i!-. .-vexjfij i "3 f 1 ; ii ""' r . i" - ...i . . .i . ,t e. v- & ail ii f, ti.ray.'v i ' ' . : 1 I" I 'J ' - '- ,' '4 - C00SBAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, QREGON, MONDAY, JANUARY 3, 191$EVENNG fetflTION., THflSfi VJ !, " i THE - w m . o. iajfy fjBrM Today We are dis playing the new Fall Flor sheim styles just received. i You men who desire to wear styles of the times 'should "have a look." They are at tractive, clever and distinctive. Woolen Mill Store Marslifidd Noilh Bend WEAVING AH kinds a spec ially. Mrs. W. W. Nason, 680 12th Courth. So. Phone 220-R We are Compelled to remain in Marshfield, acount no boat leaving until January 10, and will keep our store open in the meantime. WE DO NOT WISH TO MOVE THIS STOCK and prices have been SLAUGHTERED in our determination to dispose of it. A visit to our store will convince you. ' "fyattAloM, I Resolve: TO UUV ALL YOUrJMEATS DURING 1010 at the Palace Meat Market IT MEANS BETTER MEATSS AND SATISFACTORY SERVICE Palace Meat Market X. D. OSWALD. Phono 100.J, N oble f faeate To-pMjar THKDA DARA Tho Vnmplro woman of "A FOOL THERE WAS" Presented by William Fox In iv iiliotiplay superb. "THE CLEMENOEAU CASE" Written by Alexandre Dumas. A fav better picture than "A pOOLTHeuk WAS" which up to this time was tho greatest pic ture ever bhowii In this city. A Drama that WILL LIVE FOREVER, STRIKES DEEP TO TR13 ELEMENTAL PASSIONS OF MEN AND WOMEN. A -MAS LRPIECE IN SIX MAGNIFICENT PARTS. CoinoEnrJy for Good Seats. Two Shows, 7 and 8:-15 15 Coats Upstairs oi Down Children Bo aNa WEDNESDAY Edgar Sehvyn in bis own play "THE ARAB", a Paramount feature In five reels. J WEATHER FORECAST 4 t)r AtiocUlcJ I'ruil to Coo. fer Tlmri.l OREGON Snow or rain, warmor In tlio weaji winds becoming westerly. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD For tlio 24 hours ending at 4:4.1 a. in.. January 3, by BouJ. Ostllnd, special gov- ornmont moteoroloeiBt: 4 Maximum ', ....4.1 Minimum i" ,13 At 4:43 n. m 42 Precipitation, 71 f Precipitation slnco Sept. 1, 1915 34.C0 Precipitation samo poriotl last year 34.82 "Wind Southwest, pnrtly cloudy. ? SUNRISE AND SUNSET Monday January 3 Sun Hscb at 7:53 and sots at 4:38 born : $ COLE Dorn to Mr. and Mrs. Eu gono Colo, of Hunker Hill, Decem ber 31, a son. Aid to Meet. Tlio Ladles' Aid of tho Baptist Church will hold their monthly business mooting Wednes day aftornoon at tho homo of Mrs. P. 13. Wheeler. Funeral of 1. W. Small. Tho bo dy of tho lato D. W. Small will arrive horo tomorrow on tho steamer P. A. Kilburn nnd tho funoral will bo held at 2 p. in. tomorrow from tho Mason lo Tomplo. t Special Meeting. A special moot ing of tho Christian Slstorhood will bo held at tho homo of Mrs. S. J. Immol tomorrow aftornoon at 3:30 for tho election of offlcors and other matters of business. Baseball nt Powers. Carl Larson Is In from FoNvors for a short visit. Ho said that thoy had a vory lively Now Year's and tho othor night his Powors baskotball team tlofcatod tho Myrtlo Point team 44 to 32. 'mijat Central Ave. , .... , R DREVIT1E (Moved Place. Jay Doyle has moved Jay Boyle's Place from thd old placo on Central avenue to ills now pluco on ' Commercial avenue, Into tho room formerly occupied by the PugBley Candy factdry. Guild to Meet. Tho Episcopal Clurcli Guild will hold its opening meeting of tho year tomorrow after noon and a good attendance Is desir ed. Mrs. J. H. Flanagan, Mrs. Em ma Nnsburg and Mrs. Guy Warner will bo hostesses. Cut Holes Hi Pavement. In order to got a sower connection on tho main llnu, when a private sower run nlng down to tho bay refused to work, workmen today cut sovoral big l'XJles in tho Contral avenlio paving near Front streot. ' "Hangovers" Arc. Fatal. Thoro wero tllreo nrrests yesterday for drunkoness, Thoy wero Alfrod Drunoll, Ami! Matson and ' John Hongrall. Tlicy wero given a night In tho Hotel do Carter with which to consolo themselves and this morning given tho high sign to "beat it." Much Mull for Delivery. When the mall failed to arrlvo early Sat urday and camo in that oveniug, again yesterday and also this morn ing, tho pos't-offlco forco found thorn, selves crowded with work and tho carriers walked many miles with heavy loads to rollovo tho congestion. Sign Contest Down. Thcro was a mnnll and silent crowd that gathered about tho otitsldp of tho Pullman bar this morning to watch tho disap pearance of tho big gilt lettora "Pull man Bar." Off thoy camo in n, hur ry and tho crowd disappeared quietly as though aiding to pay tho parting rltcB to tho old regime. InnpcctH Lighthouses. Lighthouse Inspector Warrack of tho Northwest district, arrived horo on tho Btago yesterday from Portland, and this morning ho left on tho early train for Dandon to Inspect tho llghthouso there Ho has also taken In tho lights along tho coast on his way down. Ho expects to return within a fow days. Still Work on Line. G. J. Uay lcss, of tho Southern Pacific, wont out again this morning to tho Val ley, whoro ho Is engaged in putting In tolographlo equipment for tho lino. Tho instruments at Coqulllo have been lnstallod. Undor tho now systom It will bo posslblo to U80 tho tolophono lino for telegraph ing. Mr. Daylcss has boon horo for sovoral du: Must Hnvo , .ju Dry. Evident ly in search of "a whistlo moisten or" somcono is said to havo entorod tho collar of tho Frank Cattorlln homo on Now Year's night and took omo bcor stored thoro. It io not known whether tho act was a prank or was played in all seriousness, but Frank Cattorlln said lator ho would glvo thorn tho other barrel with a husky bear trap In It. Clear Good Sum. Tho Marshfield Flro Department cleared something llko $100 from their danco of Sat urday evening in Eaglos Hall. There wero closo to 170 couples on tho floor and a thorough good tlrao was enjoyed by thorn all. Thoro will bo somo mora of theso dances later in tlio yonr, tho proceeds thorn being turned into a fund for a firo alarm systom for tho city. Leap Yeur Social. Next Friday ovoulng tho Epworth Lcaguo of tho Methodist Church will glvo a Loap Yoar basket social in tho League Hall, to which all tho young peo ple's soclotles ore especially invit ed, and tho young pcoplo in gen eral. Tho boys will bring tho baskets and ulso buy thorn, and tho girls uro not to bid over 27 cents for any basket. Thoro will bo a short program in connection with tho social. A real good timo Is being lookod forward to by a largo number of tho young people Are Agreeably Surprised. Mr. and Mrs, J. C. Ross had not seen their sou Robert A. Ross for about two years, On Christmas Day they went over for dlnuor to tho homo of their son John Ross, head of tho Scandinavian Amorican bank. Thoy' wero told to go into a certain room to find a present and there found their son Robort hiding behind tho dcor. Ho had como in unexpectedly overland from San Francisco. Ho has been locatod at Mason City, Iowa. "Ho Is a musician, specializing on tho clalronot and may remain on Coos Bay. Sues for Llfo Insurance. Mrs. Amolla Vo"IZi of North Rend, tho wld .".. jCy For Relief Of that Cough Try TROY COMPOUND WHITE PINE AND TAR MEN THOLATED Soothes Inflamed Mucous Membranes of tho breathing passages PRICES 25c AND HOe. THE BUSY CORNER Wo Deliver Immediately Phono 208 ow of John Volz -who died there March l?,' 1315, tday filed, duit, through her attornpy, C. I. Reigard, against the Pacific Mutual Insurance company, of Los'Angoles, t6 securo a 31,000 policy hold'hyMr. Volat the 1 1 mo of his death. This was nn ac cident and health policy and tho com pany claimed that Volz died a nat ural death. Tlio plaintiff, however, In alleging' that ho fell and struck his head against a pllo of lumber and died from the offects of tho acci dent. Wiih No Shootlnj; Scrnpo. Thoro havo been roportd' through tho day of a shooting' scrapo in the city, and several telophono cttlls wero received at police headquarters regarding tho matter. No trouble has been re ported to tho bflcers nor havo any of tho rumors proved tangible. It wus Lalfio reported that thoro was a Nglrt. Saturday night which lasted halt ail hour and that ono man got his allowed off but tho police Bald that no such occuranco had been report ed to them and that no arrests for any such offense had been made. $ t PERSONAL MENTION DAN M'KINNON has roturnod from a business trip to Portland. W. INGERSOLL camo In from Ten Mllo to spond Now Years. FRANK ROOD of Coos Rlvor was a Marshfield business visitor today. C. I. REIGARD wont ovor to Co qulllo thlB morning on legal busi ness. W. C. CHASE and wife, of Co--qulllo, wero visitors horo ovor Sunday. ROY LANDRITH of North Coos Riv er was a Marshfield business visi tor today. MISS ANNA THORHAVEN of North Bond was a MarBhflold vis itor today. MISB RUTH ALLEN has taken up her duties as bookkeeper at' tho Chandler Hotel. W. J. HILL and wife, of Powors, woro In tho city Saturday1 and Sunday on a visit. JAMES M'CUTCHEON and wifo, of Beaver Hill, wont ovor to Co qulllo this morning. JUDGE COKE and A. B. Loud wont over to tnko up 'their court work at Coqulllo this morning. L. A. LILJEQVIST, district nttor noy, wont ovor to Coqulllo this morning on court business. DAVIS HOWARD wna among tho visitors in tho city from. North Inlet to Bpond tho week end. MISS MYRTLE COWAN loft on tho stago yostorday for Eugono, re turning to rcsumo hor work at tho University. MRS. EDWARD E. DYER and daughter, Miss Ruth Dyer, wore down yesterday from their homo on Danlols Creek. J. E. PAULSON, prominent citizen of Coqulllo and a director In tho local Scandlnavlan-Amorlcan bank was in tho city yesterday. JUDGE JOHN HALL is expecting to leave somo timo noxt week to pay a visit to several of tho Odd Follows lodges in Oregon. MISS LUCY POWERS returned to Eugono' yostorday after spending tho holidays with hor paronts, Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Powors. MISS ELVIRA FRIZEEN roturnod to work In Coqulllo this morning aftor spending tho week ond with hor parents, Mr. and Mrs. August Frlxoon. JACK M'DONALD was a passongor on tho early train to tho McDon ald & Vaughn camp at Deavor Hill, whoro sovoral changes aro boliig mado, L. E. BROWN loft on tho stago today for Portland whoro on Wednesday ho will attend tho annual moot ing of Mutual Llfo lnsuranco agents of Orogon. MISS MARGARET STEINLECHNER roturncd on tho Messenger today from Tomploton, whoro sho spent tho holidays with hor paronts. Sho Is a student In tho high school. GEORGE A. BAINES and family camo down from Danlols Creek yesterday, whoro they spont tho week end with Mr. and, Mrs, Hod don. Thoy found four Inches of snow up tho rlvor. SHERIFF ALF JOHNSON camo ovor from Coqulllo on tho morn ing train to attond to some mat ters of business. Ho reports everything dry and quiet In tho othor end of tho county. BATITLETT FLANAOAN loft this morning for Eugono. Ho has charge of a farm near that place. Ho has beon spending tho holi days horo with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Flanagan, ED' DYER camo down from his Dan lols Creok ranch today to take his daughter, Miss Ruth, who hasboou ' here for medical treatment, homo ! with him but sho will bo unable to t return until tomorrow. She will have to wear a plaster cast for a j timo, ('CARL LARSON camo down from Pownrs today for a visit, expecting to return tomorrow. Ha Is em ployed in tho Hub storo thero and hns not been to tho city for sov oral weeks, as evidenced by the fact ho woro a mustache into I HI ty&ti'ERS CANNOT EIjIj P-VPEIfS CONTAINING LIQUOR ADS I.nw Affects Eastern Magazines And Also the San Francisco Dally Ncivspaiiers Local nows doalors today woro puzzled ns to what thoy should do about magazines and aii Francisco newspapers containing liquor adver tlEcmohts. Thoro nro on hand now tho January numbers of most of tho magazines which icomo boforo tho law wont into cfect. Ono dealer, to avoid any trouble, was busy cutting tho liquor ads out of tho magazines so ho could soil them for tho reading matter and not get into any trouble. Suggestion Mndo Another suggested that tho nows dealbrs get together and malco nn af fidavit stating to tho nows com pnny In Portland whoro thoy buy their magazines, that thoy would rrosocuto them If thoy sent them any magazines containing tho objectlon nblo ads. As tho nows houso which furnishes most of tho magazines In lbcatod lu Portlnml it could not Bend etch magazines as it would bo mail ing liquor ads. What tho local doalors will prob ably do will bo to talk to District At tcrney Llljcqvlst and soo what at tiludo ho directs tho nows dealers shall take. Bars California Papers j As tho San Francisco papers con- j tnln liquor ndjvortisomonts It ,Ulll hardly pay a nows doalcr to spend his timo cutting thorn out boforo I colling tho paper. Somo dealers say U.oy may not bother trying to handle tho California papers. An Opinion Given On this subject tho Portland Tele gram Bays: "Tho ticklish fcaturo Is that which pertains to tho udvortisomonts In magazines, periodicals and nows paporn which aro printed clsowhcro and which aro sold in Oregon. Such nc aro brought into tho stofp sub scribers through tho United State? mall "cannot bo controlled y tho stato laws, but thoso offered tyrnalo on tho nows stands must havo jail ill egal matter romovod. Prohibition advocates stato that a strlcjt. enforce ment of this section Is necessary to provont tho liquor intoros'tB ' jtroai printing and distributing thplr dd vcrtisomontB as nowspnpefs or mag azines, it will also provent EhBtcrn ond California newspapers carrying liquor advertisomonts from bolng dis played on tho nows stands In Orogon. " Apparently tho task of dolotlng tho liquor advortlsomonts from tho nowspapers and magazines dovolvcs upon tho nows dealers. So, if you buy a California nowspapor with yawning holes in tho pages, you can I . a . a . . . - .Lll ( (i. I ieoi assureu tnac tuo nows tienier has boon performing his duty as a consor." iT PLENTY DBS THREE HUNTERS RRING DOWN HAG OF 01 IN SHORT TIME Say Rainy Weather Huh Improved Local' Shootings-Rut 11 More Days of Season Remaining Perhaps tho biggest bag or tho duck soason Is tho ono reported to day by Capt. Robort Monson, of tho Messongor, On Saturday ho wont out on Ton Mllo with two friends mm within a few hours timo tho men shot Gl ducks. Thoy say that tho rocont Btormy weather has brought many ducks not only Into tho lako districts north of horo but onto Coos Day as well, giving now perhaps tho best hunting or tho season. Thoro remain but cloven moro days in this duck soason and many persons aro taking out tholr shot guns for a last try. Capt, Monson says that on certain parts of Ton Mllo tho hunting has beon protty good slnco last October. William Sloop and William McCul loch woro out with Capt. Monson, Tho bags of early season woro mighty light ones in most instances, tho hunters have declared, becauso of tho fact that in tho Coos Bay coun try tho hunting starts a month later than it does on tho Columbia, VESSEL MOVEMENTS Arrived. Hardy, from San-Francisco, 8 a. m. Sunday. Sjioedwoll, Bandon, this morning. Due Ifoi'e, F. A. Kilburn, Portland, tomor row. SOCIAL' CAXENDAir MONDAY Alpha Delphian ' Society with MIbs AUc'o'Curtls. 'TUESDAY Ladles Guild, In Guild hall. h A New Year's Resolution should be to visit the J. C. PENNEY CO. STORE, arid examine their merchandise before buying. This policy will mean a saving of a great many dollars by the end of 1916. ' You can save 52 cents on n Sl.JIO Loggers' Shirt nt ...... .9.08 (Double back, double brcaBt and double sleeves.) You can Havo r2 rents on a $2.fi0 Flannel Shirt nt $1.08 (In light and dark grays, tan and khaki colors.) f You can save CI cents on n 82.00 Flannel Shirt at' $1.-10' (In grays, browns, tan, khaki drid Tilue.) You can savo 27 cents on a $1.25 Flannel Shirt at 08c (Theao conio in brown, bluo, gray, ollvo and khaki colors) and should bo seen to bo appreciated.) You can snvo $1.02 on n 80.00 Sweater nt $1.08 (Raglan Sloovo, all wool, cardinal, Oxford and maroon colors.) You can savo $1.02 on a $5.00 Sweater at $3.08 Tho above nro n few of tho many values that cannot bo duplicated except at ' Incorporated 8.1 11UBY STORES Next Wishing everyone a Hrippy A Few Holiday- Speciate:- CRANBRRES, Per pound --..-Jx-IOc GERMAN-AMERICAN COFFEE, Per pound 25c FRESH EGGS, Per dozen 45c Gettings Cash Grocery yousmoeney 130 NO. BROADWAY, NEAR CENTRAL .4 Vjk .. ' SONNER AF NORGE CTovre Loge No. 26 Onsker Alle Norske i 'i ' ..... !' ' et . ' , ., Goot Nyt-Aar "' r" .''" OCEAN BEACH AUTO LINE Gorst & King.' " "' Lcato Marshfield at 7 a. rn., nnd returning leaving from Empire at 8 a. in. Lcavo Marshfield nt 11 a.m. nnd returning leave1 South Slough at 1 p. m. Leavo Marshfield nt 0 p. m. and 'returning lcavo South Slough at 0 p. m. PARCEL POST YOUR LAUNDRY We Pay Return Charges. Prompt and Effjoient Service COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY t AMONG THE SICK : $$ 0. C, Going is confined to his homo by a .soyoro attack of la grlpp6. Chas. Watson is roportod qulto 111 otitis rooms today, Robert' Peters, ono of tho West ern Union messongor boys, wus ta ken sick this afternoon and had to go off duty. Harry W. Palntor, who returned SaMirday ovoulng from Portland, via Myrtlo Point, Is reported to bo much bottor today. Tho hard trip In from Kosoburg almost exhausted his strength and ho was qulto ill on Sat urday but u comploto rest of a duy leaves him in bottor shape. Dr. F, C. Vnuuhn, Dentist, Room 20, Fhht National Bank building. ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL Corner Market nnd Broadway Wo solicit all our old patronB of tlio Lloyd and assuro thorn tho samo reasoriablo rates. E. W. SULLIVAN THE LLOYD. FAMILY HOTEL Housekeeping Apartments 4 Two rooms, $8.00 month Electricity and Gas. Free baths Sleeping rooms, $1,00 wk., up 4 DRY WOOD ' at CAMPBELL'S WOODYARD North Front Street Phone 87DJ FOR TRANSFER AND STOR AGE' OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS FREIGHT AND BAGGAGE Cidl FERGUSON TRANSFER Tr Phone 103 Resldcnco Phone 13-J Market Ave, and Waterfront HAVE THE ROOF FIXED. NOW See CORTHELL Phone 3171 c-&dr - tt.vj ; 'v&TKzeu n .,)..' ,loor to Mhrnliflcl.il, P.ostofflco nnd Prosperous New, JYcftri '..IT-' - TT " t WW TODAY ' I $!$ WANTED 100 lb. or more fish dally. Dox 4CC, city. WANTED Girl for general house work. Apply Mrs. A'.' II". Powora. FOR RENT 0-rooiu house, Phono 70-R. WANTED il tons grnHs hal'. Phono 70-R, J. C. Doano. FOR RENT FurnUhed per month. Call at Connor & Hoagland'Sj room, ' $, flat ovor FOR SALE Cheap if taken at om-u, Cabinet sowing (reaahlno, nlmost now. Apply' UGTklrdand High land. ' ' ' WANTED Boy withiMoyclo to tako ordors and dbllvurv." Inquire at Times offioo. . no -i LOST Umbrella ui.ivltlU owner's name engraved! on handle. Flndbr please return to Times offlco. t wanted" t WANTED Medium" bIzcIi safe. Must - bo Btrictly a bargain. Phono 137-J. t FOR SALE t $ t FURNITURE Including piano, 'for salo cheap, A. E.' Stovall, 844 So. Broadway. FOR SALE Thirty foot gasolluo launch, choap. Inqulro Lloyd hotel: FOR SALE CHEAP Two good lots, closo In. Address "L" caro Times t FOR RENT t FOR RENT Rooming houso over Ekblad's Hardwaro Storo. Apply at Pkblad & Son or call 3GQ. FOR BENT Nice two.room 'apart mont' with heat. Apply' 'Mats'on'a Quality Storo. v ,..,-. v