Xf ff-at-'-ry Hf BEST WAY TO GET EVEN WITH SOME MEN IS TO PAY WHAT YOU OWE THEM A PAPER THAT BELIEVES IN THE BEST AND ALWAYS BOOSTS A CLEAN WHOLESOME NEWSPAPER FOR ALL SOUTHWEST OREGON HOMES (Bonis law Stows MEMBER OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS I u ol. No. XXXIX. Established 187H Ah Tho Const Mnll MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12, WW EVENING EDITION. f SON DEAL LIKELY CLOSED FA C'lS ABOUT TIIK SIMPSON LUMBER CO. ...i r--. Dnntlonrl Philin innnrinn i-imiii i ui uuiiu c Buehner and.Son Purchased Property in uuua uu, , rice issaso.ooo Said to Include Mill and Tim- Uer Homings in una County 3UYERS ARE PROMINENT Lvo Interests In lllff Estate nml ivctiicni iiiiiiM'vi iii"i""".i Aro AtucitiK IamuIIiik Men In Jlll.MllC.MH Oil HlO CoilNt (Special to The Times) nnTiTLAViv n.. .Inn. 11!. It Ih dated thoro tlmt tlio ileal for tho nr.ii!io nf Urn Coos county hold- Bugs of tlio Simpson Lumber Com pany una neon ciohou i"- "" i.lon.lvn nrnllortlCS Of tllO COIICOril L iiiifi imrt of tlio Btnto pass Into tlio hnmu of Plillin Iliichiior and Ills Hon, Mletiry Iliiclmor, of thl city. Tlio consideration is " 10 " 1950.000 mid tlio inircliiiflo InclitdoH nhA inn mills nml tlio Rnsli niul door ifuflori' nnd whttrfa nml wnter front- ago nt Norm Iionu, uio vessels a, ai. Rlmnaon nml Hnnly nnd tlio exten sive Umber holdings of tlio compnny da this county. Buyers PmiiHnciil Tlio nurclinsors nro vory iiromtiiunt Ipcoplo In tlio lumber world. I'lilllp nuehnor nml his boh were up until a few months hro Interested In tlio Carlton Lumber Company of Carlton, Oregon. Tlio elder Iluoliiier Ih ono o( tho best known lumboriuon In tlio i'aclflc northwest. Iln wnB ono of the men who organized tlio Enstorn A Western Lumber Company nnd Ih tlll Interested financially In that largo establishment which Ih located t North Portland, nnd for many hears was Intactlvo management of uo mill. It Is bclloved In lumber clrcIcB lioro that (ho purchase- of tho Slmnsou Company will mean that Mr. Iluoli- per and his son will mnlco oxtcnslvo HnprovomcntH and ilovblopnmntH and cpcraio on uoob liny on n big acnlo. a Cnpt. A. M. Simpson brought tlio mill from 8ut tui Cnllfornln, to North llond In 1850-7. First mill hnil capacity of D.00O fcot in 12 liourH. In 18G8 n Hlilpynrd wuh Btnrtcd nnd tlio first vcbhoI, tlio Arngo, was built. Proliant old town mill built 111 1899 with capacity of 30, 000 feet n dny. Shipyard was movod from old town to Porlor In 190!l. In 1902 In December, tho first grading wuh done In tlio Htreotn of North IJoml, which wnH founded by L. J. Simpson. In 190.1 tho Porter mill waH bought from tho huc cl'hhoi'h of the old California Lumbar Company. j uiur uw vubhuih wuru lllllll ill tho Hhlpynrdu of tho Simp son Company. In 1899 L. J. Simpson fame to North llond to tako ehnrgo of compnny nffnlrs thoro. Stcnmor A. M. 8lmpson wuh built for tho company by KriiBO & Banks in 1911. Mont of tho old Bulling vchboIh luivo boon sold, ono of tho hiHt, tho Omega, Just bolng lllBpOHCd of. Tho company nt ono tlmo operated i fleet of 22 Bulling vossols. Tho stcnmor Ifnrdy wiib purchased In 1915- by tho SlmpBon Company. Cnpt. A. M. Simpson died In December, 1911, In Cal ifornia. L. J. Simpson made presi dent of compnny In 191C. COLD WEATHER GENERAL TODAY A Consolidation of Times, Coast Mnll nml Coos liny Advertiser. No. 146 Snow in All Parts of Oregon Excepting the Southwest ern Coast District WIS SUFFERING VESSEL IS FLOATED BARKENTINE JANE L. STANFORD HAS BEEN SAVED 'A Blizzard Reaches That State and Very Cold Weather is Reported From There HAVRE, MONTANA, COLDEST TVmpeiiittiro At That Phtro Ih For. ly Eight. Degrees Below Zero Ac cording to (ho Government Tlieriiiiimetei' HAVRE, MONTANA, IS THE COLDEST JMiACH SPOKANE, Wash., .Tnn. 12 llnvro, ' Mont., main tained tho lead iih tho coldcHt place In tho United States to day. Tho government thcr mniuotor registered 48 do grecH bolow. Gels Off At High Tldo Aflcr llclng Ashore nml floes to I'll- get Hound injr Auoclatc4 Trees lo Cooi nay Tlm. SAN FRANCISCO, .Tan. 12. Tlio barkoiitlno Jnno L. Stanford was floated today nt high tldo off tho west Bldo of I3d tz Hook, whero sho went nshoro Monday. Sho proceed ed to Winslow, Pugot Sound, for repairs. GIVES HIS OPINION .JA.MliS .1. JIILIi TKLLS W I1USI XliSH" CONDITIONS KTERVENTON IS SUGGESTED i . i i Senator Sherman Wants' the United States to Take Hand in Mexican Affairs 15 UP tdTarrawza ATTACK IlKHLIN IN Great Ititllroad Jinn Kiijh I'lcwnt Sltuittioii Will Cliiiugo When tho War In Over A l-'HOZHN TO DI3ATII FIGHTS MISTER J1I-3V. O. yi. KNIGHT Ol-' 11ANDON, GUTS IlliACIC KVI-3 ST. JOSI5IMI, Mo. Jan. 12. John Crook was found dead In a snow drift horo to day, mtally frozen. Thoro is probably no great man of tho west whoso opinion Is re garded moro highly In tills part of tho country than that of Jainea J, Hill, head nnd founder of tho Northern Pnciflc railroad, nnd tho emplro builder or tho northwest. Mr. Hill gives IiIh opinions of tho present AiRooti times In tho east, mid pre- ;'dlcts IiIb times for tho west, but ho docs It with a word of warning. Mr. IIIll'B vlow of tho present fi nancial and business situation is I set forth In a conyrlnht nrtlclo in! Attacked by Charles ."Mart In on (ho Street Matter Fixed up In Jiihtlco Offlco tlljr Amwl.tcl ;t to Coo Daj Tlmn.1 POUTLANI), Ore, Jan. 12. Snow In Washington and Oregon wjih gon ernl today oxcoiit on tho Houthwcst orn const. Somo dolny to railroad traffic Is reported. Tho tomporn- turo nt Seattlo Is 22 nbovo, nnd Portland 13 nbovo, a now low record during tho last seven years for tho latter. has m:i;.v taj,kki 4tumortf of Halo Woro Often Ilruiil IM'ally Tlio news rontnlned In llm nimvn prns dlspatcli will not bo a surprlao llCro as It llllB been Inlltnil nliniit for prae tlmo past that tho Simpson Company might soil out. Tho plant ;." C'MC own Into In 1914 when ho lyto Cnpt. A. M. Simpson, tho founder, dloii In rjiiir,,r..in J?81 ,.lnr?h tl10 m,,l wna oponod f Vi? n A' K- Arkloy na innnngor .i;- . co,,uly interests nmriins inco been operating. Tho mill Jnown as tho old town mill wns tho llrst nlant in. nm.,o.... . -... ino machlnrrv thnm i, a. ,,.. . . nawr ian Umt V,ant w,n I'robnbly hi n pi "'.";""" "Knin iiiuoBs ro- In InT'10 orlcr m"1 lin" on P in . nodern slmpo nnd Is a fiood plant feet n? i?.JP.aclty of a1,out 3.000.000 icei of lumbor n month. facing0 Sif'80 th0 Bn8h " ''""r aciory, Th Ih u-nn fim.0.1 ...1 ... Srir ai.i. . . v'""v, wiiwi man torylinn?y t(?0k c,mrK- Tho.fac ah 1l '? 1 1nrK n' Is adnpt- i'o as a planing mill. l-OKKlng IntcitwtH hKJ?Tny l)e,rate'J tho Tarheel IS i"! "S '??' but thnber nn fii.i - .,,UBU won 1110 Mcl)0ni A ws cleared off. a-" "" a,"i VHUUIinn (Special to Tho Times.) 11ANDON, Oro.,1111. 12. Tho illf- feroucos botwonu Ilov. C. Mnymo Knight, pastor of tho Uandon Meth odist Church, and Charles Martin, tin electrician, woro fixed up in Jus tice Wndo's offlco. Tho dlfforonccs enmo to n climax Sunday whou tho mlnlstor was attacked on tho stroot by Martin. . Mr. Knight was 011 his way to church, when, according to tho Htory, Martin met him nnd nfter Homo words. Martin fought tho preacher. Tho lnttor got n black oyo nnd was knocked down Into tho street and was marked up consider ably. Doth men woro brought boforo Justice Wnde. Thoy talked tho mat ter over for nn hour. It Ih said that tho fight was duo to n nilsuii- fdorutunding regarding remarks that woro allegod to havo boon niado by tho minister. Finally, nftor talking It ovor. they camo to nu understanding, and shook hands nnd agreed to bo friends. JuhUco Wudo fined Mar tln'tho minimum for nssault,", which was ,$10, and' tho matter wns drop pad thoro. Tho fight with tho prcachor cro ntod considerable of a sensation. IILIZ.AIID IN KANSAS .Mercury Them Drops Ah Much iin (15 Degrees (llr AuofUto.1 l'rru te Cooi Hj Tlmm, KANSAS CITY, M., Jan. 12 Tho mercury dropped us much ns 05 de grees In the southwestern states to day, tho temperatures ranging from zero downward. A bllzznrd pro vails In Kansas nnd train sorvlco is delayed. (JOI-3S IIKLOW ZKIIO noma llnvn nn years oneraloii fi.. ii.,ii Creek pVm.nb'".1.011 l,l "n 0 a sKon lanf "K,V'.t,mber ' fentya?(a1,,,, ,h.at 'ocallty. and Snne??hlPi?u,0BB,n? " a trnct at ontna Demi B v,pne(d by rrcd w' Poie f ??" V.IcCar.t'- or tho piuv 61nP'on "bm "' l" ,0 " CwS6,"?,100 tracts of tlm ln he TejLth1 8,m,80n company Thl i?"a,l was fin shed. v .."'""tlml'erisBca "er tho conn v rn 8Cattorort Coos river X . T '.ero J" somo on ""no at Tcn Hii " notJ-"onuIIlo and onHier!, ?.-"? h ""Iter ro- ! ?PP?rtimltv V .,, :.a"P!lal.1 lnl nn Ll" mesa u Ullt l,1lr locg MB Te0Mnftn I1,0.ron,"0 a t!fH ..'? UIO. Til tllA InMn, M Md U Is there l "0,'y of Uml,or lcols&L.1 of their "r qcludPH oi . " o'nipson tlm :Cbo.Hv about 2.ft00 acres In 11 J'ay Ho A c,.i rtW.Wt,,''l'lo br McDonai., !?. .w?.8 1 'leal whoro- had ai lOKgllll 11 , "" tt llunuHninn fl.r,,- 0 ho Vcff,0, that tho pur- --'uor purchnR nf "'"ii in 1110 Property, ' S' , tho Simpson ?ot b rea hea t0r of ' firm could report, "eu todd)' to verify this linM,S.(',lU,e" Oreimn n-i ?,BPoimSbSth th0 deaI fr tho VEt'mbeUtedc,0nmPany Is. ono for ft odeniro'" ttlt Moa P Menasha Wo0inn' U ,8 said. S ben buvin ooaenwaro company ftthera o7e?0Vepomtock ,n K UbUbtthecnnl',mPany Of WhlCh was?. whteh'-at a w MEETING HI BAN90H Cold Weather Comes On Anniversary of Dig Storm HX Aunclttnl I'rcM to Cowi llijr Tlmea, OMAHA. Nov. Jnn. 12. On tho twouty-elghth anniversary of tho most torriblo bllzznrd of which thoro Is any record In this section, during which many persons and thousands of cattlo perished, tho mercury thin morning roglHterod nlno dogrecs bo low In Omaha. Rail nnd wire trar flc was clipped. At Sioux City it was 28 below. itho Now York Evening Post, which lis given bolow nnd which Ih well worth consideration: " Tlio present condition of bus!- fness In tho United States Is marked by tho unusual features that belong naturally to a Btnto of upheaval and demoralization In tho Industrial ac tion nnd t'rndo relations of the. prin cipal nations of tho world. Proph oucy Is alwost dangorous, and nn at tempt to forocast ovontB Is too often not nsldo by Homo unexpected fncl; hut tho present situation or tho world ns to production, commorco, and finance rondors any ouch tittompt wholly uncertain. Win Conditions "There has boon lntely n consid erable Improvement In tho business of this country. Partly owing to tho Immonso mid continued demands of Hiiropo upon uh, not merely for food and -munitions of war, but for thoBo commodities whoso supply thoy have exhausted and for which thoy must now look to uh, ninny of our manufacturing Industries nro flourishing, nnd comparatively fow mon nro out of employment, Tho flno crop's of tho yonr hnvo nproad prosperity throughout tho country. Not Normal Now " So far as n part of our mnuufac- ALL FOR ATTORNEY jturors nnd a largo shnro of our ox- port business nro concerned, prosont circumstances aro not normal. Tho Bonslblo thing, Ih to mako tho most of thorn, without expecting tholr con tinuance boyoml to-morrowjor shap ing our futuro policies with rofor encd to nn economic situation which can bo only temporary. ICncoiirni:- WI3LIKNOWN MAN 'Wf UUV KOIt'Ing nspects of business, just now nro Hoiiioiniug 11K0 1110 guiB rocolvod I from friends nt this season a wol- Salil to Have AurciMl (o Accent I co," Il,1(l appreciated addition to Democratic Nomination will I comfort and oiijoymout, which wo .MnUo Strong Unco cannot, oxpect to hnvo ropoatod dally Judgo John V. Hall, ono of tlioldurK tl10 coming year, best-known men In Coos County,' Pi-ojdiwy Uiisafo has decldod to bo a candldnto for, " It Is most obvious that our busl- District Auoruoy ni 1110 coiiiiiik' npRH ...m ,, nfr-,.,, 11Pnfn,ii ,1V. Government Demands That He See to Prompt Punishment of Murdering Bandits SITUATION JS INTENSE Secretary liaiislng Say.s lJvery Step Will Ho Taken lo Apprehend mid PiiiiIhIi tho Slayers of (ho Americans On Train llr AuocltlM r-rrM to Coo. Dr Time. J . WASHINGTON, 1). C, Jnn. 12. Tho Mexican situation was brought to tho broiling point by tho execu tion of 1G or more Americans near Chihuahua. In CongrcsB, at tho White Houbo and at tho stato depart ment It entirely sldo placed all oth er International nffnlrs. Secretary Limning, aftor Bonding demand for HiitlHfnctlon to Carran zn, Issued a Htntoment declaring that It was to bo doplnrcd tho Americans bnd not followed tho stato depart ment's warning against exposing tholr lives In tlio guerrilla wnrfnro region, nnd added: "Every stop will bo taken to bco thnt tho perpetrat ors of this dastardly crime aro np prohended and punished." Will Iliiug Hack Doilies Socrctary Lansing today lolo graphed Carrnnzn calling for tho prompt puiilshmout of bandits who executed tho 18 foreigners, mont or whom nro Americans. Through 1311- 70 Arrndondo, tho newly appointed Mexican ambassador hero, It was ar ranged to bring bodies from Chihua hua to Juarez today on n special train. Conflrniullnii Comes Arredoudo received coufrmntloii from Carrnnzn sources of tho execu tion of tho Americans and linn asked for further details. Ills advices aro tho first confirmation from Moxlcnn sources. Secretary Lansing's only nn noiiucoinnut on tho ciuo was thnt tho United States would look to Car ran 7.11 for satisfaction. Tho ques tion as to what stops tho United States will tako dopends upon do vtlopmcntH of tho facts. Would Intervene When tho eonnto iissomblod, Sou ntor Shormun, republican, Intro duced n resolution proposing Inter vention In Mexico by tho United States and tho six Pun-American countries which hnvo acted with It In Moxlcnn affairs, unless Carrnnzn compiles with tho donmnd to pro tect foreigners' lives and proporty. Tho rosolutlou roforrod to forolgn relations committee. TO STIR AROUND DISTIUCT ATTOUNI3Y COOH AND ClTltlY HAHDWAHI3 MEN HOLD ANNUAL SESSION (Contl tjJoBuehner nl on pag0 Two.) Mllu Kiiiiiuei' Chosen President mid Next Siciiil-Aiiniinf .Meeting at Port Orford In July (Special to Tho Times) UANDON, Oro., Jan. 12. Tho an 'nunl niootlng of tho Coos and Curry Hardwaro Dealers Association was hold horo last night., Port Orford was solectod us tho placo of holding tho next Boml-anminl meeting in July. Now officers for tho onsuing year wore oloetod as follows: 1 President Mllo Sumnor of Marsh- 'fiold. 4 Vico-PloBldont W. E, Lniuly of Myrtlo Point. Soc-Treusuror W. N. Ekblad of Marshflold, Dlroctors A, E. Noff of Marsh flold, Mr. EUIngson of Coqulllo and Roscoo Itazor of North Bond. Following tho husInoB session, n flno banquet was onjoyod at tho Gall ler hotel. A nunibor of tho travel ing linrdware, men wero prosont at tho banquet. Among thoBo prosont woro Messrs. Sumnor, Noff and Ekblad of Marsh fleld, Mr. Elllngsou of Coqulllo, Mr. Limdy of Myrtle Point, Mr. Glllings of Port Orford, and Messrs. Nlelson, McKnlr aud BoaTt of Uandon-, ' " . I election, nccordlng to an announco- niont mado by rrlouus today, Ho will bo a candldnto for tho Domocratlc nomination at tho pri maries in tho spring nnd will prob ably bo without nn opponont in that contest. John Hall has not only boon a resident of Coos County for many tho conclusion of pcaco. Cortair. linos of domain! will bo discontin ued; certain others may show an ex pansion, But no one can draw n chart In which the particulars shall bo noted any moro than ho can stato tho ovonts of tho noxt thirty days or CilA.MKEIt OP COMMKKCK TO GIVE BOOSTEB BANQUET years, mil lias niiea mu ny j.uuhu slx months on tho various battle OIIICOS ailll IS l-uubiuuiuu una ui tho strongest and best-known mon In tho county. L. A. Ltljoqvlst. tho present Dis trict Attorney, will, It Is understood, bo a candldato for ronomlnatlon and ro-oloctlon, but will probably havo considerable opposition in tho pri maries. SIQSflLEREPDRTED Story In (lint Tract Was Bought for (ho Geo. W. .Monro t'om- pany of Baiulou It is stated on vory good authority that Frank Boutin has sold ono-thlrd of his big tract of timber. Tho third which as been disposed of oxtends ov er bo that it has an outlet on tho Co qulllo river nnd tho purchnso Is Bald to havo boon mado for tho Goorgo W. Mooro Lumber Company of Uau don. If this Is tho caso It would mean that tho Mooro Company In tends to start up soon. Tho tract of timber owned by Mr. Boutin coiiBlsts of 8,000 acres and Includes about 000,000,000 feet of timber. fields. Thoro could not bo a tlmo In which an nttompt nt doflnlto pro- phocy would bo so rnsh and so cor- taln to bo pontradlctod by tho event, About Foreign Ivoans " Tho bankors of this country will probably do In the futuro whnt thoy havo dono In tho past In tho Mnottor of extending credit to Euro pean nntlons. Their action has not 1 Hall, roads and highways, and pno- Selnrt Groundhog Day for "Coming Out" Jiir(y Noi Committees Aro Selected On groiidhog day, Korbury 2, tho "coming out" bnnquot of tho Mnrsh flold Chamber of Commerce will bo held. Mouthers of tho Eugono Com morclul Club and Southern Pacific officials will bo luVltod. The Hoard of Trustees hold Its first mooting yes terday, organized nnd designated the committees for the coming year. Ton committees will bo appointed, with each trustco dUng as tho direc tor of at least two. About throo mombors of tho Chamber of Com morco will bo appointed 011 each com mittee 0110 of tho three bolng ap pointed as chairman to mako reports to tho trusteo In chnrgo. Tho porsonnol of theso committees will bo mudo at a luncheon at tho trus,toes tomorrow noon nt tho Thosu in Churgo Tho following aro tho commltteos and tho trustees In churgo: Hugh McLaln, transportation and conven tions, entertainment; It, M, Jon ijlugs, Industries nnd agriculture; Frank G. Horton, membership nnd subscriptions, fish nnd gnmo; C. H. Pock, civil and educational, and log- lslatlvo and taxation; aud Charles bcon nil for tho benefit of tho bor rowors, but for tho Interest of tho pooplo of tho United tSates. It is largely because of their loans that our crops aro bolng sold and our His tories nro running today. Our own economic welfare in tho 'tost; nnd that will doubtless bo applied, as it should bo, to tho particular circum stances of any further domand that may bo mado. As to all othor spec ulations on futuro conditions or ovonts, tho wiso pooplo of old UBcd tho proper phraso when thoy said that these things are 'on the knoes of tho gods". Llbbjr Coal, $5.00 to, rhone 72. llclty nnd printing, To Bo Active Year Tho now year Ih to ho ono of great ncttvlty lu tho Chumber, do claro tho trustees, ami thoy moan It. On January 20, tho Eugono Com mercial Club holds a banquot to col obrato tho coming of tho Wlllamotto Pacific. Several men nro going from hero. Among thorn will bo Hugh McLaln. J. W, Bonnott, C. It. Peck, W. F. Miller nnd It. M. Jennings. In return tho men of Eugouo will bo Invited horo for tho bnriquot of tho Entiro Chamber of Commorco to bo hold Fobruary 2 for tho purpose of stirring things up a bit. Chandler Hotel. Tho convenience mid profit of Times Wnpt Ads will ho demon strated by it trial, ISFfllLUREABE MURDERED IN GOLD DLOOD CLAIMS FHENCir MOVE WEST COLLAPSED Atisdhius Gain An Important. Posi tion from (ho Montenegrins Which Controls Buy D7 Axoelited Tma to Com Cr Tlmo.. J LONDON, Jnn. 12. Tho collapse of tho French attack on tho Ger- f man's positions north of Lcscsnll In Chnmpngno along a 3,000 yard front Is announced by Berlin today. Paris sayB thoro woro no events of Importance last night except be tween Moiiso nnd Argonno whoro the French battorlcs dlsporscd tho Gor man suppers Last night n compar ative lull provallod. Atistrlnns Gain Point, London Bays tho capture by tho AiiHtrlnns of Momp Lovcon, in Mon tenegro Ih n serious blow to tho al lies owing to tlio fact Its summit do minates Cattaro Bay.. Tho AtiBtrlans naval huso boforo Italy entered tho war tho French had established n niimhor of guns on tho mountain nnd prepared oniplncomonts for four Heavy guns wliicu could havo swept tho hay. Austria by solzlnir It for-1 Hiuiiuu mis (iiuiKor nun is in n com manding position with regards tu Ccttlnjo, tho Montenegrin capital, six miles distance Eighteen Foreigners, Mostly Americans, Shot Down by Villa Bandits in Mexico EXCITEMENT GREAT El Paso Mining Men Send the Facts to President Wilson 1 Asking for Action ONE MAN MAKES ESCAPE STILL SURROUNDED TUItKH CLAIM BKITLSH A I IK STILL HELD I NT I JAP They Attempt Sorties (o Get Out but nro Bcpulsod Willi Heavy IiHses Or AmocIc'" VnM to Cooi IU7 TlmM.J CONSTANTINOPLE, Jan. 12 An official Htntomont nays : "On January 0, tho onomy, who had boon surrounded nt Fut-EI-Amara, at tempted nt many points to mako sor ties nftor n vigorous bombardfnout. Theso woro ropulscd with losses." Wero Annihilated " Monday evonlng, dohrls, booty nnd n number of dead bodies woro found but not u single soldier or tho onomy remained nt Soddulbnhr. In tho rourso ot our pursuit, tho re mainder of tho onomy who rnfuaod to surrender nnd who fled liwtho direc tion of tho lauding places wero an nihilated. BaKlesltlps Fight. " Jan. 8 thoro wuh u heavy artil lery battle In tho Black Son for half nu hour botweon tho Turkish cruis er Sultan 80II111 (formorly tho Goo bou) nml tlio Russian hnttlcflhp Em press Mnrln. Tho ongngemont wan nt long rnngo. Tho Sultan Sollm was not damaged whllo n hit was obsorvod on tho EmproHH Mtirla." Thomas Holmes .Manages to Stand Back When Others Artj Taken J'Yom Train and I'lecs Up tho Bailrond (o Chihuahua ' 0) EXPECT GOOD YEAR LU.MBEIt.MAN TELLS OF CONDI. TION OF BUSINESS Takes Encouraging Vlow or Sltiui. (Ion mid Looks for Prosperity During Year 11)1(1 E. B. Hu7.cn, vico-presidcut nnd general mnuagor of the Bridal Veil Lumbor Company, gives nu oncour aglng vlow of. tho lumber situation. Ho Ih quoted as follows: I "Wo or the Pacific Northwest ox pect n good year lu 1910. The ask ing prices do not yot como within $:( por thousand feet of yielding tho' nverago fir operator a legitimate profit, If ho will hut ronsldor his accounting ns It should be consider ed, and thoro )a not yot n volumo or biiHinoss coming lu 011 tho ask ing prlcos. "As wo look at tho possibilities of tho coming yoar tho prospects aro wonderful, Everything points to nu Increased lumber consumption. Tho factors in this opcimrstlu out look nro theso: "Tho possibility or tho end of tho European war, or, if not an end, at least a neod ot lumbor such as will glvo elthor tho South or tlio Pacific Northwost a bnckbono to work on. "An increase Is almost certain tu tho buying of Mexico. "A domestic demand, extending for the first tlmo sluco 100G na tar cast us Iowa and uccolurntod by car building, , mining, gonornl homo building nnd gonornl construction, is indicated. "Tho cortalu continuation of the prosont Australian business of 10, 000,000 feet or so a month, la en couraging. "Ilowovor. each of theso possibil ities, with tho oxcoptlou -of tho do mestic domand, has a string attach ed to It Homowhero. "With tho forolgn domand thoro in to bo considered tho transporta tion problom, tho Panama Canal umj tho attitudo of tho South, Tho na tion that buys any amount of lum bor must bo in dire neod of it bo foro vessels will be spared from the transporting of food and supplies to care for lumber." PHOTEST AGAINST MEXICAN POLICY tnjr A.ocltv1 frtnu to Cm n Tlmro.l EL PASO, Jan. 12. A. commlttoo today waH appoint- ed to orgnnlzo n mass moot-' 9 Ing of citizens to protest ngaliiBt tho policy of tho United StntoH In tho Moxlcnn situation, aud against the apparent failure of tho Moxl- can govornmont to protect Americans. 0 (Hf Aioclll Vtntf w Coon IUjr TlmM.l EL PASO, Jan. 12. Nineteen for eigners woro on tho train thnt was, stopped by Villa bandits near Chi-' hunhun. Of theso nil but one, ThomiiH M. Holmos, woro oxocutod. Tho train with foreigners nnd Moxl ennu loft Chihuahua Jan. 10. It hnd hardly started on tho Journoy to tho mining camp of Ciislhulrlschlc, when tho Villa bandits, numbering 28, boarded tho train nnd lined up tho foreigners on the railroad tracks and 11 firing squad felled 18. Holmes Makes ICseniio llolmon, escaped -by remalnlti(r-bo-lilnd uh his companions wore bolng marched out of tho curs. Just as tho firing squad raised tholr rifles ho fled up the railroad track toward Chihuahua. City, which ho reached Into that day. Excllouieiit Intense Excltomout in tho lobbies of tho hotels horo throughout tho night wuh Intonso, Hundreds . of mining men, many of thorn friends ot tho victims, were loud In tholr denunci ations of the Incident. TologrnuiH asking President Wil son In demand full satisfaction from tho Carrauza government woro dis patched to Washington. Send President Facts A commlttoo of prominent mining men carefully compiled tho facts as they trickled lu and forwarded ull tho data to tho president. Telegrams began to pour lu from Chihuahua City from managers of tlio crows ordorod back to tho mines. They roported thoy woro returning to tho border. Hevengo of Vllhv Officials horo attributed tho at tack to Villa's threats against Amer icans at tho tlmo ot his defeat In So norn. Tho success of tho dofacto government's campaign, Villa declar ed, -was duo to tho permission grant ed by the United States for tho trans portation of Carrnnzn troopH through Amorlcun territory. Evidence has boon accumulated, of ficials say, that tho Cnrrunza troops havo not moved Into tho mountain ous country In pursuit ot Villa. MEXICAN GENEIJAL IS UNDER AIJIJES'U t Or Auoclatod rrotu l Ow Ir Tlmea. EL PASO, Texas.. Jan. 12. Gen. Manuel Modluavlotla, formerly chief of staff of VII- la, who was arrested horo last night, was charged today with bringing stolon proper- ty Into tho United States. BIG MILL BURNS KTTLLWATEU PLANT AT CENTRA L1A, WASH. DESTROYED IiOss Is Ono Hundred Thousand Del- laro nnd (ho Origin Ih Not Known IH Auoclitetl 7va lu Coo Sty Ttmt.j .CENTHALIA, Wash., Jan. 12. FIro lost night destroyed tho Still wator Lumber Company sawmill at Vudor. Tho loss la $100,000, the or igin in unknown. - JAP STEAMER KEPOKTKD ASHORE If AocUtl Trvu tu uvu VtT Tfrae, SEATTLE. Wash., Jan. 12." A dispatch from Nnnaltno, B. C, says tho Japanese steamor Konkou Maru, from Seattlo boupd for Vladivos tok, wont ashore at, the west ontranco of Actlvo pass, B. C, last night. She calld tor assistance and the, steam er Salvor has gouo to held. .t M IT" i. n&kcit&i W .u.k-fefii ,.' ... M.'