; - I ,')-'. 1 ?V, U ,' U I r f if nr- r r THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 631 EVENING EDITIOIST. r;pite. li WMVM - -" .. . w. 1 f T ' , i i "- niMni NFUK OF WflRlfl'S CRFITFST WAR MY RY RAY PHOSPHATE" SCRRCE brf5iftltil miBii fiii in ; V" i-' Tie Joy of Perfect Baking . w. idc ifumi rakf WITH "GAS. You know' how DanOe lV.u.no1" J. ., un,nri nnmn nnf hlot nmhf.1 hnu Km teninci to see your time and materials go for naught, 57ho'or"too slow" fire. Why itake Jhances? Cook with gas, and enjoy perfect security In fcaking ALWAYS. he Result of Cooking with Gms is absolute certainty in all your oooking operations, roasti.oig, baking, broiling, stewing, etc IT IS THE SCIENTIFIC WAY.- You regulate the oven to a rprtaln heat and go away, knowing the exact moment the hakinci will be done. No worry or constant attention neeom. And the time you formerly spent making a fire and oleanma uo after it, is now your own. Stop in today and find out how wonderfully gas will aid you in your housework. i Oregon Power Co. High Quality Groceries Our own prompt and particular delivery service Ef ficient clerks being out of Ahe high rent district and keeping our prices as low as consistent with good busi ness makes Conner & Hoagkind The Leading Grocers Dealers in Good Groceries 797 South Broadway. Phones 348-J and 326 MAKE THE YEAR 1916 BetfcerBrighter MUSIC WILL DO IT TALKING MACHINES VICTROLAS VICTOR RECORDS PIANOS ' PLAYER PIANOS Everything in Music Terms if you want them TALK TO THOMAS ABOUT IT L L THOMAS MUSIC STORE Exclusive Agents Wiley B. Allen Co. 73 Central Avenue THINK GERMANY CAN REMAIN BIG P.OWER Oxford Debating Society Decides It Would Not Endanger the Safety of Europo Tlr Ainocliled Trraa to Oo Ily TiniM.) OXFORD, Jan. C Tho Oxford DUTCH MARINE CORPS A VERY OLD ONE Ccloliriitm 230th Annlvcinnry of ItN Organization Formed Un der Admiral Ho Iluyter tOjr AMorlitrd Prfil to Coos H7 Tlmri THE HAGUE, Jnn. C. Tho Dutch innrliio corns, popularly known In Union, tho debntlng society of tho like Netherlands na "Soldiers and . .... .. .....i.. . .... .. Cnllnn TVin" lnlnlfnln.1 tm QKMh WALL PAPER See VIER& About it, QUATERMAS STUDIO QUALITY PHOTOS Opposite Blanco Hotel, Phono 100-L. MAR8HFIELW, OREGON t . GOODRUM'S GARAGE HOME OP THE OADILLAO AND DODGE AUTO SDPrLTES FOIl ALIi MAKES OF CARS 047 Con t ml tiv. Phono 878-L ' 4 HAVE THE ROOF FIXED NOW ' See CORTHELL ' Phone 3171 university, Imb docided by a voto of 30 to 34 that tho Bafoty of Europo dona not require tho suppression ot Cjermany from her placo as a flrst cIubs powor. Tho question, ns it was proposed' for dobato, was: "Resolved, that Eu topo will not onjoy . secure peaco at tho end of this war if Germany remains a first-clasa power." Tho nogatlvo argument included tho assertion by a Magdalen College student tlmt it was lmpossiblo to crush Germany. Ono dobator de clared that neither Germany nor Groat Drltnln cduld hope to bo In tho position of a first-class powor during tho war. "To crush Germany, ho remarked, "wo would have to reach Lorlln; this would tako six years, and in that tlmo wo should have crushed ourselves too. A sort of In ternational partnership would bo a wlsor way. Driving the Gormana out of tho torritory they havo conquered will surely bo enough. All her col onics should bo given back to Ger many, bocauso it deprived of them sho would bo a worso dangor to tho peaco of Europo than a Germany without room for colonial expansion." GREAT BRITAIN HAS BOARD OF INVENTORS DRY WOOD CAMPBELL'S WOODYARD North Front Street Phono 37DJT Advertising F i x It's Purely and Simply a Matter Of Business f. t mr h j't w i rr It's No Experiment To Advertise in the Coos Bay Times Is Not a Matter i Of Sentiment The shrewd buyer of space the man who de mantis "action on his money" all else being equal is the man who will make the cash register ring the oftenest. ' The value of any medium from an advertising viewpoint depends largely on its circulation and the thoroughness with which it covers its field. Poor copy in a good medium, however, won't produce results neither will good copy, in a poor medium. Spasmodic and half-hearted advertising . is more apt to be a failure than a success. The advertising department of The Coos Bay Times is prepared to laV in front of any business man in Marshflcld a comprehensive statement of facts and figures analyze his business help lay out a definite campaig'n render a distinct co-operative service and if the merchant will do his part guarantee an unqualified success. Marshfield, Coos County and North Bend can be covered thoroughly in The Coos Bay Times. These statements can be sustantiated with an abundance of proof. SUGGESTS A TAX ON BRITISH WINS Idea In Drought Up by Ono Member of Parliament Ah Mcana of Knifing Money Dr AlMcUted PrM to Com Hit Tlmei.J LONDON, Jan. C. Tho sugges tions mado by n member of Parlia ment to tax British wines as a means of increasing tho revenues has de veloped tho fact that tho public nt largo does not exactly know what Is meant by tho torm "Ilritlsh wine," In vlow of tho fact that only tablo grapes aro raised in England, mostly in hot houses. Ilritlsh wines nro ordinarily mado by country people in their dwn homos out of elderberry, currants, blnck borrlcs and frqlts. Thoy nro cordials rathor than wlnes.jand aro strongly fortlfiod with alcohol. On account or their being so lnrgoly a homo pro duct, thoy havo novor boon taxed. Rut these drinks aro also manufactured by distillers under rovonuo supervis ion, although untaxed. Thoy can bo sold only by licensed retailors. Local wines of this kind do not seriously compoto with grapo tablo wines, unless It bo an imitation port mado out of raisins. Objection Is mado that a tax op thorn would not ylold enough rovonuo to mako It worth whllo, as special licenses would havo to bo issued, to cottagers nnd a Btrlct watch kept to prevent ill icit distilling. Tho cldor Industry, if hotter dovolopod, might ylold somo rovonuo, but n tax at this tlmo would probably kill tho trade SAMOA PLANTATIONS HAVE BEEN RAIDED Sailors Too," celebrated tho 2Bpth anniversary of its formation at Wlll cuiBoord on December 10. Although tho corps hna had a history of giu lont deeds In every quarter of tho globe, tho celebration was held un der tho cloud of possible disband ment, for tlioro Is an inclination in official circles to abolish tho corps altogether in tlio near future, aa Ita usefulness is bolicved to havo disap peared under modern conditions of naval warfare Gradual reduction of tho number of officers has been go ing on for somo tlmo and for several years no appointment to tho commis sioned ranks havo boon mado. , Tho marines, however, havo been main tained nt a high state of efficiency, and nmong tho Dutch pcoplo thoy aro moro popular than any other troops. It was in tho days of the famoUB Dutch Admiral Do Ruytcr that tho corps camo into oxlstcnco. only two yenra later, in 1GC7, tho corps took part in tho Dutch naval rald on Chatham in England. For two and n half centuries slnco their daring exploits havo Included tho Spanish war of succession ngaitiBt tho French at Cadiz; tho storming of Gibraltar In alliance with tho Urltlsh marines in 17041 tho capture of Darcolona; and battles in Spain against tho French nt Madrid, Alicanto nnd Bar ngossa. For many ycarB thoy fought in tho Dutch colonics, sup pressing native uprisings, nnd In col onial expeditions against England nnd Frnnce. It was in tho later campaign tlmt tho Dutch marines wcro forcod to capltulato after a hard fight at tho Capo of Good Hopo in 1800, and South Africa thus foil in to British hands. Slnco tho begin ning of tho Inst century, oxcopt for tho Dolginn revolution In 1830, tho Dutch marines havo boon employed sololy in navy duty and colonial wars but thoy havo scarcely ovor been idle. Distinguished Sclent IhIh Will Mnko llcsenrchcN for tlio Admlinlty of England Wr Awiocltttd rr to Com nr Tltnn. LONDON, Jan. 0. Tho British Admiralty's Board of Invention and Research, which Includes tho most distinguished scientists and inventors in tho kingdom, has nt last begun work. For tho purposo of dealing with tho questions boforo it, tho Hoard 1b divided into six sections, as follows: 1. Airships, acroplnnos, and sea planes. 2. Submarines, mines, search lights, wlrolcBB tolcgrnphy. 3. Naval construction and protec tion of ships again submarines and mines. A, Anti-aircraft apparatus. n. Ordinance, ammunition, nox ious gases, explosives. C. Armament of aircraft, bombs, and bomb-sights. DEPARTMENT OF AGItlOUJrUItJJ SEEKING FOIt l'KODlJCT of Needed for Fertilizer nntl Kelp l'nclflc Cocit, May Offer 'tlio Solution of tlio Shortage '' 41" f SHORTAGE OF 1IOTTLE3 High Prices Aro Paid for Thciu London In tDr AifOclttel Trm It Cooi Dr Tlmfi.J LONDON, Jnn. C. Tho rcnl ox- cuso for tho recent ndvanco of six cents n bottlo mndo by tho whlskoy nnd spirit distillers Is tho alarming shortage of bottles. High prices aro paid for bottles of tho poorest qual ity. Manufacturers nro told to trouble no longer about tho shapes o! the bottles, whether square or fancy, but simply to send bottles. LIME IS PLENTIFUL . IN THIS LOCALITY Tho Secretary of Agri culture suggests thoxitfio'bf lime. This enn bo dono In this locality by making' u'so of tho oyster shells pumped from tho bnv. MORE BOYS ARE BORN THAN GIRLS IN LONDON Nov Zealand Authorities SoUo Va pors nml Arrest Several Ger mans nt tlio Place (nr AuoKt4 rri to co ur Timti.) WELLINGTON, Now Zealand, i Jan. G. In consequence Of com ! plaints by tho Auckland Chamber of ICommorco that tho Doutscho Han dels nnd Plnntagon Gesollschaft, a I Gorman Pacific Island trudlng firm j with liondqunrtorB In Hamburg and a largo business In copra, was doing buslnoss In Samoa and the Tonga Group, tho headquarters and four plantations of tho company In Sa moa were lately raldod by tho Now Zealand govornmont authorities, pa pors wore solzod and sovornl Gor mans worn arrested. Subsequently Karl Hansson, the general managor, was convlctod boforo a military court of evading tho censorship by mailing letters to Germany. from San Francisco through tho connlvanco of sailing vessols plying botweon Cali fornia and Samoa. Adolph Ebor hardt, managor of ono of tho com pany's largest cocoanut groves, was found guilty of having withhold from tho Now Zoaland military au thorities documents which had be longed to tho Gorman Samoan gov ornmont. Hansson was sentenced to six montJiB imprisonment and n tornmont until tho ond of tho war; nnd Eberhnrdt was sentenced to a flno of ?150 nnd internment. Tlio business has been placed In tho hands of a receiver appointed by the Now Zonland government. t By this action all German buslnoss ac tivity in tho SoutU Pacifies unless it bo under British scrutiny ceases until peaco lias beon concluded. BRITISH MUSEUM GETS A BIG PRESENT Finest Private Collection of Precious Stones In Grout Britain Is Oh en Institution . Hr AiioclttM rrm to Cooi nr TlmM.l LONDON, Jnn. C Tho British Museum lias Just received ns n girt one of tho finest private collodions of precious stones in Great Britain. It wns gathorod by tho lato Sir Ar thur Horbort Church, for many "years president of tho Mlnoraloglcal Soci ety, discovoror of sovoral now mlnor als, and author of numerous Import ant scientific works. Tho collection consists of moro than two hundred stones, mostly mo'iintcd In rings, nnd ovory speci men uuiqiio. Sir Arthur dovotod his nttontion particularly to tho products of Coylon nnd for many ynara wns ablo to sectiro tho pick of tho rarer species of goms that camo to light thoro. To tho miuoraloglst tho prldo of tho collection Is a magnifi cent aurora-rod specimen of spessar tlto, a vnrloty of gurnet that seldom provides stones largo and clonr enough for Jowolry purposes. Weigh ing ovor six karots and beautifully cut In tho modorn fashion, tho stono stnndB practically alono in tho lltcr aturo of goms. Tho collection Includes tho most 'varied series of zircons In oxlatonco, nnd thoro aro also excellent assort ments of tourmalines, topazes, em eralds, opals and spinels. Tho opals include- two fino stones of Jot black color. Tho Museum trustees havo docldcd to storo tho collection for tho present In a place whoro it will bo mifo from war and Zoppolln risks, and It will thcroforo not bo exhlbltod until nf tor tho war. Tlirco-foiiiiliH of the Total Number Aro of the Male Sox Ac cording to 1'lgiircn tOr AncUt4 r-rtti lo Coo Df TlmM.J LONDON, Jan. C nl tho births column of ono of tho London news papers throo-fourtha of tho births an nounced aro of tho tnalo sox, accord ing to i n correspondent nvho puts forth tho theory that thoro nro moro boys than girls born during war tlmcB. Tho Registrar Gonorals depart ment, howover, docs not encourago this theory, as on bolng questioned on tho subject tho folowlng state ment wns ollcltod: " After tho only groat wnr the nn tion has wagod slnco accurato statis tics havo been recorded, tho Crimean thoro was no marked lncrcnso In tho proportion of boys. Tho excess ot boyB ovor girls during tho yenr 1851, to 1860, which Included tho war, wao less in fact than during tho provlous ton yearn" nr AMOcltteil rrwl to Cooi Dtr Tlfflt. WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. G. A gloomy vlow of prospecta for fer tilizing next year's crops was pre sented In a statement Isucd by Sec retary Houston, ot tho Department of Agriculture. Tho Secretary Urg ed all farmora to conserve alt foii tlllzlng materials and to 'u'so lime and rotato crops so qb to lncrcaso the productivity ot tho boII. ' Rollof measures undertaken by tho Department slnco tho urdp6an war disrupted tho American' phos phate industry and cut oft potash imports from Germany will help, tho statement says, but oftcV si Ita possibilities that (ho ;Atncrlcaa farmer will got a small part of tilo fertilizing materials necessary for his ncods. Nitrogenous foj-tlilEorB nlono will bo avallablo In' tho quan tities needed, Tho Secretary took up first tho potash supply, long slnco. exhausted in tho United States by the doVman embargo on shipments, investiga tion, Bald his statomont, had shown four sources or iiupply in this coun try, but nono Immediately available. Tho crippled stato ot tho pliba phato industry was attributed o tho high prlco of sulphuric acid, much of which Is being uhW in the manufacture of. war munitions. Nitrate prices have advanced, but thoro is an abundant siip'pjy. ot nt trogencotis fertilizing material, uhri tho department la endeavoring to find methods to cheapon tpe coat of manufacture . TO USE OLD PAPER FOR A STOCK FEED WOMEN HANDLE HORSES Several Are Doing Military Stablo Duty In England Dr Auoctited Prru l Cooa Bar Tlmn ) LONDON, Jan, 5. Women now form tho staff of threo horsa depots at Reading, where they aro not only doing military stablo duty and grooming tho horses, but aro actual ly Instructing soldiers In Tiding, This is the most startling kind of war work yet undertaken by women. 'All of them are used to horses and to riding after the hounds, and enjoy their new duties. COOS BAY TIMES WANT ADS Low Cost High Efficiency Hamburg Man Hays Ho Can Mako n Substitute for Straw by Now Process (Or Ai'ocUtod Treu to Cooi Vtj TlmM.l AMSTERDAM, Jan. G. "Don't burn your old nowspapers; savo them," urges Prof. Hugo Mohner In tho Hamburg Machrichten, Tho professor oxplalns that ho is perfecting a scliomo for turning pa per waste Jnto a aubstltuto for straw, Thlch is largely used aa fodder, not only In the ordinary way aa chaff, but also In fresh ways after troatment by chemical processes. "So we como to this," ndda Prof. Mohner, "that the masses of old newspapers which havo already fed mon's minds in town and country will thpn foed cattle, and old brown paper ana cardboard boxes will yield milk and beef steak." ' CHINESE GUARDING AGAINST UPRISINGS Will Endeavor to Prevent I'rojH.'rty or Lives of Foreigners Being Placed In Danger (Dr AuoiUt Tttu to Coo tttj Tlran.J PEKING, Jan, G, Special efforts havo boon mado by tho Chlnoso gov ornmont to check any uprisings that may occur 'aa a result of tho monar chical movomont, and to guard tho property and llvos of foreigners. A telegram has just boon dispat ched by tho contrnl govornmont to leading authorities In each province urging that soldiers should bo ap pointed to snfo-gunrd any foreign tourists who may bo In their Juris diction. Tho tologrnm also directs that adoquato protection shall bo af forded all missionaries and church property. It concludes with an or der for tho stationing ot efficient troops and policemen at all troaty ports nnd other places whore foreign ers llvo. With a vlow to suppressing rebol octlvltlos, tho, central government has offered special rewards for sol diers and officers who put down up risings, Tho military loader LETTER CARRIERS ARk i ARRESTED IN sM'JUAk Alleged In Porto lUco lifc Tkey Wcro Engaged In Wholesale Tlicft of lA&Uki (D AuocUtM TrtM to Cooi lur TIn.J 8AN JUAN, Porto Rico.-Jajn. G.t San Juan'a two, and only two. letter carriers aro under arrest, following an investigation which Postofflco In spector Hathaway aaya shows that tho letter carriers had beon qngagid in a wholesalo and syatoraatlo theft ot letters and valuables from tho San Juan Pogtofflco. Tho two lottor carriers arq Fran cisco Calvorln and Panlo Gonzaled, both ot them Fodoral Civil Service employes. In . trunk belonging to Qalvorin tlio officers found a bundlo of cur rency containing approximately 2, 000, and composed or bills of from $10, to 150 each. Watches; revol vers, Jowolry and other articles which aro bolioved to havo t passed through the San Juan Postofflco wore found In the possession, of the two earrlors. Much ot tho supposed stolen goods tho Postofflco authori ties claim camo through tho -mall from tho United States. TO DO FIELD WORK U. 8. Soldiers at Cunal Aro to Unto MlnUc War IDj Auo?UIl Treu to Coo nr Tl.nnn, PANAMA, Jan. 6. -Tho United States troops stationed in the Canal Zoiio will on gage In extensive field who I work during the coming dry-Season, suppresses an uprising participated bogInnIng with January. At first In by moro than ono hundred rebols , the various regiments, companies and PHOTOGRAPHER DEAD Waa Official Picture Taker for ish Court Ill-It. Ur AuocltteJ Preii to Cooi Dr Time LONDON, Jan. 6. The death la announced at Windsor of John Rus sell, official photographer to tho court ot Great Britain. Ho was only eighteen when he obtained his ap pointment, after taking a series or pictures of King Edward, thon Prince of Wales, During his life he photo giaphed ovory Important monarch in Europo. will bo given a minor decoration and promoted. Ills soldlors will bo given ten thousand dollars, Mexican. Any officer who puts down a sodltlous movement Joined In by more than two hundred robels will bo given tne grand ordor of morlt, and twenty thousand dollars, Mexican, will be di vided among his soldlors, Tho samo honor will be conforred upon any of ficer who suppresses moro than four hundred rebols, and tho monoy to his j Eoldlora will bo forty thousand dol lars, Moxlcan. An hereditary title similar to thoso conferred by tho Manchus and Mongols will bo given to the officer who suppresses over alx hundred rebels, and his men will get forty thousand dollars, Moxlcan, The reward for the leader who puts down eight hundred rebels will bo tho same hereditary title, with fifty thousand dollars, Mexican, tor his troops, For the suppression of one thousand robela, an officer will be given an hereditary title and his troops will get sixty thousand dollars, Mexican, battalions, will be employed as sep arate units, but later the entire mo bile force of tho Canal troops will take the fleld tor two weeks training. A mimic war will be waged.W'Uh the idea that the Canal la being "attacked from the Pacific. I Times want ads bring results. COOS BAY TIMES WANT ADS Low Cost High Efficiency Remombor that feeling -of joy which thrills tho cuticle on dfjjcov erlng tho morning aftor a V un knowingly left over from the night beforo? Something like It, multi plied sovoral times, thrilled a Now York woman. Going through the effects or her lato husband she dis covered a bank book showing a deposit of 73 made in 186L The bank is still sound and the account stands at $1620. s Coos Ray Times Want Ada are of direct and practical usefulness to all renters, In fU.dlng a congenial ami suitable place In will oh to U9. Persons havlHg houses to rent should avail themselves of, the op port unity offered by these small a&u Thn conrPHlenrn ami. Profit Times Want Atl Hill no Ktrnted by w trial, f