7MMu2!22S55Sfi'MM1NH5BHMHniHHMHHpm R'W '"$IP JW flBBPPP1 X.'v THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 8, 1916 EVENING EDITION. ! FOUR 7 rn-7 fU tf ? M 13 9 I j i i a i ,ii a nv COOS BAY TIMES M. O. MAJLONEV, Kdltor and Fab. DAN E. MALONEY, News Editor Official Pnpor of Coos County Official Paper City of Mnrshflold. Entorod at tlio Postoftlce at Marsh field, Orogon, for transmission through t.ho malla ai necond-clasa mall matter. An lndopondent Republican nows papor, published overy ovonlng ex cept Sunday, and woolcly, by The Cook liny Times Publishing Co. BUUSGItll'TION HATES DAILY. Ono yoar $0.00 Per month .CO WEEKLY. Ono year SI. CO Whon paid Btrlctly In ndvanco tho nubscilptlon ptlco of tho Coos Hay Times Is fti.00 per yoar or $2.50 for Ii months. . Address all communications to TOPS liAV DAILY TIMER. ! t EUROPEAN WAR ONE X t YEAR AGO TODAY X .TAX. 8, 10 J 5 Itunmnla bogins tho mobilization of 750,000 moil. Tho Geminiis claim gains in the Argonno Forest In Franco. Tho Russian troops push through tho outer dofenso lines of tho East Prussian frontier. Great Britain's roply to tho noto of tho United States protesting against Intorforcnco with American shipping in received 'at Washington. IIEWAUE OK GRIP thoughtful. Httlo acts of courtesy for his wife, need not bo surprised to have an East Lynn affair on his hands, soonor or later. Chcorlng thought. For ovony for tho best now stoelc in tho market. COOS RAY has thus far escaped the cpldomlc of grip that has boon sweeping ' nil over tho United States. Rccont indications are, howovor, that it is not to ko entirely frco of this annoying ni;d even daugorous ailment. A num ber of enses liavo boon roportod the past vcok. , r.rlbiul has had a rather nowro hIcro of It. Spolcano and Scattlo hnvo r.lso suffered. Not only that. Now York and Ronton lndlrntc tho Hustern coast in suffering Ju.it as wo mo out Wost. Thoro poems Tho average Coos Ray boy will not walk across tho room to do n favor for his slstor, but ho will steal brass rods off a boat to get money to talto somo other fellow's slBtcr to tho plcturo show. Thoro arc only two classes of peoplo In tho world atitomobll Ists and wheolbarrowlsls. If gas ollno continues to go up many of tho formor will wish thoy woro in tho lattor class. As man was originally mado out of tho dust Is It any wondor ho Is still out for nil tho dust ho can got. A Habylonlan tablojt, Just unearth ed, contains law's that oxlstcd 2,300 ycarB ago. Ono refers to bankrupt cy, but nono of them say anything about hauling logging trucks over a hard surfaco street pavoment. RULES WORTH WHILE 1. Attack- your tasks In detail.' 2. Do tho hard thing first. 3. Watch tho minutes. - 4. Read tho Dlblo regularly. 5. Never speak lightly of truo re ligion. C. Cultlvato friendship,' self-respect, Bolf-control, a forgiving dispo sition and habits of prayer and tniBt and Biinshlno. 7. Prnctlco economy, honesty, and liberality. 8. Seek good society. 9. Speak evil of no ono. 10. Avoid Idleness and loafing. Which? Which will you bo, Bohd-Blavo or froo? Through tho year's span Which will you hood Honor or Greed, Mammon or Man? Tho old year's gono tho destined way of tlmd and all mortality, With all its good nnd all Its bad, Its woo and comicnllty, With all Its love and hato and strlfo, Its loafing and Its laboring; Its placid victories of peace, its wnrriors florcly savoring; Wo'vo loft It all behind us, nnd wo'ro not at all regretting It, Tho old year's vory, very dead, so let us bo forgetting ltl But now tho now yenr claims tho stage and what shall bo our nttl tudo? Shall fellowship havo larger room, shall lovo havo greater latltudo? Will you make llfo a Bwector thing; tho world a plnco moro lyrical With laughter and with Joyous song; or solflsh and satirical? Will you go grumbling through tho days, with sullen thoughts and smouldering,' Or tramplo through tho crowded wayB your follows roughly shoulder ing? i Gold Is Indeod a goodly thing and pleasant Is tho touch of It, And man should sook to earn his share hut nover think too much of it, And whon Gold means tho world to you and all llfo takes tho liuo of It, Whon Gold means moro than faith or friends, It's tlmo to chango your vlow of it; "A -man must livo" that's truo enough a' provoru of Voracity And yot ho needn't livo a slave to monoy-mad rapacity.' Tho Old Year's finished, ended, done! To speak of It Is vanity! How will you servo throughout tho Nowfor Gold -or for Humanity? Which will you bo, Rond-slavo or frco? ' . Through tho year's span Which will you hood ' , Honor or Greed, Mammon or Man? WHEN GASOLINE HUNS LOW In Farm and Flresldo is an ingen ious suggestion for autolsts whoso gasollno hns run so low that they Complaints In hBV0 tr?"ui ln2Mn cllmlilnK: " ono Bomeumes is cnugui om with a low Biipply of gasoHno through having to mako long do- to avoid bad roads or trotn causes. Tho supply can be tinllnn.ulfln nlilflntnln ntiili0"ra 'ii in a nnuon-wnia oumomic aim i It mnv lin world wliln. Nnturnllv otlior there it. advice In abundance as to''10 to 8lrclcU ovcr V'1? emergency what i.fni.in aimniii .in. by adding (lomuurca aiconoi or itcro- Tlio first admonition Is to incp tho foot dry. ordnr wnnntv l,n,ln,l rrnm nr hnll.ll.nr Inf. il.n " In "llB CUSO tllO prlnclplo damp and poison laden nlght.1..lrll,rcs8r0 fco'1 cn bo n',,r(1- 8crow wlfliout taking precautions to pro- tho ca" n Uht on t!, Kn8'tno toot yotrtolt from a chill. .tank and then sharpen n match to , in mo vuiiiiuuiiiK Jioio in uiu tuu. Iflono. Occasionally tuoro is buiiic- Tifnro fnilnv;,. !,,lt RBBolIno for tho ordinary lovol -. . - ,,, , - . v . v ... .--.... . .... to dress warmly, but not too ronU Uul ot ono"K" ror nn llno ly; to avoid going from a,nccl0(l ")" of Tin inf nvop nnt nvnlil nlpnlinl? Inlrn nnrn nf v'nnr.nlf n,l If l, WOW into tills llOlO BS hard BB pOSSl microbe catches you it will bo' Mo and Immediately easier to got rid of. ATHLETICS BRING THE STUDENTS CLOSER Intercollegiate Competition Causes ii llcttcr Understanding Between Tho Various institutions (nr AMoclttei) Vttn lo Coo Diy TlmM.J CAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 7. That lntorcolloglato athletic competition makes for n hotter understanding bctweon tho students of tho various Institutions, and results in nn ex change of cordial relations wlilcn 'would not bo brought about other wise, Is tho claim mado by the ma jority of college adherents. As furthor proof of this thoy point to tho recent banquets hold at Spokunn In honor of tho Washington Stnto College football team nt which tho glco club of tho University of Washington, their blttorcst footbnll rival, sang for tho gridiron heroes. That occasional misunderstandings Barton iBraloy. VNAftAftftWWWWV MORE MAIL STOPPED ; BY BRITISH OFFICIALS Authorities Take Eleven Thousand Sacks from Holland. American Liner 3tyiulnm NEW YORK, Jan. 8. Tho Hol-lnnd-Amorlcan liner Ryndam, which nrrlvod was halted nt Falmouth whllo tho British authorities took oft 1,000 sacks of mnll from Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and Tur koy. Anothor delay of ono day was caused by an operation for apponui cltls porformod in mid-ocean on n woman passongcr, whoso namo. could not bo learned, t WITH THE TOAST t t AND THE TEA t will arlso between colleges Is consld nliiR with a cr0(' inovitauio, nut tuo pleasant ro- shnrponod mntch. Usually this will Intlons yhlch exist between liun onnblo tho driver to mako tho hill lrcds ot athletic rivals throughout without further troublo, but If not, tno country Is compared to tho fow KAISER TELLS ARMIES ENEMY CANNOT WIN In Greeting to tho SoldleiH Hiivh that AIIIch Will Fall To Conquer ho can turn tho car around unU back uphill." NOTES OF SCIENCE. I CIOOI) EVKNING If any ono opposes every evident truth It Is not easy ,'o find arguments which may liuluco him to niter his opin ion. Eplctotus. WllIIItH THE WHST ! I EG INS 'Out where tho huudchisp's n llttlo Htrongor, Out whore tho smllo dwells n little longer, That's whoro tlm Wost hogliiB. Out whoro tho sun's a llttlo bright er, Whoro tho now that falls is n trlflo whiter, Whoro tho bonds of homo are n woe bit tighter, That's whoro tho Wost hoglns. Out whoro tho "sklea nro a trlflo hluor, Out whoro friendship's n llttlo truer, That's whoro tho West hoglns. Out whoro n fresher broezo Is hlow , lug Whoro thoro is laughter In overy stronmlot flowing, Whoro thoro's moro of reaping and loss of sowing, ' That's whoro tho West boclns. Out whoro tho world is in tho mak ing Where fewer hearts with despair aro nohlng; That's whoro tho West begins. Whoro thoro Is moro of singing and less of sighing, "Whoro thoro Is moro of giving and less' of buying, 1 And n man mnkes friends without half- trying That's where tho Vo3t begins. Arthur Chapman Tho of all vices. flntlron Is tho most populnr tho electrical housohold de livery tlmo a Id-Inch gun is fired a hale of cotton weighing GOO pounds Is blown away. Using rndlo-actlvo phonomona for tho hauls of their calculations, two British scientists bollovo that tho world Is nt least 711,000,000 years old. cases lu which tho rivals aro at log gerheads, is hold as sufficient proof thnt Intor-colloglato competition, by nnd largo, is n honoflclal factor In undorgradiiato llfo. MYRTLE POINT NKW8 Ono of tho largest English rail ways Is building a firo-prootlng plant In which to treat all of tho lumber used In cars which will ho constructed In future A careful test of two Swedish ships of ldontlcal design shows oloc trie motors moro economical for propulsion than triple expansion steam engines. Wood block paving is growing In popularity In' tho United Kingdom for tho reason that It shows longer llfo under heavy automobllo traffic than ony othor smooth pavement produced at equal expense. Lillian Russell says that Venus woro no corsets. Nor much of any thing olso. she might havo added. But did she hnvo corns Coas County woman who wants a di vorce there aro n hundred wno would not trado their "old man" Gbrrnnn oxporlmenters havo found that tho wasto heat from factories and industrial establishments when conducted by means of pipes to tho soil In which garden and othor plants are being cultivated causes Fruits and vegetables to advance about twlco as fast and to attain a size from 40 to 100 per cent greater than whon grown under Identical conditions, but in un heated soil. A speed maniac in St. Louis trif led with tho dignity of the court by swearing that it was his first offense. Tho record was pulled on him and judgment ontered: For lying, ?20; for speeding, 5. Happening at that Plato Told In Tho ICnteipiKo Mrs. W. S. Albeo nnd son, Candy Jim, spoilt Now Year's Day at tho Leo Ray ranch .north of town. E. J. Dobbyn jcnnio from Bandon lattor part of last wook and has gono to work pruning orchards for Bovoral parties for whom ho did somo work last season. Mrs. R. J. Montgomery and chil dren returned from juarsliflold whoro they spent Now Year's Day at tho homo of Mrs. Montgomery's mother, Mrs. Lund. Mr. Montgom ery was hero from Bridge to meot his wlfo and children. Grandpa Wm. Jenkins and son, Ed. Jonklns, arrived homo from Bandon whoro they havo been' for n weok visiting relatives and friends. Maurice Ray of near Norway has been appointed to tho position of Assistant Deputy Head Council for this district for the Modem Wood men of America. Miss Emma Guerln, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Guorln, who has been confined to her homo for sev eral weokB on Account of a severe attack of rheumatism, Is now ablo to go about somo with tho assist ance of crutches. v Miss Lela Wyland Is down from Powers visiting her aunts and un cles and her friend Miss Nona Ray. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Plorson went to Gaylord and spent New Year's Day at tho home of tho gentleman's brother, E. J. Plerson and family, BERLIN, via Amsterdam, Jan. 8, Kaiser Wllholm has sont tho fol lowing Now Year's , greeting to tho men of tho German army and navy and' tho colonials: "Comrades; Ono r year of sovoro fighting hns olnpsod, Whorovor superior cnoinlcs hnvo tried to rush our lines thoy hnvo failed. Boforo your loyalty and bravery ovory whoro I sent you Into bnttlo you woro gloriously victorious, " Thankfully wo romombor today, abovo all, tho brethren who Joyfully gavo tholr blood to gala security for their bolovcd ouos, tholr homes, and tho imporishablo glory of tho fnth orlund. " What thoy bogan wo shall ac complish with God's gracious help. " In Impotent madness our ono inlos from tho west, tho east, tho north, and tho south still strlvo to deprlvo us of all that makes llfo worth living. Tho hopo of conqu- r lng us by fair fighting, thoy burled long ago. On tho weight of tholr masses, on tho starvation of our on tiro pooplo, nnd on tho Influonco of tholr campaign of calumny, which Is nu m'.:ch'woM3 as It Is malicious, tin v bo!!:vo they can sttll reckon. " Tholr plans,, will not Biiccoed. Their hopes will bo mlsorably dis appointed. " In tho prcsonco of a spirit of de termination which lmperturbably unites the army and thoso nt homo with tho will to do one's duty for tho fatherland to tho last breath and determination to socuro victory, wo ontor tho now year with God for tho protection of tho fatherland and for Germany's greatness." 1)11. JT. E. KELTY, Dentist, 204 Coko Bldg. Phono 112-J, Tho Coos Bay mnn who permits other men to do nil tho kino A California woman who was dented tho right to voto because in marrying n British subject sho lost her American rights, quickly re covered her sovereign polso by In ducing her husband to sweur off on King George. Coos Hay Times Want Ads nro of direct mid practical usefulness to all renters, hi finding n congenial and suitable place lu which to live. Persons having houses to rent should avail themselves of tho op oi (unity offeivd by (he.so small ads. GO ON TRIP Editor H. T. Stewart and departed last Thursday for a with friends and relatlvss at Beach and Wedderburn, and wlfo visit Gold lncl- dently Mr. Stewart will attend to business nt tho County Court. Port Orford Tribune. LAPINE Ivan Schultz, aged 29 years, a well-known Central Oregon sheep man and a prominent niiin Ler of the Redman Lodge, was in stantly killed when crushed between an overhead flume and a load of iumber on which ho was rldlns;. $2 t TIMES WANT ADS t X GET RESULTS 1 Coos Hay Times Want Ads are of direct nnd practical usefulness to nil renters, lu finding a congenial nnd suitable place In which (o livo. Persons having houses to rent should nvail themselves of tho op- . ..w,w isiioiiiii avail themselves or tho op- egal '$ pordinlty offered by (heo small mis. 8$s ; -i mate i w Bus lime Is Better fj IN EVERY section of the United Statos business con Til ditions are rapidly improving. This is especially tn e on the Pacific Coast, where the "outlook Is splendid. GET YOURSELF in line for your s(iane of the pros-' ' ' iJ perity in store. Make an investment in FIRST AD D TI0N where 50x120-foot lots oan'be .bought on your . -own terms for only $300 each; all improvements in and paid. Every convenience demanded by the hom,ebuilder at hand. ' .-.,.. Reynolds Developmemift Co..! (OWNER FIRST ADDITION) 1 Call 160 (or Plat, 178 Central . What Is Home Without Music? trrv L A No longer Im nn In.sduiinont considered a luxury. It 1m considered ono of (ho essentials' one, of tho factors (hat ninko tho flrc.sldo n pleasant place for, (ho members of (ho family and for (ho friends. Nothing can tako Un place. TtiNt because you cannot pay all cash for tho Instrument you dcslro is no reason why you should de prlvo yourself nnd your family of (ho plensiiro (hat an Instrument will mean. Wo havo arranged nu easy-payment system, whereby with n small amount of cash you can se cure tho Instrument mid pay for It month by month. Just now wo hnvo un overstock of second-hand pianos, taken In . r.v i. itarfc 'payment im hi trade, and in part 'payment ti) now Instruments. Hoiua.of; thoso nro ex cellent Instruments nnd in order to sell them wo will' hnvo plncotl n very low prico on tlicm. Como In and sco them, try, them out nnd sco if thoy will not ho sufficient for your present needs'. If your fam ily Is young and tho children Just beginning their musical education you will find among thoso Instru ments ono that will ho best for you.T, ( ,i vr ' t n. )k . Whllo tho Christmas rush depleted our stock of Victors, wo still hnvo n Kood selection of ma.' chines, nil moderately prlcod, which vto can Immediately dollver. If you doslro n higher ip-ado. Instrument, wo run send in, u special order, . Now (hat (ho Christmas rush H,oVt)?f'ow'iiow Vlclor-rocbrds 'wlll-mld'ro'ovcnhiK Joys 'it homo. Como In and play our tecords and select (ho oncMyou wish. g in mas music Exclusive Agents for the Wiley B. Allen Company. Company You Are Judged by the Appearance of Your Stationery 4 ' ' . , w Vi . I IF your Stationery is up to "the min ute, with the type the proper size and neatly displayed, your com munication will command attention. That is the kind of Stationer The Times Job Dept. turns out. If you need anything in printing, give 'us a chance to figure on your wor4. w No botch work allowed to leave the office. All work is under the supervision of competent workmen. Results are guaranteed both as to price and quality! Prompt delivery is assured. . .hi' Telephone 133 l-n We will call $ i.it .A i -- - . S$ .f,-. , -. .,!(. ..V .. ae&j A m.. A tulLI . -jS-fj(iAi'.'fc 4 j!sgife