( .l . "" THE (f.BAY TIMgS MASHFELP OWTOOII. t PRIPAY, rJADMRYfrift l-EyENINfiiEDlJION. , i rwREE The Central Avenue Booster ,.,,.. .,,,, ,,, );..,, 'I " CENTRAL AVENUB, FRIDAY, JANUARY 7, 11)J0 No. 00 vot. i Remington Typtwtitct Company L. W. JACOUS, District Saloa Agent District Sales Agent Monroe Calculator rrVl'l'XViUTKIW OV ALL MAKES FOR HALE flit RENT ' NEW OH SECOND HANI) SiippHos ; ,,W ss :! I'M'ert Repairing OFFICE :f, J-J 73 Central Avenue Buy Your Canned Goods Now Accoulhig newspaper accounts tlio prlco of council goods vlll lie materially advanced beforo the now eiops aro available. Xlio rush orders from tlio European war nro mild to lo respon sible. Wo anticipated a big dcimuid for canned goods and laid In a big supply. 'cxt eck, .' will luivo a special on mimed goods tlmt will avo yon money. Wntch oiip window for exhibit and prices. The Yellow stono 1h brlniflin; us a fluo supply of Fret.li Fruit h and Vegetable. During tlio past few iiHmths.wo luivo enjoyed a good trade but we want it to Brow. Wojiro jendenvorlng to give our pa troiiH tlio licst goods, "and service ffiat a good grocery can pro ivldo and our regular customers tell us wo aio succeeding. Wo would llko and jipprcclnto your business anil aio certain you will find It to j our advantage to trade with us. If you nro In doubt auk your neighbor, who Ih probably trading with us, or give us a tw trial orders and let un convince you. Sanitary Food Store SERVICE FIRST , (Formerly Nnsburg's Grocery.) phone 21:1 si:coxd AX!) central Bring Us Your Repair Work If your watch Isn't keeping good tlmo, bring It In and wo will clean It, rogulato It, or mako whatovor ropnlra aro necessary. Our charges aro most rcasonalilo and wo gunrautoo our work. If you lmvo a precious "atone that you want mounted or tlio mounting changed, wo can do It. And If you need now Jowclory for any purposo, wo aro pro-pared to aorvo you. Wilson's Jewelry Store Wo guarantee our repair woik. 08 Central Avenue. OTIS 11. WILSON, Prop. Table and Kitchen Ware Taut glauco at our window and notice the fine attractive China at tlio low prices, either by sets or separate pieces. Wo hate some flno aluminum cooking utensils that suvo work and money for tlio housewife. Como In and let us allow you the merits of our Kitchen ranges Marshtield Hardware Co. Tlio best in tho Hnrdwaro lino, llrondway and Central Avenue. Phono 111 TVV" DU. W. A. TOYE, DENTIST Hours 9 to 12; 1 to 5. Room 201, Irving Illdg. Central Avenue. Mnrshflold . DON'T BE A TITEWAD Pay up your back subscription to tho Booster and thus fill a long felt Want on our part. NEWSPAPER ON HOT AIR AND COLD POTATOES p. S. if wo aro not Inv leavtf tho money with our wlfo. next door. Advcstise in The Booster Have you got anything to sell or swap? Do you want to buy anything? THEN TRY A AD WITH US Biggest and only Newspaper on Central Avenue. Advertising ratea furnished wh great cheer. Simulation books open to nobody. You'll Have to Take Our Word for It. A Good Place If on ask anyone on Coos Hay who known the plates for a good place Ui dtop in to while away a few hours in tho oenlng, tho ans wer will bo: "THE SMOKEHOUSE" Good billiard tables, good pool tables, comfortablo heats; tho best cigars, tobaccos and tho lato mag azines. Join the Good Fellows at The Smokehouse Central Avenue's popular meeting . place. WhenIn Want of Fire, Life and Ma rine insurance which insures, see SENSTACKEN the Insurance Man Him CENTRAL AVKNUB HOOSTKIt PuUlMied Every Friday In the Inter est of Coos Hay la General and Ce astral Avcnuo In particular. Entered at tho Postofflco as strictly IMtwt-Clnss matter; thoro Is nothing Se(nd-Class about Central Acnuo. Subscription Price. Your good win, and; membership in tho Booster Club " OUIl PLATFORM. One Street, Ono Flag, Ono Counter, .. w.and Ono Wlfo at a tlmo... ,. . UUK JIKMQION. To Do Good. our politics, i Moro Business. A CURIOUS MANUSCRIPT LV.ST Monday morning thoro wob flound under tho door of tho Hoostor offlco a mysterious looking ilcco of wrapping paper, up on wlelch was acrlbbled In poncll a ntimbtn of vcraea, with notos. No cluo whs given as to tho author, but ho wnrf ovldontly an Englishman, alnco tho ghosts to whom ho ascribes his vonlo woro thoso of British pocta of fame. Ho soonis also to be ono more or less ncqualntcd about town, and Is not exactly a prohibitionist. Tho writing was hardly legible, but tho copy provod, upon examination, sufficiently Interesting to warrant tho effort of deciphering It. Wo give It spaco In tho Booster as a curious My. "On Now Year's Evo. I to mv couch, early, having in divers plnccs rcrreshod myolf to tho honor of tho passing of tho old year. There ly ing asleep how long I know not, pro Eontly ramo In array boforo mo num erous strango shapes, among whom nevertheless ono now nud then ap peared whereor I know vnguoly. Straining In effort to discern clearly ono among them, mescomoth to per ceive tho poot Clough, who, never theless, did yet benr rcsomblanco to Dr. Toyo, ao utrnngo wna tho vision. Whereupon, In ghostly trance, It de livered Itsolf thus Away, haunt thou not mo, i Thou bar-room Jollity f Llttlo haat thou bestead, Savo to perplex tho head, And lcavo tho spirit dead. Unto thy broken cisterns whoro- foro roam, When from tho accrot .treasure dopthn at homo In mlno own privato atoro, Laid In, In prospect of a acnaon dry, Spirits and mnlt galoro ' May yet bo conjured forth, unsoon, incessantly? Why follow ploasuro through tho awlnglng door, Whon tho rod wlno la glowing, And tho Wurzburgor flowing, At homo, nud I know Where thoro's moro? Amazed, I lookod yot again, and lo, tho form changed, nnd appeared like tho ghost of tho poot Byron, ana yot not altogether, becauao of a cor taln almllltudo to mlno host Harry McKoown, and as I looked, It apako: Thoro waa a Bound of dovlltry by night, And Coos Bay's capital had gathor'd then Her proud, absorbent chivalry, and bright 4 Tho lights and flowing wlno lit up bravo mon. A thousand hearts beat happily; and whon Music nroso, with Its lugubrious awoll, Volcea, with fragrant algha, callod back again Tho Dear Old Oaken Bucket in tho Well. , But hush hark a doop sound atrlkca like a rising knoll. Did yo not hear It? No; 'twas but tho wind, Or Carter's heavy footfall on tho street; On with tho prance, let Joy bo un refined; No sleep till morn, when thirst and highballs meet To chase tho flying hours with all four feet But hark that heavy sound breaka In once more, As It tho clouds lta echoes would re SCRIPT poat; And noaror, clearer, deadlier 'than beforo Cheese it it Is it is tho Now Year's opening roar. Ah then and there was hurrying to , and fro; Mad final gulps, and murmurings of distress; Noses all pale, which but an hour ago i Qlow'd from the festive cocktail, or Swlss-S. And thoro wero sudden partings, such as press Joy from convivial souls, and liquid sighs Which ne'er might ba repeated; who could guess K o'er should bo renewed thoso old, fond tics, Slnco upon night so swcot such aw ful morn could rise? Yot again stood out froni tho ghoBtly throng ono In form nnd vis- ngo Ilko the poot Browning, yet not Bv much llko him neither, as It by magic took otlior form of Colby Por- ry, yot withal ono tomporato and not given to blbulousncss. Sighing It droned: . i-i glibf Oregon's dry; Best to forgot. Pickled wo fret; Sober, wo sigh. Lnwyor, so free, Chuck thy opinion Drys havo dominion, Thirst, ovor thco. Thirst if you will. Day nf tor day, . . Ilankor away, ' '" Abstinent still. Soul, art thou sore? Silence, thou grumbler; Nary a tumblor, High-balls no moro. Bunk I No audi thing What lies below? Treasure wo know; Last iiB till flprlug. Bottles hid, whoro? Collar nnd attic; Secret ecstatic Dry? Wo Bhould care. Soro puzzled, I desired within mo to bo rid of such blnck magic, but as over tho moving shapes crowded bo foro mo did I espy tho form of tho bard IColcridgd, which changed to tho apparition of (Icorgo Cook, nnd back ngaln, and so on, and yot could T not rcconctlo tho words ho unearth ly uttered with what I know of tho man, and perceived that I dreamed, yot still caught tho words: Oh wlno it a a gentlo thing, Bolovod from polej to polo. To California pralso bo duo She'll ship tho stuff In futuro through That stills my craning soul. Tho sparkling glasses on tho bar, That had last night remained, I dreamt that they wore fllfbd anew And when I woko, It pained. My lips woro dry ,1 my throat was hot, My garments till woio dank; Sure I had drunken In my dreams, And still my'lmdy drank. 1 moved, nnd could not feel my limbs; I wns so light almost I thought that I had died In sloop, And wakoncd as a ghost. How long In that aamo fit I lay, I havo not to dcclaro; But ero my living Ilfo returned, I heard and in myaoul dlscoruod Two voices In tho nlr. " 'TIs ho," quoth ono, "this Is tho nmn; I run him In; ho's broke" I hnrkod again and know It well; It wn8 Jack Cartor spoke. Tho other was Judgo Butler's voice. An thon I vaguely know. Quoto ho: ."sonic- pduanco hath ho dono, And ton days moro will do." Anon glides into viow tho gentlo Wordsworth, nnd yot r could not vouch to mlno oyes that It was not Richard Jennings, who spnko aftor that rcasonnblo manner which Is his wont: Another year anothor deadly blow Another mighty omplro over thrown And wo nro loft, or shall bo loft, alono; Tho last that daro to find in thirst a foe TIs well from this day forward wo shall know That In oursolves our Bafety must bo sought That month by month our vlntago must bo bought; Tlmt wo must keep supplied, or olso run low. O dastard, whom such foretasto doth not cheer Wo shall oxult, If they who rulo tho land Bo men who'll leave remaining blessings hero, Sane, reasonable, not a carping Jealous of what la loft to us most dear, ' Condemning Joys thoy do not un derstand Still striving to como out of my dream, another wlerd figure beckon ed me to harkeri unto him. His countenance btrovo to find a mean between tho features of Sir Walter Scott and thoso of Dr. DIx, or to be ono or other; 'twas passing strange. Mildly ho Intoned: Mlno host at Harry's festlvo board Provided cheer to please a lord, And, tenderly took up tho word: "My friends. It Is a thing forlorn That hatm should 'ban' John nnrloy- corr,, ,? Ho la a man of mirthful speech, Can many a twist and caper teach; Nono can a lustlcr carol bawl Or sweeter memories 'ccdll When tlmo liangs heavy on us nil. And though ho calls to us no more To luro us through the- swinging door, Yet still, by homo lit fires, at least, An honored guest from South or EaBt, i, 'H Ho may lend lustro to our feast." Again striving to bo through with Hitch ghastly company, I was yot hold In Bpoll by a fiery ghost, who boro no.Bomblanco to any old tlmo bard, but wns as llko ns llfo to Tho Poet of tho Pacific. And though I did think It must bo Shakespeare who would so discourse, notwithstanding that mighty genius could not havo dono it bolter, yot tho lines wero strango: Sweet aro tho uses of adversity, Which, llko tho toad, ugly and veno mous. Wears yet a precious Jowol In his , head. And years, so dry to public vlow, may find Bourbon In trunks, Old Crow in trav'lors' grips, Cocktails In canes, nnd beer hid ov- orywhoro. I do romembor an apothecary, And hereabouts ho dwells, which lato I noted 'Caching' of simples. Meager woro , his looks. Sunrp mlBory had worn him to tho bono. Noting this penury, to mysolf I said; 'An' If a man did need a highball now, Whoso aalo would Jug a man In Oro- gon, Hero lives a caitiff wretch would soil it him. Horo a quick spirit with tho form of Frank Cohan appoarcd, as It would protest, with frowning looks, nd tho poot's speech foil Into con fusion, so that part of tho vorao was Jost. Then thus: Gut tomporanco, as It novor will bo moved, Though wlno should court It in a Bhnpo of Heaven, , So thirst, tho' but a rndicnt angel wopt, Would sate itsolf on Dago Red, and Horo tho speech dissolved Itsolf in muttorings, tho Poot's figure gos tlculntlng wildly toward California, an it It would oscapo thithorward. And with a mighty effort, I nwoko, nnd bohold, It was nil a droam, aa I had aforotlmo divined. And anon tho Now Year dawned. SMILE-A-WHILE OENTItAXi AVEXUE SAYINGS Regan Right. Carl Albrcaht, tho now Btroot commissioner, started out right anyway, in beginning his du ties on Central Avonuo. to got it In ehapo for tho 1916 rush. Misunderstood Tlio Question. Nowcomor, Juat Introduced to Mayor Copplo: "How many mills havo you In Marahflold now?" Mayor Copplo (abaont mlndedly): "Why, twenty, Just at prcaont, but wo hopo to cut that down considerably next year. Going Too Far. With this nrohl- bltlon law tightening oven down on tho Inoffenalvo maraschino cherry wo can't toll whm will got out of it next. Probacy thoy will find It 111 ogal for Gorat & King to run tholr "Alco" car, on tho ground that each trip constitutes an Alco-haul. Moro Honors. Central Avonuo pulled down tho city tronBurerahlp also. Looks good at first glance, but we shall await tho annual re port of tho city's finances for 1915 beforo deciding that Central Avo. hasn't merely acqulrod anothor over draft. STATIONERY of QUALITY l Wo carry only tho prod ucts ofKatou, Crane Tike, specializing on their famous Highland Linen the kind you luoo seen advertised. Seo us for monogram ed stationery and en graved cards. "The Owl" The Central Avenue Drug Store Anothor Loss. Jay Ddylo has moved his "Plnco" from Central Avo. to Commercial. Wo hnto to loso Jay, but he says ho can clean up anything that's brought to him just as well on Commercial as on Central. Wo intended to nBk him If he could clean up our collections for us, but forgot It. ' A. Lnpso of Attention. Wo noto with rogrot that Frank Cohan, with tho other Mnrshflold druggists, closed his store at 2 p. in. last Sat urday. Wo can't help suggesting In a frlondly way that nowadays its on ly tho young man who attends close ly to hlo business that can hopo for success. Why Not? Thoso very alluring ads of tho bankB about opening a savings account for $1.00 aro bound to havo tholr wholcsomo effect. Sluco wo soil goods to tho English and lend them tho money to pay for tho goods, It appears that It would bo Just as practicable for tho bnnks to issue savings account books for $1.00, and lend tho depositor tho dollar. Tho Booster will agrco to bo tho first depositor under this plan. SMILK-A-WHILK Fancy Greeting Cards and Oil Painted Local Views, Calendars, Choice Myrtle Wood Novelties, Piotures, Photo Supplies, Framing and Enlarging, and Kodak Finishing REHFELDS Special Order Phono U75-J. For Good CALL OR TELEPHONE MY OFFICE IN THE' ' COKE BUILDING ri t E. I. Chandler Representing Fireman's Fund Ins. Co. Queen Ins, Co. Orient Ins. Co. Imperial Ins. Co. Milwaukee Mechanics Ins. Co. London & Lancashire Ins. Co, Atlas Ins. Co. Yorkshire Ins. Co. Have You a Savings Accout? IF YOU HAVEN'T, YOUR ROAD TO COMPETENCE ANIl' SUC CESS WILL RE HARD START ONE WITH US TODAY Avoid possible Iois of money, mtxiips over receipts ami other trou bles In meeting jour monthly accounts by paying your bills by check. Como In and open a savings account nnd do business In a business-like way. The First National Bank?F.cooosoBAr BE PREPARER to how PROSPERITY A JOYOUS RECEPTION and CONTINUOUS WELCOME. You can't entertain prosper ity, an body, or enjoy Ilfo properly yourself unless jou hae music in the homo. SEE US AT ONCE. Thomas Music Company Consolidation of Wlloy 1. Allen and W. R. Haines Music Stocks ' 03 Central Avenue. '' PLAN TO TAKE Sunday AT Chandler Hotel A GOOD MENU No Coos Bay girl looks sweet arid wholcaomo Just before having a, tooth extracted. How can she? 1 "," ' I' yt Let Us Serve YbU All tho latest Papers and Magazines Fancy nnd Commercial Stationery Stationery Supplies Best Cigars, Tobacco and Supplies Telephone us nnd we'll de liver promptly. Wo want your business nnd you want our goods and prompt ser ilro. Marshfield News Company (Formerly Frlzooh'n JARVIS & GAliRlELHON Central Avonuo, of course Work n Specialty 2U0 Central Avenue Insurance f London Underwriters Ihs, Co. l'hocnlx Assurance Co. ' Aetna Life. Aetna Accident & Liability. London 4b Lancnsldro Indcin nljy Co. Fidelity & Deposit ,Co. Guardian Casualty A Guaran ty Co. Dinner THE Th$ BUl Of Central Awnfe I K J ,t "4'