:jj' if IS NEVER TOO LATE" TO 1 1 W ' " ' """ " THAT IT IS NEVER TOO LATE TO A- lait A PAPER THAT BELIEVES IN THE BEST AND ALWAYS BOOSTS A CLt&N WHOLESOME NEWSPAPER FOR ALL SOUTHWEST OREGON HOMES - MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS REALIZE MEND mmtB (ol. No. XXXIX ANTS FORCE OF IWCflEASE IN WAGES MILLION MEN 1.... nf Wnv Snvs the County's Existence May -- OunU Antinn Depenci on ouui Ul IS SET FORTH louse Committee on Military Affairs Hoars ueians or Garrison's Policy INCREASE IS $600,000,000 I. i if..- iimmi-fmniif. nut irci Annum Mm "! r. Would Ho Tho lluiidrrtl Minion JliiHt Mnko CJjmmI On Promis es to Uphold ItepilbllCH (Dr AaaotUtaJ rrrn lo Coot nr Tlmta. WASHINGTON, 1). tt, .Inn. G. Secretary aarrlaon laid boforo tlio Jlouso mllllnry affnlrn conunltlco to day a formal argument In bohalf of tl.o ailtnliilBlrntlon'fl uriiiy tilnn de signed to slvo tho country u doflnlto military policy. Wants Million Men It proposes tlio crontlon of a mo- bllo fcdornl forco of more than u mll llen men In six yearn, tlio nccumuln tlon of a lingo TCHorvo of nmniunl tlon, and an elaborate extension or the coast defenses. ' "Tlio Integrity of tlio nation and Ito very oxlstcnco" said tho Hocrotnry, "May dojiond on what Ih dono at this Umo." Incmiso Expsuxo Tlio wholo project would involvo an Increased oxikjiiho of $0,00,000,000 end an animal budget therenftor of worn than $200,000,000 mi compared with tho average of $100,000,000 of tlio last few yoars. Referring to far tprcad of tho military responsibility : of tho nation, ranching into tlio Insiij 1st possessions and China, Alaska and tlio canal zone, Secretary Garrison tald. " Wo havo determined , and an nounced that tho sovereignty of oth er ropulillcs of this homlsphoro shall remain Inviolnblo, and therefore must stand ready at nil times to nutlco cood our position. Thoro Is no dis position on tho part of sonio to as sumo that wo aro forcing n crisis. Tho only way to moot an emergency li by adopting omorgoncy Jiicasures." IS ainxicux gexkral releaser IIV TEXAS ILVXGEHS Showed Consideration to Americans Who Were In UN Power nntl Who Appealed to Him EL PASO, Toxns, Jan. 0. His. kindness to two Americans, bold pris oners In Westorn Chihuahua by tho Villa forcos for soveral days, and whom ho escorted to tho border, was rcclprocatod by bis late captlvos Inst night, whon Qonoral Isnao ArroyaB was released by Texas rangers nt Yslota Toxas on tho representation or tlio men ho Uefrlonded. CALL TO XATIOXAL RANKS IS ISSUED (Djr AaaoclateJ Tret to cooa ry Tlmw.J WASIIINGTIN, D, C Jan. C -Tho comptroller of cur rancy today Issued a, call to all national banks requiring thorn to report tholr condi tion at tho close of business, Dec. 31. In today's call tho comptroller . mrmer than at any previous umo to learn If money is being loan- by national banks in violation of Mate usury laws. Among other In formation asked la whether the banks ffqulro depositors to carry deposits loii loans aro granted. . WKB IX THE EAST T T n0MsoburB Ilov,(w says: "Jas. countv 'ft a resident of this yesterdnv ' fUJ? l).ast 27 yeara. l,od in-law JMat ihS llome ot h,8 Blster Denton ml1' ,Sarah Buchanan, nt year, IU,no18- " was about 08 had i,- a-?: Mr' Buchanan, who about ,.Us or osebure, loft here raildiv fcm pumatlsra. Ho failed 1 mii' however, after golig East. RM T Established 1H7H Ah Tho Const Mull UNITED STATES STEEL CO HI 'ft. KATION TAKES ACTION Tlio Advnnco Which AViim Decided UlKin Ih About Ton Percent tnr Ataoclatfe rrM to Coo Hit Timet NEW YOItlC. Jan. C Tlio United States Stool Corporation todny do cldod to IncronHo tho wngos of vir tually nil Us unskilled employes about 10 porcont. BDYS STEAL BRASS OVER .$1,001) WORTH TAKEN FROM COOS 1IAV STEAMERS Tlio Powcrti, Liberty ami Gas Rout Pacific Aro Lohci-h Some- Partn Found at Foundries DrnBfl and cnglno equipment nmoiintlng to $1,000 in value have Lean stripped front tho gnsolluo speed bout Pacific nnd tho stenmers Powers nnd Liberty within tho Inst four or flvo days. A. H. Powers do clarcs that ho will upend another $1,000, If necessary, to bring tno guilty parties Into tho courts. Part of the loot lias bcon recovered from tho North Bond Iron Works, tho Coos Hay Iron Works and tho Adams See cud I land store, on north Front street. Tho proprietors claim It was sold them by boys who declared thoy had tnkon It from tho old Santa Clara. Xumo Stamped on TooIh TlihTiuornlnir Mr. Powers wont to tho Hocoud hand store nnd recovered sonio $ir worth of tooln. "Thoy iCOiild hardly havo boon taken from tho Santa Clara," ho said. "Evory ouo of thorn wns iiiitrkcd with the nnino Powers, stanfped on them, In lettors half an Inch high." Tho boyo urroated on New Year'n Day aro Implicated In tho tho steal ing. Ono of them coufcsflcd that thoy had tnkon brasaos off tho Pa cific and sold thorn to O. Groen, on north Front stroot, for about flvo nnd six conts a pound. I Men Aro Implicated Mr. Pownrs declares that thoro aro more than boys Implicated In the thievery. "To got Into Borne parts of tho engines, bracos and Irons weighing ovor 000 or 700 pounds bud to bo llftod," bo snld this mor ning. "No boys could have dono this." With axes part of thn work wan deno. About tho machinery of the Powers hnd boon built sort of wooden structiiro and tho miscreants chnppod their way through and dis connected tho engines. Everything mado of brass was stolon. , . WIiC'lH Sold for Soujj At tho Adams storo Mr. Powci found two fly whools tliat bo said'; bad cost him about $3G n plcco and which had boon purchased from tho boys for $1 a piece. Jinlgo AVntson To Act Lator In tho day Jtidgo James Wat son, of tho juvonllo court, telephon ed to Chief Curler thnt ho will como ovor to Mnrshflold to bear tho case in which tho four boys aro Implicated. This will como up aftor tho return of Chief Cartor from Portland whoro ho (s callod as a witness In tho Shook CU80, Mr (IBIP f ABBS NAVV MAY HAVE TO fllVE UI MARE ISiaXD Admiral Stanford Says luadoqtiato Clin lintel Might For'0 Abandon- ineiit of Station (I! AnoclileJ Preu to Cooi llajf Tlim. WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. G. Tho possibility of tho navy yard bo- Ing forced by an lnadoquuto channel to ubandpu ,Maro Islund navy yard, for tlio iiso of big ships at least, was advanced by Admiral Stanford, hoad of tho bureau of yards and docks, be foro tho houso naval committee Probably it may bo moved to anotti or point on tho bay. MANY HOGS SOLD EUQENE, Oro., Jan. C Lano couuty hog rnlsorB havQ netted np proxlmatnly $9,000 by tho sale of 800 hogs through tho co-operative system or marketing by tho markot commit tee of the Pomona grange since tho first of November, according to C, J. Hnrd. who has had charKC of the charge shipments, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 6, 191 6 EVENING EDITION. LI IS UPHELD IN WASHINGTON Federal Court Refuses to Grant Injunction to Seattle Brewing Company TO aiPlr BEE! Forty Thousand Barrels Are to be Removed From State By January 11th ' LIQUOR LAW ATTACKED Attempt .Made to Show that It Ih Xot Constitutional -Thifo J mines Sit In Case ami .Much In- IciVNl Ih Shown COURT UPHOLDS THE PROIIIHITIOX LAW injr AuofUtfd Prm in com rij Tlrnm. TACOMA, WiiHh., .Inn. IS. Tho federal court hero to day refused to grnnt tho Se attle Hrowlng and Malting C ompniiy nu Injunction to prevent Attorney General Tannnr from destroying boor In the company's iiosscsslou if not exported by Jan. 11. lllr AMorUlrJ Vnut lo Cooa liar Timet. TACOMA, Wash., Jan. C Uoforo three- United States Judges, and with every Kint In tho court room filled, an attack on the constitutionality of the state prohibition lnw wua mado In tho fedoral court hero today. The applicant was tho Seattlo Hrowlng nnd Malting Company tor uu Injunction to provent Attorney Gonornl Tunnor from destroying 4 0,000 barrels of boor In tho com pany's pnBsosfllon unless exported by Jan. 11th. It was takon undor con sideration by tho court nnd lator tho decision was given. Among othor things tho company arguod that tho lnltlatlvo nnd refer endum had not been adopted lognl- ly nnd that tho prohibition law therefore was Illegal, and that ton days was not sufficient Umo In which to export tho boor aftor tho law took effect. Court destroyed sonio of hopo of tho plnntiff when Justice Gilbert asked If tho broworjjdjd not consid er tho tlmo slnco UiejlRWiwns passed aufflclont to got rfdfitho bear. JURtlKUHEES Up For Rootlegglnj; t Myrtle Point TmIi Iji.st Pull To Try Again (Special to Tho Times) COQUILLE, Jan. C Tho Jury boa dlsagreod In tho caso of the stato ver sus James McCutchoon, of Beaver Hill, on a charge or bootlogglng. Tho caso was hard fought. It wa3 contended by tho state that McCut cbeon, who has beou In tho saloon business at Ueuvor Hill, took, liquor In bottlos to tho Myrtle Point fair last fall and cold it thoro, This wns denied by McCutcheon. Soveral wltnossos woro called for both sldos. It Is not bollovod that tho caso will como up again at this term of tho circuit court, or If It docs, not until aftor sovoral othor case havo boon disposed of. HERE'S SUGGESTION TO HEALTH 0FFICER SHAW New York Seekn to Stop Gilppe Epidemic by Wanilng Print ed h. HJiymo. NEW YORK, Jan. C. Rhyme aa a moans of educating the public In tho prevention of grip, now epi demic In somo parts or tho city, was used by tho health department by thousands or cards which it dis tributed throughout the city. Tlio couplet or preventive advico is: Cover up each cough nnd sneeze; H you don't you'll spread disease. Dr. Charles P. Uoulan, or tho bureau or health eaucaiion, said thero Is no spociric for grip, and prevention Is tho only means of checking Us spread. Tho rhymed warning will be pla carded in public placea and dis tributed through tho schools aud by guards on elevated and subway trains: ., o ': PREACHER IS LOST REV. HOMER It. SALISRURV WAS OX THE PERSIA Mound for India Ah Missionary For Seventh Day Adventlst. Church '.Rciut Coiiiom lllr AuoclaleJ Vm to Coog liar Ttmn.l WASHINGTON, D. C. Jan. C Rov. Homer It. Sallsburg, of this cl tj, Sovontb Day Adventlot mission ary superintendent for India, who sailed on tho Persia for Marseilles, In given up for lost n a report which tho Peninsular and Oriental Lino transmitted to tho American embas sy nt London. Tho report wbb tuinsmlttcd today to tho stato de partment. VESSEL II DERELICT THE THESSAIX)XIKI STILL APLOAT AND A MEXACE Crew nnd .Mull Ih Rescued by Anoth er Steamer PnsscngerH All Saved lllr Anorltlvd rreu to Coot Dr TIidm.j NEW YORK, Jnn. C Tho dls obled Greek steamer Thessulonlkl, abandoned at sea by tho paseongors nnd erow, Is ntlll afloat and Ih a mennco to navigation, according to a wireless today from tho Btunmer Per ugia. Tlio Perugia rescued 90 of the crow and all tho mull. Tho pns- Bongern and tho remaludor of tho crow aro on tho stcamor Patrls. TWELVE LIVES LOST DEATH CAUSED IIY SIXKIXO OP A STEAMER The Simmer Knnmvn Strikes Pier nt Purkerahurg-, W. Va. and (,'oes To Roftoni llr Anooiilathl Treu to Cooa liar Tlrara.t PARKERSDURG, W. Vn., Jan. 0. Captain Horry of tho steamor Kanawa, which sank last night af ter striking a plor cstlmntod this af ternoon that tho loss of llfo totals twolvo. River men placo tho list of missing nt 18. U1ETHT1E PRESIDENT NOT HEADY NAME SUPREME JUDGE TO Will CunvasH Situation Very Careful ly Reforo IXunilng SticceHMir to liiito Ju.stlco Lamar (Or Auoelc'4 Vrtaa to Cooa Da; Time.) WASHINGTON, D. Cr, Jan. C Today President Wilson told a call er that boforo appointing a huccoss or to tho Into Supremo Court Justlco Lamar ho would thoroughly canvasBJof 2,121,111 against 541,000. tho sltuutlan. Tuft was endorsod In ninny massages received CASE IS HALTED W. .1. MITCHELIv PORTLAND DE TECTIVE, BREAKS ROTH iLKGS Judgo Sklpworth Postpone Oih'o of Treadgold Versus Mitchell, and Record And Othorn (Special to Tho Times) COQUILLE, Jan. C. Docauso or tho ract that W. J. Mitchell, Portland detectlvo, Is said to havo recolved two broken legs In an auto nccldont, tho cubo or G. T. Troadgold versus V, J Mitchell tho Record and other has beou postponed until tho next term of court. Tho caso should have como up for trial today before Judge Sklpworth. Considerable Interest lias attached tt this caao whereby G. T. Troadgold, city attorney or Jiandoii, seeks to re cover from the soveral defendants tho sum or $50,000 as damages. He charges libel and Blandor, resulting from tho Simpson case that involv ed Joe Coach in tho last April term of tho circuit court. Tlio message regarding Mitchell canio rrom Mrs. Mitchell. L. G. Car pentor, partnor with Mitchell in the Coast Dotectlvo agency, fs now ut Co qulUe. WESTLAKE POSTOPPICE A Postorrico has bcon established at WoBtlako, our thrifty neighbor on the shores or tho beautiful Tsllt epos Lake, with Mrs. Fannie Clark us Postmistress', The mall loaves Glonti'da three times u week, Tues day, Thursday and Saturday, Glar--Qjicp Ackluy, earrei"-T-Ploronce Wbat. t LABOR BODY IS AGAINST BILL Compulsory Measure is Op posed by Labor Congress 1 by Big Majority IT TDlGGEPT IT Leader of Party in House of Commons Will Not Act on the Decision HE SERVES NOTICE T0UAY Saj-H Ho Will Resign His Seat and AskH HIh Constituents Whether or Net Ho Huh Acted Prop erly in tho Mutter THREE OP MINISTRY RESIGN THEIR PLACES Dr Aiiocltt Prn-i to Com nr Tlnin.) LONDON, Jan. C Arthur Hondorson, prcHldont of tho board of education; William Iiraco, parliamentary undor secretary of homo affairs, and Gcorgo II. Roberta, Lord Commissioner of tlio Treasury, labor leudors, ro Blguod from tho ministry todny. (Ujr AasoclitoJ I'rras to Cooa liar Tlmta.) LONDON, Jan. C. Tho Labor Congress today wont on. record agaliiHt tho bill Introduced In thoLyond tho positions they havo occu Houso or Commons yesterday for compulsory Horvlco, rcconinioiinlng thnt tho momborri of tho Labor party In Parliament opposo tho bill nt all" stages. Demand Withdrawal By a vote or 1,098,000 against 783,000, tho Labor Congress do cldod to support a domand for tho withdrawal -at tho compulsory sor vlco bill from Parliament. A roc ommendatlon to Labor mombors of Pnrllamont to opposo tho bill was In tho form of an nmondmont to tho resolution originally placed boforo tho organization. This ninondinont re-afflrms tho decision ot tho Labor Congress nj: Bristol In regard to( conscription. Tho nmondmont carried by a vote or 1,710,000 to 934,000. Test Resolution. Tho tompor or tho Labor Con bross was tested today by an amendment to tho oHIclal resolu tion to tho offect that tho organ ization should support tho com pulsion moasuro by rorclng slnglo men to enlist. Tho nmondmont was defentod on a cara vote by an overwhelming majority by a voto Leader Revises Arthur Hondorson, loader or tho Labor party In the Houso or Com mons, served notl?o on tho Labor Congress today that ir it was do- clded lip should opposo tho govern ment's compulsion bill, ho would roruso to accopt such a decision. Ho said ho would resign his seat and ask his constltutonts wbothor thoy endorsed his action. TO TttEW TRIP ROOSEVEIT GOING SOON TO THE WEST INDIES Wlfo Will AvroiufNiiiy Him uud Thoy Will Not Return Until Xot April JUr Aaaoc latMt rreat to Cooa par Timca.J NEW YORK, Jan. G. Announce ment that Roosevelt will start Feb lu on a trip to tho West Indies, from which ho will not joturn until April 1, was mado today. Mrs. Roosevelt will accompany hint. POUR CHILDREN' ARE BURNED TO DEATH Ur AaocUled Treta tu cc. twj Tluiea, NEW MARTONSVILLKv W. Vu., Jan. G. Four child ren of John Morgan woro burned to death In the fam lly homo hero today. In attempting a rescue, Mor gan was bo badly burnqd ho may die. X Consolidation of Times, Const Mail nntl Coon Hiy Atlvortlwcr. IS 1 BULGARIA VOTES HUNDRED MIL HON WAR CREDIT Enthusiastically Approved by Par liament nntl All Sections or Op position Puvor Movo inr Aimoclnted Treaa to Coot Dar Tlmoi.l LONDON, Jan. C. Tho war credit of $100,000,000 was enthusiastically approved by tlio Dulgnrlan Parlia ment, says n Snlonlkl dlBpntch. AH sections of tho opposition voted with tho government. HAND GRENADE ATTACK ON GERMANS NOT SUCCESSFUL Vienna Denies That City of C.cr- nowltz Han Been Evacuated by tho TeiitoiiH Dr Aaaoclated Praia to Cooa liar Tlmta, LONDON, Jan. C. ProRs dls pntcbes Hay that a Pronch hand grciiado attack against tho Gorman lines northeast ot Lcmcsmtlo wns ropulBod, Ilcrlln roports today. Tho ullled artlllory haB bcon unlntor muptodly shotting Loiih. A nowspnpor dispatch rrom Po trograd asserts that tho RuBslnns Vlorcod tho Teutonic positions in tho immediately vicinity or Czor- nowltz, compiling tho opponents to fall back to a secondary lino, nnd near Cznrtorysk tho Teutons wero proBHOd back sovoral miles. Denied at Vienna Vicuna denies tho Russlnn state ment thnt Czoruowltz is ovueuutod. Vloiina furthor stutos that tho Russians have not advanced be- plod for months. On tho Rlga-Dvlnsk front a Ger man rccounoltorlng dotachment south of Jacobfltadt wlthdrow bo foro a auporlor Russian forco, nor lln says, IS ROLLIN EDMONDS MUST GO TO PENITENTIARY Tho DiimnKo Suit of WojKaiidt Against Dr. Buttle Still on Trial Grand Jury Is Busy tOr Aocl.itfrl rrc.a to Cooa liar Tlmn.J (Special to Tho Times.) COQUILLE, Ore, Jan. C. Rol llu Edmonds must go to tho pon ltonllary. His parolo haB boon revoked nnd ho must servo a term or rrom two to 20 years. Two yoars ago ho passod a forged chock. Ho was released on parolo during good bohnvlor, In tho nioautlmo his father died and ho went' to Eastoru Orogon and was married, Then ho enmo back to Myrtlo Point, galnod tho confidence of another girl and secured her watch and $10 and skipped to Rosoburg. Ho was arrested thoro aud brought back. Ilia parolo was consequently revoked. Ho Is about 22 years of ago, Suit Xot Plulshcd Tho dajnago suit or Woygandt against Dr. Ira II. nartlo was still on trial this attornoon aud may not bo finished until tomorrow. Grand Jury Busy Tho grand Jury was busy today clearing up criminal cases whero arrostB havo been mado. indict ments tuny bo roturnod to tho court tomorrow. Tho grnnd Jury will bo In session sovoral days. CONCURS WITH SENATOR PALL'S RESOLUTION AhIcb for Information Upon Which President Recognized tho Currnuzu Government Ur Aiioclitad rrroa to Cooa Bar Tlmta. i WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. C, Sonutor Fall's losolutlon calling upon President Wilson for Infor mation upon which ho based his recognition of tlio Carranza gov ornmont in Mexico was agreed to unanimously today by tho Bouate. Chairman Stono, or the foreign re lations committee saw no objection to Its adoption and movod that It bo passed. PORTLAND Steps ha,ve beou tak en to organlzo tho Oregon Chamber or Comuiorco to tako the placo or tho Oregon Development League. FRENCH REPULSED T No. 141 AA CARRIES N Arrives in Now York Armed and Objections Raised by the Government MUST BETKKEH OFF. Vessel Cannot Leave Port Until Disarmed, the Of ficials Have Stated REQUEST OTHER NATIONS Givnt Britain and Prnnro Also Ask ctl not to Arm Liners Coming to Thin Country Comply With Right to loiter Object tllr AifocUlcJ I'rraa to Cooa Daj Tlmta, WASHRINGTON, D. C, Jan. G. Tho Stato Dnpartmont probably will tnko up with tho Italian govornmont tho question of guns being mountol on tho liner Glusoppo Verdi, which nrrlvod In Now York today, with a vlow of havliii; tho plncos dismount ed boforo tho ship, leaves Amorlcnn water. Others Asked Also Tho stato department lator had tn formal negotiations with Omit Britain and Frunco through tholr ambassadors hero and asked thai any guns whatsoever bo romovod from passenger liners coming to American ports. Two forolgn gov ernments, Informally nnd rosrvlng rights to object, compiled. AUSTRIA ASKED FOR INFORMA TION ON PERSIA SINKING Ambassador Penfleld Wire Thnt Ho Hits Not Yet Received Any Reply 11 ABioclatfrd I'rtia to Cooa liar Tlmn, WASHINGTON, D. O., Jan. 0. Ambassador Ponflold cabled today that ho had presented informally to Vlonna Forolgn OfHco tho Ameri can government's request for In formation on tho destruction of tho Persia, and ul tho tlmo or riling his dispatch ho baa recolved no reply. Want. Information Ponflold was Instructed to ask tho Austrian govornmont Informal ly for any Information It might havo on tho Porsla, which would holp tho American govornmont do clde how tho liner was dostroyod. So far tho only actual statement tondlng to provo that tho ship was torpedoed, camo rrom ono or the offlcors of tho ship, who said ho saw what ho thought was the wako of a torpedo, No. submurlno was soon at any tlmo. Tho absonco of furthor advlcos Is homing tho situation, us far as action ny the United Stutea is concerned, at a standstill. XothliiK Furthor American Consul Garrols at Alexandria reported Uiat affidavits ho gathered rrom tho Persia sur vivors gnvo no moro proofs that a Bubmurlno torpedoed tho liner or regarding Its nationality than woro contained In tho first dls patcbos. ARRIVES AT NEW YORK Italbm Liner Armed With Two Pour- , Inch Guns nr AavKtatea ?ntt to ooa Vr TlBfl NEW YORK. Jan. 0. Tho Itallau steamor Glusoppo Verdi arrived horo today rrom Genoa carrying two four inch naval guna mounted on tho storn. Pussongora said they un derstood tho Italian govornmont was respouslblo for mounting- tho guns, which were intended to repel sub marine uttneks. ACCIDENT IS FATAL Miss Mary Holon. Rpbortson, who six weeks ago was Btruck by an automobile while crossing North Winchester street In Rosoburg. dlod at the homo or her slstor, Mrs. Wil liam Roberts. In North Rosoburg. Miss Robertson was ill at tho tlmo of U'o accldont, but tho shock de veloped complications which had slnco kopt her in a critical condition. Roseburg RovJevYi , ALBANY Llnji .county;, budget vas lowered a half, will wha tha tiUdgot camo up for final paaatge on' account of the statu tax belli; overestimated, PRESENTS REQUEST it ; V' 1,11 F ' i