The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, December 31, 1915, EVENING EDITION, Page TWO, Image 2

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was n wm
(Continued from Pago Ono.)
cold out of tho nor'enst and the En-1
Lumbermen nt Sim Francisco Kit-
IhusiaHtlc Over L'rospcctH Vei-
noti Smith to llcinuln .South
John D. Moreen of tho C. A.
terpriso ran Ueforo it with hor ono Smith company returned on tho Ado-
cssol nnd, lino Smith today from San Francis-
. .sail set. honlnc to slcht a vos
i''tcCtiro,nftl.',,i'liU takV wcrqj uimU16 ltblvl)orothb'B)ont aiirlsiinng nt tho
to .jlecp. Thoy wero wet and ox- homo of Ills fathor Arno Mercon, Ho
, hnustod from tho cold and nddod to says' Uint"oV6r"yoU6 Iherd, csiiccially
' tint! 'tho 'linil nothing to oat.t Tho those ' in'tho i-.lumber trado, aro
ltttlo foil mtoyn Jin tho cabin' rofus-j buoyant-over tho prospects for tho
cdi to work. Coffco was mndot ny coming year,
Tho Coos Bay Times will bo
pleased to publish letters from its
leaders on all questions of public
Interest, giving bin or hor address,
and no far as possible limited to
250 words. In uubllshlng theso let
ters Tho, Times does not indorse
tho Aicwa expressed thorein; it la
simply affording a means for tho
volcine of dlfferont opinions on all
questions affecting tho public welfare.
sources hi dairy PiacUco bactMla en
tMltolnlik nnlJlfeWlthJJe!difflcltf-l
tics ioundlln tho production of a poor
grade of milk aro to bo rectified. All
dairymen will no doubt find this an
interesting and Instructive subject.
aid of.n, blow torch from tho on-
gino room, jvinniiy uio -water sup
j ply ran out.
Signal Uiiniisw'crod
' 'S'oventl vessels passed tho craft
yeBtorday. Capt. , Parker said nano
of,tl)em hooded his signals, nor had
thoy tho night boforo when rockets
wqro being used. A passenger boat,
nupposcd to ba tho Admiral Dowoy,
bound for Scattlo passed within two
mlleB yestorday. An oil tankor go
ing south was within a mllo and so
was a tug boat.
Thero was a sigh of rollof voiced
by tho tliroo men of tho Enterprise
when tliq Wlllametto answorcd tholr
nppcnls this morning and gave thorn
n lino.
An Old lliinio Ilont
Tho Enterprlso wns bult on tho
Coquillo river in 1908 by John Mil
ler whp Bhortly afterward sold tho
boat to It. D. Humo after" tho latter
lost tho Dorwick. Humo oporatod
tho Enterprlso out of Hoguo rlvor.
She was beached at tho entrance, of
Roguo rlvor and later sold and tak
en to tho Columbia river and thoro
rebuilt. Sho lii now owned by Nol
ccn Gcndcness of Astoria who ro
contly bought out tho interest of n
Tho Enterprlso Is 53 foot long and
Is of about 22 gross tons.
litis Huen 11 cio 11 of 010
Captain Parker was formerly mato
on tho Andy Mnhonoy tliat used to
coino Into Coos Day years ago. Al
llo says that thoro has been quite
n lhntorlnl advanco in prices and tho
dt-mnnd is strong. It Ib hard to sny
just what tliq advanco amounts to no
It vnrlcs on the different graces but
it is believed to bQ in oxcess :of tho
jeeent increase In frolght rate.
Whllo thoro, ho attended a lunch
con of tho lumbar brokors,. going as
tho guest of Paul Dimmlck of tho
Swayno & Hoyt Compnny nnd ho said
that it has been months stneo thero
was so cheerful an nlr manifested
by tho representatives of tho manu
Ho enjoyed n visit with C. A.
Smith and said that Mr. Smith is
now in excellent health. Vernon
Smith Is now associated directly with
hs father in tho offices thoro iiud
will mnko his pormnuont homo on
Bnn Francisco Hay, probably selling
his Marshfleld residence.
Arno Mercon will return to
Mnrshficld from Snu Francisco
about January ICth.
ICcol of 111k Ship for Coos liny May
no liitlil In Few IinyH Many
Craft Aro On Way
Not In a dozen years has thoro
fo ho has boon mato along with tho "can such n streak of ship building
steam Bchoonor Craco Dollnr. on tho PAcIfic Coast nH thoro Is at
Ho snld today; tliat in all probab- j tho itrcoont time, and novor in more
lllty tho cargo hnB not been nt all ' than n dozen years liavo, tho lndicn
damaged. Immediately on tholr ar-ltlons for further building been as
rival hero tho men wont to a res-, good as thoy uro right now.
luunint and then bognn making pro- In a fow days it is expected tho
paratlons for gottlng to sea again, ' keol will bo laid for tho building of
nnd thoy possibly will got away for a 220 foot steam schoonor nt tho
"Walport somo tlmo tomorrow or on Kruno nnd Ranks Bhipynrds.
jfttllcd Hero for Alt!
At 4 o'clock this morning tho
Four nuxlllnry schooners, with
Diesel onglnos, nro under contract
on tho Pacific Coast for tho lum
Capo Illauco wlrolcss station tolo- 1)0r trmlo two I)o1R Ul(,0p cou.
Phoned lioro that tho Entorprlso was BtrucUo nt Bt. nolens for tho
In tow of tho Wlllametto and McCormlck interest s, ono bol ng un
hought to bo in a Blnklng condition. !,or Q b
Help was nskod for horo. Tho tug
K. K.Wood Lumber Compnny and
niilfinnt tit ITlilliniiii ltn la Mswl, n i
..,.i. ... , , . 1 tho fourth wns ordored last weolc
mill lllll IUK ill JllllllllJII COI1KI UUL gO
ns tho captain said ho was out of
fuol. Tho steamer Speedwoll nt
ttaudon could not go. It wns thou
decided to call upon tho Manznnitn
which was In port but booh nftor
wnrd a wlrolesB enmo from tho Ado
lino Smith that alio had picked up
tho boat,
Camo In Slowly
Captain H. W. Olson, of tho Ado-
lino Smith, snld thlu morning that
tho Wlllamotto wnu not anxious to
cross In because sho had a full cargo
nnd thoro was an obb tldo running.
Via tho wlroloss ho consented to
toko tho Enterprlso In tow. Ho
camo In over tho bar very slowly bo
uiiiBo of tho watorloggod condition
of tho Uttlo craft. Captain Olson
reports u good trip up tho coast. Ho
exiiocts to got away for Oakland
ubout 5:30 in tho morning.
Ship Oivnors Mario to Pay Fop lleau
Soup Willi Worms In It
In n law suit it was claimed that
thoro woro Uttlo fat worni8 floating
nbout in tho boun soup fed to John
E. Hundrlekson, a sailor nboanl ono
of tho fishing ships of tho Alnska-
rortinud Packer's ABsoclntion, lust
summor on a crulso to llorlng Son.
Iiecnuso of this food, Hondrlckson
nlmost died and, on his roturn,
started suit against tho company.
Ho hits Just secured a judgment of
200 In a Portlnnd court.
Hardtack full of woovils, "boot
log" coffoo nnd "lopseoush" full of
"skid" grenso lia become tradition
al with tho sen, especially on (loop
water Balling ships. Tho go vol n
U'U hns, recognised this fact, and
tho shortnuss of food aboard ships,
and In ovTjry ships fo'costlo may bo
found tho articles" showing exact
ly" tho bin of faro tliat can bo de
manded by tho bailors.
WiiK"llsh8llliis" rccolvod tholr nnmo
of "llniojulcors" from tho fact that
tholr owiiorfl often sont thorn to sea
ifoPliravJsluiiod that, without
tli aid of'ilmojulco, tho mon soou
foil into scurvy.
For tho snmo ronsons shlpa from
Nova Scotia bocamo known on tho
sovon sons as "NovJn Scotianion,"
this nanio being solf oxplnnatory
among tho seafaring mon, nnd ves
boIs to bo steered clear of.
by A. F. Thano & Co. nt Soattlo,
which will ho of steel, whllo tho
others nro of wooden construction.
Tho McCormlck vessels will cost
about $1 at!, 000 nnd tho now ship
for Thano Is estimated to cost
Thoro nro a number of othor
oconn-golng cnrrlors building on tho
Coast, all to bo finished during
191C, nnd probably tho busiest plant
Is that of tho Union Iron Works,
whoro tho La llrno, a now tankor
for tho Union Oil Company, was
launched Docombor 18, and tho
sanio firm has tho tankor Los An
geles being rapidly constructed
thoro. Hind, Rolnh & Co. has or
dered tho Annette Itolph, which Is
n dupllcnto of tho Pacific, an 8500
ton enrrier complotod thoro rocont
lynnd loaded last week on Pugot
Sound with flour for Europe, bcsldos
a second steamor or tho snmo typo
hns been ordored by thorn but not
namod, with n third of tho kind
contracted for that Is to bo tho pro
perty of tho Strachan interests, of
Ooorgln, who purchased tho Eu-
rnnn, a sister ship of tho Pacific
Editor Coos' Hay Tlnics, Marsh
field, Oregon. Will you kindly nub-
llsh tho following:
1 note a statement in your pa
per of December' 24th, in reference
to a certain rating book Issued by
tho Merchants Mercantile Agency
of Portland, subscribed by tho Mer
chants of Marshflold nnd other
neighboring towns. Tho nrtlclo was
entitled "Arc Thoy Stung?" I, ns
ono of tho subscribers, wish to tnko
oxcoptlon to tho statements there
in, ns I do not consider that wo
havo been stung, but on tho othor
baud wo nro being educated; wo
aro now receiving our education.
I, like tho othor business men, I
have nlways urged tho pooplo to
patronlzo homo Industry. Wo fail
ed to patronize homo Industry, and
must now pay tho penalty. It Is
a lesson to Us all.
When I received notlco from the
collection agency of Portland, I con
sulted my attorneys, who advised
mo to pay tho $28. I was ndvlsod
that If I mado a bad bargain with
my eyes open tho courts could not
relievo mo; that It wns Important
that I should read tho contract I
sign, that when I fnll to read a
contract when I sign It or If I am
unnblo to understand its terms, I
cannot coino Into court and com
plain and If I do not fully under
stand tho English Inngungo the
Courts cannot help me.
I mil nfrnld that If I do not pay
them tho $28, In nddltlou to tho
$20 I horotoforo havo patci them,
they will rnto mo bnd pay Just as
wo business men havo been rating
some of tho Coos Day people. My
attorney tells mo that If this mat
tor gets Into court I will suro Iobo
my caso. I mny send off to somo
othor town and hlro a cheap lawyer
vho says ho can win my caso, but
in so doing I nm afraid I will bo
stung worso than over. Ho may
charge me only $8.00 to fight the
case, and snvo mo $20, but if ho
loses tho caso which seems qulto
sure, I must pny ninny times this
amount In costs.
I havo had occasion to noto tho
rating of many collection ngenclcs
and find none of them accurate nnd
In most overy enso it Is monoyl.
uirown nway. .Many nn nonest mnn
Is rated as bad pay should times get
OrniitH Pass People Stalo Tliat
Will Continue Out to
Ciosceiit City.
Iloforrlng to tho fnct that tho
government engineers haVo recom
mended the Jetty Improvement work
dt Crescent City, In Dol Norto Coun
ty, California, tho OrantB Pass
Courier stales that tho rajlroad
from thnt plaoo to Crescent City will
now bo completed. Tho paper says:
"Tho conditions which tho board
of engineers havo llnposod for tho
development of tho harbor nro dl
rectly in lino with tho representa
tions that havo been mado to them
at nil times. At tho meeting held
nt Crcscont City, nnd in tho argu
ments presented by tho representa
tives of tho city nt nil times, thu
willingness of tho people of Dol
Norto County to nld In tho starting
of tho work has been Btnted. It is
proposed to bond tho county under
tho provisions of a law passed by
tho last California Legislature to
rnlso tho fund, and In a statement
Just Issued at Crescent City tho
plodgo is renewed. In fact, the
pcoplo of Dol Xorto havo guaran
teed $250,000 toward tho ontlro
project, estimated to cost In Its en
tirety nbout $2,000,000. It Is ox
puctod thnt tho bonding of tho coun
ty for this amount will proceod nt
"Tho value of tho harbor natur
ally depends upon tho completion of
tho rnllroad from this city to tho
coast, and nt tho meeting hold nt
Crescent City, Wm. J. Hotchklss,
representing tho gront redwood In
terests of nortliorn California, stat
ed that tho complotlon of tho lino
would bo guaranteed. Alrondy
Grants Pnss has bonded for $200,
000, which wnB spent In tho com
moncomont of tho rond. nnd tho
Twohy Brothers' Compnny Is now
building it on to Takllma. Twelve
miles of road built by tho Hotch
klss Company nt tho Crcscont City
end will form part of tho lino, leav
ing only 40 miles to comploto tho
rond through to tho const."
jl ' M ' T i V ' .ff.'jf.
A iLswj m'-m IfW ' tfW ft TMJtf Wmir r i r
dull, work scarco, sickness, Uttlo
children to feed, clotho nnd shel
ter, and ho will strlvo hnrd to pay
but whon tho merchants havo club
bod together, rated him bad pay
becniiBo ho has owed tlirco or four
stores for n fow montliB nnd thon
on top of tills refuflo him further
crodlt becniiBo his rating Is bad,
you may flguro that In nlno times
out or ten ho will send his cash to
a mnll-ordor liouso lnstond of pay
lug his cash to tho local merchants
nnd ench trip or tho Kllburn brings
nn IncrenBod number of parcel post
Backs. Tho local merchant stands
the loss, or In othor words, Is being
educated. We must all learn.
.Formerly of llnndon, Oregon.
Without a Jlioweiy First Tlmo Since
Civil War
VANCOUVER, Wash.. Dec. 31
Slnco boforo tho Civil War thoro hns I
eon a browory In Vnncouvor. To-1
day tho last of Its boor was confined
to kogs nnd Bont to Portlnnd, for'
UFO uororo Now Ycnr's Tho browory
has been pnlntod insldo nnd out, nnd
everything Is In rondlness for a long
Nothing hns boon dono nbout; us
ing tho plant for tho manufacture of
any othor product, but 32 men, now
on tho payroll of tho Northern Urow-
cry Company, In this city, will bo
looking for work by January 10.
Editor Coos Hay Times: No ono
has, to our knowledge, discovered
anything smaller or moro harmful
than somo of thoso actlvo Uttlo busy
bodies commonly known as germs,
but In tho laboratory moro proper
ly designated na lmctnrln. Altliour.l.
which Is receiving finishing touches, b0 small tluit tho nnkod oyo uuinot '
EUGENE, Oro., Doc. 31. Hy an
order of tho Lano County Court, tho
bIx prisoners now in tho county
Jnll will bo put to work on tho
couniy poor farm. Clcarlug and
grubbing land will bo tho tmturo of
tho work to bo dono by tho pris
oners. Tho ordor was Jssuod by tho
County Court.
Colebinlo tho NEW YEAR by
taking homo a boy of I.OWXEV'S
CHOCOLATES. New hhljiinenc at
Dp. Leslie, Osteopath. Mnrsliflolil
thoro, mid soon loads flour on Pu.
got Sound.
Tho Union Iron Works Is also
turning out tho Mnklkl for tho Mat
son Navigation Compnny, Bho bolng
a Blstor ship of tho Mntsonln, now
detect thorn, they mnko n sight of
troublo wiienovor thoy can gain on-
trnnce. All thoy domnnd to begin
operations Is standing room, and)
bolng of tho sanio peculiar turn of
mind ns Ex-Presldont Roosovelt they
On Easy T
Model Gd -(CQOT
TouringCar 4003
wr t-uju,'
Terms: $410 Cash. Balance in cigfit monthly Payments K
Model 75 Touring Car, $7 J 5 delivered, $335 Cash, balance in 8 m ili
PkiVhc trA ftm! nn nthet rvinrfMo in ntrtrU. j. -f .. "
x wvwo ..- --wo ... hUuun 10 aoovc ligurcs.
Place your order now for future delivery.
Isaac R. Tower
Front Street
"The Gunnery"
rr- -- . n - -L-y-
," r.
Why We Wish You, :
A Happy and Prosperous New Year
E WISH you luipplnchs and prnspoiily during tho coining jenr,
first, because Iho men uho direct tho affairs of this corpora.
lnn .lf.ul..n .. ........uli .l..k Z....II .., .. 1 ..II, a .. . .. .
...... ..u-.uu I., iiivib inu ivl-iiuk in nuuM iu luivani I iiGfr
neighbors naliiral In mankind, and M'Ciind, Iiccuiino
Tho prosperity or our company depends upon YOUR prosperity.
Xo utility company ran liso nliovo Iho level of llio coinmunlty which It
Wishing you a piospeiily In which wo want to share may seem to bo u
HolfMi attitude, unless it ,s loinonibcred thai Iho relations bclwcca tho
public and our company aro reciprocal.
Korvlco companies tlo vital work In iho modern municipality WOHK
Ullllly oi'kiiiiIiiIIoiin perform a largo share of tho corporative effort ov
Hernial lo c'lvlo advancement toward tho success of industries'to tho re
duction of physical labor and Increased surety or Hfo and property to
ward domestic economy and commercial vitality In tho' promotion or bet
top Ilvlir? and worklir; routllllniis. '
Tho prospeilty or iho utility companies and Iho people are Interdependent.
We ask Iho sanio goud will from citizens which we reel and
wards them. Tl 1J
Oregon Power Company
III BOrvIco botwooll San Vrnnilginllinm ..,... ...,i.i , ,,... . .. ..
v ..,u iiuiim iiimuui TUCO SU1CK10 ' or
nnd tho Hawaiian Islands. Thoro. I'.omandeil "m.ncn nt v noi
Although so very smnll they wiold
aro eight otbors ordored, nil oil
tunkors, two Tor tho Standard Oil
Compnny or Calirornla, two ror tho
Standard Oil Company or Caliroraa,
two for tho Standard Oil Company
of Now York, two ror tho Standard
Oil Company or and two
ror tho 'Stnndard OH Compnny of
prices. Pioneer Hardware Co.
C. P. Doe, presidant or tho North
Pacific Steamship company ( tho con
cern that ownsi tho nreakwntor and
tho Kllburn, lias Just sold tho oia
wooden steamship Golden Gato to
flotornl San Francisco men who will
put hor into tho Mexican trado out
of Calirornla,
Tho crort is a small ono. It was
built In 1S91. For months It has
boen lyings ldlo In Portland. Tho
fact that It was not taken boforo Is
tho "big stick" in n most powerful
manner, and It is up to tho rest of
ib to ward ofr tho blows as host wo
may. Thoro Is nt least ono mnn on
this sido or tho Mississippi River
who is especially competont to help
ub In al doronslvo policy right along
this lino.
Professor G. V, Copson, of tho
Oregon Agricultural College, who
mm uiuuo nn exunustlvo study In
German nnd Swiss Universities of
theso Uttlo (lemons ns thoy. net In
milk, will, during tho wintor short
courso ofrored at tho Collego trom
January 10, to Februnry 4, 101G,
glvo n series of six lectures and dem
onstrations dealing with tho Bubjoct.
Ills lectures will bo illustrated by
pictures and his demonstrations will
fchow tho vurous methods by means
of which tho buctorial contont of
milk Is determined and tho ofrecta of
theso various buctoria upon tho smil.
Wo thanlc joii fop tho hearty
support of our friends during tho
Past year, and bono for a contin
uance of your favors In tho future.
Wo promise to keep, If possible,
even a higher standard of efficiency
during 10 HI,
that It Is too small a croft for heavy
work or ofr shore cargoes. It Is said tary quality or tho milk
wtu cu.iDjuuiuuuii huh uiuy u,uuo. i no win also show
from what
Yours sincerely
Brown and Swanton
With Hearty Appreciation and
Thanks for Your Past Pat-
onage, We Wish You
and Success Unmeasured
All Kinds of
Meat Market
WEAVING All kinds a snRn.
ialty. Mrs. W. W. Nason, 680
12th Courth, So. Phone 220-R
" il
Home Smoked Hams &
The real old-fashioned kind more savory and more
delicious than the packing-house produces. Trytlwft
We always have the choicest line of Fresh Meats that
can be obtained.
S&S Union Markel
We Pay Return Charges. Prompt and Efficient'"
Gorst&KlnB. ,.. &
Jcnto Marshfleld nt 7 . in., and returning ie..j, -- gm .
8 a. nu Leave Mar-lifleld at 11 a.m. and returning .w
Slouch ar 1 n. in. Leave Marshfleld at B P anu W
leave South Slough nt O p. in. iiJ?
v' .VtMf'M 'i!? 'v' '