" m U m ci m f? K Pi I K bJ 11 3 OF. I-" , n v . ,.,. . - A flE C BAY TIMES, JlARSHFlSUfi ORftj wratffgv 1 1 I ML Til at-i i i t tWWaiMi' '"'".i' 'J ' 'wt' ESDAY, JANUARY 4, 1916 EVENING EDI'liON. COOS BAY TIMES Ms O. MALONHY, Editor and Pub. AN E MALONEY, Nowa Editor . i-. Official Paper of Co6 .County Official Paper City of Marsliflold. Entorcd nt tho Postof f ico at Marsh field, Oregon, for transmission thkmipli tho malic ti second-class mall matter. An Independent Republican news paper, published overy evening ex cept Sunday, and weekly, by The Coos Bay Times Publishing Co. SUBSCRIPTION RAIE8 DAILY. One year $6.00 Per month .50 WEEKLY. Ono year $1. DO When paid strictly In advance the subscilptlon pi Ico of tho Coos Bay Times Is f 5.00 per year or $2.50 for six months. Address all communications to COOS BAY PAlliY TIMEfl. ,.,.r, T.ir TnACT tv IMPAR OP nRFGHM ' t I AND THE TEA t ! ? EUQENELane Comity Ivas btI5 . AA . aaaa-aaaao1 miles of surfaced roads, which Is ""-''- - M.i.. 1.I..I.. GOOD I3VKN1NH EUROPEAN WAR ONE YEAR AGO TODAY $ $ .TANPARi:.!, 11)15. If you know how to spend less than you got, you havo tho philosopher's stone. Franklin. TOMORROW Tho London stock oxchungo re opened today after being closed since July 10. Tiio aormans claim to havo ro captured tho trenches nt Stelnbnck which was taken by tho Allies. LBoputy Cavngnarl at Rome, nsks lila government what steps will be titan In regard to tho proposal to .a'l & conferonco of nations In ' Amorlca. SPECIAL NOTICE THE carrier boys havo strict in BtrucllonSto placo tho Times on tho 'porchus or In mMS bin- of subscrlborfl during tho rnlnv situsoii. Subscribers nro entitled to h.ir them thoro. If tho boys fall In their duty "wo want to know It. Uon't hug your righteous complaint to your bosom as a Bccrot sorrow, hut phono tho Times offfco. Don't wait a week or so, but let us know tho NEXT MORNINC Wo want to glvo you SERVICE. That's our business. But unless wo KNOW you oro having troilblo getting your pa per regularly on tho porch or In tho rjall box, wo of course, can tnko no stops to correct thu trouble. Don't bo afraid you will bo considered a kicker. You Won't. If you hnvu n kick coming wo not only urgo you to dollvor It at onco, but wo bollovo wo havo a right to know It. Thnt's 'tho'only wny wo enn keep YOU sat lstlcd, inud ' wo don't claim wo can do It nil tho time then, but wo will 'do tho beat wo can and wo want a chanco to do our host. You will help imnionsoly by telephoning poor sor- vlco noxt morning to Tho Times of fice Phono 133. COURT ACTIONS AND TRUTH A CHICAGO man auud n dentist for $25,000 for alienating his wlfo's affections, Thou ho found out his nation lmd been found ed puroly on gossip, Ho npologlzcd mid tho court notion was endod. - A lot of other court actions would havo tho samo ondlug If people pos sessed common boubo, would Invostl gato'nnd biio afterwards. ABOUT RURAL ROUTKS Yes, I know llfo's filled with sadness, As you say And that thcro Is Httlo gladness On your way; But don't future trouble borrow, Put your debts down on tomorrow That's tho day. Why, we'd all bo broken-hearted If wo lot Drenms that flourished and departed Make us fret; Tribulations fit for scorning Thcro's n fresh chanco overy morning You may get. Even If hard luck pursuo you, Don't glvo In; Though Dnino Fortune j fall to woo you, Try to grin; 7 bore's an end to all this Borrow, Keep a stout heart for. tomorrow And you'll win. ANON PQRT0 Rlbp PEOPLE WANT. CITIZENSHIP Will Mnl.o Effort to Bo Recognized by CNihjti'cs.s nt This Tonii nmt Wot Full Privileges A Coos Bny man can bo pleasant when' out in company and act llko tho foromnn of a logging crow when mound home. QUESTION FOR THE DAY . What has become of tho old fash ioned man who called his wlfo tho "old lady"? No man acquires tho secret of pularlty uiiIosh ho has learned to keep Ills troubles to hlnisolf. No Coos Bny man Is Infallible and fow nro Invaluable Tho rtmson thoro fero so many poor pcoplo In tho world Is that too many met sot up housekeeping with nothing toward It but n wlfo. CORBKCT Wo do not want our failings booked Whon wo know wo havo erred; I Wo'd rnthor havo them overlooked Thau havo thorn overheard. WUKKt Ills wlfo Is always In command, I speak of Mr. Dowllng; She makes him lend a dog's llfo, nnd That's why Iio'h always growling. RAILROAD TO ADVERTISE COAST IN THE EAST tho highest pcrcentngo of any coun ty In tho Btate, excluslvo of Colum bia and Multnomah, EUGENE Tho bank clearings of tho city for 191G amounted to $0. fia2,758. FLORENCE Tho bovery Broth ers produced new potatoes and also roses from tnelr own garuon .or Christmas dinner. RICKREALI, The Postofflco In tho goncral store of Lucas & Prlco was entered by burglars and $50 In slahips stolen. ECHO Eight-year-old Herbert West, who had run away from his homo at Pendleton with a saddle horso ho secured from a Hvory itu blo, was picked up hero by tho po llco nnd will bo sent homo. ST. HELENS Three hundred tax payers petitioned thb County Court and nBkcd that In the budgot tho road lovy bo three mills instead of nine mills as suggested by tho court. PENDLETON Mrs. Llzzlo Ulrlch, aged 20 ycais and cmployod In a laundry, committed suicide by tak ing poison, becauBO sho was jilted by a blacksmith with whom sho had become Infatunted. PORTLAND John Costello, alias BIB McCarthy, aged 13 years, when arrested for holding up two nows boys, confessed that ho had robbed stores. MEDFORD State nnd county tax for 101G hns been fixed ut 14 mills by tho county court. BAKER Tho mercury wont down to 38 degrees below zero at ono point in Bakor County during tho recent cold spell. HILLSBORO Mrs. Rosa Morlo, on trlnl for killing her husbanil, testified in hor own bohnlf that sho shot In self defense. SALEM Tho creation of a city Banltnry Inspector Is a question which Is boforo tho City Council. TILLAMOOK Representatives of lumber interests wcro present to attend tho tnxpayors budget mect lnj as $16,000,000 of tho $21,000,- 000 asscssod valuation of tho coun ty represents timber Interests. ALBANY Pinna for tho begin ning of n system of hnrdsurfacod roads In Linn County havo been de veloped by tho Taxpnyors Leaguo and Bubmltted to tho County Court. OREOON CITY Tho Hawloy Pa per and Pulp Company oxpects to build a $500,000 addition to its plant. ALBANY A letter mailed nt Cor vollis July 7, 1910, has Just boon delivered nt Albany, having boon over flvo years going a distance of ten miles. GOVERNOR ON WAY TO WASHINGTON n AtdoclntO'l 1'rcM to Coot nr Tlmn.1 NEW YORK, Jan. 3. Ar thur Yager, governor of Por to Rico, arrived hero today on his way to Washington to urgo congress to pass an organic net granting Ameri can citizenship to Porto Rl-caus. LANE COUNTY SAVED (Special to Tho Times.) EUGENE, Oro.. Jan. 4. Tho bus Incss of Lnno County was conducted ID' AuorUteJ rrcss to Coon Dy Tlmfi. SAN JUAN, Porto Rico, Jan. -1. Whether Porto RIcans nroHo bo suc cessful thla year In .getting tho Unit cd States Congress to ndmlt them to American citizenship Is tho question uppermost In tho minds of most Por to RIcans .at present. Although cit izenship hns been promised alnco tno days or tho Spanish American War ivil American occupation, seventeen years ago, each Congress slnco that time; hns failed to pass tho necessary laws. Tho islanders aro now hope ful that tho first Democratic admm letratlon slnco 1S08 will net favor ably and glvo thorn n, definite politi cal status. At present Porto RIcans oro meroly "citizens of Porto Rico." In tho hope thnt farorablp lcglsla t!on may bo obtained, Governor Ar thur Yager will spend tho monui of January in Washington urging Con gross to net. Bills providing a now organic act to tnko tho placo of tho temporary Fornkor Act, which went Into forco in 1901 establishing civil government nnd which has boon in forco ever since, havo already beon Introduced In Congress by Chnlrman Jones of tho Committee on Insulnr Affairs, and by Sonntor Wlllard Saul obury, of' Dolawarc. AMERICANS VISIT TOMB OF CONFUCIUS Mlsslonnry nnd Parly Mnko Trip to Ono of Famous Plnrcs In China Southern Paclflo Officials Will o,dnrng 1915 t much less expense COOS COUNTY Ih probably tho worst BUfferor in tho iuuttnr of .Kill flnllt.n.!. nt .. Anil..... In l.. l.UIMUtJ VI UIIJ VUIII11J III mo wnoio uniion Miiuea. in addi tion to a slow, and often delayed gen eral sorvlco thoro Is apparently no effort or deslro to establish rural routes in this soctlon. Tho rural rou to on Cqos River was discontinued to bo replaced with tho contract sys tem. Moro tlinn a yoar ago a peti tion was submitted for n rural routo to servo Bunker Hill nnd tho Flag staff sections. Now comes a lottor from tho post offlco department to Senator Konyon of Iowa which indicates mo8t of tho energies of tho department are being expended In creating now rural routes In tho south. Arkan sas has received 50 now routes, Mis souri 51, Texas -111 and Oklahoma 33. Iowa in thu rnuno tlmo has had but four. This Is tho record of tho last fiscal year, nnd it Is prosumablo that othor northern states fa rod no bettor than Iown. Thoro Is imioh complaint all over tho country bo cauBo tho present administration has bpdovlllod tho rural routo Borvlco In tho ntimo of fulso economy; and tho clamor Is not llkoly to subsldo In the north whon It becomes known that northern postal sonvlco has boon but chered to mnko a southern postal holiday. . Oregon has two democrats In tho Unltod( States Sonnto and docs not P-ESSI" desorvo some consideration at tho hands of a democratic ndmluls ,tratton, . than during tho provlous year Ono reason was Unit thoro was no elec tion cost hiring tho past year, but in nearly evory fund tho figures were less. Tho cost of running Lnno County In 1U1I was $303, 100, whllo In 1015 It was only $155,810. WILL FINISH PLANT .MlNhlnimry Work Which Will lo of Great Benefit The plan of tho Southern Pacific to advortlso tho Paclflo coast coun try In tho oast Is told In tho follow ing from tho Portland Tolegram; With tho boglnnlng of tho now year tho Southern Pacific will un dertako n campaign in tho Interest of tourist trnvol to tho Pacific Northwest, when a largo party of ticket ngonts will leavo San Fran cisco ror tho East. It Is tho first tlmo tho plan has been nppltod on tho 1'aclflo coast and tho offiolnls'of Thomas L. Shovlln, which oc or the system bollovo It will pro-iourrcd In Minneapolis, will cnuso duco excellout results. S. E. Stmt- no chongo In tho plnns of tho Shov ton, of tho city tlckot ugont's offlco, Un-Hlxon Company, which Is now will loproHont Portland in tho in-; building modorn sawmill, with Itlal missionary work, and ho will bo followed nt frequent Inturvnls Wr AuocUUil I'rfii (o Coos IJr Tlmn.) TAIANFU, China, Jan. 4. Dr. Paul S. Rolnsch, tho American min ister, accompanied by his wlfo nnd a party of Amorlcan friends hns JiiBt completed a visit to tho tomb of Confucius and tho reigning duko of tho houso of Confucius, who Is tho seventy-sixth decern! tint of tho 'famous Chlueso sago. Tho pnrty of distinguished Amer icans mado tho trip to tho tomb and tht historic Confucian city on whcol barrows, tho samo sort ofi yohlcles which wero In uso In Chlinii nt tho tlmo Confucius lived. ' Dr. Henry C. Adams, of tho Unl-j vorslty of Michigan, who Is nt pres ent special adviser of Yunn Slil-kul ontrusted .with tho revising of tho 'government system of railway ac counting, and Mrs. Adams wero mombors of Dr. Rolnsch's party. Sliollu Death Will Not Stop Work At Bend BEND, Oro., Jan. 4. Tho death NMl box factory and sash and door plant In connection, nt Bend. Work on. by othora In groups until nil ticket! tho various units of tho plant, NEW SUITS FILED jjICpw suits filed in tho olronlt cpujt are; ,,Jvy Cqndron . vs.- James M. Mor .Jiant. ,, . . . : Charlotte L. Terry vs. J R. Fltz gerald. sellers havo sorved dutlos laid out. Tho purposo of this trip Is two fold, to glvo opportunity to study tho ionics or truvol and to spread Information umong othor tlckot agents of interest to tourists. SIIEVLIN WELL INSURED Luiiihciiiinii Cmilwl Million ami Qiiiiricr in Policies Only last October the lato T. L Shovlln, lumbermn ball coach took out HAS TEN DELEGATES That Is Orcgon'8 Sharo at Ropnli Bean Convention SALEM, Jan. 4. Oregon's np portioumont of dolcgntes to tho Re publican National convention to Icloa that aRKrek'atod $1,000,000. to says tho Portland Oreeonlan. Tho! or tbn Hnmibliean Nntlonni rnm. nr,son0IS of wflr Except for this annual promlum to bo paid oh tho'inlttco, in a lettor to Secretary of!tll mnxlmuni wns 000 cases In tho risk amounted to $25,500. This I Stato Olcott. (boglnnlng of August. Since Sop- brought Mr. Shovlln's total insur- This Is tho samo numbor of dol anco up to $1,&25,000. Vory fow'ogatos allotted to Oregon when tho transactions are of tbo slzo of tho .Inst National convention met. Un tomber tho numbor has remained under 100 cases per week. Tho official statemont doos not Shovlln Insurance policies. Tho dor tho apportionment four of tho ' s,vo t'10 "mnl)0r t denthg from mllllon-dollnr policy so recontly delegates will bo olectod from tho!cholera' taken was to protect tho various i stato at largo and tho remainder WILL SELL ROOF business concerns In which Mr. (Choson two from each of tho stnto'aj tnr Auocutea rtru u c0o b7 tim j Shovlln was tho loading spirit. ithreo Congressional districts. STUTTGART. Gormanv. Jan. 4fc-- So unusual was tho risk, as ro gards Us slzo, that insuranco Jour nals cominentod upon It. Noedlesij to' say, at that time, only two month. ago, sir. Shovlln was in perfect health or the big risks would not have been accepted by tho different companies botwqon whom It was divided. SELLING GOODS Tho big problem In soiling goods Is getting tho customer Into tho Btoro. Coos Bay Times ads will help you solvo this problom. ' 4 . Prlnco Fuorstonborg, well known .as nn Intlmnto friend of the Mmperor, has decided to do his part toward enlarging tho stocks of copper In tho hands of tho army authorises Ho has orderod that 'tho conpar roofs of bis castlo at Donaueadhlnnoij bo romovod and tho metal nold to the government. I aT o tlie PiiB ? .. HE SAVINGS BANK SYSTEM is "tlio.grci(est Invention mat hns ever been offered to tho pcoplo, but lmrtlctilnWy to viiiiiiu neonlo mid tho lnhnrlnc cIhstcm. TIio ytein that offers thrco iter cent on tlio fl i"t dollai- made mill mivcd, 1m ab solutely n Boldcn opportunity If the system is used. A dollar Ih round nnd rolls easily; If It rollsi invay from you It is ot for- Tin; h over. First Bank Marshficld, National In ' of CofoiSjAy I ' '. rf . - '1 ! " 1 Oregon 1 m mwm mum BANK ' OLDEST BANK W COOS COUNTY Established 1889. Capital, Surplus and Undivided , Profits $118,000 Interest paid on Tlmo AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS I Office J. W. Bennett, President. TM TJl! '. i J. DT. FlnnnRi.il, Vice-President. It. F. WUlinins, CoHhior. a . , Geo. F. Winchester, Aast, CusBler. High finality Groceries Our own prompt and particular delivery service Ef ficient clerks being out of the high rent district and keeping our prices as low as consistent with good busi ness makes Conner & Hoagland The Leading Grooers 797 South Broadway. Dealers in Good Groceries- Phones 348-J and 326 -GRAVEL' We aro now prepared to furnish GRAVEL in any quantities from pllo In our yard or In carload lots, nt following prlcoi: From pllo on ground, ?2.vn per yard. Ganoad lotn, takon from cars, $2.00 por yrd. Retail Department. tl C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. Opposite Post-Off Ico, Phone 100. PROFESSIONAL DlREci '" "' "ac. fir A I HnilROjwnfll.J Physician and fw.. Offlcoilrvlng IHt I UIIICB IIIMIin. JJ iu is j, ta nun . iV "i " , . Phonost OffiCo 143-J J J J. M. Wright wTTTTvntiri nrvm.,'ll uwaulu vuiuiuj Estimates furnished qq. ,it: 1 Dr. H. M. Shaw Eye, Ear And Thhml GLABSES FlTtJH) 1 Phono IMOjJ. Roonia ay 't Irting Block. DR, MATTIEhU. SHAVV Physician nnd 9urj, l'ltono a.10J, H. G. Butler CIVITi HNGINEkn Room 304 Coko Bld, Phosf Roaldonco Phone 363-L. 1 W. G. Chandler AltOIIITEOT Rooms 301 and 302, Coke Eij Marshtield, Oregon, T. J. BCAIFJf. Ul A. n. Ri Mar-chflnlrl PAINT AND ti..untti Estimates Furalel Phoao 140-It. Marshf UM, ( TIME TAB LB V1LLARIETTB PACIFIC HO OAK Leavo Marnhflold C:4C a.m. 7.46 a.m. 8:4C a.m. 9:45 am. 1 0 : 1 G a.m. 11:30 a.m. 12:50 p.m. 1:45 p.m. 2:45 p.m. '3:45 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 5.40 p.m. HI Norfti 7!foi 8:M, 9:.ti 10:11: ll:Hi ll.MEi 1:11,1 Ji05 !:Mi :i Eflil 6:51 i C:55 p.m. North city llmlU.o1 7:30 p.m. 7:4S i Abstracts CHOLERA FOLLOWS . ! WAR IN AUSTRIA I)leii80 Wis An Epidemic Only In Gnllcla Whoro Jinny Cases Aro Reported VIENNA, Jan. 4. Tho oxtont to which cholera followed tho war Into Austria-Hungary la shown hy nn official statemont to tho effect that tho dlflcaso wau cpldomlc only in ' rinllnln U'lmrn IIia xi.nnlrli. ...,n1i..n I of cases In tho month of August was from 1,300 to 4,000. Slnco tho middle of Soptomhor of this yoar a rapid decreaso was noted, and slnco tho first week In, October tho number of cases oc curring weekly has not oxceoded 200. FOR REIilAIlLH ABSTRACTS OP TITLE AMU INFORMATION ABOUT; COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc MAR8IIFIELD AND COQUILLE CITr, OREGON GENERAL AGENTS, EASTSIPE AND SENGSTACICEN'S ADDITION AGENTS FOR CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILROAD LANDg HENRY SENGSTACKEN, MANAGER SAVE MONEY by ordering tho turnout f . HENRYVILLE COAL Nut coal, per ton Lump coal, por ton Or half ton of both ..... D. MUSSOJf, Phono 18-J or Ioavo orfJtnjtfl MUyor'fi Cigar Blot. WOOD GOOD Wb w. Jl. JJntfo lias it nt1 )f3 cash por load, nlso cmI, prices reasonable. Gnrhago oil. l'hono 1!27..T. SOUTH COOS RIVER D0M1 SERVICE LAUNCn EXPRESS loaves Mnrshflcld every kf 8 a. in. Lonvoa Iiond of at 8:15 p. m. STEAMER RAINBOW ' Ioatos lieud of river dallr M I a. m. I(Cnvos Marshficld t I h in, For charter apply on bmi ROGRRS & aMITU Proprietors NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY S. S. fr. A. Kilburn SAII FOR SAN FRANCISCO, (Via Eureka) WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 5, AT 11:51(1 A,. M. FROM hMITII TERMINAL DOCK For Further Information Call ISO. L. G. GUSHING, Agent. 14- FARE TEN CENTS City LlmltH North Bead, Be ! nn COMMUTATION fli CSS TICKICTS SI. 75 a Marshfield-North Bend Aato Lino Cars overy ton minutes If O a. in. to la p. ni.; to 6 Sloufch onco n day, Ieavl t 11m. in.; to Empire three l a day. GORST & mNO, Prop. .wrH-T In tho special! which Is now noarlng completion, ul"8,llu ol m"w uioro nas oeon I will not bo delayed, according to' otl""B rosombllng n oplderale. In statoments of company officiate I l,,u i'"ou ironi August aum to horo, and sawing will begin In FflU.: October 2nd thoro wore, according ruary or early March. jto tho official stntomont, only 110 casos in all Austria, with tho oxcon-! tlon of Gullcln, Bowkowlna nnd tho i coast districts. In tho last named! two placos-thero woro 193 cases In tho period stated. Thoro have boen 743 cases in nil Austria slnco Oct ober 2nd. Tho maximum numbor of cases In - n and Yalo foot, nominate- candidates for President) UluW vor exceeded 4,000, a, nt Insuranco pol- and Vlco-Presldoiit Is 10, according j "luubor ,of wh,ch wns roacll0(1 Jamos B. Reynolds, secretary ll,u wwni "l Jl"10 nmon? "ussian com- EXPERT WELDING of METALS Steel, brass, cast, Iron and aluminum castings made like new DEMONSTRATIONS DAILYl Koontz Garage Phone 180-J. North Front Street !- Puget SonM Bridge & Dredging Co. Dams, Bridges, Buildings. General Construction COMPLETE PLANTS FOR HARBOR WORK Our Coos Bay office has available for Oregon Coast work the Dredge "Seattle" tie most powerful, best equlf-pod and most thoroughly modera twenty-inch hydraulic dredge In Paclflo waters Coos Bay office, . Main office, Marshfield, Oregon. Seattle, Washington. MERCHANTS CAFE I'optuar l'ittco lor Good Meals, Prlnoc Roncnnnhlfl Cor. Commercial and Wtotp 1 WESTERN LOAN AND BUILDING CO. , BRING YOUR JOB PRINTING JO THE COOS BAY TIMES Assets $2,34O,O0O.0f. t Pays S per cent on savin I. S. KAUFMAN 4 At' t Local Treasurer ) 4 DUNGAN UNDFRTAKING pARLOl win hit kent OPEN TO TnE PUBU A regular utate llcesrf nadenaker will he charge Phone 105-J PWR3 Hytij MFlfiPa vcvmm