'' rir THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHRELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1 915 EVENING EDITION ITHREE E TI AZINE PAGE w :t u u a u u n u u :: u u :: u :t MSPfTH MES mag Why Not Electric Lig For Mother? You have electrlcty to halp in YOUR work why should not mother have It too? Mother's work Is hard. You can make it eas ier with an electric !ron, an electric vacuum clean er and such labor-saving devices. And at night, the mother who has always taken pride in the ap pearance of your home will appreciate the restful, easy light from a soft-shaded electric table lamp. Cost need not keep you from having your hous3 wired. Already built residence arc now wired not only inexpensively, but without damage to the dec orations. Better telephone today and 1st us ex plain what the expense will be. mmmmBmw'u Getting the Dollar From Under the Stump'! BurrowerSs"Beware! Mow Up to Date Farmers Are Easily and Economically Realizing on Land Hitherto Impossible of Cultivation. ! HKi:.S ItMMtOAl) WOIllv AT10UT -100,000,000 acres of land j Included In farms throughout ." thu United States arp unim proved. Figuring that each acre could ho made to produce at least 'J5 worth of produeo per year, there Is approximately $10,000,000,000 pro duction being lost annually, Quito a tidy figure. And when wo take Into consideration that la many cases It re quites only tho removnl of Bundry stumps nnd boulders to inuko this land profltablc, It certainly looks as though something might ho dono to save tho waste. "Stumping with dynamite" is both an economical, quick nnd labor saving method as well ns ouo that Is growing In popularity dally. Tho method Involved In tho blasting of a stump Is to contlno a quantity of explosive In mich n manner that when exploded tho expanding gases will lift tho stump out of the ground. To so euro best results tho charge should be placed in the soil well under tho base of tho stump at the point where the resistance offered to the force of the explosion will be equal on all sides. Whcro the soil Is of u heavy clay or plastic nature a slow acting powder Is preferable, such as farm powder or stumping powder. Where tho earth Is sandy or loose nnd is apt to permit the easy escape of gases a fast explo sive, such as -10 to 00 per cent dyna mite should lie used. The condition of the soil with respect to moisture also has a great intluencc upon the amount of work Hint n certain quantity of pow der will do. After heavy rnlns when the soil Is saturated to the base of tho stump and the subsoil Is just dump Is a most favorable condition. No set rules as to the amount of powder necessary to blast a certain kind or slzo of stump can be given,' since different conditions govwu ill eases. Two stumps of the sumei slxo, kind nnd ago of cut, when one Is, grO,v,jt on well drained soil where tho rhots I'm nk llut'kholtlcr IWck from Trip to Idaho Gonhers and nrnlrlo dogs aie the Frank Burkholder has returned bane of western farmers whllo In the . Friday for a throo-w celts' trip to east woodehucks me the type of bur- Wolser, Idaho, driving In his own rowing animals that cause the tillers l(j!Un ,,y tll0 sltitum rollt0 from Uoso. of tho soil to forget some of tho things ,, H0 Coi,u,0 Sontici. Mr. the domino, tell them on Sundays. U...-i.i.iii ........ .i..- . ... iv... t i.. 11..1. ni.r , Hurkhohlor went over there to at- l)on I.oonnrdo Itulz, n California l anchor, says "dynamite Is tl)o proper inedlclno to glvo ground squirrels, go phers, prairie dog, etc." Tnku an inch nnd n half or two Inches of dynamite. Put It In a bit of ilojh or several thicknesses of paper must penetrato a great depth for wut6r"! to form u small lound cartridge. TIo and the other Is grown on soil whcl'a there Is always water near the surface, will demand different treatment for extraction. Tho older stumps, eipccliiN ly If from timber free from resin, re quire le-s powder. The exact amount necessary for set condition can, how ever, be readily determined with n lit tle experimenting. Few tools and supplies are required. A ono and one-half Inch wood auger with a shank about four and one-half feet long, n medium sized crowbar, n round pointed shovel and a wooden tamping stick, together with tho pow der, fuse and caps, will servo to 1111 the bill. tend tho Oregon and Idaho annual convention of tho Farmers' Union, at which ho was complimented by a lo-olcctlon ns lco president. Ho was a good dent Interested in look Inn; over eastern Oregon, whero tho work of reclaiming the arid lands Is stoadlly progressing. Ho says tho railroad building directly west tl-oro front the Idaho lino to Eugene Is already completed for 00 miles. 'I his lino will furnish a direct outlot from Coos Day Into a rapidly devel oping section of tho Btate. QUANTS FASS-uircctora of tho Orogon-Utah Sugar Company wired from Salt Lako City tho accoptanco of G000 ncrca of beet land subscrib ed and assured that, attor tho holl- (hc cloth or paper (Irmly about ouo end of a pleco of fuso twelve or four teen Inches long, but do not use a cap. Insert ono of these charge well Into the mouth of every hole nnd pack l)oo dirt around tho fuse, leaving enough of tho end outside to light eas ily. Light the fuse nnd go on to tho next hole. There will bo no explosion. Thorn being no cap or other deto nator, tho dynamite will simply burn, lllllug tho hole with dense, poisonous fumes that-will almost Instantly stifle nnd then kill every living thing Inside. KLAMATH FALLS Andrew Ku-days contracts would bo given for ohno, son of tho woman slain Ina" beet Bitgar facory in tho Itoguo tho recent fond, wns released aftor HIvcr Valloy. Straightening Streams With Dynamite p.- Tho ancient Hgyptlans wcro noted for their crops because, as history states, they "sowed their seeds in tho Nile." This does not menu that they actually cast tho seed In tho river. At certain seasons of tho year tho Nllo overflows Its banks, depositing on either vhoro n rich silt or earth that Is highly conducive to bumper crops, and tho wise ancient Egyptian, rnllzlng this, profited thereby. Water Is n necessity. Tho tiniest j brooks up to tho lift-gust rivers play tin Important part In tho scheme of thing) Inasmuch us they nro liutuio's wny of o "Win V MtfiiiUAiririW'in"n"kLM us 1 Subscribers, Please Note CARRIERS nro Instructed to put papors on porches or "in othor anltnblo plaroB whoro thoy will bo eafo from wind and ruin. Sub icrlbora aro requostcd to notify tho offlco when ever theso Instructions nro not bolng followed. Phono compInliitBsnnd othor matters portalnlng to doll very to jno IJd How to Find The Finder ' Assume that tho finder of your lost article Is honest, and nine times out of ten you'll be right, Want Ad vertise for it promptly, and nine times out of ten you will recover it, Indicate your ability to prove owner ship, and desire, to reward finder, This reward should be a fair one, and named in your ad, You see now and then a valuable article is returned by the finder who may be poor and a mean and miseily "reward" tendered, That discourages some finders from trying to find the losers of jewelry or money especially, so, make your ad definite, fi t , s e I' i ': 11 5 . JSdKL'UBlHd&HB I WHBBHMV. t T".:'?1 T J" llrH i WJimt T nPLMtA.lM'IV n, O'TK.'Wl T VZ.' Zn9eiHr NM"X. tHHH fWilWiiiW mi '. '' if ii i ii ' i MMB BfllHKllnWaHHHKniHDE8KlwONE: more WflUStESSSM V AH UNPROFITABLE' STUMP COVERED FIELP the wav V.TEN MONTHS AFTER a0OW0STH0r CELERY PERACREj Dlaoram of Stream Trouble That May Do Corrected by Blasting. both Irrigation and drainage. But be ing formed according to nnturo'u dic tates their courses do not always jlbo with man's desires or needs. Rock ledges impedo their progress. Overhanging stumps and trees retard their How. Numeious Irregularities cause them to meander about In ap parently wasteful ways, and man's carelessness hits added to these Hon bios by allowing driftwood nud loose earth to form dams mill F.audlmrs. All of these things help to hold tho Hood of waters buck and canto either Hooding or hwiiuuw. which not only oc cupy land that could' bo inoro prolltuhly used for farming, but nlso form lino breeding places for mosquitoes and other obnoxious pests. Incidentally they cause an annual loss running Into millions of dollars per year. In this day of enlightenment such things nro both wasteful nnd, ono might add, crlinlnnl. especially so In vlow of the fact that almost Instant relief may bo had by a fovv well placed j churges of dynamlto. Not only will theso blasts straighten out tho Icluks nnd bends r.nd remove ledges and ( sand bars, but they will deepen and tin provo tho channels ns iiaturo has real-1 ly Intended. Incidentally by straight-, enlng tho winding course of a creek j much men of tillable laud can bo ob-1 tulued and farm operation In many In-1 btauccs Hindu much easier. Blasting Ground For Tree Planting Much has been written on how to Plpnt a treo or trees, but If tho experi ences of scores of famous orchardlsts have. any weight on tho topic, then tho practice of using dynamlto preliminary to planting young trees has fully proved Its merits. Tho writer has personally seen spe clllc examples of tho value nud excel lence, of treo planting with dynamlto ou a private orchard In Delaware, the Ilhistlng for trca planting Is best dono In tho fall, bccniiHo at this tlmo or the year it Is easier to catch tho subsoil lu dry condition, lllastlug iu tho spring for spring planting, however, Is nw?h bettor than planting In dug holes, not withstanding tho fact thut tho subsoil Is apt to bo wot or damp. If the holes are blasted In advanco of tho tlmo of setting tho trees they are loft without further attention until I Explosives In Road Building Ono of tho newer methods of road building that Is fast winning tho In dorsement of tho better versed contrac tor is that of employing dynamite for reducing tho heavy work, Grading through hard ground or rock, for Instance, Is tedious and rcuulrea tlmo nnd labor. Tho uso of dyunmlte for blasting such material U a welcome relief. Iloth rock and hard clay may bo loosened iu tho cut by well placed charges of explosives If holes are drill ed Into tho ground u little wny up the bank and loaded. Careful spacing uiid loading for electrically II red blasts will result In bringing down both classes of materials In the best osslu!o manner. Priming a Dynamite Cartridge Tn nrnnorlir tirlmn n dvnnniltO or farm powder curtrldgo four things are cssentlul-tho cup, tho fuso, tho enr trldgo nnd a crimping tool. Tho meth od In Itself Is very simple. First crimp tho priming cop about the fuse, using tho crimping tool as 1 What KM P Yc Use? , What is the brand of your favorite soap, your favor ite tea, baking powder, the garters you wear, the pieces on the talking machine? You know the names well. They are advertised names. The goods give good service. Y6u like them. There are other kinds of advertised goods you will like equally well. It will pay you to buy them because they have character. Do you know them? Read the advertising columns of THE TIMES. Crimping the Cap to the Fuse. shown in the Illustration. Next punch a diagonal hole In tho cartridge with tho end of the crimping tool, making the hole deep enough to entirely bury the cap. Insert tho cap Into this holo and tie the fuse to the sldo of tho cur- ft JT) Making Cap Hole In Cartrldae. trldge securely with a stout pleco of cord. . If tho Job Is done carefully nnd cor rectly tho cntlro outtlt .will look like illustration No. 4. nnd the priming will be complete. Ignornuce, fear or carelessness are the cuubes of most accldeuta. There Is no Immcdlato danger lu handling a stick of farm powder If tho user will uso but an ordinary amount of cure and Intelligence. A common Incorrect mothod of prim ing is to punch a holo right through tho cartridge, puss the capped fuso THE DUA8T THOROUGHLY CRACK8 THE 80IL, BUT USUALLY LEAVES A CAVITY OR POTHOLE AT THE BOTTOM THIS MUST BE FILLED. difference lu growth between tho un dynamited treo and thu treo planted lu blasted ground being to unmistak ably lu favor of tho latter that no ad cquato comparison could bo mado. Kurthcnnore, thero lire so many snuo and logical reasons for this method of tree planting that even tho most skjj)- tlcnl count noi run io uo convinced, ? Tying Fuse and Cap to Cartridge. through it, then Insert In another diag onal holo below tho first hole. No ty ing Is necessary to hold tho cap lu tho cartridge. This method Is called "lac ing the fuse through tho curtrldgo." It Is unsafe and unreliable. Tho fuso Is likely to break at tho shuip turns und the powder train spit tiro through Obviously when a treo uaB.tQVQHflaVkAlinmcdlntoIy nftor tho blast tho soft largo purt of Its energies ln'foitlilg (ta I pasted ground should bo dug out down roota through tho hurd soil It cum '" to tho location of tho charge, where not bo expected to muko tho bmiitd'" a holo will usually bo found about mnld crowth nnd come Into suHiK tho tUo of a bushel basket. This treo planting time, unless It Is dcslr ublo to mid souio manure or fertilizer to bo diffused through tho soil. This Is nn excellent practice, especially in poor soil. If tho earth Is sour, sticky clay a fow pounds of llmo scattered In tho holo will materially assist In floc culating tho clay and keeping It per manently granulated and sweet. ?lHHieHV;"'' cite The Flntehed Cartridge Primed, ho iirnnk. settlnir tiro to tho cartridge Insteud of exploding It, or tho fuso may miss llro uttogeiuer, leaving v iniPiiiloded t-harce lu tho hole, or It muy hung tire for half un hour or half a day una cuuso u serious m-i-iueiu, Short cuts do not puy lu handling ex plosives. THE ROOTS ARE FIRMLY EMBEDDED IN RICH TOPSOIL, 8URROUNDED " By MELLOW, WELL DRAINED SUBSOIL. Ill loosening sbnlo und rock to facili tate hand or steam shovel work dyiiu inlto is nlso very effective, whllo stumpa uiny bo blasted from tho roadbed Just as though they woro being removed from a Held to bo cleared and cultivated. Iloulders nlso aro easily shattered by Miltablo loading nnd when of, hard rock may bo crushed Into surfacing stone. Tho side ditches as well us the long outfall ditches can also bo blasted lu keeping with tho nature of tho ground. Iu fact, thero aro uo limits practically to the many uses and advantages of dynamlto for road building when care ful and thoughtful attention Is given to tho work. Intldcutnlly tho planting of shade trees for jpadsldo Improvement nnd at, tmctlvenesi is greatly facilitated by I ho Judicious uso of a little dynamite. It Is u recogutzed fact that trees plant id in blasted holes grow much more rapidly and progress more favorably jhau those planted lu the average spado dug ground. early bearing ns a treo would that lmd had tho giouud In which It was planted thoroughly prepared by dyiiamltlng bo forehand. No treo should bo planted over hurd pan or impacted subsoil without Ilrst rt-sortlng to blasting, so that tho soil may bo mado open und porous. Such blastlug not only creates channels, In creases' absorption of soil moisture and permits deeper rooting, but It nlso Ju duceu better growth und larger yUlds. must bo filled to prevent settling of tho tieo after planting. Tho roots should bo placed lu u natural position In good top soil, colored with more top. toll and treaded dowii tlrin. Tho holo enn then bo tilled to a little ubovo tho surface With LUbbOll, The fact that nearly oil commercial orchardlsts ut.o this method proves that It pays In reduced Ilrst jear loss, earlier fruiting u"d larfor und better ) lolds, MRDFORD Slayor Enierlck touched tho button, which Illuminat ed Mod ford's first municipal Christ mas treo, which was seou by 2080 children of the city. vfew ,tfV who IIALSBY John Cummins, died at his home six mllea from tho city, was a native of Iowa, crossed the plates whwf ten years old, settled near Albany, and lived In the county ever since. Tlm,ea want ad bring reaulliu. -m At 1 k ri