II two ? THE JOS'B'AYiTIME MARSHFIfeLD, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, JANMRY 121 915-EVEMNG EDfrlClN. f n ? COOS BAY TIMES M. O. MALONEY, Editor nnd Pub. DAN H. MALONEY, News Editor Official Pnpcr of Coos County Official Paper City of Marshflold. sit son deal Entered At the Postofflco at Marsh Hold, Oregon, for transmission through tho malls second-class mail matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES DAILY. One year $6.00 Por month .60 WEEKLY. One year SI. 50 When paid strictly In ndvnnco tho ubncilptlon pi Ice of tho Coos Hay Times Is SG.00 per yoar or $2.60 for lx months. Address all communications to CO09 TIAY DAILY TIMES. $ EUROPEAN WAR ONE X t YEAR AGO TODAY X $$ JAfcUARV JB, 1015 Turkey nccoptB all of Italy's de mands for reparation for tho llo olda Incident. , Qormnns bombard tho rrunch lines along the Alsno nnd claim furthor progress In tho heights of tho Mouso. Tho Russians roputsa a Germotx nesault nt Warsaw. Tho German cruiser lCirlsruho Is reported sunk off tho Hrltteli West Indies. CLOSED (Continued from Page Ono ) company Is negotiating for from tho Monnshu Woodonwnio Company is said to ho composed of sections that nlternnto with the Simpson holdings nnd the amount lnvoled Is ostimnt- AVAK PUTS UNITED STATES TRADE LEAD IN STANDS FIRST WOW CUT OUT NOTICES Chief of Foreign nnd Domestic Hu ion u 31al.es Report Shotting Condition of Affalf.s Hjr Attorltted rrc to Cooo Uny Tlmo. WASHINGTON, .Inn. 12. How tho United States through the acci dent of a world war lias niovcil from its placo as n commercially provln liny Couulllo Timber Tho Chancy IntorestB of Dotrolt which A. Ei Adclspergcr now repro- AVJIV IS THE LUMBER .AIAItKET BETTER? , WHENEVER nnd whonovor lumbormon muot tho topic Immediately under dis cussion Is tho rising mar ket, tho reasons thorofor and npoculntlon as to whothor it Is n flur ry or Is predicated on substantial reasons, warranting n bollof that tho coining yoar will bo ono of prosper ity for lumbermen. Manufacturers bollovo ouch to bo tho caso; thoy aro gradually increas ing prices, but they linvo n.long ways to go boforo thoy roach n point which may bo deemed as satisfactory. Should thoy succeed In reaching tho lovol of 1912 prices during 1910, thoy could reasonably congratulnto tlioin solvos on a noteworthy nccoinpllsh mont. Howovor, tlioflo indications aro fa vorablo for such results; tho states which normally consume sovonil bil lion foot of Douglas fir annually, are in a genornlly prosperous condition; yellow plno manufacturers havo do volopod tholr peculiar mar kots to Hiich an extant that thoy aro disposing of tholr cut at well-ad-vnnccd prices, which assures tho per mnnoncy of tho eastorn demand. Thoro is an immense volumo of money on doposlt in banks, which it Is roasonablo to nssumo will bo seek ing investment nt an early dato, and n goodly portion will if' Vl W' T'? Vi nnn'nnn' ,l! Ul Ue,gh" clal and secondary poWcr to tho UW.'.WWU VI T,WVV,VV . Kn., f fl.M, ln1l.rtMlnlll n.M.... M. illlft. UL 11IOL 1MIJIUI WUIVU UIUUIi till: igrcat nations of tho world, econom ically, industrially nnd financially, Is told In detail In tho, first annual report of Dr. Edward E. Pratt, chief of tho Foreign nnd Domestic Com merco Bureau of the Department of Commorcc. What tho country has gained tom- J pornrlly through tho fortunes of the European conflict, says the report, it jenn hope to hold In (ho commercial .struggle that will bo resumed nt ( tho conclusion of ponco only by tho most rar-signteu commercial pro paredncss. Two gravo problems fnco .development nnd mnlntcnanco of for I olgn trndo. Tho first is declared to bo that of flnnnco and tho second thnt of training mou for tho work. London Formerly Led.. "Tho financing of our forolgn trndo," tho roport says, "and In 'fact by far tho larger part of tho financing of tho world's trndo, has hitherto been dono through Lon don. Tho Unltod States nevor has tnkon any largo 'part in financing foreign trndo becauso of tho com pnratlvoly small part of that bus! ness carried on hero nnd becauso also of tho unfnmlllarlty of many of our bankers with tho methods of International flnnnco. Nor hns tho United Stntcs takon any lnrgo part in supplying capital to other coun tries. "On account of tho war this sit uation Is rapidly changing. Tho vol- L. J. SIMPSON PUBLICATIONS AVITH LIQUOH ADS MUST HE TAUOOED President Slmiwon Company, Which is Reputed Sold. soiiIb rccontly bought thrco trncts near Myrtle Point and Coqulllo. Ono wuh from T. 1). Land and tho other two from Hnycu llrothors. Another Deal I". E. Conwny and Dennis McCar thy aro also reported uogotlatlng n flllllinr flntll 111 Vnltfltltv rint.llli 'ntlj... tllllbop tniCtM U-lilnl, In n frnn.l H.fl ' foreign bUslnCSS dOHO ono and will probably bo coiiBumat- cu soon. t FIRM IS OLD OXR 1H.10 In Started on Coos Hay la Snmll AVny L. J. Simpson is nrcHident of tho Simpson Lumber Compnny. Tho liclrs to tho estate of tho lata Cant. A. M. Simpson uro L. J. Simpson, Capt. Edgar Simpson nnd Mrs. Hoy Plko of San Francisco. L. J. Simpson owns his summer homo Shoreucres nnd has other largo holdings on Coos Hay which nro his ludlvldunlly nnd apart from tho com pany nffnirH. It Is said thnt thn mir. ' ftllnflfl linu iwiH.l.i.. te .!. .i!.!. l.l .. ....w .i..u iiuuiMif, iw uu ttiui inn iiur- sonal lioldlngs. Mr. Simpson could not bo ronchod today hut ho hnB pre viously Bald that If thero was any snlo of tho compnny property It would not inciuuo Ills Holdings. Nnmo Widely Kuoun Tho Simpson Lumber Comnnnv is probably bo i ono of tho uldost on tho const nnd thn used to flnnnco building operations: ' mo is ono, w men ih Known fur and ... - ! U'lfm III Mln rumlinM nlunlftH fill. , 1 this fenturo Is Biibstnntlnto.i i,v i,lln,i. ' ' " ' nnuiior circles. Tlio Into urubor clrolon I Pllllf A "f Clnntanti In 1 CPrt . t Iur reports from a largo number of Jed' bu nM m ' ' s ,iZl rI Jondlng cities, bIiowIhr thnt opora- fornlu and Hhlpped tho machlnory of uoiib ror tno past tnreo months wero i"u "",l iwo-mnsi scnoonor to heavier than for tho corresponding period of tho pnflt two years. In California tho products from tho soli for tho current year, accord ing to railway statisticians, total 1479,000,000, an n fair percontngo of this will be used for Improvement purposes. Against all this Is tho scarcity of tonnage; this is a bad foaturo, nt tho 10 por cent of Pacific Coast lumber which iiorinully flndB mi outlet Tn offshoro markets is a governing fat tor In stabilizing tho domestic mar ket. Taking the outlook as n whole, thoro Is tho strongest kind of n prom Iso thnt 191 C will bo u ninmifai-tur ors yonr; It is also u Bafo prediction that circumstances aro being shaped which will enable manufacturers to retuln control of tho situation; this should bo gintlfylng to them, ns thoy Jmvo cortnlnly grown wunr of being tho football of circumstances bevond tholr control. Wcatorn Lumberman. North Howl. A brother of thn own or, Capt. Iewls Simpson, was mnstor through Now York Is continuously Increasing and New York banks aro rapidly providing facilities for Am ericans who wish to export." Hesorvo 'Act Helps Two provisions In tho Perioral Ho sorvo act, tho roport says, havo been of mntcrlal nsslstanco to tho forolgn trade. Ono Is tho Introduc tion of tho uso of nccoptauco nnd tho othor permission granted to Nat ional hanks to establish foreign branches. "In thus establishing branch banks In foreign countries," tho roport continues, "wo nro following tho load of England, Gormnny nnd othor European countries, which havo used tholr Imnlts as trado out posts. Europenu oxportors havo bcu ubln, becauso thoy had tholr own Hanking institutions on tho grounds, to extend credit to their customers, wlion such credits worn desorvod. Our oxportors havo boon hampored by tho lack of theso fac ilities. Moro important than this, documents containing often tho most confidential facts of our morchants nnd manufacturers havo been open District Attorney Explains Linv Un der Now Prohibition Art Says it Will bo Enfoit'cri Nowspnpors nnd periodicals of Oregon nro not allowed to carry liquor advertisements, Publications from points outside tho dry territory when placed on Bnlo within tho boundaries of Oregon, arc thou on n par with local publications nnd with tholr liquor ndvcrtlsomonto, aro prohibited from sale. Such Is the statomont of District Attorney L, A. Llljeqvlst. Try to Find Way Out. Newsdonlors had hoped there eotild bo somo way for them to escnpo tho talons of tho law In tho snlo of outsldo pnpors nnd poriodlcnls that contnln such nils. Somo of thorn tried tho laborious oxpedlont of clipping such- naughty nds, but tho tnsk becnino too long Involved nnd most of tho dealers quit. "If tho newspapers within tho borders of Orogo- "tuot tako such nds," snld Mr. Llljoqvlst, "It Is certainly unfair to let publica tions from tho outsldo como In horo filled to tho limit with suah notices. Tho law Is plain and explicit on this point and thoro scorns to bo no room for a question nbotit It." Mulls Not Affected Ha points out that Congress In Its mnll laws, hns prohibited tho send ing of liquor by parcel post, but tho Inw makes no mention regard ing tho Bonding of publications con taining liquor nds through tho malls. For this ronson tho stato of Ore gon has no power to loglslnto ngninst tho malls. Publications may bo sent to private Individuals from tho out sldo and tho Inw can not reach cith er tho sender or receiver. Cannot bo Dlxplajcd Hut wlion papers aro sont to nows doalors, as soon ns tho pnekago reaches tholr destination and nro unriono nnd put up far sale, nt thnt tlmo tho publications como under tho stnto law and aro subject to thu samo restrictions' as aro tho Oregon pnpors nnd magazines. HOADMASTEH NAMED. ALHANY, Oro., Jan. 12. Lincoln County has decided to nppolut a rontlmnstor at n salary of $1800. Andrew Porter of Albany, has boon selected for tho position. Help Your Body To Resist Disease WtllKmimtmm "I nnd Foley Cntlmrtlo Tnlilots to bo tho most dollRlitmi cioanainK caxn artlo I liavo over takon. Tlioy aro Just tho thine." O. AY. Itobeson, Wichita Falls, Tox. Uso Foley Cathortlo Tablets to co oporato with naturo In her oftorto to resist UlHCtiBO. Thoy Ucop your bow els rogulnr und notlvo, nnd thoy pro vont poisons from lodglnK In your In testinal tract, thonco holnir nbaorboil by your blood Into your nystcm. Thuy rcltovo constipation ovor night. Thoro in no unpleasant nausea or rrrlplnB in tho uso of Foley Cathartic Tablets. Instead, thoro is frocdom from headaches, blllouanoss, Blugglsh, dull feullnir nnd riorvouu irritability. Thoro Is for you onortry nnd ambition, ability to enjoy your work and your pleasure Thoy rollovo tho unploas unt, gassv, full focllinr, and ulvo you n. comfortnblo clean feeling Instead. Ktout proplo do so onjoy them. For snlo by Owl Prescription Phnr macy. Frank D. Cohan, Central Avo uuo. Opposite Chandler Hotol. Tele- 'nhnnn 74, JIAKES GOOD SHOWING Pondlctou Has Dono Imrgo Aiuotiut of Public liupi'owuucut PENDLETON, Ore. Jan. 12. Tho nnnuul roport of Hocorder Thomas POIUTH .MILL OF SIMPSON COMPVNY. qf tho vossol which was wreckod on tho bar and Lowlb Slmnson lost his llfo. A. M. Simpson umnniiori to bavo 1 moat of tho machlnory from tho File Gerald, aubmlttod in n,A n.,)rw.K n"' was takon to North ell shows that during tho year ItoWSSi waT SuS . "R building pormits wore issued nnd whb located nt what is now known" that tho estimated cost of tho build- "8 t,le 0, ,ow" aiul ri u capacity ing work wns .ir,,000. Twenty- ?,',?;?,?,? ,1l,y ll,lrtor rvoWo elr fho blocks of stroot woro paod at From till modest boslunlng grow a cost of $n4,G03.2r, giving Pondlo- tho bljf biurine which nftorwnrd bo ton a total of eight inllou of pavod i WU1K " prominent on tho const. Btroot. Nearly 12,000 lineal feet of -,,, ,1V',ilum!,",,'r , concrete sidewalk was laid during Lumber com nam- c Coo. HavT - . - --- rf - tho yoar. SOME VIOLATED Part of Paroled Men llroko Confi denco Etendel Thoiu SALEM, oro., Jan. 12. Nlnoty- four men bvo i)0on parolod by Gov ernor Wlthycombo from tho stato prison, according to n roport sub mitted by Stato Parolo Officer Kel ler, aud of theso 29 huvo vlolatod their parolo nnd 17 havo boon re turned to tho penitentiary. Threa parole violators committed crimes in California and aro now serving terms In San Quqntlu penitentiary. upon lai'Koly handled b- L. J. Slum sou who founded Notth Hond nnd who wuh mayor of tho city slnco It was organised until u fow months ngo. Mr. Slmpsou has always boon uctlvo In public nffolrs on Coos Hay nnd thnt he will letalu his poisounl intoroats hero will bo a sourco of muou gramutio. . f SALEM Tho Marlon cSunty grand Jury roturnod ntuo Indict ments nnd nt the samo time rrturn od not true hill In tho casos of flvo iiorsoiiB whose thJiisgrosslonB hari boon roforrcd to that bodv. .QltEPIIAM Tho volunteer fuo tltiypi tniont of the ilty cloctod d'ffi vblor'oi'tlio brenuliatton. J ,t,( to tho scrutiny of our competitors." Not Independent. Tho war has demonstrated, snys Dr. Pratt, that tho United States) Is not economically Independent. Tho buslnoss public, ho snys, does not fully appreciate the financial crisis c through which tho country passed during tho porlod immediately after war's outbreak, ""it Is not tool much to bay that tho United Statos' oporloncod tho sovorost financial I strain in her history during that J period," ho declares. Dr, Pratt urges u deflnlto forolgn commorolnl policy by tho United Statos. This, ho Bays. Is gradually i "taking shapo under a wiso nnd onroful administration. Amorlcani iuvofitmonts abroad nro bolug ou-j eouingori, -Hut uftor all tho contin uing of n forolgn commoiolnl policy Is not so much dopondout on offi cers of tho governmont us on tho Aniorlonn public, on public opinion, and tho American public Is Just nwnkunlilg to n realization of tho situation " Armour's Star Ham in tho now STOCKINET COVERING Is Just "Tho Ham What Am" mnrio I hotter Uy tielnir Miiokou m tills! I cleanly piotector, which letalus all' tho natural Juices aud intensifies i tho flavor. I Older ono today. Aro boltl by leading meichuuts. Oldest Hnnk InoCoos County Established 1881) Flanagan (b Bennett Bank Mnrshfictd, Coos County, Oregon. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $120,000 INTEREST PAID O.V TIME AND SAVINGS DEI'O.SITS Offkors J. W. DL'NNETT, President; .IAS. 1. FLANAGAN, VIco Prcsldcnt; R. F. WILLIAMS, Cashier; G. F. WINCHESTER, Assistant Cashier. Flanagan h Bennett Bank OF MVRTliE POINT Capital $25,000 Offlcors J. W. 11ENNETT, President; JAS. II. FLANAGAN, Vice President; L. M. SUPLE13, Cashier; L. T. DEMENT, Assistant Cashier. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY, Dr. A. L. Houseworth. Physician nnd Surgco ' , Office: Irving niock. Office hours: 11 to la n. m.; jl t nnd 7 o 8 p. m. Phonos; Offlco l-J.'l-J; Res., 143., J. M. Wright " Phono I8j.j UUILDIG CONXltlOTon Estimates furnished on roquet Bennett Trust Company Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $125,000 Offlcors J. W. HENNETT, Prosldent; TOM T. DENNETT, Vice President; ARTHUR M'KEOWN, Sccrolnry; DENNETT SWAN TON, Tieasurer. Tho Only Trust Company In tho .Stnto, Oiitnido of Portland, Wlih'li Otgauled Under tho Now Law. 100 Men. who for the last year have not heen saving, should commence THIS WEEK to save some money each pay day. ' START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT. The First National Bank Invites you to keep an account in its Savings Depart ment, $1.00 or more will open an account on which you will receive 3 per cent compound interest. ' DO NOT DELAY! Make your first deposit this week! First Bank Marshficlcl, N ational of Coos Bay Oregon Dr. H. M. Shaw Hyo, Ear nnd Throat Special! i vi mioa ii,.- Aiixxi'ilJ Phono 330-J. Rooms 200-201 Irving Hlock. DR. MATTin II. SHAAV. Physician nnd Surgco 'J Phono aao-j. H. G.' Butler CIVIL ENGINEER Room 304 Colto Bldg. Phono HJ.J, Rosldonco Phono 3G3-L, ""W GRAVEL Wo aro now proparod to furnish GRAVEL In any quantities from pllo In our yard or in carload lots, at following prices: From pllo on ground, $2.?f por yard. Carload lots, taken from cars, $12,00 por yard. Retail Departmuit. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. Opposite Poht-Offlco. Phone 100. W. G. Chandler ARCHITECT Rooms 301 nnd 302, Coko Bulldlnj Marshflold, Oregon. TIME TAHLB AVltiLAMETTE I'AOIFIO MOTOR CAR Leave ' iHH Marshflold North DeaJ 0:4C a.m. 7:00 a.m. T.-jC..m. 8:00 a.tn, 8:4C n.m. 0:00 a.ta, 3:4C a.m. 10:15 in, 10:4C a.m. luoo B.m, 11:30 a.m. 11:45 in, 12:C0 p.m.y 1:15 p.n. 1:45 p.m. 2:00 p.n, 2:46 p.m. 3:00 p.n, 3:15 p.m. 4:00 p.m. C:00 p.m. 5:15 p.n, C.40 p.m. 5:55 p.m. G:C5 p.m. North city limits only. 7:30 p.m. 7:45 p.m. MHmfHmtHHi 1 WESTERN LOAN AND J BUILDING CO. Assets $2,340,000.00 X Pays 8 per cent on savings! I. S. KAUFMAN & CO, Local Treasurer Abstracts rOR KKLIAHLU AHSTRAOTS OK TITLE AND INFIMtMATIUrt AHOUTJ COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. MAR8IIKIELD AND COQUILLU CITY, OREGON OKNKIULAOENTS, KAHT8IDE AND SENGSTACKIiN'S ADDITION AOKN'TS FOR CANADIAN I'ACIPIO RAILROAD LANDM IIENRV 8ENOSTACKEN, MANAGER SOUTH COOS RIVER HOAT SERVICE LAUNCH KXPRES3 leaves Blnrshflold orcry da 8 a. in. IyoarcH head of rirer at 8:1b p. in. BTEAJIKR RAINBOW loaves bond of rlvor dally at 7 . in. Lonvoo Jfarshflcld nt a p, in. For charter apply on board, ROGERS & SMITH Proprietors HAVE THE ROOF FIXED NOW Sec C0RTHELL Phone 3171 NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY S. S. F. A. Kilburn SAILS FOR SAN FRANCISCO, (Via Eureka) JANUARY 17 FIIO.AI SMITH TERMINAL DOCK For FuilliiT Information Call lild. L. G. Cl'SllING, Agent. MERCHANT CAFE Popular Plnco for Good Meals " Prices Reasonable Cor. Commercial and H'dw'r I. T. J. HCA1FE if A. II. HODOINI Marshfield ratTc A Eutlmates Imishetl lhoo lltt-R. Marshflold. Oros Mafct L. May Wholesale Distributor mmmmmmmmmmmmsmam 20 FARE THN CENTS City Limits North Rend, Be. COMMUTATION nft TICKETS $1.75 Zil MnrshfloId.North Hond Auto Lino Cars ovory ten minutes from O a. in. to 12 p. in.; to South Slough onco a day, leaving at 11 a. in.; to Kmplro tliroo trips a day, i , GORST Jl KING, Props. EXPERT WELDING of METALS Steel, brass, cast, iron and aluminum castings made like new DEMONSTRATIONS DAILY. Koontz Garage Phone 180-J. North Front Street SAVE MONEY by ordering tho famous HENRYVILLE C0AL-infl Nut coal, por ton fOT Lump coal, por ton f3,80 Or half ton of both H'8 , D. MUSSON, Prop. Phone 18-J or leave orders at nillyer'A Cilfar Store. Want udvci Using noIN lougcrM unted things. tho no. FOR TRANSFER AND STOR. AGE OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS FREIGHT AND HAGGAGE Call -. FERGUSON TRANSFER Phono Kill Resldeuro Phone 13-.T Market Ao. and AVwterfrcnt Puget Sound Bridge & Dredging Co. Dams, Bridges, Buildings. General Construction COMPLETE PLANTS FOR HARBOR WORK Our Coos Bay office has available for Oregon Coast work the Dredge "Seattle" tho most powerful, best equipped and most thoroughly modem twenty-inch hydraulic dredge Ik Pacific wafers Coos Bay office, Main office, Marshfield, Oregon. Seattle, Washington. WOODGOOD WOOD , AA. II. Llnffo lias it at 31.00 Wa $3 cash per load, nlso coal, 'rith prices roasonablo. Gnrbago w&oi od. Phono 227-J. ' DRY WOOD CAMPBELL'S W00DYARD North Front Stroot Phone 370J DUNGAN UNDERTAKING PARLORS will bo kept OPEN TO THE PUBLIC A Tegular stato licensed undertaker will be la charge Phone lOrJ-J . -, i amxmsm