HmzgaBffl Sn IOST OF lis ARE WILLING TO FORGIVE THE ENEMIES WHOM WE CANT WHIP A PAPER THAT A CLEAN WHOLESOME NEWSPAPER FOR ALL SOUTHWEST OREGON HOMES BELIEVES IN THE BEST AND-ALWAYS BOOSTS MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PKESS kl. No. XXXIX. Established 1878 Ah Tho Const Mnll MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1915 EVENING EDITION. .Y Consolidation of Times, Const Mall Ma 135 nm) Coos liny Advertiser. '"' ' 1K19 Glims Ulan WttMB RANGE GROVES SNOW COVERED Eouthcrn California Has Un- usual Weather Not Exper- enced There for Years RQP NOT DAMAGED Inusually Cold Weather Re nted From All Over the Northwestern States IGHT BELOW AT BAKER (l(?r In Montana Ono Above fro at Hpokiino TIiIh Morning 'Mid Similar KcportN from Iilaiio mid Kustent Oregon Points MEUCl'UV WENT LOW ON COOH IIAV Tho mercury ' dropped down to 2G dogreos below zero at Marsh field, thd jnmo ns at Seattle, and Inst night and today water was frozen over on tho walks and In tho streets. LOS ANGELES. Doc. 30. Dawn rtaled todnv at many points In tho ntiicru California citrus fruit ills- rid tho romnrkablo spectacle of or te trees mantled with snow. Itj 11 a scoao not witnessed in many kra hut tho temperatures did not a-e helow 32, and tho ornngo crop" riercii. noiinmngo. Snow foil In Hollywood, si suhurli l Los Angolos, although It rained tho city Itself. Tho valleys retching eastward In Ulversldo i San lloruardlno count Its. how- tr. woro blanketed almost as henv- I; as tho mountains usually arn this lsof tho year. SNOW QUITE HEAVY lute Inches nt Hlnltn nnd HP'oni- lugton, California (Br AixxtiteJ rrrta I Com BarTlmra ) RIVERSIDE. Calif., I)c. 30. Ireo Incites of snow foil this ernlng at Hlalto and nioomlngton. trrls, 17 miles southeast, reported itn and n half inches qf snow', on (round. (JUTS IIEI.OW zimo ffrjr Cold In Idaho, Miiiitana and Eastern Oregon SPOKANE, Wash., Doc. 30. frfnporatures near or below zoro ere recorded In Idaho, .Montana ami tern Oregon today. Kalispol sd Havro, Mont., roportcd 10 host-. In Spokano It was 1 nbovo to at 9 o'clock this morning. COLD IN XOUTII t linker Tenneriitiiro In Eight Be low Zero ' Bf AuocUt4 Iren to Cooj Ba- Tltua.J PORTLAND. Oro.. Doc. 30. Un- ml cold provallcd throughout tho erthwest today. Tho mlulmum in ittle was 2C) and In Portland 2S, lukor It was 8 bolow zoro. 1EPORTED BROOKINGS MILL MAYJE OPENED wior In that Ohcii Lunibei' Com puny May Tako Over tho Plant and Operate GOLD BEACH, Or., Dec. 30. Ar igements aro reported to liavo made by tho Owens Lumbor wpany to tako over and oporato sawmill at Drooklngs. Tho mill ' built a year ago at great ox- e, but was shut down last Fall Mceount of markot conditions. It' -Id to bo tho only mm on N from which vessels aro louuou. neanB of an overhead cublo tram- The Owons Lumber Company a lurgo tract of very flno red )d timber In tho northern part of 'I Norto County, California. This ler Is all conveniently situated f logging to tho Brookings mill. "S would keep tho mill busy for WT years. Nothing official re ding tho roport has been given t TO WED AT COQUILLK jC. Elliott and Mlssj AVlnnlo Par. I sons to Marry 'V G Elliott and Miss Winnie Par- went to Coqulllo today anu m married In that city tomorrow ar- oon Tho groom Is loruiunj Stockdalo, Kas., and worked on Bluford DavIs ranch and tho es Landrlth ranch and is now loyd at Honry Hoeck's camp orldo was formerly irom -England, and has been ho-o t a year and was employed as a at tho Chandler Home un -"" Tho counlfe wlll reside on E BETWEEN SCOTTSBUIUi AND AL LEGANY MOUNTAINS COVERED Prof. AVulto and ltohcrtf.on Return From Four Days Hike Kind Ileal Christ mas Scenes Snow has beou falling In tho mountains between Scottsbtlrg and Allegany. Principal Walto and Prof. Robertson, of tho high school, re turned this morning from a Bovoral days lilko ovor tho Wlllamctto Pa cific right-of-way to Gnrdlnor and thonco out to Scottsburg, returning via Allegany and tho boat route. A short dlstanco out of Scottsburg yesterday tho travelers walked for tiulto a dlstanco throughtlio snow, from ono to two luetics of tt. Tho trees woro draped with tho whlto ninntlo. Tho snow covered tho shrubbery and the valleys and "down swept tho chill wind from tho moun tain tops." It was truly a Christmas scono of tho far cast nnd ono that falls to put In an appearance on Coos Hay. Tho men found tho track Is laid from Coos Hay to within about four or five miles of Itoeilsport. Mon nro at work beyond that point driving piling for tho sections of necessary trestllng to tho Umpqua. Yesterday tho travolors tramped .17 miles, from Scottsburg to Alle gany, whoro thoy stayed InBt night, coming back homo this morning on tho Mllllcomn. Tho trip was started curly .Monday morning nnd each walkor carried a light puck. IT '1HHH.MOMKTHH SINKS TO lid DE GHEES Hl'ltH-K-U Red Huts and Noses Piny Prominent Part In Coldrst Snap of (lie Year No Sign of Breaking It was cold this morning. Mrs. Hon Ostllnd, wcathor observer, said tho thormomoter had been ns low as 20 degrees above zoro, or six bolow freezing. Immediately tho wintry blasts increased ton fold mid today was easily proclaimed tho coldest of tho yoar. Hut thoro Is still room for1 conso lation. Last Dccombor 21 tho glass got quite guy nnd hopped down to 23 ! degrees, Just for tho sport of tho thing and lmmodlntoly ovory oldest Inhabitant began tolling stories about tho tlino In years long gono by when Coos Itlvor frozo up so hard that teams could got across. And it lias been much coldor horo In tho past, Thoro actually have boon times whon tho rlvor frozo elenr across at tho forks and bouts liavo bom unablo to paddlo their wny up Btreani breaking tho Ico from about their -bows. And many n youngster, now grown to manhood, can reniom bcr tho times thoro used to bo skat ing on tho lakes near Empire and tho kiddlos of tho neighborhood mado skates out of hits of Iron nnd blocks of wood, Thoro Is a gonoral cold spoil ovor tho entire Northwest. Thoro Is no In dication today of a lot up. Tho wenthor Is clear as a boll. Tho thor momotor any of tlieso mornings may cliaso down into tho collar", lltornlly speaking, and thou tho householder wnko up In tho cold and crisp dawn 'to find his water pipes burst and n goodly portion of tho Coos Day Wat or Company's supply finding a now outlot ovor tho kitchen floor. Local plumbing, for tho moat part, Is nbovo ground, with llttlo precau tions taken to guurd against the cold p3 tlmt wlll como ,,, 81,lt0 of Ul0 fuct ti,nt this Is Coos Hay. And tho , umuerB nro kept on tho alert, walt- ing llko tho members of tho flro do- l-artment wait, for emergency calls. GOLF IS POPULAR ON PACIFIC COAST Mirny New Coiusi's Hcljfc I41I1I Out and Growth of Gaim 111110 In SeiiNatloiiuI IVf AwocUI4 l're to Com Oar TlmM.J SAN FHANCISCO, Dec. 30. Golf on tho Pacific coast, and es pecially in California, has had llttlo bhort of a sensational growth and the statement that a player will be fore long bo able to tee off at Seattle nnd nlav down! to San Diego is not expected to be far removed from the litoral truth at the rate new coureea ure being laid out. Eastern players who have played over. Pacific coast courses have been ganerous .with their praise concerning them and lmvo admitted that comparative near ness alone gave Florida its winter golf season, against California. SNOW MANTLE CI COLO 0 HUDID DIES SUDDENLY Chief Executive of Minnesota Has Stroke of Apoplexy at Clinton, La. THERE TlEE DAYS Made Trip to Inspect His Ex tensive Lumber and Land Interests in South A PROMINENT DEMOCRAT Was Xnthtt of MiiKsiii'liusctlH mill Had lA'inl Aetho Life Served In Congress mid Made Gocr- nor in MM I HHPUULICAX Wllilj SUCCEED IN OFFICE (D? AmocIUM Titm 10 mo eT Time. ST. PAUL, Minn.. Dec. 30. .1. A. lltirnn.ulst, n llo publlcnn, Lieutenant Gover nor, wub sworn In ns Gover nor today to succeed Ham mond, a Democrat. Itlir AMorUlCtl lrti lo C001 Day Tlmfn.) CLINTON. La., Dec. 30. Gover nor Wluflold Scott Hammond, of Mtnnosotu, died suddenly In iC hotel hero early today from a stroke of apoploxy which tho physicians stated was apparently siiporlnduced by n recent attack of ptomaine poising. Ho died before the physicians could nrrrvo. Ho arrived hero threo days ago to inspect, his extensive- laud and lum ber Interests. Horn in tho East Wluflold Scott Hammond was born at Southboro, Mass., Nov. 17, 1S03, and was tho sou of John W. Hammond; Ho was educated nt Dartmouth and secured tho degtce of Aj II. In 1884 nnd tho dogrco of A. M. in 1889. Tho governor's homo wnB St. James, Minn. Ho hud loud a very actlvo llfo and had practlcod law nnd wnB ono of tho prominent democrats of Minnesota. Tho following nro somo of tho im portant steps in his carcor: Principal, High School, Mankato, 1881-1885; Superintendent Schools, Mndolla, 188C-1890. Admitted to Minnesota Dar, 1891; practiced Mu dnlla, 1891-1805; at St. James slnco 189n; County Attornoy, W'ut cnwnn' County, 189C-189G, nnd 1900-190ri; President, noard of Edu cation, St. James, 1898-1903; mom bor Minnesotn Stato liar Association; member COth to tho C3rd Congress for 2nd Minnesota District. 1907 1915; olected Governor Minnesotn, Nov., 19H. Death Comes Quickly The governor had not boon woll for Bovornl days but did not con sider his condition sufficiently sor tous to consult n physician. Shortly nftor breakfast tho governor wont into tho washroom. A moment Int er his secretary and others heard him groaning. Hushing in thoy found hi in on tho floor nnd ho ox plrod within a fow minutes. Tho body will bo started for St. Paul Into today, uovornor nun or Louisiana and staff wlll accompany tho body as far as Vlcksburg. DIES IN THE SOUTH JOE O'LAUGHLIN SUDDENLY SUCCI'MIIS IN SAN FKANCIKCO Well Known Employe of Smith-Powers Company Stricken Within a Month After Ills Mmriiigd Joo O'Luughlln of Powors, ono of the best known employes of tho Smith-Powers logging compuny, dlod suddouly this morning ut a hospital In San Francisco. Ho wont to Cali fornia a mouth ago to bo married audi xvas taken sick with stomach troublo within a week after tho wo4 dlng day. A couplo of days ago A. II. Powors recolx'ed a lettor from Mrs O'Laughlln saying that ho was much improved and that thoy would bo homo this weok. The telegram announcing his douth enmu this morning. Mr. O'Laughlln had been on Coos Bay for about six years. Ho had been In tho emplojj of tho Smith Powers company at Honryvllio and Coaledo and recently was in chargo of tho warchouso and commissary ut Powers. Mr. O'Laughlln hud boon on' Coos one years old and was raised near Now Haven. Conn. Ho had no rel atives in this vicinity. His brldo was Miss Smith, former ly a resident of Coaledo. Her moth er was formorly in chargo of the Smlth-Poxvera Hoarding housos at Camp Ono, Henryviljo and Coaledo. A sister, Mis. Williams, resides at Powors. The message did not state whether tho body would bo brought here for burial. Before going south, Mr. O'Laugh lln had furnished a home for his bride at Powers and they had sent additional furnishings fropi San Francisco for (heir now hpmo. , T PROM PLANK i LEAHEHS SAY IT MUST HE IN PLATFORMS Oilienvlso It Is Declined Mnny Will Turn From tho Democratic and HeptibllcnuPuilles 111 Aocltcl I'rro la Coo Ilr Tlmfi.) CHICAGO, Dec. 30. -Predictions that If tho national democratic and republican platforms do not contain a 'prohibition plank thore will bo many defections frjmi thoso parties to tho prohibition pnrtyrworo mndo today by tho prohibition leaders gathered hero to coiiBldor tho com ing campaign. , E TRIAL VL OF HOCKEKELLEK AND OTIIEHS SOON TO CLOSE Svw Yoik, Now Haven ami Hartford Knllnmd Suit In Progtvxs Slnco October '. e '' lllr Atiocltttil rrru to Com lUf Tlnin.l NEW YOUIC. Dep. .Ip.Tho do fenso tested its niso today at tho trial or William Hockefellcr nnd ton other former directors or tho Now York, Now Haven and Hartford rail road, charged with conspiracy under the Sherman nutt-triist law to mon opolize tho railroad traffic of Now England. The trial lias been in progress since Oct. 31. ' STEAMEH NVACK DESTHOVED AT MUSKEGON, MICH. Was O110 of Oldest Itoaj.s In Patiseu tier Sen ho on'ihe (iicit lilu's MUSKEGON. Mich.. Dec. 30. Tho iiteamer Nyack, 0110 or tho oldust ves belu In the passenger lmaliim.8 on tho Great Lakes, was liurticd at her dock. hero today and sunk to tho bottom, Tho origin Is unknown. The loss Is $150,000. IS SALVATION AHMY HEADQrAHT. EltS AT HUTTE DAMAGED HcHovcd That .Man Who Ilml Dis pute Over WngoM Caused the Explosion , in? AMOcliteJ 1'reJi to Cooa rr TlmM.J HUTTE, Mont., Doc. 30. Tho nuartors of tho local branch of tho Salvation Army woro damaged today by an explosion of dynnmlto. It blow out tho entlro storo front nnd shat tered tho glass across tho stroot. Toyg and othor iirosonts for tho Christmas colobrntlou tomorrow woro blown tuto tho strcot. William Peterson, formerly em ployed by tho Salvation Army, who had n dlsputo ovor wages, was ar rested as a suspect. SEATTLE UHEWEHY FILED SUIT IN FEUEUAL COPHT Would llestrulii Attorney General From Acting Till V. 8. Court Decides Case Uy Aaaotlaled )'raa lo Cooa llr TlmM.J TACOMA. Wnsb., Doc. 30. At tacking the prohibition monsuro which becomos offoctlvo Jununry 1, tho Seattle Browing and Malting Company filed a suit In tho Federal couit hero today against Attornoy Gonoral Tunner, nsklng for u tom porury restraining ordor prohibiting Tannor from proceeding against the company for tho manufacture and shlpmont of bcor out of the state, ponding tho disposition of Its action In tho United States court. It at tacks tho amondmont on tho ground that It wns not passed In uccordanco wlh tho law. SOUTHKHV CHINA EXPECTED TO UISE UP SOON Chances for Siicccsn of tho Mow- ineut At Said to Ho Very Slight (Ur -' lata l'rw lo Cooa Hay TlmM.J SHANGHAI, Dec. 30. A tom ogram from Chong Tu, tho capital of Sze Chuon proxlncc, suys thero aro Indications for an unprlslng in western China bolng planned. Sec ret proporationsl aro being made for a revolt. Tho opinion Is exjiroiiscd howover that the chances for tho success of tho movonient uro small. 8HOEMAKEK IMPHOVKS (Special to Tho Times) ROSEBUUG, Oro, Dec 30. Carl D. Shoemaker, tho state gamo warden who underwent an operation, Is get ting along nicely Tho operation was for Iho rollef of a goiter. I NEBLY.EDD 1 HUHTE USED mm UNCTION VOLT SPREAD PLAN A CLOSED PAN AMERICA Secretary Lansing Proposes Arbitration for Settlement of Boundary Disputes ' KILO KEEP PEACE Suggests the Prohibition of Shipments of War Muni tions to Revolutionists PRESIDENT APPROVES PLAN Tho Proposal Ih Doing Forwarded by HcprcsentiitlvcM of tho South and Central American Hvpuhlics to Their Gowruiucnts (llr AitoilalM Pitm to Cooa I)r TlmM.J WASHINGTON, I). C, Dec 30. Secretary Lansing has suggested to all nations which, with the United States comprise, the Pan-American union, that thoy Join In a convention for tho arbitration of all boundary disputes nnd for the prohibition of shipments of war munitions to revo lutionists. Tho proposal, which has the full support of the president, is botng for warded by the Latin Ainetlcau am bassadors anil ministers hero to their homo foreign offlcos. It Is re garded us ono of the steps In tho wldu plan In which tho Pnu-Ainert-can Sclontifio Congress now In ses sion horo In a part, for the preser vation of peace 011 tho Western hem isphere, and a closer union of all Americas. Details Kept Secret The status of tho negotiations and details or Lansing's proposal ho fai ls being held confidential bolweou the stato department ami the Latin American chancellors hero. It be came known howowr that soon af ter Lansing delivered his Pan-Amor-lean unity speech lieforo the scientif ic congress, in which ho advocated a Pan-America "Ono for till, all for one," he began Inviting tho Latin American representatives to the stntn department, two at a time, and outlined to thorn his proposal. Ono of the first elements of tho propos al Is tho preservation of peace on the American continent. NO'I ALLOWED TO ENTEH .1 PA KE. TllltorUH TEXAS Get Off Train front Sonera anil G'o On Foot to (ho .Mexican , City fly- Alio, latfcl I'reu to Cue lUf Tlmra J EL PASO, Toxub, Due. 30. llurrod by tho Unltod Stutes war department from entering Juarez tliiough Texas, 1200 do facto government soldlors from Sonera dotruluod today at l'o leu, N. M., six miles west nnd start ed on foot for Juurez. MANV AUK SEEKING FOH GOLD! AT POUT OHFOHD Woiklug On PMccs Which lu the Early Diijn Yielded Dig I to tal ns to Prospectors (Special to Tho Timos) POUT OHFOHD, Ore., Due. 30. Noi since mo curly sixties 11ns tuero Leon as many beuch minors on the ttaoh here uu uro found at this time, ten different outfits are hard at work and It wus reported yoBtorduy that one outfit took out $13 In ono uuy. 'inlg bouoli was rich in the wily dais men niudo as high us ?b'U0 a day. A crow of three men started at work ut the mouth of Gold Hun Just Miiith of ilattlo Hock, this is the same giound that Captain Tlohouor's daughter, Anna, miuod in the fiftlos uud after sho did her housework alio vould go down 011 tho beach and ruck out us high as f 100 a day. Nearly every foot of the South Fork of tho Sixes Is bolng miuod this ulnljr and It Is repoitod tliut somo pro making more than wuges. ASHLAND The Southom Pacif lo is building a now repair shed at tho railroad round house SALEM Tho Marlon county poul try Bhow wlll bo hold In January and many prizes have been offered. 0jij.iiiv 'ijjmlooiso on.O'j. 'J(i ci ouoii.i -ofli ocrua mo -qiro 435(0.10, onuajjoiu nuu piioii t(wwua) 'H VI 'peaa it.o.) m-ouuj 1 IKMoadiuj no 03uo ju uuo qj nnor.iif ' ii u AT FIELD MAKSHAL VON MACKEN SEN AT HULGAIMAX CAPITAL Calls Upon Austrian ami Gorman Minister and Also Confer With King Ferdinand nr AMocltled r-rett to Coos llajr TlmM.J LONDON, Doc. 30. A soinl-offlc-lat telegram from Sofia, Bulgaria, states that Field Marshal Von Mnc kciiBen arrived thoro yesterday. Af ter visiting tho German and Austri an ministers mid King Ferdinand, he returned to headquarters. GHEEK VESSEL HEADED KOU POUT UNDEIt OWN STEAM; ltuilio MpsMigo Deceived Today 3ayM She Is Mukliij: Four Mile an Hour lly AiaocUtetl I'rrn to Coot Hay TlmM.J NEW YOUIC, Dec. 30. Another radio message wns received today from the Greok steamer Thcsnlou- Ikl. It Is roportcd that the vessel Is mnklng four miles nu hour and oxpectii to roueh port under her own steam. TAKE TURK ISLAND FHENCII THOOPS UEI'OHTED TO HAVE OCCUPIED PLACIv As a Naval llano the Island Is Hcgurd cd un Doing Highly Vnlimhlo tllr AaaoctatM 1'rMa to Cooa ll7 TlmM.J PAKI3, Dec. 30. French troops have occupied tho Turkish Island of CuBtolorlzo In the Aegean Sea be tween the Island of Hhodcs nnd tho Gulf of Adndu. According to the morning papers In Paris tho posses sions of Castelorlzo us 11, naval buso Is characterized ns ludlsponslhle. FIGHT CONTINUES GHUMANS AND FUENCH HOTII MAKE CLAIMS AiiNtrluiiN mill HiiKslaiiH nro Evident ly Engaged lu it 'Dovpornto Struggle In Uiikonlim (lljr Aaaocltled 1'rraa to Cooa liar TlmM.J LONDON, Doc. 30. Heavy fight ing continues in the Vosges region, Berlin announced today. Tho posi tions near Hartmnniis-Wellorkopf had boon reconquered by tho (lor minis. A British surprlso attack near Llllo fulled. Purls recounts tho repulse of a Gorman attack wost of Poroniio. Horo It Is bnlloved tho Hussluns nro undertaking 11 great offensive In Hukowliia, near tho Bossarahlan bordor, although Potrogrnd Is silent 011 the subject. Austrian roports tolling of at tacks by dense masses of Uusslnii troops Indicate nu Important bnttlo Is underway. On the oxtromo north ern front tho Gormuns uro attacking uour Huko Bnblt, xvhlla tho Husslans aro threatening Mltau. These opposing attacks croato a dollcuto situation, ns n successful ndvanco by either would eudnngor considerable forces of the opponent. No developments are reported lu the Balkans. LIGHTHOUSE TENDER ARRIVES EARLY FROM PORTiaXI) Put in New Buoy to .Murk End of Jet ty Now Range Lights for Rocky Point The lighthouse tender Mnnznnlta arrived off tho bur early this morn ing uud at eight o'clock crossed lu and this morning was engaged in fixing tho lights lu tho vicinity of Rooky Point whoro tho channel turns. At 2 p. m . tho Mnnzunlta crossed out again to overhaul tho boll1 buoy marking Buitlmoro Rock, near tho Capo Arugo Lighthouse, uud albo to ropluco tho bur buoy marking tho end of tho North Jetty. This buoy wus washed away into the breakers during u recent storm. ' With tills work done tho Mniizau Ita will come Into tho buy and to morrow tho crow will probably bo i work fixing tho 1 tinge lights that murk tho junction of Catching In let uud the Coos River oliuunolB. Superintendent Hoadley arrived oiorlaud several duys ago. 1IARCOURT TO HE VICEROY OF INDIA Ur AwocUtM l'f to cooa Da; Tlmta WINNIPEG, Dec. 30. A London dispatch says that Lewis Harcourt has resigned from tho cabinet to become Viceroy of India A S TI I S MA AUSTRIA LOSES III W Fleet Seeks to Bombard Dur- azzo, but is Driven Off by Allies' Vessels ONE STRIKES MINE Destroyer Lika Blown up and the Triglav Sunk by EnemyBoats OTHERS FLEE FOR BASE Other Encounters Hclil In Effort to Interrupt Transportation' of tho Italian Troops and Keep Sup piles from tho Serbians ! MANY PHISONEHS v DYING IXHEHIIIA (llr AitvllIM I'rvaa U (. Mf TlfflM. HEULIN. Dec. 30. (Wlro- less to Snyvlllo) Poor sani tation In tho Siberian prison camps has caused numerous deaths. In Novo Nlkolaluv 7.000 prisoners dlod from ty phus. 444a4444a444 (11; AmoIIm T-ma to tma Tla; TlmM.J PARIS. Dec. 30.A French mailuo department statement says: "Tho Austrian naval division, hav ing como out from Cnttnro on tho Adriatic for the purpose of bombard ing Durnzzo, certain siiundrous of tho allies wont forth to give battle. Tlio Austrian torpedo boat destroy er Llkiu encountered a mliio and wns blown up. Tho dostroyor Trig lav of tho snmo typo wns destroyed by flro from thn uhlpn of tho allies. Tho remaining enemy warships woro pursued nnd tied In the direc tion of their base." Other Encounters Thorjo hod. been, novoral -previous. 'eucoTiuteis of lessor 'Importance In connection with tho Austrian at temps to Interrupt tho transporta tion of tho Italian troops to Alba nia, uud suppllos for tho Sorblau forces. Snverul supply ships have boon sunk by tho Austrian war ships. Tho Llka and Triglav displaced 787 tons nnd woro built In 1913, REPLY IS RECEIVED AUSTRIA DHLIVEUS IT TO AM UASSADOK PENFIELD Contains Three ThoiiMind Words nnd Will Tako Time to Placo It In Code Pr Am.iIiIM I'reu to Cooa liar TlmM.J WASHINGTON, D. O., Dee. 30. Ambassador I'enfleld nt Vienna has recolved Austria's reply to tho sec ond American note regarding the sinking of tho liner Auconn, Secre tary LmiBlng announced today. Pen field roportod that tho roply con tulnod nbout throo thousand words and considerable tlino wlll bo nec essary to placo tho communication lu rodo In Vienna. Thoro was nothing lu tho dispatch to Indlcato tho tenor "of tho reply. OfficlnV or tho StntovHopartnioiit bollovo tho note will arrive somo time Saturday. HAS AN INFECTION OF THE XECIC IS REI'ORT Doctors ItvMirt to liancliiK" Which Hon Mionghf Him Some llMft UU AwoiliUJ Tivaa to Cooa Uar TlmM.J LONDON, Deo. 30 A dispatch Zurich to Central News says; " Emperor William, who is suf fering from suppurating phlegmon lu tho neck, has been given somo re lief, his doctors having resorted to hiuclug. PORTLAND Martin C. Broom uud Jumna Williams, moonshiners from Lano county, wero sentenced to prison In tho federal court by Judgo Wolvoiton. SALEM Chiropractors who fall to muke application within GO days for license must tako tho regular examination according to an opinion of tho uttornoy gonoral. ). - GERMANY RECOGNIZES DIJ FACTO GOVERNMENT Of Awolttt4 ri-u to eoa - Tiaaaa.1 BERLIN, Dec. 30. Ger many has extended rtx;ji ton of the de fact) go- ernroont of Mexico .ft4tt: uy iienoraj,4 SER iPROVl VMSaSaMLw mL y&'jmr' 41 i 8p Illver, K'Mv "w'fflt f