THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1915-EVNING EDITION, iM WIWIIMMM ilM,MMMj I 11 - -ifl-lHart SchafTnerfeil8eaMMB1 i iff iMg v y $ j?fi win I x ' v - Say this to yourself: I'm going to save money this year." It's one of the best New Year resolutions that we know of, and here's a good way to start right: Wear Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes If you've been going to a good tailor, your, savings on suits alone for n year will bo about llko this: 3 tailor-iundo fliilts at $50 $150 3 Hart Schaffner & Marx Sultfl equal or bettor In quality, stylo and 'fit ;.., 75 Your saving $ 75 And in addition to this we keep your clothes pressed free of charge We're ready to show you , 0 Woolen Mill Store Marshfield North Bend A Good New Year's Resolution WHEREAS, LOUIS GOHK lieing n heliarle PMJMiunt ami n hat ing .MAX. I will ulvo HIM nil my work-, oven If I Imvo to CALL HIM IIP by phono at HIS HOME In Uu MIDDLE of the XIGHT. oble Theatefl TO-NIGHT IV N EAST LYNNE Pictured from the well-known piny of tho mhuo iime. Pro duced In threo splendid rods of pictures by tho lllograpli Company. All those who luivo hnd the pleasure of sccIiik tho play will want to boo the pictures tonluht. DREAM DUD COWBOY Something for tho kiddles Cartoons. A MUCH-NEEDED LESSON ltlognrph drama. Another picture worth hoeing. THE HEART OF A SHERIFF SoIIk Western play. Como early for good scats as thero will bo several big theater parties in attendance' tonight. Lower Floor, 15 cts.; Balcony, 10 cts.; Children, 5ots. DRY WOOD ftt CAMPBELL'S W00DYARD North Front Street Phono 370J HAVE THE ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL Phone 3171 If you'vo boon buying low-priced clotbes, your saving for a year will tie about llko tills: 3 suits at $17. GO $52.50 12 Hart Schaffner & Ma"rx Suits at $20 will outwear the tlirco $17.50 Suits, and you'll liavo more stylo and a better fit 40.00 ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL Corner Market and Broadway Wo solicit all our old patrons of tho Lloyd and assure them tho same reasonable rates. E. W. SULLIVAN THE LLOYD FAMILY HOTEL Housekeeping Apartments Two rooms, $8.00 month Electricity and Gas. Free baths Sleeping rooms, $1.50 wk., up U YEAR Corxslit lUrt ScMfner & Mux Your saving $12.50 BREVITIES DF.CKMRER TIDES Tlrrtd nnt YtnltTtta nt tMnp nf Mnrshfteld. Tho tides nro placod In order of occurrence, with tholr tlmos on tho first lino nnd holghts on tho second lino of each day. A compar ison of consecutlvo heights will In dicate whether It Is high or low water. High tldo on tho bnr ono hour and 54 ralnutos oarllor than at Marshfield. 31IIrs.. 2.10 (Ft... 4.3 0.03 2.1 4.32 10.29 4.C 03 WEATHER FORECAST lUf AuocUt4 rrtu to Cm im? Tlmn.J OREGON Rain or snow west, snow east, warmer south and east, southerly winds. LOCAL TfCMPlSflATURl) RECOim For the 24 hours nd!s at 4:43 n. m., Docomber 31, by Don, Ostlind, special gov ernment meteorologist: Maximum 38 Minimum ... . .' 20 At 4:43 a. m ,. 30 Precipitation 00 Precipitation since Sept. l, 1915 33.01 Precipitation iino period last year 33.44 Wind: Northoast, partly cloudy. ! a SUNRISE AND SUNSET Friday Decombor 31 Sun rises at 7;G3 and sots at 1:35. I BORN t GiOO ERICKSON To Mr. and Mrs, Si mon Erlckson at tholr home on Larson Inlet December 30, 101!i. a daughter. Mother and child aro doing nicely and Mr. Erlckson Is! i.applcr than Santa Claus. Shn is tholr second child, tho first be- Ififv n Iiav. Now Hooks Given. Mrs. H. S. Tower has presented fifty new books to tho public library. ' 'Will CioWmoflow'.LlJl'lfo i.W brnry Will bb closed tomorrow in b fcervanco of Now Years Day. New Toucher. Miss Margaret 0111 of the San Joso Normal School has arrived In North llenit to fill tho vacancy in tho teaching staff thoro enusod by tho resignation of Miss Pauline Dahr. Ileal Hard Cldjr. Deputy Sheriff Laird camo" over last night on busi ness. Ho said that tho Fishtrap cs capado rosulted from tho mon mak ing somo hard elder by mixing In corn juice. New Year's Service. Tliero will bo a Now Year's servlco tomorrow at tho Swedish Lutheran Church in Marshflejd, at 11 a. in. At two o'clock in tho afternoon tho con firmation class will moot. No Ono In In splto of tho fact that tho wot season is closing, thero was no ono In tho city jail last nlun; for being drunk. Tho stroets wcro fiulot throughout tho evening and what llttlo crowd thoro wos about kept very quiet and orderly. ConiinunUy Slug. Sunday ovonlng tho first of tho monthly community sings will bo hold at tho Marshriold Presbyterian Church. It will begin at 7:30 and continue for fifty min utes and will bo In chargo of Miss Volz and Miss Mary Kruso. The public is invited and tho songs sung will bo choBon by tho auatonco. Makes lliul Mistake. E. L. Mc Cluro got hold or tho wrong kind of pills by mistnko last night and not until ho had swallowed two bt chlorldo of murcury tablets did ho mako tho discovery. At onco ho usocl first aid measures and Dr. Horsfall was hastily summoned. This quick action possibly saved his llfo cs those aablots aro deadly poison. Craft Is Quito Xnutlcal. A model of a four-masted bnrk lias ben pla'c ed In ono of tho windows of tho Ulanco Hotel. Tho craft is nimlo with n hull of wood and sails of tin. Tho rigging 1b noat nnd fur thormaro Is qulto corroct nnd to fit tho fancy of any old tar. A model of this sort gojiornlly takos weokB of very careful work in tho making, Get .Mull nt Window Thoro will bo no mail dollvorles In tho city to morrow. Tho carrlora aro going: to tako n rest. Tho gonoral dollvory window will bo open between 1 1 nnd 12 o'clock. Patrons who ordinarily havo their mall delivered may got It during this, hour by calling nt tho offlcn. Chrlstmus Is tho only legal holiday during which tho uurnora and Postofflco forcos work tho greater part of tho day. Died In JmOnindo. Word lias been rocolvcd hero of tho doath ot Mrs. Jas. Schilling at LaGrando, Sho wau tho daughter of Mrs. W. A. Ola- zor of nap, Pnrk and a sister of It. F. Smith, A. J. Smith nnd O. P. P"1"" 0I U1 Mcrcanwo unto. Mrs Schilling formerly lived at Eastport, moving from horo about flvo years ago. R. F. Smith who wont to La Urando to attend tho funornl Is ex pected homo soon. Flromcu to lvo Hop. "First danco of tho year" is tho slogan of tho Firemen's Danco to bo given tomorrow evening at Eaglos Hall, i Tho flroboys havo boon working In dustrlously and already hnvo sold about ICO tickets. Thoy huvo se cured .Martin's Orchoatra for tho ovonlng. This Is ono of n sorlcs of dances to bo given by tho flro depart ment in tho Interests of tho fire alarm system. Thoy already hnvo i sovoral hundred dollars accumulated for this purpose Aro KjK.Ttcd to Move, J .A. Wal kor, who conducts tho Walker Stu dio, at tho cornor of Front and Cen tral, expects to movo January 1 to tho Williams nuildlng. Ills placo of business will open on Curtis Avonuo, in tno rear of tho postoffice. .1. H. .Ftaddon is also oxpneted to movo his j studio to tho samo location, having secured a portion of tho big room for his photographic business. Tim il? -en VU- Coos Ray Stationery company . , . ." i r.iiuruuuii, fsoriu iJunu: j, j. ,tra avenue around to tho IllnncoJon03, PoworB. j,orrJfl A. Joff0t Mill 111! Ill If nil IVnnt otrnnl rt t ,., .."..... ' fiibu itiutu uuiii uiu uuiiiiiiiir nil i on. i " " " " ,' " ou"' i it. .11, -ouriur ia iiminug on. jonsing the vacated quarters for his confec tionery store. I I i HE B H UnntjSti'ry HI HI n H) i m wwm m H WILL CURE THAT COLD K PR Contains no opiates flj OR nor pobons H b PHICi: TWO HITS Hi . PF Tlir DIIOV nnDMCn ' mrf inc uuoi uumven ii Phono 208 WATERFRONT NEWS : It. A. LANDRlTlI, of tho fdrlta, was hero today on a business trip. THOMAS H. HANLEY was ovor to day from CoquUle visiting with friends. MUS. A. S. HAMMOND loft on tho Kllburn today for u visit In Port laud. MR. AND MUS. S. B. RRUER wcro horo today from Myrtto Point on a short visit. MUS. C. A. HARRINGTON, of Myr tle Point, camo ovor yesterday on a shopping visit. C. L. JOHNSON, -of Dolmar, was among tho business Visitors In tho city today. .MRS. JAMES! COWAN Jr., returned on tho Kllburn today from a visit in California. MR. AND MRS. W. R. OXENRlDER wcro Coos RlVer visitors In tho city today. MRS. EMMA NOAH was horo on u shopping visit from Allegany, this mowing RALPH UISHOP, ot Allogauy, was hero today to attend to somo mntters of business. T. P. PORTER, x)f Allegany) was among tho passengers down on tho Mtlllcomn this morning. MJ3S GLADYS KRAN1CIC, ot North Uond, emtio homo on tho Kllburn this morning from San Francisco. W. C. LAIRD, Deputy Sheriff, re turned to Coqulllu on tho morn ing train, after a business visit. FRED RARNARD returned last night from Powers whoro ho Una spout a month In ono ot tho bar ber shops. V. C. HRADLEY arrived homo via Floronco nnd Eugono yestorday from ti huslncsB trip to Portland nnd San Francisco. PAUL 8KEELS, n woll-known Co nulllo morchant, camo ovor yos tcrday to sail on tho Speodwoll for San Francisco. DISTRICT ATTORNEY L1LJI2QVIST returned homo Inst ovonlng from Coqulllo, bringing a husky cold back with him. PROF. GOLDEN was ono of tho flvo passongors on tho morning train Tor Coqulllo. Ho goes to nttond .to school innttors. E. I. CHANDLER nnd W. 0. Clinml lor wont up Coos river this attar noon to boo tho old year out and Hpond Now Years nt tho W. S. Chandler homo. T. C. KENDALL rolurnod Inst night from n trip to Powers. Ho said that It wus vory cold thoro, ' ico an Inch and a, half thick freezing over tho pools. J. W. GARDINER returned on tho Kllburn this morning from Son FrnnciBco whoro ho paid his nn uual visit to his hotiBo. Mr. Gar dluor wns anxious to get hero us today Is his wedding anniversary. i AT TUC UflTC O Ml I I IU. I IW I bUO A Chandler Hodcl D. F. Rnrnard, Powers; P. P, Wlcston, Reedsport; W. C. Laird, Coaulllo; Ella F. Carmlchnol, North Inlotj M. A. Lynch, Poworsj Lyda L. Hrlstow, Coqulllo; Mrs. J, C. Mond nnd children, Coqulllo; Mrs. V. L. Hamilton, Coqulllo; Mrs. E. A. Rruor, Coqulllo; A. H. Colllor, Moro. , St. riwivnco Hotel Mrs. C. A. Harrln&ton, Myrtlo nnni t. i.... Powers; John R, Smith, South Inlot; Mr. anl Jlrs. G. C. Wilson, .Myrtlo Point; Mrs. S. E. Ilrucr, Myrtlo J Point; Thomas II. Hanly, Cosulilo. Ulanco Hotel i W. 8. Ronebrako, Catching Inlet; Ed O'Hrlon, Powers; Jnck Simpson. , Powers; A. Chnso, Powers; William! Riomor, Powers; J. A. Pnttlson. r, ,. ' rriiiG on, "riio Sounder, T. C. Rnltnor. Cal Murphy, 'J00 s 'A r' ?"d Mr8' KI ,ott J,yrtlolAHu J. 0. Meado, Lauren Moado, ,,nV ' rl.lE0"' Myrt' 10l",: C' Vivian Meado, Mrs. A. 8. Hammond. TMInrltnnlr Xrl. llr.n.1. IT. ,rowors; 0, L. Johnson, Dolmar; I about, two this afternoon. The vos Georgo Johnson, Portland; ChnrlQS ibo! was delayed outsldo of Humboldt v. Coldln, Gardlnor; R. J. Macgonn, I mplro; Adam Gutlmrat, Myrtlo i Point; C. W. Ruby, Powers; 8. Gregg Powers; J. Stovor, Powers; Wnrroh Larson, Powers: C. A. Schroodor, Powers, Llliby Conl, 03.00 ton. Phone 72. MOVING. lay Dojlo's new place, aid Com- niorrfnl Ave. Phono 230, Danco old oar out and now year in at Eugk'.i Hull Friday night, Dec, .11, Martlu'H Orehcstiii. ' A New Year's Resolution should be to visit the'J.' C. PENNEY'C0. STORE, antl examine their merchandise before buying. This polioy will mean a saving of a groat many dollars by the end of 1916. i You can niivo ."2 cents on n $1.80 Loggers' Shirt, at .',,.., v . .$.1.08 (Doublo back, doubio breast and doublo slcoyesiV You can save 82 cents on a l? Flannel Shirt. at.. ..) . .$1.08 (In light and dark grays, tan and khaki colors.) You can snvo .",1 cents on n $2.00 Flnuucl Shirt nt $1.40 (In grays, browns, tan, khnkl and blue.) You can have 27 cents on n $1.25 Flannel SHIrt nt , , ,.08c (These como In brown, blue, grny, ollvo and khaki colors) nnd should bo seen to bo appreciated.) You con saio $1.02 on it $0.00 Sweater rit ..,.' $1,08 (Raglan Sleove, all wool, cardinal, Oxford and maroon colors.) You can f,avo $ 1 .02 on a ."?.".oo Sweater at ....... . $.1.08 Tho above nro a few of tho many values that cannot be duplicated ecepl nt iWIHH I I i I I II 'I " 8!l HUSY .STORES Nct 'Wishing everysno n Happy We Want to Thank ALL OUR CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS WHO HAVE (1IVEN I'S THEIR PATRO.VAdE DURING THE PAST YEAR AND WISH YOU ALL A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR Gettings Cash Grocery yousmoEney ISO NO. HROADWAY, NEAR CENTRAL WE HAVE SOME FINE CHICKENS FOR NEW YEAR AND SUNDAY DINNERS Use a Home Product When placing yout order for LARD fiom your grocer nsk for EXTRA KETTLE RENDERED PALACE MARKET PURE LARD Accept no other, H'h tho host mid made in your homo city. fcolls for 80 rents for n ."V.poiuid bucket PAY NO .MORE. Palace Meat Market X. 1). gam STEAMSHIP CROSSES IN EARLY FROM SAN FRANCISCO Wiw llnrhnuud For n Day at Eureka HrlncM Fair Cargo Leaves Tills Afternoon for Portland Aftor being bnrbouud In Eureka 1 for a day, tho steamship F. A. Kll burn crossed in about 8;. 10 this morning from tho south. Sho brought a small uumbor of passon gors and a fair cargo. Sho left this afternoon for Portlund. Captain McClollau sujh It's just his luck to spaud tho hollduys at sea. On Christmas day ho crossed out of Coos Ray going south and this tlmo ho wns delayed a day hocauso of tho Humboldt bar and thoroforo will not bo in Portland on i 1 Now Years. i Tho Incoming passongors waro: C. II. Tllton. Miss G. Kraulck. Ruth $ i A. Fnrloy, John Sknbutos. E. Horan, Mrs. Jas. Cowan, Jr., Geo. Politer, 1). aardlnor, Ottnvio Scaltrlttl, C. A. Parker, Fred UorrI, L. P. Hrnu stotter, Gust Sala. Tho outgoing passengers wore: J, D. Ross, W. R. Roll, M. A. Lynch, J, Wnldrox, M. A. Dnnol, E. F. Riindny, Rudolph Goutloro, Thomas Hnnly, Vera Lliul, Chnrlos I.I nil, Mrs. Lliul, Vera Stone, M. Nichols Robert Nichols H. E. Scott, Mrs. Scott, William golnndor, Mrs. Mrs. C. A. Harrington, Nols Potor- fion, Mrs, Potorson. t WATERFRONT NEWS J l From San Francisco tho steamship p. a. Kllburn arrived In about S:3Q b. m, and loft for Portland nftor Unr. Nothing hns been hoard of tho jutcum schooner Spoodwoll that la duo 1 horo from lluudon. Tho steamship Adolluo crossed lij at 8:30 o'clock this morning from Oakland, going to. tho C. A. tJintth , mill, whoro sho Is taking aboard n lumber cargo. Sho camo In towing j tho Entorprlso, whloli was In a fljnlt- lug condition. Danco old year out mill now jour In nt KiiKletlIiilItliiyjiJslirf.Div. 1, Mnrllii'H Orrlimli'ir. ' ' Ui V Jii"' Ioor to Mnrshflcld Postofflco nnd Prosperous Now Year. m It OSWALD. SOCIAL CALENDAR FRIDAY Kouslngton Club with Mrs. R. H. Lnrnway. Mllllcoma Club Now Year party. Dahlia Club Now Year Party, with Mr, ond Mrs. J, K. Cooley. SATURDAY Firemen's danco In Eri gles hall. I). M. C. card party at homo ot Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Williams In North Uond. Eiiotsldo Social Club with Mrs. I. Hadlock. Danco old year out and new year I" IuirIch Hall Friday night, Dec. Martin's Orchestra. NPU TODAY X WANTED Capablo innmit to tko uhnrgo of a light luncheon propo sition. Phono 21Q-J. J t FOR SALE FOR SALI launch, hotol, Tlili ty foot KuollR0 cheap. Inqulro Lloyd FOR SAL1-3 CHEAP -Two Rood lot, closo In. Address "L" caro Times I FOR RENT : t WILL HENT a-rooin apt., with liuxl- oru coiivenioures to somo one tor Z per mo., for attending fuy. jiaco. Apply T.angWQrthy brWr shop. FOR HENT ll-room hoiihe, modw-H couvonloncos, garago and ke yard, nt 557- 8d; Ninth striet, r Phone H74, North Jon. I FOR HE.N'l Nlco tiio-room april, ment with heat. Apply Matww'ji ' ' Quality StqroJ & .'; """ ' "TT FOR TRANSFER AND 8TOR, I AGE OF HOySKHOLD GOQOM ; -. " m 9 FREIGHT AND I1AGGAGN , Call FERGUSON TRANSFER Phone 1HS V UOhidcnro Ili0iH 19UI J, Market Av, aid .WiitoKm A ,7 , r f0rvv ? v - m