.Two, ; THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1 91 5-EVENING 5DITION ROUS BEING BUILT ONK OK rKATUHKS OK 1UJCOX HTltUCTINtf l'OLANl) WORK AT COUNTY FARM IS FINISHED 'XhoiiHnnds Aro Snvctl ffoni) Htm'iiiiK to Death by Working on t i lllgtnrnys ' to, AnocUted Trtaa to Cooi Bj TIrao.J ' 'WARSAW, Doc. 27. Something over a million nnd n hnlf dollaiB hnvo been cvponded by the Gcrnmns slnco rthclr occupancy of Poland In reconstructing tho unspeakably bad toads that criss-cross tho kingdom at more or less raro Intervals, and which liavo boon nil but destroyed ty artillery flro and by tho trans location of big gulls, ammunition nnd food supplies. Tho Germans In charge of road ' rebuilding claim that they nover had any word as to tho ultlmato In tention1 of their government with res pect to Poland, thnt tholr world has gono'on Irrespective of any intention to nnncx tho anclont kingdom, that tho work has been dono puroly as ti sort of philanthropic measure and that'll will stand as n hcrltago for thoso who may In tho future govern Poland. Work Ih Well Dono 'That It has been thoroughly dono, 'fcAwover, Is attested by tho fact that botwccn 30,000 and 35,000 laborors hnvo bcon employed in tho various nectlohs of Poland. Most of those mon aro Poles, thrown out of their ordinary occupations by a shortage of raw materials. Tho Polish population In general has -proven thankful for what has bcon accomplished additionally so becauso thousands of Its men and wotacn hnvo rccolved employment in tho reconstruction of tlio Polish roadB, "nnd liavo In this way bcon waved from Iho nlnrvatlon thnt oth orwlso stared thorn In tho foco. Women PJno Workers It Is peculiar that tho women, rather than the men, have dono tho most idwnrcl rehabilitating tholr own country. Tho women, nnd grown children, hnvo proved themselves In dustrious workers for tho re-cou-ttructlon of Poland, whllo tho men Avlth To'w exceptions havo had to bo 'driven, and havo never overcome Uiolr1 riusiildlon of tho Gormans. This suspicion, It la assumed, Is founded on(,'gonorntlonH of oxporlcnco of Itus fclnn domination. Tho mon, rather than work, offor bribes to tho Ger mans, ns thoy used to offer them to tho -Russians, and then appear utter ly dumbfound6d whon tho bribes nro. not' nccoptcd nut! thoy nro confronted with tho alternative of working or starving. MISFORTUNE FOLLOWS FAMILY AT BAND0N Ximv House for Superintendent Hlillt mill Other liniirovcments Wcro Pintle ut the l'lnco. The Improvements at tho county poor farm havo boon completed. The superintendent's home Is nil eight room, two-story house 30 by 32 with n full concrete basement. It Is modern In every respect and built for ' permanency. It cost approx imately $3500. Flvo cottages, built In a row, nro also ready for occu pancy ono of four rooms; two of two rooms and two of ono room. All hnvo built-in porches unit aroJ mddarn In othor respects. A 100- foot brldgo ncross a 20-foot gultih and 200 foot of sldowalk have nlfeb' been completed. Othor ImnroYoV, ments dono Include tho laying of,, COO feet of water mains, 500 feet of sewer, installing a ccptlc talitt and biitldltig n laundry. All of thti buildings nro painted whlto. each " given inreo coats. , ,,( Tho work was done by day labor under tho supervision of Mr. Arm strong nnd nccordlng to his figures, cost approximately $5800. Hoforo tho Improvement work on tho County Farm was started bids had been called for on tho main residence and flvo cottages, says Mr. Armstrong, and tho lowest was $1300. This bid, ho says, wns for cheaper construction throughout and did not Include a bnsoiuont for tho main residence, sewer, ccptlc tank, vator mains, laundry, brldgo, side walks or any of tho other Improve ments made. It was decided by tho County Court to havo tho work dono by day labor, and Mr. Armstrong says tho Job is dono and open for Inspection, and ho will leavo It to any falr mlndod person to dccldo whether tho county got ns much for Its money as It would havo received under con tract. Kitihcr of Klcvcii' Children Ih Hurt nnd Household Goods Lost on tho Santa Clnt-n (Special to Tho Times.) BANDON, Ore., Dec. 28. Tho enso of Charles Landls, who wns Injured while working in Ander son's camp, In n most distressing ono. Lnndls Was struck by a falling tree and has since been at tho Kmor geucy Hospital, and Is delirious nnd probably cannot recover. ( IIo enmo hero from Michigan nnd Is tho father of cloven children and has no funds excepting what ho earned working, fho family lost all of their house- 'liold goods, which' thoy brought hero from tho East whon the Santa Clara vatj wrecked, their goods being ship ped hero on that boat. , Qn top of that misfortune tho ihcad of tho family gets hurt and It is' 'highly questionable whether he Wilt 'over recover. ml t RXPKCT WOHK SOOX Sutlici'lln Jjlkely to Get Hall road imtl Now Sawmill NHWS OK IiAXGLOIS. Notes County W. loavo TlniM Wut Ada for reaulta. of Northern Curry Told In (ho Lender M. KUIott, tho Jowolor, will soon for MnrBhflold to visit his son. Mrs. Frank Cox nnd children, of nnntjon, spout Christmas with friends In Lnuglols. Mr. and Mrs. James Hughes, of Itlverdnlc, visited friends In Lang lols. Mrs. Jim McAdnniB and little sou Austin, of Now Lako, woro visiting nt tlio homo of her nnronts. Mr Tho Siithcrlln Sun prints tho fol lowing: " Citizens of Suthorlln woro high ly olatcd on learning that tho Roach Tlmbor Company had made out a trust deed to tho Gorman Trust Company and M. N. Richardson, of Davenport, Iowa, raising tho stun of $300,000 with which to rcsumo work on Us railroad construction mid saw mills In Siithcrlln. Tho dood, which covers certain holdings of tho Roach Timber Com pany In Suthorlln Vtflloy, wbb ro coivctl by County Clerk Lenox tho first of tho weeck, nnd tho fact that tho filing fco was $32 would Indi cate that It Is of somo proportions It boars dato of December 15 and two or threo days will bo required to placo It on record. Tho rocording of this trust deed vould Indicate that tho Roacli Tlm bor Company Is getting things in shnpo to begin operations hero early tho coming' year. Tho right-of-way for tho railroad was secured aoriio tlmo ngo, and apparently thoro Is nothing to delay tho progress of tho n1 n. .. n .l. . III, I i""n o nuuu n a nuiiiiiui I'UIIUIUUlia will permit. FINISH SOUTH JETTY t AT NEHALEM RIVER Woik Under KiiRlnecr Carroll Will Start on Noiili Sitlo Dono In a Vcr Nehalem's south Jetty Is complete nnd tho plant of tho U. S. engineers is now being shifted across the river to tho north spit that work may start on tho north Jetty, says tho Umpqua Courier. Engineer W. G. Carroll, who hns had chargo of tho work, has order ed tho material necessary for mov ing tho plant nnd deliveries will bo made Bhortly. Tho north Jetty, much shorter than was tho south Jetty, Is expected to bo complete within a year. Residents of Nchnlom nro plan nlg on a celebration to bo hold short ly to commemorate tho event. They bollovo that It will bo only a short tlmo before they will hnvo 30 feet of wntor on the bar, 20 feet having been found there by tho master of a gas schooner who surveyed tho bar recently. Tho south Jetty nt Nohalem has boon In courso of construction bIiico tho spring or 1012. A bond lsso of $92,000 was floated at that tlmo by tho Port of Nohalem. Govern ment aid was secured by tho Port of Nehalcm In 1913, tho nrrnngc ment being that tho Port should ap propriate $31G,175, nml thnt the Government would appropriate n llko amount. This was dono In tho spring of 1914, nnd tho work com menced nt 01100. CJiUH AT PANAMA J "WILLS OF IIUIIIIAItlLS F1LK1) American Couple Leavo Over $100, ())( to Children TORONTO, Out., Doc. 28. Tho wills of Elbert Hubbard nnd his and Mrs. J. A. Cox, of Flpras Crook. W,fo' w,l wont clown wlth tlld ll,,or ijiiDiiuiiiii, wuiu i nun uuru yuaiurtui "-J! for ancillary probato, as both hold MM stock In tho Northern Crown bank of Canada. Tho amount of Mr. SAVE MONEY on your Furniture Wo nro hhtmiiiK n fino lino of Bed Room Furniture Thnt come to us dlivct fioni the manufacturer, thus waving tlio Jobber profit. Wo glvo our aiMomcru tlio benefit of thU S wiving. Wohinon ulio display of Dickers which wo hnvo prked ntr follow h: $7.50, $8.50, $10, $12.50, $13.50, $14.50, $15, $16.50, $17.50, $20, $23.50, $25 and up to $50. Don't buy anything in llotiso Furnishing until jou see our llm, for jou know "Wl! HELL IT FOR LESS" Going & Harvey Co. Hubbard's total estate wns declared at $397,8-15 and that of Mrs. Hub bard nt $35,735. In each case tho eBtntcs wore divided equally botwoou tholr children, Elbert and Miriam. A direction In each will read: "I deslro that my body bo cremated and not burled in tho ground." VICTORV. FINAL Roosoiclt Gets Judgment for Libel Suit Costs j Mr Auoclittd I'rrtt to Coo n Tlmw, ! SYRACUSE, N. Y., Dec. 28 jFormor Prosldont Roosovelt today , wni allowed $1,142.52 against Will- i lain Uarhes, tho republican leader, as costu and disbursements in tho $50,- i 000 libel suit unsuccessfully brought ' by Barnes. Tho court also signed a now ordor rofuslng to set nsldo tlio Jury vordlct nnd denying a now trial. Purpose of McmbcrH Ih To Catch the TnriHMi tnr AnofUto.1 Trcaa to Coot Ila, TlniM.X PANAMA, Dec. 27. Fishermen on tho Isthmus have completed the organization of tho Cnnul Zone Tar l.on Club. It will have a clubhouso of Ub own not far removed from the Spillway at Gatuu which is tho situ of tho club mombors' sport. " Shortly nftor tho Spillway wbb completed It was found that ninny lnrgo tarpon come up tho Chagrcs river from' tho sea to feed on. tho fresh water fish that camo over the Spillway from Lako Gatun. Slnco thon this has provided oxcollont sport for the canal fishermen. Ono ' IIbIi weighed moro than 75 pounds, has been taken with rod and line. , --"TOP IT OFF Si- - NEW YEAR'S DIXNIIR with n bov of Whitman's FAMOUS CHOCOLATES AND CONFECTIONS ."Maker, Her Siuilo Ecry Tlmo No Matter Whero Vou Dlno 7ait vjiiHpr BwSS 1 SPRINGFIELD Edward Ilradloy, aged 35" yoars, employed by (he 1 Pooth-Kolly Lumbor Company, wns struck on tho head by n timber ami death resulted. K Getting People Into YMF Naturally, you havo to glvo them a rca&ou for coming thoro. Then why not lot thorn know you havo something people want to seo. Advertise to them in THE TIMES. Turn tho manufacturers' nows- papor udvortlslng to your own ad- van t a go. Show newspaper advertised goods In your window at tho iliuo tho ad vertising la running. Got your storo In tho public eye and peoplo will loavo their foot prints on your door stop, I Store PI mi i ii iiiiariiiiitirfcmMifinriniMattfiil ' W B WIMfH M 1 Bunker Hill Free Mail Service Starts Next Monday tho Dunkor Hlll Uny Park-First Addition Rural Froo Dollvory route will bo started, glv- Uig 'tho peoplo south of Marshfleld the.beneflta of n dally mall sorvlco. In ordor for tho rcsldonts of thut district to onjoy tho beuoflts of this dally freo sorvlco, it will be necessary for thorn to put up regu lation mall boxes on tho road In front of their homes. Thcso boxes havo to bo of a certain slzo and character If you llvo on that routo you had hotter sot busy. You can get tho! mall boxes at the Hunker Hill Do-j partment Storo for $1 ench nnd If' you want tho lock attachment, It will cost forty cents more. These uro fino boxes. Bunker Hill DepartrnentStore W. IL DTNDINGEU CO. Phone 32. t GOODRUM'S GARAGE I HOME OF THE CADILLAC AND DODGE AUTO SUPPLIES FOR ALL BIAKES OF CARS 847 Contra! iiv. Phone SH3-L WALL PAPER See VIERfc About It, QUATERMAS STUDIO QUALITY PHOTOS Opposite Blanco Hotel. I Phono 106-L. I MARSIIFIELW, ORKGON FOR TRANSFER AND STOR. AGE OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS FREIGHT AND I1AGGAGE Call . FERGUSON TRANSFER Phone Ida Residence Phone 13-J Market Ave. nnd Waterfront Got your Job printing rtone nt The Times office. Going out of Men's Department Bs! !ys!! ijsSS! at will' you give 7 What will you gif? For Suits, Overcoats, Hats, Caps, Ex tra Trousers, Underwear, Sweaters, all kinds and colors. For the last three days of this sale we will offer you these goods at your own price. WE POSI TIVELY WILL NOT MOVE THE BOYS' GARMENTS. This is an opportunity not to he wasted. Never in your life have you purchased goods like these at such startling prices. ' usmess Ladies' Department For the last three days of this sa,effl this department we are offering moVt UNHEARD OF BARGAINS, pUUing 0; VERY BEST and most desirable 0 at THE PRICE OF THE VERY CHEAp! EST, and the cheaper articles at retiu lar RUMMAGE PRICES. One lot of Coats, Suits arid Dresses that sold from $9.75 to $29.50 all 00 your choice, at $3.95. ' We have waists at 25c, 50c and 98c regular values from $3.75 to $7.50. ' Dresses' at from $1.98 yp, These dresses are not just cheap ev- eryday house dresses, but good, desir- able, well-made garments that with slight alterations would make dresses no one would be ashamed to wear to any occasion and would be right up-to-date. ' " 1 Only 1 2 Hats Left. AO These were formerly priced up T IjC to $12. Your choice . . . . v I m si? dyy' ,Pm srfA fSTAG: front jrwqwwtvw'v STREET KJ fc mAk&fflMMtrj& . .. nr W JTTM 312, FRONT STREET Advertising Is Not a Matter Of Sentiment I It's Purely and Simply a Matter Of Business "Y" It's No Experiment To Advertise in the Coos Bay Times The shrewd buyer of space the man who de mands "action -on his money" all else being equal is the man Who will make the cash register ring the oftenest. ' The value' of-any medium from an advertising viewpoint depends largely on its circulation and the thoroughness with which it covers its field. Poor copy in a good medium, however, won't produce results neither will good copy in a poor medium. Spasmodic and half-hearted advertising is more apt to be a failure than a success. ' The advertising department of The Coos Bay Times is prepared to lay in front of any business man in Marshfield a comprehensive statement of facts and figures analyze his business-help lay out a definite campaign render a distinct co-operative service and if the merchant will do his part guarantee an unqualified success. Marshfield, Coos County and North Bend can be covered thoroughly in The Coos Bay Times. These statements can be sustantiated with an abundance of proof. HM -ti