T7 A HAPPY 'AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR TO EM (Bona P J .. Ji KJJMfiM''4 "V " PAPER THAT BELIEVES IN THE BEST AND ALWAYS BOOSTS V No. XXXIX. g-g' . IT KELP 10 CLOSE SALOONS Last Night of Drinking in M arshfield is Marked by a 1 Lively Celebration Drinking Places Crowded and ' Some Run Out of Beer ' Before Midnight - PljLLMAN CLOSED AT SIX rwnrtleally Kvcry thing Im Hold Out , immI Many Go Homo Currying Vucknux-H of Houicd Goods t Uint.'r their AriitM The cloning of the saloons In Marslifleld laBt night wbb an event whih will 10117 bo remembered. It vssBjost fittingly colobratod by cv Vrybody who hnd over been a pat ron of tlio drinking places and by tunny wore who do not usually fre quent saloons, In tnnny of tho places tho latter class predominated. There was no roUghncss to speak of but a gonoral hilarity pruvnllcd and tho drinking people- did not waste much tlmo In consuming nil that tlioy wanted. It was realized thai It was tho Inst chnnco to buy drinks In Mnnihrield so It was nat ural that tlio occasion would bo a Iff? one. Saloons Are Crowded All tho saloons woro crowded and 4tiA( .. n..iKi, tlnn.l wllli nnniiln ""."'""" """ ""'" MlU IIIUTUU llUUUb IIUII1 UU17 DUIUUU to another and with many who woro moijoly spectators. . When tho gong sounded at twolvo o'clock It was all over. Tho crowds woro quickly turned out of tho plac oe 'and tho doors woro cloned for 'Kooil. Pullman tlotos First Practically everything drinkable was sold out. Somo of tho naloona ran out of beor boforo twclvo o'clock. Tlio- Pullnmn saloon wnM without beer at ft o'clock and closod lie doors. It was tho flrnt ouo to close. Tlio National saloon was ready to close shortly after 8 c'clock. (JUort It Away John Uurko at tho Coos Hay sa loon turned host and tho last halt barrel ho had on tap ho gave away. Ho had plenty of guests and beer was as freo as water while It lasted. When tho keg was emptied every thing, was called off and tho doors woro' Closed. Tho supply ran out brforo 8 o'clock and tho lights weru turned out and tho doors locked. 8,omcono later put on tho front door of tho saloon a placard bearing tho words: " dona but not forgotten. Amen, Durko." Many liny .Supply Tho purchasing of supplies for future u no was rarrlod on until tho Mast minute. Tlio wholesale houses ' Mid practically ovorythlng. Ono place had a dollvdry wagon ready - deliver at ouro at tho purchaser's homo when whole case lots woro taught. Prices wero cut down at tho last so .everything could bo dts pe?H of. Men with packages under tholr arms worn numerous. From tho RHMtyint of tho supplied laid In It Is safe to say that there aro u good many In MHrshflpld who will not stif fer the want of a drink for a good wimp, Chandler I.lwly Pltico Tho Chandler far was a lively place and It stayed open until tho last minute, TIo bar room was crawled ajl, evening and and thc'dln ner and tho dance added to the eel Artthwt. Under tho now law It was (he last tlmo that nu could l3 served with tho dinner. WImr tweyra o'clock camo the streets woro rapidly cleared. A gved many wont to the restaurant for a MidnYglit lunch hut most every body went 'right homo. OcriUtlofi HMoric The occaolon was ono tho like of vhlch may never bo seen hero ngatn. When twelve o'clock camo It waa the first tlmo In the past forty six j years that Marslifleld did not have public drinking places where liquor Mas sold. To give an added uuusuul touch to the whole occasion snow fell dur- OCCASION historic '- i lag thn evenlnff which Is very rare'fnE'vatlve places will close early, en Cooa Bay. KaHjc In the Street. With a wreath of holly hp Kstnbllshed 187H. Ah Tho Coast Mail E WANTS TO HOLD JOINT HAXQUKT WITH COOH HAY Ku-nl to Ho In Junimry mid S. I'. Officials Would Ho tho Guests of Honor Tlio Kugciio Gunrd prints tho fol lowing: A Joint banquet for Kugono ntid Coos Hay residents, to cololmito tho opening of tho Wlllnmntto Pacific railroad, in planned to ho hold hero somo tlmo In January. Officials of tho Wlllamutto Pacific and tho Soutliorn Pacific company, will bo tho gucBts of honor at tho dinner. Tho plan was suggested by Dr. D. A. l'alno at n meeting of tho imi- geno Commercial club, last night. In accordance with Mr. Pnlno's sugges tion, a commlttco will bo named to consider dates anil nrrungo details. It was suggested thnt this banquet be held before tho first train Is run to Marslifleld. In this way Interest rnd enthusiasm could bo arointed, dud, It Is Htatoil, that by tho tlmo the first trnln Ih nctually run to Coos Hay over tho new lino, u delegation of I fc Mr " ' ' -,,""" " u ''"" "' Ti tifttim tnnrnliti ti in 1 1 ! il. 1 t mnko tho irln, It was also suggested that tho commlttco formulnto somo doflulto nlnns for n celebration to lin linlil mi PLANNING tho oponlng day of tho railroad tol'l t't aro to bo Imposed througn- tho public. Just tho exact nnturo of this colcbratlan wns not made known, but one similar .to tho ouo laid hero when tho Oregon Kloctrle ran Its first train Into Eiiguuo, will Lt planned by tho committee. A HAPPY NKW YI7AK his neck and a hlg hat Jammed down over ono car. n man sat in an nrm ohalr out In tho mlddlo of Front ami Commercial avonuo short- ly boforo midnight. Ho raised his voice to tho Btiowy skies nud sann llio'iwaii song of tlio old year. Kvor and anon no of hla ndmlrlnc friends stepped forth from tho circle about him nud handed tho singer a bottle, thnt ho might luhrlrato his whistle and slug still louder. A tnll well-dressed man fell off tho stdownlk In front of tho pollco elation nnd lit on lila hack in tho snow and mud. "Oli, help mo over to a post" was all ho could tny. A good 8a mnrltnu, almost equally as far gone, aided his distressed brothor and nftor several hard but worthy ef forts got his friend ovor to n near by llghtpost, where ho clung des perately, holding on for dear life. .Mllt'N View of It. uiOKOIIB oil 1110 lllim, Ueciaroil Milt Hurst, out 111 front of tho! Ilrowory Snloon 1 am going down1 I to 'I'rico." There was a loud howl of "Let 'or buck, that's where wo'ro going ton" from tho erovyd. In front of nuothor saloon men oinorRed from n Bovornl-hours' faith ful vigil at tho bar. They worned tholr way to the edge or tho sldo walk, 8iilffod tho frosty air nnd glancod nt their watches. Just got tlmo for another" and they all plunged back In again nnd lined up for tbo lust time at the mahogany, Just Imforo tho midnight bell clang ed out Its messago of drought. A HAPPY XKW YKAIt WOUND UP I.IVKI.Y HaiHtuu s.ivv Stirling Tlino-s nt Tho Closo It has boon lively at Iiandon ac cording to tho following from tho llccordcr: Not in seven years said a man who claimed to know, have tho saloons of Jijvnilon dono as large a business ac was dono by them Inst Saturday. First street Mnolled whiskey from cno end to the ofher during th af ternoon and .oveuing. In the an- i 1 roach of the tlmo when thore Is to j be no moro thero was a disposition , manifested to have a last grand, roy al some Another hie day is ex pected. Now Years although the more I (tO AYflffl tliA ItiAvlfalil rtil 1iiica that U furnish the climax. ' -V HAPPY XKW YKAH MARSHFIELD, OREGON, Y IS 10 GOT PUCES Government Will Make an Ef fort to Prevent Extortion ' Which is Practiced Land Owners and Farmers Control Parliament and Put On High Tariff NOTHING TO BE SHIPPED Cattlo mid reed Will Ho lmortc1 and Nothing liaised nt Homo Will Ho Allow oil Outsldo (Or Auof Intel I'rtra to Coo IUjr Tlmn.) ZURICH, Switzerland, Jan. 1. All efforts to prevent tho extortion ate prlcos, of foodstuffs In Hungary having so far fulled, tho govern in on t has now determined to prohib it entirely the export, even to Aus trla, of any articles of food which aro tcaico, and has also fixed maximum oui Hungary, according io rcnnuio rdvlces received horo. Local auth orities aro to ho eupowcrod to boIzo with mllltury forco nil stocks of (.rain and other provisions thnt aro being kept back for higher prices. Although Hungary Is cssontlnlly ru agricultural country, tho prices of flour and dairy products, ns well as meat, nro much higher than in In .""atrial (Jernmny. Tlio land-owners ,iml rnrmoni who control tho Pnrlla ,i;o,u ," "apost, havo used their ulmosl Inntiulico to provout tho Im- ,,ortat,on of cl,on" foods from "road i'nor lo l" w,r ur insisting upon tho malntonanco' of tho high protec tive duty. Undeterred by fines and even Im prlsoumont, Hungarian producers nnd dealers havo been charging ex horbitant prices, until tho patience of tl.o government, press, nnd public ullko havo became exhausted. Uu !or tho now nrrnngomont, flvcry possible effort will ho inndo to bring In livestock, meat and foddor from rlroad, whllo tho oxport of these, to gether with eggs and dairy products, will bo stoppod. Nothing will be left undone to iucroaso tho produc ing capacity of tho country. Manu factories, such ob dlstlllorlos, brow- 'orlcs, sugar nnd oil reflnorlos, vhORft hv nrniliiPtu vlnl.iv ..itl. .l must now im nm n .,m,iP tho utmost quantity of products. A HAPPY XKW YKAIt CHARGES VERY HG FOUR 0 11,11 ItKY. II. II. rosKKTT UIXAI.I.Y On tho point of enjoying tholr ro AKKIYKK IX .MAHMII'TKD ,mMl ,,y tl10 co1 wt0 t tho bay. Wrecked l-'relght Train and Heavy .Mud Out of Itosebuig Aid In Prcdonglug Jouruoy Four dnya tho ltev. II. H. Foskott was on his way from MeMlnnvllIo lo Marslifleld. Ho arrived hero this morning via Itosoburg and Myrtlo Point, nftor an all-night trip thrjiigh tho mud. , Ho left horo shortly boforo Christ mas to spend tho holidays with his family In MoMlnnvllle. On Wednes day morning Mr. Foskott left thero for Portland. Near Orogon City ho found tho road blocked with a wrecked frolght train and nil night bis train waited, getting Into Port land on Thursday. Yestorday morning nt soven o'clock ho started on the stage , iiuui mistuur);. TJio first 36 n.lleslilara 0 " lade by auto stage A uVVy Xnv YrMt of tho trip was mado Into Canus and from there wagon otages with four and six horses plowed through to Myrtle Point. getting there this morning at five o'clock - I Mr Foskett will resume his work at the Baptist Church and will preach there tomorrow morning and evening. j mm MKMHKIt OF THK ASSOCIATED PIIKSS SATURDAY, JANUARY 1, 1916 HELD FOR LARCENY HAHHY HAWKINS CHAHGKD 'WITH KOHHING OI.OTHICS I.IXI7 Missing Clothes Discovered In Ioft At Conlo Homo Xenr Thcr CimMc to Furnish Hall (Special to Tho Times) COQUII.Iil'7 Oro, January 1. Harry Hawkins, n young man who has been making his homo with tho Coulo family near the County Hock crusher, near Coqulllc, was bound over to the grand Jury by Jimtlco Pfnnloy yesterday on tho charge of l; i t'rniHl mrcuny " 'a accused of von Ding clonics uncs in uoqiiino, about $38 worth of fcbods being miss ing. j Hawkins wns nrrcHtod by Deputy Shorltr Andy P. Davis following tho discovery1 of pnrt of tho nilBslng clothing In n loft near his room. Tho search warrant was sworn out by Mrs. Win. Mnusell, ono of tho heavi est losers, and sho accompanied De puty Sheriff Davis to tho Couln homo and identified part of tho clothing iccovcrcd. Tho robbery occurred November 30th anil Hawkins was suspoctcd bcon after It was discovered. When arralgnod yestorday ho claimed thnt ho had found tho bundlo of clothing, which consisted mostly of women's wearing. apparel, sheets, etc., in tho rood whllo returning homo. Ho wnB unable tn glva.lwll uud. will bo kopt In Jail until tho grand Jury meets. A HAPPY XKW YKAIt BOYS STEAL F000 YOUXH AMHKICA HKt'OMKK VK.Y- TL'HKSO.Mi: AT HND OK YKAIt Chicken mid I'rult Disappear from Hark Port lie lticnkfuM Is Interrupted by Pollco Adventurous, venturesome Young America sauntered forth Inst night to pay their last respects to tho old i tar by staying nway from homo nnd being "regular devils." Two of the) - -", loUy to jdingstors wound up this morning,."' .."... . . . ,, ,,',.i n.i in tlio pollro station on the chnrgo of stealing food from off somoono's trek porch in south Marslifleld. Tho loys woro Ccorgo Lingo nnd Mack Wllloy. Tlio third member made his get awuy boforo Chlof Cartor could catch him. Tlioy stole from tho back poroheB of tho Ivy Condron nnd tho Ocorgo Gulovsuu and possibly others. Tho boys had slept all night In ,('. II. Wnltor's hay bum. This morning they wont forth to tho S. P. I coal bunker for breakfast. In tholi (arms tlioy packed tho "swag". This consisted of n hugo bowl of ohlek- 'pii, a loaf of homo mado bread, two Jars of canned poaches ami a quart I nnd n, half of milk. tho boys woro lutorruu'Cu liy Clilof Certor nnd brcV't to tho Jail. II im. . tl 1. Ii wuy uiuin you go to your homes last iilghtT" tlioy woro quer ied. "Ob, wo Just wanted to stay out," tini (tin nuilii Tho parontB of tho boys .visited tho Jail ami told tho officers to keep tl-em thoro and, If tho youngsters becamo hungry, to lot thorn eat some of tho food tlioy hud Purloined. Tno Moro AirrMcd loiter In tho day two moro boys woro locked in jail by tho pol'co and implicated In tho escapades o'r Inst night. Thoy aro Julius Osborno nnd Oron Honebrako. '' The police claim that the boys rtole shoes, a suit of clothes and a coat as well as tho food, Tholr1 ,,. I uvftvio were fillnil Willi -it-i-,.,wln. MOXKY TO I.OAX On improved rnriilies lu nuy amount. V. K. Con waj", Homl uud Morlfiago Hroker. iv. Ji r. nuiii, ij CokeHIdg - . Phon ii.j. DH, II. K. ICCITY, Dentist, Ml HKATIXO STOYK3 nt reared price. Pioneer Hnrdinire Ce. VWB EVENING EDITION. Enormous Sums of Money Are Raised in Various Ways 1 by the People HE PRlEB LOYAL Entertainments, Art Treasure Sales and Other Events Held to Raise Funds HELP SENT OTHER PLACES Much Aid lias Already Hccn (Hicii In Hulgiirln and Serbia 'Will Ho As- slstetl When Conditions Mnko It Possible inr AuoclttM rrrai to Coo lUr Time. VII3NNA, Jnn. 1. Knormous sums of monoy have boon colloctod In Austro Hungary for charltahlo purposes during tho war. No rell nblo figures on tho total obtalnod nro yot nvallablo, but cstlmnteB placo It ar high as 240,000,000 crowns (np nroxlmntoly $18,000,000). Much of (his money has bcon applied already, but largo sums nro still nvallnblo for tho needs of those for whom it wnu collected.' All Kinds' of Wny Tho monoy lina been rolsod In o" cry manner tho fertile brains of so cial lenders and nowspnper odltors could dovlso. Charity teas and sup pers; tho salo of needlework dono by eocloty peoplo; bennflt performances ni tho theatres; tho public salo of nrt objects which peoplo woro willing to doimtoj nnd n hundred slmllnr en terprlBes liavo Ueon given kcon rom petition to tho plain subscription and collection campaign waged by tho newspapers. Hno Hren Iiyal Thoro 1b no doubt that Austria- Hunimry'8 nonulutloii. without dls ...u ..,.,. . ... tholr families and thoso whom tho war 4ius doprlved , temporarily of means of livelihood! Whllo tho ox chnngq of lied Cross and Blinllnr funds between Austria Iluiignry- and Germany has boon solely n m,nttor of courtesy botweon allies, Austrln-IIiitN gary has already spent tho gfoator purt of a million crowns In Hod Cross work In Ilulgnria. It has sent military equlpinont nud supplies worth ovor n million crowns to Tur key. nnd ovon in Poland Austro Hun Ktrian charity work has been felt. As soon as conditions In Sorbin mnko it possible, it Is understood tbut mon- jcy and BupplleB will bo sont thoro al so. A HAPPY XKW YKAIt IS HKAVY HOAIIS CAUHK HHKAK. DOWN OV HTAOIS Ih Kpoctil in on Five O'clock Train Poslofflco WlndowN to lo Ojioii IletnceH Blx nnd Kotcn Hrcakdowns on tno roaa o de layod tho mall stages out or Itoso burg that thoy failed to arrive In Coqulllo In tlmo to catch the morn ing train for Coos Hay. Postmastor Hugh McLnlu said that If lt arrives on the five o'clock train this af ternoon tho Poslofflco will bo open between six and seven o'clock this evening. Heavy roads mail tho transfer of tho "000 pounds of mall almost an Impossibility. Tho stages left Hoseburg carjy yesterday morn ing. The windows of tho -Poslofflco were to have been open fort a de livery of mall on hour be'fore noon today, but because of the delay they remained closed, A HAPPV XKW YKAIt : 71 WBt Ada ror reaulti. 1 US1 01 I W MAL DELAYED A Conciliation of Times, Const Mall nnd Cooi Hny Advert liter. WESTHERJHUSUAL ANOTHER " RING l-'IHST DAY OV YKAIt COM) OXK l-'OH C(H)S HAY Film of Snow OoverliiR tho (irouiul Xot Often Seen In this 3xcillty WIHKS STII.I DOWN THIS AITKItXOOX Tho Wcatorn Union wires wero still down this utter noon but It was expected thnt they would bo working by evening. Tho Times thcro foro did not get all tho rogu lar Associated Press now to day. Very uniiBiinl weather mnrked tho first day of tho year. It Is rara that thcro Is a snow on Coos Day. Last night tho snow flakes began) to fall nnd molted almost as quickly as they fatruck tho ground but finally thcro wns enough of d snow storm thnt u llttlo film of whlto wns loft on tho trees and roofs of tho houses. Tho Ico on Bldownllts nnd streets wns also unusual. Thcro has boon Ico for soveral tlays but is not o on thnt Coos. Uay has weather cold en ough to frcozo tho water. Wires Itivnk Down Tho storm was disastrous for tho telephone and telogrnph lines. Thin morning tho Western Union wlron nro down nud tho tolnpljnno com pany had a lino out by way of Oar- dinar but that was all. Tho long dls- tuuco wires to all other points hnd Icon broken down, during tho night on nccount of the storm. -A HAPPY XKW YKAIt TRAVEL FALLS OFF XOT SO .MANY- KIDIXH OX.KAST HIDK KKHHY Figure for Year Hlunv A Hliorlngo of Over Knvvu TliouKniid PasHoiigorj lu 1"1B Travel on tho forry running bo tweon Maruhfiuld nnd Kustsldo has greatly fallen off during tho past year. In 1 915 thcro wero 7,2 IC fowor passencors traveling on tlio forry than lu tho yonr Jul I. Cnpt Hall 8,'iys that ho accounts for It from tho fact that thero aro not, us ninny peo plo living In Knstaldo. Ho Euys thero can bo no othor reason: Tho following nro tho figures ihowlng tho totnl travel for tho your of 191G: Passengers 08, 131. Double toams 1,200. Single teams 3.C0G, Automobllos 2,r.28. Head of llvo stock 070, ,I'igurt for Month Tho travel during tho month of Dccombor as roportod by C'apt. Hull was ns follows: Passengers 4,977. Doublo teams 77. Slnglo teams 1G4. i Automobiles 218. Head of stock 25, A HAPPY XKW Viail JOXKH HKOTHKKS HUY XOIlTil IIU.VII MAKKKT PurrliAMi Tlio HK-k Moat Khiqi In North Heuil nud Will Conduct It Sylvester Jones, who slartoit tho Palace Meat Market lu Marslifleld and who later was engaged in the meat business nt Myrtlo Point, and his brother, A. W. Jones, havo pur chased tho Itock Meat QlarkM nt North Hend and will take possession nexj: Monday. Messrs Jones havo recently been assisting In tho Palace Market In Marslifleld. They plan to make a number of Improvements in the North fiend market and will havo ono of tho best markets In Southwestern Oregon. They aro bcth well known on tho Hay. Mr. Hockj lias not announced his plans. A HAPPY XKW YKAIt MOYIXG. Jay Hojle's new place, 218 Com merrjal Ave, Phone a.0. Moby Coal, $ .1,00 to". PhH 7, A CLEAN WHOLESOME NEWSPAPER FOR ALL SOUTHWEST OREGON HOMES No. -137 Peter of Serbia Finds rlirriself in Worse Plight Than the Ruler of Belgium LIFE IS Two Murders Have Playjetf Prominent Part in the Old Ruler's Career HAS NO KINGDOM NOW It is Said Thnt His I'ninlly Wnn or Gipsy Orliilu Maintained Closo Holatlousil:i With tho KtiNslau Crowno (llr Auotlil! rrtu to Cm B)r Tlim. V1KNXA, Jnn. 1. Thoro Is a sec ond king in Kuropo without n king dom ns n result of tho war. Petor of Serbia Is today no better off than tho King of tho Holglaus, Karagoofv govltch Is a fugltlvo boforo tho ad vance of tho Contra! Powora and Bulgarian troops. Ills two capitals, Jlolgrndo and Nlsh, aro in tho hands of tho Invndpra. For a tlmo King Peter traveled In a. special train. At KriiBovntch ho had to abandon his movnblo court. As he stood In the station building of that town and waited for tho nutomobllo that was to tako him to othor parts, tears streamed down his checks. Ono of his dwindling tutorage murmured a fow comforting words, hut to these King Petor moroly nodded. Ho Is now an exllo in Italy. Dramatic Figure In many respects King Potor Is tho most dramatic flguro of tlio Ku roponn wur. Two reglcldos are In- tlmatoly conuoclcd with his history, tho murder of his predecessor, Alex ander Ohronovltch, and his Queeif Draga, and tho nssAMlnatlon ortlTeN Archduko of Austria, tho Dual Mon archy's heir presumptive. There are thoso who claim that King Peter know of tho two plots, that, Indeed, ho wns tlio Instigator of tho former. Was HeHilmlfd Petor KnragonrnvUch never for got, and uovor was pormlttod to for get, that ho hud takon tho place of u man who had been foully mur dered. Only n few sovereigns con sented to moot him, and ho was al ways bo 111 at ease in the presenno of strangers that ho usually shun ned thorn. King Petor's family, it Is said, Is of gypsy origin. The''rfglnarKara georovltch, or "son of Blacjt George" however,' was a ftHopWd. King Petor himself spent mcJt of his llfo In Switzerland, whw the 'summons to Serbia's IU-fHteC)iroao reached him.' r . Shortly after UU election to tho kingship, Peter onterefl into close relations ,wltli tho Ituoslan crown. A largo annual revenue was settled upon hi in with the understanding that in all matters affecting Ser bia's foreign policy he was (o keep Russia's interests on the Halkan panlnsula In mind. A. HAPPY XKW YKAH HOAT IX ACCniKXT Tho Speedwell which came Into tho river at two o'clock, Monday morning reports an accident to (he KatliOf Iluhn, says tho fiandon He (order, This schooner left the har bor Friday uflornoon 1n tow1 of tho Graco Dollar. Tho wireless operat or on tho Speedwell got tho messago that tho Kathor Iluhn had parted her tow line and lost her decklood of ties and two masts. Tho operator reported that tho tow line had been picked up and that an effort would be made to get the Esther Huhn in to Eureka. A strong wipd prevailed at the beginning of the Journey south and tho accident Is due to stress of weather A HAPPY XKW YK.IH HAS i.TIONE r DRAMATIC ?r " Aj-k: jdB. L,J v jsSE JiJ.JiflLv r . ."V- .,v it ; ". . ,crihiA--i0 . . Mikb&i.famt&w&Hl