WOMAN SAW THE f IRST SNAKE BUT MAN HAS BEEN SEEING THEM EVER SINCE" Qloos A PAPER THAT BELIEVES IN THE BEST AND ALWAYS BOOSTS A CLEAN WHOLESOME NEWSPAPER FOR ALL SOUTHWEST OREGON HOMES MEMBER OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS n ,. No. XXXIX. RESIDENT IS I CONFERENCE iscusscs the Now Submarlna Crisis lotiay vmn u.u Secretary of State . ri't'Vlt; nAntinn Wl UO laKCIl rCMl inn Further Keporis on.mu ... Sinking Olinc ruraia O AMERICANS ABOARD Li! Iiifoniinflon as IIiih IIchjii He- In-iivd Is Iloluir Carefully Con- fttuoreil iV uihi'iih iiiik the Matter in Hunt! Dr AmocUIoiI rrem to Coon Hr Tlmea, . . nal I.I.. tf..tl...a WASHINGTON, I). C, Jan. 15.- Irosldont Wilson conrcrrcu w".n k-crotnry or Hiaio muibihk i"i V" ..nU t Im ..it ) i titrt fill tl our touay ovui mu umuhiiu Hsb. No additional ibcih uuyunu pflnlto knowlotlRO tuni omy iwo Imorlcons wore aboard 1110 nnur Icrela was recolved by mo huuo leparlraont over night. Such liirorinaiiou an was unwmjr Uivid. howovor. was curofully ro- Eowml liv both I'rCflidOnt llUll SOC fctary Lansing. Tiioro is bmii every hdlcatlon timt no action win uu kken ponding tho receipt ot fullor llvlccs. IAXTS WtlTIKII REPRESENTA TIVE Hi'ititE.VDKHED Uk Itofiuro Iii Rooms of the Anwv- Iran Chnrgo at Korla when Arrest. Wiih Ordered (Br AwLlKi Trni to Coo. Day Tlmea. LONDON. Jan. R. A niessngo lorn Sola says tho UulKarlau minis- ir nt Washington lias been instruct- to demand tho surrondor or tno IrilUli vice Consul, who took rot ko in tlio rooms or tuo Amurlcnn pargo d'nffalrs when Bulgaria or kod his arrest In retaliation for bo arrest ot tho coiiruIb of tho cen tal powers. IKV. IF. It. SALISBURY MAY BE LOST O.V PERSIA pnmrmi , i.niiiiou Kinimssy iih lloliijr Aboard, but Xot Named With tho Survivors (Dr Aaaoclated Prt-M to cooa Bay Time.) I- LONDON. Jan. C Tbu Amorlcn.ii Irabatsy horo received a report nat Rev. Homer It. Salisbury, nn Imerlcau. v,us a nnssonnor on tio ship I'oralu, which wns sunk In io Mediterranean, but ho la not iitiuueu among tlio survivors. HIMSELF f Mmrged Willi Conspiring to Foment mriKC timi telcaM'(l on l.'Ivo TlioiiMtiid Dollm- Hall W AuwUteJ Vitu to Coo ilr Tlran.J NEW YORK. Jan. fi f!niiLrnaR. Hn Frank Iiuchnnnii nt ininriia in. feted on charges of conspiring; to i mrmes in inunitloii plnntB May surrendered lilmsolf horn and Fas arralu'iiml Ha ninn,i,i .. Iiillty ami was roleasod on JG.000 ill. -- ' I'OUWJ HAVH AV1CSTDUN NAVAL .m AVIATION SCHOOL pill In Conirress iivvi.iu t n.. Ou San Fiiinrlsco Hay to Cost Ten Million IDy AiiorUt TfM to Cooa Bay Tlmta.J WASHINGTON, D. C. Jan 5 naval and aviniim ..,"... . tost 110,006,000 on' Sa"Fra,tc.sco Ma ' ,0P8etl a hill lntroduc- -a today by Snnntnr in.nio.. rti fornla. ' " "l "" FIVE VESSELS Zl Tl, '. j?.. ..? - " o uiuiuoni m Concortt tBy Awoclaterf rf, to Coo. na Tim.. 1 iS'SK?.''! h- reserve duiv ""' ll lQr ovon naw ,...,U'J Wor? strloken from tho nent. Thor '7,' "l "0 wpart- "W iii nv nniAM n ii.. i and mi.;1 ",u.lo monitors Terror Tluate LiS. "' IS? wooden Bteam Icord J, . '' u, gunuoat uou- WashlnB.nS ,.f !. n!?e to t!' IT MORE NEWS 0 BIDED D I1ES ROPOSES ACADEMY HOP fuel sbiii Justin. ""' UUa Ul Established 1878 An Tlio Const Mail MARSHFIELD, OREGON, E PUBLICATIONS WITH LIQUOIl ADS CANNOT HE BOLD District Attorney nt Eugene, Says Jlo Will Insist Upon That Feat ure Being Observed. District Attorney Uovcrs oC Lano County, will irosocuto unyono noll lnjr mngnzliiGH or pnpors containing liquor advortlHcmontfl. Tho Eugcno Register unotoH tho attorney ub fotlown: . "If tliuv COIltlntlO In not I niiliHrn. HU EHC I v'ClUlniH containing liquor advertise n'Mi' r.,. ni.i,, .,... ,..m nn.(..t..i.. i inontM, they will certainly bo pros ecuted. I expect to poo tho law enforced In every detail. Tho lnw Is tho oxprcsBlon of a majority of tho pcoplo of tho stnto In every particular, Thoy meant when they cast their ballots that tho boozo biiKlneiis is to bo controlled. Thore Ih n heavy ponnlly If a District Attorney fnllH to onforco tlio law and I am not going to tnko any chances." Will' ho ICnfoiccd Tho ISttgotio paper goes on to say: "If tho uowsdcalorH desire to soli tho ningazlncfl containing liquor ad vortlBomontB, and nearly ovory mag nzlno accoptH such business, thoy will either liavo to tenr out tho lcavou containing theso advcrtlso monts or ohlltorato tho ndvortlso incutB in somo way that they cannot bo rend. TIiIb will entail a great amount of labor, but tho District Attorneys of tho stnto all doclaro that thoy aro going to enforce every detail of tho now law. Section Applying Tlio section of tho law regarding tho Ralo of Hitch literature, reads as follows: "If any porson nhall advcrtlso, or glvo notice by Blgns, billboards, newspapers, periodicals, or other wise, for himself or anothor, ot tho salo or hooping tor salo of liquors, or Bhall clrculnto or dlstrlbuto any pi'ico lists, olrcularH or order lilnnkB advertising liquors, or publish any nowBpapor, magazino, periodical or other written or printed papers, In which such ndvortisomcntH or no tlcos nro given, or shall ponnlt any Biich notlcoa or any advertisement ot liquors (Including bill boards) to bo postod upon his promlsos, or promises under his control, or shall permit tho sanio to so remain upon hiicIi promises, ho shall bo guilty of a mlsdomounor and bo flnod not less than $100 nor moro than $I00." Can Como Through Mall. If Ih trnnnriillv bollovcd tllOrO IB nothing to provont ono receiving nuiga'iues r nowa'papors containing liquor advortlsomonts thrqugh tho mall, nB tho Oregon law cannot in terfere with tlio, U. S. malls. Hut soiling such publications on tho newsstands Is anothor matter and It appears to ho tho general opinion that If bucJi pnpors aro displayed tho nowadealor Is Hablo. Too Much Trouble. Cutting tho advortlsomonts out of a San Francisco paper would spoil considerable of tho reading matter, but It Iiub been Biiggestod that It could bo censored In somo othor way, possibly by Inking ovor -, ii ,..a It ftMi Iii not. tllO UUVOIllbomui.i. u bo read. Local nowBdealors say that It would not bo worth whllo to go to '!'' !. .!?' S,rSSZSS ' Jj ;..-''"".': tbnv simnly wllUnot hantllo Callfor- nla papora. ST ADMIHAL STANKOHD SAS THAI IS PUGKT SOUND . Testifies that, it is Only Dependable , iirni AVuter Naval Station ' ' in UnlteVl StVitcs I wARi iTntton DC Jan 6.- WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. o. ID Aaaoclatea Vreia tu Cooa llay Tlm. Thoro is only ono thorough yaeenu- i.i., jnon v.ntrn- nnvnl Rtatlo uuiu uwii ... ..,... ----- . iavai siauou l".v United StateB, accorumg io -; " mlral Stanford, head of tho bureau of yards and docks, who testified to ddy boforo tho house naval committee nn'l that station Is tho I'uget Sound Navy Yard. Shallow at New orU. mi.n i,tor.naf hnttinnhlns. Admiral Stanford said, found no difficulties in ontorlng tho Pugot Sound yard. On tho othor hand ho found tho sit uation In tho Now York navy yard rathor serious on account of staio water, Thero aro similar dlfflcul ... n.n. vnr.is Ho nromlsod to glvo moro details at tomorrow's hearing. GENKUAL IIVKRTA M IS MUCH IMPROVED By AaaoclatM Preaa tu Ct Oay TlmM. EL PASO, Jan. B. Gen, Huorta was bo Improved to day that ho Insisted leaving bis bod for a loungo chair. BLT ATI T. ROOSEVELT IS Majority and Minority Reports Filed in Senate Today Up hold the Administration ' Committee Finds President Is Blameless Regarding Gov ernment Ship .Measure ACTIVITIESJOJ ILLEGAL Shipping Interests' Are Fount! Xot to Ho nt Fault Saltl That Charge Had Origin In ITiigcueroiiM Trait of lliiinaii Mind tUf A.oelito.t Trril to Coo liar llrart, WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. fi. Charges circulated during the Inst HOBslon of Congross that tho Admin istration officials acted In the Inter est of foreign business firms In urg ing tho passage of tho Government ship purchase- bill wore hold baso loss In tho majority and minority reports filed today by tho Senato conunlttco appointed to Investigate. Doth reports also found tho shipping Interests blameless of Ille gal activity in opposition to tlio mcaauro. t Fulled to Appear Tho majority douounred Iloosovolt for falling to appear hoforo tho com mlttco to testify concerning his published assertion that I'resldont Wilson and Secretary of Stato Dryan "had endeavored In tho Interests of certain foreign business firms to scciiro for tho United Statca power to purchofco Internod ships." Allege Sophistry "The charge," tlio report Bald, "hnd Kb origin In that ungenerous trait of humnii mind which Is prono to attrlbuto unworthy motives to ro doubtablo rivals, and particularly political antagonists. Tho writer, whoso omlnenco nnturnlly woh cal culated to kIvo weight to his utter ance, finding himself without any basis oven of hearsay cliaractor ror his slanderous attack upon tho high est ofllcor of bis uovernmont. sim ply resorted to 'palpablo Hophlslry to cscapo tho responsibility for tho assertion ho mado." Sonator Suthorlln presented tlio minority report for lilmsolf and Sonator Penrose Tho minority said thoy did not concur Insofar as tho report defends tho bill itsoir. Against Iloosovolt "With rororunco to tho criticism of ltoosovolt, tho minority report said: "Wo found oursolvefl unablo to ngreo with tho strlcturos with rof erenco to Iloosovolt." DELEGSTES TO CO POUT rOM.MISHIO.VKHS WILL FK1UT FOU APPUOPHIATIOX Hellevo Favotiibln Heport of Kn Klneor H'Hy Hboiiltl bo Follow ctl Up. Tim inrt of Coos Hav will do ev erything In Us power to socuro action on tho rocomniondutlon of tho gov- oriimont onglnoorB townrd reBtorlng nnd oxtendlng tho north Jotty at tho I - , OYtflIllilllir oiitranco, said Honry SongBtackon, BOcretary of tho Port, this morlng. Thoro la a mooting of tho Port on ,, . i !.. ttltrx tlloiini Will lift .,'1 l)Q liamo,i t0 K0 oast U Washington to agmuo inu immui along. ' .., With tho engineers recommondlng tho movo tho matter must Btlll bo brought up In tho Congressional com mittees and given attention thoro or it ia inH ns far ns crottliiK nn appro- ,)rIaUon Is concerned. This Is tho vory point tho Commls- Bionora feol thoy must work on. It ,B believed '"'XtatS resontatlvo of tlio loit persisioiuiy prodding tho question that something .can UO aCCOmpusuuii. While la Portland a short tlmo ago Ho,,PHtiekon received encourago- -;- tho K0Vernment enoineori -.;.,., i f i u nmimii l t and wua told thnt In all probability something would be done toward got ting tlio Jotty appropriation. RUMOR Hlfl DEAL Thoro Is a rumpr about tho city that somo outside concern 1b trying to securo an option on wntorfront proporty on Coos Hay with tho view of erecting a factory of some kind here Nothing definite can bo loarnod rogardlng tho matter, fur thor than It Is said tp bo a ?175,u00 deal If It should bo mado. NOTICE TO HUNKER HILL PROP ERTY OWNERS A meeting will be held at the Bun ker Hill school house at 7:30 p. m. Friday, January 7, for tho purposo of considering tho advisability of Bunker HJ11 being annexed to Marshflold. DENOUNCED CHARGES SS WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 5, 19 16 OT T IIKVOIiUTIONIHTS ATTACK FOKCK AMKKIUAN' MA1MNKS One Itebel Is Killed and tlio Others Aro Quickly Dispersed by Marines tnr Arnodalcl I'rein (o Com liny Tlmo,l POUT A-U PUINCIO. Haiti, Jan. B. A rovoltttlonury outbreak occurred today nt Port An Prlnco. A forco of American marines was attacked. Ono of tho rebels was killed by the Americans wlio suffered no losses. Several groups of insurrectionists run through tho streets discarding their rifles. Tho Americans met thorn mid thoy we-ra rapidly dispers ed. EWLARGES FIELD HUOOKIXCH COMPANY TO KNTKIt TIIK CALIFOHXIA TltADK Heport From South Is Concern Has Acquired Hetltrootl of tlio Del Xorto Company SAN FUANCISCO, Jan. 5. An Indication of tno Increased pros perity in tho timber market Is tho advent of a now company In Del Norto County, on tho Orogon lino, with a capitalization ot $5,000,000. Tho Urooklngs Timber & Lumber Company, which had been operating In fir In Oregon, has acquired tho redwood holdings ot tho Dol Norto Company and under tho iinnio of tho California & Orogon Lumbor Com pany will entor tho California mnr kots. Proof of Prosperity With an ndvnnco of $4 a thousand In tho prlco of redwood lumber, and an ovon grcntor advance In tho pilco of fir, caused by nn Increase In building activities In California, tho ttmbor pcoplo have? n convinc ing proof of prosperity. Tho Incrcuso in tho. nrJco nnd tho domnnd Is nil tho mora) significant In that it coiuea In December and January, a season wjien building activities nro gonorally Hlnckonotl. It Is said that tho demand In San Francisco lust mouth was threo times us i;reut as in any other mouth in tho UiBt flvo years. Hiiying In Fust Stories of speculative buying In tho Kant, nnd stocking up of lumber In Atlnntlu yards In anticipation of tho end of tho war, have been heard horo, nnd It is certain that tho first advance was in tho prlco ot South ern pine. Tlmbormon thomaolvos say thoy nro surprised at tho.domund of tho lust mouth and report mat archi tects' offlcoa havo moro business on hand now than at any other tlmo since tho rebuilding immodiiitoiy after tho flro ot l'JOG. .15 KLKCrKI) HKAD OF WASHINGTON FOOTHALI SQUAD Players Heath Portland from Pasa dena Where They Deleatet! Drown University CHIOA(U) NATIONAL CLUH IS SOLD TODAY (lly Auuiclalo.1 I'rc.a to rooa Day Tliura. CINCINNATI, O. Jan. 5. Tho Chicago National Club was sold by Charles P. Taft to Charles Weoghman to- day. i IUy AWHlatJ 1TM to lx pa-lluiw.l PORTLAND, Jan. C Tho Wash ington atato collogo football squad nrrlvod horo today from Pasadona ;hero It defeated tho Drown Unt .veralty nnd announced thnt Donton Hangs of Albion, Idaho, was elected captain for tho next year at n snoot ing held on tho train Inst night. IIAKUOH LIGHTS OUT Capt, Olson Complains of IiC4iI Aios to Navigation a I Capt. B. W. Olson of tho Adeline Smlthxsald today that tho harbor lights In tho lower Bay woro not burning this morning when ho rarao in. It was very dark nnd mado It ex tremely difficult for him and would havo mado It Impossible for u navi gator who was not absolutely famil iar with tlio-channel to cross in. As thoro was no wind last night, ho Is wondorlng what excuso can bo offer ed for the lights being out. WILL RETURN ROME IDy Associate Preaa to Cooa Day Times. SHANGHAI-, Jan. C O. M. Bishop American vice consul and senior American assessor In tho mixed court at Shanghai, has resigned from tho consular service and will return to his home at Baltlmoro to prnctlco law, . , . Dr. Lwdks, Osteopath, Mnrshfield BANGS C EVENING EDITION. GENERAL VILLA Has Three Other Officers With Him and Five Hun dred Men Former leader Said to be Assembling Followers at' San Buena Ventura MINE PROPERTY IS LOOTED Itcport Comes to HI Pnwi Today that Two of the Kmployes of tho Com- puny are Hel.oi! una Jlcltl Kor Hansom Dr AuoclatrJ l'rnu to Coo. Dar Tlmra. Mf PASO. Texas. Jnn. 15. Gen. Villa with GenornlB Hodrlguez, Con ccoIob nnd Hcrmnndoz, with fiOO. mou havo assembled In San Huena Von tiini. Valley. Bouthweat of CaBUB Gr.iudes, nccordlng to a report re ceived by Gonornl Obregon today. Mine Is United Mining mon who nrrlvod today tho South reported that El Potosl mining company proportion at Yo quLvo and ClonogaB woro looted nnd two mou taken awny and hold for ransom by armed baiuja. BILL I1TR0DUCED CALL KOH COMPUUSOHY SKHVICIC IX C1HKAT HUITAIX Ah Prtweutetl Demands All Men With out Wives or CliOdien From IH to II In Age, Must Servo (lly AuocUloJ rr to Cooa Day Tlmra.) LONDON. Jan. n. Undor tho terms of tho compulsory military eorvlco bill Introduced In tho Iiouho d't commoiiB todny, all males betweon tho ages of IS antl 1 1 who nro bneh olora or widowers without children dopondont upon them aro liable for military service Ireland la exclud ed from tho tonus of tho measure. TOTAL II ML THAT MANY HKADY TO HIUTIHH AUMH 1HMH Such Is tlio Heport or lirtl Derby As Hesult of His Kiillstment Cam paign for Two Mouths lily Aaaoilat4 I'reaa lo Cooa nay Tlmra. LONDON, Jan. 5. Tho total mini bor ot men ready to hear arms ob tained from tho enlistment for tho period botweon Oct. 23 nnd Deo. 15 i Ih estlmntod In Lord Derby's report nt 1,00,'93 nftor thoso ongnged In IndlBponslblo ludustrlea and tho phys ically unfit huVo .been taken out ot tlio total proBontlng for service Compulsion Nectlctl Although ho haa been a strong supporter of a syBtoni of .voluntary Borvlco, Asqulth doclnrod bo Is con vinced of tho necessity of a compul Bory bill, which ho bellovea would moot with gonornl approval. Hearts With War Asqulth opened his address with an nnalyslB in tho Dorby roport, Ho omphaslzed tho fact that during tno Dorby campaign nearly 3,000,000 mou offorod their sorvlces. Kvon deducting thoso rojcctnd on ltho grounds of physical disability, tlio total was still in oxcoss or -',-C0O.00O. " Thoro nro wonderful, oncourng Ing figures" tho premier continued. " Thoy ought to convlnco both our allies nnd out enomlos that tho pooplo of this country havo their hearts In tho war." JURY IS STILL OUT HAS NOT AGREED IN THE M'CUT- 01 1 EON HOOTLEGGING CASE Instructed This .Morning but Xo Ver dict Yet Grand Jury At Work Today (Special to Tlio Times) COQUILLH, Ore, Jan. 5. Tho caso of James McCutchcon, charged with soiling liquor at Heaver Hill contrary to tho local option law, was Uulshod this morning and tho Jury was instructed but at 3:30 o'clock this afternoon tho Jury had not yet roported and It w.as believed that tho Jurors might havo disagreed. Grand Jury Work Tho grand Jury Is at work but no leporta woro mado today, It was Intimated that tho Jurors would ox- umluo Into tho matter of resorts in Marshflold which might result in the raiding of somo places and tho ar rest ot Inmates. Nothing official however was given out. HOY BREAKS LEG Herman Lllonthal, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lllonthal of Cooa River, while, playing football at the Cooa Ulvor school today, sustained a broken log. Ho wus brought on a stretcher at once to Dr. llorfall who le looking utter him. IS oBBNinn i. Consolidation of Times, Const Mall nnd Coos Bay Advertiser. SURVIVORS LM PKOPLK OFF TDK PKHSIA KKACII ALKXAXDHLV Most of Them Suffered HrulicH and Injuries Havo Llttlo to Tell of Incident Wr AasoeUtei Trfia to Coot Ilay Tlmo. LONDON, Jnn. C Tho Biirvlvors tlm Hrltlsh Btoainshlp Persln of rertched Alexandrln. all bearing trac es of Bhock and hardship. Most of thorn had badly brulBcd and bandag ed limbs. Ono woman la In tho hos pital with a broken leg. Tho trngo- dy waB onactod so rapidly that tho aiirvlvors say thoy hardly realized what hapopnod and consequently thoy had llttlo to toll, 9IP "STUTTFLDAT flUKKIC HOAT HAS NOT 1IKKX AHANDOXKD VKT Wireless Say Crow of the Thessa- lotilki Is Staying With tlio Crippled Vessel Illy mwoeiataJ rra If Coot Ur Tlm.l NBW YOHK, Jnn. G. Confirma tion of tho report thnt tho Btcamer Thessalonlkl la Btlll afloat and not yet abandoned by tho crow 1b con tained In a wlroloBB messngo re ceived hero today from tho Bteam or Stockholm. ILOElFOPHELO SUNDAY CI.OSIXO IS CO.VSTITU TIONAL IN OHKUON Such Is Derision of Three .Indues in the Federal Court ut Port land Rogardlng tho upholding of tho "Orogon Dluo Law" by the Federal Court, tho Portland Oregonlan Bays: "Tho old Sunday bluo law of Oro gon Is valid and npt In contraven tion olthor of tho Btnto or the l'od- oral Constitution. "Threo United States Judges bo ncrnn In a. RWCOIllin: OPlllloll llUIUletl down by United States District Judgo Wolvorlon, which upholds tho lnw In ovory particular wuereni at tack has been nindo on It In tho Vflilnrnl Hnlirt. "Tho opinion donlca tho prayer of ii.. ii...iiu.t.lntr-Tliillrn.fnl1niidnr Cum- nniiv liiaiiufacturerH of billiard and pool tablOB and bowling nlloys, for a permanent Injunction restraining District AttomoyB and Shorlffs of 2(5 Oregon Counties, Muitnomau rtmintv huiiff ono. from euiorcniK tho law. Tn Multnomah. "Multnnmnb CoUlltV nwnltS tllO offect of tho opinion bunded down by Fedornl Judgo Wolvorlon upon tlio doclslon of Circuit Judgo Gan lo.ibeln on Dan Kellnhor's potltlon for an injunction. A tompornry restraining order wiib granted and Is now In offect, but tho final do cIbIoii of Judgo Gantenbolu will bo mado wllhln threo days. If tho In junction Is mado pormanont, tho cttHO will go to tho Stato Suproino Court. If It Is otherwlso, District Attorney Evans will tnko measures to onforco tno law. EMipWnL SIIKLL l!lOWH UP ACCIDKNTAIi- LY AT LYONS, FIUNCE Eight Soldiers and n Civilian Killed ami Many Are Injuied As ' A Result iny AaaocUted l're to Cooa Uay Tlmea. -LYONS, Franco, Jan. G. Eight soldlors and ono civilian woro killed and nineteen soldlors and ono civili an woro lnjurod horo by the acci dental oxploslon of a shell In tho Ar tillery Park. ILL ALLEN MEMI1KH ARKANSAS LKGISLA- TURE SHOT FROM AMHUSH Deputies With Wood Hounds Are Now Seeking the Slayers of Murdered Man IUy AmoiUUJ l'rwa to Cooa Way Tlmea. LITTLE HOCK, Ark,, Jan. &.-? Alien Nixon, a mombor of tho Ar kansas legislature, was shot from ninbush and klllod, according to In formation from Ozark, his home. Deputies with blqod bounds nro seeking tho slnyor. , SON OF GREAT SINGER DIES AT SAN DIEGO ' (By Aaaoclated Preaa o wuca Bay Tlmea, SAN DIEGO, Cal. Jan, 6. Hans Schumann-Holnk, son of Madam Schuman-Holnk, tho singer, died horo this morning of pnoumonla. No. 140 cz S Germans Are Said to Have Found Place Untenable With Russians on Heights CITY SURRDUNDED Has Changed Hands Four Times Since the Start of the European War OTHER FRONTS ARE QUIEi Aitlllcry Duel North of Dlvuiudo nnd Hand (irenado Fight Which Ho suits In Advantage for the Helglnns , H Aaaoclatad nni t o tin TlmM.) LONDON, Jan. 5. Dispatches received horo flay tho Ilusslan cam pnlgn In HoBsarabla takes first place In tho war nowa with tho nn iioiincomcnt In a Nowa Agoncy incs eago from Pctrograd that tho Aus-tro-Gormau forces havo evacuated Czcrnowltz, which becamo unteuablo becauso of tho Russian capture of tho liolghts B-KToundlng tho city., Czcrnowltz ban changed hands four times Binco tho beginning ot tho wnr. No Important developments on tho other fronts. A Holglan orficlnl rojiort recounts nrtlllory duola near Dlxmudo and Drel Grachten and n Jinnd grenade fight north of SteoiiBtrnoto which rc- Bultod In tho Holaus' advantngo. PRESENTS PROTEST GREEK MINISTER GIVES TEXT TO HULOAHIAX MINISTER Object, tji ;imt by .Entente .Powers1 of Consuls Representing tho Central Poucrs (lly AHoelatfttl t'nwa to Cooa nay TlmM.) HEULIN, Jan. r. (WlrclesB to Sajwlllo) Tho Grook minister nt So fia has presented to Promler Hndos-i levoff, the text of tho Grook noto protesting to tho ontonto powors nguinst the nrrcst ot tho Gorman, Austrian, Bulgarian and Turkish con sulH ut Salouokl, Tho minister Informed the pro mler that Greece will uso all moans at her dlspouul to nupport hor claims and dealron to maintain good rela tions with tho Central' powers, avoid ing any misunderstanding with thorn. LOSSES WERE URGE ONE RATTLE COST ENGLAND SIX TV THOUSAND MEN Report Is .Mado In House of Commons Regarding Casualties at I, Franco (Dy AtaotlaloJ 1'rvaa lo Cuoa Day Tlmra. LONDON, Jan. 5. The Hrltlsh cas ualties In th" Imttlo ot Loos, Franco, last September totaled 237G officers and 57,28s mon, according to an uu nouueomont In tho house of comnioiiH today by tho parliamentary undor , '"rotary of " ACTIVITIES OF KUH5IARINES IN CREASES AVAR RISKS 4 Hates Also Advance Greatly on Ship ments To Go Through the Suez Canal Dy An.otlato.1 Pre.a to Cooa nay Tlmo.. J NEW YORK, Jan. C Tho activi ty of tho submarines In tlio Mediter ranean caused an advanco hi war risk Insurance by local companies to day on cargoes for Mediterranean ports and shipments tbrough tho Su ez canal. Tho rato advanced from threo-olghta ot ono percent to ten per cent. SAY TRAINS WILL CROSS UMPQl'A BRIDGE Partios from Gardiner Btato that they havo been re liably informed that Engin eer Broughton will arrange for trains to cross tho Ump qua bridge, just as soon as the bnlancq of tho road la ready. Tho bridge will not bo com pleted but he has made plans for a crossing on falso work "Which will permit the con struction of tho bridge be ing continued without Inter ference, AVhwit, a.tO. Haines, tT A. 4V ' ' NOW 0 ISUR1GE HIGHER n M 1 1