RKI &3cKSnS5) rw 7 -? litiifa Bill 1 T'-fli JA - i-j I w i1. HfltJ tf'W n ty , W ' - .1 - ' . . I ' .. ..'. .nm a M,ui, rmr, . TWO' yum- r.niix mai iimn.-s. mHnanncLU. unnuum. unuhii jhhuhih ui iviv i-h-i..... ...-... -., m, ntu vinpn ,iainnripipi n nncnnii' nnrinirtnv innmnuy j. u hhihn u i rininiivM . . '-"'" ----- i ' -- -t fe . J n l-i i . i V iV W s 'ik. s COOS BAY TIMES H, 0. SlALONKY, Editor und Pub. DAN JE. MALONEY, News EQUor Offlclnl Paper., of Coos County OffU'lnl I'niicr f'ltr of MnrshfMd J :' EUROPEAN WAR ONE X X YEAR AGO TODAY $ AVAR YEAIt AGO .IAN'. 2, llft Tho Germans admit the Allies hnvo made Bomo gains In tho west. A great battlo continues In tlio region of Sari Kainysh and the Ilus clans claim to have taken 5,000 Turk prisoners. It Is reported that Fronch aviators dropped bombs near Brussols nnti partly destroyed a Zeppelin shod. JAN. :?, lots :' Tho Austro-IIungarlan minister of war says his country can withstand uny storm. Tho French attempt to occupy nouroullles1 unt 'o'"ilot succeed. ltiiBsIa rop'orts--conditions excop tlonnlly painful In tho fight In tho Caucasus-on nccottnt of tho cold land tho high -anionic; " LUMBER Ruftxjiss imp. ROVING FROM all quarters and all sec tlons. thoro continues to como encouraging riowB of tho reviv al of tho lumbor business. L. P. Konnoss, who Is u traveling sales man for a Chicago wholosolo llard waro firm was In Salem, tho other day and gavo a Capital-Journal a most encouraging report of lumber conditions In tho middle west. In. reply to questionings of tlio Journal man ho Bald ho liad watched carefully as (o lumbor conditions on lila trip Vest, as ho know tho north v west depended largely on that prod uct for Its prosperity, and ho wanted to know how tho outlook for trado would bo in his lino. Ho found, lis said, that thoro was a woeful short sgo In lumbor at all points nlong tho lino of his travel. Donver wnB shy, and so was nearly every othor point. Ho claimed tho lumbermen had nl lowed their stocks to run down to lowest possible limit, nn'd that now that tho idcmand was Bteadlly grow ing for lumbor, they would notlmly l'ovo to order to moot this donmud but to got a workablo stock on hand. Ho predicted an unusuallM brisk demand for western lumbor In tho noar future Ills stateipont booiiih, to bo bomo out by many other thlugB. For ono, thoro Is already a much bottor do maud for lumbor than for somo tlmo past, and this demaud bcoiiih to no increasing steadily. On Pugct Sound many mills Idle for somo time, arn again starting up, and with fairly good orders ahead, Indeed (It Is claimed that If thoro wns not a shortago of logs and also of curs thoro would bo somo thing doing In lumbor that would ninko It scorn llko old times. It Is clalmod tho railroads must soon ho In tho market with big or ders for ties and brldgo inntcrlal, ami as tholr business has suddenly jumped almost beyond their powers to handle it, this seems reasouublo, for tho roads', will cortalnly tako ad v vantage of a plethora of money to put tholr roads In condition again. As thoro has bcon but llttlo re pairs for tho past three years, It U going to tako an Immonso amount or Uos and othor timber to bring tho tracks back to normal condition. All this means luminous for tho mills, and that means better times for all tho peoplo of tho state. J ' AT THE HOTELS : $ Chandler Hotel J. H. Paulson, Coqulllo; Jamos M. McCutcheon and wife, Ilenvor Hill; J. M. Warrick, Portland; R. ItobortBon, Portland; It, Tavennor, Coos ltlver; Miss Huth Dyer, .avMt.y.qk; .Mrs. Edward H. Dyer, Dajilpht Crock; Myrtlo M. Ilakor, PortkBd:1 Add Harrington, Soattloj.ljrm Smith, La (Jrundo; Ruby SmlUi, Gardiner; E. C. Hob erts, Myrtlo "Point; W. C. Chase and wife, Coqulllo; Vorna Perry, Uandon; Christina Mcintosh. Co qulllo; E. aeorgo Wilson, Portland; W. J. Hill mid wlfo, Powors; O. C. Hamlin, Heaver Hill. Kt. l.nweuco Hotel Henry Mlchelbrlnk, Allogany; Mrs. &, Mnndory, (lurdlnor; Will Heaves, Oardlnor; MIus Whltted, Allegany; M. Markham. Reaver Hill; K. S. Cllnkonbeard, noavor Mill; John H. Hasten, Now York. , Hluiiro Hold W. S. Clark, Powors; John Smith, South Inlet; II. Cnlborg, Powers; R. F. Cook, South Inlet; W. Ingor soll; Ten Mile; AV. II. Short, Ton Mile; W. Dabook, Powors; Joo Courtnoy. Powors; Davis Howard, North Inlet; F. C. Hamilton, North Inlot; Otto Uruenor, Powors; M. D. Scott, Powers; O. Nlomo, Ton Mllo; A.vHolden, Empire, Times want uds bring results. ) ILwTth thetoast f AND THE TEA X $ (3001) EVENING All succeed who deserve, though not perhaps us they hopod. An honornblo defeat Is better than a mean victory, and no ono Is really tho worso for beaten, unless ho loses heart.. Though wo may not bo nblo to attain, that Is no reason why wo should not aspire. Lord Avobury. TJH3 WELL HELOVED EXEMV I know a chap who used mo ill Almost slnco I was born, He's put my namo to many a bill And troublo most forlorn, In school bo's cost mo endless wac, Too many hero to toll, I And yot, In spite of nil, d'yo know, I lovo him mighty well? Ho had mo spanked whon t was ton For something that ho did. Ab I look back upon him then Ho was a fearful kid, ' Ho said mean things about my dau, Tho llttlo infidel, And yot thoro was no othor lad I cared for quito ns well. I know full woll his weaknesses, Tho strange twists of his mind, And yot there's Bomothlug in mo says Ho's not a half bad Idnd, Anil though Iio'b bcon nn enemy Ueyond all parallel, Tho tlmo has nover censed to bo When I have loved him woll. Who Is ho? Well, como hlthor while I whlBpor secretly I fonr his namo will make you smllo It'B MO! niakoncy Gray. Evory -now and then you run Into a Coos May man who gives you tho impression that ho Is about as use ful ns tho holes In a Swiss checso. If It cost $1,000,000 to tako out n llconso to hunt troublo most of tho lawyers ami uudortnkors would starve to death. It Is posslblo for n man to bo lucky enough to find his soul mato and IiIb holpmato In tho samo worn an but It only happens about onco in oach (10,000 marriages. You do not bnvo to nbuso a Coos Irny man to mnko him mad. Just stnrt In and begin 'praising his ene mies. Onco m nwhllo you will meei a Coos Hay young ,111 iln who modestly admits that ho doesn't know every thing hut ho will usually add that he known everything worth know log. Any Coos Illver rauchor can toll you that peoplo In town got up too late to do uu honest day's work. 4 J QUESTION FOR Till: DAY o I When lyou win snmn other man loses. ' THE OfiD YEAR AND THE NEW 1. Whon tho yoar 1015 was bom Tho Sun nroso that mom', The Moon gavu out her Bllvory light, Tho stars shown Just ns bright, The clouds woro In the sky, 'J'ho raindrops fell ub they passed by, Tho skies woro Just as dear As they woro each preceding yoar. o It uwoke at break. of day, Ai.d camo forth bright and gay, Upon tho world It smiled Just llko u llttlo child; Hut soon its henrt well flllod with fear, Tho cannons roar It could bear, Tho crlos of wounded rang out clour At tho closing of tho yoar. 3. It has had its daya of gladness And ninny that woro of Badness, For tho war of many nations, Horn of camago, depredations, Has bowed Its head In grief From whlolt U finds no relief, Tho bunions no longer enn It boar; 11 greets tho now and leaves tlioiu In Its enro. 4. Whon tho old year dies upon tho earth And greets tho now In birth, Thoro dawns a day that brings a hopo That tho new will bo ablo to cope. With tho probloni8 loft unsolved Ad wnr, Into poace resolved A peaco that will maintain Peaco gooa will to nion again. EDGAH F. IIU.N'OY 12CS Commarclo.1 Ave. ' Mnrsliflohl. Oro. J QUESTION FOR THE DAY O Did you write It 1910 tho first tlmo? ID HIVE BIG HOTEL port orford to out $100,000 summer resort place Stated Thnt A. J. SJginan, of Uos- ton, will Put. up Modem Stnic on tho Const (Special to Tho Times.) POUT OHFOllD, oro., Jan. 3. Port Orford In Curry County, is to hnvo a $100,000 summer hotel. A. J. Slgman, of Hosloiit will build one of tho most attractive notols on the coast. As a slto Tho Heads hns been secured. It Is a headland formed of tho most durablo rock, with wntor from four to' sovon fathoms Immediately against It. Tho Heads is on the west sldo of the town, and is by fnr tho most alghtly spot along tho coast. Tho hotel will be equipped with salt water baths and swimming tank. Attractions Many Port Orford is tho most western town In tho United States and on all bUIcb Is found naturo's best. No bettor placo could liavo bcon found for a summer hotoland resort. East of Tho Heads is three coves whoro no trade winds of stimmor can roach. On tho northwest Is found tho famous Agato Heach, with its raro agates and touching tho beach Is Orford Lake, throo miles long, whero thousands of trout arc caught each season. Shell Fish AboiUMl In front of tho hotol Is tho fam ous mussel covo, whoro nro found tho world's largest mussels. With a Binnlf boat ono can go many miles out to sea In tho summer, whero the best of dcop Bca fishing Is en Joyed and In many coves tho more timid can catch his moss in a short tlmo, of tho ninny kinds of salt water fish aro aro found along tho Oregon Coast. Shell fish of all kinds Including rock oysters, nro found along tho beach. Itlvcra Near lly TAb "CikV ami Sixes rivers four nrid' s'fji1 miles from Port Orford will 'llo nii nttractlon for pleasuro B0oIj:brB,aH,,tllo two strcaniB nro class ed rinjo''ng tho best trout Btrcams of Soutillv'-jstorn Oregon. M.'SlgnVan has looked well into his entorprJBo and is suro that it will nay, as Uio railroad Is now near tho Curr'County lino and It Is nn Ucipafod that It lator will bo run ning to Port Orford. At tho pres ent, It requires but thirty miles of stngo riding to reach tho resort, and thoro Is boat service nil sum mer. . Hni'linr of I'romNo Port Orford Is Just midway bo tweon San Francisco and Pugct Sound, and two hundred and twenty .mjlos south of tlio Columbia. Tho harbor h throo miles broad and thoro nro no sunken rocks; nil tho dangers bolng abovo wntor. Tho bay is protected on thrco sides by hljjh'j Fajifd promlnont laud. Port Ofpra harbor Is doop, having on Ih&lMM) and north a headland, perpendicular on tho harbor sldo, unu(.Uft,fi:ct In altitude Tho bottom Is sand and mud, cloa'r and free and glvos n good an chorago. A quarter of a mllo out sldo of tho extreme south point of tho heads tho wator doopons rap Idly and soon attains a great depth, the effect of which is to provont heavy ground swells sotting In at tho roadstead. Northwest fogg soldom enter tho rondstoad of Port Orford, n pecul iarity which distinguishes It from all othor harbors south of tho Col umbia. Will Hnvo Ilont Line. Mr. Slgman will mako nrraiigo inonts to hnvo n regular passenger and freight boat run tho year round to this port and ho hopes to give to Orogou tho business from this section, whloh has beon going to California. COLD AT HOSEIIURC; Tcinpoi-ntiiro Lowest Theio Somo Yours 1'ast. for Rosoburg has had cold weather, according to tho following ii-um the Rosoburg Rovlow. "With tho thorinomotor leglster liip 17 degrees abovo zero, Rosoburg early this morning experienced Its coldest Decombor weather slnco tho yea j 1879. In January, 10 to, tho morcury fell to 1C degrees nbovo zoro, or ono dogreo lower than re corded horo today. Tho coldost weather oxporloncod horo during the past five years follows: l!)14 19 dogreos; 1913, 2:i degrees; 1912, T dogreos and 1911, 23 degreos. Weather bucIi aa experienced hero thla niornliiR is very unusual for) DoiiKlns County, and unusual cau tion was taken ngalnst hurstlnu water pipes and other damago ro Biiltlng from tho cold." COLD AT UANDON During tho rccont spoil of unusu al weather Uandon, llko Coos Ray, lins oxporlonced low tomporaturo. Tho mercury there dropped down to SO 1-2 degrees abovo zero. AFFAIR IS EWJDYED TELEPHONE COMPANY KNTEH MENT JS GltEA'U SUCCESS Diuucr-Dnnco at Chandler Hotol Saturday Nlgltl Largely At tended Second Annual Event The second annual dlnnor-dnnco given last Saturday evening by the Coos and Curry Tolephono Com pauy to Its employes at tho Cbnnd lor Hotel, wns a pronounced success and Is being spoken of today as ono of tho most delightful nffnlrs of tho season. The table decorations consisted of cholco red carnations and China lilies, ami as a special fcaturo each lady present received from tho tele phone company, a bunch of blue violets, which woro brought from San Francisco, and each gentle man, a white carnation. During the dinner, timely and Interesting re marks woro mado by W. C. Chase, secretary of tho Coqullle Vnlloy Tolephono Company, Charles Hall, hoad of tho Coos and Curry Tolo- phono Co. and J. 13, Montgomery, commercial superintendent of the local company. Immediately fol lowing tho banquet Miss Boss Ayrc accompanied by Mrs. F. It. An thony, delighted tho guests with several excellent vocal selections, and Mtb. Charles Hnll rendered somo beautiful violin solos. Tho floor wns then clenred, and tho gentlemen friends of tho young ladles Joined tho pnrty In dancing until midnight. Tho music was furnished by Anthony's orchestra. Tho Dinner Menu Tho menu for tho dinner was as follows: Fresh Crab Cocktail. Itlpo Olives. Colory. Consommo Jullnnno Dolled Salmon, Ilollanalso Sauco Potatoes Natural Chlckon a la King, llaby Lima Hcans, Cream Sauco Shoo String Potatoes , Fruit Salad Vanilla Ico Cream Assorted Cakes. Coffco. Musical Program. Tho musical program for tho ovenlng was as follows: March. Tho Favorlto Hoglmont.Ertl Soronndo. Los 'Arllnquln des Millions Drlgo Solcctlon. Madam Sherry. .Hoschna Intermezzo. Dninty Butterfly. Loosch Wnltzos. Tho-' Spring Maid .... ; Relnhurdt Cavntlna ...;. ."..... ltaff Medley of Popular Songs. . .It omlck FInalo. Thoso Proent. Tho Invitod guests Included: Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gates, Mrs. E. J. Gates, Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Ayro, Mr. and Mrs. Charles. Hall, Mr. nnd Mrs. John English, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mack, Mr. nnd Mrs. M. O. Hurcli, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Tonnl son, Misses Hortha Dnvls, Eliza Ayro, Jonnlo Hall, Myrtlo Mlllor, Hobb Ayro, Myrtlo Downor, Ida Downor, Gladys Roddy, Esslo Cam eron, Janet Escott, Zolma Martin, Elizabeth Arlandson nnd Clnrn Sar gcant, Mrs. Hosslo Llbby, Mr. Jas. E. Montgomory, Mr. Georgo W. Cnrlton, of Mnrshflold; Mcsdamos Mno Gaines and E. Wllmot nnd Misses Esther Imhotf, Lily Pulley nnd Ruby Drlgham, of North Bond: Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Langloy, Mes dnmes L. Morgnn add M. Godfrey and Misses Clara Mcintosh, Flora McLood and Vora Perry, of Ban don; Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Chase, Misses Christina Mcintosh, Alta Wll- lard, Paulino Custor, Wlnnlo Curry and Goldlo Chtlds and Mr. and Mrs. Alton Bollou, of Coqulllo; Misses Orn Grabnm and Ruby Smith, of Gardiner; Miss Nell Holland, of Myrtlo Point, 'and Miss Kato Far bor, of Powers. MORE PUBLICITY Tho school board of Randan has Inaugurated a policy of publicity re garding Bchool mnttors. according to the Westorn World. Tho reports of tho finances or tho schools will bo nindo In detail from time to' time. Cut This Out It Is Worth Money , Cut out this ndvcrtlsomcnt, enclose C cents to Foley & Co., Si35 ShcJIloM Avo., Chlcairo, 111., writing your namo nnd address clearly. You will ro celvo in return a trial packauo con taining; (1). Foloy's Honey nnd Tar Com pound, tho standard family romedy arlp'po'ra bAhloSS.,n (2) Foloy Kldnov Pills, for nvor. worked and dlsordorod kidneys and yiuuuur luiinonis. pain in slues and uaclc duo to Kidney Troublo, sore muscles, stiff Joints, backaclio and rheumatism. ,, (8) Foley Cathartlo TaWots,' a wliplcsqmo and tliorouehly cleonslnff cathartic. i:speolally oomfortlnc to stout persons, und a purifatlvo needed by everybody with slUKBlsh bowols and torpid liver, "ion can try these threo family remedies for only Be. For sale by Owl Prescription Phar macy, Frank D. Cohan, Central Avo nuo. Opposite Chandler Hotol. Tele phone 71. th T HE SAVINGS HANK SYSTEM is tho jjreatost Invention that has over been offered to tlio people, hut particularly to viiunir neoitlo nnd tho laborlnit classes. Tlio system that offers thrco :icr cent on tho first dollar itiaile and saved, Is ab solutely a goldeh opportunity If tho system Is used. A dollar Is round and rolls easily; if it rolls aivny from you It Iv lost forever. First Bank Marshficld, F t nn OLDEST HANK IN COOS COUNTY Established 1S80. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $118,000 interest pnld on TJino AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS Officers J. W. Bennett, President. J. II. Flanagan, Vico-Prcsldcnt. It. F. Williams, Cashier. Geo. V. Winchester, Asst, CAShler. 7S1 1 a . o . n dcandmaviaihA WHERE SAVINGS ARE SAl'E WE OFl-'ER YOU FREE ONE OF OUR HOME SAVINGS BANKS. YOU CAN START A SAVINGS ACCOUNT WITH $1.00. HOURS 9 TO 3 GRAVEL- Wo nro now proparod to furnish GRAVEL In any quantities from pile In our yard or in carload lots, at following prlcoi; From pllo on ground, $2.'T per yard. canoad lots, taken from cars, $2.00 por yard. Rctnll Department. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. Opposite Pout-Office. Phone 100. Abstracts M)K UKL1ABLU ABSTRACTS OF TITLE AND IXXrOUMATlOfl ABOUT COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. MAHSIIF1ELD AND COQUILLE CITY, OREGON GtNKHAL AGENTS, EA8TSIDE AND SENGSTAOKEN'S ADDITION AGENTS FOR CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILROAD LAND HENRY 8ENG8TACKEN, MANAGER NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY S. S. F.. A. Kilburn SAILS FOR SAN FRANCISCO, (Via Eureka) WEDNESDAY, JANUARY , 101(1. FROM SMITH TERMINAL DOCK For Further Information Call JJKJ. L. O. CUSHING, Agent. EXPERT WELDING of METALS Steel, brass, cast, Iron and aluminum castings mace, like new DEMONSTRATIONS DAILY. Koontz Phone 180-J. Puget Sound Bridge & Dredging Co. Dams, Bridges, Buildings. General Construction CONLETE PLANTS FOR HARBOR WORK Our Coos Bay office has available for Oregon Coast work the Dredge "Seattle" tko most powerful, bet equipped and most thoroughly modem tnouty-luch hydrauilo drcdKe in Paelflo waters Coos Bay office, Main office, Marshfield, Oregon. Seattle, Washington. BRING YOUR JOB POINTING PublicD N ationai of Coos Bay Oregon EMIT I BlMI mencan SATURDAY EVE 7 TO 9 Garage North Front Street TO THE COOS BAY TIMES PROFESSIONAL DIRECT nn A I Uniienunrth Physician and Surged Ki Offlcot Irving Ulock.l H Office hours: 11 to IS a. m,; j 1 and 7 to 8 p. in, . - Phonos: Office 1-ia-J; Res., iwj J. M. Wriaht Phono ill. J Estimates furnished on roqueti, Dr. H. M. Shaw GLASSES FITTJJD j , Phono 330-J. Rooms 200-301 ' Irving JRIoclc, DR. AIATTIR B. S1IAW. j riiyfilclnn and Surgooi Phono 030-J. H. G Butler CIVIL ENGINEER Room 301 Coko DIdg. Phone Hty! uosiuonco rnono uus-u, W. G. Chandler AROIIITEOT 1 Rooms 301 nnd 302, Coko Dulldlu I illlliSIUIUlu, uitisuu. T. J. HCAIFIi JJI A, n. IIODGIKI MrchflnA PAINT AND inu.jimciu DEC0RATING CO,! Estimates Furnished Phono 1'10-R. MrsltfloI(I, Ottfn ' --r.-r-r- j TIME TABLE WILLAMETTE PACIFIC MOTX J OAH Loavo. Lhm Mnrshflold North De4 1 C:4C a.m. 7:00 aja. 7.45 a.m. 8:00 .te'. 8:4G a.m. 0:00 lib, 9:45 a.m. 10:15 to, 10:45 a.m. 11:00 i.m. 11:30 a.m. 11:45 t,u, 12:50 p.m. 1:15 p.n. 1:45 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 2:45 p.m. 3:00 p,tt 3:45 p.m. 4:00 p.a, 5:00 p.m. 5:16 p., 5.40 p.m. 5:55 p.s, C:55 p.m. North city limits only, ' 7:30 p.m. 7:45 p.u. SAVE MONEY by ordering tho famous HENRYVILLE COAL Nut con!, por ton fl.M Lump conl, por ton &M Or half ton of both HTi I). MUSSO.V, Fref, ' Phono 18-3 or leave orders si ,' Hlllyer'n Cigar Store. WOOD GOOD WOOD' W. II. Lingo 1ms It at 9LC0 m4 f?li ensh per loud, also coal, irM ,1 prices ronsonnhlo. Gnrbago re0f cd. Phono :I27-.T. -4 SOUTH COOS RIVEH BOAT SERVICE LAUNCH EXPRESS leaves Mnrshflold ovory day 8 n. in. LoAvoa head of rlTr nt 8: in p. m. STEAMER RAINBOW loaves Load of river dally at 7 m. m. Leaves Marshfield1 at 3 f in. For charter npply on howd. ROGERS & SMITH ' ' Proprietors 4 FARE TEN CENTS City Limits North Bond, 6c. 'tin COMMUTATION nfl CM TICKETS $1.7B l Miirshfiold-North Bend Auto LI no Cars overy ten minutes fnw O a, in. to 13 p. in,; to Sob Slough onco n day, leaving ftt 11 ii. ni.; to Eniplro three trip a dny, GORST & KING, Trops. . MERCHANTS CAFE Popular Placo for Good Meals Prices Reasonable Cor. Commercial ana B'dn'y, 44 I WESTERN LOAN AND BUILDING CO. Assets $2,340,000.00. tPaysgpercentonsavinflil ; t I. S. KAUFMAN ii CO. i Local Treasurer A4AAAtiAtAf r' 'L DUNGAN UNDERTAKING PARLORS will bo kept OPEN TO TnE PUBLIC A Yegulnr state licensed undertaker will be 1b charge Phone 105-J "i .. . . -aJL. i-1 m "tuntxjtttt: ITft