lf-V la- - .TA, fl .a r - V ? X S" I . riti... m. - i"N H ft Tl Li. ) r-'A -. ' rr f p-fci-- C!r FOUR THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHfrELD, OREGON. MONDAY, JANUARY 3, 1916 EVENING EDITION. he ' i ( I Y ' lis- I I ii 'Cta fl X ipM 1 A ., 4 A I V1 I A V?. T "SHOES THAT HONOR THE REST OF YOUR CLOTHES." No woman enn it f ford to neg lect tile mutter of footwear the surest gnugo of careful dressing. Krippendorf Dittmann Shoes for Women arc (lie kind of shoes tho thoughtful woitinu buys to comjricto tllb' costiuno fihe cares about. Wo nisi! Mcia "Cousins" Shoes fop w COOS BAY LUMBER NOTE; xx XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX MILL IS ENLARGED IWLL I OPERATE K. 13. JOHNSON MAKES IMPROVE MEXTS AT COQU1LLE health shoes for children, tomen, girls mid boys. n ud HuB 'Dry Goods Co. "Smart Wear for Women" CORNER 'hllcAmyAY AND CENTRAL AVI3, l'hono 301 t. f Will Increase Output to 10,000 Feet of Lumber a Day and Disburse $10,000 Monthly hi County Important Improvements nro to bo made by E. E. Johnson at his mill at Coqulllo, which will Increaso tho output to about 40,000 feet a day and enable him to meet now otitsido ordors. Tho changes to bo mado aro outlined in tho Coqulllo Sentinel. "Air. Johnson has mado a con tract with tho Oregon Powor Com pany for a 50-horso powor electric motor to furnish additional powor for his lumber mill horo. Tho 1'ower Company also contracted to tako over the operation of tho boil er plant at tho mill. "Tho boilers of both tho mill and power plant aro to bo united in ono battery, which will furnish steam ENCOURAGING NEWS UEUAUD ISO MOORE PLANT AT BANDON Report That Old Employes Hare Been Told to J fold Themselves In Readiness It appears quite likely that tho Geo. W. iMooreH Lumber Co. mill nt Bandon may bo oponod soon and again operated. Tho iows from tho Western highly oncouraglng: " Former tallymen and other iom ploycs of tho Goorgo W. Mooro hum Lcr company have recoived word by letter from Mr. Moore, who Is now ut Toledo, Oregon, telling them to hold themselves in readiness to ro stiino their old duties at tho mill lioro within tho next two wcoks. It now looks as though thcro' Is some foundation to tho roport that tho mill will reopen on or bofore Janu nry 10. " Boforo ho loft Mr. Mooro would maKo no statement further tnan REGISTRARS MID ANNOUNCES THOSE FOR ENTIRE COUNTY Precincts Also Changed to Comply With haw Requiring Voting l'laco for livery 5100 for Mr. Johnson's two engines at t,mt ll0 "lcd to opon tho mill soon, POSITION NEW MAYOR TODAY ATTORNEY I GENERAL BROWN TELhS ABOUT NEW LAW lit Signed Article States What Will Do 'To Inforco Prohl- . Iiltlon in Oregon lie Attornoy Oonoral Georgo M. Brpwn In an article over his own slg nattro published In the Orogonlnn 6cts out in a gonoral way his posi tlon regarding tho enforcement of tho prohibition law. Hoi says: " An endeavor has been mado by vay of preparation for enforcomont of tho prohibition law "to impress tho district attorneys of this state -with tho full realization that upon them, moro than any other officers, tests tho duty of enforcing tho pro visions of tho criminal laws of tho ctato; that tho prohibition law is a criminal law and that it should ho enforced tho samo as any othor crlm inalj statuto; that tho question as to whether prohibition is right or wrong has boon sottlod by tho pooplo thomuolvos; that tho tiltimato end ond purpoBo of prohibition Ib to pro nnt tho use of intoxicating liquors tir a bovorugo; that tho prohibition law can and must b enforced; that It Is tho duty of all sheriffs, magis trates, mayors, marshals, pollco of liccrs and all othor pcaco officors of any city, town or county having Jiotlco, knowledgo or reasonable ground of suspicion of any violation of tho provisions of tho prohibition Jaw to ndvlso tho District Attornoy of such county of tho fact of viola tion and to furnish him with tno names and addresses of any witness ci within tho knowledgo of such of llco by whom any fact tending to nliow such violation can bo proved; mid that tho Governor, whoso con stitutional duty Is to seo that tho criminal (laws aro enforced, has boon clothed with extraordinary powers In tho enforcement of this law. " I havo attomptod to Impress tho law officors of the stato with tho fact that tho purposo of tho prohl Tyltlon law Is to promoto tomporanco and provont drunkenness, and that It. A. COPPhE TO DIRECT FIRST COUNCIL MEET!N TONIGHT Newly Elected City Father to Tako Scats Eiitirimtloit of Mayor's Appointees Is U. Considerable Interest attaches to tho meeting of tho City Council this evening. This will bo tho first appoaranco of tho now city fathers i and also of Mayor R. A. Copple In ' his now position. At tho samo the mill, as well as tho onglno that runs tho dynamo which supplies Co qulllo and Myrtlo Point and tho intervening country with tho Julco to keep tho lights going nnd tho wheels turning. This is n 200-horso-powcr affair and, carries its load with tho greatest caso nnd Is not expected to balk at all at tho addition of that other fiO-horso-powcr motor load in tho mill. New Motor Coming but thcro was nothing ccrtalm about It. Howovor, tho notice to his em ployes and tho fact that Mr. Mooro intends to return to" Bandon within ten days throws a now light on tho matter. " It lins been understood for some tlmo thnt with a riso in tho lumber market tho mill would reopen, pro vided tho litigation Involving tint her that tho Mooro pooplo havo beott logging could bo brought to a lav- cfflcloncy. no do! ays of this kind'. ' "Tho tiettond mil! onglno will run tho plan6rB''hnU tho rosaws. With ttt6' power equipmont thus ordorcd from San Francisco, and is expected horo next weak, is to furnish tho power for tho lumber carriers and tho turning saws. Heretofore this task has been added tlmo will como up for ratification , to th6f 'burden df tho onglno that by tho Council tho appointees of tho drives' 'lhd'"maln saws of tho mill, Now"iMaypr. I nnd nt tfiluos has considerably ro- Tho Incoming Councllmcn aro duccdtl'lhc'iH,'sicod and Charles PoworB, D. L. Rood and I Horcafter th'dro will bo Emit Dandcl, tho latter having boon appointed to tako tho placo on tho Council vacated by Mr. Copplff. Opinions Not Given Llttlo can bo ascertained regard ing tho opinion of tho Council In general toward tho nowly appointed city officors. Thcro has boon con sldorablo discussion, but It is bo Uovcd there will bo llttlo opposi tion expressed this ovoulng, nnd It Is expected that all of tho nppolnt tces will bo confirmed. Tho Councllmon will got an out lluo of tho work as It Is to bo car ried through under tho now admin istration and get hitched into tho harness for tho work of 191C that Is expected to bo strenuous. Inrnltln aitMntiit T nit.. f. iM ..- This now motor which has boonr" " ", ";,,,' , " , w , . , , ' ported thnt tho caso has been set tled out of icourt." MILLS STA T AGAIN RESUME WOR1C AFTER THE HOL 1DAV VACATION X'ctv Kcsmr RcIiij: l'nt lit at Xorth Rend Mill and hiimhcr Company Plant Mil.- -i ...... . inu voo8 nay muis nnvo an ro rolnf&rddll'i'ie Is expected that tho 8!'mo(1 work ntor tho holldoyB. Tho TWO POLICE RETIRE Two of Mnrshflold's most faithful pollco officors mado their lust ap l.taranco this morning. Thoy woro William Shoup and Walter Richard son. For tho last nine years Shoup has Icon on tho pollco force, mostly as night officer. Ho has a host of friends who nro sorry to boo him go. In fact thero probably nover was a policeman who loft tho forco In Mnrshflold with tho friendship of ns the methods adopted to accomplish """' as Mr. Shoup takes with him. mill will bo nblo to saw 40,000 feet of tlumbor a day." Tho mill company In roturn con tracts to furnish tho wator powor wasto wood for fuel. Rebuilding Mill "At tho Biuno tlmo thoso changes and improvements aro making In tho power plnnt, tho upper end or tho mill is being rebuilt with very heaVy"Yltitbdrs nbout 1C Inchoa squaro, wnlclf carry tho big drlvo wheel. 'Over' tula now framework nn nBbcst6s,'"roof is to .bo placed which W(l"grontly diminish tho dan ger from flVo. It ia oxpoctod to liuvo"thU niill'fh full operation by January W Will Vtvy ?! 0,000 Monthly. "VRli'"aO"'mcn omployod In tho mill and Incllldlng tho raw material purchasod, Mr. Johnson says his disbursements will probably reach ? 10,000 a month, ovory dollar of which will bo oxpended In Coqulllo nnd Its lmmodlato vicinity, and tho most of it for labor. How greatly that will stlmulato tho business of tho city can easily bo Imagined. Among othor lumber contracts Mr. Johnson has ono for North Bend Mill nnd Lumber Com pany plant started Friday. Today a now resaw is being put in place and will bo rendy for work In a fow days. Tho Simpson mill started this morning and tho Smith plant is also running. Tho mills stnrt with much bettor prospects for n big business thnn this tlmo last year. DROUGHT SETS II FIRST REGUhAR DRV DAY HAS APPEARANCE OF A SUNDAY tho end Is the prevention of tho salo, manufacture and othor disposition of Intoxicating Jlaiiitrs.t. it. "That thiHHMciAlJVomodlod is tho uso of UltQXlUJjUsr-liquors as a hovorago, roD(jyftUjmp(iiclne8, ar ticles of toilet, (or 'for culinary pur jioses, such as, extracts, and tho ob ject of tho law'ln (Ills particular should bo onforceipiUIu times with in tho law, and tlin't real and dollb crato violations Bhouirbo tho object of tho jiroscijHRir'a ilttack, rather than technical. and unintentional vio lations. ' Tho iid6,lb"iinTtli'o Legislature ntado the law ijrollloiYftig tho salo or Intoxicating 'HqnbVa 'lili'a it has beon. committed to tho courts for tho pur j.vow ui uuiuh umurvuu, TUG pros- wutlng nttornoys or tho stato have beon vested with great power for tho purpose of carrying into effect tho provisions of tho law. This will bo dono. There Is only ono way to forco a criminal law nnd that Is to enforco tho law." 4 WATERFRONT NEWS t After being barbound and un able to get out of Bandon for a week, tho steam schooner Specnwoil cleared from thoro nt eight o'clock this morning, arriving hero some -tlmo lator. Tho vessel will load ami sell from tho Bonnett dock to morrow morning at eight o'clock. Tho gasoline schooner Rustler Is loading freight today at tho Smith Terminal dock for tho Rogue. Sho arrived Jn from thoro on Friday, Tho Enterprise Is still In port, whllo tho crow is giving her u com- Ho sorvod In tho days whon thoro was a good deal required of a night policeman and thoro was never an occasion when Shoup faltered In his duties howovor dangerous they might have beon. Thoro woro times lit tho oarllor days when Officer Shoup has waded Into big crowds of desporately fight lng moil and whon It was up to him to clean out a wholo saloon flllod with desporato flghtors, but ho all ways camo out victorious. Mr. Shoup has always exorcised good Judgmont In his work and ho says tnut somo of his best frlonda nro those whom ho has found It nee cstary to arrest on occasions, and thoso who havo regularly como In contact with him In tho performance ol his official dutloa express much regret that ho Is to rotlro. Mr. Shoup has not yet deddod on his plans for tho futuro. For a tlmo at least ho will bo lit Mursh flold nnd will tako a much desorvod rest. Wnltor Richardson has beon on tho pollco forco for tho past four cars, Borvlng part of tho tlmo at night and part In tho day time. Ho mm been n coitsclontlous officer and has porformod his duties faithfully. Mr. Richardson with his son owns tho Jltuoy lino to Bunker Hill nnd ho will Hkoly dovoto his attention now to that business. Ploto overhauling. At 8 a. m., yesterday tho steam schooner Hardy arrived in from San Francisco. From Portland tho steamship Kll bum is expected to arrlvo In tomor ow, if sho arrives early onough to dlsehargo her big curgo it s oxpectod that sho will got out lator in tho day. 000,000 feet on which ho will begin right nway. Lino to County Fai'in "Tho powor company oxpoctB nbout tho mlddlo of tho prosont month to begin tho construction of a now powor lino to tho county form four mllos north, nt an oxponso of ?22P0." TIE IS EXTENDED REV. II. II. FOSKRTT TO REMAIN HERE UNTlh OCTOIIKlt Convention Pastor of Stato Has Won .tinny Mioutls in Brief Stay Roto Announcement Is Welcomed Rov. H, B. Foskott, convention pastor of tho Baptist Church in Oregon, has ngrood to remain with tho local church until at least next Octobor. This announcoment, was mado nt tho meeting last ovonlng lit tho Baptist Church and was ro colved with much Joy by tho con gregation. In tho fow months that ho has beon horo, Mr. Foskott has mado n gieat many friends and has worked hard in tho church. At tho most u was expected that ho could bo retained horo only until April, but on his recent trip to Portland, Mr. Foskott had tho tlmo extended nn othor six months. As convention pastor ho travols about tho stato, filling tomporary vacancies In parlsho.s. t His family resides at McMlnnvlIlo nnd thoy will remain thero at least until tho Bchoo closes. Times Wnt Ads for resulU. Fifteen Saloons Aro Closed Po lice Arrest Three Men With "Hangovers." Thnt'n All Fifteen saloons of Marshflold woro locked today. Somo had crepo on tholr doors, othors had signs, but all were closod. This Is tho first regular day of prohibition In Oregon. Thoro being no saloons for tho first tlmo In -10 years, tho sight was n strnngo ono for Marshflold on n week day. In fact, somo of tho Old Guard actually walked to tho doors and startod to shovo thorn, swinging Inward, boforo tho realiza tion would suddenly como that thoy woro two days too lato. Thoy would turn away with iooics of disap pointment, hut with resignation to their fate. There woro a fow "hangovors" yestorday. Tho pollco mado throo arrests for drunkenness, hut nil of tho men declarod thoy would bo all right if glvon n chanco to sober up nnd would novor do It again. Tho pollco say thoy expect thero will bo a drunk appearing now nnd thon until tho boozo caches havo beon completely exhausted and nftor that tho soothing offocta of Coos Bay Company's product will prob ably hold Bway. To Ship Out Surplus. Saloonmen woro busy today got- uug inoir signs down and erasing tho names nnd everything about tho places that smacked of tho saloon business. Also most all of thorn havo round ed up what llttlo liquor thoro Is re maining and mado It read) for ship ment south. Tho Kllburn of to morrow bound for San Francisco will probably carry enough or tho liquor to mnko sovoral good-sized jags, none or which will bo liber ated In Oregon. County Clerk Wntson has an nounced the names of tjie reglBtraro for tho county under tho now rogls trntlon law with whom all votors must register for tho prlmarlos May 1G, Changes havo also been mado In tho election precincts to comply following with tho law which requires that World is thoro shall bo ono voting placo for overy 300 voters. Tho following Is tho ntimbor of tho precincts as newly nrrnnged nnd tho names of the registrars: 1 Lakeside, Oscar Oluiinn. 2 Temploton, samo. 3 North Slough, same. 1 Haynes Slough, samo. fi Allegany, C. E. Edwards. C Kontuck Slough, Oscar Oilman. 7 Wlllanch Slough, A. R. Morcor. 8 Emplro, James Macklo. 9 North Bend West, A. 13. Sinis ter. 3 0 North Bend North, snmo. 11 North Bend Central 1, tamo. 12 North Bend Central 2, samo. 13 North Bend South,, same. 1-1 Pony Slough, James T. Brand. 1C Eastsldo North, A. It. Morcor. 1C Eastsldo South, C. P. Keating. 17 Marshflold North 1, James T. Brand. 18 Marshflold North 2, same. 10 Marshflold Central 1, samo. 20 Marshflold Central 2, samo. 21 Marshflold South 1, snmp. 22 .Marshflold South 2, same. 23 South Inlet, .James Mnckio. 21 Nowport, Jamos T. Brand. 215 Bunker Hill, samo. 2G Catching Slough, Nell O. Wat sou. 97rVinci nll.nt. Tnrt.nn HI f)..n...1 -. ..wuu ....v., nil I ill.' a lt JJIUIIM. 28 Burton, reglstor nt Coqulllo. 20 Sumnor, Noll O. Wntson. 30 Coos City, samo. 31 Coaledo, W. T. Moffott. 32 Beaver Hill, snmo. , 33 Cunningham, register at Court House. 31 Fat Elk, samo. 35 Dora, J. M. aearhnrt. 3C Missouri, E. A. Dodge. 37 Leo, J. M. Goarhart. 38 Coqulllo Northwest, reglstor nt Court houbo. , 39 Coqulllo Northoast, samo. 40 Coqulllo Southeast, same. 'II Coqulllo soiithwost, same. 12 Rivorton, C. B. Zeok. 43 Prospor, samo. 44 Bnndon Southwest, samo. 4C Bandon Northwest, Bnmo. 1 C Bandon Northcnst, samo. . 47 Bandon SotithonBt, samo. 48 Twomllo, samo. 49 Parkorsburg, same. CO Lampa, samo. CI Norway, E. A. Dodge. C2 Fourmilo, Charles T. Blumcn . rothcr. C3 Catching Crook, E. A. Dodgo. 51 Myrtlo Point North, snmo. C5 Myrtlo Point South, same. CO Sugar Loaf, samo. 57 Enchnnted, O. E. Hill. CS Roland, A. P. Mlllor. M i ? r 9 a ens ouits i sndOvercoats On Sale tile Golden Rule Men's $ 7.50 Suits, sale price $3.95 Men's $ 9.00 Suits, sale price $3.95 Men's $11.00 Suits, sale price ..$5.25 Men's $12.50 Suits, sale price $6.25 Men's $15.00 Suits, sale price $7.85 Men's $20,00 Suits, sale price $10.85 SPECIAL One lot of $12 to $15 Overcoats Reduced to $3.95 each 25 PER CENT OFF ON ALL MEN'S AND BOYS' OVERCOATS YOU CAN SAVE .MONEY AT Tin Golden FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG ALWAYS BUSY. Rul ulARSHFIELD TO Eli BOYS YOUNGSTERS MIST GO BEFORE .lUVEXIhE JUDGE WATSON A io KohNthOiI Fiom Jail to Par ents None of Four Charged With Thefts Over id ELECT NEW DIRECTORS .Coos Bay Creamery Association Has Annual .Meeting Tho annual meeting of tho stock holders or tho Coos Buy Cronmory Four youngstors, nono of them over 10 yohra or ogo, arrested on Saturday and charged with stealing rood and clothes, will bo turnod over to tho custody of tho Juvenile court nt coqulllo. Thoro Is n pos sibility that tho lads will bo to tho stnlo roform school, Tho boj'H nro Georgo Lingo, 'Mark Wll loy, Oron Bouohrnko and Julius Osbomo. Pollco today doclorcd that thoro has been n gang or boys who havo boon stripping gnHollno boats, tak ing away whntovor is mbvoahlo, to sell for Junk. Tho boys havo boon put through cross-fire examinations, hut It Is undorstood will tell very llttlo. For n tlmo bicycles disappeared whon left standing along sldownlks on main streets, out of bonts wont much paraphernalia and from hero and thoro losses of brass and iron Instruments nnd nrtloles woro re ported. Aftor spending Now Yonr's Day In Jail tho boys woro turned ovor to their parents nlong In tho ovonlng on tho uudorstondlng thoy will bo dollvored ovor to Probation Orricor Hark Dunham, or Coqulllo, that ho may bring thorn boforo Judgo James Watson ror examination. Confess Robberies SELECT JURY LIST NAMES OF 50 .MEN DRAWN FOR DUTY IN JUSTICE COURT Aro Named by Two Freeholders- From This Lint Juries May 'Bo Selected Ah Needel Names or 50 inon woro chosen to day ns tho 10 ll! Jury list ror tho Jus tlco court. Thoy woro Boloctod at random by two freeholders, James Watt and EH. Joohnk. Whonover.A Jury trial comes up In BC,H Judgo Ponnock'H court, six men will ho drafted rrom these GO names. 'ffio following nro tho moii chosen: Alex Johnson, Roy B. Lawhorno, Ml lo Sumner, Charles Donebrnke, James Wynn, John .Merchant, II. h. Crnwford, wson Kaufman, M. D. Mulloy, Hugo QulHt, J. II. Studdon, T. S. Ilarvoy, J. E. Cooloy, J. W. Dn ls, Georgo W. Trlbbey.J. W, Hlldei brand, Frank Donning, W. A. Held, Ford M. Painter, fl-on Wright, M 0. Duncan, Jay Doyle, C. M. Connor, W. E. Dungan, J. W. Watt. Ivy Condron. Alva Doll, Norman Johnson, C. A. Pennock, W. S. Nicholson, Jako Hill Etrom, Charles Raymond, J. Q. Jar vis, D. J. Roes, F. E. Allon, J. H. Housomnn, Goorgo Gottlngs, B. E. Hamilton, II. G. Howard, Georgo Baltics, Clom Wolls, Robort Sartor, Clhostor Wolcott, C. J. Bruschko, William Cox, William Stattfr, Jay Tower, William Ekblad, Carl Evert-sen. Association wns hoiii im .....i I wormed a conrosslon rrom tho Wllloy tno cronmory. All tho roports for1 u""l"" no una uoorgo mo year woro not complotcd nnd an- otnor meeting will bo hold In two wcoks. Tho following directors '.oro choson for tho ensuing year: Georgo Ross, W. F. Hodson, J. J. Cllnkonbeard, T. M. Collver nnd Wnl ter Chrlstonson, tho last two being new mombois. Tho directors will olect tho othor orn'cora or tho association. WILL ENLARGE PLANT Another or Rosoburg'a Industrial plants Is contemplating extensive improvomonts ror next year. This For nbout three days now CI1I0H ,8 tno l'ncklug plant owned by W. F. Drngor &. Co., or Salom, who In tho ovont or conditions early In tho spring looking to a. rnvornble crop or prunes, will enlarge their presont equipmont until It Is second only to tho ono at Salom, which Is 8iId to ho tho largest In tho state. Rosoburg Rovlow. Carter has beon on tho trull or tho boys Implicated In potty thievery about tho city and this nrtornoon ho 4. uihu mum mo culm iiox irom n tlorst and King Jltnoy a weok or fla ago. Ho said that each got nbout ?5.SG out or tho deal. pound ror It. Greon told tlo pollco tho bqys snld tho brass had comn kfroin tho Santa Clara. It was .said that a second hand doalor named Ono Boy Took Brass Mark Wllloy said that JuIIub Os bomo less than a month ago took a Inr ft hrnfla ft f k tt t . I . . , . "' " """ " " " -uworB Auntns, on north Front streot, had ., . ... u..u ram ,1 to o. aroon bought sonio or the tools from the whognvo them about flvo conts n Pacific. nrnnrnitTrjiinM 1 Ford aaomsn lAvsaHHHHB. will imij o44 viua HAS RUT DOZEN FOLLOWERS IBr AwocUt4 rr 10 t 07 Timet J EL PASO, Texas, Jan. 3 Arrivals from Chihuahua say Villa Is making toward tho bordor In tho direction or Columbus. N M , with about u dozen followers. On Easy Terms' TrPlXZ(W ttttmtttzttz itroxxxxxm &ttttttut r AA.AA.A . TW ixmnmmt E2d2SH2T $ 525 levered mlnthT $225 CaSh BaIanCC $5 per mo"th for six Ford Runabmir "Ra.7 4lmj T, $225 cash. Balance $50 pa m0,h for five $88888 Place your orders now. itmmmti mmmni: mmtmiii Front Street -Isaac "The R. Gunn Tower- ery tt Marshfteld I 4t J; tfffip&8i -U ' j .V.h-U; Trfi1 rw rmmms