horo today formally assured Secretary of State Lansing that tno Carranza govern Bwedcu during tho last six weokB, la eluding presorved frultB rrom tho Pa cirio coast, correo nnd tea. Im ports of American coal aro hicroaa lug, owing to tho continued bnu on British coal by tho British govern ment, Germany Is Bonding cargoes of Belgian coal from Luoback and Stet tin to Malmo but It Is of Inferior quality and tho demand ror Ameri can coal Is growing. Tea thousand tons arrived at Malmo this week. Caused Irritation Tho activity or tho British co.,.- finorcial agents, whom tho Swedos call "commorclal spies" bus causod groat Irritation hero. Sovoral havo boon expelled bocauso ot their ac tivity In "shadowing" cargoes un loaded at Gothenburg and othor porta, American buyors tiro caru fully watched and tholr negotiations with Swedish business men followed In detail. DUTCH LINERS STAY ' AWAY FROM THE SUEZ Reason Is Bolloved to in Four of Activities of Oernwn Submar- lncs In Mediterranean trtr AiocltJ Twit to Cooo nr Time l LONDON. Jan. 13. Tho withdraw al of tho Dutch llnors from tho Suez Canal to tho East Indies, which wont Into ofrect January 1, will moan an other consldornblo rnlllng ofr In tho revenues or tho canal. In 1914 ves sels or Dutch nationality hold third placo, both as regards numbers nud tonnage. Groat Britain was first with 3,000 vessels of 13,000.000; Germany camo second with 480 ves boIs of 2,100,000 tons, and Holland third with SCO vcssoIb of 1,400,000 tons. Tho official reason for tlio diver sion or tho Dutch boats Ib tho "In creasing uncertainty or bolng ablo to obtain tho necessary coal nt tho ap pointed stations" but shipping men In London think that tho decision was moro Ukoly duo to Gorman submar ine activity in tho Mediterranean nort8. thero 1b no shortago in tho sup ply. Tho prico ror January at Port Said will bo about $22 por ton, ns compared with $G.G0 bororo tho war, but, owing to tne wunurnwai or ma ny vessels which used tho Suoz routo In normal times, tho reserves at tho coaling stations aro very largo. FEWER ARE LEAVING IRELAND DURING WAR Emigration During Past Year lias Been Much Lighter Thau In 11)11 tBr AuocUtM Prw to Com Hr Tlmo.) DUDLIN, Ireland, Jan. 13. Emf gratlon from Ireland for tho first nine months of this year shows 7,572 persons Balling aa against 17, 057 for tho first ntuo months of 191 1 and tho total rigures or 30,907 ror 1913- dropped to 20,314 In 1914. During tho first four months of this year 4,053 emigrants went to tho Unltod States as compared with 12,- G09 In tho samo porlod or last year, whllo only 519 wont to Canada aa against 2,708. Theso rigures, taken rrom tho latest roport or tho Irish Registrar General, aro interesting in view or tho controversy that has aris en about Irish emigration slnco tho war. , Bombardment of the British Linos In Proceeding Russians Cnpturo a City nud Comparative Quiet Is Itcported in Bin West ttly AuocUted Vnu to Cooa Dr TlmM.J LONDON, Jan. 13. In vlow of tho success of tho Austrian offen sive ugalnst Mount Lovcom, meas ures hnvo been takon by tho Mont lucgro government to ovacuato Co tlnjo Immediately, according to a Scutari dispatch. Tho govornmont, howovor, has decided to contlnuo tho struggle against tho Austrlans. City Bombarded Tho Austrian forces advancing fro Cattnro nnd Budnn, havo reached iMIchltz, flvo miles south trom Antlvarl, which Is bolng bom barded by tho Austrian long rnngo guns. Dispatches reaching Paris say reports that tho attack or tho Teutonic ulllos on tho Eutonto forces defondlng Salonlkl Is bolng develop ed on a largo ncnlo. Tho bombard ment of tho British lines proceedod all day Monday. Russians Make flnlns On tho Eastern front tho Rus sians capturod Sadagara, a strategic point northwest of Czornowltz, ac cording to unofficial dispatches. Comparntlvo quiet again provails In tho west. WESTERN UNION WIRES ARE DOWN Tho Westorn Union wires woro up ror a tlmo yester day, but thoy broko down last night at C o'clock and havo not been In operation today. Tho Association Press iiowb to Tho Tlmoa camo In over tho long dis tance tolophono, wmen has a lino out by way or Gardiner. BEER GOES IN SEWER Brewer At Baker Refuses ti Ship His Product BAKER, Ore, Jan. 13. Mannger Charles Bodcau of tho American Ilrowlng company, docldod today not to ship 400 barrels of beer now uu hand out of tho stato. Tho' bottling works at tlio brow ory burned last Sunday, and whllo possible- to ship in barrels, in compe tition with browerles of "wot" states, Mr. Bodoau can boo no prof It. " I'll Just wait until a revonue of flcor comes along," ho said, "and let him pour it in tho sowor and charge it up as a total loss.", HOI LAND HAS NO FEAR OF GETTING IN THE WAR Making , Up Coinmltte&s'.l Tho Donrd of Trustoos of tho Chambor of Commorco dined at tho Chandler meat deeply deplored the dastard-! this noon and 1 afterward de out lv action" or the Villa forces In killing tho Americana near Chihua hua, and added that "orriclont action was. to bo takon to bring the mur derers to Justice," Lansing today gavo another warning to Americans In Moxtco to leave any district where thero Is revolutionary trouble. a partial Hat or tho new commltteos for tho year. This list will bo com pleted at another f luncheon (to be j nem on Saturday, thcso aro uie working committees for the year. FACTS ABOUT APPLE CIDER Pfiro applo cider can bo sold and It will keep for a porlod of four weeks uftor it leaves the fuctory, pro vided you koop It iu a reasonablo cool placo and keep tho air out of tho barrel, ovory barrel that loaves tho ractory Ib tested ror alcohol and U tlioro is any amount or alcohol that la prohibited by law, round in barrol then tho elder Is not shipped out, In that way you aro nrotocted In your buying or cider. Thero aro cheaper compound cldors on tho mar ket but you can't buy pure applo el der for less than our prlcos, John son's CIdor Factory, Coqullle. Af First it Was Thought Thnt tho Country Might ho Drawn Into tho General European Conflict lly Auocltted rrM lo Coo Da Time. THE HAGUE, Netherlands, Jan. 13. Tho roars, oarly in tho war, that Holland would bo drawn into It sooner or lator havo boon grad ually allayed and now practically nothing is heard or such a probabil ity, but preparednosa ror any ovont uallty continues to bo a popular pol icy. Tlio Dutch Rod Cross Is to bo completely reorganized in Jan uary undor tho Btiporlntondenco or high officials or the army and navy medical eorpa, and some or tho mos' prominent civilian modical author ities. The headquarters or tho po clety, which havo boon In au inade quate building near tho United Stato legation horo, aro to bo mov ed to a largo mansion on Prlnsesse gracht, tho farmer homo of an old Dutch aristocratic family which is a girt to the Rod Cross rrom four wealthy residents. Tlioro has also beon farmed ro cently a commlttoo or wealthy Hol landers who nro to present to the govornmont a number or splendidly equipped ambulance trains. Twohy Brothers may get orders to build 1000 box cars at their Portland shops, Grants Pass peoplo state that the lino thoy started with a $200,000 bond 1S8U0 will bo completed by Twohy Brothora, who havo takon lb over to Crescent City, California, PENDLETON Tho roport or tho city physician shows that In tho city there wero last year 92 deaths and 150 births nnd tboro woro seven cases ot Infectious diseases durluK tho year. HILLSBORO , The Washington. County cigar dealers secured a tem porary injunction and kqpt their places open last Sunday, but will havo to answer a esse la cn'itl which will be tried ouytnla i:;otb 1