m FOUR THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1915 EVENING EDITION. LANDO SALE CUSTOMERS WHO ATTEND THIS SALE ARE OUR BEST ADVERTISEMENT - Some Big SPECIALS for FRIDAY A wonderful price attraction in Lahdo's stock of beautiful LACES Embroideries RIBBONS Trimmings 1-3 their Regular Selling Price HAD BIG HIKE THOMAS h. SHEVMX CARRIER S?l,51J.-,000 OX IMS I.II-IO Regular 5c values Regular 20c values Regular 75c values 3 yards for 5c 3 Jm',,s for -0c 25c the yard Regular 10c values Regular 25c values ' Regular $1.00 values 3 yards for 10c 3 yards for 25c 331 -3c the yard Regular 15c values Regular 50c values Regular $1.50 values 3 yards for 15c 3 yards for 50c 50c the yard ALL OTHERS SOLD AT THE SAME RATIO Every day we will offer you specials. Watch them they will prove interesting. Hub Clothing & Shoe Co. Purchasers tarn MUCH STORED AWAY MAXV IX MARSIIFIELR WHO WIMi XOT HE HIIV .1 i ' .i JdU'fjo Amounts of Hecr anil Wlilv t key Itoujilit ilylndlvliIuiilH for Future Vso Tlio supply of liquors In Mnrsh flold Ib rapidly ' diminishing. For tltu past weok those who wnnted to ho prepared against sufferhiK from Hilrst nftor tlio first of tlio yoar liuvo boon buyliiB tholr supply to Icy nsldo for futuro uso und a largo Amount has boon purchnsod by in dividual for storage In their homes, Wholcsalo houses and saloons liaro been selling out until thoro will bo but very llttlo liquor stock loft on hand when tlio now law goes Into efoct. The retail saloons will liuvo enough liquor to nccommodnta tholr trado up to tlio last hour but nsldo from that thoro will not bo very much loft over. In fact somo of tlio C IN E ONE LII-JXS FILER AGAINST AUTO OP ERATED 1V OMVER KEPHART Cuso Ts Taken Into Circuit Court for Judge and Jury to Eutuugli O. C linker is 1'Iiilntlff " Button button, whoso got tho llttlo sphorold?" might bo n proper heading for a suit filed yesterday In tho circuit court and entitled O, C. Dakor, of Hosoburg, vcrsiiB O. D. Kophnrt, Qcorgo aoodrum, tho Coob liny Iron Works nnd E. I. Chandler. Tho enso Involves tho ownership of nn nutomobllo formerly operated by Oliver Kophnrt nnd ugulnst which LI IS EXPLAINED DISTRICT. ATTORXEV SENDS IX STHUCTIOXS TO DRUGGISTS Mnjorlty, However, Will Xot Keep Alcohol for Sale Except in Rciinturcd Form Instructions today wore given sov oral of tho local druggists by Dis trict Attornoy Llljeqvist, stating to lliom to tho fine points of tho Pro hibition law on tho question of alco hol sales. lint tho local druggists had already beaten Mr. Llljeqvist to it, having long ngo decided not to carry alcohol for sale, except in tho denatured form which is good only for external purposes and which tho United linvo boon filed various liens for money duo. Tlio witoroniiouts or docu not como under ivopnari aro saiu to uo uiuuiown. states rovonuo Inw. O. C. Unkor is a gnrngo man of Doctors Must Order Hosoburg and his lion wns for This thou Is taken to moan $133,00. claimed to bo duo him for repairs mado on tho automobile wlillo being operated this summor by Kophnrt on his stngo lino. Tho Coos Day Iron works also had n bill against tho car, and Mr. aoodrum, having purchased tho equity of .1. 12. Wasson In tho car, now retains tho majority ownor- tliat Lnloons may run out so that thoy I ship. mlnlH Plnsn nn linforn inlilnlL'lit Constable COX took possession Of Friday. Much Him Hccn .Stored Tho amount of bcor, whiskey nnd tliu nuto, and, to sccuro It, Mr. aoodrum took out a bond in a com- locnl physicians, to sccuro alcohol, win iiavo to ship in supplies them selves. Such a procoduro will bo lawful, though tho physicians will bn ntr:ctly governed In tho mnnnor of . distribution of tho alcohol. , Tim lnw Bays that thoy may nd mlnlRtor .alcohol or an Intoxicating liquor only for medical purposes, ( but thoy enn not soil it or give It away. , .1. Leo Hrown, of tho' pharmacou-' tlcal association said today: "Wo Hud Taken Out Million Dollars Of Amount Lust October Inher ited JU Estate Thomns L. Shcvlln, tho young Minneapolis lumberman nnd million aire, news of whoso death yesterday camo as a great shock to his many Coos Dny friends and acquaintances, carried $1,G2G,000 llfo Insurance. I). P. (livens, Coos Day representa tive of tho Now York Life, a few days ngo received nn insurnnco pub lication tolling of tho placing of tho Inst million of tho Insurnnco. Mr. Shcvlln inherited nn cstato of about ton million dollars from his fathor, Thomas Shovlin Sr. who died about two years ago. Tho lat ter mndo nil his wealth In lumber nnd timber nnd when a young man was working as a tallyman where A. II. Powers had bis first job on tho booms. Mr. Shovlin carried $G25.000 llfo Insurnnco nnd last summer decided to tnko out an nddltional million In favor of tho many companies which ho headed ns a safeguard against nnnnclnl troublo that might result from his sudden death. A flno nth leto nnd In perfect health ho llttlo dreamed of tho possibility of tho sudden termination of his life. Ho was JiiBt 32 ycnrB old, instead of 31 or 35 as somo thought. Tho annual premium on his llfo Insurnnco pol icies was $25,1500. Tho last million of his' Insurnnco wns. divided among theso companies ns follows: Aotnn, Hartford $150,000. Equitable, Now York $50,000. Mutual, Now York $100,000. Prudential, Newark $50,000. Homo, Now York $150,000. Now England Mutual $50,000. Trnvolora, Hartford $200,000. Now York Llfo $200,000. Mass. Mutual $50,000. II S BRNGUET LEGAL MUX ENJOV ENTER TAINMENT AT HANDOX Annual Meeting Coos County Hnr Association Well Aft ended Send Message Twenty-eight members of tho Coos County liar Association, gathered about tho banquet board In Hniidon Inst evening nnd rognlcd themselves on good cats and aftordlnnor speeches. It was tho annual ses sion nnd approximately 30 members of tho legal fraternity wcro pres ent. , Thrco now members wcro admit ted to tho orKanlzntlon. Thoy woro I. N. Miller, of Marshflold, nnd L. L. Gardiner and Mr. Chaiuurn, uoiu of Hnndon. I ... Judgo Spcrry, of Coqulllo, long a prominent moinbor of tho Iinr As sociation, lies sick at his honmj nnd wns unablo to Attend. A who was tent to him by tho members, carry ing tho good wishes for a speedy recovery. Also a resolution was passed relatlvo to tho death of J. Tom Hall. Prom Coob Hay thoro woro about eight attorneys in nttondnnco, tho remainder of tho banqueters hailing from Myrtlo Point; Coqulllo nnd llnndon. , rsg;i MONEY I ' AVE omyour Furniture Wo are- showing a rin0 line of Bed Room Furniture Tlmt. conies to us direct fiom the niannfactuier, thus x tlio Jobber' profit. o give our eiislonicr Hie benefit of saving. va iiavo n nice- uispiuy or Dressers which priced ns follows: till, wo have $7.50, $8.50, $10, $12.50, $13.50, $14.50, $15 $16.50, $17.50, $20, $23.50, $25 and up to $50, Don't buy nnythlng In House Furnishing until j,, hM) (mr line, for you know "U'l! SELL IT FOR LKSS" Going & Harvey Co. nnnnnmiu rnnnninni , -, " A. E. ARELSPEHGER LEAVES OX THIP TO DETHOIT Is Definitely Organl.cd Cruising Company To Interest Capital In Western Timber PARCEL POST YOUR LAUNDRY We Pay Return Charges. Prompt and Efficient Service COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY SCARCITY pnny represented ny w. i. uinnuior. druggists hnvo mndo this iIccIhIciii lloth Mr. (loodrum nnd tho Coos, not to carrv alcohol for milu on tin. wines hut hos been purchased to I lW lron', worlH hnvo entered n do-i grounds that It Ih not absolutely ntoro away has boon greater than "'"' j' ""V0'., 'T .!!? TTV'' Wo, w, "' on . ,,;, ,, n.. ...i.i.,d..i.. ' ?:nso l"nics 8?w A? V' circuit court hand for nea in making dlfforeut nun ..im.."u.. wnw "ii""iui i0r Huiiiemeni wiiu LOCAL ISAAC WALTOXS PHOPH KSV .MAXV THOI'T TIMS VEAH sold that ho could hnvo easily sold 200 moro barrels of bottled l)oor It ho had thorn In stock and anoth er donlor said that tho caso was tho fnmo with, him. Tho browory nt North Hond rnn cut of boor somo days ngo so all of tho beer supply wns from tho out side Tho local bottling workB put tho boor through a pasteurizing pro cess which would mnko It keop for n greater longth of tlmo, Tho Inst shipment of boor from San Frnncls co camo In on tho atoamor Ycllow Ktono and that will bo tho last ship ment of any quantity, ns hereafter licor cnu como only In consignments of two dozen bottles to each Indi vidual. Llttlo Loft for Sale It Is Btntod thnt thoro (Is very llttlo whiskey loft In tho city which Is for sale. Purchases wcro mndo in varying quantities. Somo thought n few bottlos to lay nsldo "whllo othors stored away enough to Ijo suro that thoy would not run out. If tho liquor of dlfforont ;liils that has boon laid nsldo In lirlvnto collars In Marshflold wn3 brought togothor It would mnko a mipply that would run n well pat ronized saloon for. quite n whllo. Soma Do Without 1 ScJ thoro nro nt Jenst somo In Marshflold who win ( not suffor for tho want or n drink aftor tho first of tho yonr. On tho othor hand thoro aro n fow who hnvo boon in tho habit of drinking under the lireaent system who say that thoy will not bother about uny prlvnto clock but will tako ndvnntngo of tho dry Bystcm nnd try doing without. I'jari l'OWOll ailll MntR nf nrnimrnt our. Tim .Innnt Peck nnd Peck for tho plaintiff nnd urod alcohol may bo purchaso.1 for Uonnett Swnnton nnd Ilonnott and i nibblnir ntirnnROH mnl tl. Him tl... .. . m !.-. .! .... I . - - - J01111 u. iiubb tor IIIU (lUlUIKlliniH. Clnlm Water Will bo Low nnd l'eed SriiiTo and WUv Ones Will lUso to Hull Duck Season Closes 1 Patrouio Homo Intlustiles. John win's Cider Mirtory, t'oiiillli, Ore. Cider unaraiitred not affected by lirolilbltlon law. Cash payments. TO USE SIDE Xot Known What Erf ret Will Ho On Local Coos Hay Crow Xo Or ders Deceived Yet Now that tho Treasury Depart ment or tho United States has adopted tho uso nnd training of mou in tho Const Otiard scrvlco to tho uso or tho sldo arms of tho sailors in tho Navy, speculation becomes rlfo ns to whnt effoct this will have on tho Coast Guard crow or Coos Day. According to tho news Irom Wash ington tho entire Const Gunrd or tho United Stntcs will bo affected by tho change and will bo drilled In nccordnuco with orders soon to bo given out. Alrendy tho Navy Department hns Invltod parties of officors and potty officers of tho sorvlco to tho Nnvnl school for Hinnll arms coaches at tho marine corps rlflo ranges nt Wlnthrop, Mnrylnud. So tnr no word has reached Cap tain Ilrltt about tho now inovo. Ills mou nro not enlisted under any branch or tho Navy, but como undor tho jurisdiction or thoUntted Stntoa Treasury Department now thnt tho Rovonuo sorvlco hns boon combined with that or tho lUo saving bureau, Tho presont drills or tho local crow is anything hut mllltnry in Its naturo, with ho cxcopllou or tho lino shooting gun. What effect tho Protni'PR nt Inn l'ntn -- ..t Wliat Law Says i ready beginning to wnrmun to tho Tho law says " A registered phnr- subject of trout tishlng n d'lt tnlVes rnlcist may sell ot yl Jnlcohol for hardly any effort nt all to not horn medical, or scientific purposes, for1 started on tho subject. Thoy lo id v oxtornnl uso and application by nroclnlm thnt ti.n ,,..: :.,.-! "'?. H Sli (..Wlt!' "'L"""1 Jer !2. " ??M"? tlihlttg, beaiu'so'ol V.UH11WV nun uiu lllUL llin Rironilia invn innii lil..K ,.. 1 ,. . .,;. V. tii 4ii,ii $2no bond." Also ho mnrn lllnii (ivn mtnrla tn nnv ,nr i . 1. .. , '!"- - rU.ii.mi nun uro nun mat in tho siirliiK loss ban four weoks time. An nf-, tho wntor will go wa own t ore davit must bo made or tho role by depriving tho risl of excessive . .u..w , m Lttw im jk iiiiikoi miiiiiiiiiih rtr rrxmt mwi not bo or Intoxicating liquor enn sold nlcoliol. Howovor, tho stand of- tho local druggists will bo taken by tho ma jority of tho pharmacists of tlio county. M LIQUOR PUBS PHOPOSi; INITIATIVE MEASUHE I-'OH STOHES AND HOTELS Auuoiiiicement At Portland that they Will Xot Try to Enjoin New Drug Law making them moro prono to rlso to tho halt. Along In Fobrunry Is expectod to bo tho first of tho trout fishing. Un til thnt tlmo; oxlsts' tho opon senson for fish stories, but tho second month of tho yonr vlll soo tho sun ply running low. And so again tho rishormon will tnko td tholr hip (boots nnd fishing baskets and hlo ilhomsolves off to tho favorlto spot. It Is also noted thnt Bald bnskets in 191C will carry strictly fresh bait 11 iiuwiiuK in noitiea torm. Hut tho ushering in of tho trout eenson Is nlso tho ushering out of tho duck senson. Jnuunrv ir. la ti. latest dato for tho Nlmrods on this particular sport. Taking It all In nil. this has not beon a highly successful dneir Hon. Son, nccordlng to tho hunters. Thero o Luuoiueruuiu cnucisiu flgnlnst tho season's oponlng in,, October. Sports 111 on horo contoml thnt fm. rnna .. I tho tlmo should bo sot ror about No- vuiniior 1 nuu nuow tho extra month on tho end or tho senson. M08t or tho bncs rnnnrn,l !,.. !.. -. la 7 . ---" . .t.u For tho purposo or definitely forming tho A. M. Adolsporger Crulslni; Company with a cap! ltallzatlou of ?r0,000 A. E. Adol sporger left 011 the .morning train, bound for Detroit. Ho expects to bo gono for possibly four weoks. Immediately on tho return ot Mr. , Adolsporger tho company will start. Its business hero, tho main purposo being tho buying nnd soiling or tlm-1 1 her lands, (leorgo II. Chnnoy, vino 1 of tho four momhors of tho com 'puny, "expects to remain on Coob Hay , Never hoforo hns tlio- opportunity 1 I beon so ripe for such a company, Is , . tho holler or Mr. Adelaporgor. Ho ' snys thnt lumber hns boon In n slump for seven or eight years and I now ho feels It is Just on tho turn toward prosperity and bororo tho I prices rlso too far his company will I begin buying tlmhor. The mombors or tho nowly formed compnny nro already heavily Inter-1 cstcd In timber hinds, especially in this section. Tho company, howov-l or, expects to deal In tlmhor lnnds anywhoro In Oregon, Interesting enstorn capital for tho most pnrt In ' tho buying and dovolopltig of west crn timber. 0GEAN BEACH AUTO LINE Gorst & King. Lento Murslifield nt 7 n. in., mid returning leaving from Empire at 8 a. 111. Leave Mnrshficld nt 11 11.111. nnd returning Icao South Slough at 1 p. 111. Leave Mnrshflcld nt f p. 111. nnd rcturnln; leave South Slough nt (I p. 111. 'i Vfi. ! MO VI NO. Jay Dnylf's new place, 210 Com iiieirjiil Ave. Phono UflO. YOUNG COPPLK MAHHIED L. F Pickens and Miss Dayton Wedded Heatrlco not known. We Are Still Selling Jewelry at Sale Prices mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmsmmmmmammamamk " If you liuvo a friend whoso nanio you missed Christ mus, you may Bend A HAPPV NEW VEAH HEMEMHHANCE in solid gold, silver or any of tlio beautiful articles in our quality .stock, at a big saving from regular prices. Don't Overlook This Opportunity Red Cross Jeyelry Dept Red Cross Drug Store tholr tlmo for a fow months Noxt Novombor It Is said thnt bov oral proposals will bo submitted to tho votors of tho stato. One or theso will ifrobnbly bo nn Initiative moas uro to permit broworles to manufac ture boor for shlpmont out of tho stnto. Another tulked-of inonsuro has ror Its object tho permission or family liquor storos. or llounr iio. now orders will hnvo on tho men Is , ,)0ts, whore tho consumers can mnko purehnses In tho original packago and tnko It homo tor consumption. A third rumored measuro is to mnko cerium concessions for hotels and restaurants, Thero is, howovor not disposition on tho part of anyone to rohnblll- tnto tho saloon. It is conceded on nil .liln. !.. !.- . , .... o.i.us iiiui. uiu snioon must go. ( Amendments thoro may bo to tho J prohibition lnw, but in no event will J tho saloon over bo restorod. It was itho saloon, chiefly, that was aimed J at by tho votors when Oregon went 1 dry. PORTLAND, Doc. 20. It Is now genornlly bollovcd thnt tho liquor Interests will tnko tholr mcdlclno and will not nttompt to sccuro nn Injunction to piovent tlio opornt'ion or tho prohibition lnw Saturday, January 1, 101C. Instead, they uucn ,n,0l,,Hm 8Ucl1 "-. as far hnvo othor Diana nnd will bl.io' V; ., ".Y..""iL","uu'..ul0.ro was io - -" 1 iii-uii i m vmi r rrtw i nn in... . . . 1 ..:.:;: "' " ,u" "n oag iimu. uoputy Gamo Warden I nomas, at any rato, mado no' ar rests on this particular scoro. ns At tho homo ot John M. Foulkes on Tuesday ovonlng, Miss Heatrlco Stayton becanio tho brldo or Law ronco F. Pickens, who Is nt pres ent with tho North Bond Now8 Com- I'niiy. Tho young couplo will resido at tho Foulkes resldonco until about tho middle or January, whon thoy nro expecting to return to Port land, whoro tho paronts or Mrs. Pickens resido. Mr. Pickens hns nnoinor year or a three-years' courso to finish nt tho North Pacific Dontnl Collego In Portlnnd. Thoy wero married by Justlco A. E. Shustor. Tho brldo has boon on Coos nay for nbout threo months and Mr. Pickens has been horo for about three yoars. Danco old year out and now HEATING STOVES at i,. , .. . V :. .' '" "Vm" ,,mv c,,r Prices. Pioneer ILirdware Co. "m S Z' " "y n "' . --.... wtvuviiii, CANDIDATE FOIJ ASS1CSSOH To tho Ropubltcan electors of Coos County; I horoby nnnounco myself as a candldato for tho offico of assessor of Coos County nt tho coming pri maries, subject to tho will of tho Republican electors of tho county. AMOS L. NOSLER, Coqulllo, Docombor 21. Danco old your out and now year In nt Eagles Hall Friday night, Dec. Do You Care to Know THAT OUR CRACKERS AND COOKIES ARE ALWAYS MICE AND CRISP? 1 0 WE KEEP THEM IN A WARM, DRY PLACE TO INSURE THIS. FREQUENT SHIPMENTS ALSO INSURE THEIR FRESHNESS ' WE HAVE SOME NICE FRESH POTATO CHIPS WE WILL BE CLOSED ALL DAY SATURDAY, SO RE MEMBER TO ORDER YOUR SUNDAY f SUPPLIES FRIDAY ' Ollivant & Nasburg Tho Good Housekeeping Store HOME OF PURE FOODS Second and Commercial, Marshflold Two Telephones, 109 and 171 Why Not Electric Light For Mother? You have electriety to help In YOUR work why should not mother hnve it too? Mother's work is.hard. You can make it eas ier with an electric iron, an electric vacuum clean er and such labor-saving devices. And at night, the mother who has always taken pride in the ap pearance of your home will appreciate the restful, easy light from a soft-shaded electric table lamp. Cost need not keep you from having your house wired. Already built residence are now wired not only inexpensively, but without damage to the dec orations. Better telephone today and let us ex plain what the expense will be. Oregon Power Co. p DRY WOOD ut I CAMPBELL'S W00DYARD I North Front Street j Phono 370J I ...) .. . .. nADARP HAVE THE ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL Phone 3171 FOR TRANSFER AND STOR AGE OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS FREIGHT AND BAGGAGE Cull FERGUSON TRANSFER Phone 103 Residenco Phone 13-J Market Avo. nnd Wutorfront GOODRUM'S HOME OF THE OADILLAO AND DOU0B AUTO SUPPLIES FOR ALL &IAKES OF CARS 347 Central ax. Phono ,873 WALL PAPER bee VIERS About it. QUATERMAS .STUDIO QUALITY Piw Opposite Blanco Hotel. Phono 106-L. .,, 1 T s, .Martin's Orchestra. r- MARSIIFIEM, "1. " , -