IT JllLQWgL COURAGE AND FIRM RESOLUTION TO TELL THE SIMPLE TRUTH -r : u i ; L PAPER THAT m?fi A CLEAN WHOLESOME NEWSPAPER FOR ALL SOUTHWEST OREGON HOMES BELIEVES IN THE BEST AND ALWAYS BOOSTS E, No. XXXIX. EEIING HELD If FORD PARTY Gathering at Stockholm 'turns Out to Be Highly Entnusiasirc une peopTe there Wizens of the Place Attend and Applaud All Mention of An Early Pcaqs . ECRETARY MAKSS SPEECH in Tlwl Ford Officials llnw I'll- (tin lnfoi illation Tiiat homo Countries Arc Nmv.Hemly to Xcgtitlnto for i'oaeo Dy Awlle'l I'm to Cooa Iliy Tlmra. STOCKHOLM, Hi-f. 28. A nubile tlni; held Inst night itiiilui' tlio apices of tho Ford Peace Kxpodl oj was ehnrartorlzod boro un tlio jit ciiIIiiihIiihIIc demonstration for .ire sine i tlio war began. Nearly lit citizens of Stockholm attended. rtrjr mention of an curly end of L wnr provoked npplnuso. Ilnvo Kneoimigcmcnt When Louis I.aeknor, secretary of !t expedition, niinouiirud tluil tlio wutlvo committee bad secret In- aitbn that certain oiiuh of tlio Idlfccrnit nntlona, worn willing to collate for pence, tlio meeting ho- iio tumultuous lt would astonlHb tho world," I'd hockuor, "If wo mnilu known Mills time what Influences nront nrk for ponco. This Inforiimtloii been In tho possession of tho htuthra evor since wo stilled from tki Yirk II wan tho real oncotir- pmctit liclilnd tho expedition." ITS F DVHIIVOR HANNA OFFICIALLY skvkhs coxxkctiox ll Cownlmgeii Dispatch Kays That lie Is Very III Probably of Tjnhold Kcver Dy Ano latM rroaa to Com llr Tlmra.) I (LONDON, Dec. 28. Coventor Sum, of North Dakota, has offl wr severed Ills connection with fc I'ord expedition, according to a CoMnhni'eii dispatch. It says llun- l "very HI, probably typhoid." SELECT TlliS GOAS W)XI NAVAL ACADKMV TO HI" OV PACIFIC COAST lt N What l'msMonl Says nud V Hill to That lOtfect Is !! Ins; Prepared III - a mtvt ri to Cuo Hay Tlint., 'V.'ASIIIN'OTON. D. C. Doc. 28. 'retary Datilola today said whon i Incrcised bulldliiR proKram for navy ultimatolv mado necessary tccond naval aendomy, tho logical ,!"o f r tho now Institution would on the lnnm0 Coast. Sonator ?belan nild nnnrnsnntntlvo Koilt. Of fHfcrnla, aro propnrlnB bills to t cud and lmvo conforrod with rttarj Daniels, but tlio quobtlon " site hns not beon discussed. 'A.T viVK TO KKI-U TIIK I PI IIMC AHCHIVKS JIoiinl Kwl..ti. ii, .til .l.ilnl Meet- inS at AVnshliiBtou and PaJ Ilcsolutioiis IBr A norUte.1 Vrcw to Coos Hay TlmM.1 MVASIllvr.TYW n n lieu. 28. Nhitions callluB upon ConBrosa ft an appronriatlon with which to IJtrilrt n VnMnmil nmlllVftS lilllltl 5 In this cltv was adonted ut a ot incetinB boro today of tho Jtoerlcan Historical Association, tho ""erlran Knnnnmln AKROnlfltloll. tllQ 1er,an Political Scionco Associa- i0 and other National societies. senator Polndoxter, of Washing-b- presided, mid dwelt upon tho "fd of a bnlldltiK to houso the trov- 00 I B FDH BUILDING i Kstabllshetl JH7H As Tlio Const Mali DREDGE TOTAL LOSS 'IRK .NOIITII haxk HHKAKS A WAV FROM TUG ('oes Asboi-o Slv .Miles South or Grays llm-lmi Wn Valued at $(111,000 tlty AmHM latal I'rnm to Cooa Day Tlmra. AHISKDI'I'.V, Wash., Dec. 28. Tho dredge North Hank, which broko loose rrqin tho tu Wallula jeaterday while on her way from As toria to Neah Hay, went ashoro last night six miles 0rf (Jraya Ilnrbor. Two men wero taken oft In tho breeches buoy by tho llfo saving crow. Sho wns valued at $05,000 and Is a complete loss. CapL .John Heed, formerly of the Mlchlo Ib muster of tho tug Wullluhi, SAUSALITD ASHORE SCIIOONKK KNOWN ON COOS HAY is wrkckkd Is MiimMiik l' Hupldly On Wnniliili Maud and Will He A Total JiOSSJ o vksskl has iikkn ON coos HAV run Tho Sausullto Iiiih carried lumber from Coos Hay but has not been In this port for Homo time. Illy AworlilM I'rm In Cihh flay Tlmm, SKATTLK, Wash., Do US. Tlio wooden American schooner Sutts.ill tolo, niili gross tons, which was driv en ashore on Waadah Island, Capo Flattery, Is breaking up rapidly and will bo a total loss. Tho crow wub tnken off by tho Neah Hay lHo snv Ing station last night. Tho Suusnll to hud boon drifting about tho capo since Christinas day when sho was sighted with a broken rudder but re fused nSSlstllllCO. KILLED 01 DREDGE ACCIDKXT ON SKATTLK HKCKXT LV CLAIMS TWO VKTI.MS Olio Head mid One Kerloiihly Injured An Hcsult Only I'li-ht. Names ICnimn Word has boon recolvod horo thnt mi accident occurred on tho d red no Seattle which formerly was operated boro and which wub taken to PiikoI Sound. Ono of tho men was killed and ono hurt mud It Is probuhlo thnt both wore well known hero. Tlio iiowh comos In a letter to I'M Arnot of Coostou from Trunk AruntJ who wont from horo with tho dredRo. Ho says that there was somotliliiB wrong with tho cutter and It bad boon hoisted up out of tho water and" was bolug repaired when something gave way and It wont down In tho wwtor ukuIii and carried with it one cf tho mon, who wub doing work on 11 at tho tlmo. Auothor of tho crow was struck ami sovoroly Injured. (Jives Flihl Xiimot Arnot ovldoutlyvroto his lottor hurriedly and roforred to tho victims of tho accldontly only by their first uumos, probably bollevIiiB I that It would bo known whom ho ro forred to. Tho mombor of tho crow who 'was Injured ho roforred to as "Harry" and tho ono killed ho spoko of as "Frod." Today many who know tho crow of tho boat or who might know thorn, wore asked but noncf could place who woro tho mon killed nnd hurt. It wns suggested that tho Hurry rofor red to as Injured might bo Harry fioary or irnndon, who formorly worked on tho dradgo and whom It Is bollovod Joinod tho crow ugaln at Pandon boforo tho drodgo loft for tho north. I'l'obubly Known Hero Tho ,fact that Arnot rofors to tho two mon by tholr first names loads to tho bollof that thoy aro por Eons who uro well known hero. Ho further stntod that tho body of tho muii ho called Fred, hud not boon locovorod and was likely burled un dor tho machhiory and that a diver would bo ompioyud to locato and re cover tho body. M'MINNVILLK Mrs. Mary Jnno Ilobcrg, wife of Rov. Joseph Ho berg,' pionoor Methodist clergyman, who died at her Yamhill county. homo, was 85 years old and had (been an active worker In the church. TlmeB wan -d wing results. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, EXPECT BREAK WITH AUSTRIA Feared Reply to Ancona Note Cause Severance of Diplomatic Relations L Teutonic Representatives at Washington Are Said to be Prepared for Rupture ' VIENNA OPINION SAME Purls Paper Sujh Demands of tlio I'njted Stales Will Not bo .Met la tlio Iteply Which Is Now lloliiK Prepared - Illy Aipi.iloJ I'rcM t Cook Uay Tlnira, WAS1IINOTON, 1). C, Dec. 2S Aiirilrlu, according to unofflclnl In formation received In authoritative (Itiurtors horo today, wi'.l not meet the deiiiaudu of tho United States In the forthcoming reply to the Auco nit note, and Teutonic diplomatic cir cles uro represented as being prepar ed for a severance of diplomatic re lations. Scvnis Only Ono CourMi Although the iitato department no fur received from Ambassador Pen field at Vienna no forecast of tho oply, it wns understood that iiuIcsh m.nio excellent reason for continuing diplomatic correspondence on tho biibject was presented, no course counted to remain but to break Off correspondence. Will Hear Soon Tho Statu Department officlnlo nro expecting, information about tho re ply which might have been obtninod by Pouficld during an Informal con ference with Huron Von Ilurlan, tno AiiHlro-lliiugarlnu inhibitor of for eign' affairs. OPINION IN V1KNNA Hcllef There IN That Coiuo a Hrealc Will Illy Aaaorlaliol I'rtaa to Coot nay TlmM.J PAKIS, Dec. 28. Unconfirmed advices from Vienna, as published In tho Petit .Journal, say tho impression provalls In tho Austro-Huugurlan governmental circles that tho fortn comlng reply to the second American noto regnrdlug tho Ancona Incident will bring about a diplomatic rup ture between tho two nations. WOItK.MK.VK CO.MPKNSATIOX AV IK COXSTITUTIOXAIj Sfipreino Coifrt Hands Down' Doris- Ion Case HnniKht Purposely to Test l.'.:W, Illy AMorlala.) I'll, tu Coia luy Time. SAHK.M, Oro.. Dec. 28. Pronounc ing tho workmon's componsatloii' net aa coustltutlonul, tho Supremo Court today uphold tho Circuit Court In the cuso of George Kvanhoff versus tho. Stuto Industrial Accident Com mission. Tho uctlou was oxpressly brought to tost tho validity of tho law. MAV UK .MODIKIKD llrltlhli .May Allow HmI Cross to Ship , ' Suppllesi (Ily Auocl;4 Vtti to Cooa Hay TIiom.) 1 WASIIINOTON, D. C, Doc. 28. Informal nBBuruncea that tho Hrltish ordor restricting Aniorlcnn ship ments of hospital supplies to tho cen tral powora ia about to bo modlflod has boon received by tho Hod Cross and preparations nre bolug nindo to sond through some tho equipment mobt needed. HKPOHT THAT KIXO OK ITALY WAS IXJUHKD (By AwKlatM I'rraa a cooa nay Tlmea J HKHLIN, Doc. 28. (Wire less to Sayvillo) The report that King Victor Knnnanuol of Italy had beon wounded by wn Austrian grenade, and Is In a hospital, was given out today by tho Over bcas News Agency, which de scribed tho report us a sen Fatlonul rumor. 0(110 UlEFILT LB L 1 MKMIIKH OK TIIK ASSOCIATKD PHKS9 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 28, U.S. MAILISSE1ZED ItKPOItT TIIAT HIHT1SH (JOVKHN MKXT TOOK IT Hotlvnlam Dispatch Says It Was Ite- iiioumI from Two Ktoiiincra HoiHHl Mr Holland (Ily AaaoclatM 1'rraa to Ceoi nay TlmM.J HIOItHIN, Dec. 28. (Wireless to Sayvillo) Tho seizure" by tho Ilrltlsh government of Aniorlcnn mall from two steamships on their way to Hol land Is reported inn .Rotterdam dis patch. , j STKAMKItl UXITKD S'llTKS STOP PKD 111 TIIK HitrriKii Two lliindred CltLcns of United Htntw Draw up Protost Jo Scm! to Slate Department (II; AfKlli rrM to oa nay TIitim. NI5W YOKIC, Dec. 28. Tho Btcamer Unltod States, which ar rived today from Scandinavian ports, reported that sho was stopped by a Ilrltlsh cruiser cuBt of tho Shetland Islands and held five duyB at Qroen ock. Two hundrod American citi zens aboard drew up a vigorous pro test and will forward It to Secretary of State Lnunlng. TELLS MOOT CANAL . V " COVKUXOIt (iOKTIIAKS MAKKS IMS AXXUAL HKPOHT Many'Is Have Passed Through In the Year Health of tlio ono Is .Much Hctter Illy Aaaoclat rrrnj to Cooa Hay Tlma. WASIIINOTON, I). C, Doc. 28. A detailed nccount'of tho operation mid maintenance of tho Panama Canal during tho 'first ten months nnd a half aftor Its opening to rom morco In August, 1H1I, la given In the atiuuul report of Uovernor (loo thala of tho Canal Zono, Just mado public. Pinal construction work Just prior to tho ranul'n opening ,a I bo la described In thu report which embraces tho fiscal year end ing Juno !I0 Inst, prior to tho earth slide which blocked tho channel. Vessels Pushing ThroiiBh. Hotwcen AiiRiiBt in, 10H, and Juno .'10, l!)ir, H30 vessoln, ropro floutliiB a not Panama Cnual tou nuKo of 1,881,728 nnd eurgo ton nnge of 2,12C,7iin woro passod through from Atlantic to Pacific and TiC8 veasols, roiresoutlng a Pauainn Canal tonnage of 1,958, "107 and a cargo tonpago of 2,811, 0.'i7, froin.Pnclflc to Atlantic, limit ing n total of l',0f8 vossela with u not canal tounuKo or II, 8 la.Oilfi nnd n cargo tonniiKo or t,'JC0,7tt2. During this porlod threo minor slldoa lutorrupted traffic, tho clmn uol bolug ulnsed from October 1 1 to 20, and October .'II to Novem ber I, 19M, und March 4 to 10, 19ir. Construction or tho enunl proper, except for drodgliiB excavation nud construction or tho oast broakwator at Colon, virtually was completed prior to this flscnl your. Amount Impended Or tho 304,309,110 upp'roprlatod by CoiiRross to Juno 30 last, tho report stutea ?3C.r(,999,l Ifi was jipent for tho actual construction of tho canal nnd Its udjuuets. Two million dollars or tbla waa Invested In colliers, and ?0,;i,0G7 wub rotudnod to tho treasury depart ment up to tho close or tho fiscal your 1015 as miscellaneous receipts, loaviug 1357,130,018 us tho net amount expended for tho canal In cluding tho amount available for work still In progress. Health conditions In tho canal zone, tho ' roport wiys, wero vory good during tho year. Tho totul doath rato from dlseaso waa reduced .'rom 11.10 In 1011 to 11.77 In 101G. Labor conditions wero excollout. Moro than C000 mon wero given transportation homo because they could not bo used. COTTAOK OHOVK The Blxth company of tho Coast Artillery Corps, O. N. O., won first placo In tho Hankers' Trophy Hlflo Match held recently. FOREST fJROVE Georgo G. Pat terson was nominated ror Mayor on tho People's ticket, which wub .re cently nimori- turn AMERICANS 1915 EVENING EDITION SATS HE ROPES PEKEJB NEAR Capt. Boy-Ed Makes State ment on Sailing for Europe After Being Recalled , REFEOSl PRESS Says Irresponsible Papers Made Utterances Which He Terms as Reckless COL HOUSE ALSO LEAVES Departs on Santo Vessel nnd Will Vis It tlio Capitals American Min ister to Hrimsels With Wlfo Is On tho Hoat Illy AaoflalKl I'rwa to Cooa llay Tlmra.l NKW YORK, Dec. 28. Captain Karl Hoy-Kd, the recalled Gormnn nnval nttncho, Colonel House, Pres ident WIIsoVb special emissary; und Hrnnd Whlllock, American minister ut. HrtissolB, bonrdod tho steamer Kotterdani within n fow nilnutOB of each other todny to anil for Huropo. Houso and Whltloek woro uncom niunleatlvo but Hoy-Kd iBsticd n stntoiiiont In which ho doiiounccd tho "Reckless ittlcruncca of nn Irrespon- ialble prcsB." Hopes for Penoo In his Btutomcnt, Hoy-Kd said: " my henrtfolt hopo that tho United' Stutea und Germany, which luivo no many common IntorcBlB, will niwnvH maintain their friendly rela tions, lliut pcaco will como soon nnd tho nbiitomont of passion will onanio nil Amorlcans to have for Germany und Germans tho snmo goodwill no formorly." To Visit KiulmMHlcs House snld ho would visit tho jMitorlcnn embnssloa ut London, Pnr U, Horlln und posBlbly Vienna. Ho was iiccompanlod by his wife. FAVOR JETTY WORK KXG1XKKHS KKCOMMKND JITTV AT CHKSCKNT CITY, OAL. With Hallimd from Grants Pass Port Would Ho An Outlet for Part of Southern Oregon WASHINGTON, D. C, Doc. 28. H tho President will rnlso tho em bargo on now river nnrf harbor pro jects, CongresB, this session, mny iimkit an nnnronrlutlon for tho con struction of n broakwntor at tho on- tntncu to Croscont City Hay, on tno North California coast. This pro- joct, having hocn favorably rocom mondod by tho Army onglnoora nnd by tho Secretary of War, cornea with in tho CoiiKroBslonnl rule una win bo Bunctloued by Congress It per mission is gjvon to nuthorlzo now inoJnctB In tuo river una uwuior um soon to bo framed. Tho Crescent City project, though wholly In Callfornln. la of ua groat Importance to Southorn Oregon ua' to Nortborn California, roi It is tlironuli thnt hnrbor that many pro- diiota of Southern Orogon will find tholr otitlot when tho noy railroad from Ornnta Puss to Croscont City If completed. In fact, tho project Is of so groat Importance to Orogon tlmt tho Secretary of War, aa u con- I'lUon to rocoiniiiondlng tho bulld- liiir of the broakwator, will iiiHlst u en having nbsoluto uHsurnnco Hint railroad will bo compiotou "within u reasonable tlmo," A Tho roport of tho Army onRlncern- favors, nt this tlmo, nothing moro tliiiu tho conotructlon of tho broak wntor, but it Is evident, from tho full discussion or tlio project, thai If the harbor develops tho importance which Is anticipated, that improvo montof tho Inner harbor will bo recommended aa boon as romtiiorco Justifies. For tho present, however, tlin oxoondltiiro of but J100.00U is recommended for tho broakwator, of .whloh amount the Government Ih to appropriate ?300,000 and tho bal ance la to bo ruined by local Inter cuts. AUTOTUHNS OVKU Tho Going und Hurvoy nuto truck mot with an ugoldont this aftomoon. It was being driven hyom Harvoy. Coming down tho high grado on Com mercial avenuo In West MarBhfloId the auto skidded and went off tho grade and turned ovor In Mrs. Lund's jurd. No one was hurt. Jk Consolidation of Times, Const Mull Mq 1 33 nud Coos Buy Advertiser. ' EIGHT! WE LOST THAT .MANY DIKD WIIKN" FHKNCII HOAT SANK Totnl Xtimber of Survivors Is Given ns Two Hundred nun IClgnc In Malta h:mtch (Ily AMOctatnl Trraa to Cooa nay Tlmra. LONDON, Dec. 28. Tho number uf survivors of tho VIUo do In Clotnt is glvon in a Malta dispatch as 208. Klghty persons lost their HVos. Tho steamer wub off tho Island of Cr6to when sunk by u submnrlno. Tho survivors" lnndod at Multu corrobornto tho stntoiiiont thnt tho stenmor wns torpodocd without warning. HKPOHT IS TIIAT KIOHT AHOAHD WKHK LOST Stuto Department Not Informed Whether Thero Woro Any Antcr rlrmw on (tin Vessel Dy AmocUIM rmx ta Cooa llay Tlmra. WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec( 28. An unconfirmed report from Homo thnt nn unidentified Italian pnBson gor steamer was torpedoed while on her way to Catania, Sicily, with the loss flf eight lives, reached tho Stuto Dopnrtinont todny. It wna not re ported whothor thero woro any Amorlcans on board. Tho Aniorl cnn ombnssy ut Homo Is InvcBtlgnt Ing. ACTIVITIKS AUK HKNKWKD AF TICU CHRISTMAS LULL Artillery Kngngenn'iitH HcHrtcd Ov ;r tlio Wholo Front In tho Wyst- Town Is Shelled (fly AaaotlateJ 1'rraa to Coa Uay Tlmra. LONDON, Dee, 28. Renewed act ivity ut niimoroiiB points uro reported In official communications Issued to dny. An artillery eiigngcmont of great activity over tho wholo froiit In tho Vosges region Is roportod by Par Is. Horlln says the French havo at tacked tho Gorman Hues nt.'lllrsteln but dotalbi regarding tho outcome nro lucking. Tho 'allied . monitors shelled Westondo, Uelglum, killing threo residents, two or whom woro wornon. On tho (''astern Front On the eastern front, nropulalng of the Russian roconuolterlng nu tachmonta near Czurtorysk nnd olso- vhoro Ib roportod by Horlln, whlla Potrograd claims tho iRusslnns oper ated unsuccessfully against tho' Gor mnn outposts. Hiisslaus Hoinbai'iL In the Illack Sea, near the Htilgur Inn sboro, Htisslnu torpedo boats do Btroyed two sailing voscoIb nnd bom barded tho posts om tho shore. Tho Russian destroyer Gromkl ro pulsed a ntihmnrliio attack und Pot rogrud says thoro Is reason to believe ouo of tho Btibmnrlnoa wub hiiiiIc. A lull contlntioa In Macedonia. IS Jt'DGK HUNT UKPUSKS TO HIS MISS HOOKKPKLLKIl CASK fy'Hh Oilier Directors of Now York, New Haven nud Hartford .Must Ho Tiled (fly AjiocIiI4 I'rma la roof Uay Tlmea.i NKW YORK, Doc. 28. Judge Hunt donlod motions or tho dorouso to dismiss tho caso against William Hockofollor nnd ton othor former dlrectora of thot Now York, Now Hn Ven nntl Hnrtford railroad on trial charged with conspiracy to monopo lize tho transportation traffic of Now Knglnnd. Ho also donlod a motion to strlko out tho testimony relating to tho Metropolitan stouui shlp deals which Involved Kdwurd D. Robblus. VILLA A FUGKTIVK IX NOIITII KHX MKXICO Uy AmocUIM Vrf to Coo nay TlmoaJ a KL PASO, Toxns, Deo. 28. Gonornl Francisco Villa Is a fugltlvo In tho Guerrero district Just north or Madera In western Chihuahua, ac- cording to tho latest advices ' recelvod by General Obregou today. SINK ITAL AM NT FIGHTING RESUMED MOTION DE HIED LU FOR CONSPIRACY Ten Prominent Men Charged With Fomenting Strikes in Munition Factories Alleged That Peace Council Was Formed to Bribe ' Leaders to Make Trouble CONGRESSMAN INCLUDED Former Attorney (Icnornl or Ohio l Another Among Those Accused- All Hut Two Aro or Woro Orriccrs of tlio Council lily Aaaoclalt Trma lo Cooa Day Tlmra. NKW YORK, Doc. 28. Congress man Huchnnan of Illinois; II. Rob ert Fowlor, formor congressman from Illinois; Frank S. Monnott. formor uttornoy general or Ohio; Da vid 'Lamar, Jacob C. Taylor, pros,!- dent of labor'fl national poaco coun cil: Frnnz Von Illntolon, and Gorman Agents, H. H. Martin nnd Horman Schultcla woro Indicted by federal grand Jury today of conspiring to fo moiit strikes In Amorlcan munition factories. All tho Indicted men oxcopt Lamar nnd Von Illntolon nro offlcoro or former offlcors of tho poaco council. Much Money Used Tho peace council was rormod and financed by Von Illntolon to brlbo labor loaders to call strikes In tho munition plants In furtherance of tho Gorman propaganda In this country, it is alleged. Lamar, who hnu boon called the "Wolf of Wall Stroot," Ib chargod with being Von Illntolons "Pack Btor". It la nald that hundreds oC thousands of dollars passed through I'Ih hands. Xow i Prisoner Von Illntolon Is at present a pris oner In Knglnnd. Ho was solzcd by tho Ilrltlsh nuthorltloH nt Falmouth whlla rieolng from this country un der u falflo passport. All tho Indictments returned ro under tho anti-trust law and charge conspiracy in rostrulnt of tho foreign trade or tho Unltod State. LDNG TO BE TRIEO CIIAHGKD WITH OHTAININC1 MON. KY UXDKH FAI-SK PHirrKNSKS Witnesses Aro Siiimnonotl Today- Archlo Madden Also U Jes Ltiko l'ulled to Support Child Trial of Rnlpli J. Long on tho charge of obtaining money undor fulRo pretonocH will como up nex"t wcok In tho circuit court. This morning Deputy Sheriff W. C. Laird served auiumoua on four wltnoMoa who uro to nppcar. Long la Bald to bo In Portland now, having boon rollovod from cus tody under bonds. Ho came hare last spring Irom southorn California, mado many frlonds, talked much about n putouted gold machine and thou cuBhod several sight drafts that wero returned. Tho witnesses sum moned aro II. J. McKeown, Frank Lowe, Cell Ireland and John Koontz, Will Try Madden Tho chnrgo against Archlo Madden for firing at Scotty Lowo also will romo up for a hearing next week, Lowe and Frunk Plorco have been summoned as wltnossos. Luke Under Arrest Fulluro of Jess Luke to pay 1Q n month for tho support of a minor (iutightor lod to his arrest In Rose burg. On Sunday Mr. Laird return ed from thoro with Luko who la new in Jail nt Coqulllo awaiting trial naxt week. A secret Indictment was returned upnlnst Luko, until ho could be lo cated and served. Lust jprlng ho was bofore tho grand Jury and at that tlmo promised to bo regular In his payments, but bIiico then, tell down In bringing rorth tho monoy, KLAMATH FALLS Tho County Court or Klamath County has voted to pay a coyote bounty of $3,75 and In tho Fort Klamath country, whore rabies is reared, an additional bounty or ?2 la offered, M MONET US fl ti ' "iK M i ! jrV i-JU M I l S. r i ..j Timnnt records.