THE C0O& BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1915 EVENING EDITION FOUR -L A COOS BAY TIMES M. O. MALONEY, Editor and Pub. DAN B. MALONEY, News JEdltor Official Paper of Official .Paper City Coos Comity of Mnrshflold. And spend two hours arguing as to which of thorn is tlio busiest man in town. Entored at tho Postoff Ico at Marsh field, Oregon, for transmission through tho inalla second-closa mall matt or. An lndopondont Republican nows papor, published ovory evening ox copt Sunday, and weekly, by Tho Coos Uay Times Publishing Co. SUBSCRIPTION RAXES DAILY. Ono yoar $6.00 Per month 50 WEEKLY. Ono year $1.50 When paid Btrictly In advance the subscilptlon -piico of tho Coos Bay Times Is $5.00 per year or $2.50 for six months. Address all communications to COOS BAY DAILY TISIES. The old rnshloned man who was known ns a dead beat now has a son who proudly declares a moratorium. When n Coos Bay man tells you he is regular in his habits, he Is us-V ually speaking of his bad habits. UASI3Y JONES, THE LdGGEIt' You may not know it, but tho biggest favor you can do a busy man is to let him alone. Assurance a liability, is an asset; doubt is of the greatest pitfalls on earth. Come all you woodsmen If you want to hear About a B. C. Logger who had no four; Ho knew his duties, but made ono mistake Ho chopped down trees, and shoved 'cm in tho lake. Ho was a modest Logger, all unknown to fame; Tho price ho got for logs' was n downright shame; But if heroes nro rewarded as their deeds command, Ho Is logging off timber In tho Promised Land. nn J EUROPEAN WAR ONE I 4 YEAR AGO TODAY t '$ DECEMBER 28, 11)11 Russian forces cross tho Blala Rfvor and tnko u 20-mllo strip of territory south of Tuchow, soiia'itt lng tho two Austrian armies In Clallcla. Germany fornially informs the United States thai American Consuls in Belgium must bo uccoptablo f the Gorman authorities in charge, Russians aro again advancing m tho Austrian front toward Cracow. I Vlqiont blizzards halt tho fight ing on tho Western battlo front. Temper Is the trolled emotions. result ,pf uncoil; I "533 PROSPECT8 BRIGHT atfu TriHH closo of tho year brings a riiuch bettor fooling locally than for many months past. When a rovlow of tho past year is mndo it sIiowb that much has been dono in tho way of improvement and tho prospects for next year arc brighter than for a long tinio past. Tlio lumber market lias Improved grcntly and apparently there is a per manent ralso In price. This is go ing to mean thatthcro will bo far bettor times on Coos Bay as tho mills will run longer hours than thoy havo boon and thoso in tho county 'which lavo boon closed will bo opened for operation again. Tills Improve ment 'In tho lumber market has brought about a much hottor fooling aiid talcing ovorythiug Into consider ation tho prospects for tho next year nro. bright. When tho whlstlo blow each morning at half-paBt four Casoy left his wlfo at tho cook-house door, Picked up his peavoy, Btartod down the track; Never had a notion that ho wouldn't como back. Tho skldroads ono dny got greasy cnble wouldn't work; Englno got to bucking and pulling with a Jerk. When logs began a-Jammlng, Cnsey ho JiiBt said: "Wo'll not thorn In tho water or we'll all bo dead." A woman's dimples may bo onaiiiumn on Tho logs started down tho skldroad hill Casey Jerked tho whlstlo with on awful thrill! Wli TA0 .onglneor know by tho whistle's moans That, tho man on tho wlro was Casoy Jones. in iifllho .logs camo 'round the first turn of tho road n rAnd, coming downhill, mndo n mighty heavy load, , i 1. 1 Thai haul-hack broko with a whirr and n hum ru nAnd CuBey Jones departed for tho Kingdom Como. vt t (r . : "I'm sorry," said Casoy, Just boforo ho died, There's a few logging camps that I haven't tried." Tho hook-tender said. "Casoy, what haven't you scon?" "Sure I never worked nt Belllngham, nor down at Aberdeen." Mrs. Casoy, in tho bunk-hoiiBC, spoko with much regret Of tho troubles she hnd hud slnco sho and Casey met. "Go to bed now, children, ho wns ono gay deceiver. Tho next dad you get's goln to bo n shlnglo weaver." Exchange In thoughts as in llfo you reap what you sow. t, ' it, our competitor would probably, bo a flno fellow If ho were In some other business. Fenr and hate bring evil .thoughts to tho mind. OH. MY! life gets much "Though married abuse, It Is no Joke!" said Sater. "Tho courtship is tho orange Juice, Tho castor oil comes later." 'TODAY'S ADVICE Tho thrifty army you should Join, Resist all plcasuro's cravings; And thou somo friend who needs tho coin Will borrow nil your savings. J ,1 WITH THE TOAST X AND THE TEA X -$$ . Tho Prlco of Prosperity Is patloiico, porslstonco and porsoveraiicc. ' THE FIRST TROUSERS. They Led to Edicts Analnit Tholr Use In Somo Gorman States, Tho latest lnstnnco of n European country enacting laws concerning dress occurred at tho tlmo of tho French i revolution, -when somo rulers of Ger man stntcs forbade their subjects to i THE CURIOUS BANANA TREE. A Plant That Will Praotlcally Grow While You Walt. If n good sized, honlthy banana tree is cut oft n few feet ubovo tho ground during tlio wet season tho trco will not die, but nine times out of tun will send up n now shoot from tho center of the trunk and will grow fast enough to vlcts employed on road sweeping dress ed In trousers so us to inspire disgust for sans-culotto fashions. Tho term "snns-culotto" means "with- it's an nwful stupid Coos Bay boy out breeches," and during tho French thnt his mother doesn't think smart- revolution tho "snns-culottcs," who de- Wenr troilHors. (linen lining linlil tn trull cnto revolutionary opinions. Tho olec-1 mulco up for lost time, for within forty tor of Hcsso-Cussel, besides prohibiting J olglit hours it will roar waving green tho obnoxious garments, had tho con-, leaves triumphantly ubovo tho Bevercd or than his father. NOT ALL CAPTAINS. . GOOD EVENING To think wo ablo is almost to bo so; to dotor mlno on attainment Is fre quently attainment Itself. Earnest resolution has often Boomed to havo about It al most a savor of omnipotence-. S. SmlleB. ONLY A DAD. Only a dad with a tired faco Coming homo from tho daily race, Bringing little, of gold or fnino To show how well ho has playod tho game, But glad lu his heart that his own rojolco To sco him como and to hear his voice. Only a dad of a brood of four, Ono of ten million men or more, Plodding along in dally strife, Bcurlng tho whips and acorns of lite, With never a whimper of pain or hato For tho Hiiko of thoso who at homo await. Only n dad, nolthor rich nor ivoud, .Moroly ono of tho surging crowd, Tolling, striving, from day to day. Facing whatovor may como -lis way. Sllont, whouover tho harsh condemn, Jnd bearing It oil for tho iovo r.f them. Only a dnd, but ho gives his all To smooth tho way for his ehlldron small, "Doing, with courage stem nnd yrlm Tho deeds thnt his father did for htm; This Is tho lino that for him I pen; Only a dad, but tho host of jion. nounced ovory ono who woro breeches, finally went beyond their opponents nnd woro twlco us much cloth around their legs In a word, adopted tho mod ern trousers and mndo them tho budec 8omo Mombers of tho Small Company I of a party. Wero Roally Privates. Napoleon woro trousers on stato oc- An American woman -now safo In cnslons after ho had been crowned tho States writes that whllo sho was , emperor. Ills army was tlio first that in Mexico llvo soldiers ono day rodo i adopted trousers, nnd they kept prog Into her remote mountain camp. They ress, step by step, with tlio march of were very decent fellows, nnd mndo no t tlio French legions. Tho Duko of throat. Still, lu tho absence of her ' Wellington would insist on wearing fiusband, It seemed only wlso to give pnutnloons-or trousers, as they nro them plonty of food nnd drink, also to ' now called when ho attended ccrtnlu yield gracefully to the request of ouo social functions, although ho was ul- or tho numucr, who said ho was tlio most alono in so doing. This was captain, for tho "loan" of n ulnnket about tho year 1811, but by 1830 ttpus Pretty soon u second warrior IntI- Crs wero worn by almost everybody. mated that he, too, could uso n blanket Westminster Gazette. to mlvautngo in his campaigning, add ing that he, too, was a captain. When a third made tho snmo request, also Golf's Hardest Shots. T )intn liiniil iiifitii ilftliittna na tn announcing his rank ns that of cap-i. illiriioaf 11(i fi, ninMt oini, tn uln, heir hostess paused In her dH-1 pIuy flay Jorono D Truvcr8i ,i,L. fll. trbutlon of blankets. moiw f , t)u Amcrioan Slnga- "Jell ine," sho inquired politely, "it i , .., Hhould miy tho , 8hol this entire detachment composed of ( , ,",, , , .,,. ,,na ,..,. enntnlus?" . inn8tcrs j3 ll0 fun Jron s10t to the "Oh, no, Rcnornl" replied tho ono who ,, . ., ia c.i i i. had first spoken. "I am tho Captain i.l ,.,. ,?,,.. .... rmmr ,.nifnr trunk. Tho secret lies In tlio fact that the trunk of tho banana trco Is nut hard nnd woody like other trees, but Is real ly composed of undeveloped leaves wrapped lightly together In a spiral form. Whon tho treo grows theso rolled up leaves push upward and merely unroll Thus no time is lost lu forming buds nnd growing leaves ns do ordinary trees. When tho trunk Is cut off It doesn't Interfere with the growth of tho leaves, becauso they aro always pushing up from the center of tlie stalk. If you will roll a sheet of paper tightly, and push ugaiust one end you Will sco exactly how tho leave.) are pushed up from the trunk of tho ba nana tree, and If you cut the roll in I two you will -mid thnt it doesn't pre vent you from pushing out tho center of tho roll us before. Although tho baunna trco repairs an Injury so rapidly and well, tho shoot formed from tho cut stalk seldom bears fruit or llowers. As theso shoots are taller nnd stronger than tho original I trees, however, they nit) much better! adapted to withstand wind and storing and tho natives frequently cut the bn- nnun trees lu order to forco them to, prodtico tho strong, fruitless growth and to servo ns windbreaks for other crops. A? Hyatt Vcrrlll In St. Nicholas. Uarbadoj. Agriculture Is tho chief pnrsult In Barbados, and without doubt tho island fill llflllll t A li Still I. taw i..u1..i.uiu.,Umiuin, , ., . ,. ..,, ,, ,,, ,,.,il(,, a Aud ot this tho admiring scnorn, no f. ' A ., t ' IlllUlnir la niIMOst inllmr to lior mvn nimiinl. t n.,o.. ' tl10 mUt UUt "8 l,u,n ,s "OS' purely u mental proposition It probubly cording to her own account, nt once gavo a .blanket to each of tho two "high privates lu tlio rear rank" moved by "sympathy with them for be ing captained firstly, secondly nnd even thirdly, and also by admlrntlon of thorn as being such rare birds!" Youth's ' Companion. ORIENTAL LACQUER. varies moro with all players thuu any other shot. "You sco very few good sound iron players, especially nmong tho amateurs tu America. In England their Iron play Is much hotter." rlnl; tobacco is grown slightly, fruit hardly ut all. Man's Will Is All His Own. True education lies In learning to wish things to bo as they actually nre, Severe Critics. Alice I Jlko Tom immensely, nnd he's very much tho gentleman, but ho docs HUo to talk about himself! i Grace Yes, denr, your knight hath n thousand I's. Boston Journal. The Result. 1 "Ills wlfo mado him." "Sho did, und whon sho tried him ' on tho community she found ho was j YOU KNOW HIM. Ills weokly wage no ploasuro brings, His llfo is filled with sorrow; Ho goes in debt today for things Ho can't pay for tomorrow. Satire is often moro destructive than tho shot of reason. Every now and thou two Coos Bay men will adjourn to n bar nud Japan Got the Art From China, Then aurpassea ner i uior. ! It lies in learning to distinguish what ' ' ,a LT, ,tr ' "T r " Lacquer has furnished a most varied , our 0WIl from wlwt d0C8 not belong u mlaat -Dnlt,aloro American. material for ono of tho onrllest Indus- 1 10 Si IllU (huro ,8 only oll0 tllluB I trial arts of China, und. though tlicio i wlcl ,s rmiy our own-that is our uro no auilicntic rccortis or its origin j wI or ,luriloso. God. acting us u good nor of tho steps of Its .arly develop- , k uml a truo fnUler Uw vcIl u3 n uiont, tho proc-ess is ulreudy culled nn w, wWcIl cmiuot bo rc3lrnllied cou,. ?'C'!t ?,no.11.11 W0IU, .,!llW 'rt ,n . IK.1Ii.hI or thwarted, lie has put It! 1387. In ho Hist year of tho Ming pc- vu , our . , muu cm ' rlod. which proves that the art ww foreu us',0 ftct luit our wu I known lu ns remote an epoch ns tho ; lf ftro d ,t , b , Sung dynasty. The culmlna lag years , u UJ ' bo .couqucrod.-Eplcte- pf Us development wero i cached In the . ' rolgu of the Emperor CUIen Lung (lTISO- U8, ! 05), who greatly encouraged its mauu-1 fncturo and had largo quantities of ' lacquered objects mudo with which to furnish aud decorate his palace. After his tlentli tho art seems to havo do- ..II. ...! In lnnHl n.i.l (il.itflA !.... l..n 1 li' ti I . VfV.' ." , . :Z V ' , ZX ' ? " close tho door carefully be in Chlncso lucquer Ima been uccojn- ' yHuu1 h nl,suwK ''bHii6i hone- un vour hat?" ' Tho Japancso first lenniod the proc-, J.. J,,,; s ' ess from China, but havo sliico brought It to a point of perfection which sur-l Vc wo". 'I'lion you may practice passes the finest productions of tho ' J"our ,uuslc lsou."-PltUburgh Press. Second Hand Pianos & Oraans1 i his Reward. i We have some second-hand, "Willie," called his uiotimr from tuo i . , , head of the stairs, "did you wlpo your piat10S and SOHie Slightly USed feet before you camo in :" I. , ,, , ,,, , V..iim ,-niillml flm vnmir. Iinnnfnl i inSTI'limnniS TIIHT WIN IIP Rfl fl ffAV'T' .,.. ,Y-H( VCV MIWM ...M-IIIW ...I, W WWV .k fi.n iiiiiti ..(....kriiiit. im- at exceptionally low prices, and terms to suit. A Much Needed Improvement. "Do you believe that we should have a more elastic currency?" asked the ninii who always talks national tlnauce. "Not niueh!" Huorted tho mtin with tho shiny clothes. "It's elastic enough, now. What they ought to do Is make It moro adhesive." Exchange. ' Chinese lu Japan, however, lacquer is applied solely to objects of compara tively small size, whllo In tho Chlncso emplro It served to decorate screens and pnuols of tremendous dimensions. Lacquer Is divided Juto two classes painted and carved lacquer. Both kinds aro sometimes Inlaid with mother-of-pearl. Ivory, Jado and various semi precious stones. I It wns lu tho early seventeenth con- I tury, whon Holland nud Portugal be gan their trado with tho remote cast and particularly with Chlnn, that volous empire teeming with so many extraordinary artistic manifestation, that Europo tlrst begun to ronllzo tho What a He Mea"J . , now und vast Held of decorative ole- ' "IIllve 'ou "otlcoU. my friend, how incuts which were contained tu nnd re- ,unil' fooU ,,H!re nrtf " t'",,l''" vealed to her artists by oriental art. "Vw. and there's always one mo.-a ltary Colemnn May in ScribuerV. , "'an you think "-Sourlre. L L THOMAS i MUSIC STORE 73 Central Avenue WEAVING All klriffs a sneo.! u we couui reau ine mrei uisiory j 11 . iii ii Wncnn fipn ' of our eiioniles we should llud lu each '"'lY- I'S' . VV. IMaSOn, OKU, inunV life sorrow nud suffering enough t 1 2th COUrtll, SO. PhOllC 220-Rj to disarm all hostility, Longfellow. , , Other People's Qurdens. DRY WOOD tt CAMPBELL'S W00DYARD North Front Street Phone S70J ;"- The Question Tho money ijiicstlon it Iho question of every iiiuii'm future. )o not think Hint becmtho you Imvo but llttlo money that It Is ,not worth whllo Ut start an ac count. Tho iiccniiiit. opened now may he the foundation ot your fortune. J tt Ss. j j! VswL. First National Bank of Coos Bay Marshficld, Oregon HJHBI IIEHIT BANK OLDEST BANK IN COOS COUNT Jf EstabUshod 1880. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $118,000 Interest pnhl on Tlmo AND HAVINGS DCl'OSITB Officers J. W. Bonnott, President. ""n ' ji J. n. Flanagan, Vice-President. ' It. P. Williams, Cushlor. Geo. P. Winchester, Aust. CAshlcr. GRAVEL' W nro now propared to furnish GRAVEL In any . quantltlci from pilo In our yard or In carload lots, nt following prices: From pllo on ground, $2.Vfi per yard, Oanoad lots, taken from cars, $2.00 por yard. Retail Dcpnrtmuat. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. Opposite FosMMflco. ' Phone 100. Abstracts rOR REUAI1LH ABSTRACTS Ol" TITLE AND IWKD11MATIOJ1 AHOUX COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, Sec TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. MAItSHFIELD AND COQUILLE CITY, OREGON GENXUAIi AGENTS, Ei8TSII)E AND HENGSUVCKEN'S ADDITION AGENTS FOR CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILROAD LAND! HENRY SENGSl'ACKEN, MANAGER High Quality Groceries Our own prompt and particular delivery service Ef ficient clerks being out of the high rent district and keeping our prices as low as consistent with good busi ness makes Conner & Hoagland The Leading Grocers Dealers in Good Groceries 797 South Broadway. Phones 348-J and 326 EXPERT WELDING of METALS Steel, brass, cast, Iron and aluminum castings made like new DEMONSTRATIONS DAILY. ' Koontz Garage Phone 180-J. North Front Street 0GCAN BEACH AUTO LINE Gorst & King. Xcao Mnrshfleld nt 1 n. in., nnd loturnlng leavinj? from Emplro nt 8 n. m. Lenvo Mnrshfleld, nt It n.m. nnd returning leave South Blough at 1 p. m. Lenvo Slnrshfiold at 5 p. m. nnd returning lenvo South Slough nt O p. m. GOOD READING1 . The WANT ADS are the most interesting and help ful features of any newspaper ever changing, ever enlightening, ever performing their useful service of promoting easy communication between those who want and those who have, You can cultivate no more profitable habit than that of reading the WANT ADS every day, Hundreds do it, Keep this fact in mind when- you have a special want of your own, You can get the attention of all these readers instantly, and at trifling cost through a little WANT AD'IN THE TIMES. ' PHONE 133 Dr- 'A.-.bMworh. ,. ' u,,u '8tih! l and nQ...,0Ia .,.. "hones' cirn-. ..' ' -J, ' l jnMW(J w J8lS!. iDp. U M pu..." - K'Z? Phoim n.-m-T 1U2D , Wiwlclan nml Htfm l'''ono 03W, H. G. Rlltlnn rrivir ..... Room 304 Coko Dldr "2? -MVU J-L, i , - W. G. nhnnrllnn I a,c.L. iiiki ii I'i'rra. nooms 301 nnd 302, ck -,., Mnrshfleld, 0" T,'-BMIWSRAaS: Marshfield and - DECORA1INGX0 LsUmtc PnraUbrf l i-iiMa Lin-R. Mr,hfiM , TIM I' ipxZTZT WILLAME1TE PACin0 MWo Lcavo Mnrahflcld G:4G a.m. 7.45 a.m. 8:4C a.m. 0:45 a.m. 10:45 a.m. '11:30 a.m. 12:50 p.m. 1:45 p.m. 2:45 p.m. 3:45 p.m. G:00 p.m. G.40 p.m. I lem Notli 6 VM LBL 1:00 to, 8:00 tn, 10:15 lb. 11:00 t.n. H:45 Ln. 1:15 pa. 2:00 p.n 1:00 p.m. :00 p.n, 5:15 p.n, S:(S p.m. 0:55 p.m. North city limit onlr 7:30 p.m. 7M5 ji0) SAVP MOWPY .. . . ".T" ay oriicrinir tlio Iabmi il HENRYVILI P nnn Nut coal, por ton $ Lumn conl. nor ton iiju Or half ton of both ,,I4,W I). S1U6S0.V, Pwf. Phono 18-3 or lcavo ordri ti Hlllycr'd Clear 6tore. WOOD GOOD WOOD W. II. Lh'o has It at SIM ui $2 cash por load, also coil, nttb prices reasonable. Garbago rtooi od. I'hnno 2U7-J. SOUTH COOS HIVTIt BOAT snuvioK JiAUNOlI KXl'nESS leaves Mnrahflcld orerf ai; 8 n. in. Leaves head of rlrer nt 0:10 p. m, STEAMKIt IUINK0W lonvcH hond of river dally t 7 . in. Lenves Jlarshflcld t 2 p. iii. For charter apply oo bwi. nOQEHS & BUTH TroprletoM PAKK TH.V CE.VT9 City LlmlU North nend, Be. nn COMMUTATION nf) ZU TICKI5TS 91.75 is) Murfihflcld.North Ueud Aoto Line Caro oery ten ndnutM tv a a. in. to 1U p. in.? to Berth Slough onco u dav, leavlag I 11 ii. in. J to Empire three trlf GOKST & KINO, Trop. I v- MERCHANTS CAFE i. lHnrn fof Good Meals Oor. Commercial and H'dtff' AAAt t .... s WESTERN LOAN WW fi BUILDING CO. f Assets $2340,000.00 j Pays 8 per cent on savings t ' . S. KAUFMAN 4 CO. j Local utwu'u' , l"" Idungan ,i1iu I I will be L'eptOB0( I H charge Phone i0S, , J 4 i