"JKjjt V i6tf ""-mit. - v : L" -TB... THE COOS BAY JIMES. MARSHFIELD, ORn! TUESDAY, JANUARY 4, 19l6-EVEI(ltlQ EDIJp , IUfi ., ,"' f .)," .,,j 7 T-'I Tt V M Tjfeg MAKE THE YEAR B News Of Nearbv Towns rf?Vv;- I I I L' I I I . . I p rt-" "r f " " unit 1916 n u t: n u it u ir M tt tl tt rW i iTTnTi Tinii i iln I HHUfliilinfniiM'liir 111 I IK a Kn h - - ru ic i r iihtt rami -? v ie i u i.hihiu ' i i ivrra n nntnTih.i .nrniTiiif v i 9B i ' F!5rj:ayy i M 2 ill 1 III W tK The Joy of Perfect J Baking i.-"c?ma " " 'el' IJ can bo YOURS if you BAKE WITH GAS. You know how pleasant it is to sec your baking come out just right; how Hishcarteninci to sec your time and materials go for naught, because of a "too hot" or "too slow" fire. Why take chances? Cook with gas, and enjoy perfect security in baking ALWAYS. The Result of Cooking with Gsa is absolute certainty in all your cooking operations, roasting, baking, broiling, stewing, etc. IT IS THE SCIENTIFIC WAY. You regulate the oven to a certain heat and go away, knowing the exact moment the baking will be done. No worry or constant attention needed. And the time you formerly spent making a fire and cleaning, up after it, is now your own. Stop in today and find out how wonderfully gas will aid you in your housework. Oregon Power Co. i Betters Brighter MUSIC WILL DO IT TALKING MACHINES VICTROLAS VICTOR RECORDS PIANOS ' PLAYER PIANOS Everything in Music Terms if you want them TALK TO THOMAS ABOUT IT L L THOMAS MUSIC STORE Exclusive Agents Wiley B. Allen Co. 73 Central Avenue OCEAN BEACH AUTO LINE Gorflt & Klntr. Lcnio Mnrhliflclil nt 7 n. in., nil returning louring from Empire nt 8 n, in. Lcnva Mnrnhflehl nt II n.m. niul returning Icnvo South Slough at 1 p. in. Lcnva Marsh field nt 8 p. in. and returning Icnvo South Slough nt (I p. m. PARCEL POST YOUR LAUNDRY We Pay Return Charges. Prompt and Efficient Service COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY ( WALL PAPER See VIERS About it, QUATERMAS STUDIO QUALITY PHOTOS Opposite Blanco Hotel, Phono 10C-L. MAIISIIFTELT), OREGON GOODRUM'S GARAGE HOME OP THE OADILTiAO AND DODGE AUTO SUPPLIES FOIt ALL MAKES OF OAI18 847 Central ht. Plione 373-L a DRY WOOD CAMPBELL'S WOODYARD North Front Street Phono fl70J HAVE THE ROOF FIXED NOW See CORTHELL Phone 3171 m:vs OF IIAXDOX NotcH Aliout tho. Pcnplo Told In Western World Miss Clara Mcintosh, chief opera tot at the local telephone exchange, has been confined to her home for toveral dayB with an attack of la (srlppc. J. C. Waldvogel has returned it om u trip through southern Curry county, iwhoro ho purchased several hundred sheep pelts. Ho found hcof hides very Bcnrco. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Shields or Mrtlo Creek, who have boon -visit ing with relatives in Daiulon during the holidays, returned to their ranch abovo Myrtlo Point. Mrs. II. L. Hopkins, of Dcnd, Oro., arrived in Uandon last week to spend tho holidays nt, tho homo of her paronts, Mr. and Mrs. A. McN'alr. I'rof, Hopkins is attending tho btato teachers' mooting at Modford. Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Hanly of Lam pa arrived homo on tho Speedwell Monday from a visit to San Francisco, whoro they witnessed tho closing days of tho exposition and spont a fow weeks visiting with California friends. R. II. Rozellc, in charge of tho local division of tho government ser vice, warf a candidate in tho myBtor ies of tho first degree work, Knights cf Pythias. Supt. h. W. Turnbullof tho local schools and Supt. C. A. Howard of Coqulllo left tho county for Mcdford to attend a meotlng of ' tho State Teachers association which was held thoro Monday, Tuesday and Vcdnc8dny. Goo. Dunn, who pwns ono of the best ranches on Eucliro creek in Cur ry county, was in tho city. Mr. Dunn contemplates som vast lm provomonts on his placo, Including the erection of a new bnrn. XI3WS OF HANlfoN '"""w , i,t' ' ' Advertising Is Not a Matter Of Sentiment The shrewd buyer of space the man who de mands "action on his money" all else being equal is the man who will make the cash register 'ring the oftenest. ' The value of any medium from an advertising viewpoint depends largely on its circulation and the thoroughness with which it covers its field. Poor copy in a good medium, however, won't produce results neither will good copy in a poor medium. Spasmodic and half-hearted advertising is more apt to be a failure than a success. The advertising department of The Coos Bay Times is prepared to lay in front of any business man in Marshfield a comprehensive statement of facts and figures analyze his business hejp lay out a definite campaign render a distinct co-operative service and if the merchant will do his part guarantee an unqualified success. Hfinnr.ufinir4 nnno fVmnfw onr! M nh RpnH nan A'O Advertise in be covered thoroughly, in The Coos Bay Times. These statements can be sustantiated with an abundance of proof, j It's Purely arid Simply a Matter Of Business Kv. "jj Doings of tho Pooplo Told In tho Ho cowlor Mrs. Ralph Rackloff and small daughtor of Myrtlo Point cunio up to Hnudon to spond Christmas with rel atives in tho city. Harry Pierco was n passongor on tho last Elizabeth for San Francts-. co whoro ho goes to look into tho prospects or a Job in u wholesale house. Cary Bowman camo up from Pow ors to spend (ho holidays. Ho says business Is good in tho Smlth-Powt ers logging camp hut expects to havo nuothor Job when ho returns to tho now town. Air Gauntelott and family of Gold Dcach aro visiting at the homo or J. T. Mars in this city. Mr. Qauntlott is on his way to Seattlo whoro ho and family will romaln sovoral months. Thos. W. Jones is a recent arrival In this section, coming from Rogers Park, Chicago, whoro ho -was" for years superintendent) of ono of Parr I'inlco's transfer stations. Mr. Jones has taken up 1G0 acres on Floras creek, 7 miles from Langlols pnd will try tho slmplo llto. DIMS NKAIt HANDOX 1 v ; Jt's No Experiment the Coos Bay Times t-'i s5a re - Mm, Adellu Iru-lu PasbW Awny Xcar i That City j Regarding tho doath of Mrs. Ade- Ha Irwin, wlfo of G. W. Jrwln which ! occurred at their homo south of Dandon, tho Western World says: , At the tiiuo of her death 'Mrs. Ir win was 52 years, 10 months and 17 i'ay8 old, having been born In Wyo ming, Pa., February 7, 1802. She waB married to Mr. Irwin at Square Top, Pa., February 15, 1884. Dur ing their married lifo Mr. and Mrs. Irwin made thrco '.trips to tho Pacif 1c coast, visiting all of tho moro im portant cities of tho west. They returned hero tho lost tlmo, on the Kith of December Just passed. Resides her husband, deceasod is pprvlvod by three daughters, Mrs. S. R. Dames of Dandon; Mrs. Fred Logsdon of Davenport, Wash.; and Miss Graco Irwin of Clinton, Okla. GET STATION SOON Tociitlnjj SIto for Coast Guard llulhllnga at, the Hlushiw Tho Sluslaw river will soon have n Coast Guard station according to the following from tho Sluslaw PI lot; Captain Andrew Foshay, ot tne Life Saving Service at San Francis co was in Florenco several days last v.-eoli to muke final arrangements for tho "location of tho buildings about to bo constructed on tho slto selected for a Life Saving station! at the mouth of tho Sluslaw river. Ho made soundings for tho slip to ho buflt and other, 'preparatory work. OLD JtKSIDKNT DIES The Langlols Loader states that tho remains of Mrs. Catherine McMullen were burled In the Catho Ud Cemetery at Capo Blanco, Mrsf Mplullen was the wldqw of tho late Frank McMullen, was aged 80 yeais 9 id died at tho home of her son, Denmark, LANGLOLS NOTES MILL MAY START News of Noithcitt Curry County Told In Tho Lender J. Jensen wlio has been visiting his family at Denmark, departed for Urooklngs where ho will resume work. Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Soffell and daughter of Dandon. formerly of Presno, California, nro visiting with Mr. nm airs. Lux of Denmark. Miss Victoria Schultz, of Portland in hore visiting her sister Miss Ellen Schultz of Langlols for a fow days. Frank Caughcll, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. a. A. Gnuntlett who nro on their way to Seattlo whoro they will spond Now Years with Oils brother Wllllnm Qauntlott passed through town. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Haagonscn and llttlo daughtor Vivian, nro horo from Sixes mlno, visiting their rola tivos. , I Mrs. A. H. Manwarring and hor non, Harold, wero passcngors for Unndon where they will meet MIbs Hazlo, who Is on hor way to Corval Us whoro sho will tako a courso In dairying. Sho will bo accompanied by her mother and brother ns far as Coqulllo whero they will visit. CASK MAY C30 UP Dandon Suit Likely to Go To Sup reme Court That tho Dandon Oregon Avcnuo case will go to tho supremo court Is indicated by tho following fronit tho LRandon Recorder; Whllo llttlo that Is now has de veloped during tho weok Tolativo to tho situation on tho Oregon avcnuo paventont, it has become increasingly moro apparent that tho nfrnlr nro- cents tho aspects of n pretty muddlo. Contractor Wobh Is credited with a willingness to suo tho city for per mission to carry on his contract or tho forfolturo of tho monoy tho work would havo earned. Tho city can not procood without buying tho land from tho church or doing tho churches dic tation, that of robatlng tho church's aBsessmont. Tho property ownors on Orogon avonuo it is claimed want tho Btreot to go tho straight grado or o)bo they will not pay assessments tor work already done Tho cut down thfs old trail will, it 1b clalmod entail costs for grndlng and hulk hcadB that any of the lntorested property own ers can not pay. This is only tho outer edgo of tho thing and tho man who attempts to harmonlzo tho con flicting interest will havo a Job on his hnndfl. Tho next movo Is npt to bo an ap peal to tho supromo court. ELKTON PREACHER DIES (Spocial to Tho Times.) ELKTON, Jan. 4 Tho funeral of Rov. P. A. Piper, pastor of tho Mothodlst Church of Elkton, was jiold 8unday. Tho sorvlcos wero conductod by Rov. J. L. Stratford, pf Creswoll, who was a former schoolmate. Mr. Pipor died at his homo horo. Ho had boon suf fering for sovoral months with heart trouble. Ho was 06 years of ago, and leaves a widow, who resides at Elkton, and ovoral children by a former wifo, who now llvo In tho East. Fuither Humors Concerning Itiook IngH llcli'g Circulated Rumors of the Brookings mill starting again nro still heard. The following Is from the Gold Dcach Globo: It Is reported in tho south end of tho county that tho Brookings Co., and tho Del Norte Co., nro about to Consolidate and will will start tho business nt Brookings undor new management early in tho spring. Tho Del Norto Co., sometimes re ferred to as tho Owens people, Is a vory strong lumber company and has a largo holding of timber. In northorn Del Norto County, Cal., and southern Curry, adjoining that of Drooklngs. It Is hoped that this rumor Is well founded and that tho early spring will sco Brookings start up again full blast. I GOLD REACH NEWS Notes About tho Pcoplo Told in Tho Globe. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Sherrard, ot Dandon aro now enjoying a vIbU with Mrs. Shorrard's brother, T. L. Caroy, of Woddorburn. W. H. Wants, public accountant, of North Bond, Is now hero check ing over tho county officers' books. District Attorney Johnson started for tho north end of the county on legal business. Ho will lecture at Port Orford on tho now prohlbi tlon law. Miss L. Gysolcr, who lb holding down a homestead on fistol Rivor, wnB a business visitor in town and incidentally took In tho ChrlstmaB exercises and tho Woodman danco Donnts Cunnltf returned last week from a two months' visit in tho northern part of tho county. Ho was employed at tho Maddon mlno which Is being nowly equipped by Dr. Phoolon and Clias. Lull. BRIDGE PLANS APPROVED Tho Florenco West Bays: "I. D. Cushmnn rocolved a letter from Congressman Hawloy atatlng that ho was Informed by tho U. S. on glnoors that tho plans for tho bridge across tho North Fork botween Florenco and Acmo wero officially approved on October 30. Tho North Fork boing a navlgablo stream it was necessary to obtain tho consent of tho government en glnocrs hoforo a b rid so eould' bo constructed. Application was made several months ago. MARRIAGE LICENSES Recent marrlago licenses Jsauod at tho county clerk's offlco follow: Russoll M. Miller and Mammlo M. Borgard. L. T. PIckons and Beatrice Stay ton. ThomaB J. Aboil and Flosslo Myr tle James. Mllo R. Dunham and Naomi J. Pellou. Claud Brown und Mlnnlo Smith. William Barclay and Jeanne Creo y. Albort B. Smith and Helon B. Smith. DOUBLE CHINA WEDDING A double china wedding was cele brated at Coqulllo laBttwook by Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Nosier and Mr. and Mrs. -B. M. Nosier. Tho entertain ment was at tho home of tho latter couplo and waB a surprlso arranged by their frlonds, MORE ABOUT BOX FACTORS Rogardlng tho moving of the box factory from Coqulllo to North Bend tho Coqullle Sentinel says: Archie Kruso has made arrange ments to build a box factoi-v nt Vnrfli Rend. Tho machinery will ho taken irom tno mill at Bullards landing on tho Iqwor Coqulllo, and is exnocted at tho Bay on tho next trip of the upeouwou. Tho mill will manufac ttire laths and box shooks. uslnir waste from tho North Bond Mill & Lumber company's mill as much as posslblo, and spruce timber will bo furnished by tho mill at reasonable rates. Get your Job printing done at Tim Times offlow. PEOPLE'S PORUM Tho Coos Bay Times will bo pleased to publish letters from Its readers on all questions of public iniProM, giving tils or hor addross. nnd so far as posslblo limited to ion varus, in publishing (ncsa let turs The Times does not Indorss tho lows expressed tberoln: it It slmplv affording a moans for the voicing ot different opinions on all questions affecting tho public wel- xure. WHO WILL GAIN POSSESSION OF THE EARTH To tho Editor: Tho great war which'lB now raging In Europo, naturally raises tho ques tion or tho futuro mastory of that portion of tliu world. Should thero bo a declslvo outcomo to tho striig filo, tho victorious power would bo ill; a position to dictate terms to Kuropo; and from tho mastery of lEuropo It -would bo but a Btop to llto position of world supremacy. Thoro exists hpwovor un lmpas sablo barrier In tho pathway to this coveted goal of power. Tho Word ot tho Almighty has declared that thoro will novor again ba upon this eurth a successor to Iniporlal Homo. No conqueror will ovor arlso who will bo ablo to bring all tho other nations into subjection. This is plainly stated In tha pro phecy of Daniel, chapter two, whero, In explaining to tho king of Babylon his dream concerning tho great im ago, tho prophet Daniel declared: "And whereas thou sawest the feet and toos, part of potter's clay and part of Iron, tho kingdom shall bo divided .... And whereas thou sawest Iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle- themselves with tho seed of man; but they shall not cleavo ono to another, even as Iron Is not mixed with, clay." Since the decllno and fall of tho iron monarchy of Rome, thoro have been repeated efforts to weld togeth er into ono solid mass the broken fragments of that empire. Clovls, Charlemagne, Charles V., and Na poleon Bonaparte, eBsayod to become rulers of tho world, but none pr them could cement the Iron and clay or tho prophetic image. They -wuie striving against the flat of heavon. Ab ono writer has forcibly expross od; "Tho earth reolod undor the fierce chargoB of thoso world-empiro Grasping warriors, but the Word of the Lord stood fast, and Europo re mained" divided." Nor has tho effort to bind tho na tions together Into one by marital AMERICANS CAN CONTRIBUTE FOIt THE SOLDIERS AT FRONT Nnnlo of Person Giving The Money Will Ho Inscribed on tho Pipes In Proper LangcRe' (Of A4VKtil4 TrM to Cm D Tlmtt.) NEW YORK, Jan. 4. 3oidior8 in tho trenches of Europo tills winter are to bo supplied with pipes from the United States and any American who wants to send such a gift to Belgian, a French or n RuBslan fight cr may do so by contributing ten cents to the Soldiers' I)i6 Fund. The mon at the front want and need a good and durable. pip's. Tho demand for such an artlqie lias been very insldtnnt, nnd Viscount II. Y. do Lcndonck, of Wavro Sl6 Cathcrlno, Bflglum, has undertaken to supply It lie has had manufactured In Amorlca an excellent pipe for tho purposo; strong, light, easy to clean nnd sanitary, and ho has iri,hhnd tho recolpt of contributions and tho prompt shipment of tho pipes to whatover army of tho AUIob the giv er dcolgnatos. For a contribution of $$5 tho Sol dlors' Pipo Fund will deliver to sol. dlors in Europo 260 pipes jand will havo printed across tho bowl of each a oentenco or motto in tlio language designated by tho contributor, and oven put on tho bowl tho donor's pic ture, namo and address. For In Instance, It it Is desired io send pip cs lo British soldiers, this Inscription will b( In English, Belgians and Frenchmen wtM rocclv llto gifts suitably Inscribed In FoncJi; Rua flans in their own, Itallaiis in., theirs, and Serbians In Sorblan. For fl ten pipes can bo sent ovbr, tlio, water with a label in tho bowl of each giv ing tho donor's namo afad address", and suitably inscribed onj.tlo bowl. Slnglo contributions of ten cents will tend ono plpo, Inscribed oh the bowl with tho good wishes of the, glvor, In tho native touguo of the recipient. Tho Fund -will sond an ctlgravod certificate ot receipt to (nvdn con trlbutlng ono dollar or mote. , Viscount do Londonck.fWjio Is Sec retary General of tho Fund," has op ened an offlco at 505 Fifth JAvenue, JJcw York City. , . BARBER CATCHES ; ! . GAS POISONING Inhales Breath of Man Affqcd,ainl Suffers Much tho ,Siae Ailment , I c,i tax Atwcuttd rtM to om Br,T LONDON, Jan. 4.--The-8tory of a harbor who caught gas polbonug from ono of tho Canadian wounded comes from Nottingham. . Tho membors ot tho Nottingham Halrdressor'8 Association give their sorvlcos to tho military hospitals thoro, with somo ten thousand free shaves and haircuts to thercredt. Ono ot tho harbors, Arthur' Ham stock, a fow dayB ago shaVed a Can adian who had been bady," gassed by the Gormans. During tho op eration, ho got considerable of tha Canadian's oxpont breath. Into "his town lungs. On his return home, .Homntock bqgan to complain.! Soon ho grow 111 and developed alTthe symptoms of a man who ha'd been gassed. At last report, lie -was i() confined to his bed. v alliances boon any more Successful. Tho royal families have Intermarried j-vcry oxtenslvely, but tho. lpa thu formed havo accomplished nqthlng toward political union. lying ueorgp of England Is cousin to the Qqrroan Kaiser, and tho Crar of Rtfssltj Is a relatlvo also. Yet this rola'alo'nshli) docs nothing to provont war, Jn no Instanco has (horo boon a clcaylpg to- geiuor ci mo Kinguouis uirougu wio marital "mingling" of -wljIcU the prophet spoke. , Yet thero Is to be another and fi nal unlvorsal kingdom, forfiahiidowed 'by the "stono" ot this prpphetlc dream, which "smoto tho mage upon his feet that wero o( iron, and' clay, and brnko thorn to nlecos." .Dan. 2:34, For of (his stono Jk, -was' said by tho prophet, that It "became a groat mountain, and filled tho whole earth"; and In tho explanation of this portion of tho dream .thb, pro phot said; "In the days of .these kings shall tho God pf lieaven ser up a kingdom, which shall never bo destroyed, and tho klngdonf bhajl not be left to other people, but It. shall break In pieces and conBunio all these kingdoms, and It shall sand for ever," Dan. 2:35, 44. Wo aro llvlncr today at a lime When all tho events pointed out VyMnVpirM npiophecy as marking tho approach of uiai Kingdom, aro wnn ouc ono or tw'd exceptions, in the past, Alnitet, the verv last sleu of Its coming was stated by alio Saviour In ttlewos: "This gospel of tho kingdom shin bi nroached In all the world for a -wit-. ress unto all nations; and' then shalj tho end come." Matt. 24114. Th'A't this work has now alradst been ac-i" vccmpl8hed, every person knows1 who la acquainted with tho extent' of phrlstau missionary ebffoft at' the present time. ' v '- Vory sincerely yours, 1 D. R, HENDBRfcw , Elder ot the Seventh-day(ivetllt, Church, . v . '