Wb COOS BAY TIMES M. O. MALONEY, Editor and Pub. DAN B. MALONET, News Editor Official Paper of Coos County Official Paper City of Marahflold. Entorod at the Postoffice at Marsh tlotdf Oregon, for transmission through tho mails ai second-class mall matter. I EUROPEAN WAR ONE X t YEAR AGO TODAY i)i:o. ;o, join An air raid Is mado by the Her mans on Cuxliavcn. The nuBslnns attacking tlio Gal iclan forts of Cracow ' nro driven back fifty miles. The Allies mako iiiiBUCcessful at-, tacks at Nleuport. JTIME 18 SHORT i-nHBIlE Is only ono moro day I left beforo tlio closo of tlio A yeap and overy ono who ex pects to mako any good resolutions bad better got busy and have them listod in tlielr minds. Of courso wo all know tbat a lot of thcBO resolu tions do not laBt throughout thd, year by any means, but if they aro really worthy rnes thoy may help some anyway If they only iasi a month or two. $$ t WITH THE TOAST t AND THE TEA $? THK OLD COUNTRY DOCTOR Ho'd stalk to our crlbsldo and ordor us gruffly To stick out our tongues, which wo'd do with such dread, And give, whilo ho handled our pulses so roughly, An ominous shako of his solemn old head. And thon, while ho llstonod to moth er's description Of things wo had eaten and what wo had dono, Ho grimly would fix his old Latin prescription For nastiost modlclnos under tlio sun. Those horrlblo doses! How mother would scold us, And beg us and buy us to tako 'em in vain; Thon, oh, how wo'd struggle when father would hold us, And squoezo shut our noses re gardless of pain. And when forced to open our mouths (illicitly mother Would sliovo in a spoonful that strangled us, till Wo Bplutterod it out Junt In tlmo for anothor, Its vile, nasty tasto'tt in our mom ory still. Soloctlon HUllt Thoy pinched him and ho can't got ball, Dut why Bhould ho got pooved or pout? As long as he's locked up In Jail Thoro Is no way to find him out. Whon you hoar somo Coos Ilay girls trying to play tho piano you reallzo how true It Is that n littlo learning Is a dangerous thing, QUESTION FOR THE DAY Have you over noticed how much noiso tho other fellow makes with out saying anything? Well, do you need any stronger argument to mako you keep your mouth shut? Whon a Coos Day man is allvo his wife thinks that ho Is so insignifi cant that alio Is surprlsod Unit a fly doesn't step on him and crush him, Dut whou ho dies alio gots tho Idea that ho was so Important that hIiu has to go Into debt for flvo years to seo that ho gots tho biggest funeral in town. No Coos Day married man can brag that ho has novor mado a mis take. Even If he did got tho right woman ho oftou haB to hook hor gown up tho back, A man can get 400 lovo letters from her bofore ho marries her, but ho never discovers that she doesn't know how to spoil until after ho has been married for awhile, Tho troublo with tho optimist who is always broko becauso ho says: "Oh, well, yon can't tako it with you whon you die," Is that ho Is always trying to relievo you of your burden of small change so that you will bo light enough to fly in caso anything happenod to you. Every now and then you seo a widow who acts as if sho was too bashful to walk on tho game side of tho street with a man. THE News of Nearby Towns DAD MONEY HERE During tho past weok several counterfeit half dollars have boon circulated in this placo. Thoro ap pears to bo qulto a lot of them In circulation in tho county at tho pres ont tlnio. Coqulllo Herald. .LOSES PART OF FINGER Tom Moss, tho butcher, lost tho first Joint of his forefinger on his loft hand In some mysterious man ner yesterday. Coqulllo Herald. MEAT MARKET CHANGE W. D. Moss, who has Just sold out of tho Moss & Jones incut market, will now engage in tlu business of enttlo buyer. Before coming to Co qulllo; Mr. Moss had many years oxnorlenco In buying for tho Kan sas City and other inarkotB, and what ho doesn't know about boor on tno hoof is not worth talking about. Mr. Jones will locato In North Dend. Coqulllo Herald. WEDDING RINO IS CAUBE OF JN.1 Um- Mrs. Sam Epperson hna blood poison In a finger of her left hand caused from wearing her wedding ring which was too tight and caused her finger to becomo swollen to such nn extent that' blood poison bus result ed from It. Coqulllo Herald. LUSE HOUSE DURNS Palatini Rcsldenco at Suthcrllii Ic Destroyed Fire that broke out shortly beforo midnight Friday completely wiped out tho $-10,000 J. F. Luso resi dence, overlooking Sutherlin, and considered ono of tho finest and most elegant country homes in Southern Oregon. Tho Luso family was attending n Christmas tree celebration in town and discovered tho flames upon pre paring at a Into hour for tho homo ward trip. Owing to tho dlstauco of tho country placo from tho town flro fighting equipment, littlo could bo dono toward controlling the flames and, although moro than 100 volunteer flro fighters workod hero ically, tho placo was a total loss. DIES AT HOSEDUHU A Rosoburg paper says: "Mrs. Frank C. Rodgors, a popular lady of this city, and a resldoat '. RFe burg for tho past nine yo.r. Clod at tho homo of hor moth iv, Mid. fa dlo Pensloy, 527 South Mill Kroet. Mrs. Rodgors had been Jl bo it ilght months, having an affliction : tho lungs. She was 2C years olJ. A sister, MrB. Nolllo Frieze, of Fossil, and a brothor, D. A. Peasley, of Qurdlnor, who In addition to her mother, survlvo hor, aro expected to arrlvo lioro for tho fuuoral. Mrs. Rodgors' husband was omploy cd on tho Rosoburg-Myrtlo Point stage routo. t AT THE HOTELS : $ Chandler Hotel A. II. Cotter, Moro; C. A. Uallntlo, ICugeuo; N. C. Nelson, Eugene; F. S, Pitt, aardlner; J. E. Aasen, Co qulllo; S. P. Dartlett, Coqulllo; E. P. Adams, Myrtle Point; R. V. Jones, Portland; J. It. Boulholf, San Francisco; William Caudllu, Co qulllo. St. Limrcnco Hotel J. C. Hurley, Coqulllo; Thomas II. Haulcy, Coqulllo; Mr. and Mrs. 8. E. Buor, Myrtlo Point; Mr. and. Mrs. G. C. Wilson, Myrtlo Point; John R. Smith, South Inlet; Morris A. Joffo, Powors; J. J. Jones, Pow ers. Blaiu'o Hotel C. S. McCulIoch, Coqulllo; Henry G. Schufer, Powors; W. O. Stull, Allogany; A. W. Johnson, Coqulllo; W. S. Bonobrako, Catching Inlet; W. Babeck, Powors; W. Haydon, Jr., Emplro; 11. F. Macgenn, Emplro; Ed O'Brion, Powers; James Pyron, Powors; C. W. Egenhoff, Sumnor. Tito Coos Bay man who Is always bragging about his own achlovomonts wouldn't bo such an Infernal pest it he was bragging about ours. No Coos Bay man ever went home with a black oyo becauso ho let tho other man do all tho talking, It somotlmes takes a Coos Bay man fifteen years to explain tho sweot littlo uoto ho scribblod In fifteen seconds and sent to her. SALEM Oregon railroads ox pcuded $2,S22,0G8 in extensions and Improvomonts during tho twolve months ending Juno 30. ROSBBURG J. H. Scott, head of a corp of engineers relocating tho Pacific highway, sends word that no will reach Rosobug In ten days. SILVERTON Mrs. Elizabeth hlttock, resident of tho city sluco 184G, died of heart troublo, aged SI years, COOS WYTrMES.MRSriFWCDOfefiofts'HUffSDA'DEok'BaO; 1915-EVENING WELD'S FIRST t: : Whon tho doors of tho saloons closo tomorrow night Marshflcia will have done away with a business which has existed in tho city for tho past 40 years. Liquor has been le gally Bold In Marshflold for that length of tlnio. Liquor was iiBod hero oven farther back but the first retail Biiloon opened was In IS (ID: It was tho Pioneer, and was ti' log structure which stood whero tho Palaco restaurant on Front stroet is now located. The saloon was opened and conducted by A. P. Do Culs n French Caundlau, and the illquor sold was Bhlppcd here from San Francisco. Sold to John Rear In tho early 70's DeCuls sold the place to John Dear who conducted It. When tho saloon was opened it was ono of the only three buildings en tho wator front of tho city. At tho time Mr. Dear conducted the placo thcro was no bank in tho city and Mr. Boar acted In tho capacity of banker .as well is selling liquor. Ho kept his own monoy and any that .might bo left in his chargo at his .residence. Ho had n trap door In tho floor and under it ri, littlo brick vnult whero ho kept the money. Somotlmos ho was tho only ono who had much cash on hand nnd thoro wcro occasions when ho loaned mon oy to tho lumber companies to pay off their men. i Had Hroucry Hero Deer wun made In Marshflold as far back as -15 years ago. About 1870 Qeorgo Staurf and William Raichcrt, who was known as Dick Richard and "Old Dick" started tne operation of tho brewery. Tills was tho old browcry whero tho Ba loon of that namo and tho wholo calo houso is now located. Mr. Stauff soon after sold out to Hal chert nntl In 1874 built n browory or his own at Uttor City which was then qulto a settlement. At Empire First Dut thoro woro saloons on Coos Day boforo tho first ono was started at Marshflcld. Emplro was tho first cottlotnout on tho bay and thcro woro saloons thoro beforo tho Pioneer was started in this city. A. C. Rog ers Ih mild to havo boon tho first sa loon man In Emplro. Others of the early day saloon men In Emplro woro Hopkins, Dllly Duckhorn, Hank Darrott, Frank Knowles and Jim Kolloy. CustouiH Different Tho early day saloon customs woro dlfforont from what thoy aro now. Nothing less than twenty-flvo conts was nccopted. Dimes woro not In circulation then. Tho system of r GEORGE LAIRD WILL HAVE FINE DAIRY Ranch on Coqulllo to Do A Finely Apixiliitctl Ono and Highly Modern Gcorgo Laird Is to havo ono of tho most modoru dairy farms in this part of tho stato according to tho follow ing from tho Western World of Ban '.lop.: " Sovon puro-blood Holstclns, pur chaBOd at tho Star ranch In Curry county by Gcorgo P. Laird, woro brought to lmndon last Friday, and ion Saturday shipped up tho rlvor to tho now Laird ranch. Thoy aro of tlio finest and highest-priced stock in this section of tho state, and will to tho uuelouH for a herd of equal quality. Eleven head of young stock for tho sumo owner aro at tho Sweot ranch, whero thoy will bo fed until spring. A numbor of thoroughbrod bogs and littlo pigs havo also been taken to tho ranch. M. G. Lutsoy or Curry county, who will havo chargo for Mr. Laird, took Ids family and bolouglngs thoro Tues day and will boglu at onco gottlng the dulry plant organized. Ih Near Itivertoii Tho Laird ranch consists of about 130 ucres opposlto and extonds about u mllo south of Rlvorton, along the rlvor. It commands a beautiful view, tho houso and barn setting against the side of tho hill, considerably high er than tho rest of tho laud. Tho house Is a modem slxroom bungalow, with all tho latest couvonleuces down to a shower bath. Darn Flno Ono Tho barn is tho envy of overy Co qulllo valloy farmer. It can accom odate about 50 head, has concreto Door, steel stanchions, stalls that can bo Rushed out with running wat er, and nil tho latest tramways ana conveyors. It also has a mammoth hayloft. Commodious outbuildings for pigs havo also been constructed. Place Doing Cleared Much slashing has been dono on this placo during tho past fow months but thoro U moro to bo dono. AVhon r.11 tho nvallablo bottom land has beon 'cleared thoro will bo sufficient to keop from 50 to GO head of cattlo. Tho way In which Mr. Laird is keoplnk up quality In building his plnco, indicates that ho will havo ono of tho most up-to-date ranches In tho county, SALOON STARTED 46 YEARS AGO treating was different. When u man entorod tho saloon ho was sup posed to buy drinks for whomever was there. Thon ho could Walt and accept drinks from tho others who camo in and bought and it was porfectly proper. It was thoruforo v.'lso to got in tho saloon early no tlio later comer had a good many to buy for when ho entorod. Gambling Flourished It has not been so many years ago that gamlilng flourished In connec tion with tho Biiloon. Tho frequent ers of tho places played for high utukes and the old timers tell of spino famous games which were play ed In the back rooms of tho Marsh flcld saloons. Thoy woro open gambling rooms and wero well pat ronized. After tho shooting uml killing of n man in a local saloon tho gamoimg was dono away with and there) nev er was public gambling again. This roform camo nbout whon John S. Ccko wns mayor of Marshflold. No Keys Needed Up until about eight years ago tho saloons wcro open all the tlmo, days nights nnd Sundays. No keys wero needed ns the doors wero novor locked. Along about thoso times everybody had plenty oU monoy and thoy spout It. Tho saloons wcro .patronized lato at night sufficiently thnt It paid thorn to keep open. Then camo tho closing of tho sa loons on Sunday and at la o'clock at night. Now they nro to closo for tho lust tlmo and go out or business Early Dottlegger.s If anyone is arrested for bootlog glng after tho first of tho year It will not bo the first time. Beforo saloons oxlstod on Coos Bay men woro arrested for bootlegging In tho CO'n nnd In tlio GO's. COQUILLE VIEW STATED It wns a sorrowful looking bunch of men tbat wont homo to Powers on tho train Monday from Marsh flold. Thoy woro drunken men, mon with bandngod heads nnd black eyes and bruised up faces. They had tho nppcaranco of u wild Western crowd on a vacation. Coqulllo Her ald. WED IN COQUILLE COQUILLE, Ore, Dec. 30. Sev eral weddings took placo horo dur ing Christmas weok. Mllo R. Dun ham and Naomi Bollou wcro mar ried by Justice- Stanley. Claud Brown nnd Miss Mlnnlo Smith, both of Flslitrnp wcro also married horo by Justlco Stanley. GcSuCan 'TQIii1iiiiOTt3I TO-DAY From Your Hardware or Grocery Dealer1 CITY TO BUY WATER WORKS Marshflold will operate Its own municipal wator works, replaco tho old mains and oulargo tho present system. Just when tho city will take ovor tho plant has not been decided. In tho mean whilo, howovor, tho water com pany has agreed to plpo wntor to ny and all now homes which may bo erected in Porhnm Park, so yood water sorvlco is assured, also telephouo and elcctrlo light service. If you aro looking for an attracttvo bomcslto closo In at an oxtremoly low figure and easy torms, "SICK REID ABOUT IT" Second Hand Pianos & Oraans We have some second-hand pianos and some slightly used instruments that will be sold at exceptionally low prices, and terms to suit. L. L THOMAS MUSIC STORE 73 Central. Avenue The Question The money Question Is tlio question of every iiiiiii'h future. Do not think that becauso joii have but littlo money that It Is not worth -while to Mart an ac count. Tlio account opened now may ho tlio foundation of your fortune. First National Bank of Coos Bay Marshflcld, MM OLDEST RANK IN COOS COUNTY Established 1880. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $118,000 - Interest paid on Tlmo AND BAV1NG3 DEPOSITS Officers 1. W. Dennett, President. v I l ' J. II. Flanagan, Vlco-Presldcnt. It. I Williams, Cashier. Geo. F. Winchester, Asst. Canuter. High Quality Groceries Our own prompt and particular delivery service Ef ficient clerks being out of the high rent district and keeping our prices as low as consistent with good busi ness makes Conner &. Hoagland The Leading Grocers Dealers in Good Groceries 797 South Broadway. Phones 348-J and 326 GRAVEL' Wo aro now prepared to furnish GRAVEL in any tuantltlei from pllo In our yard or In carload lots, at following prlcos: From pllo on ground, ?2.vr per yard. Canoad lots, taken from cars, 2.00 por yard. Retail Dopartnmat. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. Opposlto PosOfflco. Abstracts rOK KIHJAULU ABSTRACTS OF TITLE AND IM tHtMATIOrt ADOUT COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. MAHSlIFlEIiD AND COQUILLE CIT1 OREGON GENERAL AGENTS, EAST81DE AND SBNGSTIACKKN'S ADDITION AGENTS FOR CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILROAD LAN DM nENRV BENGSTACICEN. MANAGER NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY S. S. F. A. Kilburn SAILS FOR PORTLAND (Via Astoria) DECEMDER !U. FROM SMITH TERMINAL DOCK For Further Information Call ISO. L. G. GUSHING, Agent. EXPERT WELDING of METALS Steel, brass, cast, iron and aluminum castings made like new DEMONSTRATIONS DAILY. Koontz Phone 180-J. Puget Sound Bridge & Dredging Co. Dams, Bridges, Buildings. General Construction . COMPLETE PLANTS FOR HARBOR WORK Our Coos Bay office has available for Oregon Coast work the Dredge "Seattle" tfco most powerful, best equipped and most thoroughly modern twenty-inch hydraulic dredge In Pacific waters Coos Bay office, Marshfield, Oregon. EDITION. . Oregon Phone 100. Garage North Front Street Main office, Seattle, Washington. I HI I PRissiorJAT Dr. A. L. - -- - 1 11 'lyIclnn Offlcoilrv.n: "I Office ,10"rs: 11 to la r! -1 and Phones ls 0co I.13.J. Rft, f . ' Il('i lilt. J. M. Wright EatlmatesfurniahS?.08. , " "Hett Dr. H. M. sham L My Knr and Throat BpccUlu i1 'o 330, llooms MATTIB II. SHAW, Physician ana 8urgeo J DR. noiiO UU0.J, H. G. Rlltlnr uiVII, ENGINEER 304 Coko Bid ph0n6 UH Room -UUUD J. W. G. Rhnnrilnn ARCHITECT Rooms 301 and 302, Coke Balldlw Marehflold, Oregon. T.J.HOAIFH A.n.nODOo, . .,,m,.w, Estimates FnrnlJwi Plioao 140-R. JUrslifUM r-i "i TIME TA1UB WILLAMETl'E PACIFIC MMCi CAR LCI1V0 " iMU Marahflold ' North rLt 0:45 a.m. 7.45 n.m. 8:45 a.m. 9:45 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 11:30 n.m. 12:50 p.m. 7:00 is. - 8:00 1 9:00 la. i 10:15 tin, i ' 11:00 lb. ll! i 1:16 pja, 2:00 j. 3:00 pjo, 4:00 pa, 5:15 p.m. S:SS p.m. North city limit on);. 7M5 p.B, 1:15 2:45 3:45 5:00 P.m. p.m. P.m. p.m. 5.40 p.m. C:55 P.m. 7:30 p.m. SAVE MONEY . by ordering tlio fsmou HENRYVILLE COAL Nut coal, por ton I4M Lump coal, )or ton 5JM Or half ton of both $4.W D. MUSSON, Pf. Phono 18-J or Icaro orden M lllllyor'n Cigar Btore. WOOD-GOOD WOOD W. II. LIiiko has It nt 9HM m4 $2 cash per load, also coal, vWb prices reasonable Gnrbago wewf od. Phono 2274. SOUTH COOS RIVEIl BOAT BEIWICB L.UNC1I EXl'HESS leaves Marshflcld eTcry dj 8 n, in. Leaves head of rim at 8:15 p. m. STEAMER IUIND0W loaves lioad of river dally Ml . in. Leaves Marshflcld at 2 f in. For cliartcr apply on bosrd.' ROGERS & BMITH Propriotori PARE TEN CENTS City Limits North Bend, 8. ' nn COMMUTATION nn J TICKETS $1.78 LV Blarahfleld-North Bond Auto , Una Can overy ton nlnutc Uq O a. in. to 13 p.m.? to Soa SlouRh onco a dav, leaving 11 h. in. to Empire threo 1. a day. GORST KING, lTop. MERCHANTS CAtf Good Meals Driooc Rpn.c-nnah e Cor. Conuuorclal and D'dr. -,i 4 . ) inn WESTEKN Luan iw" BUILDING CO. Assets $240,000.00 Pays 8 per cent on savW . S. KAUFMAN fi P0. nna reasuio 0 i dungan mlNQ I undertaker will W " J charge ' I Phone 10W ' J yfaUifoH1 i ' if I