HWWg-tWBl T?7f" 'Y" THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFJELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, DEQEIJIBER 30, 1915,-EVENING EDITION. JlBI "tsrwi THREE, OUND PRICES Leady to Eat Bnider's new process Tomato Soilp, one pound cans10c Campbell's Pork and Beans, )ne pounci 10c tominy, in larae cans, two pounds 15c Jill Pickles, German style, 9 ounces 10c Corn Flakes. 3 packages, one and one-half pounds 25c Fresh Eggs, dozen 45c Poast Toasties, new kind and telling fast 10c Asparagus, can 15c Coos Bay formers Exchange Central Avenue and Waterfront, Phono 370 Let Us Figi ure For You If you nro planning to alter tho furnishings in your home, drop In wd talk It over with tis. Wo will be clad to glvo tho advantago of cur expcrlonco in such matters and will probably bo ablo to assist you la making a eonsldorablo saving la producing tho effect you doslro. Johnson Gulovsen Company QUALITY HOME FURNISHINGS Xortli Trout Htrcot Mirshfleld i Salter's IS THi: PLACE to get youk CANDIES PURE AM) DELICIOUS Wo do not speak of Its QUALITY Tlint speaks for Itself SALTER'S Phono 203-J. Mnrshflelcl Front St., Opposltq Blanco Hotel ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL Corner Market and Broadway Wo solicit all our old patrons of the Lloyd and nssuro thorn tho sanio reasonable rates. E. W. SULLIVAN WEAVINGr-AII kintfs a spec ialty. Mrs. W. W. Nason, 680 12th Courth, So. Phone 220-R THIS LLOY1) FAMILY HOTEL Housekeeping Apartments Two rooms, $8.00 mouth Electricity and Gas. Freo baths' Slooplng rooms, $1.50 wk., up , r Vy , l.r - r tvk i y. -zr- ffflmffltomt K JfcT.S.LJ21fiL--Ar w -ft. i M MfCUliWJ I New Year's ; $fs I Resolutio if X 4 " i""1 ' 1 DHUG BUSINESS Kill l H P006NI 'i ""'" 11 . Of I "The OwFfl '. GOOD PICK 'fAmtau i. ? M Tho Central Avenue DruB.iI yC XOULE THEATER TONIGHT Wf Store 9 Don't You Think nice the SWEATER would proper thing for be these cold days 9 We have them in several colors and weights. ' Priced $2.50 to $9.00 FIXUP Tho JIoiiko E V 12 It Y Multifield That Gitnrantc.cs run on as in :: Xortli Bond Closed All Day Saturday In observance of NEW YEAR'S DAY we will close Friday night until Monday morning Kindly remember to order your supplies for two days 1 on Friday We wish you all a Happy, Prosperous New Year Bunker Hill DepartmentStore W. II. DINDINGER & CO. Phone, 32. ,r Order Your Groceries Friday Wo will bo closed all day Saturday in observance of New Years Day so muko provision for Sunday Wo aro well prepared for tho hpoclnl New Year's o"rdern and If tho Kllhura gets Ju early wo will liavo all tho fresh veg tables nnd fruits ob tainable from tho South Model Cash Grocery Commercial Ave. near Front. Phono 133 , O SELLING GOODS Tho bltr nroblom In selling goods Is getting tho customer Into tho store. Coos Bay Times ads will help you solve , this problem. att7 a . W hAf bQGftkf wmb DECEMBER TIDES TIroo and helgnts ot tides at Marshfleld. Tho tides are placed In order of occurrence, with their times on tho first lino and heights on the second line of each day. A compar ison of consecutlvo heights will in dicate whether It is high or low water. High ttdo on tho bar oho hour and G4 minutes earlier than at Marshfleld. 30Hrs.. 1.2S Ft... 1.7 31 fairs.. 2.19 Ft. . . 4. 1 8.12 C.l 9.03 2.1 3.22 o.n 1.32 4.0 9.04 3.3 10.29 0.3 ., WEATHER FORECAST tUr AuoeUUd Preu to Cm B7 TlmM.J OREGON Fair and con tinued cold: moderate north east winds. LOCAL TEMTERATURU RECORD For tho .24 hour eidlng at 4:13 n. m., Dcccmbc 30, by BcnJ. Ostllnd, spdclnl gov ernment motoorologist: Maximum .43 Minimum 2G At 1:43 a. in 27 Precipitation 00 Precipitation slnco Sopt. 1, 191C 33.G1 Precipitation imho porlod Inst year 33.44 Wind: Northeast, clear. . 8UXRISE AND 8UX8ET Thursday December 29 Sun rises at 7:53 and sets at 4:33 . VlHlt Gardiner. Rev. Robert E. Browning will conduct services In tho Gardiner Episcopal Church to night. Leads Pi'nyor Meeting. Dr. Mat tto B. Shaw will lead tho prayor mooting at tho Baptist Church to night. To Wnteh Yvr Out. Tho Phlla Uioa Club will jld a watch party tomorrow nig..', at tho Baptist Church parlors. Cclobrnto at Empire. Thoro was a big colobratlon at Empire last night when a dauco was hold. Many wont from this city nnd thoro was Quito a lively tinio. Hold Wntchulght Service Thoro will ho a Watchnlght sorvlco at tho Mothodlst Church tomorrow evening to wutch tho old yoar out nnd to wolcomo In tho now. Tho follow ing is tho program for tho evening, from 8:30 p. m. to 10, Epworth Loaguo business mooting nnd social good time; from 10 p. in. to 11, tho Ladles' Aid will havo cliargo; from 11 p. in. until 11:30, tho Brother hood will havo chargo of tho moot ing and from 11:30 p. m. until mid night, will bo tho Wntchnlght ser mon and consecration. To Stand Together. A paper was bolng circulated today among tho morchnnts who four years ago se cured of tho Merchants Morcantllo Company, of Portland, a rating book, collections for which aro now bolng forcod. Tho paper Is n guar nnteo that all of tho merchants will stand togethor, nssumlng tho costs pro rata, if suit Is filed against any ono ot thorn by tho Portland con. corn. Tho belief horo is that they aro being "buffaloed" and attorneys havo advised them that they havo mado all paymouta promised In tholr contracts with tho company. Laid In Big Supply. In anticipa tion of tho long dry upcll, as Indicat ed' by tho prohibition barometer, Frank Talbot last night laid in a big supply of flrowater. After filling every squaro Inch of spaco ho ovor-tl did tho matter by trying to crowd in a llttlo moro. Ho "spilled tho beans" and very shortly after that was so wobbly on his pins that an officer gavo him a tow lino for tho Harbor of Refugo. Having taken n big cargo aboard, Talbot had no m- immmmmmmmim. ir H , I I space left for m.onqy, hence the gen eral fund was the loser. $cndq Gold Sample. r- John R. Smith today shipped GO pounds of concentrates to California from his South Slough mining property. Ho says It will run $12 to $16 a pound and comes from n thick vein. Ho Is sending It as a samplo to parties In California who are looking into tho property. Is Still With Us. Local physicians sny there has been llttlo change m the la grippe situation and that now cases aro being roported, some of them In a serious form. Tho grippe in divided Into four dlfftrent classes, that Is, it may affect, a porson any or these four ways, such as through the bones, tho respiratory passages. etc., or it may f foctJ them all four ways at onco. Tho real seriousness of la grlppo linos In. -what may dovel op later, such as pneumonia. PrlnH Rond Matters. Tho Trl County Bulletin No. 1 is tho namo of a four-pago publication Just re ceived at tho local Chamber of Commcrco from Portland, whoro It Is published. Tho shoot takes raps hero and thoro at county offlclnls around Portland who, In tho belief of tho publishers, havo not gotten tho most out of tho money expended for roads. Tho assessed valuations per capita In coast counties Is given as follows: Lincoln, $1501; Colum bia, $1389; Curry, 1705 Coos, $977; .Clatsop, $1102, and in Tillamook, $2,GG7. To Look Over Keel Ion. J, M. Swcnson, prominent nttornoy qf Sidney, Nebraska, with his bride, Is cxpoctcd horo tomorrow evening to be tho guests of Mr. and Mrs Earl Powell. Mr. Swouson Is a former school mate of Mr. Powell's at tho University of Nebraska and thoy havo not seen each other for years. On leaving school Mr. Swcn son wont into tho land business and soon accumulated qulto a bit of money. Ho is now n practicing nt tornoy in Sidney nnd includes Coos Bay in his honeymoon trip. To get them hero In tlmo for tho dnnco to morrow night at tho Chandler Mr. Powell will havo to sond a special stago up tho boach to Floronco to meet thorn. $3 i AMONG THE SICK t $$ Mrs. Goorgo Adams ot Myrtlo Point submitted to n surgical op eration at Morcy Hospital yester day and- is doing nicely. Henry Miller, who wns oporatcd on nt tho hospital Is getting on woll. Mrs. Boy Mooro, of North First street, Is confined to hor homo to day on account of nu attack ot ton sllitls. MIbs Hazel Cowan yostorday un dorwont a slight operation nt tho Morcy Hospital nnd Is much hotter today. SOCIAL CALENDAR THURSDAY Ladles of Alert Club on tortaln thplr husbands at tho homo of Mr. and'Mrs, W. B. Piper. Trio Card Club with Mrs. 13. F. Lo MIoux. FRIDAY Konstngton Club with Mrs. It. E. Laraway. Mllllcoma Club Now Year party. Dahlia Club Now Year Party with TAr. and Mrs. J. E. Cooloy. SATURDAY Flromon's dauco In Ea gles hall. D. M. C. card party at homo of Mr. and Mrs. Ohas. Williams in North Bond. Eustsldo Social Club with Mrs. I. Hadlock. ... Dauco old year out and now year nt Eagk-s Hall Friday night, Dec. '31, .Martin's Orchestra. I ' SES2 Wc Will Be Closed Saturday In Observance of New Years Day KINPLY ORDER EARLY AND REMEMBER TO INCLUDE SUFFICIENT FOR SU.N.DAY A GOOD RESOLUTION FOR NEW YEAR'S IS "WE. WILL 1 DO ALL OUR TRADING AT THE SANITARY FOOD STORE THIS YEAR." Sanitary Food Store SERVICE FIRST PHONE 213 t PERSONAL MENTION $$ A. W. JOHNSON, of Coquillo, Is In tho city today on business. JOHN B. SMITH came up from South Inlet yesterday on n visit of a fow days. 11. S. BURPBE will leavo In n fow days for Portland on business nnd pleasure. W. S. BONEBRAKE is among tho visitors in tho city today from Catching Inlet. C. W. EGENHOFF, of Sumner, was down today looking into somo mat tors ot business. C. S. M'CULLOCH, county survoyor, Is over today looking into somo surveying matters. MISS OPAL KRANTK of tho Co qulllo Valloy Is tho guest of MnrBhflold frionds. MRS. A. E. BRUENER and Mrs. V. L. Hamilton, of Coquillo, were visitors In tho city today. A. E. KRUSE returned to Bandon on tho morning train, after a busi ness visit hero of sovcral days. A. E. ADELSPERGER left on tho morning train, bound for Dotrolt, Interested in tho lumber husInoRS. EARL POWELL returned homo this morning from Bandon whoro ho attended the Bar Association banquet. MATT L. MAY left on tho morning train, going over to tho tho Val ley to soo that his clients aro get ting plenty to cat. REV. II. B. FOSKETT, pastor of tho Baptist Church hero, will re turn homo tonight on tho over-' laud route from McMlnuvllle, where ho visited his family. . DISTRICT ATTORNEY L1L.1EQV1ST' wag called to Coquillo this morn-! lug on account ot tho trouhlo at' Flshtrnp. Ho will bo back either i tonight or tomorrow morning. MRS. COHAN, mothor of Frank D. Cohan, will nrrlvo horo this eve ning from San FranclHco for a visit. Sho camo through yester day on tho stago to Myrtlo Point. , DWIGHT WOLCOTT has returned I from his honeymoon trip. Mrs. j Wolcott has gone East for a fowl wcoks' visit with relatives. Sho was stormbound at Spoknno Titos day. A. 11. POWERS roturnod yostorday i from a trip to Powers. Ho was i deoply shocked at tho nows of tho ' death of Thomas L. Shovlln whom ho know very lntlmatoly, STANLEY BARTLETT camo over from Coquillo last night on busi ness. According to n report there tho Prospor shlnglo mill may soon ho working two shifts dally. R. F. WHITMAN, mnnagor of tho J. C. Ponnoy Storo horo, will leavo In nbout a week or ton dnys for tho east to nttond tho annual convention of tho managers ot tho 83 Penney stores. J t WATERFRONT NEWS : $$$ Tho Speedwell Is still barnound Insldo at Bandon and hor agents hero hardly oxpect her arrival bo foro tomorrow or Saturday morn ing. No word has boon recolvod from tho gnsolino schoonor Rustler that Is duo in horo from Roguo River. It is oxpected sho will come either this evening or aomo tlmo tomor row. Neither tho A. M. Simpson nor tho steam schoonor Hardy Is oxpoctod hero lioforo Monday morning from Sun Francisco to load lumber. It Is oxpoctod tho Adollue Smith will arrlvo somo tlmo this ovenlug or In tho morning from Oakland to load lumbor at tho C, A. Smith' mill. i Word was recolvod this morning by Agont L. G. Gushing, of tho North Pacific Steamship Company, that tho F. A. Kllburn has boon dolayed nnd will not nrrlvo horo until to morrow morning. Sho was duo lti ) today, nnd to sail this afternoon for Portland. It Is believed tho vessel Jiub been harbouud ai uurunn. -ig yrup ! 1 1 W,U; L',tH t,,at (o,', l j II H Contains no opiates HI (Formerly Nnsburg'a Grocery.) SECOND AND CENTRAL A New Year's Resolution should be to visit the J. C. PENNEY CO. STORE, and examine their merchandise before buying. This policy Will mean a saving of a great many dollars by the end of 1916. ' You can save ."ii rents on n 81.J50 Loggers' Shirt nt $3.08 (Double back, doublo brenst and doublo sleeves.) You ran save r,i cents on n tf-.no Flannel Shirt at $1.IK (In light and dark grays, tan and khaki colors.) You can savo 51 cent on a $2.00 Flannel Shirt nt $t.lO (In grays, browns, tnn, khaki and blue.) You ran save 27 centH on n SI. 2," Flannel Shirt nt ........ .08c (Thoso eomo it brown, blue, gray, oltvo and khaki colors) nnd should ho seen to bo appreciated.) You can savo $1.02 on n $0.00 Sweater at $1.08 (Raglan Slcove, all wool, cardinal, Oxford and maroon colors.) You can savo $1.02 on a $5.00 Sweater n( .$3.08 Tho abnva aio a few of thu many values that cannot ho duplicated e.copt at tearBomtfid S 83 11USY STORES Xct Wishing everyoncs a Happy A Few Prices : SAUER KRAUT (bulk) per quart l.Ul.JJOc CRACKERS (bulk) per pound ..12-1-2o PEANUT BUTTER, (bulk) per pound -'.i!rl21-2o APPLE BUTTER (bulk) per pound .'- 15c Gettings Cash Grocery yoomm 130 XO. BROADWAY, 0 to 8. $1.70. HU to 12, $2.00 Owing to the Fact That We are unable to remove our stock from Marsh field until January 10, account of no boat until that date, we have decided lo remain open ONE MORE WEEK. ANYTHING IN THE STORE AT YOUR OWN PRICE crt VESSEL MOVEM ENTS Airliud Mnnznultn, Astoria, 8 . in. today. D(io to Arrlvo Speedwell, Bandon, tomorrow. A. M. Simpson, Sun Francisco, Monday, Hardy, fin Francisco, taoncJuy. Adelluo Smith, Oakland, tomorrow ,t LOST AND FOUND i 1 $$ i I'Ot'XI) Small imrkngo on Central I1 lv. nntilv II" 'IMlllPH. t WANTED t WANTED Gill for general hou&o work. Mrs. A. K. Adolsporgor, phono 397. NEAT, RELIABLE WOMAN, exper ienced housokcoper, good seani-v 6tro8u, wants position In snmlt family whoro washing Is sent out. $20 per month. Address P. Q. Box 100, Marshfleld, I Kennedy's Ii I Laxative Cough I H nor pultons hi ! PRICE TWO KITS ! I THE BUSY CORNER I! H Wo Duliver Immediately H, Phono 208 "-. - t u-(dq door to Marshfleld Postofflco and Prosperous Now Year. MONEY NEAR CENTRAL Cut ill price of FELTS me.vs sli prints o.io to $t.in WOMEN'S SLIPPERS one to 9M5. CHILDREN'S SLIPPERS l.1o to $1.2.1 GORDONS Shoe Store 2a46ttaM, t FOR SALE t FOR SALE Flvo loom house ufvl lot 50 x 140 with good wqll. Coos uvunuo and Tenth streot south. Apply C. I. Rolgard'4 of fice - FOR KALH Fino rami of fifty acres bottom land and some bench, on tho North Fori; of the Sluslaw River, S 1-3 mllp.fmui Florence. Kxtia good bargain if sold hoforo January IB, XUIC.1 -Address J. H. Box 25, Floronco, Oregon. FOR HAM: Thlity foot giiholluo launch, cheap. Inquire Lloyd hotel. FOR SALE CHEAP Two good lota, tloso hi. Addross "L" enro Times IOR SALE Ono No. 10 visible. Smith Promlor typewriter. On,ly used two weeks. Price $26.00. Iiirjulro W, J. Times. FOR SALE CHEAP Good gas rango. Phono 15G'J. FOR RENT t : FOR RENTi Fourroom houso, fw nlshed, f 10 per month. Apply to Mrs. Kato Hampton, phone D5-L. WILL RENT :J-rooni apt.,. with mod em conveniences to spmo ono for ?5 por mo., for attending fur nace Apply Langworthy barber sIop. FOR RENT O.iooni house, jw4th conveniences, gnrago and sica yard, at 5C7 So. Ninth str$t, Phono 1 17-1, North Bend. F( Jt HEN'IV-Nice nW with heat. Qiillty Stqro. Apply Mutapn'B j i i i 1 v? A . fa i 1