nvr r - THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY li, 19Y5 EVENING EDITION. THREE r 'i.fc1- . i "T 'I ' ' ! ',t Buy Clothes Now at Our Clearance Prices 1 0T YOU -have a chance to get some good clothes now for U from ten per cent to 50 per cent less than the reg ular prices. f There are many weeks yet before you want to change TJl to your sprinq clothes; you'll get some good service this season and hava a good suit or overcoat ready to put on next fall. ' ff We'd rather sell them at less than regular prices than Til carry them over; you'll profit a good deal by doing the "carrying over" yourself. f Hart Schaffner & Marx ClothesSuits and Over TU coats; fall and winter weights; at end-of-the-season prices.- ' tranco of tho 'postpfflco lUBt night y Officer Doano, who charged thorn With drinking in a pnbtlc place. Hampton claimed ho found the liquor uncic of tho skating rink. Mrs. Lola Baldwin put up $20 ball for tho men. No trial was hold today. City Attornoy Brand Bald If there is a city ordliinnco that has been violated, no will pr'osocuto thorn, andjf not, thoy win uo tunica over to District At tornoy Liljeqvlst. To Havo Joint Insinuation. A Joint installation of tho Odd FoIIowb and Ilobekahs lodges will bo hold this ovcnlne- In tho lodeo roms on North Front street. U Js understood that tho Odd Fellows have n llttlo surprlso to spring. Woolen Mill Stores MARSHFIELD The Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes NORTH BEND Exams Aro Com Inc. Tho state olghth grado examination questions havo boon rccolvcd by Judgo Hall, cleric of tho board, from County School Superintendent Baker. The examinations aro t o bo hold this week In tho lochl schools. Robbers In Office. On tho samo night that miscreant climbed over tho transom and ransacked tho offices of .Tudgo Hnll, somo ono camo through tho transom into tho offlco of Judgo Goorgo AVatklns, In tho Bamo build ing. Ho belloves a boy or boys es sayed tho robbery. Drawers were turnod topsy turvy and an attompt was mado to get Into tho safe ns tho combination was found thrown out of klltOr. Judgo Watklns says tho only thing takon was a pocket knife. Money Savers: Special on High-grade Rice, four pounds for 25c Picnic Hams, per pound 121-2c Mothers Oats, per package, (large) 25c WE SAVE YOU MONEY GETTINGS' CASH GROCERY J.IO NO. IHlQAmVAV, NEAR CENTItAL, . . KMEB Aid In Sent Out, -To aid tho crows of tho Pacific Tqlophono and Telegraph Company that nro now working on tho lino, making ropalrs this way from Ilosaburg, tho Coos and Curry Telophono company this morning Bent out thrco linemen, honded by Mike Burch. Tho mon will work cast from Brldgo along tho Myrtle Point road. Inasmuch ns this Is tho mall road It is said that tho trail is kell broken. Thoi lines of tho local company havo not been out of commission. 1 'on iid No Hiii-glnr. Tho -pollco wora called about midnight to tho telephone offlco by ono of tho oper ators. It was bollovcd that somo ono was tapping tho till of tho Golden Rulo storo. Gordon Smith camo up and looked about, but could ilnd no evidences of intru ders. It Was said at the telophono offlco thoro was a nolso Hint BOiind od like tho opening of a cash register i If Your Grocer does not Himdlo Palace Rendered Lard i Call mi IOU-J THIS IS ABSOLUTISM' THE HEST LAHI IN MARSHFIELD i Wo Alho Carry tho licit Muo ofMents Obtainable Palace Meat Market riiouu loo-j, N, 1). OSWALD. Ccntrnl Avo. OCEAN BEACH AUTO LINE Gorst & King. Leaio JInrihfleld nt 7 u. m mid returning leaving from Empire nt 8n. nu Lenvo Mnrshfleld nt 11 ii.m. and returning leave South Wouj-h M I p. in, Lcnvo Multifield nt 3 p. in. mid returning leave South Slough nt (I p. in. WEATHER FORECAST Dr Anorlitt.1 Treti to Cool D(f Tint!. OREGON Snow, warm er; winds bocomlng norther ly. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RKCOHD Top tho 2-1 ours ending at 1:13 n. m. ,T .nuary 12, by BonJ, Ostllnd, special gov ernment mctooroloclst: Maximum 41 Minimum 34 At 4:43 a. m 39 Precipitation 48 Precipitation slnco Sopt. 1, 191G 40.01 Precipitation samo period last year 40.34 Wind: Southwest, cloudy, Z ' ''' " ' SUNRISE AM) SUNSET , Wednesday January 12 Sun rlsos nt 7:01 and sets nt 4:1 "J. Mnrt Does Not Coino. Tho lottor mull failed to coma through on uio morning train though tho papers of J Mondays man arrived, mere may bo moro mall in this evening. t AMONG THE SICK t $ C. C. Pratt, who has boon con fined to his homo by an attack of Illness, is repotted to bo not bo well today. Mrs. Eugenia Kr'ommlnga, who li'na boon vory ill for tho past Week, has been taken to Mercy 'Hospital. Katie ICrommtnga who wob brought down from Camp Onb a week ago qiilto sick, Is 'much Improved. t AT THE HOTELS t $$ Chandler Hotel Pedor Podorson, Allegany; S. L. Williams, Myrtlo Point; E. I). Pock, Detroit; W. L. McNormoy, Port laud; A, A. Plm, San Ft'anclsco; E. B. Fltts, Corvallls; H. J. Mo-. Dlarmld, Bandon; O. P. Boll, Port land; W. S. Hall, Portland; fil. O. Stowo, Coqulllo; Walter Holmes, Beaver Hill; W. C. Laird, Coqulllo. FACTS ABOUT APPLE CIDER Home Smoked flams & Bacon Duo Hero Today. Paul Dlmmlck, of tho Swnyno & IJoyt Company, Is expected in today or tomorrow to look nftor Interests on tho bay, tho firm oporatlng tho North Bend Mill and Lumbor Co. The real old-fashioned kind more savory and mojje delicious than the packing-house produces. Try them. We always have the choicest 'line of Fresh Meats that an be obtainad. In Night Officer. Mayor R. A. Comilo has nniiolntod J. C. Doano merchant's lmtrolmaii. ns night I watchman. It Is oxpocted tho conn- In your buying of elder. ell will appropriate $20 a month to . cheaper compound ciders on tho niar- Puro applo elder can bo sold and It will Icoop for n period of four weeks aftor It leaves tho factory, pro vided you keop It In a roasonablo cool place and keop tho air out of tho barrel, ovory barrol Unit loaves tho factory Is tested for alcohol and if thoro Is any amount of alcohol that is prohibited by law, found In barrel then tho elder Is not shipped out, In that way y,ou aro protected Jiioro aro I PERSONAL MENTION $$ A. Z. DOWNS returned on tho train last evening from court in Coqulllo JOHN D. QOSS nnd John C. Ken dall wcro passengers homo on the train from Coqulllo last night. W. C. LAIRD, Deputy Sheriff, camo over last evening on official bus iness. MRS. W. O. CRAIO nnd child loft aboard tho Kllburn this afternoon for Portland. W. Q. BESSEY, of Coos River, was a passenger north on tho Kllburn this afternoon. MRS. I. S. SMITH roturncd homo on tho Kllburn this morning from a visit In California. CHAS. ST. DENNIS, Postmastor at Lakesldo, waB looking aftor busi ness hero yesterday. C. S. M'CULLOCII, County Survey or, was horo "from Coqulllo yes terday. MRS. J. II. STADDEN and llttlo daughter left on tho Kllburn for Ellousburg to visit with relatives and later they will go to Tacoma. C. I. REIQARD and Robort O. Ornvcs camo in last ovcnlng from tho county scat aftor attending court there. L. A. LIL.TEQVIST, District Attor ney, camo homo from Coqulllo last ovcnlng after sovornl days at court. GEO. A. CARLETON has taken a position with Manager F. O. Ho'r ton, of tho Allen & Lewis branch hero. CHAS. PAGE was hero from Ban don yestorday. Although ho was forced out of business when Ore gon wont dry, ho expects to re main at Bandon. E. L. ROBINSON has rcturnod from Gardiner whoro ho Iiob been do ing some work on tho proposod rbdd from Reodsport to Wlnchos tor Bay, which Is to bo built noxt Summer. JAMES MOLONEY loft overland yestorday to resume his commer cial course at O. A. C. at Cor vallls nftor spending his vacation at tho homo of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Molonoy In Bay City. J. T. SULLIVAN arrived from Ban don last ovcnlng and is taking tho managomont of tho Contral Avo liuo Hub. Mrs. Sullivan and bay will Join him in a fow days. Tod Peterson, formerly of Marshtlold, Is in chargo of tho Bandon Hub now. GEORGE SENIC, tho woll known rop rosontatlvo of Lovi Strauss, arriv ed horo today on tho Kllburn on his regular trip. Ho camo up from Eureka whero ho attended tho big stunt put on by tho Eureka Elk's lodgo, In fact according to others Sonk was one or tho leading attractions. Tho Eureka lodgo ninilo about $1,200 not out or tho deal, JUDGE IS DISQUALIFIED Judgo Coko Is disqualified from hearing tho caso of John D. Gobs vorfliis Joo Coach and this will coino boforo Judgo Sklpworth in April. Tho plaintiff is suing for atornoy's fees. No denial was mado by Judgo Coko to tho statoment ho had onco declared his beliqf, that Couch had committed porjury. " And I still bo ltovo it," Bald tho Judgo.- KILLSWiMEN THE STORE WITH THE YELLOW FRONT IS The J. G. Penney Company Store Where real values in clean, new merchan dise are found WE BUY AND SELL FOR CASH .' ' Striped Madras Shirtings, 25c values at 19c "Red Seal" Ginghams, 12MjC values, .-.10c Ladies' ALL-LINEN Handkerchiefs 25c, 12V&C, 10c and 5c Palm Olive Soap 81-3c Colgates Talcum Powder 12c Men's Heavy "New Rockford" Sox, 12 val,, 81-3c Mule-skin Gloves, full welt, 50c value ---39g Boys' Suspenders, 25c value .. ,. 19o Men's Worsted Sox, (Homespun) 35c values 25c nL-tSdr "rterifzeu . Interearattd. . M'VMiAtfi Next Door to Postoffice We Lead, Others Follow the Originators of Low Prices apply on his salary. iS? Union Market Stolo lli'usN. Warron Bonobrako has been arrested on tho charge of stealing brass from un onipty resl-l donco on Fourth street, in the rear! of tho Masonic Tqmplo. Ho will have n hearing boforo Juvenile Judgo Wat son noxt week. Tlio boy was also I nrrested nt Now Year's tlnio for tak ing articles. kot but you can't buy pp.ro applo el der for less than our prlcos. John son's, Cider Factory, Coqillle. Tho convenience- irtid profit of Tlmeti AVn'nt Ads will be (lemon stinted by 'a trial. . ' .' IIUKUTA AXD OTHKIIS A HE INDICTED 4 Djr AMoclatcd rrria to com Tir Titan,, SAN ANTONIO, Texas., Jan. 12. General Ilucrta, ( Joso I). Hatner, his former purchasing agent, nnd ten ' 4 others, wcro indicted horo to- i dny by tho fcdoral grand Jury for conspiracy to vlolato tho " neutrality laws. , HOCIATj CATiENDAU WEDNESDAY Jolly Dozen with Mrs. Q. JohnBon. D. M. C. club with Mrs. A. E. Morten. Pnstimo Club ovcnlng card party with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Surbock. THURSDAY Alert club with MrB. Ella Dowman. ' A. N. W. Club with Mrs. A. T. Halnos. FRIDAY Trio Card club with Mrs. Honry O'Mnra. . Kensington Club with Mrs. L. A. Liljeqvlst. Dahlia 'Club Willi Mrs. P. Cameron hi Eastport. LadleB Art Club with Mrs. A. K. Arkloy In North Dond. ADVERTISED LETTERS List of ndvortlsod lottor remaining In the Marshtlold, Oregon Post Of flco for tho wool: onding Jnnuary 11 1010. Persons calling for tho samo will ploaso say ndvortlsod and pay ono cent for each lottor called for. Mrs. nay Allon, MIbs Allco Uar golt, Fred Ilomroso, Mrs. Magglo A. Boll. Win. DJubock. Mrs. 13. 13. Tioono, V. A. Iluell, O. Carlson, El mer Carlson, Victor Carlson, Ed. 'Connor,' Da'vo Cowan, Clrtiid Curtis, Ira O. Davis, Slg Eckholm, R. V. Glo ver, Mrs. C. II. Glllotto, M, Goldbqrg, Mrs. John Hall, Axol Hanson, Adolph Hoyor 2, Lowls Jones, Emll Johnson, Alox Knrvanon, Chas. Illlngworth, A. II. Jacksbn, Gortlo Jennings, Chas. J. Johnson, Oscar Knfno, Androw Knlno, Ed. Konnody, Mrs. Myrtlo jMcAfeo, Robort McNnmnra, M. McGulro, jas. McDonald, Frank Mn hoii, John Morlson, Mrs. Ruby Mooro, Mrs. Ray Morris, Potor Morton, C. C. DISCHARGED SOLDIER COMMITS .' . ' . "'""' . ""'" "'"" MURDER I.V SAN FRANCISCO onouror, J. u. Bciuuiui. n. v. ' Bloau Mrs. iTrollngor, Ed. Trnng, Floyd I'oyser 'flullty of Awful 'Crime I Slvk. M. C. Wcstcott, Mrs. Myrtlo Ju- TiirnH Our on Himself nlpor'WIUs, C. 13. Wood, J. W. Young. Illld SlUcldCS M'r.ATW Pn0hun.lr.r , .-.. !! "ft'l ...."w. fr -" MB '!5 Wo have tlio oxcIurIvo nolllnc rlshtn for tlilM urout laxative Trial nlxc, 10 cents. Lockhnrt Pnrsons Drug Co. THE REXALU 8TORE IXit AuocltleJ rrni to Cooi ntjr Tlmci.J mMi Wcro l'Vuiml Drliiking. Dort Haronton. PorcyP illUiunuil, IMUI " f- ." Y - -. 1 - isica at -mo Lennon were arrested en-' oble Theate 1 y TO-NIGHT ft THE MOST POPULAR GRL IN AMERICA- Mary Pickford l'rnin,.f',0,,0f tweny million t lientcr-Koers, In her latest Da "naii i4 ........ -. . , - itiJiiiifiiti w..j. mini haT j-x riiw J,ivim' ir tviiuKUi j miii i v' viw ..-- In her latest Daniel (PI1 , ""i loaiuro, i nij ii.. t lUlK'es llmlfrvf.i. It...... nti .....i ....... I. ....i .. I.-., iiw.lv nt " JiiHHUiv 411114 I4 iriltivctl III mu .. - A FEATURE THAT YOU SHOULD SEE. IOMK EARLY VQU Plrtui es.. This, CJOOD SEATS llk'tlll'n I. 1...I.. ' . ..... ....I ' ndmls I "vmg btio wp nt, a gteat expense, inn uiu iinvcs 5cts. inplln In his lntest two-reol comeoy hlo; uttnicUons booked for early hhow- LfiUn pi "'m ns usual. SnirsT',15 cts- Balcohy, 10 cts.; Children, "!illvn..? r"n's chnrllo Pliaplin In his lntest two-reol "ii.vu;n, c0l u paper EDUCATORS MINISTERS PHYSICIANS The Bausch and Lomb Optical Company takes pleasure In announc ing n demonstration of MICROSCOPES and HALOPTICOXS nt Hotel Cliandler, Th"l day mid l-'ridny evenings. 1J" their leuroACiitatlve, .Mr, V T. Jane. You hit cpidlally invited to -itness tho lut est developments In the pro jection or POSTAL CARDS, pinvuES .from hooks and MAGWlS'L'S. ns nejl i,s LANTERN SLIDES. The Electric ShoeStore 's S A L E is still going on and we are selling shoes every day Wo uio making urrnngeinents to carry all onq factory' niako of Shoes cue of the best lines on tho market today, So every .shoe must leave its Imp- h py liome, Oiu prices nVo Just ns attractive ns our (.hoe stylo nnd th'elr other e;ood qunlltlos. ... v ,. Wo go the limit In plvl'ne; you tho hast In tlio world for the money. 'Como In any day untl get moro tllnh your money vlll buy eUewhero. Gfvo us tho chance to prove it. Electric Shbe Store , Shoes Repaired Vhllo Yoii Walt S. J. IMMEL, Prop, I 180 South Rroadivay SAN FRANCISCO. Cal., Jan. 12. WEAVING All kinds a 5t.Pi.- Floyd Poysor, a dishonorably dls-1 "CMVIWU K' d bJI charBcd United States soldlor. shot laity. MrS. W. W. NaSOn, 680 nnd killed Mrs. Mnrjorlo Hill. !" 19th Ohlirth n Phnnn 99f..R Jured hor mother, Mi's. G. W. Evans Cl" 0rin. P. rnoriB dU-n so that she died later, wouiuiou a sister, and klllod himself today after ho gained ontranco to their apart- I HieiilS. .ir. emu Jiuiuuu', uuuiuur slstor, dodged tho. bullots and sav ed herself and small daiiBhtqr by hldliig in a clothes closot. EIUIOU IN STATE.MENT In an item copied from tho Co qulllo Valley Soutiuol, it was stated j f that Mrs. Julia Durrant was appoint- THK t.t0vi) vamily HOTEL qd udn.nlstrntrlx of tho estato of' x"' Jj,"1" a.mihx huxlu w iitiiBciv.-utiiiiK iiiiiiiciua ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL Corner Market nnd Ilroadwny We solicit all our old patrons of tho Lloyd and assuro thorn tho samo reasonable rates. E. W. SULLIVAN Mrs. Llzzlo Ilontz. Tho Itom should havo boon that Mrs. nentz wob ap pointed administratrix of tho estato of Mrs. Durrand, ALL HAVE TROUI1LKS Two rooms, 88,00 month 4 Electricity nnd Gas. Froo baths ' Sjoopjug rooms, $LflO yvkt, up t NEW TODAY I t KOR RENT liiuiKnlotr, t?ItJ.BO; R- room houso, $10.00; C-room flat, ?10. Soo Title Guariintco and Ab- strnct Company. HOARD AND ROOM for two nlco youiiK Indies and ono Kontlomon; uso 'of piano. 343 South Broad way. Phono 1510-L. FOR RENT At n Imrpiln good 11 houio ' bfat waoh' fjiost of fled land I. Contral Ayonuo pn Broadway. Sqo aorijo Qoodriim J ! FOR SALE t t FOR SALE aienp If taken nt onco. Cabinet sowing machine, almost now. Apply 358 Third and lllfeh-land. FOR SALE Thirty foot gasoline launch, chonp. inqulro Lloyd hotel. -'$ FOR RENT FOR RENT Modern n-rooni house, cor. 9th nnd Flanagan. Apply W. D. Curtis, .phono 15C-R. FOR RENT Rooming houso over Ekbldd'H Hardwaro Storo. Apply at Ekblnd & Son or call 300. FOR HKN1V Nlco two-room npart, mont with boat. Quality Storo. Apply Mat8on'B Other Parts of Oregon Find Roads In Had Shape It may bo gratifying to residents of Coos County. nw t"0 thoro Is five feo't of snow In tho mountains, to know that thero aro other parts of Oregon where thoy havo their road troubles. Tho following is from a Portland paper; M Roadmaster Ycon does not ad vise any ono to mako a trip over tho Columbia rlvor highway today on ac count of the snow and Ico. Ho re ports that ho tried It Friday and got stuck in a drift noar Grango hall. It took him abqut two hours to dig his car out with shovels, In somo places tho snow hua drifted across tho road to tho depth of four or five feet." WE RECO.MMEXD H ' REXALL li I BABY LAXATIVE ll il H WM us n mild and gentle remi- H H lator for tho Haltv H H and for tlie treatment of H. H roiutlputlop hi infants I, and oung children S I , THE BUSY CORNER 1 Phuild iiOH H We Deliver Promptly H FOR KENT Now nnd modern 12 room house, with basomont and all modern conveniences, includ ing two bath rooms, two toilets, laundry tubs In basement, arrang od for tw'o families. West Hunker Hill. Rout ?20 per Month. Key ipay bo found nt tho house noxt door. Apply F, W, Payno at Smith mill. FOR HHNT-7-Threo furnished, rooms 97r Seventh St., South, phono 284 R. ,1111 . - i i FOR KENT Small fiirnfshpd house, also sjoopjngjooins. JIvg, Ilastyrd, Times Want Ads nro tho ono ino i dluni which reaches ALL tho peoplo. Thoy cngiigo public muuiuoii overy day Always on tho Job. THE WHITE IS KINO Of all Sewing Machines Now located at 256 Market aye, Wept. Phono ID3-J. Wo havo also got big bargain )iv all k.Iud.3 of used machines, All machines sold on easy pnyn.Wits