iwmMwn'' T", vi rjfrm ' Fl 1 1 . , I! ' " ik C'JOS BAY TIlilES, MARSHftELD. OREGON. THURSDAY, JANUARY 6, 191 6 EVENING EDITION. , i iitr 'm-iWMi 7 f SwApTSbiaf?jDri)i'ii.i. yrSvrSinmnfn hit fv k m GO0S BAY TIMES M. O. MALONKY, Editor mill Tub. DAN E. MALONEY, News Editor Official Official Pnpcr of Taper City Coos County of Mnrshflold. Entorod at tho Postofflco at Marsh field, Orogon, for transmission through tho malls hi oecond-claBS mail matter. An Independent Republican nows paper, published every evonlng ex cept Sunday, nnd weekly, b7 Tho Coos Bay Times Publishing Co. SUBSCRIPTION RATES DAILY. One yoar $6.00 Por month BO CHANGE IN .MAIL ROUTE THE possibility of tho Australian mall being seht by way of San Francisco is suggested in a timely editorial published In tho Tlmberman of Portland. Since the appearance of this editorial there was printed a press telegram stating that England might close tho canal which would have still moro bearing on tho matter. The Tlmberman says: " If tho United States is nllvo to tho situation thcro Is a strong pro bability that tho routo of tho Aus tralian mail to England might be changed from Suez to San Francisco New York route. At It stands today tho tlmo for tho delivery of mall from Sydney to London, ivia Suez, Is twenty-five days. This is exactly A LITTLE PATTER OF LAUGHING MATTER t EUROPEAN WAR ONE t YEAR AGO TODAY !tl10 Bamo tlmo tlint H takes via San i-rancisco nnu now York., tho uir forenco Is equalized by reason of the $$ JANUARY 0, 1015. r Tho Czar's forces clear Russian territory of tho Turks. In tho fighting in tho Caucnsus during tho past week, CO, 000 men aro slain. In Western Galicia tho Austro Gcrman forces check tho Russian ndvnnco near Gorlicc. Tho American steamer Denver is detained by tho British. THE PRICE OP GASOLINE speed of the steamers using the Suez routo. Tho Sprcckels lino from Sydnoy to Snn Francisco averages about 10 knots, whllo tho English mall boats nvorago 20 knots. If the American liners were equal Jn speed to the English boats, tho Australian government would insist that tho mail bo carried via tho quickest route. At tho present tlmo tho Sprcckels lino receives a subsidy of two dollars per mile for carrying tnu mall from the United States and ap plication was mado for an Incrcnso to four dollars por mile. "Tho routing of tho Drltlsh-Aus-trallan mall via San Francisco would bo ono of tho stroncest factors In United States into closor trado relation. with especial bonoflt and significance to tho Pacific Coast. Trado follows tho mall bag. Hero Is an opportu nity for tho exhibition of trado-bulld- Ing statesmanship which should ho taken advantngo of Immediately .Tho United States government could nf ford to pay any reasonable mall sub sidy to luflucnco tho operation of a lino of fast mall steamships botweon tho Pacific Coast and Australia. Tho Chambers of Commerco of tho Pacific Coast and tho Unitod States Cham bor of Commerco could most appro priately tako this matter up. Her peoplo tiro wldo awake and progres sive Wo Of tllO Pnclflrt C.nant urn Australia's nonrcst whlto nolghbor. Lot us woavo togothor tho peoplo of thoso two great nntlons both socially nnd commercially, which can best bo accomplished by speedy and frequent mall service." w GASOLINE is becoming a worry to usora throughout tho west, nnd right hero on Coos Bay, so cioso to uaiuornia, wnoro tlioro bringing Australia and tlio in u" uuuriiiuuB milium production of tho constituents of gasollno thcro is wondor at tho advancing prlco. Tho flnanclnl writer of a San Fran cisco newspaper has flgurca out Bomo interesting facts in connection with tho gasollno business. Ho says: "Tho demand occasioned by tho war ami tho closing of tho Russian nnd Rumanian fields to export aro not tho only causes of soaring rates. Local exports point out that tho ox panslon of tho nutomohllo in dustry, tho increasing uso of gasollno engines nnd tractors by farmors nnd tho growth in tho numbor of motorboats aro nil Important factors in tho , tIso' in pried. "In 1800 tho quantity of gasollno used in this country for nil purposes wnB 15,015,000 . barrels. By 1004 tho amount had only lncrcasod to fi, 815,000 barrels. But by 1000, flvo years lator, tho consumption had increased to 10,800,000 bar rols. That is, tho incrcaso dur ing tho flvo years hoforo 1001 wriB only 200,000 barrels, but in tho flvo years after 1001 it vaB 0,000,000 barrels. Tim hugo incroaso kept paco with tho IncreoBod uso of automo biles. "In 1004, nnothcr flvo year period, tho consumption hnd In creased to 18,000',000 barrels, or nn Incroaso of 7,200,000 bar rels. And now exports in the Industry bollove that .10,000, 000 barrels of gasollno will ho consumed next year. "Tho total production of crudo potroloum in this country falls Just short of 300,000,000 b'nrrols. About n third of this produces very llttlo gasollno. Tho unprecedented demand for crudo potroloum has causod Its prlco to soar." Whatever may or may not bo tho Teal caiiBO, nutomohllo drivers aro beginning to bollovo that if tho war keops up much longer, gasollno may easily go to 2G or 30 cents por gallon. HEN you wake up this morning and you start another day, here's a suggestion for you, that will brighten up your way: Just make somebody happy and send a smile his way, Just make this resolution, and make it so's to stay, You'll find, if you are young, that your youth will lin ger on; you'll find, if you are aged, that the wrinkles will be gone, if you'll make somebody happy ere the present clay is done, If a brother's over-burdened, make his pack a lighter one, ' ' Manifest a pride in smiling; you will find it worth your while, You can make a man see sunlight if you coax him with a smile; laughing eyes and smiling lips will any Unkind Fate beguile, You can save the starving struggler if you feed him on a smile, Just suppor?5)i for illustration, that you lived for '40 years and on every day you brightened some one's life with words of cheer, just a single person gladdened ev ery day that's In the year, With 14,000 lives made brighter, need you meet The End in fear? Selected i: WITH THE TOAST : ;: AND THE TEA t $ $ GOOD EVENING Usually llttlo things bring tho most unexpected trouble Thcro is nothing except nlr lnsldo n rubber ball. But If you play with It too recklessly, it Is moro apt than unythlng which I know to bound back and hit yourself. Goorfo L. Raymond. lng her cnllcr a collection of coins. "This coin" she said, "was mado In 18fiG.M "Why didn't yon spend it v. hen it was new?" asked tho bruto. Weigh your words If you thoni to enrry any weight. want LIGHT AT EVENTIDE WHY IT IS DANGEROUS TO GIVE UP YOUR PROFESSION '' A PUNCTUAL PRESIDENT F PUNCTUALITY is said to bo ono " of President Wilson's chloi characteristics. Those who know him best declaro that ho Is tho most punctual man who hau ever been in tho official llfo of Washing ton; that only tho intervention of fa to can provent him front being on tlmo for an nppolntmont. Punctuality la an nssot that many discount, says nn exchange. Too many public officials, too many busi ness men, too many prlvato Individ uals aro carolc88 in tho matter of being on time. A man who Is punnctual is almost always efficient. Punctuality sug goats systbm and order. It of alortnesa and energy. It In Farm and Fireside .Mr. David L Spahr gives somo ndvlco to work ers who aro planning to rotlro from tholr callings and enjoy n poacoful old ago: "Tho nbrupt chnngo from tin nc tlvo member of tho producing class to nn Jdlo member of tho consum ing class," ho says, "Is too much for a man who Is facing tho sotting sun. Aiiu jiiBt horo is tho excuse nnd roa- son for this article I want to sound a noto of warning to tlioso contem plating such a movo: "Safety first.' " For a man in docllnlng llfo whoso arteries are nlready beginning to harden from Indulging In rich nnd stimulating food, tho chango should bo mado gradually, nllowlng his sys tem to accustom itself gradually to tho chnngod conditions. A lessened amount of rich and stimulating food should bo indulged In. Regular hours must bo maintained; regular oxerclsos that will bring Into play, pud nctlvoly, all tho different mus olos of tho body In ordor to insure tho elimination of tho waste prod ucts of tho body. "A Bodoutary llfo, inactlvo and purposeloss, with nothing to livo for, no object in view but to llvo and oat land wait ami wnsto uway; with n los- nonod incomo ami groator oxponso; with moro and groator demand upon tho purso strings how groat tho temptation to bocomo rostloss, nor ous, and irritable' SPECIAL NOTICE T HE carrier boys liavo strict in structions to placo tho Times on tho norolies or in mail hut's of subscribers during tho rnluv st'iMon. Subscribers arc entitled to hv ihom there. If tho boys fall in thoir duty wo want to know it. Don't hug your righteous complaint to your bosom as 11 socrot sorrow. speaks "'"t phono tho Timos office. Don't Indl-1 wait a week or so, but let us know cdtos a value placed upon ono's own) tho NEXT MORNING. Wo want to ttmo nnd a consideration for UiojS'vo you SERVICE. That's our tlmo of othoru. It reveals a can-ikuslnoss. But unless wo KNOW j on Bcicutious rogard for duty and hon-!oro having trouble getting jour pa- por regularly on tho poroh or in tho mall box, wo of courso. can tako no stops to correct the trouble. Don't bo afraid you will bo considered a klokor. You won't. If you hnvo a kick coming wo not only urgo you to dollver It nt onco, but wo bollevo wo have a right to know It. That's tho only way wo can koop YOU sat isfied, and wo don't claim wo can do It nil tho time thou, but wo will do tho best wo can and wo want n qlmnco to do our best, You will holp Immensely 'by telephoning poor ser vlco next morning to Tho Times of flco. Phoue 133 or. Tho boy who Is tardy at school is not tho scholar who heads tho class. The youth who Is a few minutes late r.t his work Is not usually tho ono who is' at hand when thoro is a vnean cy Just abovo him. Tho man who habitually tarries by the wnysldo Is generally tho ono who wonders when ho will get acquaiutod with opportu nity. Tho presence of punctuality Jn tin Knilnu'mnnt nt llin rlilnf nvnmitlvn rt tltfk ii.tlnn la .?r.vt.i,l. f.i cr 41i4 altrttil.l'l .W Ultliu.l tn PUilUllllll lllUb BIIUIIMl be brought to the Amerloau boyhood. attention of Wo nro too tlrod to work put up tho tools; Too tlrod for music let tho old harp rest; , Onco, for such Idleness, wo had been fools, Now It Is wisdom now 'tis only bcstl Glvo us n llttlo spot-: out thoro In tho sun; A comer whoro tho flro is warm nnd bright; A bit. of broad anC broth nnd wo nro dono, And roady for our Journoy In tho night. No, no, wo do not miss tho labor ' now; 'TIs strango, porhaps, but all tho music's naught; Wo do not fcol tho snow that's on tho brow, Tho trembling hand brings not a trembling thought. Wo like tho llttlo quiet, sunny spot; Wo chat and doze; wo sometimes dozo and dream Tho flresldo's good wo novor got too hot And' very good our bread and lontlls seem! A subscriber to a Buffalo papor committed sulcldo becauso tho car rier boy inslstod on throwing his pa per on tho roso bushes instead of on tho porch. Carrier boys seem to bo tho samo In Buffalo as on Coos Bay. Wo hopo, howovcr, Hint subscrib ers aro not. Wo would hato to have tho blood of any Mnrshflold citizen resting on tho head of any of our boys. Tho Times has now a splendid and loynl bunch of cnrrlor boyB. They n! oko nn earnest effort for enroful nnd efficient delivery of tho paper. It they fall it is unintentional and wo will apprcclato it if when they do ou will phono tho otflco promptly. OVERHEARD not dread tho trip and see It And no wo do to come; Ono will go first how it Is; Then wait nearby, to call tho other homo, And lead along tho darkor pas sages! Margaret Audo'son. Bo kind to your father, young man. If it wasn't for your fnthor mother would havo mudo you wo.-.r long uurls until jou woro In long pants. Man is mado of Uibt, hut somo Coos Bay girls seom to think ho Is mado of gold dust. - QUESTION FOR THE DAY Said llttlo Lester Llvermoro: What I would llko to know, If. whoro tho breezes rest themselves Whon they'io too tired to blow?" "All tho society men dress for dlnnor slio said? 'And all tho soci ety womon undross for dinner,' I enmo hick. That fixed her." A sea captain stood on tho deck For a submarine craning his neck; A torpedo whizzed by And I heard tho cap cry "Thero's a now kind of cod fish, by heck I" THINGS TO WORRY ABOUT If you lend a dollar for 1,000 years at f per cont Interest tho fellow who borrowed It from you will owo you Jrst 10l,0fi9,G20,9l7,0S5,0S3,3U2 In interest at tho end of tho thous and years. ON .CENTRAL AVENUE " My vflfq tried to got mo into a dress suit for the Now Year's dlnnor party. names IN NAMES Thoro Is a firm of dentists doing business under tho uamo of Puis & Puis In Shoboygnu, Wis. I NEWS OF OREGON : PORTLAND For tho first time In tho history of Multnomah county a colored man was drawn for sorvlco en tho December grand Jury list. PENDLETON With but a short tlmo loft In which to mako tho an nual levy of taxes for stato and coun ty purposes, tho county court is dead locked by a disagreement. SALEM Clyde B. Altchison was elected head of tho stato public sor vlco commission. PORTLAND Mrs. Mabol Myers who was shot by Evan I). Kemp, now a sulcldo, shows' slgiiB of improve ment. BAKER A flro resulting from lo foctlvo olectric wiring causod a loss o! $12,000 at tho plant of tho Ameri can Browing Company. OREGON CITY Mrs. Elizabeth Gordon Starkweathor, who died at tho ngo of 85 years, was an Orogon BeUlor In 1840. PORTLAND A. W. Lafforty has forwarded to tho secretary of stato his declaration of candidacy for the republican nomination for congress irnn In tho third district. LA GRANDE Tho city has enter ed Into Its third term of commission form of Government nnd F. J. Lnfky was chosen as city manager to suc ceed himself. UMATILLA Much excltomont was croated when a mnd dog ontorcd town nnd nftor frightening the -peoplo was finally killed. HOOD RIVER A train on tho O. W. R. & N. railroad struck and killed a man bellovod to bo Frank C. Smith PENDLETON Pat Saillo, aged CD years and a native of Ireland, and a formor Pendleton newspaper man, died at tho Eastern Orogon Stato Hos pital. IONE A big rabbit drlvo Is to bo hold and tho animals killed will do shipped to tho Salvation Army nt rortland for distribution among tho poor. ROAD AVAS ROUGH yn$ $ .,' fi Last Days fc Parisian Store closed all day Friday to arrange stock and slaughter prices Sale Opens SATURDAY IvIOFJjfalNa Jan a ( CLOSING OUT SALE -,? WATCHdWAIT Jjfffi Positively close our doors to all Sat. Jan. 15 Read tomorrow's Pa per for prices in detail Store Opend 'til 1 0 o'clock every evening rront at. T- rZm hjjjj 0ffice - f , tied How Yoyr Wants Are Fi ttmmtmmmmtmmmmtmmmttmEtmmmwmwmmmi: Do you know that the merchants in this town can fill every want of yours? fll Convince yourself. t Read the home papers. You can get anything you need in . this town and at a reasonable price. . . Abstracts rOR RELIARLB ARSTRACTS OP T1XLK AND IrtrtMlMATlOfl AROUX COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. MARSI1PIELD AND COQU1LLI3 CITl", OREGON GENERAL AGENTS, EA8TSI0E AND SENGSTACKKN'B ADDITION AGENTS FOR CANADIAN PACIPIO RAILROAD LANDM ITCNllY 8ENGSTACKEN, MANAGER NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY S. S. F. A. Kilbiira SAILS FOR PORTLAND (Via Astoria) ' JANUARY' 10. FROM SMITH TERMINAL DOCK """ For Further Information Call l.'KI. L. G. GUSHING, AkoiiU EXPERT WELDING of METALS Steel, brass, cast, iron and aluminum castings made like new DEMONSTRATIONS DAILY. Koontz Garage Phone 180-J. North Front Street Puget Sound Bridge & Dredging Co. Dams, Bridges, Buildings. General Construction COMPLETE PLANTS FOR HARBOR WORK Our Coos Bay office has available for Oregon Coast work the Dredge "Seattle" ji THE RRUTE A west Marshfloltl lady waa show Ed Moon arrived m Coqulllo Sat urday from n throo months' stay in California, Ho camo back overland and says that ho had jv rough trip ov er tho mountains from Rosoliurg, Ho lrft Rosoburs Frltlny morning nt six o'clock and arrived hero Saturday iiinrnliif nt c-in ir, .. .i.. .... I " " " V". " ll lllOi I roads wore simply flerco and were nl-1 met Impassable with tho snow amli ' mud together Coqulllo Herald. I BRING YOUR JOB PRINTING TO THE COOS BAY TIMES the most powerful, best equipped ana most thoroughly raodera twenty-inch hydraullo dredge In Pacific waters Coos Bay office, Main office, Marshfield, Oregon. Seattle, Washington. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTO Dr. A. L. Houseworth. lMi)'Blclnn nnd Surgcot OffIco:Irvlng Ulotk. Offlco hours: 11 to la a. a; 1 mid 7 to 8 p, in, riionoat Offlco 113-J; lies., u J. M. Wright I Phona 1W BUILDING CONTRACTOR EBtlmates furnlBliod on requctt Dr. H. M. Shaw Eyo, Ear nnd Throat Spyu GLASSES FITTED Phono aaO-J. R001111 200001 Irvinir 'lllock. " ... 1 IIU. JMATTIK II. HIIAW, IMtVclMlln flTlfl UflMPAfl tl 1'hono aiJO.J. H. G. Butler CIVIL ENGINEER Room 304 Coko Uldg. PhfHV Rosidonco Phono 361-L- W. Q. Chandler AROIIITEOT Rooms 301 and 302, Coke Bull Marahriold, OroKoa. TIME TARIiB WILLAMETTE PACIFIO MOTOI OAK Leave Lm Marshflold North M 0:45 n.m. 7:00 w 7.45 n.m. 8:00 ta 8:4C a.m. 9:00" 9:4C a.m. 10:15 t-a 10:45 a.m. 11:00" 11:30 a.m. 11:15" 12:50 p.m. 1:15 pn 'ifTfep.rn. 2:00 p-n 2:4C p.m. 3:00 pJ 3:45 p.m. 4:00 P 5:Q0p.m. 5:15 p 5.40 p.m. 5:55 pn 6:55 p.m. North city limits onlf. 7:30 p.m. 7:45 PJ T. J. BOAIFB tS A. H, HOD mi Lr:u PAINT AND" 'Wtftaimgiu DECORATING :C0 Estimates Furnished Phono 1JO-R. Harslifield. DUNGAN UNDERTAKING PARLORS will bo kept OPEN TO THE PUllLlO A Tegulnr Btato licensed undertaker will be U( cbnrge Phone 105-J FARE TEN CENTS City Limits North Rend, & !)( COJLMUTATION Ol M TIOICETS 91.75 Cf Marshflehl-North Rend Auto Line Cam every ten minutes f O a. m. to IS f. m.; to Sob Slough once a dav, leaving.; 11 11. in.; to Emplro throe trll 11 day. GORST & KINO, Prop m I i MERCHANTS CAFE Popular Place tor Good Meals PrlnfiR-Rpnsnnable Cor. Oonuuerclnl and B'ilX -I 'l'""i1'"gM .