TWr""'" THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD; OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 8, 1916 EVENING EDITION. T - ' i .. FIVE Quality and "Cut Prices" ARE THE OIL AND WATER OF BUSINESS You may attempt to mix tliem by a generous use of printer's ink but the fact remains that between' buyer and seller a cut-price offer produces a feeling that somebody ' is at 1 tempting to. ,'('put some thing 'over." The Live Store offers at , ..' x $20 to $30 Kupperiheimer Clothes OTHER GOOD SUITS $10 TO $20 There's no attempt to hoH (liem on a eut-piho basis. Tho question of their greater vnliio Is left entirely to your Judgment, ( j our ability to compare, them mill decide between . them nnd vhut yon may lie offered elsewhere The steady giowth ftllN Htoro Is tlio host answer as to tlio Judgment of the majority. BREVITIES The Fixup . LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD For tho 21 hours ondlng nt 4 Mil n. in., Jnmtnry 8, by ConJ, Ostllnd, opoclal gov ernment meteorologist: Maximum ic Minimum 37 At 4.13 11. m 39 Precipitation ng Precipitation alnco Sept. J, 59115 37.70 Precipitation Bamo porlod iobi year 38.7!) Wind; Southwest, cloudy. v BURGLAR ACTIVE TAKES MONEY AND WATCHES FltOM JUDGE HALL'S OFFICE Climbs In Through Transom Judge Ilnd Hcen Unable to Open Occurred Thutsdny Nlfclit Via tho transom routo, a bur Blur entered tho officos of Judgo John Hall and Hen Flshor somo tlnio Thursday evening and mado nway with two watches, soma stamps and about $1.50 in chungo. Doth of. tho watches belonged to estates as yet unsottlcii. One of them, a largo open faced old' fash ioned silver timepiece belonged to t PERSONAL MENTION X ?$ M. C. MALONEY was called to Uo qulllo this morning on business. O. It. PECK wont ovor on thd morning train to tho county Beat on logal business. GEORGE ItOSS, prominent dairy man of Catching Inlet, was down today on a business trip. FRANK 11. WA1TE returned this morning frpm Coqulllo, where ho wont yestorday on tax matters. MMmcJ nMHEl Hard o Believe But True We can demonstrate that it' $1600 or more. 1 "We'llsell it for $900. Nic'fr five-room cottage ! tit with, big -50-foot lot good, inside location. Chance of u .in years. . I S. KAUFMAN' & CO. 222 Central Avenue SUNRISE AND SUNSET Suturday January 8 Sun rises at 7:52 and acts at 4:14. BORN $ ,$ GUILDERS To Mr and Mrs. James K. Chlldors, nt tholr homo In Eastsltlo, Saturday morning, Jan uary 8, 19 tG, a boh. This Is their second child. Mother and son, nro doing very well. the Charles Wcstmnn estate. This way lying on a tablo, whllo tho othor had been put away In a draw er. Tho stamps and , tho change hud been left on a little box and a basket on tho tablo in Judgo Hall's office For wcolts tho transom had boon stuck. No one In tho offlco had been ablo to open It. Tho bur glar ovldentally had no trouble Dr. Losllo, who has rooms on tho samo floor, said he heara somcono walking around, but thought no thing of It as pdoplo go ami como through tho day nnd night vJn tho building. The a-obbory happened tho samo night Bomcono tried to ontor tho Langworthy Electrical store Pronch nt Flagstaff. Tho Rev. G. Lo Roy Hall has announced that ho will preach nt Flagstaff tomorrow ovonlng at 7:30 o'clock. TOM T. UENNETT was among tho logal visitors nt Coqulllb, going over on tho morning train. V. C. LAIRD, Deputy Sheriff, camo from Coqulllo this morning', nnd wont ocor to Kontuck Inlet on business. J.. C. Penney Company Values in ) Umbrellas HEN 8. FISHER loft on tho stngo this morning for Portland, called thero as a wltnoss for tho gov ernment In tho Shook euMO. Clmilni'H Flood Malls. CIrculurs and prlco lists from liquor dealers of California lmvo flooded tho malls of thin wcok from, tho south and lmvo been received by most every voter In tho city. E. II. Joohnk secured u slight revenge when ho filled out ono of tho order blanks, asking for 500 gallons of water to bo shipped prepaid. llavo Special Music. At tho Episcopal Church tomorrow at 11 a. , m. tho Rov. Drowning will preach on "WIbo Men In Tholr Wis dom" and at 7:30 p. m. on "Christ and tho Larger Life" Holy Com munion will bo nt 8 a. m. and Sundny school at 8:30 n. m. At tho morning pervlco thero' will bo spe cial Eplhauy music. J. S. DARTON, In tho abstract bus iness nt Coqulllo, was among tho business visitors horo toilny, re turning homo on tho morning train. ARNO MEREEN, superintendent of tho C. A. Smith IntorostB, Is" cxpoctod horo nbout Jan. 15 from San Fraimlsco whoro ho has boon on business. FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN, AT $1.98, $1.49, 98c, 69c, and 49c. ' FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN AT JOBBERS' PRICES. , ' , See Our Window for something new in Embroideries JV InetirnorfitArt S Next Door to Postofficc We Lead, Others Follow -The Originators of Low Prices CLARK FENSLER, who has been horo In tho Hub stores for tho past fow weeks, expects to return to hltf homo In Myrtlo Point to morrow morning, Gels Dog Hack. R. M. Kylo who advertised last night In Tho Times for n lost Shophord dog today ro covered tho niiinial. Tho dog stray ed from Kylo's how homo In South Marshfleld and wont back to tho old placo whoro Roy Wiggins now lives and tho latter on scolng tho ad no tified Mr. Kylo of Its whorcabouts. ANOTHER BIG TIMBER DEAL To timber oVals, oll0 f tlY0 million feet and oun of tuenty mlllliui f(.ct, luuo jh( )C0 ,.on. Minuimtcd. These aro but fool ers, or foicruiincrs of bigger tilings la tho timber market. .Vow romrs a bona flilo Inquiry for ouo billion feet from an Hast en H)iirt!nito. When hg capital Is Interested to (ho extent of a 1'llllon feet of timber In Com County It foieshmloHH an era of prosperity greater than' even -tlio iioro optimistic anticipate- r cn mo mnikctlng of tho timber from tlio Watec Company's tniet, Mhlth Is now tearing up, tlio Mrci'tH of our city, menus more than the clearing off tho 'and, for It s pailng tho way to rd a gt enter Marshfleld. Tills trait is hunted advantageously fr Immodlato platting ami will 'Id greatly to tho vnliio of tho I'cUmia l'ark pi.,rty, which Is now being rapidly developed and rfcts hplcntlM opportunities for iMCMiment at present values. Marshfleld Is in for n prosperous, )cr mid It behooves all ulu mo lcmiaiirnll) located hero to keep Ht'P with pi ogress. Just heo Icld nbout It and profit, by tho big things in M,0. Till: LLOVI) FAMILY HOTEL Housekeeping Apartments 4 Two rooms, 88.00 month ( Electricity nnd Ona. Froo baths 'S,locplng rooms, 91.150 xvlc, up Hi Mr ORDER EARLY k 1 " t (Jo III Quest of Ducks. Charles Stnuff and Royal Mies loft this morning for tho sand hills, taking tholr shot guns with thorn,' going In quest -of tho oluslvo ducks, Hunters dcclaro that this Is oxcollcnt duck weather becuuso tho storm has driven many of tho birds Into tho hay, where they' alight for feeding. I AMONG. THE SICK t Mrs. W. A. Held who has been qulto 111 of pleurisy Is reported Im proved today. CHIEF JACK CARTER "slicked nprt today and loft 011 tho bcadi Btngo for Portland, called tlioro' as a witness In tho Shook whlto' Blavory cuho. I Money Savers: LIBERTY OATS, large 25c MOTHERS OATS, large : 25c YAKIMA POTATOES, none better, 100-lb. sack, $1.85 PERCOLATOR, aluminum, for u 99c (With any 3 pounds of coffee purchasedfrom us at our regular prices,) Gettings Cash Grocery yousmoeney 1U0 NO. IlUOADWAY, XEAIl CENTRAL CLAUDE THOMPSON, of tho Coos Day Pro du cp Company, has, gono to Portland on a business trip. Ho' will probably go to Hood River al so to visit his parents before re turning. MRS. O. S. HILHORN Is horo from Mllllcotua todny. She Is soventy nlno years old but is halo and hear ty. Sho docs nil hor own house work and boards two tonchors, Sho snyH that wlion school Is out, sho Is going to tnko a real vacation for tho balanco of her days. Codding Hotter. Mrs. Chnst Cod ding has received wori from Mr. Codding who recently entered -Lano Hospital at San Francisco for treat ment by Dr. Chanoy saying that ho Is alroady much Improved and (ivory hns been qulto III, Is reported to bo Improving rapidly. Mrs A. J. DrowB iiiidiirwont n successful operation at tho Morcy Hospital this morning. t WATERFRONT NEWS 1 hopo for comploto rocovory Is held , out. 'Mrs. Codding has leased tholr V,T4fttf,M place at Mllllngton nnd will move to l " " "n,0,p A' fM' 8,,"nE0" Wlth n Marshfleld nnd engage . nursing Z?'1.1" vlilln Afiv f-niMlnir In nwnv. I m-"v" ""'"' ,u l,,u Du"'. '"DO Direct From , W. ATLEE IIUUPEE You enn got tho host Sweot Poa aeods horo In scaled packages, about Jan- 25. unry want ads hrlnsr results. Times N Sweet Pea Seed 9 l ik !iSl!i1'S Marsh field Florist Co. Edwln 0. Scott Cut Flowers, Floral Designs, Plants. Phones: Store 2G9-J. Groonhouso 42G-X lug tho bar at 2:30 p. in. ! Tho Btonnior Yellowstone which lu Itohhnr leaves Tracks. Tho samo . loading lumber nt tho North Houd robbor that tried to gain nn entrnnco 'Mill nnd Lumber Company plant 'will ti tho Cal Langworthy Elcctrlcnl ! sail Monday or Tuesday. storo on Broadway early yesterday Tho F. A. Klluurn nnd tho Ado- morning In nil probability is tho mis- lino Smith nro both duo from tho crennt that forcod opon tho door to south Monday. tho offlco of Fred Gottlns lu tho Douglas building. Tho man had ovl dentally como ncrosH tho roof nnd en tered tho window to tho old offlco of W. 8. Turpon nnd, nftor getting Into tho hallway, wont Into Gettln's office Nothing' was taken from there L. D. Smith, of DunlolB Creole, who MISS KATE SARGENT, of Seattle, who for tho past six weeks litis been visiting her cousin, Mlsa Eva West lu this city, will loavo for homo Monday nnd will ho nc companlcd by Miss Wqst. MIbb Sargent expectn to Icavo tho lrittor part of tho month for Alaska wliero she will reside. . W. TIHDI1EY oxpoctB to loavo on tho noxt trip of tho Adollno Smith for San Dlogo, whoro ha will spend somo time at tho ex position. It. N. Fonton, formorly director of tho Coos liny Rand, Is now nt Sail Diego, having gono thoro from Richmond, Califor nia, whoro ho has boon tho past mouth. E. K. JONES, who has Just returnod from n business trip to Port land, says tho outlook for 19 10 could not bo brighter and that all tho wholesalers aro looking for a phenomenal your. Mr. Jonos BnyH tljat vory alow progress Is be ing made on tho Southorn Pacific brldgo across tho Upipqua nnd ho doubts If thoy will bo nblo to havo trains cross thoro as. soon as somo anticipate IKE FINE DISPLAY (iUNXERV COMPLETES EXHIHIT OF COLLECTION' VESSEL MOVEMENTS Sailed A. M. Simpson, San Francisco, 2:30 todny. Duo Hero F. At Kllburn, Sau Francisco, Monday. Duo to Kail YollowBtono, San Francisco, Mon day or Tuesduy. Flno Canvas Scenes of Coos Day Form Ilai'kgiouiid for Display Of JiOt-nl Animal ami Itlrd Life An nrt nnd taxidermy display hns Just been put In by Tho Gun nery Hint Is attracting much atten tion and winning much pralso from those who havo Been It. Nearly lfiO spcclmons of Coos County bird nnd animal life aro displayed. Many of tho spcclmons woro on display In tho Oregon building nt tho Sau Francisco Exposition. Two largo canvas scenes of Coos Day by Roy Lawhorno form tho background for tho exhibits. Tho pictures aro clovorly done Tho tnxIdormlBt work Is largely that of Truo Baling who assisted in placing tho mountod birds mid nnlmals. Somo of tho work wns dono by Jny 11. Tower. , Tho collection ami display Is not only interesting to Coos county pcoplo but will bo especially vulu nblo to visitors mid no ono should miss seeing It. CURRY TO USE 1JLUE JiAW Sunday Closing Will Ho Enforced and Gaming Prohibited GOLD REACH, Ore, Jan. 8.--Tho District Attorney hns notified cigar stores and poolrooms that dlco shak ing for cigars nnd card games for similar stakes will ho no longer per mitted. , Tho Sunday-closing law was also resuscitated with the now year nntl notico has been sorvod upon local merchants that violations of tlio law will bo mot with lmmcdlato prosecution. LIbby Coal, 95.00 ton. l'hono 72. X NEW TODAY 1 ! FOR RENT Modern 3-room house, cor. 0th and Fhinngan. Apply W. 1). Curtis, phono 1CC-R. Coos Bay Times Want Ads aro of direct and practical usefulness to all renters, in finding a congenial and suitable placo In which to live. Persons having houses to rent should avail themselves of tho op pottiiulty offered by tlio.vo small ads. Da nro tonight, Finnish Hall, 5lar tlix'H Orchestra. STATIONERY of oble Theate T6-NIGHT R . f CHANGE f , , IlH Tho of program: ENTIRE HOUSES OF GLASS! x" lth f the "Who Pays?" stories. These pictures havo "adi tho biggest hit of nj tiling that has boon hhown In tho city. ch story s complete in itself. Not u serial story. DREAM DUD AND THE OLD SWIMMING HOLE "e of the funny cartoon comedies for the children. A PAIR OF QUEENS' , lM lT i special comedy production I" two reels with the Dig lour comedians, Kma Vinvht 1IllK,, .Ack, Kato Prlco nnd William Mien, a comedy that will surely tickle tho funny bono. Lower Floor, 15 cts.; Balcony, 10 cts.; Children, 5cts. Sunday matinee: "Tho Clomenceau Caso" will bo ropeated by numerous requests. Show starts at 2 p. m., but If you nro In the 'neater by 3-in you will get to soo a full show. Entire change '" i'rou:rain In tho qvouIuh, QUALITY Wo carry only tho prod UctH of ICatoii, Crano ti Pike, siiecialUliig on their famous Highland Linen tho kind you havo seen advertised. Seo us for monogram ed stationery nnd en graved cards. "The Owl" 2 t AT THE HOTELS t X SHIPPING NEWS 1 Chandler Hotel t.. Hay Noll, Dluo Ridge; Fred W. '' VWWWWWW SKIl'PER SNAPS STORM Central Avonuo Drug Store s ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL Corner Market and Drondwny Wo solicit all our old patrons of the Lloyd and assure them the same reasonable rates. E. W. SULLIVAN WEAVING All kinds a spec ialty. Mrs. W. W. Nason. 680 12th Courth, So. Phone 220-R Pictures taken by Captain Charles C. Dixon, of tho four-mastod Drlt IbIi bark Elginshire, aro snapshots such as are seldom seen, for they nro taken or storms at sea, from tho brldgo of his ship. Oftlmcs tho photographing skipper tied lum flelf In tho rigging In order id j.dt- a snap of some big roller tumbling nbonrd over tho woathor rail. In years at sea, Capt, Dixon has taken his kodak with hln ov,' the; sovon seas. Ills pictures would fill volumes. Somo of them mo jy rlghted and' may bo found en sale In London, On a recent trip across in 'h clflc from Fusan, Koreo, in oalhist, his vessel was In a typhoon. With tho vessel stripped of most of hor canvas, some 'of which blew of tho bolt ropes with reports like husky cannon going Into action, the captain got out his kldak and took some startling pictures showing tho way big seas waltz up to a ship and tumblo aboard. Ho oven took anups of tho sailors caught in the waist j of the ship by a big sea and hing-i ing onto tho lifelines for dear Ufo. Marshall, Rosoburg; Milton Church, Rosehurg; William T, Panck, Port land; G. L. Goodoll, Portland; D. R. LAtklnson, Portland; W. C. Lnlra, Coqulllo; Charles E, Mack, Eugeno; O. R. Spinner, Myrtle Point. St. Ticuvrvneo Hotel R, M. AVleder, Lakeside; F. A. Child, Coqulllo; Fred Stock, Eum- ner; J. C. Hotchklss, Portland; Geo. Nicker, Coos River; Miss Evelyn JiiBten, Cooston; Walter C, Klrby, Sumner; E. F. Daley, Myrtlo Point. Wheat, -92.10. Haines. Dr. I). C. Vaughn, Dentist, Room 20, First National Dank building. t LOST AND FOUND I $1 LOST Strayed from my plnco on Catching Inlet, four two-year-old Holstolu holfors; marked with a loft crop and right undorblt. $5.00 reward. II. L, Russoll, phono 3118, LOST Sat. night, plain gold brooch valued for associations, reward for return to "F," Times offlco, HEATING STQVTCS nt reduced prices. Pioneer Hnrdwnro Co. Dnnce tonight, Finnish Hall. Mar tin's Orchestra. Farmers and Ranchers HEMEMHER, WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD ORDER FROM THE BUSY CORNER Phono 21)8 AVo Deliver Promptly New Stock of Fine Suit Patterns I havo Just received a flno stock of new suit put torus. They nro tho latest shades nnd some of tho fin est goods that aro obtainable. Como in nnd let us show them to you. You Mill ho surprised to find , how reasonable wo can iiiako you a suit or overcoat. We Guarantee Fit and 'Satisfaction J. V. Koski Tailor for Men and Women Market Avenue :: Marshfield t WANTED X $ WANTED Girl for general house work. Apply Mrs. A. II. Powors. J X FOR SALE X FOR SALE 10 room morning house, completely furnlshod sult nblo for nlan and wife, or singlo party. Terms, Address C. N, Care Times. FOR SALE Cheap if taken nt onco. Cabinet sowing niachlno, almost new. Apply 358 Third and Highland. FOR SALE .1-Hi.p. motor, $40; Mnrlln pump gun, $12; .30-.30 Winchester, $8; small launch, good order, ?7C. 78 Central ave, phone 151-L. FOR SALE Thirty foot gasoline launch, choap. lnqulro Lloyd hotel. $ t FOR RENT I FOR RENT Furnished room, per month. Call at flat over Conner & Hoagland's, $5 FOR KENT Furnished modern apartment In the O'Connell bldg. Hot water and heating. FOR RENT Rooming house over Ekblad's Hardware Store. Apply at Ekblad & Son or call 360. FOR ItENT Nice two-room upart ment with heat. Apply Mntson's Quality Storo. -,.j.. akrmr.ihK iim--1 ''&! I" JJ"' ,, ,. - osmMfc" "W0mmu ,Mm. iMlLAUU iVm.. w .JwAiai,i 1 1 ii n ii'ii iMidSi mi .. i.-tij 11 J p I