THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD,, OREGON; MOIIDAY,.DECEMBER 27, 19 15 EVENING EDITION. TWO COOS BAY TIMES U. C. MALONEY, Editor and Pub. RAN E. MALONEY, News Editor Official Official Paper of Pnper Mtr Coos County of Mnrnhflelil. t EUROPEAN WAR ONE X YEAR AGO TODAY I $$ DEO. , 1011 Dombs from Gorman aoroplanc9 Kill n number In Russia timl France. Fob halts the campaign In Flan ders. In southern Poland and Gallcla the Russians claim to havo mado ad vances. , KiiBsla cedes to Japan Its half In terest' In tho Island of Sakhalin. News of Nearby Towns COUNTY SEAT NOTES DEO. 27, 11)11 Tho Allies continue their offonslvo along tho western front. Germans and Russians cngago In artlllory duels in Poland. Italy notifies tho powers that It will protect Albania and not nllow u chango of government. Vienna proposes a confereuco to revlso tho rules regarding tho rights of neutral countries. MILITARY ROAD NECESSARY "I N THE matter of railroads American proparcdncss' Is noth ing lacking. In tho matter of good roadways and tho supply of nutos which could bo rcqulstlon cd for mobilization wo lead tho world. And," says tho Chronicle, "tho glorious things about thoBO forniB of proparcdncss Is that they aro all UBablo In tlmos of peace." This Is an excellent argument for a government highway running tho full length of our coasts. It, too, would soon pay Us worth In times of peacb. Astorlan. News of Coqulllo Told In tho Hen. tlnel of That City Irvln Custer enmo In from Al bany Collcgo tho first of tho week to Bpcnd the holiday vacation at home. City Engineer Sidney E. Hender son left last Saturday for a two Weeks' vacation which ho will spend at Portland, Hood River and Eu gono. Jasper Yoakam, tho malinger of tho Smith-Powers ranch on Cun ningham, reports that ho has about GOO head of cattle there. Superintendent Chas". A. Howard, of tho city schools, was recently complimented by being mado ono of tho stato board or toucher examin ers, lie Is a member of tho sec tion which frames tho questions for the examinations. WILL START .MILL L. C. Reynolds to Manufacture Shin- jrlcs at tho Slusluw Th9 Sluslaw Pilot tells tho fol lowing of L. C. Reynolds, of North Ilcnd, who recently went to Flor ence to Btnrt a shluglo mill: "L. C. Reynolds, a veteran and oxporlcnced sawmill man, Is In Florence for tho purpose of build ing nnd operating n saw and shlu glo mill to uso up tho vnst amount of cedar that lies tributary to tho Sluslaw River. Mr. Reynolds wim in Florenco Boveral years ago and purchased a largo amount of cedar timber, nnd It Is his purposo now to put thfs timber on tho market In merchantable sturf. Ho went to Maploton tho first of tho woolc to repair his largo donkey engine, pre paratory to boglnnlng operations. AN ODE TO THE 27TII. Tho melancholy day has como, Tho saddest of tho year, it mnlcoa mo 111 to deo a trco Or hoar of "Christmas Cheer." Wo'vo boon greatly grieved at pres ents Wo "surely should havo got," Wo'vo gotten many others That "greatly plcaso us" not. So I daro not sing of OhrlBtmns Day with nil its mirth, Rut sing an odo to tho 27th When groat grief is given birth. Tho only thing that cheers mo In this day of Joy boroft Ir a volco that seems to whtapor, "No more shopping days now loft." J WITH THE TOAST t AND THE TEA X $$ GOOD EVENING Tho man who consecrates Ills hours by vigorous offort, nnd an honest aim, nt onco ho draws tho sting of llfo and death; ho walks with nature; and hor paths aro poaco. Young. CHEERFUL OLD COOS RAY COUNTY SEAT NOTES Nowh of Coqulllo Told Herald. In tho Hen Curry loft for California on a business trip. Archlo Walkor Is filling his position at tho ware houso during his absence. Pnul Skcols returned from nn oxtondod stay In California. Ho has not fully decided whether ho will remain hero long or not, but intonds to stay until nftor Christ mas. MIsb Ray, tho English teachor of tho High School, loft ovorlaud for a holiday visit at hor homo In Colo rado. She hoped to reach hop des tination on Thursday and expected to start on her return trip tho fol lowing Wednesday. i ' (? b ti J' PORT ORFORR NOTES It fills your soul with melody To gazo upon tho scone; Tho smiling sky, tho waters, hills, And nil that lieu botweou. You sniff tho ozone, clear and crisp No clndors, Binoko or dust. Thero's something in you seems to say " l'vo got to fly or bust.' Your heart beats light, your blood goes zlugt You walk h if on air; You tinglo, jingle, hum and Hinllo From soles of feet to linlr. There's nothing In tho world but Joy, As you trnvol day to day And llfo's worth living hero, 'you bot. On cheerful old Coos Hay. -ANON -I - QUESTION FOR THE DAY What did you got? Coos Hay people who go away for a chnugo usually como back broke. News of Curry County Published in (lie Trillium Mlsa Knto Lohuhcrr, or Coos Co., passed down rocontly, to accept n position nt tho Rrcakcrs, Gold Reach. Tho editor of tho Tribune has boon qulto seriously 111 during tho past wook, and although somowhat Improved, is still confined to his room, J. C. Woldvogol, of naudon, re turned this wcok from a trip through Curry as far as Wcdderburn, pur chasing hides and pelts. Ho pur chased sovoral hundred sheep polts, but found beef hides very scarce Englneor John Jeusou, who has boon employed for somo tlmo at tho Rrooklngs mill, Chetco, passed up yesterday, taking advantago of a couple of weeks vacation to visit frlonds and relatives In Northern Curry. How dear to this heart is tho stocking of childhood, when fond recollection presents it to viewl On Christmas St. Nick camo from frost-covered wlld r wood with every loved toy which my Infancy knew, Tho wldo spreading chimney, tho sled which stood by It, a horse, ami somo books I remember them all a doll for my slstor, and baby Iioubo nigh it, and then tho full stockings which hung on tho wall tho Santa Claus stocking, tho bountiful stocking, tho Christmas morn stocking which hung on tho wall! Tho well stuffed envelopo 1 hailed as n trcasuro as early that morning I opened my eyes and found that the source of nn exquisite pleasure, the purest and sweetest that nature supplied. How ardent I seized It with hands that woro glowing, and back to my white sheeted bed went with all, then soon, with tho emblems of love overflowing was happy In what to my lot did bofall tho Santa Claus stocking, tho generous stocking, the Christmas morn stocking, which hung on tho wall! How sweet through Its round open top to cx- 'r-' " V , ploro It as poised on my knee It inclined to my vlow! Not a v ' ; hot, tempting breakfast could make mo forget it for longer nt most than n minute or two. And now, far re moved from tho loved sit uation, tho tear of regret will Intrusively fall, m fancy roverts to my youth's habitation and sighs o'er tho stocking which hung on tho wall tho Santn Slaus stocking, tho plethoric stocking, tho Christmas morn stock in which hung on tho wall! Rut grown pcoplo find there's a later sensation ns grateful as any they felt long ago. It comes when they witness tho glad oxultatlon which on Christinas morning their own offspring show. And now, dean old Santa Claus, lot mo potltlon your favor for children, both largo 'ones and small. Rrlng all the bright hopes to tho fullest fruition that rests In each stocking which hangs on tho . wall tho healthy child's stocking, tho . . i urchin's stocking; yes, fill ovory " stocking which hangs on tho wall! v: On onsbnas Pay RREAKS HIS LEG Sometimes an earthly saint has a faco that scares uway temptation. Tho black uheop stands a bettor chance of living to a ripe old ago than the tatted calf. Most of tho students In tho school of experience aro forced to study economy. Evon with tho aid of a mirror a Coos Hay woman is unablo to seo horsolf ns others see hqr. With ribbons and holly And bravest good cheor, May you danco and be Jolly For Christmas is here. Thoro aro two kinds of Coos Hay people who go to church thoso who puss tho plato, and thoso who lot tho plato pass thorn. Earl Schroeder at Coqulllo Meets With Accident As tho result of a playful scuffle Earl Schroodor suffored a broken leg, fulling ns ho Jumped from tho curbing to the planking on First strcot In Coqulllo, near tho Poat offlco, while ondoavorlng to got away from his companions, and trnctur lug tho right log just about the kuco. Dr. Hamilton set tho limb at tho Oregon Rooming House, whore ho wus tukon. Tho fact that tho samo limb was broken In tho samo place about twelve years ago, will probably ronder his recovory slower. Coqulllo Sentinel. WILL RETAIN PARKS Coqulllo the to Hold Option Property Cho.sen Tho Coqulllo Sentinel says: "It has beou practically agreod between tho City Council and men who sign ed the note to render It possible tt sec tiro tho Patterson grove as a city park, that tho city will pay the taxes and interest on tho note and thus retain an option o tho proporty for a year to come. Tho amount that will havo to bo paid to get title to tho laud will bo f2300. It Is proposed to secure somo of tho needed funds for this purcha&o by tho salo of tho old city dumping ground east of tho Masonic ceme-tory. It is a crime at any time to be away from home To peddle boards, er carry swords, er sail the ocean foam, To pull a saw, er ee an' haw a lazy plug er steer It's pretty tough, it's bad enough at any time of year, But ev'ry man who ever ran a hemlock to the skids The same will say: that Christmas Day is when you miss the kids, It's cold an' damp an' dark in camp; it's lonelier than sin, It isn't much like Christmas, such as gener'ly comes in, You think about the baby's shout, you think about the tree; A sigh you give, "I wonder if tho children think of me?" Yes, Ev'ry man who ever ran a hemlock to the skids Will say the same that it's a shame, tho way you miss the kids, , , tv.&'ti&M&ffi An' yet I guess their happiness is what you want the worst; The meanest Turk fer that'll work, would hunger an' would thirst; An', if we hit the trail a bit, an' leave the kids behind, It's grub an' clo'se an' things like those fer wife an' them to find, An' so I'll do my duty, too, an' go where duty bids, But, fellahs, sayl on Christmas Day, Lord, how you miss the kip's! American Lumberman, MARRIAGE LICENSES Recept marrlago llcouscs issued by tho County Clerk woro tho fol lowing: Rruco Lattlu nnd Anna E. John son. Sandy A. Ellis and Lilas M. Clin ton. Cut This Out It Is Worth Money NEW SUITS FILED The following now suits havo boon filed in tho Circuit Court: W. P. McKenna v.s Gcorgo W. Mooro Lumber Company. John A, Mooro vs. George W. Mooro Lumber Company. George R. Hancock vs. Violet Hancock. Suit for divorce. Lucia Stratton vs. William Stratton. Suit for dlvoreo. Hlumauer-Frank Drug Co., Leighton G. Piatt. Carrlo Rebecca Motley vs. Grovor Clovoland Motley. Suit for dlvoreo. Ralph M. Rouuds vs. J. A. Ward and Minnie S. Ward. W. vs. Foloy's Honey anil Tar Com- standard lamwy remeuy SECURES WITNESSES Tho Gold Roach Globo Bays: Doputy U. S. Marshal Do Roost of Portland, was hero during tho wcok subpoonlng witnesses in tho case of U. S. against Shook on a White Slavery charge. Tho caso Is dockoted for Jau, 10 nt Portland. Cut out this advertisement, enclose ' C cents to Foley & Co., 2835 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, 111., writing your name and nihlrcHB clearly. You will re calvo In ruturn a trial pacltago con taining; (1) tiound. the for coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough, tightness and soroncss In chest, grippe and bronchial coughs. (2) Foley Kidney Pills, for over worked and disordered kldnoys and bladder ailments, pain In sides and back due to Kidney Trouble, soro muscles, stiff Joints, backache and rheumatism. (3) Foloy Cathartlo Tablets, a wholesome and thoroughly cleansing cathartic, Especially comforting to stout porsoni, and a purgative needed by uvurybody with sluggish bowels und torpid liver. You can try theso three family remedies for only 6c. For salo by Owl Prescription Phar macy. Frank D. Cohan, Central Avo-I nuo. Opposite Chandler Hotel. Tele-j phone 74 WEAVING All kinds a spec ialty. Mrs. W. W. Nason. 680 12th Courth, So. Phone 220-R I I DRY WOOD at CAMPBELL'S W00DYARD North Front Street Phono 370J 4- Lei 9f Whatever the weather out' sc?e,agoodoil heater makes sunshine within. 1 WW) A 5 lit Tt.1 ml iiSii f iSf Perfection Oil Healer Inexpensive to operate easily carried from room to room. Smokeless and odorless. Deal ers everywhere. For itsl results use Ptarl Oil. Standard Oil Company (California) AAAAAAAAAAA THE PERFECTION OIL HEATERS MAY ALWAYS RE FOUND AT SUMNER HARDWARE CO. , 80 MARKET AVENUE. MAHSHFIHLR, ORE. Scandmavian-American Bank WHERE SAVINGS ARE SAFE Our Sincere Good Wishes For the Season HOURS 9 TO 3 SATURDAY EVE 7 TO 9 The Question The money question N tho question of every iimiiVt fiitiir. Do not think that licence yon have hut llttlo money that It Is not wmlh vthllo to stmt nn ac count. Tho account opened now your may ho fort une. tho foundation ol' First Bank Marshfield, N ational f Coos Bay Ore go FLUUGU & BENNETT III OLDEST HANK IN COOS COUNTY Established 1880. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $118,000 Interest paid on Tlmo AND HAVINGS DEPOSITS Officers J. W. Dennett, President. J. II. FlnmiKftii, Vice-President R. F. Williams, Cashier. Geo. F. Winchester, Ast. Cshler. GRAVEL- Wo are now prepared to furnish QRAVEL In any quantities from pile In our yard or In carload lots, at following prlcei: From pllo on ground, $2.S!r per yard. Canoad lots, taken from earn, $2.00 per yard. Retail Depurtnmat. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. Opposite Pofi(Offic, Phone 100. !5CJfe Offlrn.T... " 8nrKC Office I,0Urai !,'" . 1 na to B n. - "Ktl 1!!C0 1,: K J J. M. Wrinht nuiLDisa coxJHi-J nn U III n. " JOi Ear nnd Thrn c mono iMO-T u ,7 llo's 200.,. " dlW, H. G. Rlltlnr nivir. . "oom 304 fStZ , W. G. Chandler Itootns 301 and 302, Cok6, I Marshfield. OrlH ' -vou T.J.HCA.PHjnA,n.noi)flr Marshfield K and Phoa 14K.R. MhflM n TIMK TAULB53 WILLA.AIETTE PACIFIC MOM. nun "" I .in . .. ... . . t Lmti C.4G a.m. y 7.00 7.4r, n m . . K4n n m ... : : :ooib. 10MB a.m. ,- . tJ i:ju a.m. .- . ib:ou p.m. . l!U . 1:45 P-m' 2:00 p.0, 2:4G P.m. j.00pB) 3M5 p.m. k 1:00pa u:uu p.m. 5!l5pni cr-10 v.m. 6:55 p.a, o:uo p.m. worth city limits only. 730 p.m. 7:45 p.m.1 SAVE MONEY by orderlug the famou m HENRYVILLE COAL Nut coal, por ton u.o Lump coal, por ton 15,50 1 Or half ton of both U5 I). MDSSOS, Proj. Phono 18-J or learo ordWi M IllllycrV Cliiw Store. WOODGOOD WOOD W. II. Lingo has It at m rxA $2 cash per load, also coal, nun I prices rcaMJimhlo. Gurbago reaor ed. Phono !7J. SOUTH COOS RITOIl BOAT SERVICE LAUNCH EXPRESS leuves Marshfield every itj 8 a, in. Leaves head of river nt 8: IS p. m. STEAMER 1UINI10W leaves head of river dally t 7 n. in. Ieavos Mnrsliflcld at 9 p. 111. For charter apply on board. ROGERS & SMITn Proprietors FARE THN CENTS City Limits North Ilcnd, Be. nn commutation nn ZU TICKETS $1.75 U Marahflold-North Ilend Auto Lino Car oiery ten minutes from O n. in. to 12 p. ni.; to Sonth Slough onco a day, leaving at 11 u. m.; to Empire throe trip n day. GORST . KINU, itop. FOR TRANSFER AND STOR AGE OF HOUSEHOLD GO0D8 FREIGHT AND lUGGAGE - Call - ' FERGUSON TRANSFER Phone 103 n i.l.,,., lhnllfl 13-J Market Ave. and Wnterfrcsl AND INFOltMATlOfl Abstracts rOR RKLIADLK ABSTRACTS OF TITLE AUOUT COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. MARSRFIELD AND COQUILLE C1TV, OREGON GENERAL AGENTS, EASTSIDE AND SENGSBAOKEN'S ADDITION AGENTS FOR CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILROAD LAND IIENRY SENGSTACKEN, MANAGER WESTERN LOAN AND BUILUINU uu. Assets $2,340,000.00 Pays 8 per cent on savings j I. S. KAUFMAN '& CO. Local ireasuioi U "" DUN?AN TflMG U,MU PARLORS will be kept OPEN TO THE PODBJ A regular undertaker wW M charge Phone 15J nt3 may I