r- " '""IMT HY NOT 6T ACQUAINTED WITH YOUR NFir,HRnB?-Ynl MIGHT LIKE HIM I . " " . I A PAPER THAT BELIEVES IN THE BEST AND ALWAYS BOOSTS Vol. No. XXXIX. SIS LIFE TO its. Elizabeth Culbertson. a Grandmother, Runs Through Flames of burning House' IIS DUf SAFELY fire at North Bend Severe Loss and New Home be Presented MINDS BEING SUBSCRIBED Liriioiitci'M and TcninsterM Will Do" unto Seniles Free of Churuo House mill Contents and Winter Supplies All Destroyed Sunday Risking her llfo to save her two utle grnndchlldron, Mrs. Ellzaboth S, Culliurtson of Dnngor addition In forth IJoml, dnsliod Into tho flumes rMcli wcrq consuming hor homo nnd rescued tlta two little children. Mrs. (ilbcrtsou and the little ones escnp- (ivltliotit serious Injury but hud It iot been for the heroic net of tlio pndniothcr tlio children would me been burnod to death In their Id where they wore sleeping. Unfortunate Flro The flro occurred Sunday night ad waB a particularly unfortunate let for Mrs. Culbortson. Slio own- ! the little threo room house which mi her homo und mado n living by lulling chickens ami Boiling milk tin two cows. Sho had Just laid It her supply of feed for tho cows sJchlckons for tho wlntor and also kl put In other stores for her omehold nnd nil of these supplies Ketlier with everything In the louio wns destroyed. Children Kent lleio The father of tho two grandchild- ten saved Is Philip Anmt who for- Ktrlj" whs connected with tho res train business on tho buy. Tho I other is sick In Portland and not ln ago tho chlldron wcro sent to ftrth Demi nnd Mrs. Culbertson fcok rhnrgo "of them. Another '"Kilter and her child lived with In. fiilhortson but they woro not it home at the time. Cow Main Saved Mrs. Culbertson hud put tho two iMldrcn to bed nnd wont outside to Mk her cow. Lntor alio noticed oko coining from tho back part of He liotiso and soon tho whole plnco u In flames. Sho got tho children it hut none of tho contents wore ami. Neighbors tamo to aid but k nas too late. Tho choinlcnl on line from North Ilend responded to Ue alarm nml saved tho chicken louso and cow bam so Mrs. Culhort Ka' means of living was not lost. Tlio flro started by somo clothing Mch Imd boon placed noar tho fote to dry catching on flro. Will llnvo New Homo Chnrltnblo pooplo of Xorth Horn! l onco started a movement to ns- dit the unfortuuuto woman. Two ubscrlptlon papers liavo been circu ited and sufficient money will bo Med to buy lumber for n now touse nnd sovornl. enrpontors havo lolmiteerod to build tho liotiso with- '( cost and teamsters havo offorod Maul tho lumber freo so Mrs. Cul lrtson will havo a now homo nnd 1" only loss will bo tho burning of 'r liousohold furnishings and hor later's supplies. L Officials Installed and Official Ac- nanus started und Villa Troops Mustered Out tUr AuoiUtcJ rrru to Coot Ilty Tlnif..j EL PASO. Texas. Dec. 27. Con- ,,rl of tho civil government of Jua- J," bj tho Mexican do facto govorn- &ent ii..n.. .i ...in. .1. t..nlit. ,; uvbiill iuii.lv, mm uiu jiiouwiu- Uln .. ...!- i !.. l. I ,-" Ul UI11C1U1S, 1UB11UCIIU1I Ul IIIU chives and establishment of offic g! ban accounts. The mustoriug .ttil t of the Villa soldlora also begun. Turn All Over Jose Cantu. brothoi of Governor intu of Lower California, Bald to- iii.it uovornor cantu turned over B entlro organization to tho do fac- &Pm n..... ,.,.. .!.., 1. H o-. v i Miui'lll jtrait'tutv kCeneraU Villa, nodricuez and dlnavelt a are tho only known lers m arms In Chihuahua state pinst the do facto government, ac rdhig to Qeneral Obrogon. WE CHILDREN Hi ONTO Established 1878 Ah Tlio Const Mall EO E. W. KAMMEHEK WIRES OF HIS WIFE'S DEATH Slides Tluit Sho Passed Awny nt I' our O'clock This MornlnK in Cnlirorniii 12. W. Kammeror wired C. F. Mc Georgo today telling of tho death of his wife. The telegram'sald: "I lost my girl H1I3 morning at four o'clock." it is supposed of course that Mr. Kammerer referred to bis wife, us ho hud used tho snino expression In a lettor. Mrs. Kanunorer lert 'hero with her husband two yenrs ugo and waB in poor health before alio left hero. Sho suffered greatly from asthma und later developed tuborculosls. Sho had been nt a hospital at Dol- mont, Cal., Mr. Kanunorer -wired from Colusn, Cal., whore his children are staying. It 1b supposed there fore thut he was not with Mis. Knm mcrer when sho died but ho had very recently left there. Tho mes sugo did not say anything regarding tho pinna for tho funeral. Mrs. Kammeror had hosts of friends in Mnrshfleld. Sho lived hero for a number of years, whllo her husband wns engaged In busi ness in Mnrshfleld. nn'nm imr marrlago sho wns Miss llolton. He sldes tho hiisbnnd thoro survives two children, Helton, u son aged about eleven, and Margaret, aged 8 years. A WOULD (JET NITROGEN FROM Allt HV ELECTRICITY Gcnoiiil Snyn Army Should Xot Havo to 'Depend on Clillo for XI t rates (lljr Associated Press tu Coo liar Tlmt. WASII1NGTOX, 1). C, Dec. 27. ' To free tho United Stntos army from dopendonco 'for nitrates from Chllo for manufacturing explosives, Drlg adler Gonoral Crozler, chlof of or dinanco In his nnnunl roport today says tho government If necessary, should dovolop electrical procossns of taking nitrogen from tho nlr. IBM STAYS HOI WILL xot .ioix ford party as PLANNED Cancels Passage for Himself and Wifo Ik Hemiiso Ford HIiii hflf Camo Hack (Ur Auotutfel IT, ir Coo. ur tidm. NEW YORK, Dec. 27. Reports William J. Dryan hud (ontomplntcd Joining Honry Ford In Europo woro confirmed today, but becnuso Ford retumod to tho Unltod States Hry an cancelled passngo for himself nnd Mrs. Dryan on tho stoaniBhlp Rotter dam, snlllug tomorrow. SICK FORMER MEXICAN LEADER MOVED FROM, PRISON RE- Taken From Fort Hlls 1'nder Guard to tlio ltesldenco of ' His Wife Dr AnoruteJ PreM to Coo. Dr Tlm.) EL PASO, Texas., Dec. 27. Gen eral Huerta, hold for violation of tho neutrality laws of tho United States, is seriously Ul and was re moved today from tho prison nt Fort Dllss to tho residence of his wifo, under guard. HUM VETERAN DIES nr AuooUteJ t'rt'H to Coos Hay Tlmfj PITTSUURG, Pa. Dec. 27. Col onel Edward Jay Allen, aged S5 years friondl of President Lincoln, a mem ber of tho staff of General Fremont during the Civil Wnr, and ono of tho first settlers of Seattle, Is dead nt his homo here. INDIAN ARMY CORPS HAS LEFT FKAXCE.. Dr AuoililM rrru to cooa Mr Times. LONDON Dec. 27. Tho Drltlsh Indian army corps has left France for another field of operations, was offlc- tally announced tonight- ' w' HAS puss away US H PLAN GEN HUERTA (B00S MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRENCH VESSEL :78 Claim the Ville de la Clotat Attacked by Submarine Without Warning E Passengers Were Aboard But There Were no Americans Among the Number REPORT RECEIVED TODAY cssel Went Down Fifteen Minnies After Sho Wns Torpedoed Ktuto- iiicntH Mado Today Conflict as to tlio Date of Disaster CLAIM STEAM Kit SUNK WITHOUT WARNING. . tnr Assorlsted Press to Coos, Bsr Times. PARIS, Dec. 27. The French stonmor Vlllo do La Clotat with passengers on bonrd wns torpedoed without warning and sunk in, tho Mediterranean by a submnr- Ino on December 21, tho niln- istry of marlno announced to- day. Most of the passengers und members of the crew wcro rescued. Uf ASSOClStS-l I'l'U U CtOt (14 T 11IUM.I WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 27. Sovonty-nlno persons woro drowned In tho destruction of tho French lin er Vlllo do La Clotat, the American consul at Malta reported today to tlio stnto department. No Americans woro aboard. Do said tho ship was torpedoed without warning at 10: 15 o'clock Dec. 2-1 and sank In 15 minutes. Tho ma jority of tho piiBsongors and crow wcro picked up by an English steamer. In a Dig Vessel Tho Consul reported that tho res cued woro picked up by a Moss lluor after thoy had been In tho small boats two hours. Tho Vlllo do la Clotat was on hor way from Jnpau, China nnd Hawaii to Mar seilles. The lost Included a woman first-class pnssonger, a stewardess and two children. Sho Is one of tho largest Btcnmshlps sunk recoutly In tho Mediterranean. Hor gross ton- nngo was J:i7S. First Official Notn Tho consul's dispatch, which enmo In responso to Secretary Lansing's call for a roport on the disaster, was tho first official Information on tho incident, which probably will bo tho aubjoct of further diplomatic corres pondenco with tho Teutonic powers. Today's roport Bald tho submarine was not scon until after tho liner wns torpedoed and then only hor per Ucopo was visible RELEASE PRISONER MAN TAKEN FROM AMERICAN SHIP IS SET FREE French Officials S'iy That Others Seled Aro Doing Held for Investigation (nr Auoclited rrcJ to Coo Ilir Time.. WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 27.r William Garhe, of Brooklyn, pur sor of tho American steamer Dorln quen, taken off by the French crulsor Descartes In Porto Rlcan waters, baa been roleased. Tho French ombassy says tho other men taken from American ships nro be ing hold ponding an Investigation of their liability to military --rvico In Germany. ASK FOR RECEIVER TEXAS AND PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY IS DEFEXDAXT Alleged that the Corporation Has Failed to Pay Interest Duo on llonds Or AMOUt-J Press (o Coos Bar Times. DALLAS, Texas, uec. st. a ru- 0 SCI R celvershlp for tho Texas nnu t'acttic I Railway Company was asked In a (petition filed bore by the Bankers ! Trust company of New York. De- fault In the payment of interest on bonds is alleged, mm M13MIH3K OP THE ASSOCIATED TRESS MONDAY, DECEMBER 27, ST0P FOB HOLIDAYS LITTLE FIGIITIXG ItEPOItTED DURING CIIIMST.MAH SEASOX French Rninhnrd Posit Ions of Ger mans and letter Claim to Havo Occupied n .Mluo Crater tnr Associated Prctt (o Coot Ur Time.) LONDON, Dec. 27. With minor exceptions, the holiday lulls In mili tary oporatloiiB continue On tho west front, Paris reports the bom bardment of German positions at two points, and Uorlln tolls of tho occu pation of a French mine crater by the Germans near Xouvllle. A Cettlnjo official stntoment says the Montenegrin troops In tho Sun- Jak district nro carrying on an of fensive nnd enptured sovornl villages recoutly occupied by tho Austro- Iluiigurlnns, In tho enst Polrograd says Gor man nttackB south of Ikskul undor cover of gas, and,1 on tho Dvlnsk front woro repulsed. In Persln, tho Russians claim tho defeat of tho German-Turkish forces. nmong whom woro sovornl thousand rebel Persians. VICTORS AT ELECTION' WILL SUPPORT PRESENT PREMIER Two Auxiliary cinSos of (ho Army Have llcen Dihlundcd by Royal Dccrco PART OF GREEK AR.MV IS DISMISSED tnr AuorlatM TrrM to coon r.kj TlniM.) LONDON, Dee. 27. Tho correspondent nt Athens of tho Exchnngo Tolograph sayB a Royal decreo has been Is sued disbanding tho two Aux iliary clussos of tho Grook troops. 4 (Ir AuocUI4 Trrti to Coo. Il.rjlmw.) HERLIN, Doc. 27, (Wlroless to Snyvlllo) M. Gournnrls, whoso par ti won in tho recent gonoral election in Grcoco, has renounced any claims to tho premiership tho Ovor Seas news ugoncy says. Ho nsBiired King Constantinople that as leader or tho majority party ho waB willing to sup port Premlor Skouloudts. ARMY IS SUFFERING RUSSIANS IN THE CAUCASUS HE- PORTED AS DEMORALIZED Ik KomiU of Cold, Poor Equipment ami 1 1 linger and Dlseu.so Among tho Men tnr AmocUIM rm to Coo. llr Tlmej.J DERL1X, Doc. 27. (Wlreloss to Snyvlllo) Reports from tho Cauca sus received from Constantinople htato thut tho Russian army is de moralized us tho result of cold, hun ger, choloru, typhoid nnd poor equip ment. MAKE ASSAULT ON THE HRITISH RUT REPULSED Official Statement From English , Commander Says Turkish Losses Very Rig nr Associated Tress to Coos nr Times.) , DELHI, Dec. 27. A vigorous Turkish assault against the Drltlsh forces nt Kut-EI-Amara was driven back Saturday with heavy losses, according to an official report from tho Drltlsh commander. ' Reach One Fort Tho Turks in an attack on the Dr.tlsh succeeded in entering tho northern bastion of ono fort at Kut- el-Amnra but woro driven out an official statement this evening says MRS. PERRINE DIES AT PRINCETON HOME Was Mother of Wife of President Cleveland and Was Aged Seventy-Siv Or Associated Tress to Coos Bsr Times. NEW YORK, Dec. 27. The death of Mrs. Emma Folsom Perrlne, mother of Mrs. Frances Folsom Preston, who was Mrs. Grover Cloveland, occurred at Princeton last night. She was 76 years old. Her first husband, Oscar Folsom, was a law partner of Cleveland, GREEKS null TURKS DRIVEN BACK Stmfcs 19 15 EVENING EDITION. PETER IS S E Monarch is Finally Induced to Leave Army and Go Into Exile IS II IN ITALY Says He is No More a King and That Crown Price Commands ' THE SOLDIERS NEED FOOD Says Ills Men Are Dropping From Hunger and Weariness of Their Islng Cainpalgn Ittilcr Him- sotf Is Very Weak KING PETER ARRIVES ON ITALIAN SOIL (FIT Anocl.l.d rr.r. (o Com Dr Tlnin, IlRINDISr, Italy, Doc. 27. King Peter of Sorbla arrived hero on Tin Italian crulsor. Ho had refused resolutely until now to Icavo his army, and It was only nt tho earnest entreaty of his sou, tho prince regent, that ho at last agreed to go Into oxllo. (Or A.iocltleJ l'r ( Coo. Dr Tlmri, PARIS, Dec. 27. Tho Journal's Avlona correspondent says that King Potor'H" trip ncross from Durnzzo to Avlona on tho Italian cruiser was rough and that ho had to bo carried nshoro In an arm chair. " I am no longer king," ho said, " r am only Gonoral Tootani. I glvo no inoro orders. It is tho crown prlnco who commands. My soldiers are dropping from hunger nnd wear iness. Wo must feed them nnd then nftcr a fow weoks rost wo shall see." IRE VESSELS LOST IIELGIAN STEAMER SUNK AND LIVES PROIIAIILY LOST Two lliltlsh Steamers Destroyed and Another Is Grounded nud In On Flro VESSEL ROUND FOR U. S. DESTROYED U $ (nr A.iocliloJ rrti. t x. nr Times. LONDON, Dec. 27. Tho Drltlsh steamor Yeddo, 4C0O tons, bound from Calcutta for Ronton und Now York, has boon sunk, Tho mom- bcrs of tho crow wero saved. (Dr Asvx-Utxi reM to (m Dr TlmM.) LONDON, Dec. 27. Tho sinking of tho Dolglnn steamor Mlnlstro Oeernaorte la announced. Tho crow loft tho steanior In boats, two of which aro missing. The Drltlsh steamers Hadloy and , Cottlngham woro also sunk. The I crows wero saved. The Drltlsh steamor Umbln was beached at tho mouth or tho Thames with a fire forward. Tho mombors of the crow wero saved. IS TWO OF CREW LOST AXD OXE IS MISSING Chilean Vessel Was Round for nttlo Where Sho Was to Load Lumber So- Or Associated Press to Coos Bar Times. HONOLULU, Dec. 27. Two mom bers of tho crew of tho Chilean bark Ivanboe, which wont ashore at Eleole yesterday, .was reported today lost and another Is missing. Tho Ivan- hoe dragged anchor three hours and finally grounded, breaking In two. Sho registered 1250 net tons. She was to have gone to Puget Sound to load lumber. SWEDEN HAS (la I1ELOW Weather Reported to he Coldest in Last 150 Years. STOCKHOLM, via London, Dec. 27. Sweden is experiencing the se verest cold of the last ISO years. Thp temperature at somo points has fallen to G2 degrees below zero, M OK WHEGKED X Consolidation nnd Coos SEAS in SECKETAHV LANSING TALKS AT PAX AMEHICAX COXflllKSS Gives lll.s Ideas of How tho Amer- lean ItciMihlics Should 1m Hound Together (nr AisocUteJ Prru to Cooa Ilr Tlm.i.) WASHINGTON, D. C Dec. 27. A PnuAmcrlcanlsm of "ono tor all; nil for on" was outlined by Secre tary Lansing today at tho opening of tho Second Pan American Scien tific Congress. "Pan Americanism," said tho Sec retary, "Is an expression of tho Idea of Internationalism. American has becomo tho guardian of that Idea which will in tho end rulo tho world. Sluco tho European war began oth er factors havo strengthened Mils natural bond and glvon impulso to tho movement. Novor beforo havo our pcoplo so fully realized tho significance of tho words Pcaco and Frntornlty." At another point in his address Secretary Lansing said: "It tho sovereignty of n sister republic is menaced from overseas, tho power of tho United States and, I hspo and bellovo, tho united power of tho American republics will con stitute a bulwark which will pro tect tho indopendenco and Integ rity of their neighbor from unjust Invasion and aggression." Roforrlng to tho unity of tho American republics tho Secretary said: "During this latter tlmo, when tho American nations havo co mo Into a realization of their nat ionality and nro fully conscious -r.f tho responsibilities and privileges which aro theirs as sovereign and Indopondent state, thero has grown up a feeling that tho republics of this homlsphoro constltuto a group sopnrato and npart from tho other nations of tho world, a group which Lis unltod by common ldcnls and lommon aspirations. I bollovo that this feeling is gonornl throughout North and South Afmorlca, and that year by year it has Increased until It has becomo a potent 'nfl:enco ovor our political nnd commercial In tercourse It Is tho Bnmo feollng which, founded on sympathy and mutual intocst, exists among tho momborfl of a family. It Is tho tlo which draws togothor tho 21 republics and ninkes of them tho Amerlcnn Family of Nations. IS XO WORD HAS HEEX HEARD OF THE CALLAO Last Report Was That Coast Guard Cutter Was Xot Successful In Rosciio (Or Associates: Press to Oo Mr Times. SEATTLE, Dec. 27. No nows has been received since Friday of tho Peruvian bark Callao, slghtod that day off Capo Dcalo, D. C. Sho was strlppod of her sails by a gale, ox copt ono topsail. At last reports tho United States cutter Snohomish, which went In search Saturday, bad not been successful. REPORT RECEIVED CONSUL AT PORT SAID HAS HEEX HEARD FilOM Br Auoclsted Press to Coos Bsr Times. WASHINGTON, D. C, Doc. 27. American Consul Drlstow ut Port Said cabled today that no warning was glvon tho Japaneso liner Yasaka Maru before she was torpedoed and sunk in the Mediterranean Tuesday by a Bub'marlno of unestabllshed na tionallty.S The liner, ho added, n-ade noattempt to escape. Loft On Adeline. On the Adollna Smith when she sailed this afternoon for Oakland were the following pas sengers, Cornell Lagerstrom, Charles Codding, Ruby Carlson, Vivian Carl Bon' George Johnson and Noble Pitt man. . AUSTRIAN PRISONERS AJtK HELD JX ITALY Br Associated Press to Cms Bt Times. ROME, Dec. 27. Serbia has turned over to Italy 30, 000 Austrian prisoners who are being interned In Sardin ia, beng accompanied there by Serbian officers. RARK iSS G A CLEAN WHOLESOME NEWSPAPER FOR ALL SOUTHWEST OREGON HOMES of Times, Const Mnll Mo 1 Q? liny Advertiser. ""' inJCm NATIONS MEET Opening Session of Scientific Congress Greeted Today by Vice-President Marshall IS Secretary of State Lansing, Makes an Address Outlin ing Future Possibilities CHILEAN MAKES RESPONSE Amhnssador From That Country Praises President Wilson Snys Former Mlsundorntandlngs Havo Disappeared (Dr Associated Press to Coos liar Time WASHINGTON, D. C Dec. 27. Vice-President Marshall, in tho ab sence of President Wilson, welcom ed today tho delegates of tho South and Central American republics nt tho opening session of tho Pan Amorlcnn Scientific Congress. Ho dcclnred tho Ideal of PanAmcrl cnnlsm should bo to prevent unjust interference in tho affairs of Amer ican nations nnd tho United States would bo tho first to recent such lntcrcforenco. Sccretnry Lansing, as head of tho govornlng hoard of tho Pan American Union, advocated Pan- Amorlcnulsm that would co "ono for all; all for ono," and doclared PanAtncrlcnnlsm was an expression of Internationalism. Response Made. In behalf of tho Scientific Con gress, Its presiding otficor, Eduardo Suaroz, Ambassador from Chile, re plied, roforrlng to Prosldont Wil son's recent address to tho Amorl can Congress, In which ho discuss ed PnnAinarlcnn relations nt length. Pralsos Wilson Tho government of tho United States today completes tho erasing with a friendly hand tho last traces of past misunderstandings, which in formor times clouded tho horUon of Amorlca," ho said. "I request this Cougross to Join mo in soudltig tho homago of our respectful greetings to tho Presi dent or tho United States, who Is to us tho highest ombodlmont of Nat ional entity." TO DEPART 1MMIGRATIOX HUREAU FACES A PECULIAR PROBLEM Over One Thousand Foreigners Hero Who Hnv.1 Xo Right .to lo In Country lllr Associated Press to Coos Bsr Times, WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 27. Unprecedented probloms with which the Federal Uiiroau of Immigration has had to deal as the result of tho war in Europe aro pictured In tho annual roport of Commissioner Gon oral Anthony Camiuottl, mado pub lic today by tho Secrotary of Labor. Particular attention Is dlroctod to difficulties encountered in enforc ing tho deportation of undesirable aliens bocnuso of tho prospect, In many ensos, of placing them fn ex treme hazard either on the high seas or after landed In a foreign port. Although In tho main tho policy of :.rotectlug aliens proved to bo cor icct and was successful, the Conimls sloner General says, ono of Its re sults has boon to leave In tho Unltod States at tho close of the year 1,328 foreigners with no right to be hero and destined ultimately to deporta tion. Plans for further development of the bureau's employment bureau work are outlined, ono of tho new phases of the program being an ef fort to Jnduco manyt incoming aliens who havo been tillers of tho soil In their own country to go to farms Instead of to congested Industrial centers. PLAYERS ARRIVE AMERICAN UNITY HARD Drown University Football Game at Pasadena (Or Assoclsted Press to Coos Bar Times. PASADENA, Cal., Doc. 27. The Drown University football squad arrived here today to prepare for tho game with Washington State Collge on New Year'e Day. J' 4' t n ?. ij -'!' ) s-ra ,-rt